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The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 118 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The 118th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Kyushu Branch regular meeting greetings
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 2-2, 2021.

Japanese Article The 112th Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Kyushu Branch regular meeting greetings
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 3-3, 2021.

Japanese Article The thing which a new coronavirus infection brought to us
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 63-63, 2021.

Japanese Article Tip of the stomach cancer colon cancer clinical study
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 64-64, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-01 (消). Clinical study on hepatocellular carcinoma with a tumor diameter of 5 cm or more that was diagnosed and treated at our hospital
児嶋知仁1), 北川瑞希1), 平田将一1), 原口紘1), 大石敬之1), 福田浩子1), 松崎寿久1), 山尾拓史1), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 67-67, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-02 (消). Examination of the effect of stereotactic radiotherapy on hepatocellular carcinoma and the effect of liver reserve
本吉康英1), 田崎裕太郎2), 中村太祐2), 若松彩1), 釘山有希1), 戸次鎮宗1), 末廣智之1), 佐伯哲1), 長岡進矢1), 阿比留正剛1), 山崎一美1), 小森敦正1), 八橋弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 67-67, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-03 (消). Effectiveness of multimodal therapy using molecular-targeted drugs and immune checkpoint inhibitors for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
曽山明彦, 原貴信, 松島肇, 田中貴之, 今村一歩, 栗嵜健, 山崎遥, 足立智彦, 伊藤信一郎, 日高匡章, 金高賢悟, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 67-67, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-04 (消). EOB-MRI Examination of the therapeutic effect of lenvatinib on hepatocellular carcinoma showing hyperintensity of hepatocellular phase
田中紘介, 長澤滋裕, 森田祐輔, 桑野哲史, 矢田雅佳, 本村健太, 増本陽秀
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 67-67, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-05 (消). Examination of liver cancer cases who underwent partial splenic artery embolization (PSE) for the purpose of introducing molecular-targeted drugs
工藤康一, 上川健太郎, 近澤秀人, 今村治男
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 68-68, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-06 (消). Suitable clinical picture of hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy based on the treatment results of our hospital
新関敬, 古賀浩徳, 鳥村拓司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 68-68, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-07 (消). Examination of long-term use of Lenvatinib for unresectable advanced liver cancer and significance of combined use of on demand TACE
佐々木龍, 福島真典, 三馬聡, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 68-68, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-08 (消). Initial treatment experience with cabozantinib therapy for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
田中ゆき, 三木正美, 李倫學, 千住猛士, 久野晃聖, 杉本理恵, 古川正幸
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 68-68, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-09 (消). Initial treatment results of atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma in clinical practice
田中崇, 永田貴大, 東具隆, 福田洋美, 山内涼, 梅田かおる, 土屋直壮, 福永篤志, 高田和英, 横山圭二, 竹山康章, 釈迦堂敏, 向坂彰太郎, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 69-69, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-10 (消). Results of atezolizumab, bevacizumab first-line and second-line treatments for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma in clinical practice
徳永尭之, 立山雅邦, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 69-69, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-11 (消). Efficacy and safety of atezolizumab + bevacizumab treatment for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma in clinical practice
上田哲弘1), 杉本理恵2), 荒武良総3), 佐藤丈顕4), 原田林5), 田中正剛6), 大穂有恒7), 國吉政美8), 多田靖哉9), 千住猛士2), 田中ゆき2), 合谷孟6), 東夕喜6), 山下晋作4), 吉本剛志3), 山下尚毅3), 樋口野日斗1), 中村吏1), 本村健太10), 国府島庸之6)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 69-69, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-12 (消). Initial outcomes of atezolizumab + bevacizumab therapy for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
馬渡誠一1), 玉井努1,2), 最勝寺晶子1,3), 室町香織1,2), 橋口正史1,2), 恒吉研吾1,4), 谷山央樹1), 豊留亜衣1), 伊集院翔1), 坂江遥1), 椨一晃1), 小田耕平1), 熊谷公太郎1), 平峯靖也1,3), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 69-69, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-13 (消). Comparison of Adverse Events with Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab Combination Therapy and Lenvatinib
岩尾正雄, 齋藤衆子, 荒川光江, 遠藤美月, 本田浩一, 村上和成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 70-70, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-14 (消). A Case of Mixed Liver Cancer in Complete Remission with Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab Combination Therapy
森野加帆里1), 本間雄一1), 草永真志1), 柴田道彦1), 阿部慎太郎1), 田村利尚2), 平田敬治2), 原田佳和3), 島尻正平3), 中山敏幸3), 原田大1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 70-70, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-15 (消). Development of personalized treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma focusing on tumor immunity
伊藤心二, 利田賢哉, 冨山貴央, 森永哲成, 小斉侑希子, 冨野高広, 栗原健, 長尾吉泰, 森田和豊, 原田昇, 吉住朋晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 70-70, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-01 (消). Establishment and activities of a multidisciplinary support team for total care for IBD patients
衣笠哲史1,2), 山崎博3), 光山慶一3), 赤木由人2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 73-73, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-02 (消). Examination of appropriate telemedicine for IBD patients
永松雅朗1), 松島加代子1), 塩田純也1), 赤司太郎1), 田渕真惟子1), 北山素1), 橋口慶一1), 赤澤祐子1), 竹島史直2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 73-73, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-03 (消). Verification of efficacy and safety of molecular-targeted drugs for elderly patients with ulcerative colitis
鶴田結子1), 古田陽輝1), 本田宗倫1), 山崎明1), 松野健司1), 具嶋亮介1), 宮本英明1), 桑原大作2), 中村寧2), 野崎良一2), 松井敏幸2), 高野正太2), 直江秀昭1), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 73-73, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-04 (消). Long-term treatment results of vedolizumab for ulcerative colitis
田中啓仁1), 嶋田淳之介2), 前田将久3), 桑水流康介3), 湯通堂和樹4), 鮫島洋一5), 小野陽平2), 小牧祐雅1), 大井秀久2), 中村勇一5), 徳重浩一5), 上村修司1), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 73-73, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-05 (消). Personalized medicine for ulcerative colitis with primary sclerosing cholangitis (from a study of 9 cases)
金城徹1), 萩原啓太2), 兼元萌美2), 池村明仁2), 桑江聡2), 嵩原小百合1), 古賀絵莉民1), 大石有衣子1), 田中照久1), 溜田茂仁1), 田端そうへい2), 宮里公也1), 大平哲也1), 星野訓一1), 伊良波淳2), 新垣伸吾2), 前城達次2), 外間昭1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 74-74, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-06 (消). Clinical course of Crohn's disease cases in which infliximab was changed to infliximab biosimilar
市成直樹1), 山本章二朗1), 三池忠1), 芦塚伸也1), 安倍弘生1), 鈴木翔1), 平田智也1), 坂口舞1), 坂元一樹1), 野田貴穂1), 瀬戸口翔子1), 米澤瑛美1), 中村佳菜子1), 小川宗一郎1), 内山尚美1), 畑田紘志1), 黒木大介1), 押川一達1), 稲津東彦1), 河上洋1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 74-74, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-07 (inner). Examination of the usefulness of Leucine-rich alpaha-2 glycoprotein (LRG) in the disease activity evaluation of the ulcerative colitis
今津愛介, 梅野淳嗣, 鳥巣剛弘, 北園孝成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 74-74, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-08 (inner). Examination about the usefulness of the serum biomarker in the Crohn's disease
武富啓展, 鶴岡ななえ, 坂田資尚, 江崎幹宏
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 74-74, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-09 (消). Serum proteinase, 3 anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (PR3-ANCA) is useful for diagnosing ulcerative colitis and predicting the course of treatment.
竹田津英稔1), 今給黎宗2), 光山慶一1), 鶴田耕三1), 森田俊1), 向坂秀人2), 久能宜昭2), 阿部光市1), 船越禎広2), 石橋英樹2), 桑木光太郎1), 吉岡慎一郎1), 平井郁仁2), 鳥村拓司1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 75-75, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-10 (消). Usefulness of Oncostation M as a predictor of anti-TNFα antibody treatment for inflammatory bowel disease
西岡慧1), 荻野治栄1), 木村勇祐1), 深浦啓太3), 西原佑一郎1), 田中義将1), 知念孝敏1), 伊原栄吉1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 75-75, 2021.

Japanese Article S3-01 (inner). Infection measures at the gastrointestinal endoscopic practice under the new coronavirus infection (CDVID-19) outbreak in our hospital
木村勇祐, 蓑田洋介, 荻野治栄, 伊原栄吉
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 79-79, 2021.

Japanese Article S3-02 (inner). COVID-19 measures in our hospital endoscope part
池田智成, 本田徹郎, 宮崎修, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 79-79, 2021.

Japanese Article S3-03 (inner). Endoscopic practice under the new coronavirus environment including Nagasaki model
田中久也1), 山口直之1,2), 赤司太郎1), 橋口慶一1,2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 79-79, 2021.

Japanese Article S3-04 (消). Current status of endoscopic medical care in Okinawa Prefecture in COVID-19
金城徹1), 東江大樹2), 島袋耕平1), 永村良二3), 中村弘2), 本部卓也2), 金城穣4), 林成峰2), 星野慎一2), 真喜志知子5), 岸本一人6), 仲本学7), 折田均7), 内間庸文8), 諸喜田林9), 座覇修10), 外間昭1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 79-79, 2021.

Japanese Article S3-05 (inner). Development of the current situation of infection measures in the upper gastrointestinal tract endoscope practice of our hospital and the new device
赤星和也, 田村慎一, 赤星和明, 中島久美子, 金城依子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 80-80, 2021.

Japanese Article S3-06 (inner). Infection measures of our hospital for the urgent endoscope to the COVID-19 patients
吉武千香子1), 大久保彰人1), 吉村大輔1), 原田直彦1), 長崎洋司2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 80-80, 2021.

Japanese Article S3-07 (inner). Through an experience of the current situation -3 case of the urgent endoscopic practice for patients with severe COVID-19 infection in our hospital -
行元崇浩1), 濱田洋平2), 三池徹3), 坂田資尚1), 江崎幹宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 80-80, 2021.

Japanese Article S3-08 (消). Impact of in-hospital clusters of new coronavirus infections in gastroenterology practice at regional core hospitals
上木原雄介1), 湯通堂和樹1), 竹中崇博1), 前田英仁1,2), 藤田浩1), 花田法久1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 80-80, 2021.

Japanese Article S3-09 (消). COVID-19 medical treatment and cancer screening measures at our hospital
冨永直之, 平野里佳, 中西朗, 松永拓也, 緒方伸一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 81-81, 2021.

Japanese Article S3-10 (消). Effect of COVID-19 on outpatient department specializing in liver
福島真典, 佐々木龍, 三馬聡, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 81-81, 2021.

Japanese Article S3-11 (消). Examination of gastrointestinal symptoms of COVID-19 inpatients at our hospital
高橋俊介1), 岩尾梨沙1), 橋本憲和1), 長田美佳子1), 後藤綾子1), 久保信英1), 近藤悠樹1), 大石涼2), 深町由香子2), 南順也2), 斧沢京子2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 81-81, 2021.

Japanese Article S4-01 (消). Examination of prognostic factors in administration of nivolumab for unresectable advanced recurrent gastric cancer
谷本彩1), 渡邊龍之1), 久米井伸介1), 烏山司1), 村石純一1), 久米惠一郎1), 芳川一郎2), 原田大1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 85-85, 2021.

