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The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia
Volume , Issue 12 / 1965
English Article Japanese Article
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The twelfth painless delivery meeting for the study (Sapporo-shi) chairperson greetings 安井修平 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 109-109, 1965. |
1. Continuous epidural analgesia and extraperitoneal caesarean section 川島永太郎 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 110-110, 1965. |
2. About a painless delivery by the lumbar epidural anaesthesia (single incorporated administrative agency) and movement of the children delivery time 丸山俊蔵 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 110-112, 1965. |
3. Examination of the painless delivery by the sustained lumbar epidural anaesthesia 斎藤清, 橋本義正, 黒川徹男, 河西博利, 竹内久彌, 中野剛 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 112-112, 1965. |
4. Examination of the painless delivery by the epidural anaesthesia 徳田源市, 横田耕三, 水谷不二夫, 杉原養一, 湯浅充雄, 伯耆徳介, 品川晃一郎 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 112-114, 1965. |
5. Painless delivery - first report - by the continuous epidural analgesia 下村虎男, 安藤暢哉, 名取厚, 陰山実, 富沢敦子 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 114-114, 1965. |
6. Effect for the prolonged labour of the epidural anaesthesia 浅野定, 青山顕太郎 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 115-115, 1965. |
7. Experience of 1,406 saddle anesthesia 竹内繁喜 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 115-116, 1965. |
8. Clinical study of the painless delivery by the sustained caudal anesthesia 橘高祥次, 唐木田良成, 会沢正樹, 渡辺吉次 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 116-117, 1965. |
10. Flow sen anesthesia in the obstetrics 坂倉啓夫, 新井正夫, 武田秀雄 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 118-120, 1965. |
11. About the acid base balance of neonates 久場襄, 木内実, 米山雅雄, 赤沼君江 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 120-121, 1965. |
13. About a diffusion state of the local anesthesia agent at the study (the second report) of the obstetric anesthesia transvaginal local anesthesia 小林茂彦*, 松尾高保*, 秦野滋** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 122-123, 1965. |
14. About a painless delivery by the study (the third report) of the obstetric anesthesia transvaginal local anesthesia 小林茂彦*, 松尾高保*, 秦野滋** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 123-124, 1965. |
15. The enforcement situation of the delivery in twilight sleep in our classroom maternity hospital aiming at the all cases enforcement and the examination 高僑禎昌, 野平知雄, 花岡知々夫, 斎藤成一, 田口武, 横田尚徳, 新里陽弘, 比嘉恒雄, 伊達礼次, 高良光雄, 池田喜久治, 山田栄六, 中村良之助, 宜保好彦, 圃中健吉, 足立佐, 黄俊雄, 臼田実, 舟山達, 中川和夫 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 124-125, 1965. |
The present situation and the future when we saw it than an anesthesiologist 西邑信男* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 170-171, 1965. |
For a medical practitioner 小川昌夫* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (12): 184-190, 1965. |