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The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 120 / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Digestive organ disease studies greetings of the 120th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Kyushu Branch regular meeting precision medicine era
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 2-2, 2022.

Japanese Article Digestive organ disease studies greetings of the 114th Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Kyushu Branch regular meeting precision medicine era
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 3-3, 2022.

Japanese Article New diagnosis and treatment of the chylopoietic disease that an exosome study results in
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 77-77, 2022.

Japanese Article The upper gastrointestinal tract became the jungle if we noticed
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 78-78, 2022.

Japanese Article Looking back on the history of the Kyushu Branch Female Doctors Association
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 81-81, 2022.

Japanese Article The current situation and the prospects for the work-style reform of the physician
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 82-82, 2022.

Japanese Article With the future forecast map of the hepatitis medical care coordinator (the liver Co)?
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 85-85, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-O-1 (消). Efforts aimed at eradicating viral hepatitis in Kagoshima Prefecture
梅木みなみ1), 小田耕平1,2), 尻無濱君代1), 谷山央樹2), 豊留亜衣2), 伊集院翔2), 坂江遥2), 椨一晃2), 熊谷公太郎2), 馬渡誠一2), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 86-86, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-O-2 (消). Efforts and future challenges for hepatitis medical coordinator activities and collaboration in the corona crisis
砂川綾美1), 中山美樹1), 嘉手納樹奈1), 前城達次2), 新垣伸吾2), 田端そうへい2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 86-86, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-O-3 (消). Activities and issues of liver disease coordinators in our prefecture
野村真希1), 吉丸洋子1,2), 瀬戸山博子1,2), 田中靖人1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 86-86, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-O-4 (消). Efforts to promote research on liver cancer and severe cirrhosis treatment at our hospital
片渕るみ1), 天野恵介2,3), 井出達也2,3,4), 中原真由美2), 中野暖3), 佐野有哉2,3), 堤翼3), 有永照子3), 川口巧3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 86-86, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-O-5 (消). Online workshop through trial and error
藤田幸子1,2), 荒川光江1), 遠藤美月2), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 87-87, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-O-6 (消). Hepatitis countermeasures that leverage the strengths and opportunities of long-term care support specialists
今泉龍之介1), 磯田広史1), 田中留奈2), 矢田ともみ3), 江口有一郎3), 高橋宏和1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 87-87, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-O-8 (additional announcement) (消). Hepatitis medical coordinator activities initiated by medical students at core hospitals
江口眞子1), 磯田広史2), 高橋宏和2), 江口有一郎3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 87-87, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-1 (消). Results of an in-hospital collaboration system for hepatitis virus test recipients using a hepatitis medical coordinator
山元明日香1), 大園芳範1,2), 和田徹也1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 87-87, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-2 (消). Efforts to overcome the hepatitis virus in our hospital and the role of medical staff
野口美紀1), 生田幹博1), 野間栄次郎2), 植木敏晴2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 88-88, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-3 (消). About the current situation of hepatitis virus-positive patients in our hospital and efforts to encourage consultation by the in-hospital hepatitis support team
福林光太郎, 山鹿慎也, 堀尾高任, 今給黎瑛子, 松下寛, 池端彰子, 本田秀和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 88-88, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-4 (消). Liver Co. Activities Utilizing Strengths as a Clinical Laboratory Technician
松永滝平1), 磯田広史2), 今泉龍之介2), 大枝敏2), 高橋宏和2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 88-88, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-5 (消). Efforts based on experience as a hepatitis medical coordinator - From practice to research -
柴山薫1), 古島智恵1), 坂美奈子1), 坂本貴子1), 矢田ともみ2), 江口有一郎3), 高橋宏和4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 88-88, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-6 (消). Effects of a lecture on "Nursing for patients with chronic liver disease" given by a nursing teacher who is a hepatitis medical coordinator (liver Co)
