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The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 118 / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The future of the endoscopic study that we saw from me
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 47-47, 2022.

Japanese Article We think about the IBD treatment of the Reiwa revolution era
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 49-49, 2022.

Japanese Article Commentary - from a viewpoint of how to use Chinese medicine - Sino-Japanese traditional medicine of the digestive organ domain
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 53-53, 2022.

Japanese Article Cancer treatment which the militarization antibody ADC as the molecular target treatment platform turns
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 57-57, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-01. The current situation of the endoscopic treatment for superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum tumor
山根大寛1, 朝山直樹1, 福本晃2, 向井伸一1, 永田信二1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 61-61, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-02. Treatment strategy for non-Vater's papilla duodenal epibiosis-related tumor in our hospital
山崎泰史1, 河原祥朗1, 平岡佐規子1, 菊地覚次2, 藤原俊義2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 61-61, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-03. The current situation of the endoscopic treatment for duodenal superficial tumor in our hospital
坂口琢紀1,3, 吉田亮1,2, 河口剛一郎1, 八島一夫1,2, 磯本一1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 62-62, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-04. Endoscopic treatment result for the non-Vater's papilla duodenum epithelial neoplasm according to the biopsy before operation
佐野村洋次, 東山真, 平本智樹, 平賀裕子, 渡邉千之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 62-62, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-05. Endoscopic treatment result - EMR vs. UEMR for superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum tumor
田中秀典1, 岡志郎2, 玉理太覚2, 山下賢1, 田中信治1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 63-63, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-06. The present situation of UEMR for the duodenal non-Vater's papilla epithelial neoplasm in our hospital
水本健, 桑井寿雄, 田丸弓弦, 楠龍策, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 63-63, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-07. Examination of EMR-C for the superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum epithelial neoplasm in our hospital
高橋佑典, 柴垣広太郎, 石村典久, 石原俊治
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 64-64, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-08. Invention of usefulness of D-LECS and the localized diagnosis
佐柿司, 若槻俊之, 古立真一, 万波智彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 64-64, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-09. The present situation and the prospects of a diagnosis, the treatment for the non-Vater's papilla duodenum epithelial neoplasm
門田修蔵, 梅垣英次, 葉祥元, 大澤元保, 塩谷昭子
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 65-65, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-10. Examination in the course sighting of non-Vater's papilla duodenum tumor
山本一太1, 五嶋敦史1, 浜辺功一1, 西川潤2, 高見太郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 65-65, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-11. The current situation of a pickup diagnosis and the treatment for duodenal Vater's papilla tumor in our hospital
石垣賀子, 原田稔也, 日高勲, 花田浩
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 66-66, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-12. Invention of the endoscopic papillectomy in our hospital
谷川朋弘, 河田真由子, 石井克憲, 末廣満彦, 河本博文
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 66-66, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-13. A treatment result and the follow-up method of our hospital in the duodenal Vater's papilla resection
宮本明香, 芹川正浩, 石井康隆, 壷井智史, 岡志郎
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 67-67, 2022.

Japanese Article WS1-14. The prognostic examination that we saw from the each stage in duodenal Vater's papilla tumor
河瀬智哉1, 佐々木啓荘1, 佐藤辰貴1, 三宅智雄1, 吉田浩司1, 加藤容崇2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 67-67, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-01. Diverticulum partition incision of the soft endoscope for the Zenker diverticulum
田丸弓弦, 桑井寿雄, 水本健, 楠龍策, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 71-71, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-02. Exploring clonotypic features in upper gastrointestinal diseases : a multicenter study in Japan
清時秀1, 西川潤2, 五嶋敦史3, 高見太郎3, 安永満1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 71-71, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-03. Rays dynamic endoscopic imaging using the LED light source for the gastric tumor
菓裕貴, 池淵雄一郎, 吉田亮, 八島一夫, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 72-72, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-04. Examination of the clinicopathologic characteristic of the MEFV enterocolitis in our hospital about gene
松本啓志, 笹平百世, 大澤元保, 半田修, 梅垣英次, 塩谷昭子
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 72-72, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-05. Treatment result of Intensive Downstaging Polypectomy for patients with FAP
石橋一樹1, 卜部祐司2, 岡志郎3, 下原康嗣3, 田中信治1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 73-73, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-06. The current situation and problems of the chemotherapy for the digestion ductal carcinoma of elderly people impossible of curative resection
山内菜緒, 那須淳一郎, 吉岡正雄
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 73-73, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-07. Approach to large intestinal stricture by Extracolonic malignancy
小林沙代1, 名和徹1, 小川恒由1, 植木亨1, 黒瀬洋平2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 74-74, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-08. It is built the strategy after the operation with the esophageal varices aggravation prediction scoring system after BRTO
西村達朗, 石川剛, 川本大樹, 高見太郎
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 74-74, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-09. For improvement in results of the medical therapy for patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma of Child-Pugh grade B
内川慎介, 河岡友和, 相方浩, 安藤雄和, 岡志郎
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 75-75, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-10. Examination of the hepatocellular carcinoma synchronism double cancer in our hospital
柾木慶一, 本田洋士, 永田信二
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 75-75, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-11. Usefulness of the oral electronic cholangioscope in the benign, malignancy differential diagnosis of the localized bile duct stricture
石井康隆, 芹川正浩, 壷井智史, 中村真也, 岡志郎
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 76-76, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-12. About effect of treatment of the ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic duct drainage technique for the pancreatitis having difficulty in medical treatment by ERCP (EUS-guided pancreatic duct drainage: EUS-PD)
石原裕基1, 上田英次郎1, 藤本剛1, 田中彰一1, 加藤博也2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 76-76, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-13. The current situation after the peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) introduction for the pancreas gastrointestinal tract neuroendocrine tumor in our hospital
藤井佑樹, 堀口繁, 内田大輔, 松本和幸, 加藤博也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 77-77, 2022.

Japanese Article WS2-14. Participation experience and problem of the early diagnosis system setup in the pancreatic cancer-prone area
河瀬智哉1, 吉田浩司1, 塩谷昭子1, 菊池秀明2, 稲葉秀一3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 77-77, 2022.

Japanese Article JR01. Two patients who complicated emphysematosa in the wall of stomach, a portal vein gas blood symptom during the nasogastric tube custody
只野正幸, 堀圭介, 井上省吾, 松原弘樹, 依藤駿輔, 狩野綾乃, 香川大樹, 西尾綾乃, 吉川知輝, 原田圭, 木村彰吾, 大森正泰, 小川泰司, 榮浩行, 神崎洋光, 竹中龍太, 藤木茂篤
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 81-81, 2022.

