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Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children

Volume , Issue 12 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Children with illness childcare and fight with COVID-19 to change in children with foreword 30th memory whole country illness childcare study meet president lecture
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 1-6, 2021.

Japanese Article Questionnaire findings of the June, 2020 enforcement about the children with illness childcare business condition under the COVID-19 outbreak
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 7-9, 2021.

Japanese Article Thinking about childcare for sick children in the COVID-19 era - Based on the questionnaire survey conducted in September and October 2020
黒木春郎, 黒木秀子
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 10-17, 2021.

Japanese Article Even if there is medical care, we want to live in peace
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 18-25, 2021.

Japanese Article Our immune response mold, bacteria when we had an infection, virus (SARS-CoV-2)
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 26-30, 2021.

Japanese Article (1) ... which regards a role of the children with illness childcare as the attachment (attachment) formation from a viewpoint of children with illness childcare - attachment formation
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 31-36, 2021.

Japanese Article (2) Thought ... of the children with effect ... illness childcare user that children with illness childcare gives to the attachment formation of a parent and the child
赤川有紀, 大川洋二
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 37-41, 2021.

Japanese Article (1) AI and childcare for sick children Prospects for childcare for sick children toward the future - From the field of childcare for sick children -
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 42-46, 2021.

Japanese Article (2) Support of the child care utilizing the AI
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 47-51, 2021.

Japanese Article (3) To the machine learning system which analyzes the data of children, and supports the decision making of the nursery staff
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 52-55, 2021.

Japanese Article (1) Nursing of the children with the developmental disease, medical care in connection with childcare
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 56-60, 2021.

Japanese Article (2) Work-style reform for improvement in quality of the childcare
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 61-68, 2021.

Japanese Article (3) "A sleep and children and childcare and a disease"
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 69-75, 2021.

Japanese Article (4) "The way of the support to snuggle up to a protector"
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 76-81, 2021.

Japanese Article (1) Children with the 30th memory whole country illness childcare study meeting exhibition symposium [basic tone lecture] Role - of the children with illness childcare to investigate a covert plan of - declining birthrate problem solving what you would do to Japan in the future
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 82-83, 2021.

Japanese Article (2) Based on a policy of the new coronavirus infection and children with illness childcare business
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 84-87, 2021.

Japanese Article (3) Efforts of declining birthrate measures in the economic world
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 88-93, 2021.

Japanese Article (4) As a "dark night streetlight" in the area
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 94-96, 2021.

Japanese Article (1) Review Looking back on childcare for sick children and thinking about childcare for sick children after the new corona
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 97-111, 2021.

Japanese Article (2) "The child care support that we can do"
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 112-117, 2021.

Japanese Article (1) Usefulness of the Safety Measures Handbook for in-facility training
菱沼真紀*1, 中川和美*1, 室崎朱美*2, 横井彩乃*3, 横井透*3
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 118-123, 2021.

Japanese Article (2) What I learned from observing the situation of parents and children who use childcare for sick children - Analysis based on the development process of attachment behavior by clinical psychologists
藤井宏弥1), 望月希美2), 佐藤叶芽1), 横山梨恵1), 堀込聖子2), 荒木敦3), 木野稔3)
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 124-128, 2021.

Japanese Article (3) It is ... for analysis ... childcare nursing that we snuggled up to of the example that comes to the hospital in a use of children with illness nersery room purpose, and became the hospitalization
玉城沙莉, 堀込聖子, 荒木敦, 木野稔
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 129-132, 2021.

Japanese Article 2019 stocktaking results (2021.4.22)
荒井宏治, 原田佳明, 西岡敦子, 吉田雄司, 保坂篤人, 宮本直彦, 佐藤勇武, 園田正樹, 杉野茂人, 大川洋二
Journal of Daycare Research for Sick Children (12): 133-138, 2021.