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The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 116 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article S1-01. The current situation and problem of the examination of helicobacter pylori infection for the second year of junior high school in Saijo-shi, Ehime, sanitization business
丹下和洋1, 竹下英次1, 矢野春海2, 藤澤友樹2, 越智拓哉2, 實藤洋伸3, 白石佳奈3, 橋本悠3, 富田英臣4, 山本安則4, 阿部雅則3, 池田宜央4, 日浅陽一3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 37-37, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-02. Student H. pylori examination and results in sanitization treatment - Yoshinogawa-shi, Tokushima for 5 years
木村好孝1, 青木利佳2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 37-37, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-03. H. It is the examination about the surveillance method of the gastric cancer after pylori sanitization
池上幸治1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 清森亮祐1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 38-38, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-04. Examination of the intestinal tract disorder including the iatrogenic large intestine perforation that occurred after the examination of barium contrasting of the measures type examination
森田莉絵1, 尾立磨琴1, 赤井開1, 正木勉2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 38-38, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-05. Receptiveness and tumor detectability of the typical duodenal endoscopic observation method (seven pieces of imaging according to the part: 7 Pictures Rule)
松井崇矩1, 小原英幹1, 藤澤明彦2, 安田貢3, 正木勉1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 39-39, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-06. Than collation with the cancer registration to think about significance of the fecal occult-blood testing some other time
佐藤桃子, 青木利佳, 勢井雅子, 本田浩仁
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 39-39, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-07. Approach to improvement in lower digestive tract endoscopy reception characteristics
原田英嗣, 山本英司, 桑山泰治, 合田萌夏, 中野彩佳, 鵜飼俊輔, 武原正典, 辻真一郎, 岸和弘, 野々木理子, 佐藤幸一
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 40-40, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-08. The double cancer in patients with cancer of the esophagus and prognostic examination
北川博之, 横田啓一郎, 丸井輝, 並川努, 花崎和弘
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 40-40, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-09. Possibility of association of reflux oesophagitis and the metabolic syndrome and the meta rag mixture
曽我部正弘1,2, 福家慧2,3, 岡久稔也2,3, 高山哲治2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 41-41, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-10. Examination of microRNA involved in an increase of early colon cancer using the ESD specimen
小山裕紀子, 松井崇矩, 千代大翔, 多田尚矢, 小塚和博, 合田康宏, 小林伸也, 西山典子, 藤原新太郎, 谷内田達夫, 小原英幹, 正木勉
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 41-41, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-11. It is association with the prognosis after the chemoradiotherapy of SLFN11 expression and patients with cancer of the esophagus
鏡卓馬1, 山出美穂子2, 杉本健2, 古田隆久2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 42-42, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-12. Exhaustive analysis by Connectivity Map and development of the colon cancer preventive preparation using the organoid of sessile serrated lesion
川口智之, 岡本耕一, 上田浩之, 和田浩典, 宮本弘志, 佐藤康史, 六車直樹, 高山哲治
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 42-42, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-13. It is examination about the endoscopic balloon expansion technique for the oesophageal stenosis after the chemoradiotherapy
平野佑一, 石川茂直, 和唐正樹, 稲葉知己