Japanese Article JR02. One patient who complicated fundic gland type adenocarcinoma and MALT lymphoma to Helicobacter pylori non-infection stomach
品末典也1, 瀧川英彦1, 清水大輔2, 宮本亮2, 大谷里奈2, 門田紘樹2, 檜山雄一3, 林亮平1, 弓削亮1, 卜部祐司4, 石川洸5, 仙谷和弘5, 大上直秀5, 岡志郎2, 田中信治1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 81-81, 2022.

Japanese Article JR03. Example that caused the small intestine twisting, the passage disorder of the antrum of stomach for a fistula after the PEG as an axis
後原健汰1, 平野佑一2, 喜多雅英2, 原諒真2, 藤田莉緒2, 永原崇甫2, 森分梨奈2, 石黒美佳子2, 塩田祥平2, 景山宏之2, 友田健2, 西村守2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 82-82, 2022.

Japanese Article JR04. One case of the primary peritonitis by the A group β hemolytic streptococcus infection which was able to be under the medical treatment conservatively
津野華1, 青山大輝1, 長尾暁憲1, 月元天啓1, 山根大寛1, 才野正新1, 関藤剛1, 鴫田賢次郎2, 柾木慶一1, 朝山直樹1, 本田洋士1, 行武正伸1, 福本晃2, 向井伸一1, 永田信二1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 82-82, 2022.

Japanese Article JR05. An example of the idiopathic greater omentum infarction relieved by conservative medical treatment
宮本梨愛佳1, 児玉寛治2, 田中義大2, 阿座上隆広2, 吉岡京子2, 畠山剛2, 野間文次郎2, 岡本志朗2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 83-83, 2022.

Japanese Article JR06. One case of the invagination of intestine due to the intestinal tract cysts-like emphysematosa improved by conservative medical treatment
大谷仁彦1, 近石昌也2, 川人一真2, 山内美翔2, 二ノ宮壮広2, 三澤拓2, 葉祥元2, 福嶋真弥2, 大澤元保2, 村尾高久2, 半田修2, 松本啓志2, 梅垣英次2, 秋山隆3, 塩谷昭子2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 83-83, 2022.

Japanese Article JR07. Ulcerative colitis untreated one case that we aggravated for cytomegalovirus initial infection
佐々木優衣1, 多田育賢2, 安藤選人2, 戎谷悠里2, 野津巧2, 板倉由幸3, 花岡拓哉2, 結城崇史3, 串山義則2, 内田靖4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 84-84, 2022.

Japanese Article JR08. Example that performed EUS guide bottom transrectal drainage for the abscess in the pelvis merged with UC, and succeeded
岡本晃一, 野間康宏, 何本佑太, 須山敦仁, 石川順一, 住井裕梨, 住井遼平, 門脇由華, 原友太, 伏見崇, 上田祐也, 坂田雅浩, 藤田勲生, 堀井城一朗, 豊川達也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 84-84, 2022.

Japanese Article JR09. 1 case that led to a diagnosis of the Wernicke encephalopathy during rectal ulcer treatment
前田大輝1, 大山賢治1, 河原史歩1, 松岡宏至1, 香田正晴1, 原田賢一1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 85-85, 2022.

Japanese Article JR10. 1 excision case of the appendix carcinoma mucoides
縄田裕之1, 播磨陽平1, 浦田洋平1, 能美翔1, 仁志麻衣子1, 一杉知毅1, 中村陽平1, 戒能美雪1, 岩村道憲2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 85-85, 2022.

Japanese Article JR11. Man of the Cowden syndrome which showed various clinical signs including three metachronous double cancer
福本朱夏, 原田英, 森崎晋史, 鍛冶屋祐, 才木琢登, 谷口義章, 鈴木俊幸, 岡田正史, 末兼浩史
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 86-86, 2022.

Japanese Article JR12. One patient who underwent a cyst sclerotherapy by ethanolamine oleate and endoscopic bile duct drainage for the huge hepatic cyst which caused obstructive jaundice
佐貫勇輝1, 増原昌明2, 石田周幸2, 飛田博史3, 石村典久3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 86-86, 2022.

Japanese Article JR13. C. where the transdermal liver abscess drainage under the RVS (Real-time Virtual Sonography) adjuvant was effective An example of the perfringens infection
中西光歩1, 萱原隆久2, 池田有希2, 高畠弘行2, 守本洋一2, 水野元夫2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 87-87, 2022.

Japanese Article JR14. An example of non-alcoholic fatty liver flame (NASH) where bilirubin adsorption therapy was effective for hyperbilirubinemia
池田敏庸, 盛生慶, 折出ゆうか, 山本卓哉, 重信修宇也, 畑幸作, 実綿倫宏, 毛利輝生, 沼田義弘, 久賀祥男, 守屋尚, 大屋敏秀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 87-87, 2022.

Japanese Article JR15. One case of NASH which the course was able to chase by Shear Wave Elastography (SWE) and liver biopsy
泉亮介, 高木慎太郎, 岡本拓也, 福田佳保, 坂本愛子, 田中裕輔, 小坂祐未, 大屋一輝, 保田和毅, 宮木英輔, 河野友彦, 南智之, 森奈美, 岡信秀治, 辻恵二
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 88-88, 2022.

Japanese Article JR16. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma that Lenvatinib + hepatic artery chemoembolisation combination therapy succeeded after Atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy invalidity
山本宗太郎, 日高勲, 石垣賀子, 原田稔也, 花田浩
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 88-88, 2022.

Japanese Article JR17. One case that is treated effectively with Pembrolizumab for the unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma which multiple combined modality therapy is provided after the hepatectomy for four years, and became the condition of a patient progress, and maintains CR for two years
福本由美香1, 苗代典昭2, 河村良太2, 平野大樹2, 井川敦2, 岡崎彰仁2, 濱田博重2, 西村好史3, 藤田和志4, 富吉秀樹4, 服部拓也5, 万代光一5
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 89-89, 2022.

Japanese Article JR18. Hypergood one case transafter the living-related transplantation due to the primary sclerosing cholangitis by no recurrence of 20 years
古味昌紘1, 川中美和2, 河田真由子2, 石井克憲2, 谷川朋弘2, 浦田矩代2, 西野謙2, 末廣満彦2, 春間賢2, 河本博文2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 89-89, 2022.

Japanese Article JR19. One case of the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma with the high frequency microsatellite instability that Pembrolizumab succeeded
角田太助1, 藤井佑樹2, 堀口繁2, 松三明宏2, 宮本和也2, 森本光作2, 寺澤裕之2, 山崎辰洋2, 内田大輔2, 松本和幸2, 堤康一郎2, 加藤博也2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 90-90, 2022.

