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- > The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 120 / 2024
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
S-1. Introduction and the current situation of the endoscopic combination PTEG drainage for the malignant gastrointestinal obstruction 原和也, 河原史明, 井口謙志, 藤本悠, 坂根達哉, 中辻政志, 田中彩香, 賀来英俊, 山中広大, 西岡千晴 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 53-53, 2024. |
S-2. The current situation of UEMR and EMR for the superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum epithelial neoplasm in our hospital 戎谷信彦, 江田裕嗣, 中井啓介, 北山嘉隆, 清裕生, 奥川卓也, 富田寿彦, 福井広一, 新崎信一郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 53-53, 2024. |
S-3. Examination of the therapy for the superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum epithelial neoplasm 小林三四郎, 高橋悠, 田原智満, 中村尚広, 松本泰司, 四十万谷卓也, 長沼誠 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 53-53, 2024. |
S-4. Examination about a choice and the treatment result of the endoscopic excision for superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum epithelial neoplasm (SNADET) 中辻政志, 河原史明, 坂根達哉, 田中彩香, 原和也, 金子三紀, 賀来英俊, 山中広大, 西岡千晴 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 53-53, 2024. |
S-5. Examination about waiting times and the clinical features until stomach ESD treatment day in our hospital 法貴真也, 吉崎哲也, 高山弘志, 阪口博哉, 木下雅登, 阿部洋文, 鷹尾まど佳, 森田圭紀, 豊永高史, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 54-54, 2024. |
S-6. About usefulness of right decubitus lower ESD for the lesion of the stomach treatment difficulty part 岩上裕吉, 小西隆文, 中谷泰樹, 赤松拓司 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 54-54, 2024. |
S-7. About mucous membrane loss reefing for the stomach ESD afterbleeding prevention 長尾宗一郎, 籔内洋平, 森田周子, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 54-54, 2024. |
S-8. Examination of the invention of ESD for the early gastric cancer of the stomach dome part 河野光泰, 福永周生, 大南雅揮, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 54-54, 2024. |
S-9. It is hard to provide treatment in large intestine ESD and is examined a change of the frequency of the case and the predictor 井上健, 吉田直久, 小林玲央 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 55-55, 2024. |
S-10. Examination of eight large intestine saw tooth appearance lesions which presented a rapid form change by endoscopic treatment 井上貴裕, 内海貴裕, 平松由紀子, 榛間英真, 田中由香里, 我妻信和, 二階堂光洋, 中西祐貴, 清水孝洋, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 55-55, 2024. |
S-11. Clutch Cutter is useful as main device in endoscopic mucosa of large intestine lower layer detachment technique (ESD); or comparison ... with ... knife of tip origin 大瀬貴之, 阿部哲之, 林宏樹, 吉江智郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 55-55, 2024. |
S-12. Usefulness of PAEM (peranal endoscopic myectomy) for the rectal neuroendocrine tumor and safe examination 下山慶子, 迫智也, 西田紘司, 根来和輝, 田中康貴, 片山宜郎, 井上和樹, 文原大貴, 高木萌未, 百瀬健次, 野田万理, 古松恵介, 森澤利之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 55-55, 2024. |
S-13. The effectiveness of the large intestine stenting for the malignant large intestinal stricture in our hospital and safe examination 津田一範, 朝治直紀, 佐藤悠, 野村雄大, 藤井康和, 西崎朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 56-56, 2024. |
S-14. Endoscopic demucosation using the modified bipolar snare for large large intestine tumor 山本俊祐, 松島健祐, 榊原祐子, 阪森亮太郎, 三田英治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 56-56, 2024. |
P1-1. Laparoscopic hepatectomy along the classification of Hjortsjo 小木曾聡, 西野裕人, 山根佳, 池尻達樹, 奥村晋也, 楊知明, 西尾太宏, 内田洋一朗, 石井隆道, 波多野悦朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 59-59, 2024. |
P1-2. Invention of the camera port position for securing of good field in the scirrhous mirror in the laparoscopic liver right head side domain excision 多田正晴, 末岡英明, 藤浩明, 平井隆仁, 白井大介, 栗本亜美, 奥野将之, 岡本共弘, 飯田健二郎, 中村育夫, 廣野誠子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 59-59, 2024. |
P1-3. Application of the fluorescent imaging during the operation in the robot support hepatectomy 新川寛二, 木下正彦, 川口貴士, 櫛山周平, 田中涼太, 栗原重明, 西尾康平, 大平豪, 木村健二郎, 石沢武彰 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 59-59, 2024. |
P1-4. It is formulated the laparoscopic systematic hepatectomy as the minimally invasive surgery (MIS) in our hospital 松井康輔, 松島英之, 小坂久, 山本栄和, 海堀昌樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 59-59, 2024. |
P1-5. Comparison of the short-term results in the laparoscopic hepatic left lobe resection and laparotomy hepatic left lobe resection 川口直, 米田浩二, 富岡淳, 朝隈光弘, 李相雄 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 60-60, 2024. |
P1-6. Usefulness of the gallbladder preservation in the laparoscopic re-hepatectomy 岡本共弘, 多田正晴, 末岡英明, 奥野将之, 飯田健二郎, 栗本亜美, 藤浩明, 平井隆仁, 白井大介, 中村育夫, 廣野誠子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 60-60, 2024. |
P1-7. Laparoscopic hepatectomy for the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma of the outer layer type 小坂久, 松井康輔, 松島英之, 山本栄和, 海堀昌樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 60-60, 2024. |
P1-8. Robot support lower body of pancreas tailpiece ablative introduction and treatment result in our hospital 小原有一朗, 安田里司, 長井美奈子, 中村広太, 松尾泰子, 土井駿介, 阪田武, 庄雅之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 60-60, 2024. |
P1-9. Examination of a short term, the long-term results of the low invasive body of pancreas tailpiece resection for the pancreatic cancer 吉田雄太, 登千穂子, 李東河, 村瀬貴昭, 亀井敬子, 武部敦志, 中居卓也, 松本逸平 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 61-61, 2024. |
