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- > The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 119 / 2023
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
S1-1. Examination of the HB core allied antigen change in the HBs antigen disappearance case 安冨栄一郎, 尹聖哲, 森井惇詞, 渡部貴文, 岡田寛史, 白川裕, 田村勇, さか本喜雄, 廣畑成也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 57-57, 2023. |
S1-2. The liver cancer onset and the going to hospital situation after hepatitis C DAA treatment SVR 的野智光1, 多田俊史2, 村松敏郎2, 松尾優2, 村上詩歩2, 中村進一郎2, 岡田裕之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 57-57, 2023. |
S1-3. About efforts by the multi-type of job cooperation around the infection management room in the hepatitis C untreated patients pickup in our hospital 盛田篤広, 宇野耕治, 井上貴人, 中村志歩, 吉本隆晃, 小川智也, 猪上尚徳, 萬代晃一朗, 真田香澄, 河村卓二 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 57-57, 2023. |
S1-4. Examination about patients with diabetes that presented FIB-4 high level 鄭浩柄, 小林拓哉, 長尾宗一郎, 秋山慎介, 丹家元祥, 薮内洋平, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 井上聡子, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 57-57, 2023. |
S1-5. Examination of the noninvasive liver carcinogenesis predictor for NAFLD/NASH 由利幸久, 西村貴士, 高嶋智之, 會澤信弘, 中野遼太, 池田直人, 福西新弥, 塩見英之, 榎本平之, 飯島尋子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 58-58, 2023. |
S1-6. Characteristic of liver hardness and CAP of AIH, the PBC patients whom Transient elastography was performed in 村松敏郎1, 藤井英樹2, 河田則文2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 58-58, 2023. |
S1-7. The effectiveness of zinc acetate for patients with chronic liver disease who had the hypozincaemia 川口敬士1,2, 井田良幸2, 加治汐梨2, 前島秀哉2, 清水遼2, 蘆田玲子2, 前北隆雄2, 井口幹崇2, 北野雅之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 58-58, 2023. |
S1-8. Examination about the effect on liver function improvement effect and renal function of the Pemafibrate in the high neutral hyperlipemia merger NAFLD patients 山田晃佑, 川口雅功, 田端康人, 下野朝香 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 58-58, 2023. |
S1-9. Experience of the radiotherapy for the hepatocellular carcinoma in our hospital 押川大介, 岩上裕吉, 瀬田剛史, 脇田碧, 小西隆文, 松本久和, 中谷泰樹, 赤松拓司, 上野山義人, 山下幸孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 59-59, 2023. |
S1-10. Examination of the factor associated with the change of the liver residual function in approximately the hepatic artery chemoembolisation in patients with BCLC-B stage 1 hepatocellular carcinoma and the Lenvatinib treatment 松田卓也, 浪崎正, 高谷広章, 辻祐樹, 瓦谷英人, 西村典久, 鍛治孝祐, 赤羽たけみ, 吉治仁志 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 59-59, 2023. |
S1-11. The comparison of effect of treatment and the adverse event of the primary treatment for the unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: Atezolizumab bevacizumab vs. Lenvatinib 山口隆志1, 青井一憲1, 諏訪兼彦2, 吉田勝紀2, 山敷宣代2, 小坂久3, 松井康輔3, 海堀昌樹3, 下田慎治1, 長沼誠1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 59-59, 2023. |
S1-12. Treatment result of the late line whole body medical therapy for the unresectable progress hepatocellular carcinoma in our hospital 向井香織, 中堀輔, 木積一浩, 占部真貴子, 甲斐優吾, 高田良司, 池澤賢治, 上原宏之, 大川和良 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 59-59, 2023. |
S2-1. Histories of treatment of bowel juxtaductal type Behcet's disease in our hospital and the simple ulcer 高尾政輝, 前北隆雄, 井口幹崇, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 60-60, 2023. |
S2-2. About the importance of the active evaluation of the Crohn's disease using the capsule endoscope 伊藤友佳, 本澤有介, 深田憲将, 長沼誠 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 60-60, 2023. |
S2-3. The current situation of the 5-ASA intolerance in patients with inflammatory bowel disease of our hospital 上野昌太朗, 中野省吾, 脇田碧, 松本久和, 岩上裕吉, 中谷泰樹, 瀬田剛史, 赤松拓司, 上野山義人, 山下幸孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 60-60, 2023. |
S2-4. Usefulness of the serum LRG measurement in the remission induction of the Ustekinumab treatment for the IBD patients 天野孝広, 良原丈夫, 林義人, 竹原徹郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 60-60, 2023. |
S2-5. Association between clinical disease activity and serum uric acid level of the ulcerative colitis 中路幸之助, 中江遵義, 熊本光孝, 岡原一樹, 西本正幸, 河野尚宏, 和田有紀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 61-61, 2023. |
S2-6. Usefulness of fecal calprotectin and serum Leucine-rich glycoprotein in the mucous membrane healing of ulcerative colitis evaluation 徳林佑美1, 藤井茂彦1, 青木謙太郎1, 岡田圭次郎1, 田中泰敬1, 日下利広2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 61-61, 2023. |
S2-7. Association with LRG and the tissue inflammatory cells permeation in the ulcerative colitis 田中淳也, 増尾謙志, 木村勇斗, 山賀雄一, 鍋島紀滋 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 61-61, 2023. |
S2-8. The current situation of the Vedolizumab treatment for the ulcerative colitis in our hospital 小林由美恵, 中田理恵子, 西田裕, 細見周平, 鎌田紀子, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 61-61, 2023. |
S2-9. Treatment result of Vedolizumab and the Ustekinumab in the ulcerative colitis judging from clinical background 村上瑛基1, 内山和彦1, 高木智久1, 朝枝興平1, 井上健1, 小西英幸1, 内藤裕二2, 伊藤義人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 62-62, 2023. |
S2-10. The effectiveness of the JAK-1 selective inhibitor in ulcerative colitis treatment and the positioning 守屋圭1, 西尾勇哉1, 米田裕亮1, 菊川翔馬1, 松浦恭平1, 賀屋大介1, 永松晋作1, 上嶋昌和2, 松尾英城1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 62-62, 2023. |
S2-11. Usefulness and safety of the JAK inhibitor for the ulcerative colitis 今井隆行1, 西田淳史1, 大野将司1, 馬場重樹2, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 62-62, 2023. |
S2-12. Investigation of the usefulness of Filgotinib for ulcerative colitis in 19 cases 原あずさ1,2, 東野公郁1, 水田昇1, 中沢啓1, 平田有基1, 柿本一城1, 宮嵜孝子1, 中村志郎1, 西川浩樹1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 62-62, 2023. |
S2-13. The change of the medical therapy in the Colitic cancer merger ulcerative colitis case 河合幹夫1, 八木聡一1, 賀来宏司1, 池ノ内麻衣子1, 佐藤寿行1, 上小鶴孝二1, 横山陽子1, 福井広一1, 池内浩基2, 新崎信一郎1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 63-63, 2023. |
S3-1. Examination about the stenosis risk factor after fault all circumferences-related esophagus ESD 上田智也, 三宅宗彰, 石原立 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 63-63, 2023. |
S3-2. Examination about ESD for the diverticulum merger superficial type cancer of the esophagus 吉崎哲也1, 山本佳宣2, 迫智也3, 北村泰明4, 大瀬貴之5, 石田司6, 池田敦史7, 有吉隆佑8, 岩舘峰雄9, 児玉裕三1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 63-63, 2023. |
S3-3. The current situation and problem of the treatment of the cancer of the esophagus of super elderly people 北村陽子, 山川麻郁子, 佐久間裕太, 澤貴幸, 岡本直樹, 岸埜高明, 奥田隆史, 森康二郎, 田中斉祐, 金政和之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 63-63, 2023. |
S3-4. It is examined the recurrence after the operation of the DCF therapy before operation for the cancer of the esophagus 吉本崇典, 中井啓介, 清裕生, 北山嘉隆, 江田裕嗣, 奥川卓也, 富田寿彦, 福井広一, 新崎信一郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 64-64, 2023. |
S3-5. It is examined the passing over lesion after stomach ESD 小西隆文, 岩上裕吉, 中谷泰樹, 赤松拓司 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 64-64, 2023. |
S3-6. About usefulness of Clip hooking rubber band technique combination traction assisted stomach ESD which enabled the traction to this side side 峯孝太朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 64-64, 2023. |
S3-7. About the effectiveness of the endoscopic reefing ulcerated after stomach ESD for the antithrombotic drug internal use patients 岩井直人, 土肥統, 福井勇人, 瀬谷真由子, 山内克真, 宮崎啓, 井上健, 吉田直久, 小西英幸, 伊藤義人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 64-64, 2023. |