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 43-43, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-14. The effectiveness of the quick biopsy during the operation in stomach ESD
西尾綾乃, 石川茂直, 和唐正樹, 稲葉知己
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 43-43, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-15. The current situation of LECS for the submucosal tumor of the stomach in our hospital
高橋幸志1, 青木秀俊1, 八木麻衣1, 矢野庄悟1, 吉本貴則1, 辻友里1, 宮本佳彦1, 大塚加奈子1, 面家敏宏1, 鈴木康博1, 中本次郎1, 柴田啓志1, 松下健太2, 川下陽一郎2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 44-44, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-16. Usefulness - Robotic Versus Laparoscopic Gastrectomy of the robot support gastrectomy: Propensity-Matched Analysis. -
西正暁, 島田光生, 吉川幸造, 高須千絵, 和田佑馬, 徳永卓哉, 中尾寿宏, 柏原秀也, 良元俊昭, 山下祥子, 岩川陽介
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 44-44, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-17. A surgical procedure and treatment result of taTME
中尾寿宏, 島田光生, 吉川幸造, 徳永卓哉, 西正暁, 柏原秀也, 高須千絵, 和田佑馬, 良元俊明, 山下祥子, 岩川陽介
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 45-45, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-01. The cancer-causing rate in the autoimmune hepatitis suspected diagnosis case and prognostic examination
藤田浩二1, 琢磨慧1, 中原麻衣1, 大浦杏子1, 田所智子1, 谷丈二1, 森下朝洋1, 樋本尚志2, 正木勉1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 45-45, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-02. Examination about a partial liver function evaluation by EOB-MRI toward One stop shop, the evaluation of an excision limit prediction and the tumor grade
寺奥大貴, 山田眞一郎, 齋藤裕, 池本哲也, 森根裕二, 島田光生
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 46-46, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-03. Treatment strategy for colon cancer liver metastases in our hospital
木村次郎, 岡林雄大, 稲田涼, 田渕幹康, 吉本皓一, 須井健太
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 46-46, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-04. The effectiveness of sequential treatment using the Atezolizumab bevacizumab combination therapy for the hepatocellular carcinoma and the additional treatment
友成哲1, 谷丈二2, 野田和克1,2, 田中宏典1, 田中貴大1, 谷口達哉1, 曽我部正弘1, 宮本弘志1, 佐藤康史1, 六車直樹1, 正木勉2, 高山哲治1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 47-47, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-05. Efforts to a small pancreatic cancer diagnosis in our hospital
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 47-47, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-06. Examination about the establishment of the surveillance method for the early pancreatic cancer discovery for patients with new onset diabetes
三好人正1,2, 清重浩一1, 野間喜彦3, 小松まち子3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 48-48, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-07. Examination of the image evidence for early detection of pancreatic cancer
關博之1, 西村晃彦1, 川地紘通1, 河井祐介1, 馬場雄己1, 安原ひさ恵1, 永原照也1, 神野秀基1, 守屋昭男1, 幡英典2, 中津守人1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 48-48, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-08. Examination of clinical features of the TS1 pancreatic cancer in our hospital
山名浩喜, 鎌田英紀, 正木勉, 中林良太, 平田正大, 河野寿明, 波間大輔, 藤田直樹, 小林聖幸
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 49-49, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-09. Examination of the endoscopic biliary tract drainage before operation for the cancer of head of pancreas
國分勝仁, 小泉光仁, 今村良樹, 日浅陽一
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 49-49, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-10. The current situation and development of the ascitic filtration concentration re-IV infusion law
福家慧1, 岡久稔也1, 曽我部正弘2, 川口智之3, 田中久美子3, 友成哲3, 谷口達哉3, 宮本弘志3, 柴田啓志4, 岸史子5, 中園雅彦6, 四宮寛彦7, 石川正志8, 高山哲治3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 50-50, 2021.