P1-10. Unfolding technique of the stomach aiming at the good operation field development in the laparoscopic body of pancreas tailpiece resection 飯田健二郎1, 清水敦史2, 中村育夫1, 多田正晴1, 末岡英明1, 岡本共弘1, 奥野将之1, 栗本亜美1, 藤浩明1, 平井隆仁1, 白井大介1, 廣野誠子1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 61-61, 2024. |
P1-11. One case of the robot support lower pancreatoduodenectomy for the portal vein annular pancreas case 石田潤, 外山博近, 浅利貞毅, 南野佳英, 権英寿, 津川大介, 小松昇平, 柳本泰明, 木戸正浩, 福本巧 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 61-61, 2024. |
P1-12. Change of the postoperative nutrition state in the laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy 倉橋光輝, 穴澤貴行, 出羽彩, 山根佳, 長井和之, 内田洋一朗, 伊藤孝司, 石井隆道, 波多野悦朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 61-61, 2024. |
P2-1. High relative difficulty gastrectomy to challenge with a robot 早田啓治, 尾島敏康, 合田太郎, 北谷純也, 冨永信太, 中井智暉, 川井学 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 62-62, 2024. |
P2-2. Invention in the laparoscopic endoscopic joint surgery for the superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum epithelial neoplasm existing in the endoscopic part that is hard to approach it 田中晃輔, 籔内洋平, 蓑島貴成, 山村総一郎, 高折克至, 森敬之, 三宅雄大, 三谷莉永, 三木秀晃, 森久芳樹, 小林拓哉, 長尾宗一郎, 秋山慎介, 丹家元祥, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 62-62, 2024. |
P2-3. Echo guide lower D3 lymph node excision during the operation in the robot right side colon cancer surgery 福岡達成1, 笠島裕明1, 井関康仁2, 丹田秀樹1, 米光健1, 福井庸裕1, 北山紀州1, 澁谷雅常1, 前田清1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 62-62, 2024. |
P2-4. Surgery results of the TaTME combination large intestine complete removal operation in our hospital 澤田隆一郎, 松田武, 山下公大, 長谷川寛, 小寺澤康文, 原田仁, 裏川直樹, 後藤裕信, 金治新悟, 掛地吉弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 62-62, 2024. |
P2-5. The cothrough-hole closure using bidirectional barbed suture in the anastomosis in the colic body cavity 丹田秀樹, 渋谷雅常, 夏木誠司, 西山方規, 福井康裕, 笠島裕明, 三木友一朗, 吉井真美, 福岡達成, 田村達郎, 豊川貴弘, 李栄柱, 前田清 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 63-63, 2024. |
W1-1. Can VWF and ADAMTS13 which are a clot hemostasis association factor become the new biomarker of the liver arterial infusion chemotherapy for the liver cancer? 高見昌義1, 浪崎正1, 高谷広章2, 辻裕樹1, 藤永幸久1, 西村典久1, 鍛治孝祐1, 瓦谷英人1, 赤羽たけみ1, 吉治仁志1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 67-67, 2024. |
W1-2. Examination about patients who received Atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy for the unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma in our hospital 岩本諭, 山崎由希, 黄莉媛, 村田雅樹, 村井克行, 下釜翼, 岡田浩和, 中野佳子, 太田義之, 宮本心一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 67-67, 2024. |
W1-3. Clinical results and effect of treatment predictor of the Atezolizumab bevacizumab combination therapy for the unresectable progress hepatocellular carcinoma 森久芳樹, 鄭浩柄, 小林拓哉, 長尾宗一郎, 秋山慎介, 丹家元祥, 籔内洋平, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 井上聡子, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 67-67, 2024. |
W1-4. Inspection of the outcome in the IMbrave150 study non-adaptation case of Atezolizumab/bevacizumab combination therapy for the hepatocellular carcinoma 的野智光1, 多田俊史2, 大濱日出子3, 矢田豊二4, 平岡淳5, 西村貴士6, 西川浩樹7, 海堀昌樹8, 熊田卓9, 工藤正俊10 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 67-67, 2024. |
W1-5. Change and treatment preferences ... of current situation and problem - liver residual function of the Atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy 吉原公平1, 西村貴士1,2, 會澤信弘1, 奥野将之3, 多田正晴3, 由利幸久1, 高嶋智之1, 池田直人1, 福西新弥1, 廣野誠子3, 榎本平之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 68-68, 2024. |
W1-6. Initial real-world experience with durvalumab + tremelimumab combination therapy for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma 岡村順平1, 打田佐和子1, 小田桐直志1, 武藤芳美1, 小谷晃平1, 萩原淳司1, 榎本大1, 玉井秀幸2, 河田則文1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 68-68, 2024. |
W1-7. A study of four cases of liver cancer treated with durvalumab and tremelimumab at our hospital 吉岡拓人, 森英亜, 山本悠生, 平井美帆, 奥野岳, 矢倉伊織, 中森翔平, 松村大志郎, 玉田尚, 神田直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 68-68, 2024. |
W1-8. Initial experience with tremelimumab + durvalumab for hepatocellular carcinoma at our hospital 村松敏郎, 多田俊史, 中村進一郎, 松尾優, 山本洋輔, 村上詩歩, 高島健司, 馬場雄己, 高田斎文, 筑木隆雄, 堀伸一郎, 高木慎二郎, 森井和彦, 高谷昌宏, 岡田裕之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 68-68, 2024. |
W1-9. Initial results of tremelimumab and durvalumab combination therapy for advanced liver cancer at our hospital 野崎泰俊, 岩本剛幸, 井上貴功, 須田貴広, 水本塁, 有本雄貴, 太田高志, 山口真二郎, 伊藤善基, 萩原秀紀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 69-69, 2024. |
W2-1. Troubleshooting for the basket strangulation of a common bile duct stone and the pancreatic duct calculus 丸尾基展1, 池浦司1, 中丸洸1, 島谷昌明2, 高岡亮3, 長沼誠1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 69-69, 2024. |
W2-2. A cause and correspondence of the perforation retroperitoneal after the EST in our hospital 伊藤凌, 大薄直也, 長江長江, 伊丹久実, 小坂太郎, 池谷桃子, 大沢一希, 森雄貴, 岩野光佑, 中神聡太, 吉川貴章, 東俊二郎, 森田敏広, 廣橋研志郎, 栗山勝利, 高忠之, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 69-69, 2024. |
W2-3. About the usefulness of the C-tube guide lower Rendezvous method for the bile duct difficulty with intubation case 八城誠, 荒木理, 豊田文興, 中井喜貴, 藤井茂彦 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 69-69, 2024. |
W2-4. Use results according to the shape of the bile duct plastic stent for common bile duct stone-related cholangitis 佐々木健, 須田貴広, 岩本剛幸, 野崎康俊, 伊藤善紀, 萩原秀紀 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 70-70, 2024. |
W2-5. Troubleshooting for the EST afterbleeding in our hospital 山口翼, 山崎智朗, 森菜都子, 池田哲也, 西出祥太, 福井奈奈子, 坂田侑平, 平田直人, 末包剛久, 杉森聖司, 根引浩子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 70-70, 2024. |