Japanese Article JR20. Duodenal Vater's papilla NEN, accessory breast head accessory pancreas, one case of the neurofibromatosis type 1 who had the duodenal GIST
北村晃成1, 山口厚1, 加藤尚宏1, 菅田修平1, 濱田拓郎1, 古谷奈緒1, 水本健1, 田丸弓弦1, 楠龍策1, 桑井寿雄1, 河野博孝1, 山口真治2, 首藤毅2, 倉岡和矢3, 高野弘嗣1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 90-90, 2022.

Japanese Article JR21. One case of the papillary tumor (intracystic papillary neoplasm: ICPN) in the gallbladder which developed in a young woman
谷千尋1, 花田敬士2, 久保浩介2, 圓山聡2, 池田守登2, 飯尾澄夫2, 平昭衣梨2, 津島健2, 清水晃典2, 北村正輔2, 片村嘉男2, 小野川靖二2, 平野巨通2, 真島宏聡3, 大下彰彦3, 米原修治4, 田妻進2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 91-91, 2022.

Japanese Article JR22. It is one patient who had the descending colon fistula to a pancreatic pseudocyst due to pancreatic cancer
長谷川友哉1, 数森秀章2, 角田宏明2, 福田浩介2, 大野康彦2, 大西浩二2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 91-91, 2022.

Japanese Article SR01. Two cases of the high frequency catheter ablation-induced gastroparesis
光宗真佑, 古立真一, 若槻俊之, 沼本紘輝, 永原華子, 佐柿司, 福本康史, 清水慎一, 万波智彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 92-92, 2022.

Japanese Article SR02. Examination of four stomach axis rotation change in our hospital
三上翔平, 加藤諒, 柘野浩史, 浅野基, 永井裕大, 光井佳代子, 松下公紀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 92-92, 2022.

Japanese Article SR03. An example of the AFP-producing gastric cancer which led to a diagnosis with a liver tumor explosion
藤田亮, 田尻和也, 田中瑛美, 島田圭祐, 越智清暁, 岡寿紀, 小林沙代, 安中哲也, 名和徹
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 93-93, 2022.

Japanese Article SR04. Two cases of the superior mesenteric artery syndrome that sonography was useful for optimal posture decision after a meal
長谷川修明1, 岡明彦1, 吉田有里2, 飛田博史1,2, 石村典久1, 石原俊治1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 93-93, 2022.

Japanese Article SR05. An example of testicular tumors metastases to small intestine diagnosed with bleeding
久野優人1, 平本智樹1, 平野ななみ1, 網岡祐生2, 北台友貴1, 迫友紀子1, 齊藤裕平2, 東山真1, 佐野村洋次1, 小道大輔2, 佐々木民人2, 平賀裕子1, 北本幹也2, 渡邉千之1, 山本利枝3, 西阪隆3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 94-94, 2022.

Japanese Article SR06. An example of the Cornelia de Lange syndrome where Daikenchuto was effective for repeated volvulus
鍛治屋祐1, 原田英1, 門屋亮2, 才木琢登1, 鈴木俊幸1, 末兼浩史1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 94-94, 2022.

Japanese Article SR07. One patient who showed the symptom change that linked bronchial asthma for eosinophilic gastroenteritis
橋本晃, 中村耕樹, 小田部和果, 大田垣真, 平田裕二, 稲垣克哲, 栗原啓介, 永井健太, 濱田敏秀, 中西敏夫
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 95-95, 2022.

Japanese Article SR08. Two cases of the alimentary ileus improved by conservative treatment
津田晴宣1, 藤井雄基2, 池田傑2, 細田康平2, 三好謙一2, 野口直哉2, 磯本一3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 95-95, 2022.

Japanese Article SR09. Two cases of the intussusception that an ileus pipe was regarded as precipitants
碓井亨1, 森藤由記1, 槇山誠人1, 中村鉄1, 大岡達子1, 操田智之1, 三田村祐里1, 宮原恵実1, 水島秀崇1, 佐々木悠貴1, 姫井人美1, 河原聡一郎1, 大林由佳1, 安部真1, 二宮悠樹1, 宮原考治1, 平尾謙1, 國弘真己1, 中川昌浩2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 96-96, 2022.

Japanese Article SR10. One case of the invagination of intestine due to colon cancer that abdominal ultrasonography was a discovery opportunity
福田佳保, 岡信秀治, 岡本拓也, 坂本愛子, 田中祐輔, 小坂祐未, 大屋一輝, 保田和毅, 宮木英輔, 河野友彦, 南智之, 高木慎太郎, 森奈美, 辻恵二, 古川善也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 96-96, 2022.

Japanese Article SR11. An example of the ulcerative colitis that resulted in severe drug-related pancreatitis with azathioprine
永原崇甫, 友田健, 原諒真, 藤田莉緒, 平野佑一, 森分梨奈, 石黒美佳子, 塩田祥平, 景山宏之, 喜多雅英, 湧田暁子, 西村守, 狩山和也, 能祖一裕
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 97-97, 2022.

Japanese Article SR12. Three patients who presented with complications by the portal hypertension after the oxaliplatin administration
香川大樹, 神崎洋光, 井上省吾, 松原弘樹, 狩野綾乃, 依藤駿輔, 西尾綾乃, 吉川知輝, 原田圭, 木村彰吾, 大森正泰, 小川泰司, 榮浩行, 堀圭介, 竹中龍太, 藤木茂篤
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 97-97, 2022.

Japanese Article SR13. Example that transcatheter mark artery embolization succeeded for the hepatic dysfunction by the hepatic artery portal shunt with suspected participation of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor
浜田拓郎, 河野博孝, 加藤尚宏, 菅田修平, 古谷奈緒, 水本健, 田丸弓弦, 楠龍策, 山口厚, 桑井寿雄, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 98-98, 2022.

Japanese Article SR14. One case that autoimmune hepatitis and neuromyelitis optica recurred after the new corona vaccination at the same time
向澤慧子1, 上野真行1,2, 戸川文子1, 萱原隆久1, 高畠弘行1, 守本洋一1, 水野元夫1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 98-98, 2022.

Japanese Article SR15. An example of Clostridium perfringens sepsis that formed an aerogenesis abscess for liver metastases lesion of the gastric cancer which became clear by an autopsy, and died of the sudden course
浜本果歩, 田島邦彦, 和泉屋勇太, 桑代紳哉, 岡本健志, 木村輝昭
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 99-99, 2022.

Japanese Article SR16. One case of flocculus type Caroli disease which had difficulty in differentiation with myxopoiesis bile duct tumor
中山博誉1, 小橋春彦2, 田嶋宏一郎1, 辻野友樹1, 武田和宏1, 筒井智章1, 木山健太1, 秋元悠1, 安井稔博1, 秋田光洋1, 原田亮1, 歳森淳一2, 井上雅文1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 99-99, 2022.