Japanese Article 01. One case of the Japan spotted fever with liver damage and peptic ulcer which fever was foreign, and led to a diagnosis
板垣達三, 答島章公, 宮田好裕, 寺前智史, 滝下誠
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 53-53, 2021.

Japanese Article 02. Including the usefulness of the abdominal Dynamic CT in one - FHCS acute phase diagnosis of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome (FHCS) where dull pain lasted by antibiotics self interruption and urinary antigen examination -
吉本公美1, 吉田莉奈2, 北岡真由子2, 町田彩佳2, 田島萌夢2, 田村恵理2, 矢野慶太郎2, 佐竹朋美2, 斎藤純子2, 前田真佐2, 徳重美香2, 梅下仁2, 大川良洋2, 岡田光生2, 青野礼2, 榮枝弘司2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 53-53, 2021.

Japanese Article 03. One case of the gallbladder small cell carcinoma which discovered it accidentally, and was able to have radical excision, but resulted in early relapse
大倉健1, 岡本邦男2,3, コルビン ヒュー俊佑2, 綾悠佑2, 西尾綾乃2, 平野佑一2, 根岸慎2, 香川朋2, 深田悠史2, 山内健司2, 榊原一郎2, 山本久美子2, 泉川孝一2, 高橋索真2, 田中盛富2, 松浦美穂子4, 石川茂直2, 和唐正樹2, 蓮井利実4, 稲葉知己2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 54-54, 2021.

Japanese Article 04. One case of the acute cholecystitis by the gallbladder twisting
合田亮人1, 山下拓磨2, 大倉亮一2, 中尾克之2, 竹林隆介3, 篠原篤3, 正木勉4
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 54-54, 2021.

Japanese Article 05. One case of the hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma with the sarcoma-like change that showed sudden tumor enhancement
西川直輝1, 花山雅一1, 田村周太2, 横山桂1, 島本豊伎1, 曹芳1, 多保祐里1, 平岡亜弥1, 小田眞由1, 田鶴谷奈友1, 小川明子1, 木阪吉保1, 武智俊治1, 田中良憲1, 水上祐治1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 55-55, 2021.

Japanese Article 06. One case of the traumatic pancreatic injury
村木翔1, 大黒拓磨1, 石原慎一1, 林亨1, 浅井芳江2, 浅井武2, 井藤千里3, 福田有子3, 山名浩喜4, 鎌田英紀4
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 55-55, 2021.

Japanese Article 07. One case of the IgG4 associated diseases that caused hypoglycemia by steroid therapy
澤田ひかり1, 泉川孝一2, 綾悠佑2, 平野佑一2, 西尾綾乃2, コルビン ヒュー俊祐2, 香川朋2, 根岸慎2, 深田悠史2, 山内健司2, 岡本邦男2, 榊原一郎2, 山本久美子2, 高橋索真2, 田中盛富2, 松浦美穂子2, 石川茂直2, 和唐正樹2, 蓮井利実2, 稲葉知己2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 56-56, 2021.

Japanese Article 08. One patient who had a diagnosis of Wirsungocele with acute pancreatitis
北村拓也1, 黒田太良2, 和泉翔太2, 加藤雅也2, 泉本裕文2, 吉野武晃2, 植木秀太朗2, 北畑翔吾2, 奥平知成2, 相引利彦2, 田中孝明2, 川村智恵2, 山子泰加2, 須賀義文2, 平岡淳2, 二宮朋之2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 56-56, 2021.

Japanese Article 09. One patient who underwent stent graft for Hemosuccus Pancreaticus due to the pseudocyst internal hemorrhage
浅羽直1, 田島萌夢2, 岡田光生2, 青野礼2, 榮枝弘司2, 宮崎延浩3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 57-57, 2021.

Japanese Article 10. Eight examination that were given nanoliposomal type irinotecan (nal-IRI)+5-FU/LV therapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital
大家力矢, 岡崎三千代, 内藤裕士, 前田充毅, 黒岩千比呂, 窪田綾子, 矢山貴之, 佐々木紫織, 岩崎丈紘, 小島康司, 内多訓久
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 57-57, 2021.

Japanese Article 11. One case that caused liver metastases explosion during chemotherapy of the cancer of head of pancreas
長瀬映美1, 黒田太良2, 和泉翔太2, 加藤雅也2, 泉本裕文2, 吉野武晃2, 植木秀太朗2, 北畑翔吾2, 奥平知成2, 相引利彦2, 田中孝明2, 川村智恵2, 山子泰加2, 須賀義文2, 平岡淳2, 二宮朋之2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 58-58, 2021.