W2-6. Troubleshooting for the bile duct stent hesitation case in our hospital 川田翔己, 中野遼太, 塩見英之, 榎本平之, 吉岡亮太, 吉原公平, 川瀬雄太, 西村貴士, 福西新弥, 岡本麻美子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 70-70, 2024. |
W2-7. Acute pancreatitis in the metallic stent custody for the malignant distal bile duct stricture 横谷勇佑, 小林隆, 増田充弘, 酒井新, 田中雄志, 辻前正弘, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 70-70, 2024. |
W2-8. Troubleshooting using the oral cholangioscope when the endoscopic bile duct stone removal of the rebuilding intestinal tract patients was difficult after the operation 永松晋作, 菊川翔馬, 松尾英城, 守屋圭 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 71-71, 2024. |
W2-9. Troubleshooting at the treatment with double balloon endoscope for the pancreatic duct jejunum anastomotic stricture 浅田翔平1, 北川洸1, 花谷純一1, 友岡文優1, 美登路昭2, 吉治仁志1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 71-71, 2024. |
W2-10. Examination of the endoscopic treatment for the pancreaticojejunostomy department lost stent after the pancreaticoduodenectomy 山田恭孝, 家本孝雄, 山本侑, 南勇輝, 上門弘宜, 朝原総一郎, 山本侑, 利倉暢人, 山本優希, 松浦史弥, 白國智也, 阿部哲之, 林宏樹, 吉江智郎, 大瀬貴之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 71-71, 2024. |
W2-11. Two cases that we removed for a pancreatic duct stent hesitation case using Endosheather 筑後英紀, 中野省吾, 外村晃平, 松本久和, 上野山義人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 71-71, 2024. |
W2-12. One case that was able to remove the full cover type big mouth diameter metal stent which we were about to deviate from outside wall of stomach endoscopically 村井克行1, 水本吉則2, 下釜翼1, 村田雅樹1, 岡田浩和1, 中野佳子1, 江坂直樹1, 太田義之1, 岩本諭1, 宮本心一1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 72-72, 2024. |
W2-13. Correspondence of pancreatic duct stenting and the narrow segment breakthrough of the transnipple for malignant pancreatic duct stenosis 和辻晃, 池澤賢治, 甲斐優吾, 高田良司, 木積一浩, 占部真貴子, 向井香織, 中堀輔, 上原宏之, 大川和良 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 72-72, 2024. |
W2-14. Examination about the scope perforation in the liver pancreas endoscope 小林拓哉, 丹家元祥, 高折克至, 蓑島貴成, 山村総一郎, 大島章裕, 三木秀晃, 三宅雄大, 森敬之, 田中晃輔, 森久芳樹, 長尾宗一郎, 秋山慎介, 籔内洋平, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 72-72, 2024. |
F1-1. An example of the megalogastria GIST of the 16cm size that accepted the liver, splenic, diaphragm permeation 柏木郁実1, 青木謙太郎1, 藤井茂彦1, 桐山宜生1, 前田智美1, 松本俊和1, 渡辺俊介1, 黄宣輔1, 八城誠1, 徳林佑美1, 横田瞭1, 豊田文興1, 岡田圭次郎1, 荒木理1, 田中泰敬1, 池田敦之1, 中井喜貴1, 畦地英全1, 保木昌仁2, 渋谷信介2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 75-75, 2024. |
F1-2. An example of growth type stomach Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST) that caused stem twisting out of the wall 山口英輝1, 村山洋子1, 田村優美音1, 山下勇大1, 荒木翔1, 西村智達1, 西浦由貴1, 吉井マリア1, 瀬戸華世1, 武田梨里1, 岩崎哲也1, 栗山大輔1, 堀木優志1, 佐野村珠奈1, 今中和穂1, 福永浩紀2, 木村勇人3, 廣田誠一4, 飯石浩康1, 筒井秀作1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 75-75, 2024. |
F1-3. An example of the cecal cancer complicated with a stomach origin malignant lymphoma 鷲見卓哉, 木ノ本卓己, 田中達樹, 長野亘揮, 近江舞, 上薗友里絵, 満田朱音, 早田菜保子, 岡本明之, 青地一樹, 芦田宗宏, 谷本孝史, 村井大毅, 大西幸作, 倉橋知英, 末吉由佳, 平尾元宏, 山田拓哉, 法水淳, 平松直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 75-75, 2024. |
F2-1. One patient who diagnosed the metastases to pancreas of the kidney leiomyosarcoma in EUS-FNA 糸井拓哉1, 岡本拓也1, 稲富理1, 廣江光亮1, 新谷修平1, 森治樹2, 前平博充2, 石川原2, 谷眞至2, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 75-75, 2024. |
F2-2. One patient who presented with metastases to pancreas after the renal carcinoma technique in the 18th year 三宅麻友, 瀧山浩希, 松本健吾, 北澤みはる, 林大智, 増田遥, 片之坂佑彦, 東野克温, 阪本直洋, 岡部悟, 藤井祥史, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 中松大, 山本政司, 福井浩司, 西田勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 76-76, 2024. |
F2-3. One case of pancreas body tumor which suffered from a diagnosis 成田恵1, 河合勇治1, 松岡真珠1, 和田卓也1, 片山貴人1, 二木元典2, 緒方瑠衣子3, 岸真五3, 國安弘基3, 糸原孟則4, 小野山裕彦4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 76-76, 2024. |
F2-4. The case that caused a false aneurysm explosion by median arcuate ligament syndrome (MALS) 飯原卓哉1, 島越洋美1, 浜辺友也1,2, 花房賢爾1, 中山俊雄1, 北中崇雄1, 石川史彬1, 福嶌裕子1, 森田祐史1, 水谷直揮1, 村田淳1, 山口典高1, 小来田幸世1, 荻山秀治1, 石田永1, 尾下正秀1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 76-76, 2024. |
F3-1. Two cases of the intestinal tract spirochetal disease that we were able to diagnose by colonoscopic examination 佐藤良啓, 北田智也, 岡嶋恵生, 相馬凱大, 檜垣華菜子, 小山優花里, 河路光介, 吉田裕幸, 東恵史朗, 藤原幹夫, 池田一毅, 魚瀬優, 染田仁, 千葉勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 76-76, 2024. |
F3-2. Example that caused a multiple liver abscess from acute appendicitis by Sessile serrated lesion (SSL) 河野慎司1, 春山忠佑2, 小野洋嗣2, 松井佐織2, 薮内寛幸2, 近藤和也2, 高橋京佑2, 平海優香2, 松岡里紗2, 梶川彩那2, 平野仁崇2, 栃谷四科子2, 北村泰明2, 藤田光一2, 阿南会美2, 阿南隆洋2, 渡辺明彦2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 77-77, 2024. |
F3-3. An example of the ulcerative colitis with suspected regional ileitis by the penciled eyebrow 森本和暉, 島佳弘, 赤峰瑛介, 小泉葵, 橋本沙優理, 松原佳穂, 橋村友哉, 大舘秀太, 神保仁美, 松尾健司, 竹下宏太郎, 中尾栄祐, 一ノ名巧, 藤本直己, 淺井哲 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 77-77, 2024. |
F3-4. An example of the typhoid infection that we experienced in our hospital 木村匠吾, 岡本純一, 三崎絢子, 林健博, 黒岡浩子, 藤井恭子, 佐伯善彦 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 77-77, 2024. |
F3-5. It is an example with the intestinal tract membrane perforation in Diverticular colitis 前田賢1, 今井隆行2, 大野将司2, 森田幸弘2, 松本寛史2, 西田淳史2, 稲富理2, 三宅亨3, 谷眞至3, 安藤朗2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 77-77, 2024. |
F4-1. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which occurred in a young man against a backdrop of the normal liver 桐畑直樹, 中野佳子, 黒内光輝, 浅野陽一, 渡邊康博, 芝田くるみ, 山崎由希, 黄莉媛, 森すみれ, 村田雅樹, 村井克行, 下釜翼, 岡田浩和, 太田義之, 岩本諭, 宮本心一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 78-78, 2024. |