S3-8. The current situation of EUS-FNA for the submucosal tumor of the stomach less than 2cm in our hospital 曽根明日香, 中野省吾, 小西隆文, 松本久和, 岩上裕吉, 中谷泰樹, 赤松拓司, 瀬田剛史, 上野山義人, 山下幸孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 65-65, 2023. |
S3-9. Protective efficacy of the tardive accident by the clip reefing after large intestine ESD 福永周生, 前田夏美, 河野光泰, 落合正, 垣谷有紀, 田上光治郎, 丸山紘嗣, 大南雅揮, 永見康明, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 65-65, 2023. |
S3-10. In front of art diagnoses the presence or absence of muscular layer traction views that are the most difficult views in large intestine ESD by MTM (muscle layer tracing method) using EUS 木下真樹子, 木下幾晴, 森下有紗, 森下広睦, 大西紀幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 65-65, 2023. |
S3-11. Two patients who obtained the good course after palliative R0 excision by per-anal endoscopic myectomy (PAEM) for lower rectal T2 cancer 河原史明, 坂根達哉, 田中彩香, 中辻政志, 原和也, 金子三紀, 賀来英俊, 山中広大, 西岡千晴 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 65-65, 2023. |
S3-12. Treatment strategy for left-sided obstructive colon cancer in our hospital 田中佳実1, 有本雄貴1, 山口真二郎1, 村田幸平2, 萩原秀紀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 66-66, 2023. |
S3-13. About the combined modality therapy for the gastrointestinal origin malignant lymphoma in our hospital 藤平雄太郎1, 坂井良行1, 南堂吉紀1, 西島規浩1, 川添智太郎1, 岸清彦1, 大崎往夫1, 杉原綾子2, 林邦雄3, 柳秀憲4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 66-66, 2023. |
S4-1. Examination of the bile duct stent eternal custody case for gallstones cholangitis of elderly people 森口知憲, 河野孝一朗, 高橋直太郎, 河原慎一郎, 籠重大輔, 峯孝太朗, 伏見洋子, 河野玲子, 加藤隆夫, 西勝久 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 66-66, 2023. |
S4-2. Two examination - internal fistula stent of the treatment result of the ultrasonic endoscope lower gallbladder drainage for the acute cholecystitis indwelling attempt - 中野省吾1, 三長孝輔1,2, 小西隆文1, 松本久和1, 岩上裕吉1, 中谷泰樹1, 赤松拓司1, 瀬田剛史1, 上野山義人1, 山下幸孝1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 66-66, 2023. |
S4-3. About the usefulness of the minute bloodstream evaluation using Detective flow imaging (DFI) for the gallbladder lesion 田中秀和, 大本俊介, 竹中完 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 67-67, 2023. |
S4-4. Examination of the endoscopic treatment for the bile duct jejunum anastomotic stricture in our hospital 太田匠悟, 酒井新, 小林隆, 増田充弘, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 67-67, 2023. |
S4-5. We look at the rear evaluating the effectiveness and safety of the orthodromic expansion technique using the rotary dilator for the bile duct jejunum anastomotic stricture and examine a mark 山村昌大, 小倉健, 西岡伸, 西川浩樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 67-67, 2023. |
S4-6. Of the EUS lower biliary tract drainage technique for the benign biliary tract disease in our hospital, actually 吉岡亮太, 中野遼太, 塩見英之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 67-67, 2023. |
S4-7. Complications of EUS-HGS and new apparatus development 中畑明耶, 山下泰伸, 川路祐輝, 幡丸景一, 田村崇, 糸永昌弘, 蘆田玲子, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 68-68, 2023. |
S4-8. Usefulness of the single-stage percutaneous transhepatic SEMS custody technique for the malignant bile duct stricture at the approach difficulty of the transnipple 秋山慎介, 小林拓哉, 丹家元祥, 和田将弥, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 68-68, 2023. |
S4-9. The current situation and problem of autoimmune pancreatitis treatment 北川洸1, 友岡文優1, 浅田翔平1, 美登路昭2, 吉治仁志1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 68-68, 2023. |
S4-10. Examination of EUS-TD using LAMS in our hospital 桝田昌隆1, 池浦司1, 伊藤嵩志1, 中丸洸1, 中山新士1, 島谷昌明2, 高岡亮3, 長沼誠1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 68-68, 2023. |
S4-11. Clinical application of EUS-elastography which paid its attention to inhomogeneity in the tissue of the pancreatic cancer 新谷修平, 稲富理, 岡本拓也, 廣江光亮, 安藤朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 69-69, 2023. |
S4-12. Examination about the usefulness of the contrasting harmonic ultrasonic endoscope bloody bowel discharge style evaluation in the pre-back prediction of the unresectable pancreatic cancer 江守智哉1, 糸永昌弘2, 深津和弘1, 蘆田玲子2, 北野雅之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 69-69, 2023. |
S4-13. The current situation of the tissue diagnosis of the treatment adaptation pancreatic cancer in our hospital 佐藤悠, 津田一範, 野村雄大, 藤井康和, 西崎朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 69-69, 2023. |
S4-14. Parallel administration of nanoliposomal Irinotecan and Levoleucovorin for pancreatic cancer 高田良司, 池澤賢治, 木積一浩, 占部真貴子, 甲斐優吾, 向井香織, 中堀輔, 上原宏之, 大川和良 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 69-69, 2023. |
S4-15. Examination about the usefulness of ultrasonic endoscope guide lower celiac plexus block (EUS-CPN) for the abdominal cancer pain 森下広睦, 大西紀幸, 森下有紗, 木下真樹子, 木下幾晴 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 70-70, 2023. |
P1-1. Efforts of "the examination in our hospital for oncogene panel" 白川敦史, 猪上尚徳, 小野寿子, 柿原直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 73-73, 2023. |
P1-2. The current situation and problem of the cancer genomic medicine in the digestive organ domain in our hospital 杉森聖司, 根引浩子, 山崎智朗, 坂田侑平 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 73-73, 2023. |
P1-3. The current situation of the oncogene panel examination of biliary cancer in our hospital 田村崇, 蘆田玲子, 川路祐輝, 幡丸景一, 山下泰伸, 糸永昌弘, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 73-73, 2023. |
P1-4. The current situation of the examination for gene panel in pancreatic cancer, the biliary cancer in our hospital 高橋実佑1, 太田高志1, 岩本剛幸1, 須田貴広1, 野崎泰俊1, 大村仁昭2, 伊藤善基1, 武田裕2, 萩原秀紀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 73-73, 2023. |
P1-5. The current situation and problem of the examination for oncogene panel in our hospital 小田桐直志1, 石沢武彰2, 藤原靖弘3, 八代正和4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 74-74, 2023. |
P1-6. The current situation of the pancreas biliary cancer liquid biopsy in our hospital 占部真貴子1, 池澤賢治1, 甲斐優吾1, 木積一浩1, 高田良司1, 向井香織1, 中堀輔1, 上原宏之1, 杉本直俊2, 大川知良1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 74-74, 2023. |
P1-7. An example of the unresectable gallbladder cancer that an examination for gene panel was useful 浅野陽一, 宇良敬, 宮本心一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 74-74, 2023. |
P1-8. Off-label use after the examination for oncogene panel in the cancer genomic medicine cooperation hospital 後藤知之1, 竹治智2, 山内智香子3, 松村和宜1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 74-74, 2023. |
P1-9. Examination about the treatment arrival ratio after the examination for oncogene panel for the gastrointestinal carcinoma 吉岡正博1, 金井雅史1, 須賀淳子2, 片岡結香2, 森澤仁美2, 近藤知大1, 山村彰吾1, 片岡滋貴1, 武藤学1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 75-75, 2023. |
P1-10. Examination - for the squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus which use and application had of characteristic - C-CAT database of the examination for each CGP about the arrival to a therapeutic drug 森田竜一1,3, 石川剛1,2,3, 伊谷純一郎1,3, 曽根大暉1,3, 土井俊文1,3, 小西博貴4, 塩崎敦4, 藤原斉4, 小西英幸1, 伊藤義人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 75-75, 2023. |
F1-1. An example of EBV-positive HHV-8 positive diffuse large B cell lymphoma which developed in HIV-positive patients 藤原邑1, 福井奈奈子2, 山崎智朗2, 西出祥太2, 池田哲也2, 山口翼2, 坂田侑平2, 平田直人2, 末包剛久2, 杉森聖司2, 根引浩子2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 79-79, 2023. |
F1-2. An example of the children who produced aphthous enterocolitis by EB virus infection 倉田大嗣1, 高尾政輝1, 福井亜理沙2, 徳原大介2, 村田晋一3, 前北隆雄1, 井口幹崇1, 北野雅之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 79-79, 2023. |
