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Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University

Volume , Issue 12 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Creation of the specialty of the care worker
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (12): 1-9, 2014.

Japanese Article Focus on the grasp of study on educational effect - global image of "the association map of the information" in the development of the care process; and -
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (12): 11-28, 2014.

Japanese Article Effects of music on the cerebral blood flow and the autonomic nervous system Assessing the Relevance of the Results to Social Work Theory and Practice
Machiko Tanamura*, Shohei Oogi**, Masashi Ichinose**, Hiroshi Inuzuka***, Katsutarou Nagata****
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (12): 29-43, 2014.

Japanese Article A Study on Teaching and Child-rearing Practices to Promote Children's Sense of Worth and Self-direction : from the Viewpoint of Christian Education and Child-care
Masako OTA*, Mitsuo FUKUDA**, Ruriko DEMURA***
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (12): 45-56, 2014.

Japanese Article Mainly on a shift process in change - Nabari-shi of the community-based welfare promotion basement by the decentralization of power in the local government with the community institutionalization -
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (12): 57-69, 2014.

English Article Japanese Bloggers on /r/ And /l/ A Pilot Study
Adam Poludniak
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (12): 71-77, 2014.

Japanese Article From an approach in the children garden attached to support method - of the exercise play along the growth development process -
和久田佳代*, 武田真理子**
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (12): 79-89, 2014.

Japanese Article About possibility of the staff training using study - role playing about preventing it of the abuse in the mentally-disabled person welfare institution -
石川瞭子*, 佐藤量子**
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (12): 91-103, 2014.

Japanese Article - by the actual situation grasp investigation of the household having compound problem - A prefecture welfare problem, life problem that the housekeeper has
野田由佳里*, 神谷礼子**
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (12): 105-116, 2014.

Japanese Article The opening ceremony of new vocational training centers at "Seirei Acha Bhavan", an institution for the International Social Work Practice
横尾惠美子*, 太田雅子**, 中村憲司***
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (12): 117-125, 2014.