F4-2. An example of the hepatic tuberculosis that needed differentiation with the metastasis of cancer 太田葉名, 村上詩歩, 青江佳歩, 多木沙織, 水野綱紀, 松田一樹, 辻本優梨, 村松敏郎, 山本淳史, 山本洋輔, 馬場雄己, 高田斎文, 高島健司, 筑木隆雄, 多田俊史, 高木慎二郎, 堀伸一郎, 高谷昌宏, 中村進一郎, 岡田裕之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 78-78, 2024. |
F4-3. One case of the intractable liver sarcoidosis that presented a primary sclerosing cholangitis-like bile duct lesion 平湯峻馬, 畦地英全, 桐山宜生, 前田智美, 松本峻和, 渡辺俊介, 八城誠, 黄宣輔, 横田瞭, 徳林佑美, 豊田文興, 青木謙太郎, 岡田圭次郎, 荒木理, 田中泰敬, 池田敦之, 中井喜貴, 藤井茂彦, 國立裕之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 78-78, 2024. |
F4-4. A case of difficult treatment for irAE colitis using IMFINZI + IMJUDO combination therapy 藤村健一, 八木洋輔, 加藤五陸, 長谷拓也, 加藤真璃, 野々口瞳, 水谷直也, 八木優子, 川西正敏, 湯浅貞稔, 正井栄一, 山城有機, 山崎富生 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 78-78, 2024. |
F5-1. One patient whom severe cytomegalovirus-related hepatitis developed in during intractable ulcerative colitis medical treatment 阪上慎治郎, 山本健太, 北出将之, 中田有哉, 隅田悠太, 尾下真実, 勝山苑香, 太田匠悟, 熊谷健, 高田裕, 安達神奈, 島田友香里, 林幹人, 井谷智尚 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 79-79, 2024. |
F5-2. One patient whom autoimmune hepatitis was thought to develop in after COVID-19 vaccination 井久保純, 白川裕, 森井惇詞, 渡部貴文, 岡田寛史, 安冨栄一郎, 田村勇, さかもと喜雄, 廣畑成也, 尹聖哲 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 79-79, 2024. |
F5-3. An example of the liver abscess that responded to antimicrobial intraarterial injection therapy 田邊悠記, 石破博, 橋本光, 高山峻, 上島浩一, 横溝千尋, 伊藤正, 富岡秀夫, 清水誠治 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 79-79, 2024. |
F5-4. One case of the metronidazole-induced encephalopathy that developed during bacterial liver abscess treatment 西山理久哉1,2, 吉田翔希子1, 廣江光亮1, 新谷修平1, 大野将司1, 森田幸弘1, 松本寛史1, 西田淳史1, 稲富理1, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 79-79, 2024. |
F6-1. An example of antiHMGCR antibody-positive necrotic myopathy who had the gastric cancer 今井勇人1, 酒井浩明2, 岡部健吾2, 小原知也2, 窪田真理子2, 置塩伸也2, 辻俊史2, 小牧稔之2, 阪上順一2, 香川惠造2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 80-80, 2024. |
F6-2. One case of the unknown primary malignant melanoma which resulted in metastasis in stomach, the duodenum 横田政児1, 宮崎博之1, 和田友紀2, 浅野萌1, 中川雄太1, 岡林優花1, 白木文1, 日笠雄太1, 竹中春香1, 江崎健1, 中山文仁1, 吉田志栄1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 80-80, 2024. |
F6-3. An example of the intractable GI bleeding due to the gastric ulcer with the splenic false aneurysm 飯田一裕1, 西川恵璃1, 永木瑞穂1, 堀瞳1, 木下雅登1, 吉崎哲也1, 森田圭紀1, 豊永高史1, 児玉裕三1, 元津倫幸2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 80-80, 2024. |
F6-4. The case that took a sudden turn after the gastrostomosis for dysphagia, and presented with a portal vein gas blood symptom and gastrointestinal emphysematosa, and died 今西慶一郎, 保田知生, 徳原満雄, 杉浦史郎, 鳥井郁子, 長谷寛二 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 80-80, 2024. |
F7-1. One case of the hemorrhagic jejunum lipoma which was able to be treated endoscopically 麻真士, 倉橋知英, 山田拓哉, 三木佑一郎, 田中達樹, 長野亘揮, 近江舞, 満田朱音, 上薗友里絵, 木ノ本卓己, 早田菜保子, 岡本明之, 青地一樹, 芦田宗宏, 谷本考史, 村井大毅, 大西幸作, 平尾元宏, 法水淳, 平松直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 81-81, 2024. |
F7-2. An example of the invagination of intestine due to the small intestine lipoma which we observed a lesion in by small intestine endoscopy preoperatively 金井美緒, 小山優花里, 岡嶋恵生, 北田智也, 相馬凱大, 檜垣佳菜子, 河路光介, 吉田裕幸, 東恵史朗, 藤原幹夫, 池田一毅, 魚瀬優, 中村武史, 染田仁, 千葉勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 81-81, 2024. |
F7-3. An example of the small intestine ileus which led to a diagnosis of the follicular lymphoma by a double balloon endoscopic biopsy 寺本海1, 桑島史明2, 前北隆雄2, 糸永昌弘2, 大西紀幸2, 岩元竜太3, 井口幹崇2, 北野雅之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 81-81, 2024. |
F7-4. An example of the strangulation ileus that CT before operation was useful 楠信人, 上野公彦, 武田茉莉亜, 松下周平, 山根菜都乃, 橋本悠, 平田建郎, 辻村敏明, 味木徹夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 81-81, 2024. |
F7-5. One case of the portal vein empyema relieved by conservative medical treatment 森本桂丞1, 高柳成徳2, 村本卓彌2, 美濃亮太2, 大野瑞季2, 福井純毅2, 伯井志帆2, 木下沙樹2, 中村吉宏2, 南知宏2, 土細工利夫2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 82-82, 2024. |
Y1-1. One case of the progress cancer of the esophagus which led to chemotherapy introduction using an implanted central veins port by the tranships approach 丸尾和也1, 吉田寿一郎1, 澤井剛1, 小澤京華1, 廣橋昌人1, 植原知暉1, 提中克幸1, 田中信1, 稲田裕1, 西村健1, 藤井秀樹1, 戸祭直也1, 奥山佑右1, 佐藤秀樹1, 平松佑理2, 一条祐輔2, 佐野優子2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 85-85, 2024. |
Y1-2. One case of the cancer of the esophagus sarcoma which we diagnosed with black stools 蓑島貴成1, 森田周子1, 山村総一郎1, 高折克至1, 森敬之1, 三宅雄大1, 三木秀晃1, 大島章裕1, 田中晃輔1, 森久芳樹1, 小林拓哉1, 長尾宗一郎1, 秋山慎介1, 丹家元祥1, 籔内洋平1, 和田将弥1, 井上聡子1, 鄭浩柄1, 猪熊哲朗1, 伊丹弘恵2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 85-85, 2024. |
Y1-3. An example of the progress cancer of the esophagus which showed the tumor reduction thought to be the abscopal effect by mild irradiation after the Nivolumab administration 足立翔1, 松本寛史1, 井上博登2, 新谷修平1, 今井隆行1, 大野将司1, 森田幸弘1, 木村英憲2, 西田淳史1, 稲富理1, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 85-85, 2024. |
Y1-4. An example of the unresectable CK7-positive squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus which caused sudden liver metastases increase after Nivolumab administration 加藤健人1, 井上博登2, 松本寛史1, 仲山貴永3, 新谷修平1, 今井隆行1, 大野将司1, 森田幸弘1, 木村英憲2, 西田淳史1, 稲富理1, 安藤朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 85-85, 2024. |
Y1-5. One patient who was able to resect the posttemporal bone of the sea bream fixed to esophageal lumen endoscopically 三木佑一郎, 倉橋知英, 山田拓哉, 田中達樹, 長野亘輝, 近江舞, 上薗友里絵, 木ノ本卓己, 満田朱音, 早田菜保子, 青地一樹, 岡本明之, 芦田宗宏, 谷本考史, 村井大毅, 大西幸作, 末吉由佳, 平尾元宏, 法水淳, 平松直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 86-86, 2024. |
