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The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 117 / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article S1-01. A diagnosis and treatment preferences of the esophagus motor disorder
富田英臣1, 山本安則1, 竹下英次3, 池田宜央1, 日浅陽一2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-02. Single institution randomization open-label controlled trial of 800 mg of clarithromycin in the vonoprazan combination first sanitization therapy and 400 mg
玉置敬之, 松浦賢司, 柴峠光成
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-03. Usefulness of the robot support gastrectomy for the progress gastric cancer
和田佑馬, 吉川幸造, 西正暁, 徳永卓哉, 中尾寿宏, 高須千絵, 柏原秀也, 良元俊昭, 島田光生
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-04. Clinicopathologic examination of non-Vater's papilla duodenum adenoma, cancer of the stomach type form and essence in our hospital
清森亮祐1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 池上幸治1, 原裕一1, 吉原崇正1, 江頭信二郎1, 井本尚徳1, 南川容子1, 山元英崇3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-05. Basics and Gel immersion ESD of the Gel immersion method
矢野慶太郎1, 北岡真由子1, 岡田光生1, 榮枝弘司1, 矢野智則2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-06. Experience of using absorbable local hemostat "PuraStat(R)" in our hospital
小塚和博1, 谷内田達夫1,2, 西山典子1, 小原英幹1, 正木勉1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-07. Examination of the effect of the lower digestive tract endoscope on feces-related ileus who had the obstructive colitis in our hospital
矢山貴之, 金澤俊介, 内多訓久
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-08. Examination of a clinicopathologic characteristic in Serrated polyposis syndrome and the onset risk of cancer
中村文香, 岡本耕一, 影本開三, 佐藤康史, 高山哲治
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-09. Examination of the inflammatory bowel disease case that complicated Dysplasia or a cancer
高橋索真1,2, コルビン ヒュー 俊祐1,2, 香川朋1, 根岸慎1, 安富絵里子1,2, 山内健司1, 岡本邦男1,3, 榊原一郎1, 山本久美子1, 泉川孝一1, 田中盛富1, 石川茂直1, 和唐正樹1, 大谷弘樹2,4, 稲葉知己1,2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-10. Diagnosis ability of LRG for the clinical remission of patients with ulcerative colitis: Comparison with the feces marker
北畑翔吾, 須賀義文, 平岡淳, 二宮朋之
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-11. Comparison with lower digestive tract endoscopy views and LRG in the Crohn's disease
沖裕昌1, 一森俊樹2, 山田高義1, 内田一茂1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-01. Treatment result of EPLBD by low pressure in our hospital and the multiple pressurization in the short time
河野寿明, 鎌田英紀, 山名浩喜, 波間大輔, 小野正大, 中林良太, 小林聖幸, 藤田直樹, 正木勉
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-02. Cholangioscope lower electricity water pressure shock wave lithodialysis technique using CHF-B290
松村圭一郎, 八木麻衣, 岡崎潤, 福野天, 岸史子
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 41-41, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-03. After Roex-en-Y reconstruction about usefulness of ERCP using the double balloon endoscope for the case
今村良樹1, 小泉光仁1, 兼光梢1, 熊木天児1,3, 日浅陽一1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 41-41, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-04. The effectiveness and safety of the ultrasonic endoscope lower biliary tract drainage technique introduction in our hospital
黒田太良, 植木秀太朗, 須賀義文, 平岡淳, 二宮朋之
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 42-42, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-05. Usefulness and problem of the examination for comprehensive cancer genome profiling in a cancer, the pancreatic cancer
奥山浩之1, 喜田行洋1, 野村琴音2, 村上あきつ1, 大北仁裕1, 西内崇将2, 辻晃仁1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 42-42, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-06. Treatment result of the endoscopic stent for the metastatic malignant bile duct stricture
大野芳敬, 藤澤千世, 西出憲史, 長谷部昌
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 43-43, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-07. Significance of blood miR-296-5p as the effect on unresectable pancreatic cancer prediction marker of the Gemcitabine+nab-Paclitaxel therapy
岡田泰行, 喜田慶史, 野田和克, 宮本弘志, 高山哲治
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 43-43, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-08. The current situation of the Atezolizumab bevacizumab combination therapy for the unresectable liver cancer in our hospital
平岡淳, 田中孝明, 和泉翔太, 加藤雅也, 泉本裕文, 吉野武晃, 植木秀太朗, 北畑翔吾, 相引俊彦, 奥平知成, 川村智恵, 黒田太良, 山子泰加, 須賀義文, 二宮朋之
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 44-44, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-09. Significance of surgical excision results and Conversion surgery for the progress hepatocellular carcinoma
齋藤裕, 森根裕二, 山田眞一郎, 寺奥大貴, 宮崎克己, 池本哲也, 島田光生
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 44-44, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-10. Initial use experience of new microwave system Mimapro
田中孝明, 越智裕紀, 天野通子, 畔元信明, 真柴寿枝, 横田智行, 上甲康二
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 45-45, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-11. Association of liver fibrosis and the drinking in Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD): Examination using the FIB-4 index
野村貴子1,2, 小野正文1,3, 小林聖幸1,3, 赤岩譲1, 扇喜智寛1, 扇喜真紀1, 石川賀代1, 正木勉2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 45-45, 2022.