Japanese Article S4-02 (消). Relationship between the outcome of Nivolumab for the treatment of gastric cancer in our hospital and the prognosis of Glasgow Prognostic Score
福田慎一郎1), 平山雅大1), 丸山薫1), 前原浩亮1), 横山梓1), 松口崇央1), 丸岡浩人1), 國木康久1), 隅田頼信1), 秋穂裕唯1), 佐藤栄一2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 85-85, 2021.

Japanese Article S4-03 (消). OX40 and LAG3 expression is a good prognostic factor for anti-PD-1 antibody therapy for advanced gastric cancer
大村洋文1), 山口享子1), 花村文康2), 伊東守1), 内野慶太3), 下川穂積4), 田村真吾5), 江崎泰斗2), 三ツ木健二6), 柴田義宏7), 土橋賢司1), 有山寛1), 草場仁志8), 小田義直9), 赤司浩一1), 馬場英司10)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 85-85, 2021.

Japanese Article S4-04 (消). Examination of Nivolumab therapy for advanced esophageal cancer at our hospital
宮後冴1,2), 中島孝治1,2), 田村穂高1,2), 落合昂一郎1,3), 黒木大介2), 鈴木翔2), 芦塚伸也2), 安倍弘生2), 三池忠2), 山本章二朗2), 稲津東彦2), 河上洋2), 細川歩1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 85-85, 2021.

Japanese Article S4-05 (消). Examination of efficacy and safety of chemotherapy after immune checkpoint inhibitor
今嶋尭志1), 上原康輝2), 篠原雄大3), 二尾健太4)., 三ツ木健二1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 86-86, 2021.

Japanese Article S4-06 (消). Experience with locally advanced colorectal cancer with long-term control with Pembrolizumab
小山正三朗, 富永哲郎, 野中隆, 森山正章, 石井光寿, 橋本泰匡, 濱崎景子, 荒井淳一, 永安武
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 86-86, 2021.

Japanese Article S4-07 (inner). The current situation of examination in our hospital for MS1 and the ICI treatment
石田智士, 本田徹郎, 池田智成, 岡村卓真, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 86-86, 2021.

Japanese Article S4-08 (消). Examination of the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors for immune-related adverse events
中尾康彦, 原口雅史, 佐々木龍, 福島真典, 三馬聡, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 86-86, 2021.

Japanese Article S4-09 (inner). Clinical examination about checkpoint inhibitor-related enterocolitis treatment of immunity
大久保彰人1,2), 三島朋徳1,2,3), 井星陽一郎1,2), 原田直彦1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 87-87, 2021.

Japanese Article S4-10 (消). Experience of immune-related adverse events in our hospital
宮本英明1), 福島聡2), 田中健太郎1), 稲田浩気1), 古田陽輝1), 吉丸洋子1), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 87-87, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-01 (消). Current status of treatment for non-papillary duodenal tumor associated with familial adenomatous polyposis at our hospital
平光寿1), 橋口慶一2), 谷口育洋1), 田中久也1), 永松雅朗1), 峯彩子1), 猪股寛子1), 塩田純也1), 赤司太郎1), 田渕真惟子1), 北山素1), 松島加代子1), 赤澤祐子1), 山口直之2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 91-91, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-02 (inner). Examination of the treatment strategy for superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum tumor in the familial adenomatous polyposis
大津健聖1), 小野陽一郎1), 宮岡正喜2), 植木敏晴1), 八尾建史2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 91-91, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-03 (消). A physician-led trial about the perforation prevention delayed-action after duodenal ESD with the cell sheet and analysis of the mechanism
金高賢悟1), 橋口慶一3), 円城寺貴浩2), 足立利幸2), 岡田怜美2), 井上悠介2), 丸屋安広1), 小林慎一朗2), 山口峻2), 松本亮2), 伊藤信一郎2), 日高匡章2), 中尾一彦3), 江口晋2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 91-91, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-04 (消). Experience of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for superficial nonpapillary duodenal epithelial tumor (SNADET) using S-O clips
岡村卓真, 本田徹郎, 石田智士, 池田智成, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 91-91, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-05 (消). Current status and options for endoscopic treatment for gastric non-papillary duodenal tumors
蓑田洋介1,2), 伊原栄吉1,3), 山元英崇4), 江崎充1), 畑佳孝1), 佐々木泰介4), 荻野治栄1), 小川佳宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 92-92, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-06 (inner). Treatment result of LECS for the superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum epithelial neoplasm in our hospital
園田隆賀1), 宮本英明1), 林洋光2), 馬場秀夫2), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 92-92, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-07 (消). Endoscopic treatment results and treatment strategies by size for SNADET
堤康志郎1), 佐藤祐斗1), 福田健介1), 岡本和久1), 小川竜1), 松成修1), 水上一弘1), 沖本忠義1), 兒玉雅明1,2), 村上和成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 92-92, 2021.

Japanese Article WS1-08 (inner). Examination about the effectiveness and the safety of the endoscopic treatment for the superficial non-nipple duodenum 253 lesion in our prefecture
矢野弘樹1), 佐々木文郷1), 重田浩一朗2), 福田芳生3), 那須雄一郎4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 92-92, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-01 (消). Examination of treatment for steroid-resistant autoimmune hepatitis at our hospital
荒川光江, 本田浩一, 得丸智子, 齋藤衆子, 岩尾正雄, 遠藤美月, 村上和成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 95-95, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-02 (消). Examination of characteristics of azathioprine-administered cases and refractory cases in patients with autoimmune hepatitis
束野奈津己, 宮瀬志保, 三浦浩美, 柚留木秀人, 藤山重俊
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 95-95, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-03 (消). Two cases of AA amyloidosis associated with sclerosing cholangitis
釘山有希1), 小森敦正1,2), 伊東正博3), 若松彩1), 戸次鎮宗1), 末廣智之1), 本吉康英1), 佐伯哲1), 長岡進矢1,2), 阿比留正剛1,2), 山崎一美1,2), 八橋弘1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 95-95, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-04 (inner). It is ERC for the case after the liver transplant of the primary sclerosing cholangitis
久木山直貴, 浦本有記子, 吉成元宏, 階子俊平, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 95-95, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-05 (消). Examination of autoimmune liver disease at our hospital - Focusing on liver transplantation cases -
中尾康彦, 佐々木龍, 福島真典, 三馬聡, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 96-96, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-06 (消). Treatment results of liver transplantation for primary biliary cholangitis in our department
伊藤心二, 原田昇, 利田賢哉, 冨山貴央, 森永哲成, 小斉侑希子, 冨野高広, 栗原健, 長尾吉泰, 森田和豊, 吉住朋晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 96-96, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-07 (消). Efforts for coma-type acute liver failure medical treatment in our department and cooperation with brain-dead liver transplantation facility surgery
桑原礼一郎, 天野恵介, 佐野有哉, 有永照子, 井出達也, 鳥村拓司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 96-96, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-08 (消). Current status and problems of acute liver failure in our department
谷山央樹, 熊谷公太郎, 豊留亜衣, 伊集院翔, 坂江遥, 椨一晃, 小田耕平, 馬渡誠一, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 96-96, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-09 (inner). Two cases of the portal vein blood circulation abnormality symptom who had the essential thrombocythaemia
河村昌寛, 太田正之, 遠藤裕一, 猪股雅史
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 97-97, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-10 (消). Examination of 72 cases of direct surgery for Budd-Chiari syndrome
稲福斉, 古川浩二郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 97-97, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-11 (消). Experience in surgical treatment for Budd-Chiari syndrome in our department
松島肇, 日高匡章, 曽山明彦, 原貴信, 松隈国仁, 今村一歩, 田中貴之, 足立智彦, 吉野恭平, 伊藤信一郎, 金高賢悟, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 97-97, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-12 (消). Examination of autoimmune pancreatitis and carcinogenic risk in our department
濱田嵩史1,2), 田ノ上史郎2), 児島一成2), 樋之口真2), 有馬志穂2), 岩下祐司3), 田口宏樹4), 橋元慎一2), 佐々木文郷2), 上村修司2), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 97-97, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-13 (消). Intractable complications associated with pancreatitis - Our treatment strategy for pancreatic duct rupture
高松悠, 藤森尚, 平畠啓介, 上田孝洋, 大野彰久, 安森翔, 村上正俊, 松本一秀, 寺松克人, 大野隆真, 小川佳宏
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 98-98, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-14 (消). Medical results of severe acute pancreatitis in our hospital
佐伯哲1), 釘山有希1), 末廣智之1), 戸次鎮宗1), 本吉康英1), 長岡進矢2), 山崎一美2), 阿比留正剛1,2), 小森敦正2), 八橋弘2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 98-98, 2021.

Japanese Article WS2-15 (消). Treatment results of endoscopic pancreatic duct stent placement for chronic pancreatitis in our hospital
平田将一1), 児嶋知仁1), 北川瑞希1), 嶋倉茜2), 原口紘1), 森智崇3), 大石敬之1), 福田浩子1), 小澤栄介3), 山尾拓史1), 中尾一彦3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 98-98, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-01 (inner). It is a treatment result of the spontaneous loss type bile duct stent for the choler excretory disorder after ERCP
吉成元宏, 久木山直貴, 浦本有記子, 階子俊平, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 101-101, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-02 (消). Current status of use of bile duct stent with check valve
木下慶亮1), 岡本和久1), 佐上亮太2), 首藤充孝3), 大塚雄一郎4), 水上一弘1,5), 村上和成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 101-101, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-03 (inner). Long-term results and safety out of one of duck building type bile duct stent for the distal malignant bile duct stricture
平月真吾1), 牛島知之1,2), 岡部義信1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 101-101, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-04 (inner). The current situation of both leaves drainage for the nonresected malignant hepatic portal region bile duct stricture in our hospital
山筋章博1), 岩下祐司1), 橋元慎一2), 堀剛1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 101-101, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-05 (消). Stenting strategy for malignant hilar bile duct obstruction - before and after taperedtip MS -
下川雄三1), 新名雄介1), 植田圭二郎1), 秋穂裕唯1), 中村聡2), 藤森尚3), 大野隆真3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 102-102, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-06 (inner). Comparison of the inside plastic stent and metallic stent for unresectable hepatic portal region malignancy biliary tract stenosis
下森雄太1), 秋山英俊1), 本村充輝2), 成田竜一2), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 102-102, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-07 (消). Usefulness of EUS-HGS in hilar malignant biliary stricture and its position
大野彰久, 藤森尚, 平畠啓介, 上田孝弘, 高松悠, 松本一秀, 村上正俊, 寺松克人, 大野隆真, 小川佳宏
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 102-102, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-08 (消). Current status of percutaneous transhepatic bile duct stent insertion
宮里賢, 城間磨裕実, 豊見山麻未, 高良吉迪, 田里裕子, 西澤万貴, 馬渕仁志, 金城譲, 仲地紀哉, 島尻博人, 豊見山良作
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 102-102, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-09 (inner). The present situation of the endoscopic treatment for the liver pancreas malignant tumor postoperative recurrent case in our hospital
荒木紀匡, 田ノ上史郎, 橋元慎一, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 103-103, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-10 (消). Usefulness of self-expanding covered metal stent for bile duct anastomotic stenosis after living-donor liver transplantation
小松直広1), 小澤栄介2), 高橋孝輔2), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 103-103, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-11 (inner). Positioning of pancreatic duct, the bile duct stent in complications measures after the endoscopic papillectomy
北川瑞希1), 高橋孝輔2), 小澤栄介2), 山尾拓史1), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 103-103, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-12 (inner). Treatment result of endoscopic transnipple gallbladder drainage (ETGBD) in the acute cholecystitis of our hospital
後野徹宏, 田中利幸, 丸尾達, 永山林太郎, 植木敏晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 103-103, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-13 (inner). technical tips - for examination - cystic duct difficulty with intubation case of the gallbladder drainage of the endoscopic transnipple for the acute cholecystitis
高橋孝輔, 小澤栄介, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 104-104, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-14 (消). Examination of the usefulness and safety of endoscopic ultrasonographic gallbladder drainage
柴田隆佑1), 藤田俊浩1), 金丸紗千1), 市田泰海1), 大井貴之1), 福森光1), 青崎眞一郎1), 嵜山敏男1), 岩下祐司3), 田ノ上史郎2), 田口宏樹4), 橋元慎一2), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 104-104, 2021.