Y2-1. Stomach schwannoma and the stomach GIST coexistence case who diagnosed in front of art in EUS-FNA, and locally excised laparoscopic stomach 畠健悟1, 沢井正佳1, 堀内葉月1, 森本拓馬1, 大崎結衣1, 榎木優1, 枩本一祐1, 大倉康志1, 松本昌美1, 定光ともみ2, 竹井健2, 西和田聴2, 吉村淳2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 86-86, 2024. |
Y2-2. One case of the EBV-related stomach lymphocytes invasive cancer diagnosed by complete biopsy by ESD 池谷桃子, 吉川貴章, 大薄直也, 長江麻由, 小坂太郎, 伊丹久実, 大沢一希, 森雄貴, 岩野光佑, 伊藤凌, 中神聡太, 東俊二郎, 森田敏広, 廣橋研志郎, 栗山勝利, 高忠之, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 86-86, 2024. |
Y2-3. One patient who was able to treat the small intestine adenomatous polyps detected with iron-deficiency anemia using the small intestine endoscope safely 久松健人1, 淺井哲2, 小泉葵2, 橋本沙優里2, 松原佳穂2, 島佳弘2, 橋村友哉2, 大舘秀太2, 神保仁美2, 松尾健司2, 竹下宏太郎2, 中尾栄祐2, 一ノ名巧2, 赤峰瑛介2, 藤本直己2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 86-86, 2024. |
Y2-4. An example of stomach anisakis granuloma with suspected submucosal tumor 小畑智彦1, 西川泉1, 玉置秀彦1, 寺杣智志1, 東克彦1, 北野雅之2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 87-87, 2024. |
Y2-5. An example of incomplete form Carney triad 杉岡真依子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 87-87, 2024. |
Y3-1. One case of the gastric dilatation that developed after the ablation 村本卓彌, 美濃亮太, 大野瑞季, 木下沙樹, 福井純毅, 伯井志帆, 中村吉宏, 南知宏, 高柳成徳, 土細工利夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 87-87, 2024. |
Y3-2. Two patients who anemia developed by a proton pump inhibitor-related stomach symptom, and showed the regression of polyps and improvement of anemia by internal use cancellation 中村慧, 由良守, 水谷昌代, 西原彰浩, 山北剛史, 山崎正美, 森下直紀, 平野美樹, 賀来嵩仁, 米田菜穂子, 山田航, 中原征則 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 87-87, 2024. |
Y3-3. Two cases of the IgA vasculitis that presented a digestive organ symptom 金光祐果理, 有吉隆佑, 中村日出夫, 大塚喬史, 嶋田侑記, 今村敦, 横井美咲, 新丸尚輝, 田渕光太, 吉治誠, 城端慧, 藤垣誠治, 田中克英, 的野智光, 森川輝久, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 88-88, 2024. |
Y3-4. One case that underwent a laparoscopic supporting bottom transdermal endoscopic gastrostomy for a PEG difficulty case 小坂太郎, 吉川貴章, 大薄直也, 長江麻由, 伊丹久実, 池谷桃子, 大沢一希, 森雄貴, 伊藤凌, 岩野光祐, 中神聡太, 森田敏広, 東俊二郎, 廣橋研志郎, 栗山勝利, 高忠之, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 88-88, 2024. |
Y4-1. One patient who presented with acute liver damage all over the course of the long-term amiodarone internal use 林大智, 岡部悟, 北澤みはる, 瀧山浩希, 東野克温, 片之坂佑彦, 増田遥, 河村浩輔, 阪本直洋, 藤井祥史, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 中松大, 松本健吾, 山本政司, 福井浩司, 西田勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 88-88, 2024. |
Y4-2. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma which was able to compare the angiographic images in presence or absence of administration before Lenvatinib 岸渕安也名, 喜多竜一, 服部友哉, 藤尾行恵, 野間宥佑, 塚本和之, 紙屋熙紀, 橋本航太, 森村博樹, 佃頌敏, 辻本彰子, 瀬戸山健, 邉見慎一郎, 坂本梓, 澤井勇悟, 武田康宏, 米門秀行, 淺田全範, 圓尾隆典, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 88-88, 2024. |
Y4-3. An example of the liver pseudo lymphoma which showed reduction after the steroid administration start for autoimmune hepatitis 三木秀晃1, 鄭浩柄1, 山下大祐2, 蓑島貴成1, 山村総一郎1, 高折克至1, 三宅雄大1, 大島章裕1, 森敬之1, 田中晃輔1, 森久芳樹1, 小林拓哉1, 長尾宗一郎1, 秋山慎介1, 丹家元祥1, 籔内洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 井上聡子1, 猪熊哲朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 89-89, 2024. |
Y4-4. An example of syphilitic hepatitis diagnosed with epigastric pain 橋本沙優里, 竹下宏太郎, 小泉葵, 松原佳穂, 島佳弘, 橋村友哉, 大舘秀太, 神保仁美, 松尾健司, 中尾栄祐, 一ノ名巧, 赤峰瑛介, 藤本直己, 淺井哲 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 89-89, 2024. |
Y4-5. An example of the acute hepatitis E that had the onset against a backdrop of MASH, and showed jaundice protraction 大島章裕1, 鄭浩柄1, 高折克至1, 蓑島貴成1, 山村総一郎1, 三木秀晃1, 三宅雄大1, 森敬之1, 田中晃輔1, 森久芳樹1, 小林拓哉1, 長尾宗一郎1, 秋山慎介1, 丹家元祥1, 籔内洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 井上聡子1, 猪熊哲朗1, 山下大祐2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 89-89, 2024. |
Y4-6. An example of the hepatic artery portal vein fistula syndrome (Arterio-Portal Fistula Syndrome, APFs) that was able to be treated for repeated hepatic encephalopathy in multiple TAE and BRTO 石津雄亮, 森下剛至, 安井悠, 藤村忠宏, 滝正登, 近藤隆, 井倉技 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 89-89, 2024. |
Y5-1. One case of cryptosporidium/CMV superinfection enterocolitis associated with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 奥村周平, 山本修司, 犬塚義, 中西祐貴, 清水孝洋, 妹尾浩 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 90-90, 2024. |
Y5-2. An example of the tuberculous peritonitis that an examination peritoneoscope was useful in a diagnosis 田原千紘1, 田原千紘1, 吉本崇典1, 今村信子1, 中西貴士1, 戎谷信彦1, 森下大輔1, 三重野将敏1, 中井啓介1, 清浩生1, 北山嘉隆1, 江田裕嗣1, 奥川卓也1, 冨田寿彦1, 福井広一1, 伊藤一真2, 池田正孝2, 長谷川国人3, 廣田誠一3, 新崎信一郎1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 90-90, 2024. |
Y5-3. One case of the unknown primary apocrine adenocarcinoma which followed the sudden course, and suffered from a diagnosis 川口英人, 南尚希, 赤澤豪紀, 杉岡真依子, 杣美緒, 藤井美聡, 藤原裕也, 北浦真珠, 萬川和, 福井由美, 迫健太郎, 西岡靖幸, 菱谷英里子, 出田雅子, 山内雄揮, 梅田誠, 松村毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 90-90, 2024. |
Y5-4. Three cases of the pancreas duodenum aneurysm ruptured due to the ligamentum arcuatum medianum compression syndrome 渡辺俊介, 池田敦之, 桐山宜生, 前田智美, 松本峻和, 八城誠, 黄宣輔, 徳林佑美, 横田瞭, 豊田文興, 青木謙太郎, 岡田圭次郎, 荒木理, 田中泰敬, 中井喜貴, 畦地英全, 藤井茂彦, 國立裕之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 90-90, 2024. |
Y5-5. Example that first aid received abdominal pain and vomiting for acute abdomen for main complaint, and developed bladder perforation during medical treatment as enteritis 淺野萌, 竹中春香, 岡林優花, 中川雄太, 白木文, 日笠雄太, 江崎健, 中山文仁, 吉田志栄, 宮崎博之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 91-91, 2024. |