川久保愛, 古賀明美
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 89-89, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-7 (消). Hepatitis medical coordinator activities initiated by medical students at core hospitals
江口眞子1), 磯田広史2), 高橋宏和2), 江口有一郎3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 89-89, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-8 (消). Hepatitis measures and issues in local governments and cities with public health centers
田中基彦1,3), 丸住美都里1,2), 中林秀和1,2), 長野俊郎1,2), 多田修治3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 89-89, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-9 (消). World Hepatitis Day 2022 worked on by hepatitis medical coordinators consisting of all occupations of medical corporations - Two basis necessary for activities at small and medium-sized hospitals that did not require scale or level due to the corona crisis -
松竹春奈1), 松本美さと1), 山元透江1), 矢田ともみ1,2), 右近麻衣子1), 水田美佐枝1), 平川美智子1), 佐藤圭1), 大島瑛子1), 常陸真理子1), 大薮雅美1), 松岡直子1), 江口有一郎1,2), 黒木茂高1), 江口尚久2), 高橋宏和2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 89-89, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-10 (消). Efforts and future challenges for hepatitis medical coordinator activities and collaboration in the corona crisis
砂川綾美1), 中山美樹1), 嘉手納樹奈1), 前城達次2), 新垣伸吾2), 田端そうへい2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 90-90, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-11 (消). Online workshop through trial and error
藤田幸子1,2), 荒川光江1), 遠藤美月2), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 90-90, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-12 (消). A non-customer-attracting, non-contact type of Co training training plan and educational activities for medical workers who were troubled by the corona wreck + α
橋本まさみ, 佐竹公一, 野ツ俣和夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 90-90, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-13 (消). Ingenuity in holding in-hospital and out-of-hospital liver disease classes during the corona crisis
立木佐知子1), 田中貴大2), 山田眞一郎3), 島田光生3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 90-90, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-14 (消). A project to increase the number of nutritional consultations by a multi-professional liver Co.
平川美智子1), 田中薫1), 藤川ありさ1), 原なぎさ1,8), 松岡直子2), 松本美さと2), 山元透江2), 福田裕子3), 佐藤圭4), 大島瑛子5), 宮原千賀7), 蒲池紗央里7), 小平俊一7), 江口有一郎7,8), 黒木茂高6), 高橋宏和8), 江口尚久7)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 91-91, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-15 (消). NAFLD countermeasures using local food and ingredients as considered by a registered dietician at a base hospital
原なぎさ1), 磯田広史1), 今泉龍之介1), 宮原真紀1), 鶴丸あおい1), 小林由紀子1), 佐々木素子1), 森田由雅梨1), 井上香2), 大枝敏1), 高橋宏和1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 91-91, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-16 (消). Activities of hepatitis coordinators utilizing regional cooperation
漢那香織1), 森越瑞枝1), 前城達次2), 大湾朝尚1), 諸喜田林1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 91-91, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-17 (消). Efforts to promote research on liver cancer and severe cirrhosis treatment at our hospital
片渕るみ1), 天野恵介2,3), 井出達也2,3,4), 中原真由美2), 中野暖3), 佐野有哉2,3), 堤翼3), 有永照子3), 川口巧3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 91-91, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-18 (消). Efforts aimed at eradicating viral hepatitis in Kagoshima Prefecture
梅木みなみ1), 小田耕平1,2), 尻無濱君代1), 谷山央樹2), 豊留亜衣2), 伊集院翔2), 坂江遥2), 椨一晃2), 熊谷公太郎2), 馬渡誠一2), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 92-92, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-19 (消). Hepatitis countermeasures that leverage the strengths and opportunities of long-term care support specialists
今泉龍之介1), 磯田広史1), 田中留奈2), 矢田ともみ3), 江口有一郎3), 高橋宏和1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 92-92, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-20 (消). Activities and issues of liver disease coordinators in our prefecture
野村真希1), 吉丸洋子1,2), 瀬戸山博子1,2), 田中靖人1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 92-92, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-21 (消). Aiming for activities as a hepatitis medical coordinator that makes use of the strengths of the occupation
矢田ともみ1,2), 磯田広史2), 松本美さと3), 田中留奈4), 原なぎさ2), 井上香2), 高橋宏和2), 江口有一郎1,2,3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 92-92, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-22 (消). "Heparing" is an effective tool for exercise therapy support by a physical therapist who is a hepatitis medical coordinator
佐藤圭1), 倉永政男1), 松本美さと1), 山元透江1), 小平俊一1), 黒木茂高1), 江口有一郎1,2), 磯田広史2), 原なぎさ2), 矢田ともみ2), 川口巧3), 江口尚久1), 高橋宏和2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 93-93, 2022.