Japanese Article WS3-15 (消). Current status and prognosis of endoscopic ultrasonography gallbladder drainage for acute cholecystitis
佐上亮太1,2), 錦織英史1), 辻博晶1,3), 佐藤孝生1), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 104-104, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-01 (消). Treatment results of conventional EMR (Endoscopic submucosal dissection) for colorectal polyps
西原敬仁1), 西山仁1), 後藤高介1), 中島悠史郎1), 今村祥子1), 三根祥一郎1), 三浦史郎2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 107-107, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-02 (inner). Examination of the afterbleeding after the endoscopic excision of the polyp of colon under the antithrombotic drug internal use
平塚裕也1), 大津健聖1), 久部高司1), 宗祐人2), 八尾建史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 107-107, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-03 (inner). Examination of the afterbleeding in cold snare polypectomy to the antithrombotic drug internal use patients
福谷洋樹1,2), 吉村大輔1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 藤井宏行1,3), 伊原栄吉4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 107-107, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-04 (inner). The current situation of Cold snare polypectomy for the polyp of colon in our hospital
本田宗倫, 具嶋亮介, 直江秀昭, 山中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 107-107, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-05 (inner). The current situation and problem of the cold polypectomy in our hospital
蓮田究, 村尾哲哉, 櫻井宏一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 108-108, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-06 (inner). Examination of the treatment result of cold snare polypectomy for the large intestine lesion of tumor diameter 6-9mm
平田智也, 三池忠, 鈴木翔, 山本章二朗, 河上洋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 108-108, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-07 (inner). Histologic usefulness and problems of Cold snare polypectomy which we saw from a large intestine 10mm or less polyps resected specimen
上尾哲也1), 久保山雄介2), 高橋晴彦1), 垣迫陽子2), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 108-108, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-08 (inner). Comparison in Hot group and the Cold group for the endoscopic polyp of colon which we resected
桑原愛, 大仁田賢, 松尾諭, 植原亮平, 東俊太朗
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 108-108, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-09 (消). Comparison of treatment results of cold snare polypectomy and hot forceps polypectomy at our hospital
向坂誠一郎, 水谷孝弘, 向井康二, 市田かおる, 今村壮志, 清水俊吾, 落合利彰
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 109-109, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-10 (inner). Comparison of Cold snare-EMR (CS-EMR) and Cold snare polypectomy (CSP) in our hospital
岡村卓真, 本田徹郎, 石田智士, 池田智成, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 109-109, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-11 (inner). Comparison of EMR and CSP to be able to put of the polyp of colon excision
田中雄一郎, 山口太輔, 原優実, 長妻剛司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 109-109, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-12 (inner). Usefulness of Cold snare polypectomy which used a submucosal station note together and safety and the future prospects
赤司太郎1), 東郷政明1), 橋口慶一1,2), 山口直之1,2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 109-109, 2021.

Japanese Article WS4-13 (消). Attempt of Rubber-band-assisted one-person operated cold snare polypectomy for colorectal polyps
江崎充1), 前原浩亮2), 将口佳久1), 奈須峻之1), 江崎珠里1,3), 木村勇祐1), 池田浩子1), 荻野治栄1), 伊原栄吉1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 110-110, 2021.

Japanese Article SP-1 (消). About the female-only outpatient department of a hospital specializing in colorectal anus
伊禮靖苗, 高野正太, 辻順行
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 113-113, 2021.

Japanese Article SP-2 (消). Think about how to work as a "doctor"
濱崎景子1,2,5), 荒井淳一1), 藤瀬悠太1), 西牟田雅人1), 橋本泰匡1), 小山正三朗1), 富永哲郎1), 野中隆1), 松島加代子3,4), 澤井照光5), 安武亨6), 永安武1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 113-113, 2021.

Japanese Article SP-3 (消). About the working environment of female doctors
芥川加代, 中山賢一郎, 渡邊聡, 後藤祐大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 113-113, 2021.