Japanese Article 01. An example of the splenic infarct that occurred with cytomegalovirus infection
松岡海南1, 矢野怜2, 盛田真2, 天野通子2, 越智裕紀2, 畔元信明2, 眞柴寿枝2, 横田智行2, 上甲康二2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 49-49, 2022.

Japanese Article 02. One case of the cancer of head of pancreas that pancreatic duct failed after the self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) custody for the bile duct stricture
青野真由子1, 丸井香織2, 小泉光仁2, 國分勝仁2, 奥嶋優介2, 沼田結希2, 今村良樹2, 竹下英次2, 熊木天児1,2, 日浅陽一2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 49-49, 2022.

Japanese Article 03. Example that developed acute pancreatitis by thought et al. liver sand to obtain if caused by ceftriaxone administration
山内達也, 川崎敬太郎, 村上慶匡, 樫本洋平, 村上貴俊, 寺尾孝志, 宮池次郎
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 50-50, 2022.

Japanese Article 04. One case of duodenal Vater's papilla cancer which we were able to excise completely by pancreaticoduodenectomy eight years later after duodenal Vater's papilla adenoma was diagnosed
川野萌, 宮田英樹, 渡邉拓郎, 栗原渉, 首藤聖弥, 上杉和寛, 多田藤政
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 50-50, 2022.

Japanese Article 05. Parent and child case of Wilson disease remaining in the liver type
木村和俊1, 浅羽直1, 北岡真由子2, 岡田光生2, 青野礼2, 榮枝弘司2, 円山英昭3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 51-51, 2022.

Japanese Article 06. An example of the liver damage found in childhood Crohn's disease
西村尚広, 小笠原光成, 腰山裕一, 村田紘子, 越智経浩, 廣瀬享, 野崎靖子, 谷内恵介, 内田一茂
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 51-51, 2022.

Japanese Article 07. One patient whom autoimmune hepatitis developed in after COVID19 vaccination
村上主樹, 玉井惇一郎, 佐藤真, 新居田一貴, 宮本裕也, 八木専, 梅岡二美, 村上英広, 沖田俊司, 宮岡弘明
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 52-52, 2022.

Japanese Article 08. One case of the β-catenin mutation that radical excision was obtained by Atezolizumab monotherapy to Conversion surgery-negative hepatocellular carcinoma
花田康平1, 田中宏典1, 三橋威志1, 野田和克1, 田中貴大1, 友成哲1, 谷口達哉1, 齋藤裕2, 島田光生2, 坂東良美3, 高山哲治1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 52-52, 2022.

Japanese Article 09. One patient who presented with intraabdominal hematoma during Atezolizumab/Bevacizumab combination therapy from the non-tumor part
加藤雅也1, 平岡淳1, 田中孝明1, 和泉翔太1, 泉本裕文1, 吉野武晃1, 植木秀太郎1, 北畑翔吾1, 奥平知成1, 相引利彦1, 川村智恵1, 黒田太良1, 山子泰加1, 須賀義文1, 二宮朋之1, 広岡昌史2, 日浅陽一2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 53-53, 2022.