Japanese Article SR17. An example of the limited-stage autoimmune pancreatitis that racked its brains about differentiation with the pancreatic cancer
小田部和果, 栗原啓介, 大田垣真, 橋本晃, 稲垣克哲, 中村耕樹, 永井健太, 濱田敏秀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 100-100, 2022.

Japanese Article SR18. Two cases of pancreatic duct cancer with the small permeation
河田真由子1, 石井克憲1, 谷川朋弘1, 浦田矩代1, 勝又諒2, 春間賢1, 藤原英世3, 高岡宗徳4, 浦上淳4, 河本博文1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 100-100, 2022.

Japanese Article SR19. One case of the nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma explosion in the pancreatic duct discovered by anemia, abdominal pain
吉田航大, 森豪, 住井悠紀, 平岡敬一, 吉福良公, 趙成大, 野中裕広, 古土井明, 藤本佳史, 相坂康之
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 101-101, 2022.

Japanese Article SR20. A Case of Pancreatic Head Paraganglioma for which Preoperative Diagnosis was Difficult
住井裕梨1, 豊川達也1, 何本佑太1, 須山敦仁1, 石川順一1, 住井遼平1, 門脇由華1, 原友太1, 伏見崇1, 上田祐也1, 坂田雅浩1, 野間康宏1, 藤田勲生1, 堀井城一朗1, 表梨華2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 101-101, 2022.

Japanese Article SR21. An example of asymptomatic frequent occurrence glucagonoma which developed in a young woman
山本美音, 天野彰吾, 浜本佳織, 矢田祥子, 津山高典, 末永成之, 高見太郎
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 102-102, 2022.

Japanese Article 01. One case of the BRCA1 mutation in the gene-positive intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma
山下由美子1, 石井康隆1, 芹川正浩1, 壷井智史1, 辰川裕美子1, 中村真也1, 平野哲朗1, 池本珠莉1, 清下裕介1, 佐伯翔1, 田村陽介1, 宮本明香1, 古川大1, 中村一樹1, 飯島徳章1, 岡本渉2, 岡志郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 103-103, 2022.

Japanese Article 02. One case of T1a duodenum Vater's papilla cancer with the pancreatic duct bile duct high rank junction that led to a diagnosis for relapsing pancreatitis
鈴木俊幸1, 遠藤翔2, 鍛冶屋祐1, 才木琢登1, 谷口義章1, 森崎晋史1, 原田英1, 亀岡宣久2, 末兼浩史1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 103-103, 2022.

Japanese Article 03. An example of Pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasm-3 diagnosed with the change of MRCP views in pancreatic juice consecutive cytodiagnosis (SPACE)
古谷奈緒, 山口厚, 加藤尚宏, 菅田修平, 濱田拓郎, 水本健, 田丸弓弦, 楠龍策, 桑井寿雄, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 104-104, 2022.

Japanese Article 04. Example that accepted metastases to brain, the tumour haemorrhage of pancreas tail cancer
石井克憲, 谷川朋弘, 河田真由子, 浦田矩代, 西野謙, 末廣満彦, 川中美和, 春間賢, 河本博文
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 104-104, 2022.

Japanese Article 05. Evaluation of the preoperative chemotherapy for resectable pancreatic cancer treatment in the true clinical practice
矢杉賢吾, 小川恒由, 田中瑛美, 島田佳祐, 越智清暁, 藤田亮, 田尻和也, 岡寿紀, 皿谷洋祐, 小林沙代, 名和徹, 植木亨
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 105-105, 2022.

Japanese Article 06. Introduce Atezolizumab plus Bevacizumab 27 years after first, and add two times of ablation for the PD tendency during the course; a long-term survival hepatocellular carcinoma case during treatment continuation
西原千尋, 原諒真, 藤田莉緒, 永原崇甫, 平野佑一, 森分梨奈, 石黒美佳子, 塩田祥平, 景山宏之, 友田健, 湧田暁子, 喜多雅英, 西村守, 狩山和也, 能祖一裕
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 105-105, 2022.

Japanese Article 07. Example that Atezolizumab+Bevacizumab therapy was effective for mixed type liver cancer
江種真穂1, 田邉規和1, 西山夏子1, 藤岡毅1, 川本大樹1, 西村達朗1, 大野高嗣1, 佐伯一成1, 石川剛1, 山崎隆弘2, 高見太郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 106-106, 2022.

Japanese Article 08. It is 18 months and the case that was able to live long by chemotherapy for the liver origin small cell carcinoma which extended to the whole liver
白築祥吾, 品川右京, 吉冨晋悟, 中村宗剛, 植木谷俊之, 仙譽学, 沖田幸祐, 近藤哲, 横山雄一郎
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 106-106, 2022.

Japanese Article 09. One case that caused the dissemination recurrence of the poorly-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma on the puncture course after the percutaneous radiofrequency wave cauter therapy
須江真彦, 大山淳史, 足立卓哉, 和田望, 竹内康人, 大西秀樹, 白羽英則, 高木章乃夫
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 107-107, 2022.

Japanese Article 10. One case that led to cirrhosis by methotrexate chronic administration for the rheumatoid arthritis
木原琢也, 永原天和, 松木由佳子, 杉原誉明, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 107-107, 2022.

Japanese Article 11. One case of the hemangioma of liver which caused a pressure explosion
初鹿佳輝, 中原隆志, 占部綾子, 藤井康智, 内川慎介, 藤野初江, 大野敦司, 村上英介, 山内理海, 岡本渉, 河岡友和, 三木大樹, 柘植雅貴, 今村道雄, 相方浩, 岡志郎
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 108-108, 2022.

Japanese Article 12. Experience combined modality therapy for the NASH origin-related decompensated liver cirrhosis who had severe portal hypertension and the multiple hepatocellular carcinoma
桐原愛果, 石川剛, 江種真穂, 藤岡毅, 川本大樹, 西村達朗, 高見太郎
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 108-108, 2022.

Japanese Article 13. An example of ACLF which liver function improved when rituximab was given for an ABO blood group mismatch live donor liver transplant purpose
三宅望1, 足立卓哉1, 須江真彦1, 大山淳史1, 和田望1, 竹内康人1, 大西秀樹1, 白羽英則1, 八木孝仁2, 廣瀬享3, 高木章乃夫1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 109-109, 2022.

Japanese Article 14. Case of the fish bone mis-deglutition which we penetrated from the esophagus wall which was able to heal endoscopically to the vicinity of the left atrium
青山将司1, 小川亮1, 瀬戸啓介1, 畠中駿1, 吉松祐希1, 合馬若那1, 中村克彦1, 山本一太1, 山岡祐子1, 五嶋敦史1, 浜辺功一1, 橋本真一2, 西川潤3, 森健治4, 高見太郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 109-109, 2022.