Japanese Article SP-4 (消). How a female doctor works in the Department of Gastroenterology, Ryukyu University Hospital
大石有衣子1), 新垣伸吾2), 金城徹1), 伊良波淳2), 外間昭1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 113-113, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 01 (消). A case of coexistence of gastric duodenal SM cancer and intestinal duodenal SM cancer
白水萌子1), 行元崇浩1), 朝長道人1), 成瀬尚美2), 武富啓展1), 芥川剛至2), 鶴岡ななえ1), 與田幸恵3), 坂田資尚1), 下田良2), 相島慎一4), 能城浩和3), 江崎幹宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 117-117, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 02 (消). Diagnosis and treatment of non-papillary duodenal cancer
林田浩太朗, 右田一成, 山口峻, 木下綾華, 山之内孝彰, 蒲原行雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 117-117, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 03 (内). A case in which duodenal diverticulum bleeding could be stopped with a clip
古賀公基, 東郷政明, 馬渡将語, 柴田雅士, 福嶋伸良, 竹島史直
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 117-117, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 04 (消). A Case of Germinal Center Progressive Dysplasia in the Intestinal Membrane
小野健太1), 池田拓人2), 大田勇輔2), 市来伸彦2), 濱田朗子2), 市原明子2), 梅北佳子4), 七島篤志3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 117-117, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 05 (内). A case in which the presence of primary malignant lymphoma of the small intestine could be diagnosed by capsule endoscopy
田中聡, 島田不律, 四本界人, 松尾純武, 山内康平, 中村昌太郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 118-118, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 06 (消). A case of hepatocellular carcinoma with skin metastasis to the ala of nose
長友寿朗1), 草野啓子1), 小出明妃1), 遠山志穂1), 橋本さつき1), 中村裕1), 小松直広1), 森崎智仁1), 原肇秀2), 中島正洋3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 118-118, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 07 (消). A case in which steroid administration was successful for ATL liver infiltration
井上知晃1), 福嶋伸良1), 今西大介1), 馬渡将語1), 柴田雅士1), 東郷政明1), 鹿毛政義2), 竹島史直1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 118-118, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 08 (消). A case of drug-induced liver injury in which minocycline was considered as a suspected drug
綿屋摩湖人, 佐々木龍, 柿添麻由子, 阪口真千, 吉良圭史, 中尾康彦, 森智崇, 福島真典, 三馬聡, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 118-118, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 09 (消). A case of sepsis and interstitial nephritis after combination therapy with atezolizumab and bevacizumab for hepatocellular carcinoma
谷川舞1), 福島真典1), 深水翔太1), 吉良圭史1), 佐々木龍1), 三馬聡1), 赤澤祐子1,2), 宮明寿光1), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 119-119, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 10 (消). An example of FNH-like lesion that was difficult to distinguish from hepatocellular carcinoma
西浦壮志1), 濱田隆志1), 肥田泰慈1), 哲翁華子1), 村上俊介1), 三好敬之1), 古賀洋一1), 米田晃1), 北里周1), 竹下浩明1), 三浦史郎2), 伊東正博2), 黒木保1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 119-119, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 11 (消). A case of Burkitt lymphoma with multiple liver masses with mandibular pain as the first sign
渡邊咲仁1), 本田浩一1), 高野久仁子2), 井谷和人2), 駄阿勉3), 西田陽登3), 齋藤衆子1), 岩尾正雄1), 荒川光江1), 遠藤美月1), 村上和成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 119-119, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 12 (消). Examination of primary hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatitis C virus SVR
中平皓太1), 北里周1), 哲翁華子1), 村上俊介1), 三好敬之1), 古賀洋一1), 濱田隆志1), 米田晃1), 竹下浩明1), 阿比留正剛2), 黒木保1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 119-119, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 13 (消). A case of primary liver MALT lymphoma resected by preoperative diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma
古阪広1), 一木康則1), 山田大輔2), 伊地知佳世3), 本下潤一3), 宮園智至1), 大草響1), 平田敬1), 橋元悟1), 永田豊1), 上平幸史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 120-120, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 14 (消). A case of lung cancer showing liver dysfunction more than 1 year after the start of immune checkpoint inhibitor
増田岳1), 馬渡将語1), 福嶋伸良1), 池谷千章1), 柴田雅士1), 東郷政明1), 鹿毛政義2), 竹島史直1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 120-120, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 15 (消). A case of extrahepatic hepatocellular carcinoma found as a gastric submucosal tumor-like elevated lesion by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
森本みこ1), 橋口正史1), 室町香織1), 玉井努1), 岩下祐司1), 岩田大輝1), 寺田芳寛1), 宮之前優香1), 前田将久1), 児玉朋子2), 川平正博2), 山筋章博1), 軸屋賢一1), 中澤潤一2), 那須雄一郎1), 山尾幸平3), 永田祐貴3), 飯野聡3), 堀剛1), 井戸章雄4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 120-120, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 16 (消). An autopsy case of bile duct cell carcinoma with Humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy (HHM) by PTHrP
光安峻1), 東晃一1), 伏見文良2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 120-120, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 17 (消). A case of dual balloon-occluded embolotherapy (DBOE) for re-rupture of duodenal varicose veins
大嶋智洋1), 末廣智之1), 牧野謙二2), 岡大雅2), 若松彩1), 釘山有希1), 戸次鎮宗1), 佐伯哲1), 長岡進矢1), 阿比留正剛1), 山崎一美1), 小森敦正1), 八橋弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 121-121, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 18 (消). 1 autopsy case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which merged multiple cerebral infarction and Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy (PTTM) by the tumor emboli
宮本拓海1), 東晃一1), 光安峻1), 伏見文良2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 121-121, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 19 (消). A case of refractory autoimmune hepatitis with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura for which Rituximab was highly effective
佐藤健太郎, 宮瀬志保, 三浦浩美, 柚留木秀人, 束野奈津己, 藤山重俊
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 121-121, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 20 (消). A case of invasive liver abscess syndrome with meningitis and endophthalmitis
水田一椰1), 古賀風太1), 川添夕佳1), 村山賢一郎1), 中下俊哉1), 福岡麻美2), 大座紀子1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 121-121, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 21 (消). A case of primary sclerosing cholangitis during the course of autoimmune hepatitis
中村優里, 柴田倫子, 具嶋敏文, 高橋和弘
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 122-122, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 22 (消). A Case of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Rectal Perforation During Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab Combination Therapy
平川聖也1), 柴田倫子1), 具嶋敏文1), 高橋和弘1), 持留直希2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 122-122, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 23 (消). A Case of Dumping Syndrome with Significant Liver Disorder
木須絵里1), 木村俊一郎2), 桑代卓也2), 木塚雅之2), 宮原千賀2), 秋山巧2), 井上香2), 岡田倫明1), 磯田広史3), 大枝敏3), 高橋宏和3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 122-122, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 24 (消). A case of Burkitt lymphoma diagnosed by ascites
郷田悠1), 福地聡士1), 相馬颯介1), 勝田泰志郎1), 草津工喜1), 和田蔵人1), 林友和1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 122-122, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 25 (消). An example of an isolated superior mesenteric artery dissection diagnosed by ultrasonography
小栗知也1), 塩屋晋吾3), 深井建孝1), 小畑僚景1), 白神佳奈1), 灰床裕介4), 柿原敦子5), 川井田啓介6), 重田浩一朗2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 123-123, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 26 (消). A case of ascending colonic diverticulitis with jaundice as the chief complaint and with superior mesenteric vein thrombosis
磯本翔吾, 内田信二郎, 町田治久
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 123-123, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 27 (消). An example of a giant epidermoid cyst on the dorsal side of the rectum resected laparoscopically
中釜英将, 持留直希, 後藤佳登, 中山宏道, 渡邉雄介, 松本耕太郎, 山元啓文, 植木隆, 一宮仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 123-123, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 28 (内). A case of common bile duct stone that formed a stone at the tip of a biliary stent and became difficult to remove endoscopically
塚本祐生1), 馬渡将語1), 柴田雅士1), 東郷政明1), 福嶋伸良1), 竹島史直1), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 123-123, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 29 (内). Example that was hard to give operative treatment, and provided treatment with the percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography gallbladder mirror for the custody gallstones cholecystitis that was in a state for a percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography gallbladder drainage tube long term
古賀艶可, 渡邉雄介, 落合百合菜, 溝口公久, 中山宏道, 後藤佳登, 持留直希, 山元啓文, 植木隆, 一宮仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 124-124, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 30 (内). An example of the usefulness of a self-expanding metallic stent for bile duct bleeding and perforation of the bile duct
落合由佳1), 伊原諒1), 江崎薫1), 柿原大輔2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 124-124, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 31 (消). A case of leaky biliary peritonitis during the course of severe acute pancreatitis
松尾和哉1), 戸次鎮宗1), 若松彩1), 釘山有希1), 末廣智之1), 本吉康英1), 佐伯哲1), 長岡進矢1), 阿比留正剛1), 山崎一美1), 小森敦正1), 哲翁華子2), 濱田隆志2), 黒木保2), 八橋弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 124-124, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 32 (消). Jejunum residual stomach stent is an example of the jejunal stenosis after the effective choledochojejunostomy
森美哉子1), 木村俊一郎2), 木塚雅之2), 田中賢一2), 桑代卓也2), 秋山巧2), 高橋宏和3), 安西慶三2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 124-124, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 33 (消). A case of recurrent acute pancreatitis without elevated pancreatic enzymes during oral steroids
平野藍, 戸次鎮宗, 若松彩, 釘山有希, 末廣智之, 本吉康英, 佐伯哲, 長岡進矢, 阿比留正剛, 山崎一美, 小森敦正, 八橋弘
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 125-125, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 34 (消). A case of confirmed progression from mass-forming pancreatitis to diffuse autoimmune pancreatitis triggered by exacerbation of diabetes
吉山和俊1), 草野啓子1), 小出明妃1), 遠山志穂1), 橋本さつき1), 中村裕1), 小松直広1), 森崎智仁1), 中島正洋2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 125-125, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 35 (消). A resection of pancreatic cancer that developed more than 10 years after the diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis
東木孝太1), 高松悠1), 上田孝洋1), 大野彰久1), 安森翔1), 村上正俊1), 松本一秀1), 寺松克人1), 藤森尚1), 大野隆真1), 小川佳宏1), 阿部俊也2), 井手野昇2), 池永直樹2), 仲田興平2), 中村雅史2), 山田裕3), 山本猛雄3), 孝橋賢一3), 小田義直3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 125-125, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 36 (消). A case of insulinoma diagnosed with a hypoglycemic attack and cured by tumor enucleation
浦田みやこ1), 森英輝12), 山腰晃治1), 本部卓也1), 座喜味盛哉1), 山田航希1), 久保田富秋1), 新城雅行1), 砂川宏樹3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 125-125, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 37 (消). A case of pancreatic infiltrative mucinous cystadenocarcinoma that was difficult to distinguish from gastric mucinous carcinoma
野尻暁太1), 加茂泰広1), 山根大毅1), 藤野亮太1), 高木裕子1), 山口東平1), 小田英俊1), 國崎昌己2), 米満伸久3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 126-126, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 38 (消). A case of gastric neuroendocrine cancer in autoimmune gastritis diagnosed after a detailed examination of iron deficiency anemia
鬼木顕秀1), 野口達矢1), 相部祐希1), 木下善博1), 幸本達矢1), 生越綾子1), 原田克則1), 中嶋哲也1), 白井保之1), 河村祐一郎2), 藤川貴久2), 山田優衣3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 126-126, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 39 (消). A case with neuroendocrine tumor of autoimmune gastritis discovered as a result of a medical examination
恒吉祐成1), 汐見大二郎1), 中馬健太1), 山崎晃裕1), 奈良博文1), 今給黎和幸1), 吉永英希1), 船川慶太1), 白濱浩2), 久米村寛大3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 126-126, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 40 (内). A case of pit epithelial gastric cancer that developed in the gastric mucosa infected with Helicobacter pylori terminal
伊達美典1), 赤司太郎1), 濱崎俊輔1), 永松雅朗1), 猪股寛子1), 塩田純也1), 田渕真惟子1), 北山素1), 橋口慶一1,2), 南ひとみ1), 松島加代子1), 赤澤祐子1), 山口直之1,2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 126-126, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 41 (内). A case of endoscopic resection of early gastric cancer just above the submucosal ectopic gastric glands
福田大毅1), 平光寿2), 岩永真太朗2), 田中久也2), 北山素2), 濱崎俊輔2), 杉尾小百合2), 谷口育洋2), 永松雅朗2), 峯彩子2), 猪股寛子2), 大坪智恵子3), 塩田純也2), 赤司太郎2), 田渕真惟子2), 橋口慶一2), 松島加代子2), 赤澤祐子2), 山口直之2), 中島正洋3), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 127-127, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 42 (内). A case of juvenile polyposis syndrome with gastric cancer
中牟田瑠璃1), 新谷和貴1), 重橋周1), 中鋪卓1), 竹下茂之1), 楠本浩一郎1), 重野賢也1), 中崎隆行2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 127-127, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 43 (消). Two cases of esophageal intramural pseudodiverticulosis where endoscopic balloon dilatation was successful
近藤悠樹1), 高橋俊介1), 橋本憲和1), 岩尾梨沙1), 長田美佳子1), 後藤綾子1), 久保信英1), 中村吏2), 樋口野日斗2), 上田哲弘2), 小柳年正2), 桑野博行3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 127-127, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 44 (内). A case of radial incision and cutting method for intractable benign stenosis after esophageal surgery
上尾豪志, 佐藤祐斗, 堤康志郎, 福田健介, 小川竜, 村上和成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 127-127, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 45 (消). A case of laparoscopic surgery for a giant esophageal hiatal hernia with upside down stomach
南部生妃, 米田晃, 肥田泰慈, 哲翁華子, 古賀洋一, 三好敬之, 濱田隆志, 北里周, 竹下浩明, 黒木保
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 128-128, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 46 (内). An example of esophageal perforation due to an infectious aortic aneurysm
山内まり乃, 高良吉迪, 城間磨裕実, 豊見山麻未, 田里裕子, 西澤万貴, 馬渕仁志, 金城譲, 宮里賢, 仲地紀哉, 島尻博人, 豊見山良作
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 128-128, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 47 (消). A case of recurrent Barrett's esophageal adenocarcinoma who underwent ESD after percutaneous left atrial appendage occlusion
井上裕貴, 白井保之, 野口達矢, 相部裕希, 木下善博, 幸本達矢, 生越綾子, 原田克則, 中嶋哲也
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 128-128, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 48 (消). A case of Takayasu's arteritis associated with ulcerative colitis
江波戸大悟1), 伊良波淳1), 萩原啓太1), 兼元萌実1), 池村明仁1), 桑江聡1), 嵩原小百合2), 古賀絵莉香2), 大石有衣子2), 田中照久2), 田端そうへい2), 宮里公也2), 星野訓一2), 溜田茂仁2), 大平哲也2), 新垣伸吾1), 金城徹2), 前城達次1), 外間昭2), 藤田次郎1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 128-128, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 49 (消). A case of elderly-onset ulcerative colitis with 5-ASA intolerance
大迫将精1), 軸屋賢一1), 岩田大輝1), 寺田芳寛1), 前田将久1), 児玉朋子2), 川平正博2), 山筋章博1), 橋口正史1), 中澤潤一2), 岩下祐司1), 那須雄一郎1), 玉井努1), 堀剛1), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 129-129, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 50 (消). A case of Crohn's disease with colorectal stenosis due to localized giant inflammatory potyposis
田中健太郎1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 濱田広之1), 森麻里母1), 加来寿光1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 129-129, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 51 (消). An example of colitis with a characteristic rash and markedly effective by Infliximab
大城絢音1), 塩田純也1), 杉尾小百合1), 谷口育洋1), 峯彩子1), 北山素1), 橋口慶一1,2), 松島加代子1), 山口直之1,2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 129-129, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 52 (消). An example of inflammatory bowel disease uniclassified (IBDU) with pyoderma gangrenosum and aseptic intramuscular abscess
青木良平, 尾石義謙, 伊藤隆成, 田中貴英, 鷲尾恵万, 山縣元, 瀬尾充
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 129-129, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 53 (消). A case of Cronkhite-Canada syndrome that could be diagnosed relatively early
野尻悠平1), 高橋晴彦1), 下森雄太1), 照山直樹1), 秋山英俊1), 安部真琴1), 上尾哲也1), 池見雅俊2), 合田智則2), 本村充輝2), 成田竜一2), 久保山雄介3), 村上和成4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 130-130, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 54 (消). A case of Cronkhite-Canada syndrome with adenomatous polyps
宮下香世1), 福田浩子1), 北川瑞希1), 児島智仁1), 平田将一1), 原口紘1), 大石敬之1), 松崎寿久1), 山尾拓史1), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 130-130, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 55 (内). A case of collagenous colitis thought to be caused by a DDP-4 inhibitor
吉富裕加1), 武富啓展1), 朝長道人1), 成瀬尚美2), 行元崇浩1), 芥川剛至2), 鶴岡ななえ1), 坂田資尚1), 下田良2), 木戸伸一3), 江崎幹宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 130-130, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 56 (内). An example of successful endoscopic closure using the Over the scope clip for sigmoid colon perforation with a bile duct stent
陣内杏月, 山口太輔, 田中雄一郎, 長妻剛司, 原優実, 嶋倉茜, 日野直之, 有尾啓介, 綱田誠司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 130-130, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 57 (内). A case in which Bridge to Surgery by colonic stent placement was useful for severe stenosis associated with transverse colon diverticulitis
山口勝城1), 榊原優香1), 山口太輔1), 原優実1), 長妻剛司1), 嶋倉茜1), 田中雄一郎1), 日野直之1), 和田英雄2), 有尾啓介1), 黨和夫2), 内藤愼二3), 綱田誠司1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 131-131, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 58 (消). A case of peritoneal pseudomyxoma / cancerous peritonitis due to appendicitis mucinous carcinoma for which partial laparoscopic cecal resection was useful for diagnosis and treatment decision
馬場あかね1), 竹下浩明2), 肥田泰慈2), 哲翁華子2), 村上俊介2), 古賀洋一2), 三好敬之2), 濱田隆志2), 米田晃2), 北里周2), 三原裕美3), 伊東正博3), 黒木保2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 131-131, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 59 (内). A Case of Prostate Cancer Found in Lower Rectal Circumferential Stenosis and Maintaining Long-Term Remission with Endocrine Therapy
田中健太郎1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 濱田広之1), 森麻里母1), 加来寿光1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 131-131, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 60 (消). A case of sigmoid colon penetration by chicken bone discovered by ultrasonography
白神佳奈, 塩屋晋吾, 深井建孝, 小畑僚景, 小栗知也, 門野潤, 重田浩一朗
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 131-131, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 61 (内). Two cases in which Endoscopic Band Ligation (EBL) was useful for colorectal diverticulum bleeding
太田健二, 栗林泰隆, 石田智士, 池田智成, 岡村卓真, 山道忍, 山島美緒, 宮崎修, 矢嶌弘之, 本田徹郎, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 132-132, 2021.