F1-3. An example of the cytomegalovirus enteritis complicated during methotrexate internal use for the rheumatoid arthritis 打田幸大1, 瀧真也2, 高橋克典2, 酒井亮太2, 三笠友理奈3, 高尾政輝2, 木下淳2, 桑島史明2, 田村崇2, 前北隆雄2, 井口幹崇2, 村田晋一3, 北野雅之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 79-79, 2023. |
F1-4. An example of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection that we experienced in our hospital 森田耕平1,2, 西庵克俊1, 小滝知里1, 辻本裕之1, 上田康裕1, 星本真弘1, 太田善夫2, 西川浩樹3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 79-79, 2023. |
F1-5. Two cases of manually reduced obturator hernia 片山貴人1, 小野山裕彦2, 門川佳央3, 植村泰佑3, 北野拓3, 河合勇治2, 成田恵2, 松岡真珠2, 和田卓也2, 糸原孟則2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 80-80, 2023. |
F1-6. One case of solidification thirteenth/13 factor deficiency which repeated bleeding after the EST 宮里智博 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 80-80, 2023. |
F2-1. An example of the gastric cancer peritoneum dissemination that obtained pathological CR by SOX + Nivolumab therapy 藤岡彩夏1, 吉田翔希子2, 井上博登3, 松本寛史2, 木村英憲3, 松永隆志4, 貝田佐知子4, 稲富理2, 谷眞至4, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 80-80, 2023. |
F2-2. One case of the stomach cellulitis that was thought to occur by origin bacteria of pneumonia 山本大, 清田誠志, 葛城邦浩, 宮崎徹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 80-80, 2023. |
F2-3. One case of the huge GIST 松岡真珠1, 小野山裕彦2, 糸原孟則2, 斎藤雅俊1, 和田卓也1, 成田恵1, 河合勇治1, 片山貴人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 81-81, 2023. |
F2-4. One case of the left gastric artery lump explosion 和田卓也1, 小野山裕彦2, 高橋正秀3, 糸原孟則2, 千代孝夫4, 北澤徹三4, 成田恵1, 河合勇治1, 松岡真珠1, 片山貴人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 81-81, 2023. |
F2-5. One case of the diospyrobezoar 河合勇治1, 小野山裕彦2, 糸原孟則2, 斎藤雅俊1, 本庶元3, 松岡真珠1, 和田卓也1, 成田恵1, 片山貴人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 81-81, 2023. |
F3-1. An example of the rectal origin GIST which was available for tumour haemorrhage control and anal preservation surgery by preoperative chemotherapy with imatinib mesylate 吉本大介1, 田中信1, 安達有博1, 小澤京華1, 澤井剛1, 廣橋昌人1, 丸尾和也1, 植原知暉1, 提中克幸1, 吉田寿一郎1, 稲田裕1, 福居顕文1, 西村健1, 藤井秀樹1, 戸祭直也1, 曽我耕次2, 奥山祐右1, 佐藤秀樹1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 81-81, 2023. |
F3-2. An example of the adults intussusception due to the cecal cancer which conducted reposition by an endoscope, and was able to be given typical operation under laparoscopy electively 天津真1, 大野智之1, 片山智也1, 上田智大1, 原祐1, 久貝宗弘1, 森本泰隆1, 渋谷明子1, 中島智樹1, 藤信明2, 吉田憲正1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 82-82, 2023. |
F3-3. An example of the ischemic enteritis limited to the right colon diagnosed with ileus 岸田大暉, 田邊皓, 高山弘志, 阪口博哉, 池澤伸明, 豊永高史, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 82-82, 2023. |
F3-4. Example that formed a rectal perianal abscess for endocrine therapy combination intensity modulated radiation therapy for the prostate cancer 戸田沙貴子1, 吉崎哲也2, 永木瑞穂2, 法貴真也2, 長田健司2, 高山弘志2, 阿部洋文2, 森田圭紀2, 豊永高史2, 児玉裕三2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 82-82, 2023. |
F3-5. An example of the megacolon alien substance which we were able to resect using a transanal ileus pipe 栗山大輝1, 川田雄司1, 南野弘明1, 陣内鑑1, 鋳谷成弘1, 伊東君好1, 河内屋友宏1, 原順一1, 南浦翔子2, 庄司太一2, 寺岡均2, 大平雅一2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 82-82, 2023. |
F4-1. An example of the chronic pancreatitis that became the stent-free by the pancreatic calculus removal 泉裕太1, 山下泰伸2, 山崎博史2, 中畑明耶2, 田村崇祥2, 鴻谷浩武2, 川路祐輝2, 田村崇2, 糸永昌弘2, 蘆田玲子2, 北野雅之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 83-83, 2023. |
F4-2. One case that the drainage of the endoscopic bottom transstomach succeeded for a pancreatic abscess due to the pancreaticojejunostomy department lost stent obstruction after the pancreaticoduodenectomy 西川菜月1, 中島隆善1, 藤川正隆1, 南堂吉紀2, 坂井良行2, 生田理紗1, 野村和徳1, 松木豪志1, 一瀬規子1, 笠井明大1, 岡本亮1, 生田真一1, 仲本嘉彦1, 相原司1, 西島規浩2, 川添智太郎2, 大崎往夫2, 柳秀憲1, 山中若樹1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 83-83, 2023. |
F4-3. Example that led to small intestinal obstruction by the bile duct metallic stent which tore 小野田冴子, 中村志歩, 白井遼, 小田晋也, 住友志帆, 佐竹裕暁, 井上貴斗, 吉本隆晃, 小川智也, 猪上尚徳, 堀田祐馬, 白川敦史, 真田香澄, 萬代晃一朗, 河村卓二, 盛田篤広, 宇野耕治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 83-83, 2023. |
F4-4. Example that was able to remove the hesitation cystic duct clip which we did containing for a transnipple in common bile duct 小川修平1, 稲田裕1, 澤井剛1, 小澤京華1, 丸尾和也1, 廣橋昌人1, 植原知暉1, 提中克幸1, 吉田寿一郎1, 田中信1, 西村健1, 藤井秀樹1, 戸祭直也1, 小西智規2, 曽我耕次2, 小松周平2, 奥山祐右1, 佐藤秀樹1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 83-83, 2023. |
F4-5. One case of mixed type IPMN where a pancreatic duct mirror examination contributed to technique decision 大塚啓史1, 川路祐輝1, 高橋祐一2, 山崎博史1, 中畑明耶1, 田村崇祥1, 鴻谷浩武1, 四至本貴大1, 田村崇1, 山下泰伸1, 糸永昌弘1, 蘆田玲子1, 北野雅之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 84-84, 2023. |
F5-1. One case of liver confinement characteristics hyperplastic (FNH) where had difficulty in diagnosis before operation 藤原大輔1, 野村健司1, 川崎俊彦1, 福西香栄1, 加藤弘樹1, 河野辰哉1, 橋本有人1, 木下大輔1, 水野成人2, 福田泰也3, 若狭朋子4, 工藤正俊5 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 84-84, 2023. |
F5-2. One case that HBV reactivated after the nintedanib ethanesulfonate internal use 大久保健司, 清水遼, 加治汐梨, 前島秀哉, 田村崇, 糸永昌弘, 山下泰伸, 井田良幸, 蘆田玲子, 前北隆雄, 井口幹崇, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 84-84, 2023. |
F5-3. An example of 2 degrees Denver-shunt patients with intractable ascitic fluid which constructed it, and became controllable 尾上拓未1, 相原洋祐2, 細田佳奈子2, 加知宏規2, 横村明高2, 中西啓祐2, 廣瀬哲2, 伊藤聡子2, 土橋洋史3, 川崎誠康3, 伯耆徳之2, 安辰一2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 84-84, 2023. |
F5-4. One case of the malignant meningioma which occurred in retroperitoneum 椚谷健1, 小木曾聡1, 楊知明1, 白井久也1, 奥村晋也1, 平尾浩史1, 藤本正数2, 吉田朗彦3, 波多野悦朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 85-85, 2023. |
F6-1. One case of the IVC tumor stopper merger hepatocellular carcinoma which succeeded by combined modality therapy 正池悠馬1, 置塩伸也2, 岡部健吾2, 小原知也2, 酒井浩明2, 窪田真理子2, 辻俊史2, 小牧稔之2, 阪上順一2, 香川惠造2, 西村岳3, 竹内義人3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 85-85, 2023. |
F6-2. One patient who received combined modality therapy for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma which was hepatic dysfunction at initial diagnosis 植山篤1, 相原洋祐2, 細田佳奈子2, 加知宏規2, 横村明高2, 中西啓祐2, 廣瀬哲2, 伊藤聡子2, 伯耆徳之2, 安辰一2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 85-85, 2023. |
F6-3. One patient whom destructive thyroiditis developed in during the Lenvatinib treatment for the unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma 小濱湧也, 中谷敏也, 元川雄貴, 石田光志, 堂原彰敏, 笹岡宗史, 中辻正人, 濱戸教行 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 85-85, 2023. |
F6-4. Example that presented an ACTH singularity loss during the Atezolizumab bevacizumab administration for the hepatocellular carcinoma 岩崎祐和, 西島規浩, 小坂賢太郎, 川上晃司, 藤平雄太郎, 高橋元気, 新司哲也, 北野紀子, 芝俊成, 南堂吉紀, 坂井良行, 川添智太郎, 黒河内和貴, 岸清彦, 大崎往夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 86-86, 2023. |
F6-5. An example of the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma which assumes an inflammatory bile duct lesion limited to the liver outside area background 吉田育海1, 政野裕紀1, 喜多村恭平2, 楊知明1, 笠井洋祐1, 門野賢太郎1, 小山幸法1, 内田洋一朗1, 石井隆道1, 藤本正数2, 南口早智子2, 山中潤一3, 波多野悦朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 86-86, 2023. |
F7-1. One case of the Mirizzi syndrome 成田恵1, 小野山裕彦2, 糸原孟則2, 斎藤雅俊1, 河合勇治1, 松岡真珠1, 和田卓也1, 片山貴人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 86-86, 2023. |
F7-2. One case of the purulent pancreatic duct flame which occurred against a backdrop of IPMN 西川慧, 福田晃久, 柘植亮佑, 平田理子, 寺村茉利, 高井淳, 宇座徳光, 塩川雅広, 松森友昭, 中西祐貴, 清水孝洋, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 86-86, 2023. |