Japanese Article SP-P-23 (消). Efforts of the Hepatitis Medical Co to eradicate the hepatitis virus and future challenges
斧山みどり1), 大園太貴1), 岩尾直樹1), 大野美紀1), 菅偉也1), 於保和彦1), 佐野有哉2,3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 93-93, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-01 (inner). Role of the endoscopic diagnosis AI in the second interpretation of radiogram of the stomach cancer endoscope examination
岡村卓真1), 本田徹郎1), 新倉量太2), 市川辰樹1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 101-101, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-02 (inner). Is the AI differentiation of the EUS image for the submucosal tumor of the stomach possible in the miniature probe?
蓑田洋介1,2), 江崎充1), 鈴木祐輔1), 稲田泰亮1), 伊原栄吉1,3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 101-101, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-03 (inner). It is examined the lesion rate of detection and the interpretation of radiogram time of the verge using the artificial intelligence (AI) in the small intestine capsule endoscopy
宮園智至, 鳥巣剛弘, 川崎啓祐, 横手章人, 北園孝成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 101-101, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-04 (消). A prospective study to evaluate the usefulness of AI colonoscopy (interim analysis results)
平塚裕也, 大津健聖, 久部高司, 八坂達尚, 天野良祐, 武田和大, 宮岡正喜, 小野陽一郎, 金光高雄, 石川智士, 長谷川梨乃, 麻生頌, 高野恵輔, 高橋篤史, 市岡正敏, 加治拓郎, 樋脇久美, 筒井章弘, 八尾建史, 植木敏晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 101-101, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-05 (inner). Examination of the usefulness of the AI endoscope medical decision support system in the inflammatory active evaluation of the ulcerative colitis
村尾哲哉, 須田博子, 武市卒之, 蓮田究, 櫻井宏一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 102-102, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-06 (inner). Evaluation of the polyp of colon measurement ability in the length measurement endoscope (Virtual Scale Endoscope: VSE)
下田良1), 芥川剛至1), 村野竜朗2), 新村健介2), 池松弘朗3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 102-102, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-07 (inner). Use experience of the liver pancreas endoscopic associated maneuver by new endoscopic observation system X1
寺部寛哉, 岡部義信, 平井真吾, 島松裕, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 102-102, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-08 (消). A study on the efficacy of MR enterography in Crohn's disease
本田宗倫1), 古田陽輝1), 林奈留美2), 伊牟田真功2), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 102-102, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-09 (消). Usefulness of colorectal CT for fecal occult blood-positive patients in medically deficient areas
中谷優1), 平光寿1), 安田貴明2), 八坂貴宏3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 103-103, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-10 (inner). The clinical significance of the ring lap rate in colon cancer: Examination using CT colonography
鶴丸大介, 西牟田雄祐, 甲斐聖広
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 103-103, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-11 (消). We pick up the pancreas in situ cancer from indirect image views and are diagnosed
佐上亮太1,2), 錦織英史1), 佐藤孝生1), 久松朱里1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 103-103, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-12 (消). Examination of tumor visibility in pancreatic cancer using dual-energy CT
岩崎肇, 片平和博, 古庄雄一, 山岡哲秀, 岩越友紀, 大谷響, 松下郁雄, 庄野孝
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 103-103, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-13 (消). Diagnosis of biliary tract cancer using MRCP images by a new mathematical analysis method
今村直哉, 七島篤志, 土持有貴, 濱田剛臣, 旭吉雅秀
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 104-104, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-14 (消). FDG-PET/CT analysis using total legion glycolysis in 43 cases of resected gallbladder and relationship with pathology and prognosis
古賀毅彦1), 長町茂樹2), 石田祐介1), 北口恭規1), 土屋直壮1), 松元慶亮1), 梶原正俊3), 内藤滋俊3), 石井文規3), 中島亮3), 佐々木貴英3), 濱田義浩4), 平井郁仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 104-104, 2022.