Japanese Article 研 62 (内). Usefulness of HSE local injection and clipping combination therapy for active colorectal diverticulum bleeding
濱田誠司1), 寺本彰2), 瑞慶山隆太1), 松川しのぶ1), 普久原朝史1), 高木亮1), 仲村将泉3), 小橋川嘉泉1), 内間庸文1), 仲吉朝邦1), 金城福則1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 132-132, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 01 (消). A case of pancreatic cancer diagnosed by pancreatic juice cytology by ENPD
茶園歩夢, 知念健司, 大山格, 富田有香, 小林幹生, 柳田佳史, 大中祐太郎, 大城拓己, 石原祐史, 峯松秀樹, 真喜志知子, 加藤功大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 135-135, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 02 (消). A case of insulin-producing rectal metastasis after surgery for a non-functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
新谷和貴, 竹下茂之, 重橋周, 中鋪卓, 楠本浩一郎, 重野賢也
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 135-135, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 03 (消). A case of acute obstructive purulent pancreatitis (AOSPD) thought to have developed with pancreatic duct stent placement
前田将久1), 岩下祐司1), 岩田大輝1), 寺田芳寛1), 宮之前優香1), 児玉朋子2), 川平正博2), 山筋章博1), 軸屋賢一1), 橋口正史1), 中澤潤一2), 那須雄一郎1), 玉井努1), 堀剛1), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 135-135, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 04 (消). A case of acute pancreatitis thought to be caused by complete pancreatic duct union failure
嶋田淳之介1), 田口宏樹1), 坂江貴弘1), 小野陽平1), 大井秀久1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 135-135, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 05 (消). A case of pancreatic stone disease caused by pancreaticojejunostomy after pancreaticoduodenectomy could be treated with endoscopic ultrasonographic pancreatic duct drainage.
大薗宏輔, 松岡慧, 柿原敦子, 児島一成, 樋之口真, 前田英仁, 田中啓仁, 有馬志穂, 田ノ上史郎, 佐々木文郷, 橋元慎一, 上村修司, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 136-136, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 06 (内). An example of pancreatic stone disease quarried by pancreatoscopic electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL)
末永顕彦, 橋木理沙, 藤山隆, 武内翼, 多田美苑, 友枝成, 西嶋健一, 田中俊行, 梅野成大, 國吉政美, 板場壮一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 136-136, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 07 (内). Two cases in which direct-view convex scanning ultrasound endoscopy (EUS) was useful for drainage of postoperative cyst infection
小出明妃, 草野啓子, 遠山志穂, 中村裕, 橋本さつき, 小松直広, 森崎智仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 136-136, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 08 (消). A case of end-stage pancreatic cancer patient who was able to reach the end of his life at home according to his intention in the corona illness
下司安春1), 古賀毅彦1), 坂本理絵2), 北口恭規1), 土屋直壮1), 石田祐介1), 平井郁仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 136-136, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 09 (消). A case of total pancreatic resection for IPMN residual pancreatic recurrence after pancreatic tail resection with consideration for residual gastric blood flow
塚本哲平1), 森泰寿1), 厚井志郎1), 田村利尚1), 佐藤典宏1), 大江晋司2), 柴尾和徳1), 平田敬治1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 137-137, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 10 (消). A case of type 3b traumatic pancreatic injury that could be avoided by EUS-guided rendezvous pancreatic duct stent placement
澤健一1), 児島一成1), 柿原敦子1), 松岡慧1), 荒木紀匡1), 樋之口真1), 田中啓仁1), 前田英仁1), 小牧祐雅1), 有馬志穂1), 田ノ上史郎1), 佐々木文郷1), 橋元慎一1), 上村修司1), 小吉尚裕2), 恒吉研吾2), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 137-137, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 11 (内). A case of severe acute pancreatitis associated with adult T-cell leukemia
児玉康弘1), 岩津伸一1), 坂田真規2), 木本喬博1), 庄司寛之1), 小野英樹1), 高木崇1), 加藤有史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 137-137, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 12 (内). One case of the pancreatic lithiasis treated with oral pancreatic duct mirror lower EHL in the accessory nipple approach
小森康寛, 加来豊馬, 肱岡真之, 河邉顕, 原田直彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 137-137, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 13 (内). Two cases of pancreatic stone disease that occurred during the course of non-steroidal treatment in type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis
中島美紀1), 土居雅宗1), 松岡大介1), 田中利幸1), 永山林太郎1), 立川勝子1), 丸尾達1), 野間栄次郎1), 植木敏晴1), 太田敦子1), 原岡誠司2), 田邉寛2), 二村聡2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 138-138, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 14 (消). A case in which hemostasis was obtained by vascular embolization for a ruptured posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal aneurysm.
濱崎俊輔1), 赤司太郎1), 永松雅郎1), 猪股寛子1), 田渕真惟子1), 塩田純也1), 北山素1), 橋口慶一1), 山口直之1), 石丸英樹2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 138-138, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 15 (消). A case of intra-abdominal hemorrhage considered to be a ruptured abdominal visceral aneurysm that could be followed up conservatively
今村壮志1), 落合利彰1), 水谷孝弘1), 向井康二1), 向坂誠一郎1), 市田かおる1), 清水俊吾1), 岡本大佑2), 伊原栄吉3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 138-138, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 16 (内). A case in which endoscopic fistula closure using OTSC (Over-The-Scope Clip) was effective for rectal vaginal fistula of unknown cause
柴田衛, 船越禎広, 能丸遼平, 山嶋友実, 今給黎宗, 保田秀生, 向坂秀人, 松岡賢, 久能宣昭, 阿部光市, 石橋英樹, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 138-138, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 17 (消). An example of omental bleeding that has been conservatively followed
楠本周平, 北田英貴, 吉本和仁, 浦田孝広, 南信弘, 竹熊与志
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 139-139, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 18 (消). An example of double carcinoma (adrenocortical carcinoma and primary peritoneal carcinoma) diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasonography aspiration biopsy
市田泰海1), 藤田俊浩1), 金丸紗千1), 大井貴之1), 柴田隆佑1), 福森光1), 青崎眞一郎1), 嵜山敏男1), 馬渡誠一2), 豊留亜衣2), 田ノ上史郎2), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 139-139, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 19 (消). A case of mesenteric neuroendocrine tumor (NET-G3) diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS-FNA)
山里侑, 樋之口真, 柿原敦子, 児島一成, 荒木紀匡, 前田英仁, 田中啓仁, 小牧祐雅, 有馬志穂, 田ノ上史郎, 佐々木文郷, 橋元慎一, 上村修司, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 139-139, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 20 (消). A case of mucinous liposarcoma of the right forearm with laparoscopic-assisted small intestinal mesenteric metastasis
石嶺伝羽, 金城達也, 宮城良浩, 田本秀輔, 知念徹, 石野信一郎, 川俣太, 大野慎一郎, 狩俣弘幸, 下地英明, 高槻光寿
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 139-139, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 21 (消). A case in which the effects on proteinuria and renal function differed between drugs during administration of a molecular-targeted drug for unresectable advanced liver cancer
阪口真千, 佐々木龍, 福島真典, 三馬聡, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 140-140, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 22 (消). A case of refractory multiple liver abscess due to hyperviscosity Klebsiella pneumoniae successfully treated with antibiotic intraarterial injection
兼元萌実1), 新垣伸吾1), 池村明仁1), 嵩原小百合1), 田端そうへい1), 溜田茂仁1), 宮里公也1), 星野訓一1), 金城徹2), 前城達次1), 外間昭2), 藤田次郎1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 140-140, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 23 (消). A case of de novo hepatitis B that needed to be differentiated from acute hepatitis B
森聡志, 谷山央樹, 豊留亜衣, 伊集院翔, 坂江遥, 小田耕平, 椨一晃, 熊谷公太郎, 馬渡誠一, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 140-140, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 24 (消). A case of acute hepatitis E caused by HEV genotype 4 of unknown transmission route in Kagoshima prefecture
梶原涼1), 最勝寺晶子1), 樋脇卓也1), 今利也寸志1), 平峯靖也1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 140-140, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 25 (消). A case of SLE with portal vein thrombosis
草野啓子1), 小出明妃1), 遠山志穂1), 中村裕1), 小松直広1), 橋本さつき1), 森崎智仁1), 大場一生1), 藤川敬太2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 141-141, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 26 (消). A case after congenital biliary atresia with exacerbation of esophageal varices due to pregnancy
釣船隼也1), 成田翔平1), 小坂太一郎2), 田島和昌1), 吉良圭1), 別府麻美1), 松本耕輔1), 高橋孝輔1), 福島真典1), 佐々木龍1), 原口雅史1), 三馬聡1), 宮明寿光1), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 141-141, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 27 (消). A case of primary malignant lymphoma of the liver that was difficult to distinguish from hepatocellular carcinoma
西田泰治, 北原賢二, 田中聡也, 三好篤, 池田貯, 古賀浩木, 三宅修輔, 佐藤博文, 江川紀幸, 梶原脩平, 眞崎晴奈
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 141-141, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 28 (消). A case of giant hepatic hemangiomas with Kasabach-Merritt syndrome that was difficult to treat
水田貴大, 蔵野宗太郎, 楢原哲史, 稲田浩紀, 田中健太郎, 徳永尭之, 吉丸洋子, 長岡克弥, 渡邊丈久, 瀬戸山博子, 立山雅邦, 直江秀昭, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 141-141, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 29 (消). A case of liver dysfunction after vaccination with the new coronavirus
下河邉尭, 白地美紀, 山口翔太郎, 宮崎健, 梶原雅彦, 小野典之
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 142-142, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 30 (消). Examination of the current status and response of HCV antibody-positive cases in our infectious disease screening
藤本敦, 大本佳奈, 門脇義昂, 齊藤宏和, 多田修治
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 142-142, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 31 (消). An example of alcoholic cirrhosis in which hypocopperemia caused by zinc preparation became a problem
若松彩1), 阿比留正剛1), 釘山有希1), 戸次鎮宗1), 末廣智之1), 本吉康英1), 佐伯哲2), 長岡進矢3), 山崎一美3), 小森敦正3), 八橋弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 142-142, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 32 (消). A case of gallbladder cancer with marked leukocytosis due to G-CSF production
永汐太郎, 武川慎治, 西尾仁, 有留玄太郎, 山崎雅弘
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 142-142, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 33 (消). A case of stump neuroma that was difficult to distinguish from hilar cholangiocarcinoma
山鹿慎也, 階子俊平, 浦本有記子, 久木山直貴, 吉成元宏, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 143-143, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 34 (消). A case of extrahepatic bile duct metastasis from breast cancer
本田真仁, 秀島宏典, 篠原暢彦, 烏山司, 米田晃敏, 宮川恒一郎, 大江晋司, 阿部慎太郎, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 143-143, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 35 (消). A case of biliary bleeding due to biliary puncture of a pseudoaneurysm thought to be caused by placement of pigtail-type plastic stents on both ends
柿添麻由子, 長田和義, 佐々木龍, 阪口真千, 森智崇, 高橋孝輔, 小澤栄介, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 143-143, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 36 (消). A case of EB virus-related small intestinal leiomyosarcoma
萩原啓太1), 兼元萌美1), 池村明仁2), 古賀絵莉香2), 大石有衣子2), 田中照久2), 大平哲也2), 伊良波淳2), 金城徹2), 外間昭2), 宮城良浩3), 金城達也3), 和田直樹4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 143-143, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 37 (消). A case of small intestine cancer discovered due to gastrointestinal bleeding of unknown cause
原優実1), 嶋倉茜1), 長妻剛司1), 田中雄一郎1), 日野直之1), 山口太輔1), 有尾啓介1), 黨和夫1,2), 内藤慎二3), 綱田誠司1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 144-144, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 38 (消). An example of the lupus enterocolitis that racked its brains about a diagnosis
宮園智至1), 川崎啓祐1), 鳥巣剛弘1), 冬野雄太1), 松野雄一1), 藤岡審1), 梅野淳嗣1), 森山智彦2), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 144-144, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 39 (消). A case of nonspecific multiple small intestinal ulcer disease diagnosed with intestinal obstruction with hypertrophic dermato periosteal disease
武川慎治, 永汐太郎, 西尾仁, 有留玄太郎, 山崎雅弘
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 144-144, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 40 (消). An example of ileal endometriosis for which endoscopic ultrasonography was useful for preoperative diagnosis
鈴木祐輔1), 小副川敬1), 久保川賢1), 淀江賢太郎1), 小森圭司1), 古賀聡2), 宮下優2), 大石善丈3), 長田繁樹1), 野崎哲史1), 松林江里子1), 糸永周一1), 竹島翼1), 濱崎慎平1), 大崎智絵1), 若杉晃伸1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 144-144, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 41 (内). A case of Crohn's disease in which dentures could be removed by performing endoscopic dilatation for multiple intestinal strictures
加治拓朗1), 金城健1), 武田輝之1), 古賀章浩3), 高津典孝3), 宮岡正喜2), 久部高司3), 植木敏晴1), 八尾建史2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 145-145, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 42 (消). A case in which hemostasis was efficiently obtained by performing hybrid surgery for refractory recurrent small intestinal bleeding.
大山格, 知念健司, 茶園歩夢, 富田有香, 小林幹生, 柳田佳史, 大中祐太郎, 大城拓巳, 石原祐史, 峯松秀樹, 真喜志知子, 加藤功大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 145-145, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 43 (消). An example of localized gastric amyloidosis