Japanese Article 15. Example that caused a stenosis due to the granulation tissue after the esophagus stenting for esophagobronchial fistula associated with the lung cancer
吉松祐希1, 浜辺功一1, 畠中駿1, 瀬戸啓介1, 合馬若那1, 中村克彦1, 山本一太1, 青山将司1, 山岡祐子1, 小川亮1, 五嶋敦史1, 橋本真一2, 西川潤3, 高見太郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 110-110, 2022.

Japanese Article 16. Example that trimebutine was thought to be effective for repeated idiopathic peptic ulcer
三宅圭祐1, 谷川朋弘2, 河田真由子2, 石井克憲2, 浦田矩代2, 西野謙2, 末廣満彦2, 川中美和2, 綾木麻紀3, 春間賢2, 河本博文2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 110-110, 2022.

Japanese Article 17. Two cases that sanitized it by the fourth sanitization therapy for helicobacter pylori infection gastritis, and succeeded
吉冨晋悟1, 新藤正喜2, 品川右京1, 白築祥吾1, 中村宗剛1, 植木谷俊之1, 仙譽学1, 沖田幸祐1, 近藤哲1, 横山雄一郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 111-111, 2022.

Japanese Article 18. Examination of the cancerization case of the hyperplastic polyp in our hospital
武田和宏1, 秋田光洋1, 田嶋宏一郎1, 辻野友樹1, 中山博誉1, 筒井智章1, 木山健太1, 秋元悠1, 安井稔博1, 原田亮1, 井上雅文1, 歳森淳一2, 小橋春彦2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 111-111, 2022.

Japanese Article 19. One case of the undifferentiated early gastric cancer of the body of stomach greater curvature which we showed 30 years after Helicobacter pylori sanitization
豊島元1, 小刀崇弘1, 竹元裕紀2, 玉理太覚2, 壷井章克1, 田中秀典1, 山下賢1, 檜山雄一3, 瀧川英彦1, 林亮平1, 弓削亮1, 卜部祐司4, 日山亨5, 岡志郎2, 大上直秀6, 田中信治1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 112-112, 2022.

Japanese Article 20. H. One case of the synchronism that occurred in heilmannii infection gastritis-prone early gastric cancer
神尾知宏1, 河野吉泰1, 稲生祥子1, 倉岡紗樹子1, 岡上昇太郎1, 里見拓也1, 濱田健太1, 岩室雅也1, 川野誠司1, 田中健大2, 村山そう明3, 中村正彦4, 河原祥朗1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 112-112, 2022.

Japanese Article 21. An example of the early gastric cancer which was discovered as polypoid lesion of the 10mm size, and performed endoscopic excision, additional surgical excision, but caused a metastatic recurrence, and reached the original death from an illness
迫友紀子1, 東山真1, 平野ななみ1, 網岡祐生2, 久野優人1, 北台友貴1, 齊藤裕平2, 佐野村洋次1, 小道大輔2, 佐々木民人2, 平本智樹1, 平賀裕子1, 北本幹也2, 西阪隆3, 渡邉千之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 113-113, 2022.

Japanese Article 22. Example that we detained stent for the small intestine varix formed by a superior mesenteric vein stenosis, and improvement was obtained
花園忠相, 作田美穂, 川野道隆, 播磨博文, 森健治
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 113-113, 2022.

Japanese Article 23. 2 cases that caused the onset or exacerbation for ulcerative colitis after COVID-19 vaccination
保利喜史1, 野坂佳愛1, 長友寿朗1, 安田大成2, 半田瑞樹2, 矢田親一朗3, 長岡榮4, 吉田親一朗5, 鳥巣剛弘5
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 114-114, 2022.

Japanese Article 24. An example of the ulcerative colitis that induction of remission, maintenance treatment was provided in blood corpuscle ingredient removal treatment (GMA), and was fertile
大下智弘1, 笹平百世1, 近石昌也1, 大澤恵一1, 杉山智美1, 山内美翔1, 川人一真1, 門田修蔵1, 宇治恵美子1, 松本啓志1, 塩谷昭子1, 垂水研一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 114-114, 2022.

Japanese Article 25. One case of the Crohn's disease that achieved endoscopic healing three years after Ustekinumab introduction
児玉愛実1, 橋本真一2, 瀬戸啓介1, 畠中駿1, 吉松祐希1, 合馬若那1, 中村克彦1, 山本一太1, 青山将司1, 松本怜子1, 山岡祐子1, 小川亮1, 五嶋敦史1, 浜辺功一1, 西川潤3, 高見太郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 115-115, 2022.

Japanese Article 26. One case of the ulcerative colitis that developed pulmonary artery-related pulmonary hypertension in a penciled eyebrow
田中義大, 畠山剛, 阿座上隆広, 吉岡京子, 野間文次郎, 児玉寛治, 岡本志朗
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 115-115, 2022.

Japanese Article 27. Case of the ulcerative colitis that led to a diagnosis of colitic cancer during maintenance therapy by the Vedolizumab
佐々木嶺1,2, 檜垣真吾1, 浜辺崇衣1, 内田耕一1, 坂井田功1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 116-116, 2022.

Japanese Article 28. An example of appendix postoperative ileocecum foreign body granuloma
古島裕次郎, 藤田勲生, 何本佑太, 石川順一, 住井裕梨, 住井遼平, 門脇由華, 原友太, 伏見崇, 上田祐也, 坂田雅弘, 野間康宏, 堀井城一郎, 豊川達也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 116-116, 2022.

Japanese Article 29. An example of the severe febrile thrombocytopenia syndrome that occurred for blood in stool with the abdominal pain
吉田拓生1,2, 千原大典1, 原野恵1, 坂口栄樹1, 戒能聖治1, 柳井秀雄2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 117-117, 2022.

Japanese Article 30. Comparison of the primer in fecal Fusobacterium nucleatum measurement by the Comparison of two primer-probe sets of Fusobacterium nucleatum using droplet digital polymerase chain reaction for the detection of colorectal neoplasia from faecal samplesDroplet digital PCR
山岡祐子1, 末廣寛2, 橋本真一1, 五嶋敦史1, 山本直樹1, 鈴木伸明5, 檜垣真吾3, 藤井郁英4, 鈴木千衣子4, 松本俊彦1, 友近忍5, 吉田晋5, 永野浩昭5, 坂井田功3, 高見太郎1, 山崎隆弘2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 117-117, 2022.