Japanese Article S1-15 (消). Examination of the diagnostic ability of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy for neuroendocrine tumors
森英輝1), 與那原究1), 浜比嘉一直1), 吉村美優1), 崎原正基1), 石原健二1), 知念隆之1), 茶園歩1), 高良美華1), 知念克哉2), 安座間欣也2), 普久原朝史2), 石原淳2), 座覇修1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 104-104, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-01 (basic tone lecture) (inner). Medical therapy of digestive organ cancer based on the examination for cancer genome
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 107-107, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-02 (消). The current situation of precision medicine of the gastrointestinal carcinoma medical therapy
細川歩1), 中島孝治1), 宮後冴1,2), 田村穂高1,2), 山口昌俊3), 西田卓弘1,4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 107-107, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-03 (消). Clinical significance of druggable mutations identified by cancer gene panel testing
稲田浩気1), 宮本英明1), 松井啓隆2), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 107-107, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-04 (消). Esophageal cancer treatment aiming at precision medicine in our department
小澄敬祐1,2), 大渕昂1), 問端輔1), 大内繭子1), 江藤弘二郎1), 小川克大1), 岩槻政晃1), 馬場祥史1,2), 岩上志朗1), 宮本裕士1), 吉田直矢1), 馬場秀夫1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 107-107, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-05 (消). A search of the pre-back prediction biomarker of the molecular target drug for the hepatocellular carcinoma and participation in drug resistance
鈴木浩之, 岩本英希, 古賀浩徳, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 108-108, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-06 (inner). The current situation of the examination for pancreatic cancer gene panel and the future prospects
吉成元宏, 久木山直貴, 浦本有記子, 階子俊平, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 108-108, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-07 (消). Examination of biopsy sample collection method for pancreatic cancer gene panel test
田中利幸1), 江崎薫1), 後野徹宏1), 平塚裕晃1), 立川勝子1), 永山林太郎1), 土居雅宗1), 丸尾達1), 野間栄次郎1), 植木敏晴1), 二村聡2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 108-108, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-08 (inner). Examination for oncogene panel and EUS-FNA for the pancreatic cancer in our hospital
立花雄一1), 明石哲郎1), 川口夢佳1), 加藤誠也2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 108-108, 2022.

Japanese Article S2-09 (消). Efforts toward personalized medicine using organoids (PDO) derived from pancreatic cancer patients
松本一秀, 藤森尚, 小森康寛, 木村弥成子, 大野彰久, 村上正俊, 寺松克人, 竹野歩, 植田圭二郎, 小川佳宏
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 109-109, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-01 (inner). Validity of the low invasive endoscopic treatment including ESD for the pharynx superficial cancer and future problem
田渕真惟子1), 山口直之2), 南ひとみ1,3), 赤澤祐子4), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 113-113, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-02 (inner). The current situation of providing treatment congruent a digestive organ, the otolaryngology for the hypopharynx superficial cancer in our hospital
芥川剛至1), 石田知也2), 下田良1), 相島慎一3), 江崎幹宏4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 113-113, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-03 (inner). Validity and the problems that we saw from results and a long term prognosis for a short term of ESD for the extensive esophagus superficial cancer including all circumferences excision
田中久也1,2), 山口直之1,2), 平田亮介1,2), 谷口育洋1,2), 中尾一彦1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 113-113, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-04 (消). Clinical features of ectopic variceal bleeding in a regional core hospital
山内康平1), 平野里佳1), 島田不律1), 四本界人1), 中村昌太郎2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 113-113, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-05 (inner). Results of Traction method using the S-O clip for stomach ESD in our hospital
岡村卓真, 本田徹郎, 池田智成, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 114-114, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-06 (inner). Fault perforation-style endoscopic wall of stomach adduction resection for the stomach GIST
小林慎一朗1), 金高賢悟1), 橋口慶一1), 山口直之1), 江口晋1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 114-114, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-07 (消). Usefulness of endoscopic PGA sheet filling in upper gastrointestinal fistula
長末智寛1), 鳥巣剛弘1), 森山智彦1,2), 梅野淳嗣1), 川崎啓祐1), 藤岡審1,3), 冬野雄太1), 松野雄一1), 柿添梢1,3), 進藤幸治4), 松尾美央子5), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 114-114, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-08 (inner). Operability of the mucous membrane reefing using the mucous membrane reefing device for the new soft endoscope for the mucous membrane loss department after stomach ESD
塩月一生1), 滝沢耕平2), 山口剛史3), 野瀬陽平4), 中島清一4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 114-114, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-09 (inner). Clinical experience of Third space endoscopy (POEM, POET) and the future prospects
塩飽洋生, 岡田浩樹, 塩飽晃生, 長谷川傑
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 115-115, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-10 (消). Six cases of esophageal and gastric cardia leiomyoma in which minimally invasive enucleation was achieved by endoscopic surgery combined with POET and POEM procedures
水流大尭1), 和田将史1), 畑佳孝1), 長友周三郎2), 江崎充1), 蓑田洋介2), 田中義将1), 荻野治栄1), 進藤幸治3,4), 森山大樹2,3), 大内田研宙3,4), 伊原栄吉1,5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 115-115, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-11 (消). Influence of postoperative complications of thoracoscopic subtotal esophagectomy in the elderly on prognosis
問端輔, 馬場祥史, 大内繭子, 小澄敬祐, 江藤弘二郎, 小川克大, 岩槻政晃, 岩上志朗, 宮本裕士, 吉田直矢, 馬場秀夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 115-115, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-12 (消). New Minimally Invasive Surgery for Esophageal Cancer : Non-Open Mediastinoscopy Subtotal Esophagectomy
柴田智隆1), 鈴木浩輔1), 藤島紀1), 小川雄大1), 河野洋平1), 赤木智徳1), 二宮繁生1), 上田貴威2), 白下英史1), 衛藤剛1), 白石憲男2), 猪股雅史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 115-115, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-13 (inner). Rays dynamic therapy (PDT) for the esophagus subtotal excision case
鶴丸大介, 西牟田雄祐, 甲斐聖広
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 116-116, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-14 (inner). Fact (to NEWS, D-LECS) of LECS in our hospital
冨永直之1), 梶原脩平2), 古賀浩木3), 緒方伸一1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 116-116, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-15 (inner). Improvement of the treatment result for superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum tumor by the D-LECS introduction
松野健司1), 宮本英明1), 林洋光2), 馬場秀夫2), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 116-116, 2022.