F7-3. One case of the autoimmune pancreatitis (Autoimmune pancreatitis: AIP) that complicated a Crisp aneurysm explosion 村上綾音, 藤田奈穂子, 小川慧人, 永友秀, 世木美壮, 尾松梨沙, 安村健人, 小野山裕亮, 奥村圭, 栃尾智正, 松本淳, 南竜城, 上尾太郎, 岡野明浩, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 87-87, 2023. |
F7-4. One case that presented nivolumab-related irAE pancreatitis with the bile duct stricture 小林和樹1, 田村崇2, 杉原悠斗2, 鴻谷浩武2, 糸永昌弘2, 山下泰伸2, 蘆田玲子2, 北野雅之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 87-87, 2023. |
F7-5. One case of irAE cholangitis by the Atezolizumab that mycophenolate mofetil succeeded 日向優太1, 中野遼太1, 塩見英之1, 岡本麻美子1, 川瀬雄太1, 川田翔己1, 吉岡亮太1, 吉原公平1, 由利幸久1, 高嶋智之1, 會澤信弘1, 池田直人1, 西村貴士1, 福西新弥1, 井出良浩2, 廣田誠一2, 榎本平之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 87-87, 2023. |
F8-1. One case of pancreas tail cancer which we looked at the rear, and a long-term pancreas form change until discovery was able to chase pictorially on a mark 加藤大貴1, 三宅隼人2, 片岡星太2, 岩井直人2, 瀬古裕也2, 廣瀬亮平2, 土井俊文2, 井上健2, 土肥統2, 春里暁人2, 吉田直久2, 森口理久2, 十亀義生2, 内山和彦2, 石川剛2, 山口寛二2, 高木智久2, 小西英幸2, 伊藤義人2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 87-87, 2023. |
F8-2. One patient who underwent Conversion Surgery for pancreas tail cancer with liver metastases 井宮諒1, 糸永昌弘2, 桑島史明2, 加治汐梨2, 杉原悠斗2, 蘆田玲子2, 北野雅之2, 高橋裕一3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 88-88, 2023. |
F8-3. One patient whom a bile duct origin neuroendocrine system cancer developed in in heterochrony after the acute cholecystitis, the treatment of the choledocholithiasis 秋岡由莉, 山本健太, 北出将之, 坂田哲, 隅田悠太, 尾下真実, 勝山苑香, 熊谷健, 高田裕, 安達神奈, 島田友香里, 林幹人, 井谷智尚 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 88-88, 2023. |
F8-4. One case of the pancreas origin follicle-related malignant lymphoma that racked its brains about a diagnosis 西亮哉1, 糸永昌弘1, 桑島史明1, 加治汐梨1, 杉原悠斗1, 蘆田玲子1, 北野雅之1, 岩元竜太2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 88-88, 2023. |
F8-5. Perform 2 degrees re-lesion genesis excision; one case of the progress gallbladder cancer sarcoma during disease-free survival 鳥居南見1, 中島隆善1, 生田真一1, 生田理紗1, 野村和徳1, 松木豪志1, 長野心太1, 古出隆大1, 藤川正隆1, 一瀬規子1, 笠井明大1, 岡本亮1, 仲本嘉彦1, 相原司1, 石川恵理2, 杉原綾子2, 柳秀憲1, 山中若樹1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 88-88, 2023. |
Y1-1. Three cases of the acute necrotic esophagitis that presented the black esophagus 蓑島貴成, 森田周子, 山村総一郎, 高折克至, 三宅雄大, 三谷莉永, 三木秀晃, 森敬之, 田中晃輔, 森久芳樹, 小林拓哉, 長尾宗一郎, 秋山慎介, 丹家元祥, 籔内洋平, 和田将弥, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 91-91, 2023. |
Y1-2. Two cases of esophagus lichen that presented characteristic endoscopic views 中村日出夫, 有吉隆佑, 小河大輝, 大塚喬史, 南勇輝, 横井美咲, 新丸尚輝, 田渕光太, 吉治誠, 城端慧, 藤垣誠治, 田中克英, 森川輝久, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 91-91, 2023. |
Y1-3. One patient who an IgA vasculitis developed after the new corona vaccination, and repeated revival with corona infection 勝部滉平, 永井知行, 駒谷真, 有山武尊, 栗本真之, 岡井夏輝, 吉田早希, 半田康平, 正木翔, 河野匡志, 米田頼晃, 本庶元, 松井繁長, 渡邉智裕, 辻直子, 樫田博史, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 91-91, 2023. |
Y1-4. One case of the systemic amyloidosis which we were able to diagnose with endoscopy 沼田潤, 吉田美央, 中川篤志, 大島慎太郎, 伊藤亮, 徳永貴史, 高田良平, 小中義禎, 池田敦史, 堂垣美樹, 田中秀憲, 中村晃 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 91-91, 2023. |
Y1-5. One case of stomach confinement-related AL type amyloidosis given DCyBorD therapy 小畠康平1, 島本宜紀1, 田中史生1, 垣谷有紀1, 中田理恵子1, 中田晃暢1, 田上光治郎1, 沢田明也1, 東森啓1, 西田裕1, 丸山紘嗣1, 大南雅揮1, 福永周生1, 大谷恒史1, 細見周平1, 平良高一1, 西本光孝2, 日野雅之2, 藤原靖弘1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 92-92, 2023. |
Y1-6. An example of the occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery that produced a superior mesenteric artery gas blood symptom without the portal vein gas 伊丹久実, 吉川貴章, 長江麻由, 大薄直也, 小坂太郎, 池谷桃子, 山本真也, 大沢一希, 森雄貴, 伊藤凌, 中神聡太, 川井祐弥, 森田敏弘, 東俊二郎, 栗山勝利, 廣橋研志郎, 山内淳嗣, 高忠之, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 92-92, 2023. |
Y2-1. One case of the drug-related acute pancreatitis that it was thought that it was caused by estrogen preparation 山口淳也1, 檀直樹1, 森康介1, 平賀英梨佳1, 安田健太郎1, 日下部瑛1, 酒井彩子1, 卜部彩子1, 瀧川貴生1, 長井健悟1, 長生幸司1, 吉田雄一1, 内藤雅史1, 竹下恵理子2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 92-92, 2023. |
Y2-2. An example of follicular pancreatitis (follicular pancreatitis) where had difficulty in diagnosis before operation 黒河楓1, 齊藤郁美1, 赤路啓1, 上森文裕1, 武田真依1, 林義貴1, 梅村壮一郎1, 日野真太郎1, 水野翔馬1, 村上坤太郎1, 福岡惠子1, 池村隆弘1, 和泉才伸1, 神頭聡2, 安松良子3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 92-92, 2023. |
Y2-3. Two cases of the autoimmune pancreatitis that presented with a multiple mass, and was able to chase natural history 砥堀恭平, 中島潤, 寄木浩行, 大井舜也, 木村英富, 山本哲也, 諏訪兼敏, 全圭夏, 城正泰, 益澤明, 高見史朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 93-93, 2023. |
Y2-4. One case that ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic cyst drainage technique (EUS-CD) succeeded for a pancreatic pseudocyst with the pancreatic pleural effusion 三木秀晃, 秋山慎介, 蓑島貴成, 山村総一郎, 高折克至, 三宅雄大, 三谷莉永, 森敬之, 田中晃輔, 森久芳樹, 小林拓哉, 長尾宗一郎, 丹家元祥, 籔内洋平, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 93-93, 2023. |
Y2-5. 2 cases that needed differentiation of a pancreatic duct cancer and the retroperitoneal fibrosis 松本峻和, 岡田圭次郎, 中井喜貴, 前田智美, 桐山宜生, 渡辺俊介, 黄宣輔, 八城誠, 徳林佑美, 横田瞭, 豊田文興, 青木謙太郎, 荒木理, 田中泰敬, 池田敦之, 畦地英全, 藤井茂彦, 國立裕之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 93-93, 2023. |
Y3-1. Example that we performed conversion surgery for unresectable pancreatic cancer, and pathological CR was obtained 三宅雄大1, 和田将弥1, 三木秀晃1, 三谷莉永1, 森敬之1, 田中晃輔1, 森久芳樹1, 小林拓哉1, 長尾宗一郎1, 秋山慎介1, 丹家元祥1, 籔内洋平1, 森田周子1, 井上聡子1, 鄭浩柄1, 猪熊哲朗1, 北村好史2, 貝原聡2, 原重雄3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 93-93, 2023. |
Y3-2. Two cases of the pancreas adenosquamous carcinoma which we experienced in our hospital 横井美咲, 藤垣誠治, 小河大輝, 中村日出夫, 大塚喬史, 南勇輝, 新丸尚輝, 田渕光太, 吉治誠, 城端慧, 有吉隆佑, 田中克英, 森川輝久, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 94-94, 2023. |
Y3-3. An example of pancreas body cancer given gastrectomy for Needle tract seeding 大薄直也, 大沢一希, 長江麻由, 小坂太郎, 伊丹久実, 山本真也, 池谷桃子, 森雄貴, 伊藤凌, 中神聡太, 川井祐弥, 吉川貴章, 森田敏広, 東俊二郎, 廣橋研志郎, 栗山勝利, 山内淳嗣, 高忠之, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 94-94, 2023. |
Y3-4. Two cases that blood vessel embolization for the hematobilia during the biliary tract metallic stent custody was effective in the pancreatic cancer 酒井亮太, 田村崇, 高橋克典, 瀧真也, 山下泰伸, 糸永昌弘, 井田良幸, 蘆田玲子, 前北隆雄, 井口幹崇, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 94-94, 2023. |
Y3-5. One case that pancreas neuroendocrine tumor (G1/G3) and conventional pancreatic cancer coexisted 林大智, 山本政司, 北澤みはる, 片之坂佑彦, 瀧山浩希, 東野克温, 増田遥, 河村浩輔, 岡部悟, 阪本直洋, 藤井祥史, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 中松大, 松本健吾, 福井浩司, 西田勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 94-94, 2023. |
Y4-1. One case of metastatic pancreatic carcinoma diagnosed in EUS-TA 大塚喬史, 城端慧, 小河大輝, 中村日出夫, 南勇輝, 横井美咲, 新丸尚輝, 田渕光太, 吉治誠, 有吉隆佑, 藤垣誠治, 田中克英, 森川輝久, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 95-95, 2023. |
Y4-2. An example of the renal cell carcinoma residual pancreas metastasis that recurred after the left kidney enucleation after a long term, but was diagnosable in EUS-FNA 宮良佳奈1, 横谷勇佑1,3, 平田祐一1, 武田達朗1, 畑田真梨子1, 青山雄一郎1, 平川博章1, 水上稜介1, 土井真由実1, 前田敦成1, 織邊貴大1, 杉原康介1, 米澤瑞華1, 織田大介1, 孝橋道敬1, 三村卓也1, 西澤昭彦1, 山城研三1, 岡部純弘1, 今井幸弘2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 95-95, 2023. |
Y4-3. One case of solid false papillary tumor (SPN) which developed in a young man 永友秀, 南竜城, 小川慧人, 世木美壮, 尾松梨沙, 藤田奈穂子, 小野山裕亮, 安村健人, 奥村圭, 栃尾智正, 松本淳, 上尾太郎, 岡野明浩, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 95-95, 2023. |
