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- > The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 116 / 2022
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
S1-1. Results - of pancreatic cancer early diagnosis - MAGURO project using the regional alliances system 益田康弘, 山雄健太郎, 竹中完, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 57-57, 2022. |
S1-2. Usefulness of the community medical care cooperation system for the purpose of the early diagnosis of the pancreatic cancer 和田梓, 川路祐輝, 蘆田玲子, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 57-57, 2022. |
S1-3. Clinical features of the TS1 pancreatic cancer which we resected in our hospital 須田貴広1, 野崎泰俊1, 武田裕2, 萩原秀紀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 57-57, 2022. |
S1-4. Examination about needle tract seeding and the prognosis with body of pancreas tailpiece cancer preoperative EUS-FNAB 秋山慎介, 丹家元祥, 和田将弥, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 57-57, 2022. |
S1-5. Examination of the second treatment after the Gemcitabine+nab-Paclitaxel therapy for the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer in our hospital 山本佳宣, 田中俊多, 津村英隆, 三木生也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 58-58, 2022. |
S1-6. Treatment result of the present situation and the use of Olaparib case of the BRCA mutation in the gene-positive pancreatic cancer 河本泰治, 山井琢陽, 池澤賢治, 大川和良 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 58-58, 2022. |
S1-7. Examination of the IPMN surgery case in our hospital 井上裕太, 家本孝雄, 吉江智郎, 大瀬貴之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 58-58, 2022. |
S1-8. Examination of the effect of the ultrasonic endoscope lower aspiration biopsy cytology biopsy in body of pancreas tailpiece cancer 丸山紘嗣1, 東森啓1, 久保正二2, 藤原靖弘1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 58-58, 2022. |
S1-9. Pay the attention to treatment result - CA 19-9 normalization of Conversion surgery for the unresectable local progress pancreatic cancer; and - 高橋秀典1,2, 秋田裕史2, 小林省吾1, 佐々木一樹1, 岩上佳史1, 山田大作1, 富丸慶人1, 野田剛広1, 和田浩志2, 後藤邦仁1, 土岐祐一郎1, 江口英利1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 59-59, 2022. |
S1-10. About oncological benefit of mesenteric approach in the pancreaticoduodenectomy for the pancreatic cancer 廣野誠子, 川井学, 岡田健一, 山上裕機 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 59-59, 2022. |
S1-11. The current situation of the radiotherapy for the elderly people pancreatic cancer in our hospital 太田匠悟, 塩見英之, 中野遼太, 飯島尋子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 59-59, 2022. |
S1-12. A treatment result and adverse event of the proton radiotherapy for the pancreatic cancer in our hospital 渡邊直人, 土井俊文, 小西英幸, 伊藤義人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 59-59, 2022. |
S1-13. Significance in the prognosis of intratumoral fibrosis of the pancreatic cancer 芦名茂人, 増田充弘, 小林隆, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 60-60, 2022. |
P1-1. Clinical features of the gastric ulcer case that required endoscopic treatment 松本泰司, 高橋悠, 田原智満, 長沼誠 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 63-63, 2022. |
P1-2. Examination of the bleeding from primary tumor in the unresectable progress gastric cancer 中西貴士, 奥川卓也, 大島忠之, 三輪洋人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 63-63, 2022. |
P1-3. Examination about identification and the IVR treatment result of the factor having difficulty in endoscopic treatment for the hemorrhagic duodenal ulcer 小泉有利1, 古川政統2, 美登路昭2, 吉治仁志1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 63-63, 2022. |
P1-4. Three cases that Gel immersion endoscopy was useful for hemostasis assistance 落合正, 大南雅揮, 福永周生, 永見康明, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 63-63, 2022. |
P1-5. Treatment strategy called the PPI cancellation for the hemorrhagic stomach hyperplastic polyp during PPI internal use 二階堂光洋1, 宮本心一1,2, 内海貴裕1, 妹尾浩1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 64-64, 2022. |
P1-6. It is the current situation of the GI bleeding in patients after the percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 佐々木駿1,2, 太田和寛1, 佐野村誠3, 竹内利寿1, 樋口和秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 64-64, 2022. |
P1-7. The current situation of the GI bleeding in COVID-19-positive patients 安藤徳晃, 籔内洋平, 細谷和也, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 64-64, 2022. |
P1-8. From trendy examination - '08 of the OGIB practice by the small intestine capsule endoscopy comparison - with '09 and past five years (from '17 to '21) 中路幸之助, 中江遵義, 岡原一樹, 熊本光孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 64-64, 2022. |
P1-9. Examination about the diverticula of colon bleeding case that needed hemostasis by the transcatheter artery embolization 阿部哲之, 家本孝雄, 林宏樹, 吉江智郎, 大瀬貴之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 65-65, 2022. |
P1-10. Examination of the endoscopic hemostasis suffering case for the diverticula of colon bleeding 森久芳樹, 細谷和也, 田中晃輔, 安藤徳晃, 長尾宗一郎, 唐渡修一郎, 上田智也, 秋山慎介, 丹家元祥, 薮内洋平, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 65-65, 2022. |
P1-11. Examination of the diverticula of colon bleeding case in our hospital 森仁志, 相原洋祐, 廣瀬哲, 伯耆徳之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 65-65, 2022. |
P1-12. Significance of the urgent endoscope for the diverticula of colon bleeding judging from the long-term course 小山文一1,2, 中本貴透1,2, 古川政統1,3, 美登路昭1,3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 65-65, 2022. |
P1-13. The combination method of OTSC and the custody snare for the diverticula of colon bleeding 河野孝一朗1, 森井惇詞1, 籠重大輔1, 峯孝太朗1, 田邊皓1, 伏見洋子1, 河野玲子1, 加藤隆夫1, 西勝久1, 竹中完2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 66-66, 2022. |
P1-14. As compared with present situation - wait case of the urgent endoscopic practice in the acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer - 柳生利彦, 八上佳和, 坂東具樹, 北野元一, 北野均 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 66-66, 2022. |
P1-15. Examination of 58 acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcers in our hospital 黒川達哉1, 南野弘明1, 河内屋友宏1, 原順一1, 藤原靖弘2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 66-66, 2022. |
P1-16. Examination of the risk factor of rebleeding of the acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer in our hospital 北川大貴, 山崎智朗, 末包剛久, 根引浩子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 66-66, 2022. |
P2-1. 15 cases of ulcerative colitis-related colon cancer in our hospital 高橋憲一郎1, 馬場重樹2, 今井隆行1, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 67-67, 2022. |
P2-2. Examination about the clinical background of colitis-associated cancer 朝枝興平, 内山和彦, 高木智久, 伊藤義人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 67-67, 2022. |
P2-3. Examination of the surveillance endoscope of colitis-associated cancer in our hospital 浜田健輔, 山本修司, 中西梨紗, 北本博規, 岡部誠, 本澤有介, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 67-67, 2022. |
P2-4. Examination of an extension risk factor and the practice policy of ulcerative colitis-related low grade dysplasia based on SCENIC terminology 河合幹夫1, 樋田信幸2, 渡辺憲治1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 67-67, 2022. |
P2-5. The current situation of the surgical treatment for ulcerative colitis-related colon cancer (colitis-associated cancer) 久下博之1, 小山文一1,2, 中本貴透1,2, 尾原伸作1, 岩佐陽介1, 竹井健1, 定光ともみ1, 原田涼香1, 藤本浩輔1, 庄雅之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 68-68, 2022. |
P2-6. About prognosis of Surveillance Colonoscopy and Colitis Associated Cancer 横尾貴史, 吉川周作, 増田勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 68-68, 2022. |