Japanese Article S3-16 (消). Current status and problems of D-LECS for duodenal tumors in our hospital
佐々木文郷1), 有上貴明2), 矢野弘樹1), 大塚隆生2), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 116-116, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-01 (消). Long-term efficacy and safety after switching to tenofovir-alafenamide for chronic hepatitis B
小川栄一, 中牟田誠, 小柳年正, 大穂有恒, 古庄憲浩, 梶原英二, 道免和文, 河野聡, 佐藤丈顕, 高橋和弘, 東晃一, 山下信行, 杉本理恵, 國吉政美, 一木康則, 森田千絵, 加藤正樹, 下田慎治, 野村秀幸, 林純
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 119-119, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-02 (消). Examination of carcinogenic cases under observation as HBV inactive carriers
三浦浩美, 柚留木秀人, 束野奈津己, 宮瀬志保, 藤山重俊
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 119-119, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-03 (消). Current Status and Problems of Hepatitis C Treatment and Hepatitis Screening in Miyazaki Prefecture
中村憲一1,2), 永田賢治1,2), 小牧優里1), 大園芳範1,8), 末田光恵1), 岩切久芳1), 蓮池悟1), 宇都浩文3), 駒田直人4), 加藤順也4), 楠元寿典5), 落合俊雅5), 江藤敏治6), 黒木和男6), 土持舞衣7), 弘野修一9), 河上洋1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 119-119, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-04 (消). Impact of fatty liver on hepatocarcinogenesis after HCV elimination < Multicenter study >
佐野有哉1), 井出達也1,2), 天野恵介1), 有永照子1), 磯田広史3), 本間雄一4), 高橋宏和3), 原田大4), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 119-119, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-05 (消). Impaired glucose tolerance and changes in the intestinal environment after elimination of the hepatitis C virus
井上貴子1), 長岡克弥2), 田中靖人2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 120-120, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-06 (消). Cardiovascular disease risk and long-term prognosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
窪津祥仁1), 高橋宏和2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 120-120, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-07 (消). Characteristics of liver cancer cases in our hospital and examination of the effectiveness of screening using the FIB-4 index
伊集院翔, 小田耕平, 谷山央樹, 豊留亜衣, 坂江遥, 椨恵理子, 椨一晃, 熊谷公太郎, 馬渡誠一, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 120-120, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-08 (消). Study of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis in our hospital and related facilities
前城達次1), 志喜屋好令1), 黒島洋平1), 潮平朝成1), 富田有香1), 城間磨裕実1), 盛島明丈1), 瑞慶山隆太1), 嵩原小百合1), 溜田茂仁1), 田端そうへい1), 宮里公也1), 新垣伸吾1), 諸喜田林2), 座覇修3), 佐久川廣4), 圓若修一4), 川満美和4), 外間雪野5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 120-120, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-09 (消). The actual state of alcohol consumption and its clinical impact in patients with newly diagnosed hepatocellular carcinoma over the past 19 years
吉丸洋子, 立山雅邦, 田中健太郎, 稲田浩気, 楢原哲史, 蔵野宗太郎, 徳永尭之, 長岡克弥, 渡邊丈久, 瀬戸山博子, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 121-121, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-10 (消). Examination of hypozincemia predictors in patients with chronic liver disease
安藤翔治1), 北和貴1), 淵邊まりな1), 桑原淳子1), 小森敦正2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 121-121, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-11 (消). The relationship between laboratory test values (especially pancytopenia) and zinc levels in chronic liver disease, and the effects of zinc preparations on laboratory test values
阿比留正剛1,2), 釘山有希2), 末廣智之2), 本吉康英2), 佐伯哲2), 長岡進矢2), 山崎一美2), 小森敦正2), 八橋弘2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 121-121, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-12 (消). Serum myokines as biomarkers for sarcopenia: Analysis of variation before and after antiviral therapy for chronic viral liver disease
末廣智之, 濱崎俊輔, 若松彩, 松本耕輔, 釘山有希, 本吉康英, 佐伯哲, 長岡進矢, 山崎一美, 小森敦正, 八橋弘
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 121-121, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-13 (消). A study on enclosure of cases in which echocardiography should be performed in diagnosing PoPH
田島和昌, 三馬聡, 松尾諭, 嶋倉茜, 森智崇, 中尾康彦, 高橋孝輔, 福島真典, 佐々木龍, 小澤栄介, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 122-122, 2022.