Japanese Article 12. One case of pancreas squamous cell carcinoma that the biopsy from an ulcer lesion by the stomach penetration was useful for a diagnosis
柴昌子1, 門田美由香1, 香川美和子1, 栗原健士2, 阿達由佳3, 川口智之4, 野田和克4, 福家慧5, 曽我部正弘6, 岡久稔也5
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 58-58, 2021.

Japanese Article 13. One case of acute pancreatitis and the multiple pancreas neuroendocrine tumor detected with a cyst explosion
中林良太, 鎌田英紀, 山名浩喜, 波間大輔, 藤田直樹, 河野寿明, 平田正大, 小林聖幸, 正木勉
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 59-59, 2021.

Japanese Article 14. One patient who had a diagnosis of achalasia with the empyema onset
島本豊伎1, 田中良憲1, 西川直輝1, 横山桂1, 曹芳1, 多保祐里1, 平岡亜弥1, 小田眞由1, 花山雅一1, 田鶴谷奈友1, 木阪吉保1, 武智俊治1, 水上祐治1, 蜂須賀康己2, 富田英臣3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 59-59, 2021.

Japanese Article 15. One case of esophagus origin MALT lymphoma that was under the medical treatment in EMR-L
八木麻衣, 高橋幸志, 矢野庄悟, 吉本貴則, 宮本佳彦, 面家敏宏, 中本次郎, 青木秀俊, 柴田啓志
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 60-60, 2021.

Japanese Article 16. One case that CDDP+CPT-11 combination therapy succeeded for the esophagus origin internal secretion basalioma
板垣達三1, 影本開三3, 寺前智史1, 宮田好裕1, 答島章公1, 正宗克浩2, 田上誉史2, 吉田禎宏2, 浅野間理仁2, 滝下誠1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 60-60, 2021.

Japanese Article 17. An example who had the esophagus basaloid carcinoma and the stomach well differentiated type adenocarcinoma
佐伯ゆい, 宮池次郎, 川崎敬太郎, 村上慶匡, 樫本洋平, 上田晃久, 村上貴俊, 寺尾孝志, 大本昌樹
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 61-61, 2021.

Japanese Article 18. One case of the antiHu antibody-positive neuropathy which assumed poor eating main complaint
林亨1, 村木翔1, 手束一博1, 榮浩行2, 濱田健太2, 里見拓也2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 61-61, 2021.

Japanese Article 19. Change of the perioperative serum zinc level in the gastrectomy for the gastric cancer
並川努1, 丸井輝1, 横田啓一郎1, 山下柚子1, 小松優香1, 山口祥1, 川西泰広1, 藤枝悠希1, 藤澤和音1, 福留惟行1, 宗景匡哉1, 上村直1, 前田広道1, 北川博之2, 岡本健3, 小林道也3, 花崎和弘1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 62-62, 2021.

Japanese Article 20. One case that produced isolated ACTH deficiency during treatment of the gastric cancer using the immune checkpoint inhibitor
横田啓一郎1, 並川努1, 丸井輝1, 北川博之1, 小林道也2, 花崎和弘1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 62-62, 2021.

Japanese Article 21. One case of the progress gastric cancer which occurred than submucosal heterotopic gastric mucosa
堀明日香1, 桑山泰治2, 合田萌夏2, 中野彩佳2, 今倉佳代2, 鵜飼俊輔2, 武原正典2, 辻真一郎2, 山本英司2, 原田英嗣2, 野々木理子2, 岸和弘2, 佐藤幸一2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 63-63, 2021.

Japanese Article 22. One case of the gastrointestinal tract slowly-progressive T-cell lymphoma maintaining no exacerbation in the long-term course
江頭信二郎1, 池上幸治1, 大城由美2, 蔵原晃一1, 清森亮祐1, 原裕一1, 吉原崇正1, 井本尚徳1, 南川容子1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 63-63, 2021.