P2-7. Examination of the risk factor of the anal canal cancer of the ulcerative colitis surgery case 堀尾勇規, 内野基, 皆川知洋, 楠蔵人, 桑原隆一, 池内浩基 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 68-68, 2022. |
P2-8. The clinical features of Crohn's disease-related cancer in our hospital and endoscopic surveillance 小林由美恵1, 西田裕1, 渋谷雅常2, 藤原靖弘1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 68-68, 2022. |
P2-9. We look at the own transcase rear for Crohn's disease-related pars analis recti cancer and give a future response with a problem obtained from the mark examination 竹井健1, 小山文一1,2, 久下博之1, 庄雅之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 69-69, 2022. |
P2-10. Does Crohn's disease-related pars analis recti cancer really have a poor prognosis? - From examination of this country reported case accumulation - 植田剛 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 69-69, 2022. |
P2-11. Examination about the anesthesia lower cancer surveillance for the Crohn's disease case 関戸悠紀1, 荻野崇之1,2, 波多豪1, 三吉範克1, 高橋秀和1, 植村守1, 水島恒和2,3, 土岐祐一郎1, 江口英利1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 69-69, 2022. |
W1-1. Clinical examination about the HBs antigen disappearance case in our hospital 山崎春香, 巽信之, 上薗康平, 杉丘裕基, 岡部悟, 中村弘樹, 三浦勇人, 澤村真理子, 徳田有記, 武田梨里, 石見亜矢, 日山智史, 山本克己, 伊藤敏文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 73-73, 2022. |
W1-2. Virological efficacy and safety of switching to tenofovir alafenamide monotherapy for lamivudine-resistant chronic hepatitis B 田中聡司, 石田永, 三田英治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 73-73, 2022. |
W1-3. Examination of the background factor of the HBV reactivation in our hospital 吉岡拓人, 池田宗弘, 玉田尚, 神田直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 73-73, 2022. |
W1-4. Problems in ICI administration and the HBV follow 盛田真弘, 萩原智, 西田直生志, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 73-73, 2022. |
W1-5. The current situation of the scrubbed finish of the potentiality infection patients judging from an HCV test result and the HCV-positive cancer-carrying patient 矢野嘉彦, 安冨栄一郎, 畑澤百合, 塩見優紀, 上田佳秀, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 74-74, 2022. |
W1-6. The present situation and going to hospital compliance of the Glecaprevir Pibrentasvir therapy in our hospital 俵誠一, 藥師神崇行, 井上拓也, 石井修二 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 74-74, 2022. |
W1-7. Examination of the case cancer-causing after SVR in our hospital 野崎泰俊1, 田中佳実1, 近江舞1, 田中菜穂子1, 三宅崇之1, 米田慎司1, 辻俊祐1, 山内亮平1, 岩本剛幸1, 須田貴広1, 水本塁1, 有本雄貴1, 太田高志1, 山口真二郎1, 伊藤善基1, 武田裕2, 萩原秀紀1, 林紀夫1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 74-74, 2022. |
W1-8. Usefulness - multicenter study - of ADRES score in the prediction cancer-causing after SVR of the C type chronic liver disease DAA treatment case 多田俊史1, 黒崎雅之2, 中村進一郎1, 泉並木2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 74-74, 2022. |
W1-9. After DAA-SVR about the effectiveness of the zinc preparation administration in the liver cancer chemoprevention 倉橋知英, 法水淳, 平松直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 75-75, 2022. |
W1-10. Examination about the esophagogastric varicose exacerbation after the hepatitis C virus exclusion 由利幸久, 西村貴士, 榎本平之, 飯島尋子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 75-75, 2022. |
W1-11. Examination of the predictive marker for the esophagogastric varicose exacerbation after the achievement of C type compensation-related cirrhosis SVR 岩井聡始, 赤羽たけみ, 高谷広章, 吉治仁志 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 75-75, 2022. |
W1-12. About a change of the liver hardness before and after the DAA therapy for the hepatitis C and the splenic hardness comparison - with - serum biomarker 杉尾涼, 澤井良之, 尾下正秀, 今井康陽 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 75-75, 2022. |
W1-13. Change of liver fibrosis and the portal blood pressure after C type decompensated cirrhosis SVR 笠松彩音, 小谷晃平, 田守昭博, 河田則文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 76-76, 2022. |
W1-14. Prognostic examination after the SOF/VEL therapy for the C type decompensated cirrhosis 田畑優貴, 阪森亮太郎, 竹原徹郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 76-76, 2022. |
W1-15. Examination of the clinical course after the DAA treatment for the hepatitis C in our hospital 藤井秀樹1,2, 山口寛二1, 伊藤義人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 76-76, 2022. |
W1-16. Examination of the long term prognosis of the DAA treatment for patients with old hepatitis C in our hospital 渡部貴文, 岡田寛史, 廣畑成也, 尹聖哲 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 76-76, 2022. |
W1-17. About management of the cutanous pruritus to remain after the hepatitis virus control 福西新弥1, 大濱日出子2, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 77-77, 2022. |
W1-18. From the practice of the Alcoholic liver disease patients 尾下正秀1, 宮崎昌典2, 飯島英樹2, 今井康陽1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 77-77, 2022. |
W2-1. Association between nutritional status and nivolumab effect of treatment in patients with cancer of the esophagus 武川直樹, 平林卓, 津田政広, 山本佳宣 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 77-77, 2022. |
W2-2. Examination of the Nivolumab administration case for the cancer of the esophagus in our hospital 森田周子1, 細谷和也1, 藪内洋平1, 猪熊哲朗1, 山村彰吾2, 松本俊彦2, 永井宏樹2, 安井久晃2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 77-77, 2022. |
W2-3. Examination of irAE with the Nivolumab administration for gastric cancer, the cancer of the esophagus of our hospital 藤村忠宏, 原謙, 三輪洋人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 78-78, 2022. |
W2-4. Results and problem of the nivolumab treatment for the gastric cancer 宮澤基樹, 廣野誠子, 尾島敏康, 勝田将裕, 早田啓治, 合田太郎, 北谷純也, 竹内昭博, 川井学, 岡田健一, 北畑裕司, 上野昌樹, 速水晋也, 宮本篤, 佐藤公俊, 吉村知紘, 山上裕機 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 78-78, 2022. |
W2-5. Examination of the effect predictor of the Nivolumab therapy for patients with unresectable progress, recurrent gastric cancer 井上博登1, 松本寛史1, 谷眞至2, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 78-78, 2022. |
W2-6. Clinical examination of the checkpoint inhibitor-related colitis in our hospital of immunity 山口奈奈子, 末包剛久, 平田直人, 根引浩子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 78-78, 2022. |
W2-7. Frequency and safety of the liver damage with the immune checkpoint inhibitor in patients with viral hepatitis 中堀輔, 阿部友太朗, 東瀬菜, 大川和良 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 79-79, 2022. |
W2-8. Of the liver damage that developed after the checkpoint inhibitor administration of immunity is clinical, pathological examination 萩原智, 上嶋一臣, 西田直生志, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 79-79, 2022. |
W2-9. About the current situation and a problem of cholangitis (irAE cholangitis) as the immune-mediated adverse event with the immune checkpoint inhibitor 横出正隆1, 塩川雅広1, 宇座徳光1, 川上尚人2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 79-79, 2022. |
W2-10. Examination about the irAE pancreas disorder in patients receiving immune checkpoint inhibitor in our hospital 長尾佳映, 酒井新, 増田充弘, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 79-79, 2022. |
W2-11. Examination about the safety of the PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor administration for antinuclear antibody-positive patients 榊田智喜1, 石川剛1,2, 土井俊文1, 伊藤義人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 80-80, 2022. |
W2-12. Efforts of the SAE measures team for immune-mediated adverse event (irAE) in our hospital 奥野達哉1, 山下剛史郎2, 宮垣博道3, 赤丸祐介3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 80-80, 2022. |
F1-1. Example that renal cell carcinoma resulted in metastasis to gallbladder postoperatively 今居栞1, 川路祐輝1, 上田勝也2, 小池将隆3, 岩橋吉史3, 田村崇祥1, 田村崇1, 幡丸景一1, 山下泰伸1, 糸永昌弘1, 蘆田玲子1, 北野雅之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 83-83, 2022. |