Japanese Article 10. One case of the anorexia nervosa that resulted in serious hepatic dysfunction
田中育太1, 六車直樹1, 多田早織2, 小田修治3, 平尾章博4, 佐藤康史4
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 53-53, 2022.

Japanese Article 11. K. accepted for patients with diabetes One case of the aerogenesis-related liver abscess by pneumoniae
小川明子, 西川直輝, 横山桂, 島本豊伎, 曹芳, 多保祐里, 平岡亜弥, 小田眞由, 花山雅一, 田鶴谷奈友, 木阪吉保, 田中良憲, 水上祐治
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 54-54, 2022.

Japanese Article 12. One case with suspected IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis with Hepatopathy where azathioprine was effective in steroid refractoriness
町田彩佳1, 大川良洋1, 梅下仁1, 岡田光生1, 青野礼1, 榮枝弘司1, 円山英昭2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 54-54, 2022.

Japanese Article 13. One patient whom a malignant lymphoma developed in after DAA treatment for chronic hepatitis C
岸史子1, 八木麻衣1, 岡崎潤1, 松村圭一郎1, 福野天1, 橋本年弘1, 竹原恵美2, 小笠原卓2, 堀口英久3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 55-55, 2022.

Japanese Article 14. An example of the portal vein truncus permeation hepatocellular carcinoma treated effectively with Atezolizumab bevacizumab combination therapy
平尾章博1, 藤井祥平2, 多田早織2, 田中育太2, 佐藤康史1, 六車直樹2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 55-55, 2022.

Japanese Article 15. An example of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome in pursuit of the courses from no symptom to the onset
木村駿吾1, 龍田美和1, 小林三善1, 富田明美1, 前田剛2, 谷内田達夫3, 正木勉3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 56-56, 2022.

Japanese Article 16. Use experience of the FOLFOX therapy for the unresectable progress gastric cancer in our hospital
石濱佐和子, 岡本邦男, 根岸慎, 香川朋, 山内健司, 榊原一郎, 山本久美子, 泉川孝一, 高橋索真, 田中盛富, 松浦美穂子, 石川茂直, 和唐正樹, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 56-56, 2022.

Japanese Article 17. An example of the gastric cancer with the lanthanum carbonate composure
水江龍太郎1, 吉原崇正1, 蔵原晃一1, 池上幸治1, 大城由美2, 清森亮祐1, 原裕一1, 江頭信二郎1, 井本尚徳1, 南川容子1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 57-57, 2022.

Japanese Article 18. One case of the duodenal adenocarcinoma that adenoma which occurred after the duodenal erosions healing grew for advanced cancer in the course of five years
今戸涼資1, 室田將之1, 伊藤朋晃1, 佐藤雄大1, 綾木麻紀1,2, 佐野貴範3, 正木勉4
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 57-57, 2022.

Japanese Article 19. One case of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis that caused exacerbation after COVID-19 vaccination
澤田ひかり, 泉川孝一, 石濱佐和子, 平野佑一, 西尾綾乃, コルビン ヒュー 俊佑, 香川朋, 根岸慎, 深田悠史, 山内健司, 岡本邦男, 榊原一郎, 山本久美子, 高橋索真, 田中盛富, 松浦美穂子, 石川茂直, 和唐正樹, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 58-58, 2022.

Japanese Article 20. Clinicopathologic examination of the gastric cancer case which assumed autoimmune gastritis background
原裕一1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 池上幸治1, 清森亮祐1, 吉原崇正1, 江頭信二郎1, 井本尚徳1, 南川容子1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 58-58, 2022.

Japanese Article 21. An example of autoimmune gastritis that was able to chase the ten years or more courses of an image, the serum pepsinogen level
青木利佳1, 春藤譲治2, 春間賢3, 佐藤桃子1, 本田浩仁1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 59-59, 2022.

Japanese Article 22. One case of B+A type gastritis which accepted an improvement trend by Hp sanitization
春藤譲治1, 若槻真吾2, 青木利佳3, 岡本耕一4, 高山哲治4, 春間賢5, 九嶋亮治6
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 59-59, 2022.