Y4-4. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor complicated during renal carcinoma postoperative course observation 向井愛純, 三宅隼人, 片岡星太, 岩井直人, 瀬古裕也, 廣瀬亮平, 土井俊文, 井上健, 土肥統, 春里暁人, 吉田直久, 森口理久, 十亀義生, 内山和彦, 石川剛, 山口寛二, 高木智久, 小西英幸, 伊藤義人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 95-95, 2023. |
Y4-5. One patient who presented with bleeding than common bile duct aneurysms after the metallic stent withdrawal for the malignant bile duct stricture due to the pancreas malignant lymphoma 杉原悠斗1, 糸永昌弘1, 川路祐輝1, 田村崇1, 山下泰伸1, 蘆田玲子1, 北野雅之1, 岩元竜太2, 村田晋一2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 96-96, 2023. |
Y5-1. One case of the liver abscess who had the bacteremia by E.tarda 佐伯洋輔, 緒方俊介, 尾野亘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 96-96, 2023. |
Y5-2. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosed with a liver abscess 中田英俊1, 山口隆志1, 青井一憲1, 吉本夏樹1, 関谷幸佑1, 矢野也実1, 徳冨佑太郎1, 松島英之2, 小坂久2, 松井康輔2, 海堀昌樹2, 下田慎治1, 長沼誠1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 96-96, 2023. |
Y5-3. One case of the amoebic liver abscess that we racked our brains about a diagnosis and made mediastinal penetration 大野聖真, 門卓夫, 井上築, 安部恵里佳, 橋本宏之, 中村碩孝, 塩屋暁子, 瀧本将, 田中太郎, 益子由佳子, 芦名茂人, 松岡晃生, 當銘成友, 石田司, 吉田俊一, 中島卓利 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 96-96, 2023. |
Y5-4. An example of the single parcel-related liver echinococcosis 村上碧, 稗田信弘, 浅川信平, 樽谷赳, 阪本万規穂, 祐森敦士, 山添紗希, 前川豊樹, 河村柾仁, 宮本由貴子, 佐久間洋二朗, 北見元哉, 青山育雄, 西川浩史, 近藤雅彦, 三宅直樹, 河南智晴 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 97-97, 2023. |
Y5-5. A case of liver parasitism diagnosed as co-infection with Hepatica fluke and Toxocara 西田紘司, 片山宜郎, 福井さくら, 城貴裕, 田中康貴, 根来和輝, 井上和樹, 下山慶子, 文原大貴, 高木萌未, 迫智也, 百瀬健次, 野田万里, 江口考明, 古松恵介, 森澤利之, 岡田明彦 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 97-97, 2023. |
Y6-1. An example of the huge hepatic cyst which we increased after the surgical fenestration operation again and performed percutaneous drainage technique in 小河大輝, 森川輝久, 中村日出夫, 南勇輝, 横井美咲, 大塚喬史, 新丸尚輝, 吉治誠, 田淵光太, 城端慧, 有吉隆祐, 藤垣誠治, 田中克英, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 97-97, 2023. |
Y6-2. An example of the sarcoidosis that we had the onset for a multiple splenic tumor and were able to diagnose by liver tumor biopsy 野間宥佑, 米門秀行, 安藤徳晃, 服部友哉, 藤尾行恵, 岸渕安也名, 塚本和之, 紙屋煕紀, 橋本航太, 森村博樹, 佃頌敏, 辻本彰子, 瀬戸山健, 邉見慎一郎, 坂本梓, 澤井勇悟, 喜多竜一, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 97-97, 2023. |
Y6-3. One case of the secondary hemochromatosis with the chronic administration of the iron medicine 辻沙也佳1, 西川知宏2, 山田達明1, 冨永真央1, 坂口奈々子1, 碕山直邦1, 西谷仁1, 佐野村誠1, 植田初江3, 西川浩樹2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 98-98, 2023. |
Y6-4. One case that inferior mesenteric vein - inferior vena cava shunts embolization was effective for repeated hepatic encephalopathy 橋本宏之1, 石田司1, 安部恵里佳1, 井上築1, 塩屋暁子1, 中村碩孝1, 瀧本将1, 田中太郎1, 益子由佳子1, 芦名茂人1, 松岡晃生1, 當銘成友1, 門卓生1, 吉田俊一1, 中島卓利1, 山口雅人2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 98-98, 2023. |
Y6-5. One case of the lung cancer diffuse-related liver metastases that a liver damage progressed rapidly, and resulted in death 今井明日香1, 塩せいじ1, 沼田壮典1, 清水亜季子1, 小川健仁1, 黒木茂信1, 生田耕三1, 松本善秀1, 千田永理1, 笠井由隆2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 98-98, 2023. |
Y7-1. One patient who was treated effectively with the liver intraarterial injection reservoir therapy for a rapid progress hepatocellular carcinoma 高折克至, 丹家元祥, 蓑島貴成, 山村総一郎, 三木秀晃, 三谷莉永, 三宅雄大, 森敬之, 田中晃輔, 森久芳樹, 小林拓哉, 長尾宗一郎, 秋山慎介, 籔内洋平, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 98-98, 2023. |
Y7-2. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma with the MET gene amplification that showed the well-known reduction of tumor with the Cabozantinib administration, a drop of the tumor marker 八田寛朗, 萩原智, 上嶋一臣, 大丸直哉, 松原卓哉, 盛田真弘, 千品寛和, 田北雅弘, 南康範, 依田広, 渡邉智裕, 西田直生志, 工藤正俊 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 99-99, 2023. |
Y7-3. One case of the liver tumor which presented evidence of cholangiole basalioma at a hepatocellular carcinoma, a recurrence at first 小坂賢太郎1, 西島規浩1, 川上晃司1, 藤平雄太郎1, 高橋元気1, 新司哲也1, 北野紀子1, 芝俊成1, 南堂吉紀1, 坂井良行1, 川添智太郎1, 黒河内和貴1, 岸清彦1, 大崎往夫1, 杉原綾子2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 99-99, 2023. |
Y7-4. An example of liver origin neuroendocrine system cancer which needed the differentiation with the metastatic liver tumor 白井遼, 小川智也, 小田晋也, 住友志帆, 佐竹裕暁, 井上貴斗, 中村志歩, 吉本隆晃, 猪上尚徳, 堀田祐馬, 白川敦史, 真田香澄, 萬代晃一朗, 河村卓二, 盛田篤広, 宇野耕治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 99-99, 2023. |
Y7-5. A case of unresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma that was successfully treated with pemigatinib after long-term GCS therapy 北澤みはる, 阪本直洋, 林大智, 片之坂裕彦, 東野克温, 増田遥, 瀧山浩希, 河村浩輔, 岡部悟, 藤井祥史, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 中松大, 松本健吾, 山本政司, 福井浩司, 西田勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 99-99, 2023. |
Y8-1. An example of the gallstone ileus which was able to evade surgery in the ileus pipe custody 長谷川貴久, 関口尚人, 藤原葵, 西川浩介, 名方勇介, 松本慶, 那賀川峻, 船津英司 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 100-100, 2023. |
Y8-2. One case of ileus due to the ileal endometriosis 瀬底翼, 谷本直紀, 影山達也, 岩本陽菜, 金丸薫子, 増田祥子, 石原美崎, 池内愛実, 鍋嶋克敏, 小川浩史, 澤井寛明, 角山沙織, 大須賀達也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 100-100, 2023. |
Y8-3. An example of the small intestinal cancer which developed total gastrectomy and large intestine complete removal for familial adenomatous polyposis postoperatively 菅尾英人, 吉江智郎, 福田明久, 田渕丈治, 山本侑, 朝原総一朗, 利倉暢人, 山本優希, 松浦史弥, 白國智也, 阿部哲之, 山田恭孝, 家本孝雄, 林宏樹, 大瀬貴之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 100-100, 2023. |
Y8-4. An example of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome that was able to capture an image by a lower digestive tract endoscope, pathology tissue in the onset pole early days 角水達1, 尾松達司1, 矢野航太1, 竹村圭祐1, 吉田拓馬1, 堅田和弘1, 岡野史弥2, 福居顕文3, 岡山哲也2, 高木智久2, 伊藤義人2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 100-100, 2023. |
Y8-5. An example of the intestinal lymphangiectasia of the elderly people onset that we experienced in our hospital 大岡和嵩1, 増田泰之1, 尾山雅文1, 友岡文優1, 依岡伸幸1, 浅田翔平1, 藤本優樹1, 佐藤慎哉1, 瓦谷英人1, 浪崎正1, 美登路昭2, 吉治仁志1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 101-101, 2023. |
Y9-1. Granulocytes adsorption therapy is one case of Crohn disease after the large intestine carcinoma mucoides technique which responded 藤本聖也, 西田裕, 細見周平, 小林由美恵, 中田理恵子, 大南雅揮, 灘谷祐二, 福永周生, 大谷恒史, 鎌田紀子, 田中史生, 永見康明, 平良高一, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 101-101, 2023. |
Y9-2. An example of the ulcerative colitis that developed interstitial pneumonia one and a half months later after we changed 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) preparation 荒木翔, 佐野村珠奈, 田村優美音, 山下勇大, 西村智達, 西浦由貴, 吉井マリア, 瀬戸華世, 武田梨里, 岩崎哲也, 栗山大輔, 堀木優志, 今中和穂, 飯石浩康, 村山洋子, 筒井秀作 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 101-101, 2023. |
Y9-3. One case that C-ANCA-positive polyangiitis-related granulomatosis and Crohn's disease views coexisted 井上築, 石田司, 松岡晃生, 大野聖真, 安部恵里佳, 橋本宏之, 中村碩考, 塩屋暁子, 瀧本将, 田中太郎, 益子由佳子, 芦名茂人, 當銘成友, 門卓生, 吉田俊一, 中島卓利 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 101-101, 2023. |
Y9-4. One case of ollagenous colitis which caused GI bleeding 中嶋里駆, 嶋吉章紀, 大川芹, 渡邊明日花, 加藤豪, 青木克彰, 杉尾諒, 後藤厚, 伊原啓雄, 山口利朗, 柄川悟志 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 102-102, 2023. |
Y9-5. Endoscopic evidence of dasatinib-induced colitis 浅田友啓, 宮垣亜紀, 原田威徳, 竹中淳雄, 山田貴裕, 木村利幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 102-102, 2023. |
Y10-1. One case of the cecal cancer which showed metastasis to inguinal lymph node 上門弘宜, 八木洋輔, 加藤五陸, 長谷拓也, 加藤真璃, 野々口瞳, 水谷直也, 八木優子, 川西正敏, 正井栄一, 湯浅貞稔, 山城有機, 山崎富生, 服部航士, 衣笠章一, 佐竹信祐, 山崎良定 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 102-102, 2023. |