Japanese Article 23. Example that accepted multiple white globe appearance after irAE gastritis treatment
福野天1, 岡田明子1, 佐々木沙紀1, 岡崎潤1, 松村圭一郎1, 岸史子1, 堀口秀久2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 64-64, 2021.

Japanese Article 24. Gastrointestinal vasodilatation lesion of maintenance haemodialysis patients in our hospital
藤本美幸, 井坂円香, 新居徹, 河野誠也, 中園雅彦
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 64-64, 2021.

Japanese Article 25. One case of the adult idiopathic invagination of intestine relieved by conservative medical treatment spontaneously
川地紘通, 神野秀基, 西村晃彦, 河井裕介, 馬場雄己, 安原ひさ恵, 關博之, 遠藤日登美, 永原照也, 守屋昭男, 中津守人, 安東正晴
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 65-65, 2021.

Japanese Article 26. Three cases of the idiopathic intestinal tract membrane phlebosclerosis found in a long-term user of the Chinese medicine
井本尚徳1, 蔵原晃一1, 清森亮介1, 大城由美2, 池上幸治1, 原裕一1, 吉原崇正1, 江頭信二郎1, 南川容子1, 米湊健3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 65-65, 2021.

Japanese Article 27. One case of the colic sarcoidosis that racked its brains about a diagnosis
武原正典, 合田萌夏, 中野彩佳, 今倉佳代, 鵜飼俊輔, 辻真一郎, 山本英司, 桑山泰治, 原田英嗣, 岸和弘, 野々木理子, 佐藤幸一
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 66-66, 2021.

Japanese Article 28. Treatment result of Vedolizmab (VDZ) for the IBD case in our hospital
原裕一1, 蔵原晃一1, 浅野光一1,3, 清森亮祐1, 池上幸治1, 吉原崇正1, 江頭信二郎1, 井本尚徳1, 南川容子1, 大城由美2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 66-66, 2021.

Japanese Article 29. One case of rectal neuroendocrine tumor (NET) which accepted a recurrence in 13 years after excision
増田吏紗1, 榊原一郎2, 西尾綾乃2, 平野佑一2, コルビン ヒュー俊祐2, 香川朋2, 根岸慎2, 深田悠史2, 岡本邦男2, 泉川孝一2, 山本久美子2, 高橋索真2, 田中盛富2, 松浦美穂子2, 石川茂直2, 和唐正樹2, 蓮井利実2, 稲葉知己2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 67-67, 2021.

Japanese Article 30. Two cases of anal canal squamous cell carcinoma that we provided S-1 combination chemoradiotherapy after Docetaxel+cisplatin+S-1 (DC5) combination chemotherapy, and a complete response was obtained
山崎めぐみ1, 川口智之1, 岡本耕一1, 上田浩之1, 三橋威志1, 影本開三1, 喜田慶史1, 三井康裕1, 北村晋志1, 宮本弘志1, 佐藤康史1, 六車直樹1, 黒田武志2, 岡村誠介3, 高山哲治1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 67-67, 2021.

Japanese Article 31. Alimentary system immune associated adverse event (irAE) by immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) which we experienced in our hospital
岸史子, 岡田明子, 佐々木沙紀, 岡崎潤, 松村圭一郎, 福野天
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 68-68, 2021.

Japanese Article 32. An example of stomach Glomus tumor which it was diagnosed and treated by laparoscopic endoscopic joint surgery before operation
坂上純也, 玉置敬之, 金澤秀晃, 松浦賢史, 真鍋卓嗣, 野田晃世, 久保敦司, 小川力, 松中寿浩, 柴峠光成
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 68-68, 2021.

Japanese Article 33. One case of the stomach schwannoma that it presented an image of early deep color in dyeing by an examination for contrasting CT, and abdominal ultrasonography was useful in differentiation
中城健1, 田中盛富2, コルビン ヒュー俊佑2, 西尾綾乃2, 平野佑一2, 香川朋2, 根岸慎2, 深田悠史2, 山内健司2, 岡本邦男2, 榊原一郎2, 山本久美子2, 泉川孝一2, 高橋索真2, 松浦美穂子2, 石川茂直2, 和唐正樹2, 蓮井利実2, 稲葉知己2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 69-69, 2021.