Japanese Article S4-14 (消). Analysis of refractory ascites treatment at our hospital, focusing on CART and tolvaptan cases
中田成紀, 向坂健佑, 松山太一, 石井将太郎, 杉和洋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 122-122, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-01 (消). Long-term use results of vedolizumab in patients with ulcerative colitis in our department
古賀章浩1,2,3), 高津典孝1), 久部高司2), 植木敏晴2), 八尾建史3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 125-125, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-02 (消). Examination of administration continuation rate in different administration sequences of vedolizumab for ulcerative colitis
田中啓仁1), 秋元遥2), 森聡志4), 前田将久1), 湯通堂和樹2), 桑水流康介3), 小牧蕗子1), 鮫島洋一4), 前田英仁1), 小牧祐雅1), 佐々木文郷1), 上村修司1), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 125-125, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-03 (消). Treatment results of ustekinumab for ulcerative colitis
塩田純也1), 北山素1), 松島加代子1), 永松雅朗1), 赤司太郎1), 田渕真惟子1), 橋口慶一1,2), 山口直之1,2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 125-125, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-04 (消). Results of vedolizumab and ustekinumab therapy for ulcerative colitis in our department
山嶋友実, 柴田衛, 能丸遼平, 今給黎宗, 久能宣昭, 石橋英樹, 船越禎広, 芦塚伸也, 石田祐介, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 125-125, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-05 (消). Examination of changes in helper T cells by ustekinumab in ulcerative colitis
今津愛介1), 松野雄一1), 冬野雄太1), 藤岡審2), 川崎啓祐1), 梅野淳嗣1), 森山智彦3), 鳥巣剛弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 126-126, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-06 (消). Treatment results of filgotinib for ulcerative colitis in our hospitall
鶴田耕三1,2), 田中寛士1,2), 森田俊1,2), 吉岡慎一郎1,2), 竹田津英稔1,2), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 126-126, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-07 (消). Treatment results of JAK inhibitors for refractory cases of ulcerative colitis in our hospital
坂田資尚, 鶴岡ななえ, 武富啓展, 江崎幹宏
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 126-126, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-08 (消). Clinical features of molecular targeted therapy for pediatric ulcerative colitis in our hospital
高木祐吾, 加納恭子, 伴英樹, 余湖直紀, 本田啓, 武藤雄一郎, 平井克樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 126-126, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-09 (消). Comparative study of remission maintenance rate with and without combination of 5-ASA and IM in patients with ulcerative colitis treated with molecular targeted drugs
下森雄太1), 高橋晴彦2), 上尾哲也1), 宮子晴佳3), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 127-127, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-10 (消). Effects of the emergence of novel molecular-targeted drugs on tacrolimus therapy in ulcerative colitis
中島昌利, 鶴田結子, 古田陽輝, 直江秀昭, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 127-127, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-11 (消). Positioning of infliximab in the treatment of ulcerative colitis
木村勇祐1), 荻野治栄1), 江崎充1), 秋穂裕唯3), 大角真央3), 板場壮一4), 茶圓智人4), 久保川賢5), 吉武千香子5), 原口和大6), 大塚宜寛6), 高橋俊介7), 落合利彰8), 水谷孝弘8), 伊原栄吉1,2), 小川佳宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 127-127, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-12 (消). Study on relapse after discontinuation of anti-TNF-α antibody preparation in patients with ulcerative colitis
市成直樹1,2), 山本章二朗1,2), 坂元一樹1,2), 米澤瑛美3), 中村佳菜子1,2), 押川一達1,2), 平田智也4), 野田貴穂4), 鈴木翔1,2), 夏田朱一郎5), 坂口舞1,2), 山路卓巳3), 安倍弘生1,2), 三池忠1,2), 稲津東彦1,2), 河上洋1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 127-127, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-01 (消). Examination of long-term serological and histological changes after eradication of H. pylori
福田健介1), 兒玉雅明2), 水上和弘1), 岡本和久1), 小川竜1), 平下有香1), 福田昌英1), 沖本忠義1), 村上和成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 131-131, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-02 (inner). Problem of a pickup diagnosis and the condition of a patient observation of autoimmune gastritis
那須眞示1), 石橋恵美子2), 藍澤哲也3), 安部寿哉3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 131-131, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-03 (inner). Effect on gastric mucosa with the long-term acid-secreting suppressant administration
須田博子, 村尾哲也, 蓮田究, 櫻井宏一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 131-131, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-04 (inner). H. Examination about the gastric cancer according to the pylori infection state change and infection state
吉村理江1), 吉村大輔2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 131-131, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-05 (inner). The Helicobacter pylori infection situation in the medical examination center discovery gastric cancer and clinicopathologic examination
園田隆賀1,2), 宮本英明1), 村上晴彦2), 土亀直俊2), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 132-132, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-06 (消). A study of Helicobacter pylori uninfected gastric cancer treated endoscopically in this prefecture
上原翔平1), 前田英仁1), 佐々木文郷1), 矢野弘樹1), 鮫島洋一1,2), 福田芳生1,2), 軸屋賢一1,3), 那須雄一郎1,3), 藤野悠介1,4), 坂江貴弘1,4), 重田浩一朗5), 恒吉研吾1,6), 藤田浩6), 樺山雅之1,7), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 132-132, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-07 (inner). About a clinicopathologic characteristic of the Helicobacter pylori non-infection gastric cancer and the characteristic of endoscopic views
今村健太郎1,2), 八尾建史1), 二村聡3), 田邉寛3), 金光高雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 132-132, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-08 (inner). Examination of an invasive cancer and the advanced cancer in the Helicobacter pylori non-infection gastric cancer
向坂誠一郎1), 水谷孝弘1), 落合利彰1), 加藤誠也2), 吉村大輔3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 132-132, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-09 (inner). The effect of the sanitization therapy on Helicobacter pylori-negative stomach MALT lymphoma in our hospital and examination about the long-term course
松野雄一1), 川床慎一郎2), 梅野淳嗣1), 森山智彦3), 鳥巣剛弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 133-133, 2022.