Japanese Article 23. A treatment strategy of the primary duodenal cancer: Weigh it against Vater's papilla duodenal cancer
田渕幹康, 岡林雄大, 須井健太, 室川剛廣, 坂本真也
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 60-60, 2022.

Japanese Article 24. An example of retroperitoneal single medullary Castleman disease discovered with ischemic enteritis accidentally
大西悠幹1, 山本久美子2, 根岸鎮2, 香川朋2, 深田悠史2, 山内健司2, 岡本邦男2, 榊原一郎2, 泉川孝一2, 高橋索真2, 田中盛富2, 松浦美穂子2, 石川茂直2, 蓮井利実2, 和唐正樹2, 稲葉知己2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 60-60, 2022.

Japanese Article 25. Two cases of the small intestine inflammatory fibroid polyp which developed intussusception
池内香乃1, 神崎雅之2, 徳田和憲2, 石川大地2, 渡部美弥2, 大畠将義2, 發知将規2, 古手川洋志2, 吉山広嗣2, 大谷広美2, 原田雅光2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 61-61, 2022.

Japanese Article 26. One case of the idiopathic rectal perforation that occurred in 2 years after gastric cancer technique
丸井輝, 横田啓一郎, 北川博之, 並川努, 花崎和弘
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 61-61, 2022.

Japanese Article 27. One case of collagenous colitis by the SSRI
金澤俊介1, 矢山貴之1, 中村明日人1, 保地彩子1, 前田充毅1, 重久友理子1, 大家力矢1, 岩崎丈紘1, 小島康司1, 内多訓久1, 岡崎三千代1, 頼田顕辞2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 62-62, 2022.

Japanese Article 28. One case of the methotrexate-related lymphoproliferative disorder that showed a lesion in stomach, ileum, large intestine
田中雄志1, 蔵原晃一1, 清森亮祐1, 大城由美2, 池上幸治1, 原裕一1, 吉原崇正1, 江頭信二郎1, 井本尚徳1, 水江龍太郎1, 南川容子1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 62-62, 2022.

Japanese Article 29. An example of the senile systemic amyloidosis which led to a diagnosis with lower digestive tract endoscopy
南川容子1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 池上幸治1, 清森亮祐1, 原裕一1, 吉原崇正1, 江頭信二郎1, 井本尚徳1, 水江龍太郎1, 田中雄志1, 岩本昴樹3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 63-63, 2022.

Japanese Article 30. One case of the HLA-A26-positive simple ulcer which all gastrointestinal tracts showed a large number of ulcers, and was treated effectively with steroid
コルビン ヒュー 俊佑1, 高橋索真1,2, 西尾綾乃1, 平野佑一1, 根岸慎1, 香川朋1, 深田悠史1, 山内健司1, 岡本邦男1, 榊原一郎1, 山本久美子1, 泉川孝一1, 田中盛富1, 松浦美穂子1, 石川茂直1, 和唐正樹1, 蓮井利実1, 稲葉知己1,2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 63-63, 2022.

Japanese Article 31. Two cases of the ileal inflammatory fibroid polyp who had the adult invagination of intestine
福西芳子1, 須賀義文1, 加藤雅也1, 泉本裕文1, 植木秀太朗1, 鶴田美帆1, 吉野武晃1, 北畑翔吾1, 川村智恵1, 黒田太良1, 宮田英樹1, 平岡淳1, 二宮朋之1, 杉田敦郎2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 64-64, 2022.

Japanese Article 32. One case of the isolated superior mesenteric artery dissociation given a stent insertion hind intestine resection to superior mesenteric artery
村川和也1, 大川良洋1, 梅下仁1, 佐竹朋美1, 岡田光生1, 青野礼1, 榮枝弘司1, 細田幸司2, 宮崎延浩2, 小松由香3, 塚田暁3
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 64-64, 2022.

Japanese Article 33. An example of the MUTYH-related polyposis given aggressive polyp of colon extirpation (IDP) with the endoscope
勢井萌都子1, 吉本貴則1, 岡本耕一1, 影本開三1, 喜田慶史1, 三井康裕1, 北村晋志1, 宮本弘志1, 佐藤康史1, 大塚加奈子2, 高山哲治1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 65-65, 2022.