相馬颯介1), 福地聡士1), 森圭依1), 勝田泰志郎1), 草津工喜1), 和田蔵人1), 林友和1), 蒲池綾子2), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 145-145, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 44 (消). A case of primary gastric angiosarcoma with lung metastasis
河野亮介1), 今村美幸1), 宮本英明1), 岡崎菜紗2), 鶴田結子1), 田山紗代子1), 脇幸太郎1), 園田隆賀1), 本田宗倫1), 山崎明1), 松野健司1), 古田陽輝1), 具嶋亮介1), 直江秀昭1), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 145-145, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 45 (内). A case of gastroduodenal mucosal injury due to heavy ion beam
伊藤隆成, 田中貴英, 鷲尾恵万, 尾石義謙, 山縣元, 田中吏佐, 山元啓文, 瀬尾充
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 146-146, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 46 (内). A case of raspberry-like glandular epithelial gastric cancer discovered at the time of screening
寺田朋1), 鮫島洋一1), 福田芳生1), 喜山甲菜1), 川平真知子1), 中村義孝1), 柊元洋紀1), 塗木冬実2), 宮原宏典2), 中村勇一2), 徳重浩一1), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 146-146, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 47 (内). Ingenuity of minimally invasive treatment for multiple gastric neuroendocrine tumors with duodenal cancer that occurred against the background of type A gastritis
松元琢真1), 前田英仁1), 佐々木文郷1), 松岡慧1), 荒木紀匡1), 藤野悠介1), 矢野弘樹1), 田中啓仁1), 上村修司1), 松下大輔2), 有上貴明2), 大塚隆生2), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 146-146, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 48 (内). A case of gastric metastasis of primary invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast that required differentiation from advanced type 4 cancer
岡村活揮1), 宮園智至1), 川崎啓祐1), 冬野雄太1), 松野雄一1), 梅野淳嗣1), 藤岡審2), 甲斐昌也3), 川床慎一郎1,4), 李橋賢一4), 森山智彦5), 鳥巣剛弘1), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 146-146, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 49 (消). A case of low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma of the large intestine caused by intestinal endometriosis
加来寿光1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 濱田広之1), 森麻里母1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 147-147, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 50 (消). A case of cancer of unknown primary associated with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
柿原敦子1), 有馬志穂1), 川平真知子1,2), 柊元洋紀2), 児島一成1), 荒木紀匡1), 樋之口真1), 前田英仁1), 田中啓仁1), 田ノ上史郎1), 佐々木文郷1), 橋元慎一1), 上村修司1), 徳重浩一2), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 147-147, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 51 (消). A case of consciousness disorder due to hyperammonemia caused by 5-Fluorouracil during chemotherapy
葛山堅斗, 三ノ宮寛人, 満吉将大, 本田晋策, 永田淳, 鳥越貴行, 平田敬冶
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 147-147, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 52 (内). A case of colorectal cancer showing submucosal tumor-like morphology
板山雄亮1), 小薗雅哉1), 福迫哲史1), 田中啓仁2), 小田耕平2), 藤元静太郎1), 奥村隆志1), 井上輝彦1), 前原直樹1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 147-147, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 53 (内). A case of rectal endocrine cell carcinoma with multiple liver metastases discovered with an increase in hepatobiliary system enzymes
水江龍太郎1), 井原勇太郎1), 川床慎一郎1,2), 藤原美奈子3), 松野雄一1), 梅野淳嗣1), 森山智彦1,4), 鳥巣剛弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 148-148, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 54 (内). A case of Sessile serrated lesion with histologically confirmed herniation
朝長道人1), 成瀬尚美2), 武富啓展1), 行元崇浩1), 芥川剛至2), 鶴岡ななえ1), 坂田資尚1), 下田良2), 相島慎一3), 江崎幹宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 148-148, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 55 (内). A case of rectal infiltration of prostate cancer that required differentiation from type 4 advanced rectal cancer
大園修吾1), 天野良祐1), 占部正喜1), 石川智士1), 高木靖寛1), 櫻井俊弘1), 井上幸広2), 太田敦子3), 岩下明徳3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 148-148, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 56 (消). One case of multiple rectal carotenoid complicated with ulcerative colitis
坂東昌哉1), 渡邊龍之1), 花田駿1), 今津直紀1), 烏山司1), 谷本彩1), 村石純一1), 久米井伸介1), 宮川恒一郎1), 久米恵一郎1), 芳川一郎2), 原田大1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 148-148, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 57 (消). A case of colchicine that was significantly effective for ulcerative colitis that was difficult to treat
豊田俊徳1), 鶴田結子1), 古田陽輝1), 市川亮2), 脇幸太郎1), 園田隆賀1), 本田宗倫1), 山崎明1), 松野健司1), 具嶋亮介1), 宮本英明1), 直江秀昭1), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 149-149, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 58 (内). A case of ulcerative colitis with cytomegalovirus enteritis during vedolizumab administration
馬渡将語1), 柴田雅士1), 東郷政明1), 福嶋伸良1), 竹島史直1), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 149-149, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 59 (消). A case of ulcerative colitis with drug-induced eosinophilic pneumonia caused by Mesalazine
吉田直樹, 芦塚伸也, 田村穂高, 内山尚美, 小川宗一郎, 堀口みなみ, 瀬戸口翔子, 篠原実成, 市成直樹, 押川一達, 宮後冴, 平田智也, 黒木大介, 鈴木翔, 中島孝治, 安倍弘生, 三池忠, 山本章二朗, 稲津東彦, 河上洋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 149-149, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 60 (消). A case of ulcerative colitis with repeated exacerbations of interstitial nephritis caused by mesalazine
田村穂高1), 山本章二朗1), 三池忠1), 安倍弘生1), 鈴木翔1), 坂口舞1), 平田智也1), 中村佳菜子1), 市成直樹1), 瀬戸口翔子1), 黒木大介1), 吉田直樹1), 河上洋2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 149-149, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 61 (消). A case of Crohn's disease that developed psoriasis-like rash during infliximab administration and improved by switching to ustekinumab.
野上鈴夏1), 中島昌利1), 蔵野宗太郎2), 中垣貴志1), 坂井良成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 150-150, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 62 (消). A case of Campylobacter fetus enteritis that developed during administration of an immune checkpoint inhibitor for liver cancer and required differentiation from so-called irAE
柯懿玲, 久能宣昭, 山内涼, 柴田衛, 能丸遼平, 今給黎宗, 保田秀生, 山嶋友実, 向坂秀人, 松岡賢, 阿部光市, 船越禎広, 石田祐介, 石橋英樹, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 150-150, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 63 (inner). A case of familial Mediterranean fever gene-related enteritis with colchicine
筒井章弘1), 今村健太郎1), 中山敦貴1), 武田輝之1), 安川重義1), 高津典孝1), 武田和大1), 小野貴大3), 田邉寛3), 原岡誠司3), 二村聡3), 植木敏晴1), 八尾建史2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 150-150, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 64 (内). A case of diverticular colitis with complicated sigmoid diverticulitis and difficulty in deciding the treatment policy
樋脇久美1), 武田輝之1), 小野陽一郎1), 高津典孝1), 金城健1), 安川重義1), 古賀章浩1), 久部高司1), 植木敏晴1), 上床崇吾2), 薦野晃2), 渡部雅人2), 小野貴大3), 田邉寛3), 原岡誠司3), 二村聡3), 大谷圭介4), 八尾建史5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 150-150, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 65 (消). Two cases of idiopathic mesenteric venous sclerosis with endoscopic and histological improvement confirmed long after discontinuation of Chinese herbal medicine containing gardenia
照山直樹1), 上尾哲也1), 下森雄太1), 池見雅俊2), 合田智則2), 秋山英俊1), 安部真琴1), 高橋晴彦1), 本村充輝2), 成田竜一2), 久保山雄介3), 垣迫陽子3), 村上和成4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 151-151, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 66 (消). A case in which clip hemostasis was effective for ruptured varicose veins of the sigmoid colon
柴田麻珠子, 田井博, 黒木暢一, 米澤玲美, 楠元寿典
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 151-151, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 67 (inner). An example of Pseudolipomatosis in the cecum
隅田恵理子1), 妹尾健正1), 松藤寛治1), 光岡浩志1), 濱田哲夫2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 151-151, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 68 (消). A case of acute esophageal mucosal lesion with black change of esophageal mucosa associated with alcoholic ketoacidosis
宮部美圭1), 五島悠太2), 北田英貴1), 浦田孝広3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 151-151, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 69 (消). 4 cases of endoscopic indication of esophageal stricture due to aortic angioplasty
岩永真太朗, 猪股寛子, 田渕真惟子, 杉尾小百合, 濱崎俊輔, 谷口育洋, 田中久也, 永松雅朗, 峯彩子, 塩田純也, 赤司太郎, 北山素, 橋口慶一, 南ひとみ, 松島加代子, 赤澤裕子, 山口直之, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 152-152, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 70 (内). A case in which EUS-FNA was useful for histological diagnosis for mediastinal lymphadenopathy found after ESD
花田駿1), 久米井伸介1), 大江晋司1), 今津直紀1), 烏山司1), 篠原暢彦1), 秀島宏典1), 谷本彩1), 米田晃敏1), 村石純一1), 宮川恒一郎1), 渡邊龍之1), 久米惠一郎1), 芳川一郎2), 原田大1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 152-152, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 71 (内). An example of the moderately-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus which presented the tissue construction of the lymphocytes invasive cancer
京山一樹1), 小野陽一郎1), 武田輝之1), 宮岡正喜2), 植木敏晴1), 太田敦子3), 原岡誠司3), 二村聡3), 渡部雅人4), 八尾建史2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 152-152, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 72 (内). A case requiring surgical removal for accidental ingestion of a hooked denture
宮之前優香1), 軸屋賢一1), 岩田大輝1), 寺田芳寛1), 前田将久1), 児玉朋子2), 川平正博2), 山筋章博1), 橋口正史1), 中澤潤一2), 岩下祐司1), 那須雄一郎1), 玉井努1), 堀剛1), 坪内博仁1), 山尾幸平3), 飯野聡3), 柳政行3), 井戸章雄4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 152-152, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 73 (内). A case of esophageal web for which endoscopic balloon dilatation was effective
平瀬崇之1), 池園剛1), 八坂達尚1), 小野貴大2), 太田敦子2), 岩下明徳3), 畠山定宗4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 153-153, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 74 (内). An example of eosinophilic gastroenteritis that was difficult to diagnose
市岡正敏1), 小島俊樹1), 平塚裕也3), 別府剛志1), 酒見亮介1), 副島祥1), 松岡弘樹1), 榊原重成1), 橋本崇1), 佐々木優1), 森光洋介2), 宗祐人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 153-153, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 75 (内). EUS-A case of suspected subtype of eosinophilic esophagitis for which FNA was useful for diagnosis
馬見塚大悟1), 石井将太郎1), 松田暖1), 向坂健佑1), 志茂田美紀1), 松山太一1), 中田成紀1), 杉和洋1), 村山寿彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 153-153, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 76 (内). A case of duodenal monomorphic epitheliotrophic T-cell lymphoma (MEITL) whose initial and advanced images could be observed endoscopically
深水翔大1), 福島真典1), 吉良圭史1), 小松直広1), 佐々木龍1), 小澤栄介1), 三馬聡1), 宮明寿光1), 本田徹郎2), 入江準二3), 佐藤信也4), 岡野慎士5), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 153-153, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 77 (内). A case of mantle cell lymphoma with lesions in the stomach, duodenum, ileum, and large intestine
汐見大二郎1), 船川慶太1), 山崎晃裕1), 中馬健太1), 奈良博文1), 今給黎和幸1), 吉永英希1), 白濱浩2), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 154-154, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 78 (内). An example of duodenal GIST diagnosed with black stool
山根大毅1), 加茂泰広1), 野尻暁太1), 藤野亮太1), 高木裕子1), 山口東平1), 小田英俊1), 米満伸久2), 國崎真己3), 銕尾智幸3), 白石斗士雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 154-154, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 79 (内). An example of duodenal accessory breast head adenoma given an endoscopic accessory nipple resection
山本真也1), 島岡俊治1), 古川淳一郎1), 前村清美1), 古川沙織1), 馬場由紀子1), 楠元大岳1), 木下英幸1), 政幸一郎1), 田代光太郎1), 堀雅英1), 新原亨1), 堀乃内道子2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 154-154, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 80 (内). A case of EMRO (EMR with OTSC) for duodenal gastric tumor
鍛治屋祐1), 梅野淳嗣1), 川床慎一郎1,2), 長末智寛1), 松野雄一1), 森山智彦1), 山元英崇2), 家守智大3), 家守光雄3), 鳥巣剛弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 154-154, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 81 (消). A case in which a clip during cholecystectomy was compressed outside the wall and exhibited a duodenal submucosal tumor-like ridge, which was thought to have penetrated the lumen during the course.
江田誠1), 桑野徹1), 河野隆1), 吉尾智一1), 谷口寛子2), 谷脇慎一2), 豊増靖1), 森田拓1), 名嘉真陽平2), 河野克俊1), 福森一太1), 坂田研二1), 野口和典1), 鳥村拓司3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 155-155, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 82 (内). A case of hemorrhagic duodenal ulcer with acute cholecystitis and cholangitis after endoscopic hemostasis
内海聡志, 長末智寛, 松野雄一, 藤岡審, 冬野雄太, 川崎啓祐, 梅野淳嗣, 森山智彦, 北園孝成, 鳥巣剛弘
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 155-155, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 83 (内). A case of perforated duodenal diverticulum bleeding that could be conservatively treated with clip treatment
加来寿光1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 濱田広之1), 森麻里母1), 鳥巣剛弘2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 155-155, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 84 (内). A case of duodenal Peutz-Jeghers type polyp with intramucosal cancer resected by EMR
杉尾小百合, 橋口慶一, 濱崎俊輔, 岩永真太郎, 谷口育洋, 田中久也, 平光寿, 永松雅朗, 峯彩子, 猪股寛子, 塩田純也, 赤司太郎, 田渕真惟子, 北山素, 南ひとみ, 松島加代子, 赤澤祐子, 山口直之, 岡野慎士, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 155-155, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 85 (内). IPMC gastric with peculiar endoscopic image, a case of duodenal puncture
江口紘平, 宮原貢一, 樋高秀憲, 井上須磨, 藤邑勇太朗, 窪津祥仁, 野田隆博
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 156-156, 2021.