Japanese Article W3-01 (消). Wnt/β-catenin mutation and immunological study in combination therapy with atezolizumab and bevacizumab for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
黒坂一輝, 桑野哲史, 田中紘介, 矢田雅佳, 増本陽秀, 本村健太
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 137-137, 2022.

Japanese Article W3-02 (消). Examination of the treatment result of the Atezolizumab bevacizumab combination therapy for the unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma in the true clinical practice
草永真志, 柴田道彦, 本間雄一, 阿部慎太郎, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 137-137, 2022.

Japanese Article W3-03 (消). Pretreatment mALBI grade is associated with treatment efficacy and treatment discontinuation of atezolizumab plus bevacizumab combination therapy for inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma
田中崇, 宮山隆志, 福田洋美, 山内涼, 梅田かおる, 福永篤志, 高田和英, 横山圭二, 釈迦堂敏, 向坂彰太郎, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 137-137, 2022.

Japanese Article W3-04 (消). Treatment results of immunotherapy for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
馬渡誠一1), 玉井努2), 最勝寺晶子3), 室町香織2), 豊留亜衣1), 谷山央樹1), 伊集院翔1), 坂江遥1), 椨一晃1), 小田耕平1), 熊谷公太郎1), 平峯靖也2), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 137-137, 2022.

Japanese Article W3-05 (消). Side effects and prognosis of atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy
下瀬茂男, 古賀浩徳, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 138-138, 2022.

Japanese Article W3-06 (消). Post-treatment of atezolizumab/bevacizumab combination therapy in real-world clinical practice
佐々木龍, 中尾康彦, 福島真典, 三馬聡, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 138-138, 2022.