Japanese Article 34. Diagnosis of the irritable bowel syndrome by the sleeping intestinal peristalsis sound analysis
塚井愛美1, 岡久稔也2, 川口智之2, 曽我部正弘3, 大野将樹4, 獅々堀正幹4, 寺田賢治4, 上田浩之5, 野田和克5, 影本開三5, 喜田慶史5, 三井康裕5, 末内辰尚5, 田中久美子5, 岡本耕一5, 高山哲治5
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 65-65, 2022.

Japanese Article 35. Construction of the experience-based automated multiphasic health testing and services using the sleep meter aiming at self-care of the stress
瀬分宏美1, 岡久稔也2, 深川雅美1, 崎川光子1, 今村美和子1, 石川美保1, 岡久玲子3, 門田美由香4, 香川美和子4, 柴昌子4, 泓田正雄5, 寺田賢治5, 川口智之2, 曽我部正弘6, 上田浩之7, 宮本弘志7, 高山哲治7
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 66-66, 2022.

Japanese Article 36. An example of chlamydia proctitis that it presented a characteristic endoscopic image, and treatment with Azithromycin succeeded
川口智之1,2, 岡久稔也1,2, 曽我部正弘2,3, 吉本貴則2, 上田浩之2, 影本開三2, 喜田慶史2, 三井康裕2, 中村文香2, 北村晋志2, 岡本耕一2, 宮本弘志2, 佐藤康史2, 高山哲治2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 66-66, 2022.

Japanese Article 37. Treatment result of Vedolizmab (VDZ) for the IBD case in our hospital
原裕一1, 蔵原晃一1, 浅野光一1, 清森亮祐1, 池上幸治1, 吉原崇正1, 江頭信二郎1, 井本尚徳1, 南川容子1, 大城由美2
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 67-67, 2022.

Japanese Article 38. Clinical examination of the checkpoint inhibitor-related colitis case of immunity
江頭信二郎1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 池上幸治1, 清森亮祐1, 原裕一1, 水江龍太郎1, 南川容子1, 田中雄志1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 67-67, 2022.

Japanese Article 39. One case of Lynch's syndrome and diagnosed elderly people colon cancer
杉下博基, 井村真, 津田直希, 大木悠輔, 菊池聡, 秋田聡, 古賀繁宏, 吉田素平, 石丸啓, 惠木浩之, 渡部祐司
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 68-68, 2022.

Japanese Article 40. One case of colon cancer that produced tumor emboli to superior mesenteric vein
岩部純, 大西一久, 南城和正, 清水茂翔, 植田康司, 山井礼道, 谷田信行
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 68-68, 2022.

Japanese Article 41. Effect of the COVID-19 outbreak on colon cancer practice in our hospital
池上幸治1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 清森亮祐1, 原裕一1, 吉原崇正1, 江頭信二郎1, 井本尚徳1, 南川容子1
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 69-69, 2022.

Japanese Article 42. One patient who inserted an endoscope in a bile duct stone from jejunum under the laparotomy after the pancreatoduodenectomy that an oral single balloon endoscope was inaccessible, and succeeded in the calculus removal
榊原一郎, 和唐正樹, 香川朋, 根岸慎, 深田悠史, 山内健司, 岡本邦男, 泉川孝一, 山本久美子, 高橋索真, 田中盛富, 松浦美穂子, 石川茂直, 蓮井利実, 稲葉知己
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 69-69, 2022.

Japanese Article 43. One case that a pancreas body cancer and a pancreas neuroendocrine tumor coexisted
沖川昌平, 花岡潤, 松木ひかり, 溜尾美咲, 徳田和憲, 上野義智, 渡辺常太, 大谷広美, 原田雅光
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 70-70, 2022.

Japanese Article 44. Use experience of the nanoliposomal type irinotecan +l- leucovorin +5-FU therapy in the pancreatic cancer
日野佳織, 浅木彰則, 大野芳敬, 仁科智裕, 灘野成人, 兵頭一之介
The Shikoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (117): 70-70, 2022.