Y6-1. One patient whom Ollivier's disease developed in during chemotherapy for the gallbladder cancer 三宅雄大, 長尾宗一郎, 和田将弥, 高折克至, 蓑島貴成, 山村総一郎, 大島章裕, 三木秀晃, 森敬之, 田中晃輔, 森久芳樹, 小林拓哉, 秋山慎介, 丹家元祥, 籔内洋平, 森田周子, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 91-91, 2024. |
Y6-2. An example of the gallbladder cancer which added Durvalumab to Gemcitabine/ Cisplatin, and was effective 森敬之, 秋山慎介, 高折克至, 蓑島貴成, 山村総一郎, 大島章裕, 三木秀晃, 三宅雄大, 田中晃輔, 森久芳樹, 小林拓哉, 長尾宗一郎, 丹家元祥, 籔内洋平, 和田将弥, 森田周子, 井上聡子, 鄭浩柄, 猪熊哲朗 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 91-91, 2024. |
Y6-3. An example of the intrabiliary papillary tumor (Intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct: IPNB) with the invasive cancer ingredient progressing broadly 稲本絢1, 矢野航太1, 竹村圭祐1, 吉田拓馬1, 尾松達司1, 堅田和弘1, 内藤慶1, 落合登志哉1, 井村徹也1, 高木智久2, 伊藤義人2, 角水達3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 91-91, 2024. |
Y6-4. 1 excision case of Adenomyomatous hyperplasia which occurred in distal bile duct 生田理紗1, 中島隆善1, 生田真一1, 野村和徳1, 松木豪志1, 長野心太1, 古出隆大1, 藤川正隆1, 一瀬規子1, 笠井明大1, 岡本亮1, 仲本嘉彦1, 柳秀憲1, 西島規浩2, 坂井良行2, 杉原綾子3, 山中若樹1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 92-92, 2024. |
Y7-1. Two cases of the biliary cancer which resulted in hematobilia than the false aneurysm in the liver during the bile duct plastic stent (PS) custody 平川博章, 平田祐一, 武田達朗, 畑田真梨子, 宮良佳奈, 青山雄一郎, 水上稜介, 土井真由実, 前田敦成, 織邊貴大, 杉原康介, 米澤瑞華, 織田大介, 多木未央, 孝橋道敬, 三村卓也, 西澤昭彦, 山城研三, 岡部純弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 92-92, 2024. |
Y7-2. Example that drainage came to have good by positional adjustment of the bile duct stent for obstructive jaundice exacerbated by malignant duodenal stricture 小西勝也, 路川陽介, 野口博希, 関萌子, 栗本紀之, 眞鍋琢, 冨永桂 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 92-92, 2024. |
Y7-3. One patient who was able to diagnose early emphysematous cholecystitis by abdominal ultrasonography 今村敦, 的野智光, 中村日出夫, 嶋田侑記, 金光祐果理, 大塚喬史, 横井美咲, 新丸尚輝, 吉治誠, 田渕光太, 城端慧, 有吉隆佑, 藤垣誠治, 田中克英, 森川輝久, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 92-92, 2024. |
Y7-4. One case of the gallstone ileus which crushed it with a colonoscope, and was eliminated 大島慎太郎, 池田敦史, 吉田美央, 沼田潤, 伊藤亮, 徳永貴史, 高田良平, 小中義禎, 田中秀憲, 中村晃 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 93-93, 2024. |
Y8-1. One case of the non-alcoholic Groove pancreatitis inferred that it was caused by pancreatic duct dysraphism 米田佳司1, 楠本聖典1, 戸田潤1, 日下利広1, 中井喜貴2, 横田瞭2, 桐山宣生2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 93-93, 2024. |
Y8-2. Example that severe acute pancreatitis due to the high neutral hyperlipemia developed, and was able to be treated with pregnancy 37 weeks in a multidisciplinary way 福嶋龍哉1, 吉田晃浩1, 竹中完1, 田中秀和1, 福永朋洋1, 山崎友裕1, 大本俊介1, 三長孝輔1, 鎌田研1, 松本逸平2, 工藤正俊1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 93-93, 2024. |
Y8-3. An example of the type 2 autoimmune pancreatitis that formed the mass which occurred frequently in pancreas 藤尾行恵, 淺田全範, 服部友哉, 野間宥佑, 岸渕安也名, 塚本和之, 紙屋熙紀, 佃頌敏, 橋本航太, 森村博樹, 辻本彰子, 瀬戸山健, 邉見慎一郎, 坂本梓, 澤井勇悟, 武田康宏, 米門秀行, 喜多竜一, 圓尾隆典, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 93-93, 2024. |
Y8-4. An example of the cancer of head of pancreas diagnosed with the acute pancreatitis with the pancreatic pseudocyst 中川雄太, 浅野萌, 岡林優花, 白木文, 日笠雄太, 竹中春香, 江崎健, 中山文仁, 吉田志栄, 宮崎博之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 94-94, 2024. |
Y9-1. A case of pancreatic head cancer in which the specimen was deemed unsuitable for cancer gene panel testing due to the effects of chemotherapy and heavy ion radiotherapy 田村友汰1, 中田晃暢1, 丸山紘嗣1, 平良高一1, 垣谷有紀1, 中田理恵子1, 田上光治郎1, 沢田明也1, 東森啓1, 西田裕1, 大南雅揮1, 灘谷祐二1, 福永周生1, 大谷恒史1, 細見周平1, 田中史生1, 永見康明1, 藤原靖弘1, 田中さやか2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 94-94, 2024. |
Y9-2. Four cases of the pancreas adenosquamous carcinoma 高山祥子, 石井昭生, 佐川峻一, 亀井基宏, 宮本優帆, 溝畑宏一, 田中祐司, 内橋孝史, 大濱日出子, 奥山俊介, 田中弘教 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 94-94, 2024. |
Y9-3. An example of NET G3 and pancreas MiNEN consisting of the pancreatic cancer 塚本和之, 淺田全範, 服部友哉, 藤尾行恵, 野間宥佑, 岸渕安也名, 紙屋熙紀, 佃頌敏, 橋本航太, 森村博樹, 辻本彰子, 瀬戸山健, 邉見慎一郎, 坂本梓, 澤井勇悟, 武田康宏, 米門秀行, 喜多竜一, 圓尾隆典, 丸澤宏之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 94-94, 2024. |
Y9-4. One case of the pancreas in situ cancer which repeated acute pancreatitis 嶋田侑記, 藤垣誠治, 中村日出夫, 大塚喬史, 金光祐果理, 今村敦, 横井美咲, 新丸尚輝, 吉治誠, 田渕光太, 城端慧, 有吉隆佑, 田中克英, 的野智光, 森川輝久, 佐貫毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 95-95, 2024. |
Y10-1. The large intestine carcinoma spongiosum 2 case which we experienced in our hospital 渡邉桂太, 栃尾智正, 小川慧人, 世木美壮, 永友秀, 尾松梨沙, 藤田菜穂子, 安村健人, 小野山裕亮, 奥村圭, 松本淳, 南竜城, 大花正也, 岡野明浩, 久須美房子, 上尾太郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 95-95, 2024. |
Y10-2. An example of the anal canal adenocarcinoma with perianal Pagetoid spread which racked its brains about a diagnosis 木下沙樹1, 岩永佳久1, 大野瑞季1, 阿部弘子1, 早石宗右1, 山口敬1, 谷池聡子1, 木下博之2, 嶋本哲也2, 津村亜矢子2, 藤田篤代3, 木村りつ子3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 95-95, 2024. |
Y10-3. One case that Pembrolizumab was effective for patients with juvenile MSI-high progress colon cancer impossible of excision, and RO excision was obtained by conversion surgery 赤澤豪紀, 出田雅子, 杉岡真依子, 川口英人, 藤原裕也, 藤井美聡, 杣美緒, 萬川和, 北浦真珠, 福井由美, 迫健太郎, 西岡靖幸, 菱谷英里子, 山内雄揮, 南尚希, 梅田誠, 松村毅 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 95-95, 2024. |
Y10-4. An example of rectal cancer which showed ectopic bony formation 高橋梨奈, 黒田浩平, 山下修平, 高田慶, 海陸吉貴, 西尾美名, 朝原ひかり, 山本匠悟, 山本貴央, 中原晶子, 池川卓哉, 惠良有紀子, 白坂大輔 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 96-96, 2024. |