F1-2. An example of the xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis diagnosed with a cystic artery false aneurysm explosion 高橋立成1, 的野智光2,3, 澤田幸子3, 野口敏生3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 83-83, 2022. |
F1-3. The clip which detained you at laparoscopic cholecystectomy is hesitation one patient whom we do it, and choledocholithiasis developed in containing in bile duct 太田浩平1, 永松晋作1, 植山俊一1, 玉田喜規1, 岩田臣弘1, 尾崎邦彰1, 花谷純一1, 賀屋大介1, 才川宗一郎1, 松尾英城1, 中谷敏也1, 菊池英亮1, 上嶋昌和2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 83-83, 2022. |
F1-4. Example that we provide endoscopic treatment for a bile duct jejunum anastomotic region varix repeatedly and can stop bleeding of 石村友里恵1, 今井俊裕2, 伊藤典明2, 関谷圭泰2, 津室悠2, 長岡達朗2, 森田祐史2, 若松周司2, 嶋吉章紀2, 坂谷彰彦2, 岩谷修子2, 岩橋潔2, 澁川成弘2, 宮崎昌典2, 柄川悟志2, 飯島英樹2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 83-83, 2022. |
F1-5. One patient who underwent Over-The-Scope-Clip for duodenal wall injury by the bile duct plastic stent deviation 辻尚朗1, 岩井直人2, 谷口昌史2, 服部知恵2, 酒井浩明2, 岡浩平2, 原祐2, 辻俊史2, 奥田隆史2, 小牧稔之2, 阪上順一2, 香川惠造2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 84-84, 2022. |
F2-1. It is one patient who is heterotopic, and presented with cholangitis more to a bile duct jejunum anastomotic region of the pancreaticojejunostomy department lost stent after the pancreaticoduodenectomy 生田理紗1, 中島隆善1, 相原司1, 南堂吉紀2, 西島規浩2, 川添智太郎2, 松木豪志1, 一瀬規子1, 藤川正隆1, 笠井明大1, 岡本亮1, 生田真一1, 仲本嘉彦1, 大崎往夫2, 柳秀憲1, 山中若樹1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 84-84, 2022. |
F2-3. One case of the afferent loop syndrome that developed acute pancreatitis by export leg obstruction 武田達郎1, 江崎健1, 白木文1, 中辻政志1, 白國智也1, 長田健司2, 竹中春香1, 中山文仁1, 吉田志栄1, 宮崎博之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 84-84, 2022. |
F2-4. Example that caused ascites haemorrhagicus by a pancreatic juice leak caused by the pancreatic duct incompleteness concrescence 大垣亘生1, 八幡晋輔1, 田中克英2, 城端慧2, 有吉隆佑2, 藤垣誠治2, 森川輝久2, 大内佐智子2, 佐貫毅2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 85-85, 2022. |
F2-5. One case of the papillary tumor which occurred in the biliary tract which needed 3 degrees surgery and pancreatic duct 服部綾乃, 政野裕紀, 楊知明, 秦浩一郎, 奥村晋也, 内田洋一郎, 小木曾聡, 穴澤貴行, 福光剣, 瀬尾智, 波多野悦朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 85-85, 2022. |
F3-1. An example of the small intestine GIST which showed a specific form, and had difficulty in diagnosis before operation 高折克至1, 井上聡子1, 田中晃輔1, 森久芳樹1, 安藤徳晃1, 竜野稜子1, 上田智也1, 唐渡修一郎1, 長尾宗一郎1, 秋山慎介1, 細谷和也1, 丹家元祥1, 薮内洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 鄭浩柄1, 有薗茂樹2, 山下大祐3, 原重雄3, 猪熊哲朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 85-85, 2022. |
F3-2. Experience of the decompression therapy using PEG-J for the chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction 押川大介, 井上聡子, 森久芳樹, 田中晃輔, 竜野稜子, 安藤徳晃, 長尾宗一郎, 唐渡修一郎, 上田智也, 秋山慎介, 細谷和也, 丹家元祥, 藪内洋平, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 85-85, 2022. |
F3-3. Example that caused irAE enterocolitis with bleeding after administration a large quantity of ipilimumab + nivolumab for the renal carcinoma 田村優美音, 荻山秀治, 上月美穂, 松島健祐, 谷口マリア, 瀬戸華世, 岩崎哲也, 栗山大輔, 堀木優志, 佐野村珠奈, 今中和穗, 飯石浩康, 村山洋子, 筒井秀作 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 86-86, 2022. |
F3-4. Example that accepted exacerbation of the ulcerative colitis with surgery 炭谷有亮, 澤宏樹, 山田拓哉, 上薗友里絵, 木ノ本卓己, 小林千夏, 福嶌裕子, 和辻晃, 青地一樹, 芦田宗宏, 谷本考史, 岡原徹, 大西幸作, 倉橋知英, 楠本侑弘, 山口利朗, 末吉由佳, 平尾元宏, 法水淳, 平松直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 86-86, 2022. |
F3-5. One patient who large intestine complete removal of the ulcerative colitis developed a malignant lymphoma postoperatively, and showed permeation in an ileoanal pouch 原田和1, 堀尾勇規1, 楠蔵人1, 皆川知洋1, 桑原隆一1, 吉田誠2, 河野洋2, 松田育雄2, 廣田誠一2, 内野基1, 池内浩基1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 86-86, 2022. |
F3-6. One case of appendix DLBCL which led to a diagnosis by excision 加古敦也, 藤原幹夫, 相馬凱大, 佐藤雄, 草場祐貴, 檜垣華菜子, 加藤優花里, 河路光介, 東恵史朗, 池田一毅, 魚瀬優, 染田仁, 中村武史, 千葉勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 86-86, 2022. |
F4-1. One case of the appendix cystadenocarcinoma detected with abdominal pain 朝日啓輔1, 八木洋輔1, 芦崎理沙1, 永木瑞穂1, 毛利有沙1, 鎌田百香1, 八幡晋輔2, 八木優子1, 川西正敏1, 正井栄一1, 湯浅貞稔1, 山城有機1, 山崎富生1, 池内真弥3, 藤澤亮祐3, 東野展英3, 中島幸一3, 佐竹信祐3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 87-87, 2022. |
F4-2. One case in pursuit of the process when the large intestine saw tooth appearance lesion cancerated 奥住奈南美, 筑木隆雄, 吉本愛理, 藤井美名, 山本淳史, 岡崎右京, 松尾優, 服部直, 須江真彦, 三浦公, 多田俊史, 高木慎二郎, 堀伸一郎, 高谷昌宏, 中村進一郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 87-87, 2022. |
F4-3. An example of the large intestine signet ring cell adenocarcinoma with the systemic metastasis 瀧山浩希, 中田明宏, 東原久美, 森麻奈加, 大内祥平, 田中絵里, 森本美希, 森田香織, 柳川和範, 小森真人, 飯尾禎元, 安永祐一, 乾由明 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 87-87, 2022. |
F4-4. One case of the Clostridioides difficile infection that we had the onset for the perinatal period, and VCM injection into the intestines was effective 小野悠人, 小野洋嗣, 渡辺明彦, 松井佐織, 阿南隆洋, 藤田光一, 北村泰明, 平野仁崇, 渡邉幸太郎, 松岡里紗, 山縣洋介, 平海優香, 松塲瞳, 伊藤友佳, 高橋京祐, 近藤和也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 87-87, 2022. |
F4-5. An example of the diverticulum bleeding with the malrotation of intestine 岩崎仁志, 吉田寿一郎, 久貝宗弘, 森本泰隆, 大野智之, 渋谷明子, 山岡純子, 中島智樹, 吉田憲正 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 88-88, 2022. |
F4-6. One case that we were able to improve by endovascular treatment (IVR) for the hypotension accompanied with intractable ascitic fluid from portal hypertension associated with the top, the lower intestinal tract membrane arterio-venous malformation and the intravascular volume drop 上原広樹, 田北雅弘, 杉森啓伸, 岡井夏輝, 野村健司, 盛田真弘, 千品寛和, 青木智子, 萩原智, 依田広, 南康範, 上嶋一臣, 西田直生志, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 88-88, 2022. |
F5-1. One case of the acute necrotic esophagitis that developed in relatively healthy elderly people 石津雄亮1, 江田裕嗣1, 藤田悠二2, 小川智広1, 三田正樹1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 88-88, 2022. |
F5-2. Two patients whom serious interstitial pneumonia developed in by nivolumab administration in the cancer of the esophagus 大久保海周1, 小野山裕彦2, 車清悟2, 吉田佳世2, 糸原孟則2, 安次富駿介1, 江上洋介1, 金原真義1, 土佐明誠1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 88-88, 2022. |
F5-3. One patient who introduced chemotherapy for progress gastric cancer who had the DIC due to the bone marrow carcinosis early, and obtained significant effect of treatment 西堀雄一朗, 澤井寛明, 岩本陽菜, 影山達也, 伊藤裕貴, 増田祥子, 南條望, 石田亮介, 池内愛実, 谷本直紀, 鍋嶋克敏, 小川浩史, 角山沙織, 大須賀達也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 89-89, 2022. |
F5-4. An example of the de-well differentiated type liposarcoma which was available for the differentiation with the GIST c-kit-negative in EUS-FNA 若林ゆり1, 栗田亮1, 長谷川綾1, 人見美鈴1, 蘆田潔1, 安井寛2, 吉村直生3, 松下貴和3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 89-89, 2022. |
F5-5. 2 cases of early stomach mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma (MANEC) 吉本愛理, 筑木隆雄, 奥住奈南美, 藤井美名, 山本淳史, 岡崎右京, 松尾優, 服部直, 須江真彦, 三浦公, 多田俊史, 高木慎二郎, 堀伸一郎, 高谷昌宏, 中村進一郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 89-89, 2022. |
F6-1. An example of the cirrhosis that resulted in muscle bleeding, pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage 田中弘一1, 藤本剛英2, 増田真也2, 澤優太2, 桂木淳志2, 吉田恵里奈2, 柴田直季2, 大井雅之2, 上田啓介2, 竹田善哉2, 井上博登2, 木村英憲3, 今井隆行3, 新谷修平2, 大塚武人2, 松本寛史2, 高橋憲一郎2, 馬場重樹3, 稲富理2, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 89-89, 2022. |
F6-2. An example of the cirrhosis that showed the liver oligemia characteristics nodule which occurred frequently during the medical treatment of the pulmonary MAC symptom 安原梅夫1, 池田敦之1, 村上碧1, 徳林佑美1, 青木謙太郎1, 河村征二1, 岡田圭次郎1, 糸川芳夫1, 楠本聖典1, 田中泰敬1, 中井吉貴1, 畦地英全1, 藤井茂彦1, 日下利広1, 國立裕之1, 渋谷信介2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 90-90, 2022. |