Japanese Article 専 86 (内). Two cases of difficulty in diagnosing epithelioid angiosarcoma
樋渡公佑1), 樋脇久美1), 丸尾達1), 松岡大介1), 平塚裕晃1), 小野貴大2), 土居雅宗1), 田邉寛2), 二村聡2), 八尾建史3), 植木敏晴1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 156-156, 2021.

Japanese Article O01 (消). A case of pancreatic thoracic fistula with various findings
大堂雅晴1), 松野健司2), 浦本有記子2), 魚住秀明3), 武末亨4), 城野英利5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 159-159, 2021.

Japanese Article O02 (消). A case of irAE pancreatitis that developed as an immune-related adverse event associated with anti-PD-1 antibody drug administration
田所芽衣1), 麻生暁1), 大角真央1), 丸岡涼平1), 三島朋徳1), 大塚宜寛1), 徳永紀子1), 原口和大1), 松坂浩史1), 兼城美由紀2), 河野眞司2), 伊原栄吉3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 159-159, 2021.

Japanese Article O03 (消). Clinical study of 5 suspected cases of pancreatic cyst bleeding
土屋直壮, 石田祐介, 北口恭規, 古賀毅彦, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 159-159, 2021.

Japanese Article O04 (消). A case of acute cholangitis due to MRSA with infective endocarditis that developed after particle beam therapy for pancreatic head cancer
橋元悟, 上平幸史, 宮園智至, 大草響, 平田敬, 永田豊, 一木康則
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 159-159, 2021.

Japanese Article O05 (消). A case of acute pancreatitis with retroperitoneal emphysema
牛嶋真也1), 工藤康一1), 浦田淳資1), 辛島龍一2), 高森啓史2), 今村治男1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 160-160, 2021.

Japanese Article O06 (inner). One patient who underwent endoscopic pancreatic duct stenting (EPS) for the acute pancreatitis due to the metastases to pancreas of gynecologic cancer
山内拓真1), 上原翔平1), 今中大1), 樋之口真1), 熊谷公太郎1), 佐々木文郷1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 160-160, 2021.

Japanese Article O07 (消). A case of IgG4-related disease diagnosed and intervened due to gastrointestinal tract obstruction
北口恭規, 石田祐介, 土屋直壮, 古賀毅彦, 今給黎宗, 保田秀生, 向坂秀人, 松岡賢, 久能宜昭, 阿部光市, 石橋英樹, 船越禎広, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 160-160, 2021.

Japanese Article O08 (消). A case of primary pancreatic ALK-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma
勝田泰志郎1), 福地聡士1), 相馬颯介1), 草津工喜1), 和田蔵人1), 林友和1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 160-160, 2021.

Japanese Article O09 (消). Current status of pancreatic disease screening in abdominal ultrasonography
中村義孝1), 寺田朋1), 梶原涼1), 喜山甲菜1), 川平真知子1), 鮫島洋一1), 柊元洋紀1), 福田芳生1), 宮原広典2), 徳重浩一1,2), 橋元慎一3), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 161-161, 2021.

Japanese Article O10 (inner). An example of the pancreatic acinus basalioma which suffered from the differential diagnosis with the stomach GIST
嶋倉茜1), 日野直之1), 原優実1), 長妻剛司1), 田中雄一郎1), 山口太輔1), 有尾啓介1), 黨和夫2), 内藤愼二3), 綱田誠司1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 161-161, 2021.

Japanese Article O11 (消). An example of pancreatic acinic cell carcinoma that was difficult to diagnose
木下英幸, 政幸一郎, 新原亨, 島岡俊治, 田代光太郎, 楠元大岳, 古川沙織, 馬場由紀子, 古川淳一郎, 前村清美, 山本真也, 堀雅英, 西俣寛人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 161-161, 2021.

Japanese Article O12 (消). A case of high grade IPMN excision
寺部寛哉1), 岡部義信1), 金城賢尚2), 内藤嘉紀3), 島松裕1), 平井真吾1), 牛島知之1,4), 後藤祐一5), 久下亨5), 鳥村拓司1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 161-161, 2021.

Japanese Article O13 (消). A case of pathological IPMA after surgery for distal cholangiocarcinoma and suspected IPMC
後藤健太1), 今村治男1), 浦田淳資1), 上川健太郎1), 山邊聡1), 神尾多喜浩2), 新田英利3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 162-162, 2021.

Japanese Article O14 (inner). Examination about safety and the usefulness of the EUS lower drainage in our hospital
宮崎修, 本田徹郎, 池田智成, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 162-162, 2021.

Japanese Article O15 (inner). Comparison of safety, the effectiveness of EPLBD of the huge calculus and single-stage EPLBD vs. second after accumulating it, and adding the EST for the calculus
齊藤宏和1), 藤本敦1), 大本佳奈1), 門脇義昂1), 岩越友紀2), 岩崎肇2), 門野義弘1), 庄野孝2), 上川健太郎4), 浦田淳資4), 今村治男4), 松下郁雄2), 多田修治1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 162-162, 2021.

Japanese Article O16 (inner). Use experience of SpyGlass DS in our hospital
坂江貴弘1), 田口宏樹1), 嶋田淳之介1), 小野陽平1), 大井秀久1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 162-162, 2021.

Japanese Article O17 (inner). Example that they presented with operative haemorrhage after the EST, and had difficulty in endoscopic hemostasis technique
肱岡真之, 加来豊馬, 小森康寛, 津田桂, 日置智惟, 河邉顕, 原田直彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 163-163, 2021.

Japanese Article O18 (inner). Two cases that a sliding tube was useful in the case which had difficulty with the endoscopic insertion of ERCP
野口達矢, 中嶋哲也, 相部祐希, 木下善博, 幸本達矢, 生越綾子, 原田克則, 白井保之
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 163-163, 2021.

Japanese Article O19 (inner). One patient successful after the pylorus side gastrectomy for a Roux - Y rebuilding intestinal tract case for the endoscopic bile duct stone exclusion method with the lateral vision mirror
榊原重成1), 岡部義信2), 宗祐人1), 市岡正敏1), 副島祥1), 平塚裕也1), 松岡弘樹1), 小島俊樹1), 橋本崇1), 別府剛志1), 酒見亮介1), 佐々木優1), 鳥村拓司2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 163-163, 2021.