Japanese Article 31. About importance of the autopsy
佐藤秀一1, 高橋芳子1, 松田佳世1, 木下泰仁2, 福庭暢彦2, 福原寛之1, 石原俊治2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 118-118, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR01. One case of the hereditary diffuse gastric cancer diagnosed with metachronous frequent occurrence
佐藤人美, 水本健, 桑井寿雄, 加藤尚宏, 菅田修平, 浜田拓郎, 古谷奈緒, 田丸弓弦, 楠龍策, 山口厚, 河野博孝, 高野弘嗣
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 121-121, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR02. One case that caused a recurrence after an ulcer cicatrized after ESD for gullet cancer
田中康行, 岡本健志, 浜本果歩, 和泉屋勇太, 桑代紳哉, 田島邦彦, 木村輝昭
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 121-121, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR03. One patient who detected a gastric ulcer as a side effect of the zinc acetate dihydrate (Novell gin) after the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
平岡凌河1, 岩室雅也2, 濱田健太3, 河野吉泰2, 川野誠司2, 河原祥朗3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 122-122, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR04. An example of the stomach lantern storage disease diagnosed with the onset of the multiple gastric ulcer
郷原大智, 坂田雅浩, 福井洋介, 何本佑太, 須山敦仁, 住井裕梨, 石川順一, 住井遼平, 原友太, 門脇由華, 上田祐也, 伏見崇, 野間康宏, 堀井城一朗, 藤田勲生, 豊川達也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 122-122, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR05. One case that we were able to resect for the carotenoid near the duodenal main nipple in under-gel EMR
浜田健太郎1, 田中彰一1, 田口健一1, 亀高大介1, 上田英次郎1, 石原裕基1, 藤本剛1, 山崎泰史2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 123-123, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR06. An example of the stomach duodenum haemangiosarcoma which overall status aggravated rapidly
有馬菜月, 才木琢登, 原田英, 鍛冶屋裕, 谷口義章, 鈴木俊幸, 岡田正史, 末兼浩史
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 123-123, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR07. One case of the primary small intestinal cancer which led to a diagnosis with nausea
佐々木澄子1, 飯尾澄夫2, 久保浩介2, 圓山聡2, 池田守登2, 平昭衣梨2, 津島健2, 清水晃典2, 片村嘉男2, 北村正輔2, 小野川靖二2, 平野巨通2, 花田敬士2, 米原修治3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 124-124, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR08. One case of the large intestine arterio-venous malformation treated with endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique
三浦功大朗1, 青山大輝1, 長尾暁憲1, 月元天啓1, 山根大寛1, 才野正新1, 関藤剛1, 鴫田賢次郎2, 柾木慶一1, 朝山直樹1, 本田洋士1, 行武正伸1, 福本晃2, 向井伸一1, 金子真弓3, 永田信二1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 124-124, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR09. One case of the intestinal tract spirochetal disease that we diagnosed with an ascending colon sore
稲本絢1, 佐野村洋次1, 平野ななみ1, 網岡祐生2, 北台友貴1, 久野優人1, 迫友紀子1, 齋藤裕平2, 東山真1, 小道大輔2, 平本智樹1, 佐々木民人2, 平賀裕子1, 北本幹也2, 渡邉千之1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 125-125, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR10. 2 cases of the cytomegalovirus enterocolitis that presented atypical endoscopic views
松本澪耶1, 吉岡京子2, 田中義大2, 阿座上隆広2, 畠山剛2, 野間文次郎2, 児玉寛治2, 岡本志朗2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 125-125, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR11. One patient who was treated effectively with ECABET Na preparation injection into the intestines for an intractable acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer
澤村まどか1, 壷井章克1, 岡志郎2, 竹本裕紀2, 竹原悠大2, 森元晋2, 石橋一樹2, 小西宏奈2, 松原由佳2, 山本紀子2, 隅岡昭彦2, 下原康嗣2, 山下賢1, 田中秀典1, 瀧川英彦1, 小刀崇弘1, 林亮平1, 弓削亮1, 卜部祐司3, 田中信治1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 126-126, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR12. An example of the rectal AVM bleeding after the prostate biopsy that had difficulty in endoscopic hemostasis
間所駿平1, 平野大樹2, 河村良太2, 井川敦2, 岡崎彰仁2, 苗代典昭2, 濱田博重2, 富吉秀樹3, 豊田和広4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 126-126, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR13. An example of the hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma that covered SEMS was useful for projectile hematobilia
木村由美1, 谷川朋弘2, 河田真由子2, 石井克憲2, 浦田矩代2, 西野謙2, 末廣満彦2, 川中美和2, 春間賢2, 河本博文2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 127-127, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR14. One case of metastases to pancreas recurrence of renal cell carcinoma that EUS was useful for a diagnosis
斉間明日美1, 角田宏明2, 福田浩介2, 数森秀章2, 大野康彦2, 大西浩二2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 127-127, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR15. Example that oral cholangioscope lower electricity water pressure shock wave lithodialysis technique was effective for the intrahepatic stone which developed in the Billroth-II method rebuilding stomach case
長江麻由, 仙譽学, 品川右京, 吉冨晋悟, 白築祥吾, 中村宗剛, 植木谷俊之, 沖田幸祐, 近藤哲, 横山雄一郎
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 128-128, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR16. Example that was given duodenal stenting and EUS-GBD for duodenal stricture and the cholecystitis that occurred at the same time
倉八孝行, 播磨博文, 作田美穂, 川野道隆, 花園忠相, 森健治
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 128-128, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR17. One patient who underwent the EUS guide lower rendezvous method for the bile duct bronchial fistula which occurred after the hepatectomy
上田航平1, 石垣賀子1, 上杉尚正2, 日高勲1, 原田稔也1, 花田浩1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 129-129, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR18. An example of spleen sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation (SANT) which we were able to diagnose by EUS-FNA
大内智貴1, 小川泰司1, 井上省吾1, 松原弘樹1, 依藤駿輔1, 狩野綾乃1, 香川大樹1, 西尾綾乃1, 吉川知輝1, 原田圭1, 木村彰吾1, 大森正泰1, 榮浩行1, 神崎洋光1, 堀圭介1, 竹中龍太1, 藤木茂篤1, 三宅孝佳2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 129-129, 2022.