F6-3. One case of the amoebic liver abscess that we had the onset several years after infection and were able to diagnose in PCR of the punctate 河原慎一郎1, 岡田寛史2, 吉治誠2, 森口知憲2, 渡部貴文2, 白川裕2, 戎谷力2, さか本善雄2, 廣畑成也2, 尹聖哲2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 90-90, 2022. |
F6-4. An example of the round ligament of liver abscess complicated with gallstones-related cholangitis, pancreatitis 源吉駿, 鍋嶋克敏, 岩本陽菜, 影山達也, 伊藤裕貴, 南條望, 石田亮介, 池内愛実, 谷本直紀, 小川浩史, 澤井寛明, 角山沙織, 大須賀達也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 90-90, 2022. |
F7-1. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma detected during medical treatment of the Crohn's disease accidentally 羽生裕太1, 岡部誠1, 山本修司1, 黄宣輔1, 水越健太1, 長尾宗政1, 清水孝洋1, 本澤有介1, 小山幸法2, 田浦康二朗2, 杉本暁彦3, 妹尾浩1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 90-90, 2022. |
F7-2. One case of the growth type hepatocellular carcinoma that had difficulty in diagnosis before operation out of the liver 大川芹1, 福田和人1, 和田範子2, 原田宗一郎2, 澤井良之1, 小来田幸世1, 中原征則1, 山口典高1, 氣賀澤斉史1, 島越洋美1, 鬣瑛1, 井倉技1, 尾下正秀1, 今井康陽1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 91-91, 2022. |
F7-3. One case of rapidly advanced liver origin osteosarcoma 伊丹久実, 楊知明, 秦浩一郎, 奥村晋也, 内田洋一朗, 穴澤貴行, 福光剣, 瀬尾智, 波多野悦朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 91-91, 2022. |
F7-4. A diagnosis before operation is 1 excision case of the diaphragm recurrence after the cancer of endometrium technique which had difficulty for 15 years 藤本貴士, 楊知明, 瀬尾智, 上田大輔, 小木曾聡, 石井隆道, 増井俊彦, 波多野悦朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 91-91, 2022. |
F7-5. One case of a hepatocellular carcinoma and the liver malignant lymphoma which it was hard to differentiate 山田雅彬1, 小来田幸世1, 澤井良之1, 井倉技1, 福田和人1, 石川史彬1, 北中崇雄1, 箕浦悠太郎1, 杉尾諒1, 相馬一超1, 鬣瑛1, 島越洋美1, 氣賀澤斉史1, 山口典高1, 中原征則1, 尾下正秀1, 今井康陽1, 瀧内大輔2, 濱直樹2, 大橋寛嗣3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 91-91, 2022. |
F8-1. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma which resulted in pituitary adrenocortical insufficiency by Atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy 今中友香, 井倉技, 石川史彬, 北中崇雄, 箕浦悠太郎, 相馬一超, 杉尾諒, 澤井良之, 小来田幸世, 髭瑛, 島越洋美, 山口典高, 氣賀澤斉史, 中原征則, 福田和人, 尾下正秀, 今井康陽 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 92-92, 2022. |
F8-2. Example that the metastasis to right atrium was found out during the chemotherapy for the progress hepatocellular carcinoma 山田晃佑 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 92-92, 2022. |
F8-3. An example of FGFR2 gene reconstitution positive intrahepatic bile duct cancer which responded to Pemigatinib 嶋村優志, 桐島寿彦, 小畑僚平, 伊藤正浩, 岩破敏郎, 陶山遼介, 尾崎信人, 宮川昌巳, 元好貴之, 高田久, 西方誠, 山下靖英, 吉波尚美 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 92-92, 2022. |
F8-4. An example of liver origin neuroendocrine system cancer that a mutation in the gene was detected by an examination for oncogene panel 宮本遥, 岡本明之, 阪森亮太郎, 山田涼子, 吉岡鉄平, 村井一裕, 西尾啓, 佐藤克彦, 吉井俊輔, 辻井芳樹, 新崎信一郎, 巽智秀, 竹原徹郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 92-92, 2022. |
F9-1. An example of the pancreatic duct intussusceptum-formed papillary adenocarcinoma 大倉千明, 岩野光佑, 池谷桃子, 岸本拓也, 浜崎龍平, 中神聡太, 川井祐弥, 吉川貴章, 森田敏広, 東俊二郎, 栗山勝利, 山内淳嗣, 高忠之, 杉之下与志樹, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 93-93, 2022. |
F9-2. One case of unknown primary cancer which had a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer by autopsy 住友志帆, 猪上尚徳, 佐竹裕暁, 植原知暉, 井上貴斗, 四宮遼, 曽根大暉, 中村志歩, 吉本隆晃, 雨宮可奈, 堀田祐馬, 白川敦史, 岡田雄介, 真田香澄, 萬代晃一朗, 河村卓二, 盛田篤広, 田中聖人, 宇野耕治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 93-93, 2022. |
F9-3. An example of the pancreas origin adenocarcinoma including the ingredient of the signet ring cell adenocarcinoma diagnosed by an autopsy 辻井克弥1, 谷口マリア1, 宋美紗2, 上月美穂1, 松島健祐1, 瀬戸華世1, 岩崎哲也1, 栗山大輔1, 堀木優志1, 荻山秀治1, 佐野村珠奈1, 今中和穗1, 飯石浩康1, 木村勇人2, 村山洋子1, 筒井秀作1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 93-93, 2022. |
F9-4. Example that caused obstructive jaundice in pancreas head IPMA 阿部眞也1, 桝田昌隆2, 伊藤嵩志2, 中丸洸2, 中山新士2, 池浦司2, 橋本大輔3, 里井壯平3, 岡部麻子4, 長沼誠2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 93-93, 2022. |
F9-5. An example of the pancreas origin malignant lymphoma which occurred in pancreas with ramified IPMN 中山俊雄, 氣賀澤斉史, 石川史彬, 北中崇雄, 箕浦悠太郎, 相馬一超, 杉尾諒, 鬣瑛, 島越洋美, 山口典高, 小来田幸世, 澤井良之, 中原征則, 井倉技, 福田和人, 尾下正秀, 今井康陽 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 94-94, 2022. |
F10-1. An example of the lung adenocarcinoma metastases to pancreas that had difficulty in differentiation with mucinous cyst tumor (MCN) 錦織朱1, 中平晶雄1, 池田哲也1, 山口翼1, 北川大貴1, 八木聡一1, 山口奈奈子1, 坂田侑平1, 平田直人1, 末包剛久1, 杉森聖司1, 山崎智朗1, 清水貞利2, 奥野高裕3, 井上健3, 根引浩子1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 94-94, 2022. |
F10-2. One case of follicular pancreatitis where had difficulty in differentiation with the pancreatic cancer 河野泰己1, 世古口悟1, 那須隆紀1, 水田昇1, 廣瀬瞳1, 池田佳奈美1, 濱田聖子1, 東祐圭1, 山田展久1, 長尾泰孝1, 鎌田和浩1, 多田浩之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 94-94, 2022. |
F10-3. An example of the IgG4 associated diseases that assumed acidophilic polyangiitis-related granulomatosis background 三宅雄大, 森雄貴, 淺田全範, 岸渕安也名, 塚本和之, 紙屋煕紀, 南條俊也, 大江夏美, 澤田賢治, 瀬戸山健, 木村佳人, 邉見慎一郎, 坂本梓, 澤井勇悟, 米門秀行, 津村剛彦, 喜多竜一, 圓尾隆典, 木村達, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 94-94, 2022. |
F10-4. One case of the pancreas sarcoidosis that had a diagnosis with epigastric pain, and was relieved spontaneously 戸上京香1, 蘆田玲子1, 川路祐輝1, 岩元竜太2, 田村崇祥1, 田村崇1, 幡丸景一1, 山下泰伸1, 糸永昌弘1, 北野雅之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 95-95, 2022. |
F10-5. A case of acute pancreatitis during administration of anamorelin for cancer cachexia of unresectable pancreatic cancer 金子明央1, 岩井直人2, 阪上順一2, 谷口昌史2, 服部知恵2, 酒井浩明2, 岡浩平2, 原祐2, 辻俊史2, 奥田隆史2, 小牧稔之2, 香川惠造2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 95-95, 2022. |
Y1-1. One case of the liver angiomyolipoma 中村真治1, 千田永理1, 小松原隆司2, 西上隆之3, 小川健仁1, 朝原ひかり1, 黒木茂信1, 矢野安道1, 生田耕三1, 松本善秀1, 塩せいじ1, 藤本康二2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 99-99, 2022. |
Y1-2. An example of the liver blood vessel line fat species which suffered from the differentiation with the hepatocellular carcinoma 加藤修平, 住友靖彦, 今村敦, 中川豪, 原拓史, 渡邊賢, 平佐貴弘, 星充, 山田聡, 高田真理子, 山下幸政 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 99-99, 2022. |
Y1-3. A case of focal nodular hyperplasia that was difficult to make a differential diagnosis from hepatocellular carcinoma because it appeared after hepatocellular carcinoma was almost cured 松原卓哉1, 河野辰哉1, 今村瑞貴1, 大丸直哉1, 田中秀和1, 半田康平1, 橋本有人1, 木下大輔1, 川崎俊彦1, 水野成人2, 若狭朋子3, 工藤正俊4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 99-99, 2022. |
Y1-4. One case of the liver inflammatory pseudotumor which had difficulty in intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma and differentiation 根来和輝, 百瀬健次, 田中康貴, 藤波真帆, 松田達也, 片山宣郎, 井上和樹, 松本正憲, 池岡清太郎, 高木萌未, 迫智也, 野田万理, 江口考明, 森澤利之, 岡田明彦 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 99-99, 2022. |
Y1-5. One case of liver mucinous cyst-related tumor 筑後英紀, 梅田誠, 藤原裕也, 杣美緒, 藤井美聡, 北浦真珠, 岡本隆司, 福井由美, 橋本航太, 戸田潤, 西岡靖幸, 菱谷英里子, 山内雄揮, 出田雅子, 南尚希, 松村毅, 木村利幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 100-100, 2022. |
Y2-1. One case of the progress hepatocellular carcinoma which gives combined modality therapy, and obtains complete remission after the sorafenib discontinuation for a long term 杣美緒, 梅田誠, 藤井美聡, 藤原裕也, 橋本航太, 福井由美, 戸田潤, 徳田浩亮, 西岡靖幸, 菱谷英里子, 山内雄揮, 出田雅子, 南尚希, 松村毅, 木村利幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 100-100, 2022. |
