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The Japanese Journal of Orthodontists

Volume , Issue 12 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article For the spread of appropriate orthodontic treatment
The Japanese Journal of Orthodontists (12): 1-1, 2014.

Japanese Article Specialist in change case of open occlusion, prognathism, the bimaxillary protrusion
The Japanese Journal of Orthodontists (12): 4-16, 2014.

Japanese Article Prognathism, upper prognathy, bimaxillary protrusion, specialist in change case of the crowding dental arch
The Japanese Journal of Orthodontists (12): 17-22, 2014.

Japanese Article - to think from re-treatment by change - premolar tooth extraction after the retention in the non-extraction case
The Japanese Journal of Orthodontists (12): 23-37, 2014.

Japanese Article Bimaxillary protrusion of the Angle II grade, crowding dental arch case
The Japanese Journal of Orthodontists (12): 43-48, 2014.

Japanese Article The case that prognathism due to a shift chin, shift occlusion were treated with maxillary right and left side first premolar withdrawal
The Japanese Journal of Orthodontists (12): 49-54, 2014.

Japanese Article Neutral occlusion, Kazuharu omen case of the crowding dental arch
The Japanese Journal of Orthodontists (12): 55-59, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of maxillary protrusion that change cured from the United States
The Japanese Journal of Orthodontists (12): 60-64, 2014.