Japanese Article E-JR19. One case that was available for a diagnosis of the gastric anisakiasis in EUS-FNA
川口真平1, 孝田博輝2, 河口剛一郎2, 關優太2, 坂本有里2, 山下太郎2, 斧山巧2, 武田洋平2, 松本和也2, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 130-130, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR01. Example that endoscopic treatment succeeded to the medical treatment-resistant symptomatic esophagus ectopic gastric mucosa
木下泰仁1, 岡明彦1, 柴垣広太郎1, 加藤輝士1,2, 岸本健一1, 高橋佑典1, 泉大輔1,3, 沖本英子1, 大嶋直樹1, 川島耕作1, 石村典久1, 森日香4, 荒木亜寿香4, 門田球一4, 石原俊治1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 131-131, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR02. One case of crystal-storing histiocytosis which occurred in stomach
瀬戸啓介1, 瀬戸啓介1, 五嶋敦史1, 畠中駿1, 吉松祐希1, 山本一太1, 中村克彦1, 合馬若那1, 青山将司1, 山岡祐子1, 小川亮1, 浜辺功一1, 橋本真一2, 西川潤3, 高見太郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 131-131, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR03. One case of the fundic gland type gastric cancer which we were able to observe the course in for 14 years
三鴨豪志1, 柳谷淳志1, 濱本航1, 岡田智之1, 岩本拓1, 岡本敏明1, 前田和範1, 田中究1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 132-132, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR04. One patient who observed the intragastric loss of the coil all over the course after the coil embolization for the splenic false aneurysm stomach penetration
品川右京, 中村宗剛, 吉冨晋悟, 白築祥吾, 植木谷俊之, 仙譽学, 沖田幸祐, 横山雄一郎, 近藤哲
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 132-132, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR05. One patient who was under the medical treatment for bumper burying syndrome after the gastrostomosis by Clutch Cutter
沼本紘輝, 清水慎一, 梅川剛, 光宗真佑, 永原華子, 佐柿司, 若槻俊之, 福本康史, 古立真一, 万波智彦
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 133-133, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR06. One case that resected the complete hesitation fish bone which we did containing by endoscopic lower mucous membrane incision under the gastric mucosa
折出ゆうか1, 畑幸作1, 山本卓哉1, 重信修宇也1, 盛生慶1, 実綿倫宏1, 毛利輝生1, 沼田義弘2, 久賀祥男1, 守屋尚1, 大屋敏秀2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 133-133, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR07. An example of the intractable duodenal ulcer that resulted in repeated GI bleeding
槇山誠人1, 宮原孝治1, 碓井亨1, 中村鉄1, 大岡達子1, 操田智之1, 三田村祐里1, 宮原恵実1, 水島秀崇1, 佐々木悠貴1, 大林由佳1, 安部真1, 二宮悠樹1, 森藤由記1, 國弘真己1, 籔下広樹2, 植松周二1, 中川昌浩3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 134-134, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR08. One case of the primary small intestinal cancer that stay of the patency capsule was an opportunity of the discovery
菅田修平1, 楠龍策1, 桑井寿雄1, 加藤尚宏1, 浜田拓郎1, 古谷奈緒1, 水本健1, 田丸弓弦1, 山口厚1, 河野博孝1, 高野弘嗣1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 134-134, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR09. One case of large intestine angiodysplasia where Red dichromatic imaging was useful for the identification of the bleeding source
長尾暁憲1, 青山大輝1, 月元天啓1, 山根大寛1, 才野正新1, 關藤剛1, 鴫田賢次郎2, 柾木慶一1, 朝山直樹1, 本田洋二1, 行武正伸1, 福本晃2, 向井伸一1, 永田信二1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 135-135, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR10. One case of the intestinal tuberculosis of the young man
石川順一, 伏見崇, 何本雄太, 須山敦仁, 住井裕梨, 住井遼平, 門脇由華, 原友太, 上田祐也, 坂田雅浩, 藤田勲, 堀井城一朗, 豊川達也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 135-135, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR11. It is an example who had rectal cancer during the follow-up ten years after the diagnosis of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome
鍛治屋祐, 原田英, 才木琢登, 鈴木俊幸, 岡田正史, 末兼浩史
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 136-136, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR12. One case that underwent SPACE for the Stage0 pancreas body cancer postoperative residual pancreas which accepted High-grade PanIN in a resection stump
久保浩介1, 清水晃典1, 津島健1, 池田守登1, 圓山聡1, 飯尾澄夫1, 平昭衣梨1, 北村正輔1, 片村嘉男1, 小野川靖二1, 平野巨通1, 花田敬士1, 米原修二2, 田妻進1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 136-136, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR13. It is clinical features of ERCP for the rebuilding intestinal tract after the operation in our hospital
關優太, 武田洋平, 坂本有里, 孝田博輝, 山下太郎, 斧山巧, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 137-137, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR14. An example of the pancreatic duct dysraphism that 2 devices in 1 channel method was effective for cannulation of the accessory nipple
越智清暁, 小川恒由, 藤田亮, 矢杉賢吾, 田尻和也, 岡寿紀, 皿谷洋祐, 小林沙代, 名和徹, 植木亨
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 137-137, 2022.

Japanese Article E-SR15. One patient who underwent ultrasonic endoscope lower cyst drainage for the infectious hepatic cyst which we penetrated to omental bursa
大田垣真, 栗原啓介, 小田部和果, 橋本晃, 稲垣克哲, 中村耕樹, 永井健太, 濱田敏秀
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 138-138, 2022.

Japanese Article E-01. One case that ARMA was effective for intractable reflux oesophagitis
池淵雄一郎, 金築駿吾, 橋本健志, 吉田由紀奈, 枝野未來, 菓裕貴, 吉田亮, 河口剛一郎, 八島一夫, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 139-139, 2022.

Japanese Article E-02. One case that ultrasonic endoscope guide lower aspiration biopsy was useful for a diagnosis of the Linitis plastica type gastric cancer
佐藤亮介, 寺澤裕之, 松本和幸, 松三明宏, 宮本和也, 森本光作, 藤井佑樹, 山崎辰洋, 内田大輔, 堤康一郎, 堀口繁, 加藤博也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 139-139, 2022.

Japanese Article E-03. An example of the vonoprazan (VPZ) association stomach symptom which accepted diffuse redness
中村克彦1, 浜辺功一1, 瀬戸啓介1, 畠中駿1, 吉松祐希1, 山本一太1, 合馬若那1, 青山将司1, 山岡祐子1, 小川亮1, 五嶋敦史1, 橋本真一2, 西川潤3, 高見太郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 140-140, 2022.

Japanese Article E-04. One case of corrosive gastritis by the bleach mis-deglutition for the alkaline kitchen relieved by conservative treatment
門脇由華, 堀井城一朗, 須山敦仁, 何本佑太, 住井裕梨, 石川順一, 住井遼平, 原友太, 伏見崇, 上田祐也, 坂田雅浩, 野間康宏, 藤田勲生, 豊川達也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 140-140, 2022.

Japanese Article E-05. An example of the adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATLL) diagnosed with upper gastrointestinal bleeding
原野恵, 吉田拓生, 千原大典, 坂口栄樹, 戒能聖治, 柳井秀雄
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 141-141, 2022.

Japanese Article E-06. Example that hemostasis was obtained with a transparent food wearing looking straight endoscope for a haemorrhagic ulcer in the duodenal diverticulum
眞田莉花1, 毛利律生2, 河原倫彦1, 末田咲1, 江盛智明1, 松本健太2, 服部宜裕1, 鎌田耕治1, 中島浩一郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 141-141, 2022.