Y2-2. Administration case of Atezolizumab/Bevacizumab for the unresectable progress hepatocellular carcinoma 西庵克俊, 大濱日出子, 後昴佑, 松井將太, 安岡秀高, 横濱桂介, 朝井章, 西川浩樹, 福西新弥, 樋口和秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 100-100, 2022. |
Y2-3. An example of the huge hepatocellular carcinoma which developed during the follow-up of the huge hepatic cyst in the course of the half a year 上薗友里絵, 青地一樹, 木ノ本卓己, 満田朱音, 澤宏樹, 小林千夏, 福嶌裕子, 和辻晃, 芦田宗宏, 谷本考史, 岡原徹, 大西幸作, 倉橋知英, 楠本侑弘, 末吉由佳, 山口利朗, 平尾元宏, 山田拓哉, 法水淳, 平松直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 100-100, 2022. |
Y2-4. Example that accepted isolated liver metastases after the rectal cancer technique in the course of seven years 満田朱音, 上薗友里絵, 木ノ本拓巳, 小林千夏, 澤宏樹, 福嶌裕子, 和辻晃, 青地一樹, 芦田宗広, 谷本考史, 岡原徹, 大西幸作, 倉橋知英, 楠本侑弘, 山口利朗, 末吉由佳, 平尾元宏, 山田拓哉, 法水淳, 平松直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 101-101, 2022. |
Y2-5. Hepatic dysfunction case due to diffuse liver metastases of the small cell lung cancer which followed the sudden course 酒井奎太郎1, 西野恭平1, 大脇悠司1, 野田恵加1, 今枝広丞1, 黒澤学2, 西田淳史1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 101-101, 2022. |
Y3-1. Example that a liver damage with the colon cancer postoperative chemotherapy was prolonged after chemotherapy, and required varicose treatment 中村純一, 阪本洵, 加藤修平, 久保川修, 三井康裕, 勝谷誠, 高尾雄二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 101-101, 2022. |
Y3-2. Example that obtained control of the hepatic encephalopathy to perform percutaneous embolization for a rectal varix, and to be repeated 網岡勝平1, 光本保英1, 城野孝夫1, 野中貴裕1, 三浦高裕1, 寺崎慶1, 大矢寛久1, 片山貴之1, 松本淳子1, 水野智恵美1, 水野雅之1, 島俊英1, 岡上武1, 酒井恭子2, 古市欣也3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 101-101, 2022. |
Y3-3. One case of the portal hypertension complicated with myeloproliferative disorder with the extramedullary hematopoiesis 岸渕安也名, 米門秀行, 邊見慎一郎, 塚本和之, 紙屋煕紀, 南條俊也, 大江夏美, 澤田賢治, 瀬戸山健, 木村佳人, 坂本梓, 澤井勇悟, 淺田全範, 喜多竜一, 木村達, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 102-102, 2022. |
Y3-4. One patient who complicated gastric cancer for the hepatocellular carcinoma who had the liver abscess 岸本拓也, 森田敏広, 池谷桃子, 浜崎龍平, 大沢一希, 本城勇樹, 岩野光佑, 川井祐弥, 中神聡太, 吉川貴章, 東俊二郎, 栗山勝利, 山内淳嗣, 高忠之, 川口清隆, 杉之下与志樹, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 102-102, 2022. |
Y3-5. Example that there was pancytopenia in azathioprine during treatment for autoimmune hepatitis, and myelodysplastic syndrome and a diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma were diagnosed by in post mortem autopsy 長田健司1, 宮崎博之1, 藤田昌幸2, 竹中春香3, 江崎健3, 中山文仁3, 吉田志栄3, 清水一也1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 102-102, 2022. |
Y4-1. One patient who was thought to be complicated with a hemophagocytic syndrome for acute HIV/HBV coinfection 藤原裕也, 梅田誠, 藤井美聡, 杣美緒, 橋本航太, 福井由美, 戸田潤, 徳田浩亮, 西岡靖幸, 菱谷英里子, 山内雄揮, 出田雅子, 南尚希, 松村毅, 木村利幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 102-102, 2022. |
Y4-2. One patient whom autoimmune hepatitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis developed in after chronic hepatitis C treatment with the direct action type antiviral drug 唐渡修一郎1, 鄭浩柄1, 森久芳樹1, 田中晃輔1, 安藤徳晃1, 長尾宗一郎1, 上田智也1, 秋山慎介1, 細谷和也1, 丹家元祥1, 藪内洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 井上聡子1, 猪熊哲朗1, 原重雄2, 山下大祐2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 103-103, 2022. |
Y4-3. An example of the fascioliasis that the course was able to chase from Hepatic phase to Biliary phase 岡野史弥1, 春里暁人1,2, 竹谷祐栄1, 石破博1,3, 福居顕文1, 尾松達司1, 岡山哲也1, 堅田和弘1, 沖田美香4, 徳田文太5, 佐藤修5, 井上健2, 土肥統2, 井村徹也6, 高木智久2, 伊藤義人2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 103-103, 2022. |
Y4-4. It is an example who had the buttocks hematoma muscle for alcoholic cirrhosis 渡邉和久, 片山政伸, 宮嶋佑輔, 由本純基, 落合都萌子, 米倉伸彦, 田中信, 田中基夫, 重松忠 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 103-103, 2022. |
Y4-5. Example that introduced steroid for IgG4-related autoimmune hepatitis, and was relieved 峯孝太朗, 西勝久, 森井惇詞, 籠重大輔, 新丸尚輝, 田邊皓, 伏見洋子, 河野玲子, 河野孝一朗, 加藤隆夫, 加島志郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 103-103, 2022. |
Y4-6. Two patients who presented with a drug-related liver damage by tranilast 河村浩輔, 向井香織, 朴美暎, 浜辺友也, 細川香菜, 栗木真治, 曽莉莎, 藤井祥史, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 中松大, 松本健吾, 山本政司, 西田勉, 福井浩司, 稲田正己 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 104-104, 2022. |
Y5-1. An example of Rumination syndrome which accepted improvement by cognitive-behavioral therapy 榎本秀治, 沢田明也, 金森厚志, 小林由美恵, 大南雅揮, 福永周生, 灘谷祐二, 大谷恒史, 細見周平, 鎌田紀子, 田中史夫, 永見康明, 平良高一, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 104-104, 2022. |
Y5-2. One case that Acotiamide succeeded for the esophagus motor disorder (absent contractility) complicated with diffuse scleroderma 藤本悠, 河原史明, 井口謙志, 土井真由美, 田中彩香, 松井恒樹, 原和也, 山中広大, 三村美津子, 南晶洋, 西岡千晴 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 104-104, 2022. |
Y5-3. One case that the esophagus lesion appeared in heterochrony during follow-up of acidophilic gastritis 浜辺友也, 中松大, 河村浩輔, 朴美暎, 細川香菜, 栗木真治, 曽莉莎, 藤井祥史, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 松本健吾, 向井香織, 山本政司, 西田勉, 福井浩司, 稲田正巳 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 104-104, 2022. |
Y5-4. Example that performed FOLFOX therapy for the recurrent cancer of the esophagus which developed a seriously ill low Na blood symptom by FP therapy before operation 塩屋暁子, 二井諒子, 田渕丈治, 福田明久, 坂根達哉, 日笠雄太, 井上裕太, 阿部哲之, 家本孝雄, 林宏樹, 吉江智郎, 大瀬貴之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 105-105, 2022. |
Y5-5. One case of the esophagus neuroendocrine system basalioma (NEC) which was able to chase the course from an initial image endoscopically 寺下友子, 岩上裕吉, 北田智也, 曽根明日香, 荻野真也, 重里徳子, 中野省吾, 脇田碧, 枝川剛也, 梅村壮一郎, 小西隆文, 松本久和, 中谷泰樹, 赤松拓司, 瀬田剛史, 浦井俊二, 上野山義人, 山下幸孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 105-105, 2022. |
Y6-1. One case of the esophageal hiatal hernia that resulted in the passage disorder with ampulla of duodenum with a stomach dome part, transverse colon engagement 原拓史, 星充, 本間周作, 山下幸政, 住友靖彦, 高田真理子, 山田聡, 平佐貴弘, 加藤修平, 渡邊賢, 中川豪, 今村敦 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 105-105, 2022. |
Y6-2. One case of the hemorrhagic stomach lipoma which had difficulty in differentiation with the malignant tumor 加藤豪1, 李兆亮1, 白石哲也1, 亀井基宏1, 宮本優帆1, 内橋孝史1, 田中祐司1, 崎山勉1, 石井昭生1, 奥山俊介1, 田中弘教1, 松尾祥平2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 105-105, 2022. |
Y6-3. One case of esophagogastric junction cancer which Complete Response (CR) was obtained after Nivolumab administration, and was given Conversion surgery 吉原俊也1, 原謙1, 奥川卓也1, 福島政司1, 富田寿彦1, 大島忠之1, 福井広一1, 三輪洋人1, 戸澤勝之2, 倉橋康典3, 篠原尚3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 106-106, 2022. |
Y6-4. One case of type I diabetes mellitus that developed fulminant by nivolumab administration to gastric cancer 塩谷悠1, 寺杣智志1, 深海三恵1, 玉置秀彦1, 伊豫はるか1, 西川泉1, 東克彦1, 北野雅之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 106-106, 2022. |
Y6-5. An example of the microgastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) with the cystic change 由本純基1, 田中信1, 宮嶋佑輔1, 渡邊和久1, 落合都萌子1, 米倉伸彦1, 片山政伸1, 田中基夫1, 馬場正道2, 重松忠1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 106-106, 2022. |
Y7-1. One patient who obtained hemostasis for the bleeding due to the duodenal GIST in Over-The-Scope-Clip 久松健人, 神保仁美, 小林潤一, 橋村友哉, 高木康宏, 伊藤孝助, 大舘秀太, 松尾健司, 一ノ名巧, 赤峰瑛介, 藤本直己, 淺井哲 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 106-106, 2022. |
Y7-2. An example of duodenal Gangliocytic paraganglioma 坂根達哉, 家本孝雄, 田渕丈治, 福田明久, 塩屋暁子, 日笠雄太, 井上裕太, 阿部哲之, 二井諒子, 林宏樹, 吉江智郎, 大瀬貴之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 107-107, 2022. |
Y7-3. An example of gangliocytic paraganglioma where was able to be treated endoscopically 長尾宗一郎1, 丹家元祥1, 田中晃輔1, 森久芳樹1, 安藤徳晃1, 上田智也1, 唐渡修一郎1, 秋山慎介1, 細谷和也1, 藪内洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 井上聡子1, 鄭浩柄1, 清水祐里2, 山下大祐2, 原重雄2, 猪熊哲朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 107-107, 2022. |