Y10-5. One case that underwent ESD therapeutically diagnostic for an ulcerative colitis-related tumor 瀧山浩希, 中松大, 北澤みはる, 林大智, 片之坂佑彦, 東野克温, 増田遥, 河村浩輔, 岡部悟, 阪本直洋, 藤井祥史, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 松本健吾, 山本政司, 福井浩司, 西田勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 96-96, 2024. |
Y11-1. One case of the diverticula of colon bleeding by the ileocolic artery false aneurysm explosion 片之坂佑彦, 阪本直洋, 北澤みはる, 林大智, 瀧山浩希, 東野克温, 増田遥, 河村浩輔, 岡部悟, 藤井祥史, 大杉直人, 杉本彩, 中松大, 松本健吾, 山本政司, 福井浩司, 西田勉 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 96-96, 2024. |
Y11-2. An example of secondary gastrointestinal amyloidosis that occurred for blood in stool 山村総一郎1, 井上聡子1, 高折克至1, 蓑島貴成1, 大島章裕1, 三木秀晃1, 三宅雄大1, 森敬之1, 田中晃輔1, 森久芳樹1, 小林拓也1, 長尾宗一郎1, 秋山慎介1, 丹家元祥1, 籔内洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 鄭浩柄1, 猪熊哲朗1, 山下大祐2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 96-96, 2024. |
Y11-3. One patient who was treated effectively with Tofacitinib for Infliximab-resistant irAE enterocolitis 高折克至1, 井上聡子1, 蓑島貴成1, 山村総一郎1, 大島章裕1, 三木秀晃1, 三宅雄大1, 森敬之1, 田中晃輔1, 森久芳樹1, 小林拓哉1, 長尾宗一郎1, 秋山慎介1, 丹家元祥1, 籔内洋平1, 和田将弥1, 森田周子1, 鄭浩柄1, 山下大祐2, 猪熊哲朗1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 97-97, 2024. |
Y11-4. An example of the intestinal tract emphysematosa secondary to the whole steroid medical treatment for the irAE enterocolitis 畑田真梨子, 三井康裕, 右馬悠暉, 久保川修, 勝谷誠, 高尾雄二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 97-97, 2024. |
Y11-5. An example of the intestinal tract cyst state emphysematosa complicated with nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease 西村智達, 村山洋子, 田村優美音, 山下勇大, 阪本博貴, 荒木翔, 西浦由貴, 吉井マリア, 瀬戸華世, 武田梨里, 岩崎哲也, 栗山大輔, 堀木優志, 佐野村珠奈, 今中和穗, 飯石浩康, 筒井秀作 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 97-97, 2024. |
Y12-1. Three patients who antiTNF α antibody preparation was given for Crohn's disease, and detected neuropathy 土橋哉仁, 鎌田和浩, 丸山紗季, 坂本洋一, 那須隆紀, 廣瀬瞳, 池田佳奈美, 濱田聖子, 東祐圭, 山田展久, 世古口悟, 長尾泰孝 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 97-97, 2024. |
Y12-2. It is one patient who had the Takayasu's arteritis for ulcerative colitis 田端秀崇, 小林由美恵, 中田理恵子, 西田裕, 大南雅揮, 福永周生, 大谷恒史, 鎌田紀子, 細見周平, 田中史生, 永見康明, 平良高一, 藤原靖弘 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 98-98, 2024. |
Y12-3. An example of syphilitic proctitis who had the gastrolues 田中聡真, 三谷莉永, 山中大樹, 中村真治, 渡邊賢, 加藤修平, 星充, 細見英理子, 山田聡, 高田真理子, 住友靖彦, 山下幸政 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 98-98, 2024. |
Y12-4. Two cases of the children who underwent ultrasonic endoscope bottom transrectal drainage for the abscess in the pelvis 藤本庸平1, 白井鈴華1, 山下裕暉1, 眞嵜美佳1, 高倉駿1, 渡邊直人1, 北江博晃1, 楊孝治1, 石川博己1, 赤松尚明1, 富樫佑一2, 津田知樹2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 98-98, 2024. |
Y12-5. An example of the abscess in the pelvis which was able to be treated with ultrasonic endoscope bottom transrectal drainage 岡林優花, 江崎健, 浅野萌, 中川雄太, 白木文, 日笠雄太, 竹中春香, 中山文仁, 吉田志栄, 宮崎博之 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 98-98, 2024. |
Y13-1. An example of the acidophilic enteritis that a single balloon small intestine endoscope was useful in a diagnosis 新司哲也, 坂井良行, 小坂賢太郎, 川上晃司, 藤平雄太郎, 高橋元気, 北野紀子, 芝俊成, 南堂吉紀, 西島規浩, 川添智太郎, 黒河内和貴, 岸清彦, 大崎往夫 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 99-99, 2024. |
Y13-2. Example that we were able to stop bleeding of in IVR for the ileal diverticulum bleeding that had difficulty in endoscopic hemostasis 白坂勇輔, 中西貴士, 深田学史, 森下大輔, 奥川卓也, 上小鶴孝二, 横山陽子, 富田寿彦, 福井広一, 新崎信一郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 99-99, 2024. |
Y13-3. An example of the follicular lymphoma which led to a diagnosis from intestinal tract membrane panniculitis 高木克規1, 山村匡史1, 田島光1, 片之坂友喜1, 中平晶雄1, 森口明宜1, 橋村直英1, 山上博一1, 江口真平2, 田中一巨3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 99-99, 2024. |
Y13-4. Use experience of OTSC (Over-The-Scope Clip) in our hospital 山本悠生, 森英亜, 平井美帆, 矢倉伊織, 奥野岳, 中森翔平, 松村大志郎, 吉岡拓人, 玉田尚, 神田直樹 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 99-99, 2024. |
O1-1. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma which polycythemia aggravated during Atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy 柴田精彦, 和田友紀, 田中俊多, 西川倫子, 武川直樹, 櫛田早絵子, 津村英隆, 山本佳宣, 三木生也, 津田政広 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 103-103, 2024. |
O1-2. An example of the acute hepatic failure that was complicated with an acute kidney injury, and presented clinical picture of the extensive acute fatty liver 吉田竜太郎, 田村証司, 朝治直紀, 山本淳史, 蓬莱亞矢, 松浦敬憲, 南晶洋, 塩見優紀, 矢野嘉彦, 上田佳秀, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 103-103, 2024. |
O1-3. Example that a platelet decreased by the Atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy for the unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma in the slow course, and immune thrombocytopenia was diagnosed 網岡勝平, 光本保英, 依岡良往, 藤石慎作, 藤波真帆, 渡邉和久, 野中貴裕, 三浦高裕, 奥田佳一郎, 寺崎慶, 大矢寛久, 片山貴之, 福本晃平, 水野智恵美, 島俊英, 岡上武 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 103-103, 2024. |
O1-4. Examination of the usefulness of FIB-4index in the liver fibrosis extension case pickup from patients with diabetes 佐竹真, 城野碧, 津室悠, 安井利光, 青井健司, 城尚志, 垣田成庸, 片山和宏 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 103-103, 2024. |
O1-5. One patient who complicated irAE myositis and irAE myasthenia gravis after the Atezolizumab bevacizumab combination therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence 田村証司, 吉田竜太郎, 山本淳史, 松浦敬憲, 蓬莱亞矢, 矢野嘉彦, 上田佳秀, 児玉裕三 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 104-104, 2024. |
O1-6. Complications infectious after the operation in the hepatectomy case of the biliary tract rebuilding history 王子健太郎, 浦出剛史, 木戸正浩, 小松昇平, 権英寿, 福島健司, 吉田俊彦, 荒井啓輔, 秋田真之, 石田潤, 南野佳英, 津川大介, 浅利貞毅, 柳本泰明, 外山博近, 福本巧 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 104-104, 2024. |