Japanese Article O20 (消). An example of IPNB that showed an increase in about 8 months
松藤寛治1), 隅田恵理子1), 今津直紀1), 妹尾健正1), 光岡浩志1), 高畑俊一2), 濱田哲夫3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 163-163, 2021.

Japanese Article O21 (消). Examination of 4 cases of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with negative preoperative biliary laparoscopic biopsy and tumor in the biopsy site after postoperative pathology
森英輝1,2), 山腰晃治2), 中村弘3), 本部卓也2), 座喜味盛哉2), 山田航希2), 新城雅行2), 久保田富秋2), 知念健司3), 村上隆啓4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 164-164, 2021.

Japanese Article O22 (消). Examination of the effect of oral statins on prognosis in patients with resection of hepatocellular carcinoma of Stage II or higher
松本嵩史, 山下洋市, 木下翔太郎, 佐藤寛紀, 松村和季, 武末亨, 丸野正敬, 北村文優, 甲斐田剛圭, 中川茂樹, 美馬浩介, 今井克憲, 林洋光, 馬場秀夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 164-164, 2021.

Japanese Article O23 (消). A case of liver abscess that developed after gastric ESD
妹尾健正, 隅田恵理子, 松藤寛治, 光岡浩志
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 164-164, 2021.

Japanese Article O24 (消). COVID-19 A case of acute liver injury suspected to be drug-induced liver injury due to vaccine
早田哲郎1), 福山真1), 宮山隆志1), 西澤新也1), 平井郁仁2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 164-164, 2021.

Japanese Article O25 (消). A case of giant hepatic hemangioma for which bleomycin and lipiodol hepatic artery embolization therapy was effective
北田英貴1), 菅原丈志2), 横山公一2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 165-165, 2021.

Japanese Article O26 (消). Treatment experience of Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab therapy for unresectable advanced liver cancer in our hospital
吉良圭史, 佐々木龍, 柿添麻由子, 阪口真千, 田島和昌, 松本耕輔, 成田翔平, 福島正典, 三馬聡, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 165-165, 2021.

Japanese Article O27 (消). An example of liver damage that occurred during treatment for breast cancer bone metastasis
河野聡, 重松宏尚
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 165-165, 2021.

Japanese Article O28 (消). A case of liver amyloidosis that required differentiation from bile duct cancer
戸次鎮宗1), 若松彩1), 釘山有希1), 末廣智之1), 本吉康英1), 佐伯哲1), 長岡進矢1), 阿比留正剛1), 山崎一美1), 小森敦正1), 伊東正博2), 八橋弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 165-165, 2021.

Japanese Article O29 (消). An example of a giant liver cyst rupture
柴田翔1), 渡辺大将1), 渡邊優征1), 菅原脩平1), 深水航1), 上野恵里奈1), 河野弘志1), 鶴田修1), 秋山哲司2), 鳥村拓司3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 166-166, 2021.

Japanese Article O30 (消). A case of ruptured esophageal varices associated with severe reflux esophagitis
橋口一利, 田中亮介, 小林起秋, 寺田尚人, 田原寛之
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 166-166, 2021.

Japanese Article O31 (inner). Examination of the esophagus motor function that we saw according to upper gastrointestinal symptoms
栗林泰隆1), 落合頼業2), 石田智1), 池田智成1), 岡村卓真1), 山道忍1), 山島美緒1), 宮崎修1), 矢嶌弘之1), 本田徹郎1), 市川辰樹1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 166-166, 2021.

Japanese Article O32 (inner). One case of left diaphragm side hiatal hernia that was able to confirm endoscopic change over time in retrograded examination
橋口一利, 田中亮介, 小林起秋, 寺田尚人, 田原寛之
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 166-166, 2021.

Japanese Article O33 (消). A case of ischemic gastric disease with portal vein emphysema that developed after dialysis
眞川昌大, 古谷孝
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 167-167, 2021.

Japanese Article O34 (inner). Examination of the case with the pavement-formed gastric mucosa
小嶋伸夫1), 松浦隆志1), 大内田敏行2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 167-167, 2021.

Japanese Article O35 (消). Consideration of the molecular pathology for the stomach enhancement type anaplastic adenocarcinoma that presented a specific form
川床慎一郎1,2), 孝橋賢一2), 長末智寛1), 鳥巣剛弘1), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 167-167, 2021.

Japanese Article O36 (消). A Case of Metastatic Gastric Duodenal Cancer Due to Breast Cancer
坂田奈津子1), 竹内祐樹1), 松永圭司1), 安武努1), 中村宏彰2), 中村淳2), 佐藤建2), 伊山明宏2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 167-167, 2021.

Japanese Article O37 (inner). One case of the renal cell carcinoma metastases to stomach that presented the specific form with the base in two places
川邊聡1), 牛嶋真也1), 前田大樹1), 後藤健太1), 古川歩生1), 糸島尚1), 須古信一郎1), 吉田健一1), 上川健太郎1), 江口洋之1), 工藤康一1), 上原正義1), 浦田淳資1), 近澤秀人1), 神尾多喜浩2), 今村治男1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 168-168, 2021.

Japanese Article O38 (inner). An example of the stomach origin malignant melanoma
矢嶌弘之1), 池田智成1), 石田智士1), 岡本卓真1), 栗林泰隆1), 山道忍1), 山島美緒1), 宮崎修1), 本田徹郎1), 三原裕美2), 市川辰樹1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 168-168, 2021.

Japanese Article O39 (消). A case of gastric ectopic pancreatic cancer that developed and progressed in a short period after vascular embolization for hemorrhagic duodenal ulcer
森麻里母1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 濱田広之1), 加来寿光1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 168-168, 2021.

Japanese Article O40 (消). A case of autoimmune gastritis
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 168-168, 2021.

Japanese Article O41 (inner). An example of type A gastritis that we were able to diagnose with pernicious anemia
小島俊樹1), 市岡正敏1), 別府剛志1), 副島祥1), 松岡弘樹1), 榊原重成1), 橋本崇1), 酒見良介1), 森光洋介2), 宗祐人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 169-169, 2021.

Japanese Article O42 (inner). One case of the bezoar which we were able to completely extirpate endoscopically
前村清美1), 島岡俊治1), 山本真也1), 古川淳一郎1), 古川沙織1), 馬場由紀子1), 楠元大岳1), 木下英幸1), 政幸一郎1), 田代光太郎1), 新原亨1), 堀雅英1), 西俣寛人1), 山口芳史2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 169-169, 2021.

Japanese Article O43 (inner). One case of the gastric mucosa bottom different place glandular inner abscess thought to be the fish bone penetration which needed ectopic pancreatitis and differentiation
江崎薫1), 伊原諒1), 檜沢一興2), 岡本康治2), 坂本圭2), 濱田広之2), 森麻里母2), 加来寿光2), 伏見文良3), 鳥巣剛弘4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 169-169, 2021.

Japanese Article O44 (inner). It is the clinical examination of the stomach duodenal ulcer for patients after the kidney transplantation in our hospital
近藤雅浩1), 鳥巣剛弘1), 柿添梢2), 井原勇太郎1), 土本晃裕1), 岡部安博3), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 169-169, 2021.

Japanese Article O45 (消). A case of invasive colorectal cancer due to plasma cell type bladder cancer
森麻里母1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 濱田広之1), 加来寿光1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 170-170, 2021.

Japanese Article O46 (inner). One case of stomach origin metastasis-related colon cancer that presented various endoscopic views
寺田尚人, 橋口一利, 田中亮介, 小林起秋, 田原寛之
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 170-170, 2021.

Japanese Article O47 (inner). An example of rectal mucosa - associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma that reduced by sanitization treatment
松永圭司1), 坂田奈津子1), 竹内祐樹1), 坂田資尚2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 170-170, 2021.

Japanese Article O48 (消). A case of submucosal hematoma of the large intestine that repeatedly disappeared due to the combined use of warfarin and an antiplatelet drug
竹島翼, 若杉晃伸, 鈴木祐輔, 梯祥太郎, 大崎智絵, 濱崎慎平, 糸永周一, 松林江里子, 野崎哲史, 兼子容子, 長田繁樹, 小森圭司, 小副川敬, 淀江賢太郎, 宜保淳也, 久保川賢
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 170-170, 2021.

Japanese Article O50 (消). A case of salmonella enteritis that developed as sepsis the day after colonoscopy
保利喜史1), 矢田親一朗1), 白石龍1), 小池真生子2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 171-171, 2021.

Japanese Article O51 (消). An example of intestinal tuberculosis that developed intestinal obstruction during antituberculosis drug treatment
今村祥子1), 西原敬仁1), 三根祥一郎1), 後藤高介1), 中島悠史郎1), 西山仁1), 三原智2), 竹下浩明3), 三原裕美4), 伊東正博4), 三浦史郎4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 171-171, 2021.

Japanese Article O52 (消). A case in which decompression with an upper ileus tube was effective for obstructive enteritis caused by circumscribed colorectal stenosis due to cytomegalovirus enteritis.
松口崇央, 平山雅大, 前原浩亮, 丸山薫, 横山梓, 丸岡浩人, 福田慎一郎, 國木康久, 隅田頼信, 秋穂裕唯
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 171-171, 2021.

Japanese Article O53 (消). A case of successful endoscopic ultrasonographic transrectal drainage for an abscess in the abdominal cavity after infectious enteritis
永村良二, 久場弘子, 城間翔
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 171-171, 2021.

Japanese Article O54 (消). An example of colchicine-resistant MEFV gene-related enteritis that was difficult to treat
松本章子1), 植木俊仁1), 阪口立樹2), 古賀智裕2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 172-172, 2021.

Japanese Article O55 (inner). Use experience of the tofacitinib for the intractable ulcerative colitis in our center
河内修司1), 甲斐貴大1), 冬野光未1), 鳥巣剛弘2), 道免和文1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 172-172, 2021.

Japanese Article O56 (消). A case of neurofibromatosis type 1 with small intestinal GIST
大崎智絵1), 濱崎慎平1), 松林江里子1), 小森圭司1), 小副川敬1), 久保川賢1), 坂野高大2), 朝永匠3), 平木由佳3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 172-172, 2021.

Japanese Article O57 (消). A case of multiple small intestine cancer diagnosed by intussusception
中島悠史郎1), 西山仁1), 竹下浩明2), 三原裕美3), 三浦史郎3), 伊東正博3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 172-172, 2021.

Japanese Article O58 (消). An example of signet ring cell carcinoma of the large intestine
後藤高介1), 西原敬仁1), 三根祥一郎1), 今村祥子1), 中島悠史郎1), 西山仁1), 竹下浩明2), 三浦史郎3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 173-173, 2021.

Japanese Article O59 (inner). One case of limited stage anal canal squamous cell carcinoma that a magnifying endoscope was useful in a diagnosis
増原裕之1), 岩武史郎1), 大石篤美1), 野村亜貴子1), 秋吉大輔1), 工藤哲司1), 西山憲一2), 平川克哉1), 青柳邦彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 173-173, 2021.

Japanese Article O60 (inner). One case of early anal canal squamous cell carcinoma that NBI combination magnifying endoscope observation was useful in a diagnosis
八坂達尚1), 小野貴大2), 太田敦子2), 岩下明徳3), 池園剛1), 平瀬崇之1), 小野陽一郎4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 173-173, 2021.

Japanese Article O61 (inner). One case of colon cancer which presented Inverted growth pattern
力武祐一郎, 永田務, 荒木俊博, 長知徳, 中根智幸, 大内彬弘, 福永秀平, 向笠道太, 竹田津英稔, 岡部義信, 光山慶一, 鳥村拓司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (118): 173-173, 2021.