Y7-4. An example of duodenal Vater's papilla cancer which was discovered with acute pancreatitis, and was given pancreaticoduodenectomy 向井啓起1, 間嶋淳1, 眞嵜美佳1, 加納卓1, 崔哲暢1, 北江博晃1, 曽我幸一1, 楊孝治1, 石川博己1, 大坂雅史2, 土屋邦之2, 赤松尚明1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 107-107, 2022. |
Y7-5. One patient who removed surgically for neuroendocrine tumor G3 of the duodenal Vater's papilla 清水亮介, 三上貴生, 河南智晴 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 107-107, 2022. |
Y8-1. One case of the intestinal tuberculosis that was diagnosed with small intestinal perforation without being available for differential diagnosis with Crohn disease enough 廣橋昌人1, 中野貴博1, 丸尾和也1, 堀川はるな1, 黄哲久1, 村上瑛基1, 提中克幸1, 安田知代1, 稲田裕1, 中津川善和1, 山田真也1, 西村健1, 藤井秀樹1, 戸祭直也1, 小松周平2, 弓場達也3, 浦田洋二4, 西田司5, 奥山祐右1, 佐藤秀樹1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 108-108, 2022. |
Y8-2. One case of the sclerosing mesenteritis diagnosed with abdominal pain 浜崎龍平, 八隅秀二郎, 杉之下与志樹, 高忠之, 栗山勝利, 山内淳嗣, 東俊二郎, 森田敏広, 吉川貴章, 中神聡太, 川井祐弥, 岩野光佑, 大沢一希, 本城勇樹, 岸本拓也, 池谷桃子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 108-108, 2022. |
Y8-3. An example of the small intestine angioedema caused by ACE inhibitor 尾松梨沙, 中野佳子, 浅野陽一, 芝田くるみ, 山崎由希, 黄莉媛, 永田健, 村田雅樹, 村井克行, 下釜翼, 太田義之, 江坂直樹, 岩本諭, 水本吉則, 宮本心一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 108-108, 2022. |
Y8-4. An example of the Crohn's disease-related spondarthritis indicating the reinforcement of the inflammatory cytokine reply to intestinal bacteria 福西香栄1, 本庶元1, 岡井夏輝1, 河野匡志1, 鎌田研1, 三長孝輔1, 米田頼晃1, 辻成佳2, 渡邉智裕1, 工藤正俊1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 108-108, 2022. |
Y8-5. One case of the small intestine follicular lymphoma diagnosed with ileus 丸山紗季1, 安井悠1, 楠下萌1, 井上智尋1, 河中真紀1, 清裕生1, 滝正登1, 常松日奈子1, 江崎久男1, 山田晃1, 加藤幸裕2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 109-109, 2022. |
Y9-1. One case of idiopathic biloma complicated with gallstones cholecystitis, a common bile duct stone 廣辻匡哉1, 河野友彰1, 中村久美子1, 西井謙夫1, 増田宗太1, 吉田康彦2, 大岩寛治2, 福永渉2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 109-109, 2022. |
Y9-2. An example of bile duct origin squamous cell carcinoma 橋本航太1, 山内雄揮1, 杣美緒1, 藤井美聡1, 藤原裕也1, 筑後英紀1, 福井由美1, 戸田潤1, 徳田浩亮1, 西岡靖幸1, 菱谷英里子1, 出田雅子1, 南尚希1, 梅田誠1, 松村毅1, 武呂このみ2, 山本鉄郎2, 木村利幸1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 109-109, 2022. |
Y9-3. One case that we excised surgically for metastases to small intestine due to the gallbladder cancer 伯井志帆, 岩永佳久, 奥田祐亮, 早石宗右, 大西菜穂子, 寺西真章, 山口敬, 藤田篤代 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 109-109, 2022. |
Y9-4. An example of the gallbladder ductal carcinoma that EUS and POCS were useful for a preoperative extension degree diagnosis 米澤瑞華1, 入江洋介1, 平田祐一1, 青山雄一郎1, 水上稜介1, 清水亜季子1, 前田敦成1, 岡本浩平1, 織邊貴大1, 杉原康介1, 横谷勇佑1, 織田大介1, 多木未央1, 孝橋道敬1, 田村勇1, 西澤昭彦1, 山城研三1, 岡部純弘1, 石田諒2, 今井幸弘3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 110-110, 2022. |
Y10-1. An example of the pancreas anaplastic carcinoma with the cystic degeneration that racked its brains about a diagnosis before operation 高野智博1, 村田淳1, 福島菖子2, 芳村ちさと1, 須永紘史1, 加藤幹那1, 津田雄二郎2, 瀧川貴生1, 中島慎介2, 名和誉敏1, 赤松晴樹1, 山田晃正2, 小林一三1, 辻井正彦1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 110-110, 2022. |
Y10-2. One case of the pancreas anaplastic carcinoma which rapidly developed during follow-up of ramified IPMN 織邊貴大1, 織田大介1, 青山雄一郎1, 水上稜介1, 清水亜季子1, 前田敦成1, 岡本浩平1, 杉原康介1, 米澤瑞華1, 横谷勇佑1, 入江洋介1, 多木未央1, 平田祐一1, 孝橋道敬1, 田村勇1, 西澤昭彦1, 山城研三1, 岡部純弘1, 上月章史2, 今井幸弘3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 110-110, 2022. |
Y10-3. An example of the anaplasia-related pancreatic cancer coexistent in IPMC diagnosed with pancreatitis 城端慧, 有吉隆佑, 藤垣誠治, 田中克英, 森川輝久, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 110-110, 2022. |
Y10-4. One case that invasive pancreatic duct cancer, adenosquamous carcinoma coincided to overlap pancreatic duct 加藤弘樹1, 大本俊介1, 原茜1, 大塚康夫1, 益田康弘1, 高島耕太1, 吉田晃浩1, 福永朋洋1, 岡本彩那1, 山崎友裕1, 鎌田研1, 三長孝輔1, 竹中完1, 筑後孝章2, 工藤正俊1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 111-111, 2022. |
Y10-5. An example of the MSI-H pancreatic cancer which obtained effect of treatment by combination of Pembrolizumab and radiotherapy 黒河楓1, 塩川雅広1, 廣橋研志郎2, 吉村通央3, 清水孝洋1, 本澤有介1, 宇座徳光1, 妹尾浩1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 111-111, 2022. |
Y10-6. An example of efficacy of pembrolizumab for pancreatic cancer with high-frequency microsatellite instability 福田明久 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 111-111, 2022. |
Y11-1. Example that caused retroperitonitis and acute pancreatitis by duodenal diverticulitis 安田健太朗, 日下部暎, 酒井彩子, 檀直樹, 卜部彩子, 笹川廣和, 長井健悟, 長生幸司, 吉田雄一, 内藤雅文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 111-111, 2022. |
Y11-2. One patient whom obstructive pancreatitis developed in by the metastases to pancreas of the left forearm epithelioid sarcoma 牟田侑記, 島本宜紀, 丸山紘嗣, 垣谷有紀, 山村匡史, 田上光治郎, 沢田明也, 東森啓, 西田裕, 大南雅輝, 福永周生, 大谷恒史, 細見周平, 鎌田紀子, 田中史生, 永見康明, 平良高一, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 112-112, 2022. |
Y11-3. One case of the pregnancy merger serious case acute pancreatitis that it was thought that it was caused by vasospasm 清水亜季子, 平田祐一, 青山雄一郎, 水上稜介, 松浦史弥, 岡本浩平, 織邊貴大, 杉原康介, 米澤瑞華, 入江洋介, 横谷勇佑, 織田大介, 多木未央, 孝橋道敬, 田村勇, 鈴木志保, 西澤昭彦, 山城研三, 岡部純弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 112-112, 2022. |
Y11-4. Example that caused hemorrhagic shock by a false aneurysm explosion in IPMC 井上智尋1, 清裕生1, 丸山紗季1, 楠下萌1, 安井悠1, 河中真紀1, 滝正登1, 常松日奈子1, 江崎久男1, 亀谷直樹2, 藤田茂樹3, 山田晃1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 112-112, 2022. |
Y11-5. An example of pancreas Leiomyoma which led to a diagnosis with acute cholangitis 上田智也1, 和田将弥1, 田中晃輔1, 森久芳樹1, 安藤徳晃1, 唐渡修一郎1, 長尾宗一郎1, 秋山慎介1, 細谷和也1, 丹家元祥1, 籔内洋平1, 森田周子1, 井上聡子1, 鄭浩柄1, 猪熊哲朗1, 山下大祐2, 原重雄2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 112-112, 2022. |
Y11-6. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which complicated the small intestine GIST that octoLeos kiang was useful for a diagnosis, treatment 岡崎右京, 高谷昌宏, 山本淳史, 藤井美名, 齊藤郁美, 服部直, 三浦公, 筑木隆雄, 堀伸一郎, 高木慎二郎, 中村進一郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 113-113, 2022. |
Y12-1. One case of retroperitoneal DLBCL which was available for a diagnosis by EUS-FNA 大丸直哉1, 松原卓哉1, 今村瑞貴1, 田中秀和1, 半田康平1, 河野辰哉1, 木下大輔1, 川崎俊彦1, 水野成人2, 若狭朋子4, 大谷知之4, 山田薫3, 花本仁3, 工藤正俊5 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 113-113, 2022. |
Y12-2. An example of ovarian cancer which we were able to definitively diagnose by EUS-FNA for the metastasis to stomach lesser curvature lymph node 水上稜介, 青山雄一郎, 土井真由実, 前田敦成, 岡本浩平, 織邊貴大, 杉原康介, 米澤瑞華, 入江洋介, 横谷勇佑, 織田大介, 平田祐一, 孝橋道敬, 田村勇, 西澤昭彦, 山城研三, 岡部純弘, 今井幸弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 113-113, 2022. |
Y12-3. One patient whom superior mesenteric vein (SMV) thrombosis developed in against a backdrop of antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) 田渕丈治, 大瀬貴之, 福田明久, 坂根達哉, 塩屋暁子, 日笠雄太, 井上裕太, 二井諒子, 阿部哲之, 家本孝雄, 林宏樹, 吉江智郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 113-113, 2022. |
Y12-4. One case of the huge EBV-related splenic origin inflammatory pseudotumor discovered by medical examination 井口謙志, 原和也, 藤本悠, 田中彩香, 松井恒樹, 山中広大, 河原史明, 三村美津子, 南晶洋, 西岡千春 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 114-114, 2022. |
Y12-5. One case of the Zollinger-Ellison (Z-E) syndrome complicated with multiple endocrine adenomatosis Type I (MEN-1) 池谷桃子1, 岩野光佑1, 岸本拓也1, 浜崎龍平1, 本城勇樹1, 大沢一希1, 中神聡太1, 川井祐弥1, 吉川貴章1, 森田敏広1, 東俊二郎1, 栗山勝利1, 山内淳嗣1, 高忠之1, 杉之下与志樹1, 八隅秀二郎1, 河本泉2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 114-114, 2022. |