Japanese Article E-07. An example of transverse colon adenoma of the young people who developed intussusception, and were treated endoscopically
辻野友樹1, 井上雅文1, 田嶋宏一郎1, 武田和宏1, 中山博誉1, 筒井智章1, 木山健太1, 秋元悠1, 安井稔博1, 秋田光洋1, 原田亮1, 歳森淳一2, 小橋春彦2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 142-142, 2022.

Japanese Article E-08. Serrated polyposis syndrome as background is one patient of the large intestine intramucosal carcinoma with the signet ring cell adenocarcinoma in Sessile serrated lesion with dysplasia
金築駿吾, 吉田亮, 橋本健志, 枝野未來, 菓裕貴, 池淵雄一郎, 河口剛一郎, 八島一夫, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 142-142, 2022.

Japanese Article E-09. One patient whom lymphocytic colitis developed in during long-term dialysis
飯田武, 松田まどか, 松田崇史, 加藤彰, 山下智省
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 143-143, 2022.

Japanese Article E-10. One case of the typhoid that colonoscopic examination was useful for clinical diagnosis
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 143-143, 2022.

Japanese Article E-11. Examination of the usefulness of esophagus ESD under the general anesthesia
畠中駿1, 浜辺功一1, 瀬戸啓介1, 吉松祐希1, 合馬若那1, 中村克彦1, 山本一太1, 青山将司1, 松本怜子1, 藤村寛之1, 小川亮1, 西村達朗1, 五嶋敦史1, 石川剛1, 橋本真一2, 西川潤3, 高見太郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 144-144, 2022.

Japanese Article E-12. The endoscopic treatment and outcome for stomach, the esophageal varices explosion: Examination using large-scale real world data
上野真行1,2, 藤原崇志3,4,5, 徳増裕宣3, 萱原隆久1, 高畠弘行1, 守本洋一1, 福岡敏雄6, 水野元夫1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 144-144, 2022.

Japanese Article E-13. One case of early fetal gastrointestinal similar cancer given endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique
田中晋作1, 宮岡洋一2, 日野考信1, 藤原文1, 塚野航介1, 小川さや香1, 山之内智志1, 田中雅樹2, 三宅達也3, 藤代浩史1, 高下成明1, 大沼秀行4
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 145-145, 2022.

Japanese Article E-14. One case of the drug-related enterocolitis by the pazopanib
有吉美紗1, 林亮平1,2, 上野義隆1,2, 山本紀子3, 高砂健3, 山下賢1,2, 檜山雄一4, 瀧川英彦1, 弓削亮1, 卜部祐司5, 大上直秀6, 嶋本文雄7, 岡志郎3, 田中信治1,2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 145-145, 2022.

Japanese Article E-15. One case of the intrabiliary tumor stopper due to the hepatocellular carcinoma which we were able to diagnose by oral cholangioscope lower biopsy
濱本航1, 三鴨豪志1, 岡田智之1, 岩本拓1, 岡本敏明1, 前田和範1, 柳谷淳志1, 田中究1, 磯本一2
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 146-146, 2022.

Japanese Article E-16. One case of the intrahepatic stone that EHL by SpyGlass DS and a basket for the cholangioscope were useful
松三明宏, 藤井佑樹, 松本和幸, 小幡泰介, 織田崇志, 菊池達也, 宮本和也, 森本光作, 寺澤裕之, 山崎辰洋, 内田大輔, 堀口繁, 堤康一郎, 加藤博也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 146-146, 2022.

Japanese Article E-17. Example that EUS-PD was effective for iatrogenic pancreatic duct injury
大里俊樹, 宮本和也, 小幡泰介, 織田崇志, 菊池達也, 松三明宏, 森本光作, 寺澤裕之, 藤井佑樹, 山崎辰洋, 松本和幸, 堀口繁, 堤康一郎, 加藤博也
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 147-147, 2022.

Japanese Article E-18. Two cases that were treated endoscopic for acute cholangitis, pancreatitis by the duodenal Vater's papilla strangulation of the pancreatic calculus
野津巧1, 野津巧1, 結城崇史2, 安藤選人1, 戎谷悠里1, 板倉由幸2, 多田育賢1, 花岡拓哉1, 串山義則1, 内田靖3
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 147-147, 2022.

Japanese Article E-19. One case of IPMC diagnosed with severe acute pancreatitis
浜本佳織, 末永成之, 矢田祥子, 津山高典, 天野彰吾, 高見太郎
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 148-148, 2022.

Japanese Article E-20. One case of IPMC which was able to diagnose the extension range in the pancreatic duct by an oral pancreatic duct mirror
中村一樹1, 壷井智史1, 芹川正浩1, 石井康隆1, 辰川裕美子裕美子1, 中村真也1, 平野哲朗1, 池本珠莉1, 清下裕介1, 佐伯翔1, 田村陽介1, 宮本明香1, 古川大1, 飯島徳章1, 山下由美子1, 上村健一郎2, 有廣光司3, 岡志郎1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 148-148, 2022.

Japanese Article E-21. One case of the methotrexate-related lymphoproliferative disorder that we diagnosed in EUS-FNA
坂本有里, 武田洋平, 關優太, 孝田博輝, 山下太郎, 斧山巧, 磯本一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 149-149, 2022.

Japanese Article E-22. One case of the follicular lymphoma which presented a lymph follicle hyperplasia to a gastric mucosa
河村徹, 河村歩, 住元旭, 河村讓
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 149-149, 2022.

Japanese Article E-23. Examination about the frequency of the duodenal neoplastic lesion in the medical examination consultation case
沖本英子, 岸加奈子, 坂本詩恵, 足立経一
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 150-150, 2022.

Japanese Article E-24. Colonoscopy is hesitation one case that we did containing within the esophageal hiatal hernia that it is huge
佐々木翔, 酒井勉, 古賀博子
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 150-150, 2022.

Japanese Article E-25. An example of Cronkhite-Canada syndrome which occurred by diarrhea, a weight loss
時山裕, 廣瀬真弓, 山内由里佳
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 151-151, 2022.

Japanese Article E-26. One case of IPMC which was diagnosed with convex type ultrasonic endoscope, and was resectable in Stage1A
藤本祐子1, 石垣賀子2, 山口裕樹1, 三谷伸之1, 末永成之3, 重田匡利4, 河野裕夫5, 永冨裕二1
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 151-151, 2022.

Japanese Article 1. Management for the fault varix-related upper gastrointestinal bleeding
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 169-169, 2022.

Japanese Article 2. The current situation and problem of treat to target in the inflammatory bowel disease practice
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 171-171, 2022.

Japanese Article 3. Diagnosis and treatment - duodenoscope and ultrasonic endoscope ... of the liver pancreas endoscope
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 173-173, 2022.

Japanese Article 4. The total management of the portal hypertension
The Chugoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 175-175, 2022.