Y10-2. One case of the rectal neuroendocrine tumor of diameter 5mm that accepted multiple liver metastases 前田智美1, 黄宣輔1, 池田敦之1, 山口大介2, 保木昌仁3, 渋谷信介3, 桐山宜生1, 松本峻和1, 渡辺俊介1, 八城誠1, 徳林佑美1, 横田瞭1, 豊田文興1, 青木謙太郎1, 岡田圭次郎1, 荒木理1, 田中泰敬1, 中井喜貴1, 畦地英全1, 藤井茂彦1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 102-102, 2023. |
Y10-3. Resolve after the endoscopic biopsy spontaneously; an example of large intestine T1 cancer with suspected participation of the immune response 岡野史弥1, 吉田直久1, 森永友紀子2, 安藤貴志3, 小林玲央1, 岩井直人1, 土井俊文1, 井上健1, 廣瀬亮平1, 春里暁人1, 土肥統1, 石川剛1, 内山和彦1, 高木智久1, 小西英幸1, 伊藤義人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 103-103, 2023. |
Y10-4. An example of appendix MALT lymphoma that suffered from a diagnosis 朝原総一朗, 吉江智郎, 福田明久, 田渕丈治, 山本侑, 菅尾英人, 利倉暢人, 山本優希, 松浦史弥, 白國智也, 阿部哲之, 山田泰孝, 家本孝雄, 林宏樹, 大瀬貴之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 103-103, 2023. |
Y10-5. It is two patients receiving the biological drug for steroid therapy-resistant irAE colitis 服部友哉, 大江夏美, 坂本梓, 邊見慎一郎, 武田康宏, 野間宥佑, 藤尾行恵, 塚本和之, 岸渕安也名, 紙屋煕紀, 佃頌敏, 森村博樹, 橋本航太, 辻本彰子, 瀬戸山健, 澤井勇悟, 米門秀行, 圓尾隆典, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 103-103, 2023. |
Y11-1. One case of the rectal alien substance which we were able to resect endoscopically 佐川峻一1, 田中祐司1, 高山祥子1,2, 亀井基宏1, 宮本優帆1, 大濱日出子1, 溝畑宏一1, 内橋孝史1, 石井昭生1, 李兆亮1, 奥山俊介1, 田中弘教1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 103-103, 2023. |
Y11-2. One case of the rectal varicose vein ruptured that embolization in the percutaneous superior rectal vein approach was effective 高木里沙, 山本修司, 松山祥, 内海貴裕, 高井淳, 大西康之, 清水大功, 中西祐貴, 清水孝洋, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 104-104, 2023. |
Y11-3. An example of the ascending colon axis rotation change relieved by endoscopic plastic surgery conservatively 山下勇大, 松島健祐, 田中大地, 渡邊和具, 原田理史, 宮崎愛理, 上月美穂, 東浦玲意, 西村佑子, 阿部友太朗, 田中聡司, 福武伸康, 長谷川裕子, 山本俊祐, 榊原祐子, 阪森亮太郎, 三田英治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 104-104, 2023. |
Y11-4. One case that needed surgical treatment to ileus from the colitis due to the dysentery amoeba 坂田哲1, 島田友香里1, 秋岡由莉1, 北出将之1, 隅田悠太1, 尾下真実1, 勝山苑香1, 山本健太1, 熊谷健1, 高田裕1, 安達神奈1, 林幹人1, 井谷智尚1, 西崎颯良2, 中村公治郎2, 塩田哲也2, 伊丹淳2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 104-104, 2023. |
Y11-5. Examination of the rectal prolapse syndrome case in our hospital 久保智暉, 中谷泰樹, 山下幸孝, 上野山義人, 赤松拓司, 瀬田剛史, 岩上裕吉, 松本久和, 小西隆文, 脇田碧, 中野省吾, 荻野真也, 下山雅之, 筑後英紀, 寺下友子, 外村晃平, 塙悠佑, 松山和輝, 佐藤雄, 曽根明日香 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 104-104, 2023. |
Y12-1. An example of the Crohn's disease that resulted in small intestinal perforation during remission maintenance by Ustekinumab administration 森井惇詞, さか本喜雄, 渡部貴文, 岡田寛史, 安冨栄一郎, 白川裕, 田村勇, 廣畑成也, 尹聖哲 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 105-105, 2023. |
Y12-2. An example of the IgA vasculitis that an abdominal symptom preceded, and suffered from a diagnosis 森加奈子, 江守智哉, 深津和弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 105-105, 2023. |
Y12-3. Example that azacitidine was effective for a small intestine ulcer complicated with myelodysplastic syndrome with Trisomy8 亀井裕之1, 植松慎弥1, 奥田一史1, 兒玉征也1, 水野凌1, 上田啓介1, 竹田善哉1, 三好薫人1, 武内美紀2, 辻川知之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 105-105, 2023. |
Y12-4. Example that caused ileal perforation by checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) two drugs combination of immunity 尾松梨沙, 松本淳, 小川慧人, 永友秀, 世木美壮, 藤田奈穂子, 安村健人, 小野山裕亮, 奥村圭, 栃尾智正, 南竜城, 上尾太郎, 岡野明浩, 久須美房子, 大花正也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 105-105, 2023. |
Y12-5. One case of the lupus enterocolitis that characteristic image views were the opportunity of the diagnosis 北野隆之1, 江田裕嗣1, 安部武生2, 吉本崇典1, 中井啓介1, 清裕生1, 北山嘉隆1, 佐藤寿行1, 河合幹夫1, 奥川卓也1, 上小鶴孝二1, 横山陽子1, 富田寿彦1, 福井広一1, 新崎信一郎1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 106-106, 2023. |
Y13-1. One case of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis that they presented with eosinophilia all over the course and diagnosed by a multiple small intestine ulcer 関口尚人, 船津英司, 那賀川峻, 松本慶, 西川浩介, 藤原葵, 長谷川貴久 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 106-106, 2023. |
Y13-2. One case of the sclerosing mesenteritis that we definitively diagnosed by laparotomy biopsy 瀧山浩希, 山本政司, 北澤みはる, 林大智, 片之坂佑彦, 東野克温, 増田遙, 河村浩輔, 岡部悟, 阪本直洋, 藤井祥史, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 中松大, 松本健吾, 福井浩司, 西田勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 106-106, 2023. |
Y13-3. One case of the posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery grain explosion that hemostasis was obtained by IVR treatment 田中達樹, 倉橋知英, 法水淳, 近江舞, 満田朱音, 掛本真治, 上薗友里絵, 早田菜保子, 岡本明之, 青地一樹, 芦田宗宏, 谷本考史, 村井大毅, 大西幸作, 雪本浩司, 末吉由佳, 平尾元宏, 山田拓哉, 前田宗宏, 平松直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 106-106, 2023. |
Y13-4. An example of the vein congestion-related enterocolitis associated with the inferior mesenteric vein thrombosis that occurred after COVID19 vaccination 川崎朱音, 久保貴裕, 赤羽たけみ, 瓦谷英人, 西村尚起, 増田泰之, 小泉有利, 藤永幸久, 佐藤慎哉, 吉治仁志 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 107-107, 2023. |
Y13-5. One case of the cancer of the esophagus which developed tuberculous peritonitis by nivolumab administration 岩破智弘, 陶山遥介, 小畑僚平, 瀬古彩, 宮川昌己, 高田久, 西方誠, 桐島寿彦, 山下靖英 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 107-107, 2023. |
Y14-1. Example that accepted the all-at-onceness of gastric cancer and the stomach neuroendocrine tumor against a backdrop of autoimmune gastritis 根来和輝, 吉川貴章, 大堂真一郎, 伊丹久実, 勝山苑香, 相馬凱大, 森雄貴, 大沢一希, 伊藤凌, 中神聡太, 川井祐弥, 森田敏広, 東俊二郎, 廣橋研志郎, 栗山勝利, 山内淳嗣, 高橋健, 高忠之, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 107-107, 2023. |
Y14-2. One case of stomach origin squamous cell carcinoma which we experienced in our hospital 佐藤雄, 岩上裕吉, 上野昌太郎, 曽根明日香, 松山和輝, 塙悠佑, 外村晃平, 築後英紀, 寺下友子, 下山雅之, 荻野真也, 中野省吾, 脇田碧, 小西隆文, 松本久和, 中谷泰樹, 瀬田剛史, 赤松拓司, 上野山義人, 山下幸孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 107-107, 2023. |
Y14-3. An example of a hepatoid adenocarcinoma AFP-producing after the ESD enforcement and the stomach intramucosal carcinoma which became clear 坂野利樹, 岩上裕吉, 上野昌太郎, 曽根明日香, 松山和輝, 塙悠佑, 外村晃平, 筑後英紀, 寺下友子, 下山雅之, 荻野真也, 中野省吾, 脇田碧, 小西隆文, 松本久和, 中谷泰樹, 赤松拓司, 瀬田剛史, 上野山義人, 山下幸孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 108-108, 2023. |
Y14-4. Example that performed endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique for early gastric cancer judged to have difficulty in surgical resection after the coronary bypass surgery 山村総一郎, 籔内洋平, 蓑島貴成, 高折克至, 森敬之, 三宅雄大, 三谷莉永, 三木秀晃, 田中晃輔, 森久芳樹, 小林拓哉, 長尾宗一郎, 秋山慎介, 丹家元祥, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 108-108, 2023. |
Y14-5. Two cases that we applied an absorbent local styptic for gastric cancer and stopped bleeding of 山本侑, 阿部哲之, 朝原総一朗, 菅尾英人, 利倉暢人, 田渕丈治, 福田明久, 山本優希, 松浦史弥, 山田恭孝, 家本孝雄, 林宏樹, 吉江智郎, 大瀬貴之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 108-108, 2023. |
Y14-6. One case of stomach neuroendocrine tumor G1 with lymph node metastases 西浦由貴1, 武田梨里1, 高田晃宏2, 福永浩紀2, 宋美紗3, 山下勇大1, 田村優美音1, 西村智達1, 荒木翔1, 吉井マリア1, 瀬戸華世1, 岩崎哲也1, 栗山大輔1, 堀木優志1, 佐野村珠奈1, 今中和穗1, 飯石浩康1, 村山洋子1, 筒井秀作1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 108-108, 2023. |
Y15-1. Example that Crisp aneurysm did penetration at the gastric ulcer bottom, and became the cardiopulmonary arrest 中村一輝, 清田良介, 阪本博貴, 上薗康平, 杉丘裕基, 増本貴紀, 宮崎哲郎, 前川祐樹, 清水健史, 山井琢陽, 川井翔一朗, 俵誠一, 井上拓也, 藥師神崇行 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 109-109, 2023. |