Y13-1. One case that tore after the custody of the stomach duodenum stent for the gastric cancer with stenosis early 中畑明耶1, 伊藤大策1, 高尾政輝1, 田端康人1, 向井陽祐1, 木下淳1, 西本正幸1, 内原麻友1, 瀧真也1, 前北隆雄1, 井口幹崇1, 北野雅之1, 田中真生2, 高橋祐一3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 114-114, 2022. |
Y13-2. An example of the intestinal tract Behcet's disease which led to a diagnosis from urgent lower digestive tract endoscopy for the blood in stool 崔哲暢, 眞嵜美佳, 加納卓, 向井啓起, 北江博晃, 間嶋淳, 曽我幸一, 楊考治, 石川博己, 赤松尚明 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 114-114, 2022. |
Y13-3. Example that the small intestine double balloon endoscopy was useful in a diagnosis for metastases to small intestine recurrence of the malignant melanoma and an effect of treatment judgment 石田智憲, 俵誠一, 増本貴紀, 中渡瀬浩仁, 高橋遼, 岡田祐樹, 清田良介, 川崎洋輔, 前川祐樹, 清水健史, 川井翔一朗, 井上拓也, 石井修二, 藥師神崇行 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 115-115, 2022. |
Y13-4. An example of the diverticula of small intestine bleeding that we were able to stop bleeding of endoscopically 右馬悠暉1, 邉見雄二郎1,2, 冨田光貴1, 河合真由1, 峠英樹1, 本田晶子1, 佐野達志1, 平山貴視1, 光藤大地1, 川上研1,2, 阪口正博3, 樋口和秀2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 115-115, 2022. |
Y13-5. One patient who was able to do the exclusion method with the small intestine balloon endoscope for the ileal penetration due to the fish bone 森井惇詞, 河野孝一朗, 籠重大輔, 新丸尚輝, 田邊皓, 峯孝太朗, 伏見洋子, 河野玲子, 加藤隆夫, 西勝久 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 115-115, 2022. |
Y14-1. One case of pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis which accepted a large quantity of intraabdominal free gas during rectal cancer chemotherapy 平井美帆, 平田理子, 河南智晴 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 115-115, 2022. |
Y14-2. One case of the familial adenomatous polyposis that fever, multiple liver masses were an opportunity, and led to a diagnosis 小川健仁, 松本善秀, 平川博章, 中村真治, 黒木茂信, 矢野安道, 生田耕三, 千田永理, 塩せいじ The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 116-116, 2022. |
Y14-3. An example of appendix origin MALT lymphoma 田中晃輔1, 細谷和也1, 森久芳樹1, 竜野稜子1, 安藤徳晃1, 長尾宗一郎1, 唐渡修一郎1, 上田智也1, 秋山慎介1, 丹家元祥1, 籔内洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 井上聡子1, 鄭浩柄1, 猪熊哲朗1, 清水祐里2, 山下大祐2, 原重雄2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 116-116, 2022. |
Y14-4. Examination of the polyp of colon that a computer medical decision support system prevented passing over 山添紗希1, 中西祐貴1, 内海貴裕1, 我妻信和1, 樋口浩和1, 黄宣輔1, 奥野岳1, 水越健太1, 山川剛1, 夜久大晃1, 熊谷健1, 平松由紀子1, 二階堂光洋1, 清水孝洋1, 横山顕礼2, 妹尾浩1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 116-116, 2022. |
Y14-5. Examination of our hospital about the colon cancer lymph node extension pattern 大谷雅樹1, 片岡幸三1, 別府直仁1, 宋智亨1, 伊藤一真1, 松原孝明1, 竹中雄也1, 木村慶1, 馬場谷彰仁1, 内野基2, 池内浩基2, 池田正孝1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 116-116, 2022. |
Y15-1. An example of the intestinal tract membrane phlebosclerosis that needed surgery because of repeated ileus 八城誠, 松本淳, 藤田奈穂子, 豊田文興, 松山祥, 安村健人, 栃尾智正, 南竜城, 木村勇斗, 武田康宏, 上尾太郎, 岡野明浩, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 117-117, 2022. |
Y15-2. An example of Collagenous Colitis where dependent induction of remission not to do was obtained to a control-related T cell 瀬海郁衣1, 本庶元1, 今村瑞貴1, 松原卓哉1, 河野匡志1, 原茜1, 栗本真之1, 吉川馨介1, 益田康弘1, 大塚康生1, 高田隆太郎1, 吉川智恵1, 鎌田研1, 三長孝輔1, 松井繁長1, 木村雅友2, 渡邉智裕1, 工藤正俊1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 117-117, 2022. |
Y15-3. One case of the COVID-19 infection that resulted in rectum, an inferior mesenteric vein clot 山本匠悟, 池川卓哉, 大木元彩夏, 柴田精彦, 山本貴央, 浅田裕也, 河野未樹, 中原晶子, 新井憂, 惠良有紀子, 黒田浩平, 白坂大輔 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 117-117, 2022. |
Y15-4. One case of the Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome which repeated GI bleeding 鈴鹿雅和, 岡勇樹, 河南智晴 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 117-117, 2022. |
Y15-5. One case of the diverticula of colon bleeding that we could not stop bleeding, and hemostasis was got from for a case in OTSC (Over-The-Scope Clip) in EBL (Endoscopic Band Ligation) 坂本洋一, 松本次弘, 金井良彰, 岡田真治, 遠藤雄基, 曽田智大, 赤澤貴子, 山内徳人, 村松哲, 藤本荘太郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 118-118, 2022. |
Y16-1. One patient whom intractable ischaemic colitis developed in after the laparoscopic rectal high rank anterior resection 口分田尭, 本間周作 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 118-118, 2022. |
Y16-2. Example that caused infectious mononucleosis during immunoregulation medicine medical treatment for ulcerative colitis 志水和麻, 上小鶴孝二, 横山恵子, 賀来宏司, 高嶋祐介, 小島健太郎, 佐藤寿行, 河合幹夫, 横山陽子, 渡辺憲治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 118-118, 2022. |
Y16-3. An example of the checkpoint inhibitor-related enterocolitis who had the cytomegalovirus enterocolitis of immunity 佐久間裕太, 西田裕, 大南雅揮, 福永周生, 大谷恒史, 細見周平, 鎌田紀子, 田中史生, 永見康明, 平良高一, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 118-118, 2022. |
Y16-4. An example of the irAE colitis that resulted in large intestine perforation after nivolumab administration for the squamous cell carcinoma of lung 渡邊賢, 高田裕, 隅田悠太, 勝山苑香, 尾下真実, 竜野稜子, 伊藤凌, 池田結香, 井上元気, 安達神奈, 島田友香里, 林幹人, 井谷智尚, 岩崎純治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 119-119, 2022. |
Y16-5. One patient whom colitis, diarrhea by immune-mediated adverse event (irAE) developed in during Atezolizumab + bevacizumab therapy for a hepatocellular carcinoma 芦崎理沙, 八木洋輔, 永木瑞穂, 毛利有沙, 鎌田百香, 八幡晋輔, 八木優子, 川西正敏, 湯浅貞稔, 山城有機, 正井栄一, 山崎富生 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 119-119, 2022. |
O1-1. Example that was able to deal with the oesophageal perforation with the overtube by endoscopic clip reefing conservatively 岡部悟, 上薗康平, 杉丘裕基, 田口晴香, 三浦勇人, 中村弘樹, 澤村真理子, 徳田有記, 武田梨里, 石見亜矢, 日山智史, 山本克己, 巽信之, 伊藤敏文 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 123-123, 2022. |
O1-2. An example of the esophagus leiomyosarcoma that an examination for PET-CT was useful in follow 田中由香里, 山本佳宣, 平林卓, 田中俊太, 西川倫子, 武川直樹, 櫛田早絵子, 三村卓也, 津村英隆, 三木生也, 津田政広 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 123-123, 2022. |
O1-3. Relative examination of the minute mucous membrane structure and subtype of the intestinal metaplasia of the stomach 上堂文也1,2, 金光高雄2, 八尾健史2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 123-123, 2022. |
O1-4. One case of the ureteral cancer which presented a stenosis of the descending part of duodenum 坂口奈々子1, 佐野村誠1, 佐々木有一1, 西谷仁1, 西川知宏1, 福田斯盧恵1, 冨永真央1, 桶本大1, 内海麻衣1, 豊田昌夫2, 川崎浩資2, 鈴木重徳2, 西内善彦2, 河合俊哉2, 植田初江3, 樋口和秀4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 123-123, 2022. |
O1-5. Giant duodenum Brunner's gland hyperplastic example which we were discovered with an anemia symptom and were able to resect in ESD 賀来英俊1, 吉崎哲也1, 中井達也1, 高山弘志1, 津田一範1, 松本慶1, 池澤伸明1, 阪口博哉1, 阿部洋文1, 鷹尾まど佳1, 鷹尾俊達1, 森田圭紀1, 豊永高史1, 児玉貴之2, 横崎宏2, 伊藤智雄3, 児玉裕三1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 124-124, 2022. |
O2-1. An example of the diverticula of small intestine bleeding that a double balloon endoscope was useful in a diagnosis, measures 内橋孝史, 李兆亮, 加藤豪, 白石哲也, 亀井基宏, 宮本優帆, 田中祐司, 崎山勉, 石井昭生, 奥山俊介, 田中弘教 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 124-124, 2022. |
O2-2. One patient who had a diagnosis of intestinal tract spirochetal disease by a cause close inspection of the diarrhea 西村平八郎, 戸澤勝之, 池田仁美, 板倉史晃, 大塚崇史, 岡秀男 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 124-124, 2022. |
O2-3. One case of low grade of atypism appendix mucinous tumor 小野山裕亮 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 124-124, 2022. |
O2-4. One patient who underwent a laparoscopic sigmoid resection for sigmoid colon cancer after new coronavirus pneumonia 鎌田陽介, 松本辰也, 小泉範明, 藤木博, 中村憲司, 阪倉長平 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 125-125, 2022. |