O2-1. Examination of gallbladder drainage technique (ETGBD) of the endoscopic transnipple in our hospital 元川雄貴, 石田光志, 堂原彰敏, 中辻正人, 濱戸教行, 中谷敏也 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 104-104, 2024. |
O2-2. One case of the myxopoiesis papillary tumor in the gallbladder 阪本洵1, 邉見雄二郎1,2, 杉島涼音1, 亀石眞1, 高野智博1, 河合真由1, 佐野達志1, 大畑麻衣3, 竹下篤3, 前田環3, 川上研1,2, 西川浩樹2 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 104-104, 2024. |
O2-3. One patient who the right hepatic artery aneurysm did penetration in gallbladder, and repeated hematobilia 内山千晴, 松原佳穂, 橋本沙優里, 小泉葵, 島佳弘, 橋村友哉, 大舘秀太, 神保仁美, 松尾健司, 竹下宏太郎, 中尾栄祐, 一ノ名巧, 藤本直己, 赤峰瑛介, 淺井哲, 細田洋平, 小川淳宏 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 105-105, 2024. |
O2-4. The GLIM standard subnutrition increases a pancreatoduodenectomy postoperative complications risk for the biliary cancer 岡副佑城, 柳本泰明, 津川大介, 秋田真之, 大川太資, 荒井啓輔, 吉田俊彦, 宗慎一, 石田潤, 南野佳英, 浦出剛史, 福島健司, 権英寿, 小松昇平, 浅利貞毅, 木戸正浩, 外山博近, 福本巧 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 105-105, 2024. |
O3-1. Example that urgent stent withdrawal technique was successful for acute respiratory failure with the trachea displacement after the esophagus stenting 山本千紗1, 松尾英城1, 末岐彩菜1, 太田浩平1, 松尾悠矢1, 西尾勇哉1, 米田裕亮1, 松浦恭平1, 菊川翔馬1, 賀屋大介1, 永松晋作1, 守屋圭1, 上嶋昌和2, 高済峯3 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 105-105, 2024. |
O3-2. An example of olmesartan-related gastritis complicated with olmesartan-related sprue-like intestinal disease 永木瑞穂, 吉崎哲也, 法貴真也, 田邊皓, 西川恵璃, 石田亮介, 堀瞳, 高山ひろ, 上田知勢, 阪口博哉, 木下雅登, 阿部洋文, 鷹尾まど佳, 森田圭紀, 豊永高史, 児玉ゆうそう The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 105-105, 2024. |
O3-3. An example of the de-well differentiated type liposarcoma which we were able to diagnose with the passage disorder due to the duodenal stricture 荻野慎一, 飯尾禎元, 大垣亘生, 山本拓, 芳村ちさと, 東瀬菜, 大内祥平, 田中絵里, 森本美希, 森田香織, 柳川和範, 小森真人, 楢原啓之, 安永祐一 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 106-106, 2024. |
O3-4. One case of the stomach aberrant pancreas who had the wall of stomach abscess 冨永真央1, 佐野村誠1, 山田達明1, 辻沙也佳1, 松尾奈々子1, 碕山直邦1, 西谷仁1, 阿部信貴2, 西内善彦2, 川崎浩資2, 豊田昌夫2, 植田初江3, 西川浩樹4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 106-106, 2024. |
O3-5. An example who had the giardiasis chronic for immunodeficiency common variable 具潤亜, 渡邉大輔, 池田彩, 伊藤裕貴, 岡本典大, 宮崎はる香, 徳永英里, 大井充, 星奈美子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 106-106, 2024. |
O4-2. Two cases that contrasting harmonic EUS (CH-EUS) was useful for ultrasonic endoscope lower cyst drainage (EUS-CD) 森雄貴, 大薄直也, 長江麻由, 伊丹久実, 小坂太郎, 池谷桃子, 大沢一希, 伊藤凌, 岩野光佑, 中神聡太, 吉川貴章, 東俊二郎, 森田敏広, 廣橋研志郎, 栗山勝利, 高忠之, 八隅秀二郎 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 107-107, 2024. |
O4-3. Two cases of the severe acute pancreatitis given surgical necrosectomy 山田淳史1, 登千穂子1, 吉田雄太1, 李東河1, 村瀬貴昭1, 亀井敬子1, 武部敦志1, 中居卓也1, 山崎友裕2, 大本俊介2, 三長孝輔2, 竹中完2, 松本逸平1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 107-107, 2024. |
O4-4. Examination of the usefulness of the neoadjuvant chemotherapy for the cancer of head of pancreas with the pictorial duodenal permeation 白井大介, 藤浩明, 多田正晴, 飯田健二郎, 末岡英明, 岡本共弘, 奥野将之, 平井隆仁, 中村育夫, 廣野誠子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 107-107, 2024. |
O4-5. Examination of the effect that a quantity of muscle change in front of the art gives for prognosis of the pancreatic cancer 藤浩明, 白井大介, 平井隆仁, 栗本亜美, 奥野将之, 岡本共弘, 末岡英明, 飯田健二郎, 多田正晴, 中村育夫, 廣野誠子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 107-107, 2024. |
O5-1. Examination of the 5-ASA intolerance case in our hospital 高橋憲一郎, 斉藤聖弘, 酒井奎太郎, 茶谷元晴, 平山尚史, 野田恵加, 今枝広丞 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 108-108, 2024. |
O5-2. Examination of the treatment result of VDZ for UC to be able to put of our hospital 中野省吾, 松本久和, 岩上裕吉, 中谷泰樹, 瀬田剛史, 赤松拓司, 上野山義人 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 108-108, 2024. |
O5-3. One case of the 5ASA intolerance ulcerative colitis that long-term remission is obtained in Vedolizumab 岡原一樹, 中路幸之助, 和田有紀, 河野尚宏, 西本正幸, 熊本光孝, 中江遵義 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 108-108, 2024. |
O5-4. One case that Ustekinumab succeeded for fistula recto-vaginalis complicated in IBDU 田中太郎, 大野聖馬, 井上築, 安部恵里佳, 橋本宏之, 中村碩孝, 塩屋暁子, 瀧本将, 名方勇介, 益子由佳子, 芦名茂人, 松岡晃生, 當銘成友, 石田司, 門卓生, 吉田俊一, 中島卓利 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 108-108, 2024. |
O5-5. Two cases of the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection that we diagnosed using FilmArray 積木勇人1, 池田佳奈美1, 土橋哉仁1, 坂本洋一1, 丸山紗季1, 高良美華1, 那須隆紀1, 東祐圭1, 山田展久1, 世古口悟1, 長尾泰孝1, 江後京子2, 鎌田和浩1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 109-109, 2024. |
O6-1. One patient who responded to endoscopic treatment using the snare for obstructive colitis with the fecal impaction 山本貴大, 竹下宏太郎, 小泉葵, 橋本沙優里, 松原佳穂, 島佳弘, 橋村友哉, 大舘秀太, 神保仁美, 松尾健司, 中尾栄祐, 赤峰瑛介, 藤本直己, 淺井哲 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 109-109, 2024. |
O6-2. One case of the operation lower back mesentery arteriovenous fistulas which were able to cure radically by transvenous embolus therapy by the Hybrid surgery 高木忠隆1, 久下博之1, 江尻剛気1, 吉川千尋1, 田村昂1, 原田涼香1, 藤本浩輔1, 岩佐陽介1, 小山文一1,2, 庄雅之1 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 109-109, 2024. |
O6-3. One case of the appendix endometriosis that had difficulty in differentiation with appendix tumor 川崎裕香1, 原あずさ1, 山口亮介1, 村田岳洋1, 原田智1, 藤本喜代成1, 白井康嗣2, 片岡竜貴3, 西川浩樹4 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 109-109, 2024. |
O6-4. An example of the Lynch's syndrome 木下公史, 南明辰, 神渡翔子 The Kinki Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 110-110, 2024. |