Y15-2. An example of the gastric perforation from the microulcer which we diagnosed with intraabdominal free air which repeated itself 大井舜也, 高見史朗, 益澤明, 城正泰, 全圭夏, 寄木浩行, 中島潤, 諏訪兼敏, 山本哲也, 砥堀恭平, 木村英富 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 109-109, 2023. |
Y15-3. An example of the stomach cellulitis that occurred after the endoscopic ultrasonography 高橋克典, 瀧真也, 酒井亮太, 田村崇, 蘆田玲子, 前北隆雄, 井口幹崇, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 109-109, 2023. |
Y15-4. Examination of endoscopic views in the gastric anisakiasis 高橋直太郎, 河野孝一朗, 小山智寛, 山本智陽, 河原慎一郎, 籠重大輔, 森口知憲, 峯孝太朗, 伏見洋子, 河野玲子, 加藤隆夫, 西勝久 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 109-109, 2023. |
Y15-5. One case of the autoimmune polyglandular syndrome that was able to diagnose autoimmune gastritis and Hashimoto's disease at the same time 岡本滋史1, 木下真樹子2, 大西紀幸2, 小畑智彦2, 森下有紗2, 森下広睦2, 木下幾晴2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 110-110, 2023. |
Y15-6. Three cases of the stomach hyperplastic polyp which showed a tendency to increase during proton pump inhibitor internal use, and resulted in bleeding 黄宣輔1, 青木謙太郎1, 藤井茂彦1, 桐山宜夫1, 前田智美1, 松本峻和1, 渡辺俊介1, 八城誠1, 徳林佑美1, 横田瞭1, 豊田文興1, 岡田圭次郎1, 荒木理1, 田中泰敬1, 池田敦之1, 中井喜貴1, 畦地英全1, 國立裕之1, 渋谷信介2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 110-110, 2023. |
Y16-1. A case of using Pemazyre for multiple liver metastases from FGFR2-positive gallbladder cancer 多木沙織, 高谷昌宏, 村上詩歩, 青江佳歩, 松田一樹, 水野綱紀, 辻本優梨, 村松敏朗, 山本淳史, 山本洋輔, 高島健司, 馬場雄己, 高田斎文, 筑木隆雄, 多田俊史, 高木慎二郎, 中村進一郎, 堀伸一郎, 森井和彦, 岡田裕之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 110-110, 2023. |
Y16-2. One patient who conducted an examination for gene panel for the progress cholangiocarcinoma of the young man, and was able to introduce Pemigatinib 依岡良往1, 三浦高裕1, 藤石慎作1, 藤波真帆1, 渡邉和久1, 網岡勝平1, 野中貴裕1, 奥田佳一郎1, 寺崎慶1, 大矢寛久1, 片山貴之1, 福本晃平1, 光本保英1, 水野智恵美1, 島俊英1, 岡上武1, 酒井恭子2, 水野雅之3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 110-110, 2023. |
Y16-3. One patient who repeated biliary infection during treatment of irAE cholangitis 薮内寛幸1, 藤田光一1, 伊藤友佳1,2, 春山忠佑1, 近藤和也1, 高橋京佑1, 平海優香1, 松岡里紗1, 小野洋嗣1, 平野仁崇1, 栃谷四科子1, 北村泰明1, 松井佐織1, 阿南会美1, 阿南隆洋1, 渡辺明彦1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 111-111, 2023. |
Y16-4. An example of the immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) association pancreatitis that occurred without presenting an abdominal symptom 弓削隆洋1, 西野恭平1, 奥井寛太1, 宮智成1, 本郷真功3, 森直子1, 島本和巳1, 小林遊1, 伴宏充1, 竹村しづき2, 中村文泰4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 111-111, 2023. |
Y16-5. 1 case that was given peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) for pancreas neuroendocrine tumor (NET)-prone liver metastases 松田一樹, 山本洋輔, 高谷昌宏, 青江佳歩, 多木沙織, 水野綱紀, 辻本優梨, 山本淳史, 村松敏郎, 村上詩歩, 馬場雄己, 高田斎文, 高島健司, 筑木隆雄, 多田俊史, 高木慎二郎, 中村進一郎, 堀伸一郎, 森井和彦, 岡田裕之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 111-111, 2023. |
Y17-1. Example that a duodenal ulcer formed a bile duct duodenal fistula, and conservative treatment succeeded 土橋哉仁, 池田佳奈美, 那須隆紀, 水田昇, 廣瀬瞳, 濱田聖子, 東祐圭, 山田展久, 世古口悟, 長尾泰孝, 鎌田和浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 111-111, 2023. |
Y17-2. One case that ESWL was effective for common bile duct stone strangulation after the Billroth II method rebuilding after the gastrectomy 大垣亘生, 飯尾禎元, 柳川和範, 山本拓, 荻野慎一, 柴田知映, 芳村ちさと, 東瀬菜, 大内祥平, 田中絵里, 森本美希, 森田香織, 小森真人, 楢原啓之, 安永祐一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 112-112, 2023. |
Y17-3. One patient who succeeded in the quarrying of the common bile duct stone for calculus-related cholangitis after the pylorus side gastrectomy Roux-en-Y rebuilding via a percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography gallbladder drainage route 三谷莉永, 丹家元祥, 蓑島貴成, 山村総一郎, 高折克士, 三宅雄大, 三木秀晃, 森敬之, 田中晃輔, 森久芳樹, 小林拓哉, 長尾宗一郎, 秋山慎介, 藪内洋平, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 112-112, 2023. |
Y17-4. Example that caused obstructive jaundice after the false aneurysm explosion associated with the ligamentum arcuatum medianum compression syndrome 上薗康平, 中村一輝, 阪本博貴, 杉丘裕基, 増本貴紀, 宮崎哲郎, 清田良介, 前川祐樹, 清水健史, 山井琢陽, 川井翔一朗, 俵誠一, 井上拓也, 藥師神崇行 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 112-112, 2023. |
Y17-5. An example of the congenital gallbladder deficiency that developed biliary tract colic 桐山宜生, 荒木理, 中井喜貴, 松本峻和, 前田智美, 渡辺俊介, 黄宣輔, 八城誠, 横田瞭, 徳林佑美, 豊田文興, 青木謙太郎, 岡田圭次郎, 田中泰敬, 池田敦之, 畦地英全, 藤井茂彦, 國立裕之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 112-112, 2023. |
Y18-1. An example of the paraganglioma which was able to be treated a diagnosis with epigastric pain 中貴史1, 吉田晃浩1, 竹中完1, 田中秀和1, 福永朋洋1, 山崎友裕1, 大本俊介1, 三長孝輔1, 鎌田研1, 松本逸平2, 筑後孝章3, 工藤正俊1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 113-113, 2023. |
Y18-2. One case of intrabiliary papillary tumor (IPNB) where oral cholangioscope (POCS) was useful for an operation progress exhibition degree diagnosis 畑田真梨子1, 横谷勇佑1,3, 平田祐一1, 武田達朗1, 宮良佳奈1, 青山雄一郎1, 平川博章1, 水上稜介1, 土井真由実1, 前田敦成1, 織邊貴大1, 杉原康介1, 米澤瑞華1, 織田大介1, 孝橋道敬1, 三村卓也1, 西澤昭彦1, 山城研三1, 岡部純弘1, 今井幸弘2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 113-113, 2023. |
Y18-3. An example of the caudate lobe of liver origin intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma which we were able to definitively diagnose by ultrasonic endoscope lower aspiration biopsy cytology 小山智寛, 森口知憲, 山本智陽, 河原慎一郎, 高橋直太郎, 籠重大輔, 峯孝太朗, 伏見洋子, 河野玲子, 河野孝一朗, 加藤隆夫, 西勝久 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 113-113, 2023. |
Y18-4. One case of pancreas status pulse vascular malformation diagnosed with an abdominal symptom 東野克温, 松本健吾, 北澤みはる, 林大智, 片之坂佑彦, 瀧山浩希, 増田遙, 河村浩輔, 岡部悟, 阪本直洋, 藤井祥史, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 中松大, 山本政司, 福井浩司, 西田勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 113-113, 2023. |
Y18-5. One patient whom acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis and purulent pylethrombophlebitis developed in after COVID-19 incidence 城貴裕, 岡田明彦, 森澤利之, 古松恵介, 江口考明, 野田万理, 百瀬健次, 迫智也, 高木萌未, 文原大貴, 下山慶子, 井上和樹, 片山宜郎, 田中康貴, 根来和輝, 西田紘司, 福井さくら The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 114-114, 2023. |
1. One patient who repeated gastric perforation by NSAIDs transdermal preparation 森すみれ1, 中西保貴2, 黒内光輝1, 浅野陽一1, 渡邊康博1, 芝田くるみ1, 黄莉媛1, 山崎由希1, 村田雅樹1, 下釜翼1, 村井克行1, 岡田浩和1, 中野佳子1, 太田義之1, 岩本諭1, 宮本心一1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 117-117, 2023. |
2. One case that chose a regimen of the chemotherapy after having conducted the pathological evaluation of the metastatic focus for stomach origin mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine neoplasm (MiNEN) with liver metastases 山崎由希, 中野佳子, 黒内光輝, 渡邊康博, 芝田くるみ, 黄莉媛, 森すみれ, 村田雅樹, 下釜翼, 村井克行, 岡田浩和, 太田義之, 岩本諭, 宮本心一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 117-117, 2023. |
3. An example of stomach fetal gastrointestinal similar cancer 南勇輝, 田中克英, 中村日出夫, 小河大輝, 大塚喬史, 横井美咲, 吉治誠, 新丸尚輝, 田渕光太, 城端慧, 有吉隆佑, 藤垣誠治, 森川輝久, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 117-117, 2023. |
4. One case of the prostate cancer metastases to stomach that we were able to diagnose by endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique (ESD) 三浦勇人, 中尾憲史, 浅田聡美, 伊藤悠記, 東原久美, 田口春香, 永濱彰悟, 澤村真理子, 徳田有記, 氣賀澤斉史, 石見亜矢, 日山智史, 山本克己, 巽信之, 金子晃 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 117-117, 2023. |
5. An example of frequent occurrence metastases to stomach of the breast cancer that presented a minute mucous membrane change and an early gastric cancer-like endoscopic image 紙屋熙紀, 武田康宏, 服部友哉, 藤尾行恵, 野間宥佑, 塚本和之, 岸渕安也名, 佃頌敏, 橋本航太, 森村博樹, 邉見慎一郎, 辻本彰子, 瀬戸山健, 澤井勇悟, 坂本梓, 米門秀行, 淺田全範, 喜多竜一, 圓尾隆典, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 118-118, 2023. |