Japanese Article 34. Clinicopathologic examination of superficial duodenal epithelial neoplasm (SNADETs) of the stomach type form and essence in our hospital
清森亮祐1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 池上幸治1, 原裕一1, 吉原崇正1, 江頭信二郎1, 井本尚徳1, 南川容子1, 山元英崇3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 69-69, 2021.

Japanese Article 35. Two cases of the duodenal diverticulum which we were able to stop bleeding of endoscopically
藤井祥平1, 田中育太1, 多田早織1, 佐藤康史2, 六車直樹2, 平尾章博2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 70-70, 2021.

Japanese Article 36. An example of the endometriosis of intestine detected with ileus
門田美由香1, 香川美和子1, 柴昌子1, 川口智之1, 野田和克1, 福家慧1, 曽我部正弘1, 岡久稔也1, 石川正志2, 新垣亮輔3, 田村貴夫3, 山本洋介4
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 70-70, 2021.

Japanese Article 37. One patient who presented with multiple liver pseudoacinus necrosis with esophageal varices bleeding
中西智紀1, 行本敦2, 徳本良雄2, 岡崎雄貴2, 砂金光太郎2, 中村由子2, 渡辺崇夫2, 小泉洋平2, 吉田理2, 廣岡昌史2, 竹下英次3, 阿部雅則2, 日浅陽一2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 71-71, 2021.

Japanese Article 38. One patient who had a diagnosis of hepatitis type PBC with a diagnosis of the systemic lupus erythematosus
浦田佳奈1, 矢山貴之2, 有井薫3, 内藤裕士2, 前田充毅2, 黒岩千比呂2, 窪田綾子2, 大家力矢2, 佐々木紫織2, 岩崎丈紘2, 小島康司2, 内多訓久2, 岡崎三千代2, 頼田顕辞4, 岩村伸一5
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 71-71, 2021.

Japanese Article 39. One case of the hepatic sinusoid obstruction syndrome that occurred during treatment of the rheumatoid arthritis (SOS)
十河なお1, 筒井朱美2, 妹尾知典2, 永野拓也2, 高口浩一2, 田尻展久3, 小野早和子4, 安藤翠4, 中村聡子4, 石井雄也5, 馬場伸介5, 中平旭6, 蓮井宏樹7
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 72-72, 2021.

Japanese Article 40. One case of the Fludd's syndrome who was under the medical treatment by partial splenic artery embolization and percutaneous abdominal cavity drainage
近森文夫, 溝渕海
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 72-72, 2021.

Japanese Article 41. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which developed various irAE by administration of one Atezolizumab and bevacizumab
松岡海南1, 越智裕紀2, 矢野怜2, 盛田真2, 上原貴秀2, 畔元信明2, 眞柴寿枝2, 横田智行2, 上甲康二2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 73-73, 2021.

Japanese Article 42. Is complicated with cholecystitis; one case of the liver inflammatory pseudotumor with suspected the IgG4 association
宮城愛1, 藤本大策1, 宮城順子1, 大櫛聖子3, 松本亮祐2, 尾方信也2, 坂東儀昭2, 棚橋俊仁1,3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 73-73, 2021.

Japanese Article 43. An example of organification hematoma in the multiple hepatic cysts which needed the differentiation with the hepatic cyst adenocarcinoma
腰山裕一1, 廣瀬享1, 宗景玄祐1, 越智経浩1, 小笠原光成1, 野崎靖子1, 上村直2, 宗景匡哉2, 岩崎信二3, 花崎和弘2, 内田一茂1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 74-74, 2021.