O3-1. Report about the colon cancer case complicated with Crohn's disease in our hospital 西紋周平, 福井寿朗, 深田憲将, 長沼誠 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 125-125, 2022. |
O3-2. One case of the ulcerative colitis with the colon cancer sarcoma 伊藤一真, 桑原隆一, 楠蔵人, 皆川知洋, 堀尾勇規, 内野基, 池内浩基 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 125-125, 2022. |
O3-3. 1 case of the ulcerative colitis that was complicated with severe psoriasis vulgaris, and seemed to be 5ASA intolerance, and had induction of remission in granulocytes apheresis and Ustekinumab 田中玲子1, 宮崎道彦2, 山田真実2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 125-125, 2022. |
O3-4. It is one patient of the ulcerative colitis after the large intestine complete removal that developed the around the stoma type pyoderma gangrenosum which suffered from treatment 中神聡太, 吉野琢哉, 池谷桃子, 岸本拓哉, 浜崎龍平, 本城勇樹, 大沢一希, 岩野光佑, 川井祐弥, 吉川貴章, 森田敏弘, 東俊二郎, 栗山勝利, 山内淳嗣, 高忠之, 杉之下与志樹, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 126-126, 2022. |
O3-5. Examination of the serum biomarker predicting the effectiveness of golimumab for the ulcerative colitis 木下直彦, 柿本一城, 樋口和秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 126-126, 2022. |
O4-1. One case that we resected laparoscopic for huge focal nodular hyperplasia with the bleeding 宮本篤, 廣野誠子, 上野昌樹, 速水晋也, 川井学, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 佐藤公俊, 吉村知紘, 山上裕機 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 126-126, 2022. |
O4-2. One case of liver origin neuroendocrine tumor G3 星晋, 竹田紹泰, 合田杏佑, 荒澤壮一, 星智子, 田中裕一, 宮島真治, 高谷晴夫, 福永豊和, 梶村幸三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 126-126, 2022. |
O4-3. Example that accepted hepatitis C virus decrease and hepatitis decreased activity during the Atezolizumab + bevacizumab therapy for the hepatocellular carcinoma 徳永貴史, 上田佳秀, 北代隼, 山本淳史, 安冨栄一郎, 畑澤有里, 松浦敬憲, 塩見優紀, 矢野嘉彦, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 127-127, 2022. |
O4-4. Two patients who detected tumour haemorrhage after the Atezolizumab + bevacizumab administration for the hepatocellular carcinoma 新田信人1, 飯田洋也1, 藤本剛英2, 松本寛史2, 新谷修平2, 大井雅之2, 前平博充2, 徳田彩1, 森治樹1, 前川毅1, 安藤朗2, 谷眞至1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 127-127, 2022. |
O4-5. Initial enforcement experience of the Atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy in our hospital 中村匡視, 廣野誠子, 速水晋也, 川井学, 上野昌樹, 宮本篤, 須崎紀彦, 加藤紘隆, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 小林良平, 本林秀規, 佐藤公俊, 吉村知紘, 山上裕機 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 127-127, 2022. |
O4-6. Association between expression of histone methylase SETD8 and prognosis of the hepatocellular carcinoma 須崎紀彦, 廣野誠子, 速水晋也, 上野昌樹, 宮本篤, 中村匡視, 加藤紘隆, 川井学, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 山上裕機 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 127-127, 2022. |
O4-7. One case of the progress gastric cancer with the liver metastases that presented cystic degeneration 大江夏美, 岸渕安也名, 塚本和之, 紙屋煕紀, 南條俊也, 佃頒敏, 澤田賢治, 瀬戸山健, 木村佳人, 坂本梓, 邉見慎一郎, 澤井勇悟, 米門秀行, 淺田全範, 津村剛彦, 喜多竜一, 圓尾隆典, 木村達, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 128-128, 2022. |
O5-2. One case of solitary fibrous tumor with the hypoglycaemic attack that we were able to diagnose preoperatively in EUS-FNA 田中俊多1, 三木生也1, 平林卓1, 田中由香里1, 西川倫子1, 武川直樹1, 櫛田早絵子1, 三村卓也1, 津村英隆1, 山本佳宣1, 津田政広1, 梶本和義2, 山岸農3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 128-128, 2022. |
O5-3. An example of the postnatal characteristics haemophilia A diagnosed with hematobilia after ERCP which repeated itself 徳田浩亮, 山内雄揮, 藤原裕也, 藤井美聡, 杣美緒, 岡本隆司, 北浦真珠, 筑後英紀, 福井由美, 橋本航太, 戸田潤, 西岡靖幸, 菱谷英里子, 出田雅子, 南尚希, 梅田誠, 松村毅, 木村利幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 128-128, 2022. |
O5-4. One case of the umbilical hernia explosion with the intractable ascitic fluid of the cirrhosis 八上佳和, 柳生利彦, 坂東具樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 129-129, 2022. |
O5-5. Three cases of the retroperitoneal blood species which resulted during treatment of COVID-19 島田直1, 上村拓也1, 佐野弘治1, 山口誓子1, 谷川徹也1, 倉井修1, 藤原靖弘2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 129-129, 2022. |
O6-1. Example that gallbladder neuroendocrine system cancer neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) was able to be diagnosed by ultrasonic endoscope lower fine needle aspiration 吉岡亮太1,3, 中野遼太1, 藤原葵1, 吉原公平1, 川田翔己1, 由利幸久1, 高嶋智之1, 曾澤信弘1, 池田直人1, 西村貴士1,3, 塩見英之1, 榎本平之1, 石川恵理2, 河野洋2, 廣田誠一2, 飯島尋子1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 129-129, 2022. |
O6-2. One case of the emergency surgery for the pancreas mucinous cystadenocarcinoma explosion 小山啓介, 岩上佳史, 小林省吾, 佐々木一樹, 山田大作, 富丸慶人, 秋田裕史, 野田剛広, 後藤邦仁, 高橋秀典, 土岐祐一郎, 江口英利 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 129-129, 2022. |
O6-3. The identification of the invasive cancer predictor in pancreas IPMN: Usefulness of intramural nodule diameter and the pancreatic juice CEA level measurement 吉村知紘, 廣野誠子, 川井学, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 本林秀規, 上野昌樹, 速水晋也, 宮本篤, 須崎紀彦, 中村匡視, 佐藤公俊, 山上裕機 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 130-130, 2022. |
O6-4. Grade diagnosis of nipple mucinous tumor in the pancreatic duct type pancreatic duct 藤田洋一, 廣野誠子, 川井学, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 小林良平, 速水晋也, 上野昌樹, 山上裕機 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 130-130, 2022. |
O6-5. Examination about the diagnosis ability with the digital type biliary tract endoscope lower new model biopsy forceps for the biliary tract disease 山本嘉太郎, 植野紗緒里, 小倉健, 樋口和秀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 130-130, 2022. |
O6-6. Examination of the tumorology grade using molecular biologic biomarker ctDNA for invasive pancreatic duct cancer 本林秀規, 廣野誠子, 川井学, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 上野昌樹, 速水晋也, 宮本篤, 須崎紀彦, 小林良平, 中村匡視, 佐藤公俊, 吉村知紘, 山上裕機 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 130-130, 2022. |
O7-1. Example that performed EUS lower drainage for pseudocyst after the pancreatitis that occurred in an intestinal tract membrane of the duodenojejunal flexure 曽根大暉, 萬代晃一朗, 佐竹裕曉, 植原知暉, 四宮遼, 井上貴斗, 中村志歩, 吉本隆晃, 雨宮可奈, 猪上尚徳, 堀田祐馬, 白川敦史, 岡田雄介, 真田香澄, 河村卓二, 盛田篤広, 田中聖人, 宇野耕治, 安田健治朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 131-131, 2022. |
O7-2. An example of IPMN which developed Hemosuccus Pancreaticus during long-term follow-up 池田結香, 尾下真実, 隅田悠太, 勝山苑香, 竜野稜子, 伊藤凌, 井上元気, 高田裕, 安達神奈, 島田友香里, 林幹人, 井谷智尚 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 131-131, 2022. |
O7-3. One patient who detected macrocytic anemia after the operation of the pancreatic cancer by TS-1 as the adjuvant chemotherapy 小野山裕亮 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 131-131, 2022. |
O7-4. One case of pancreas biliary tract type (pancreatobiliary type) IPMC where we caused a multiple residual pancreas recurrence after pancreas center resection and performed Complete removal of the residual pancreas technique in 阿見勝也, 外山博近, 浅利貞毅, 後藤直大, 南野佳英, 水本拓也, 小倉佑太, 福岡裕貴, 宗慎一, 浦出剛史, 福島健司, 権英寿, 津川大介, 小松昇平, 蔵満薫, 柳本泰明, 木戸正浩, 味木徹夫, 福本巧 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 131-131, 2022. |
O7-5. Examination of the surgery adaptation for the IPMN case less than intramural nodule high 5mm 津村亜矢子, 廣野誠子, 川井学, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 山上裕機 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 132-132, 2022. |
O7-6. About a treatment strategy of IPMN which we saw from recurrent pattern after the excision 佐藤公俊, 廣野誠子, 川井学, 岡田健一, 宮澤基樹, 北畑裕司, 上野昌樹, 速水晋也, 宮本篤, 吉村知紘, 山上裕機 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 132-132, 2022. |