6. 2 cases that suffered from conservative treatment, and was given endoscopic pancreatic duct stenting for a recurrent pancreatic pseudocyst by the alcoholic chronic pancreatitis acute exacerbation 増田大介1, 天野美緒1, 小倉健2, 西田光志1, 中村由希1, 山崎瑛貴1, 今泉尚彦1, 谷村博久1, 西川浩樹2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 118-118, 2023. |
7. One patient whom they presented with hyperlipidemia during pregnancy, and acute pancreatitis developed in 伊豫はるか, 伊藤大策, 奴田絢也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 118-118, 2023. |
8. An example of intraductal papillary neoplasm of bile duct (IPNB) which we were able to diagnose using cholangioscope preoperatively 白國智也1, 山田恭孝1, 家本孝雄1, 朝原総一郎1, 山本侑1, 菅尾英人1, 田渕丈治1, 福田明久1, 山本優希1, 松浦史弥1, 阿部哲之1, 林宏樹1, 吉江智郎1, 山本侑毅2, 大瀬貴之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 118-118, 2023. |
9. An example of pancreas tail cancer which we diagnosed after the recurrence of the chronic pancreatitis acute exacerbation 高山昇之1, 高岡亮1, 栗島亜希子1, 池宗真美1, 宮坂將光1, 津久田諭1, 堀雄一1, 西紋周平1, 大津拓也1, 住本貴美1, 廣原淳子1, 池浦司2, 長沼誠2, 山木壮3, 山本智久3, 里井壯平3, 大江知里4, 蔦幸治4, 島谷昌明5 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 119-119, 2023. |
10. One case of the gallbladder malignant tumor which presented tumor lysis syndrome by systemic chemotherapy 栗木真治, 吉岡鉄平, 重川稔, 佐藤克彦, 土井哲, 上間遼太郎, 良原丈夫, 西尾啓, 辻井芳樹, 疋田隼人, 巽智秀, 竹原徹郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 119-119, 2023. |
11. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma given systemic chemotherapy for metastasis to around the left kidney cavity after the metastasis to left kidney resection 佐竹真, 城野碧, 津室悠, 安井利光, 青井健司, 城尚志, 垣田成庸, 片山和宏 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 119-119, 2023. |
12. Example that inflammatory pseudotumor was suspected in initial liver biopsy, but a hepatocellular carcinoma was diagnosed by re-biopsy, and led to excision 黄莉媛1, 岩本諭1, 黒内光輝1, 浅野陽一1, 渡邊康博1, 芝田くるみ1, 山崎由希1, 森すみれ1, 中野重治3, 村田雅樹1, 下釜翼1, 村井克行1, 岡田浩和1, 中野佳子1, 江坂直樹1, 太田義之1, 森吉弘毅2, 宮本心一1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 119-119, 2023. |
13. One case of the haemangiosarcoma which had the onset after C type cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma treatment, and was regarded as gallbladder origin 田村証司, 矢野嘉彦, 芦崎理沙, 朝治直紀, 山本淳史, 吉田竜太郎, 松浦敬憲, 蓬莱亞矢, 南晶洋, 上田佳秀, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 120-120, 2023. |
14. 1 case of the MSI-High intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma 和田友紀1, 津村英隆1, 柴田精彦1, 田中俊多1, 西川倫子1, 武川直樹1, 櫛田早絵子1, 山本佳宣1, 三木生也1, 津田政広1, 太田陽介2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 120-120, 2023. |
15. Example that accepted the deviation of the catheter than stomach after the reservoir custody 栗本真之1, 田北雅弘1, 大丸直哉1, 松原卓哉1, 盛田真弘1, 千品寛和1, 青木智子1, 萩原智1, 南康範1, 依田広1, 上嶋一臣1, 西田直生志1, 工藤正俊1, 鶴崎正勝2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 120-120, 2023. |
16. It is an example with suspected purulent spondylitis by Parvimonas micra against a backdrop of alcoholic cirrhosis 芦崎理沙, 南晶洋, 田村証司, 朝治直紀, 山本淳史, 吉田竜太郎, 松浦敬憲, 蓬莱亞矢, 塩見優紀, 矢野嘉彦, 上田佳秀, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 120-120, 2023. |
17. One case that balloon obstruction bottom backward movement-related transvenous embolization succeeded for the gastric varices which assumed pericardiophrenic vein the main outflowing vessels 朝治直紀, 南晶洋, 芦崎理沙, 田村証司, 山本淳史, 吉田竜太郎, 松浦敬憲, 蓬莱亞矢, 塩見優紀, 矢野嘉彦, 上田佳秀, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 121-121, 2023. |
18. Example that crisis type autoimmune hepatitis developed after COVID-19 incidence, and led to hepatic dysfunction 河野未樹, 山本淳史, 芦崎理沙, 田村証司, 井上裕太, 北代隼, 朝治直紀, 吉田竜太郎, 松浦敬憲, 蓬莱亞矢, 南晶洋, 塩見優紀, 矢野嘉彦, 上田佳秀, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 121-121, 2023. |
19. An example of the superior mesenteric vein thrombosis that was able to evade enterectomy by conservative treatment with edoxaban 原拓史, 星充, 山下幸政, 住友靖彦, 高田真理子, 山田聡, 平佐貴弘, 加藤修平, 渡邊賢, 藤原葵, 尾下真実, 坂田哲 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 121-121, 2023. |
20. One case of chronic hepatitis B that HBs antigen decreased by administration only for entecavir remarkably 西内明子, 高田亮, 安東まや, 笹生幹夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 121-121, 2023. |
21. A complete response is one case of the pleura dissemination recurrence after the obtained cancer of the esophagus technique by Pembrolizumab + Cisplatin + 5-Fluorouracil therapy 内藤聖哉, 竹林克士, 貝田佐知子, 大竹玲子, 松永隆志, 三宅亨, 小島正継, 谷総一郎, 全有美, 石川原, 前平博充, 森治樹, 前川毅, 仁科勇佑, 竹中裕一, 谷眞至 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 122-122, 2023. |
22. One case of the unresectable progress cancer of the esophagus which chemoradiotherapy was effective after the trachea stenting, and was available for the trachea stent withdrawal 西川恵璃1, 徳山長裕1, 石田亮介1, 飛松和俊1, 児玉裕三1, 丁奎光2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 122-122, 2023. |
23. Example that caused hyperammonemia by fluorouracil (5-FU) during chemotherapy for the cancer of the esophagus 柴田直季, 片岡準, 森太平, 桂木淳志, 水田寛郎, 神田暁博, 伊藤明彦 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 122-122, 2023. |
24. Example that accepted a local muscular layer loss at esophagus ESD 桑島史明, 井口幹崇, 高橋拓矢, 和田梓, 高尾政輝, 木下淳, 瀧真也, 前北隆雄, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 122-122, 2023. |
25. An example of the PCAB-resistant gastroesophageal reflux disease that endoscopic reflux prevention demucosation (the ESD-G method) succeeded 佐々木駿, 太田和寛, 竹内利寿, 森洋介, 田中宏典, 箱田明俊, 菅原徳瑛, 岩坪太郎, 西川浩樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 123-123, 2023. |
26. An example of small intestine NEC merged with Crohn disease 大井雅之, 酒井滋企, 藤本剛英, 森田康大, 角田一樹, 吉田恵里奈, 安田登摩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 123-123, 2023. |
27. One patient who received cola dissolution therapy using an ileus pipe for duodenal bezoar 山内徳人, 安藤成俊, 田中大輝, 安田剛士, 遠藤雄基, 曽田智大, 赤澤貴子, 松本次弘, 山内純子, 村松哲, 久津見弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 123-123, 2023. |
28. It is one patient of the small intestine anisakiasis who had small intestinal perforation and ileus after the conservative treatment 合田杏佑, 池田智哉, 竹田紹泰, 田中裕一, 宮島真治, 高谷晴夫, 山東剛裕, 福永豊和 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 123-123, 2023. |
29. One case of the trisomy 8 merger intestinal tract type Behcet's disease that cord-blood transplant for the myelodysplastic syndrome led to endoscopic remission 中谷優1, 高尾政輝1, 山下友佑2, 前北隆雄1, 井口幹崇1, 北野雅之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 124-124, 2023. |
30. An example of the SLE that racked its brains about a diagnosis while presenting with various symptoms 深海三恵, 木下淳, 瀧真也, 桑島史明, 高尾政輝, 前北隆雄, 井口幹崇, 北野雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 124-124, 2023. |
31. One patient who underwent right hemicolectomy technique for ileus due to the mesenterial vein sclerosis 大西寛文1, 田村彰朗1, 岡村政道1, 河合健1, 河野友彰1, 厨子慎一郎1, 杉本圭司2, 伊藤敬3, 土井貞幸2, 三輪洋人1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 124-124, 2023. |
32. An example of the endometriosis of intestine 森下有紗, 木下幾晴, 木下真樹子, 森下広睦, 大西紀幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 124-124, 2023. |
33. An example of the immune-mediated enterocolitis who had the megacolon 池田彩, 宮崎はる香, 渡邉大輔, 伊藤裕貴, 岡本典大, 徳永英里, 具潤亜, 大井充, 星奈美子, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 125-125, 2023. |
34. An example of the childhood congenital oesophageal stenosis given a muscular layer resection of the peroral endoscopy 田邊皓1, 阿部洋文1, 田中心和3, 阪口博哉1, 上田千勢1, 堀瞳1, 法貴真也1, 豊永高史2, 児玉裕三1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 125-125, 2023. |
35. Examination of localized stomach amyloidosis given an endoscopic stratum submucosum resection 宮垣亜紀, 浅田友啓, 原田威徳, 竹中淳雄, 山田貴裕, 木村利幸 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (119): 125-125, 2023. |