Japanese Article 44. An example of the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma which suffered from the differentiation with the liver abscess
村上主樹, 八木専, 佐藤真, 新居田一貴, 宮本裕也, 梅岡二美, 村上英広, 沖田俊司, 宮岡弘明, 玉井惇一郎
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 74-74, 2021.

Japanese Article 45. Two cases of the liver tumor which we were able to diagnose in acatalepsia by percutaneous liver tumor biopsy in EUS-FNA
向田健太郎1, 耕崎拓大2, 腰山裕一1, 村田紘子1, 山本翔太1, 常風友梨1, 吉岡玲子1, 宗景玄祐1, 越智経浩1, 小笠原光成1, 野崎靖子1, 廣瀬享1, 沖裕昌1, 山田高義1, 谷内恵介1, 宗景匡哉3, 上村直3, 岡林雄大4, 花崎和弘3, 内田一茂1,2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 75-75, 2021.

Japanese Article 46. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma with Vp4 Vv3 where combined modality therapy is successful-prone metastases to lung metastases to brain
柴田啓志, 面家敏宏, 八木麻衣, 吉本貴則, 矢野庄悟, 宮本佳彦, 鈴木康博, 高橋幸志, 中本次郎, 青木秀俊
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 75-75, 2021.

Japanese Article 47. Development of the industry-university co-operation official cooperation functionality indication food that paid its attention to NASH/NAFLD improvement effect of the β-cryptoxanthin
松浦文三1, 中口博允1, 三宅映己2, 古川慎哉3, 日浅陽一2, 杉浦実4, 菅原邦明5
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 76-76, 2021.

Japanese Article 48. Efforts of the industry-university co-operation official cooperation in the development of products of the new corona defense system for the upper gastrointestinal tract endoscope
小原英幹1, 西山典子1,2, 尾立磨琴3, 大場晴夫4, 永冨太一5, 正木勉1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 76-76, 2021.

Japanese Article 49. The effect that the virus phylaxis system for the endoscope gives to the psychology of subjects
脇恭子1, 川村愛菜1, 都築智代1, 國重光子1, 澤井健治2, 香川雄亮2, 舟木利治2, 渡邊精四郎2, 杵川文彦2, 小原英幹3, 正木勉3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 77-77, 2021.

Japanese Article 50. The multi-type of job operational support duties start of the artificially pancreatic device in our hospital and the distance to date
山本奈緒1, 西尾裕華子1, 村上武1, 勝呂勇太2, 薦田直之2, 山田幸司2, 壬生季代2, 宗景匡哉3, 北川博之3, 並川努3, 花崎和弘3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 77-77, 2021.

Japanese Article 51. Development of the device for the middle water filtration concentration by the introduction of the design thought
福家慧1, 岡久稔也1,2, 福家慧1,2, 曽我部正弘2,3, 田中宏典2, 喜田慶史2, 平尾章博2, 藤野泰輝2, 中村文香2, 北村晋志2, 岡本耕一2, 六車直樹2, 高山哲治2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 78-78, 2021.

Japanese Article 52. The multi-type of job cooperation development of the circuit set for the middle water filtration concentration utilizing the ergonomics
小松崇俊1, 岡久稔也2,3, 福家慧2,3, 曽我部正弘3, 和田浩典3, 横山怜子3, 松本れいか3, 野田和克3, 影本開三3, 岡田泰行3, 三井康裕3, 田中貴大3, 高山哲治3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 78-78, 2021.

Japanese Article 53. Optimization of the filter douche of the device for the middle water filtration concentration by the simulated ascitic pro-evaluation construction
緒方良輔1, 岡久稔也2,3, 竹内彩郁薫4, 佐々木芽依4, 井形直紀4, 福家慧2,3, 曽我部正弘3, 谷直也3, 山崎めぐみ3, 三橋威志3, 笠井昭成3, 上田浩之3, 三宅孝典3, 佐藤康史3, 高山哲治3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (116): 79-79, 2021.