Japanese Article W3-07 (消). Possibility of multidisciplinary treatment combining drug therapy and liver resection for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
日高匡章1), 曽山明彦1), 原貴信1), 足立智彦1), 今村一歩1), 松島肇1), 伊藤信一郎1), 金高賢悟1), 佐々木龍2), 宮明寿光2), 中尾一彦2), 江口晋1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 138-138, 2022.

Japanese Article W3-08 (消). Exploring treatment strategies and issues for each background factor for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
多田靖哉1), 杉本理恵2), 大穂有恒3), 中村吏4), 桑野哲史5), 荒武良総6), 佐藤丈顕7), 大江真里3), 正月泰士3), 東夕喜8), 大野あかり8), 樋口野日斗4), 田中ゆき2), 森田祐輔2), 高尾信一郎1), 上田哲弘9), 千住猛士10), 田中正剛8), 本村健太5), 国府島庸之5,8)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 138-138, 2022.

Japanese Article W3-09 (消). Clinical characteristics of atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy in first-line treatment of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma - compared with first-line lenvatinib
徳永尭之, 田中健太郎, 楢原哲史, 稲田浩気, 吉丸洋子, 長岡克弥, 渡邊丈久, 瀬戸山博子, 立山雅邦, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 139-139, 2022.

Japanese Article W3-10 (消). Comparative study of the therapeutic effect and adverse events of atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy and lenvatinib
岩尾正雄, 齋藤衆子, 荒川光江, 遠藤美月, 村上和成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 139-139, 2022.

Japanese Article W3-11 (消). Examination of immunotherapy and molecular-targeted drugs for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma of Child-Pugh classification grade B in clinical practice
森田祐輔, 田中ゆき, 杉本理恵
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 139-139, 2022.

Japanese Article W4-01 (消). Prognostic association with factors contributing to early decline in tolerability after introduction of modified FOLFIRINOX therapy for unresectable pancreatic cancer
宮川恒一郎, 篠原暢彦, 秀島宏典, 大江晋司, 柴田道彦, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 143-143, 2022.

Japanese Article W4-02 (消). A study of FOLFOX therapy for unresectable pancreatic cancer after the third-line treatment
柴田隆佑1), 柿原敦子1), 川平真知子1,2), 有馬志穂1), 山内拓真1), 上木原雄介1), 児島一成1), 樋之口真1), 田ノ上史郎1), 橋元慎一1), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 143-143, 2022.

Japanese Article W4-03 (消). Dosage study of nanoliposomal irinotecan in pancreatic cancer chemotherapy - from NAPOLEON 2 study
田口宏樹1), 上田裕二郎2), 下川元継3), 大塚大河4), 渋木太郎5), 中澤潤一6), 有馬志穂7), 白川剛8), 水田敏彦9), 三ツ木健二10)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 143-143, 2022.

Japanese Article W4-04 (消). Current status of medical care for BRCA pathogenic variant-positive pancreatic cancer cases at our hospital
下川雄三1), 新名雄介1), 植田圭二郎1,2), 秋穂裕唯1), 藤森尚2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 143-143, 2022.

Japanese Article W4-05 (消). Current status of chemotherapy for elderly pancreatic cancer in our hospital
大江晋司, 篠原暢彦, 秀島宏典, 宮川恒一郎, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 144-144, 2022.

Japanese Article W4-06 (消). Treatment results of chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer in the elderly
久木山直貴1), 宮本英明1), 牛嶋真也1), 浦本有記子1), 吉成元宏1), 階子俊平1), 中川茂樹2), 林洋光2), 馬場秀夫2), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 144-144, 2022.

Japanese Article W4-07 (消). Clinical study of pancreatic cancer patients with advanced chronic kidney disease
野口達矢1), 中嶋哲也1), 松田康里1), 白神幹浩1), 松室孝英1), 相部祐希1), 木下善博1), 幸本達矢1), 原田克則1), 白井保之1), 藤川貴久2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 144-144, 2022.

Japanese Article W4-08 (inner). Role ... in the ultrasonic endoscope lower cholangiogastrostomy (EUS-HGS) - combined modality therapy for the progress pancreatic cancer
植田圭二郎, 大野彰久, 小森康寛, 木村弥成子, 藤森尚
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 144-144, 2022.

Japanese Article W4-09 (inner). Treatment result of the stent therapy for the pancreatic cancer in our hospital
森智崇, 小澤栄介, 嶋倉茜, 高橋孝輔, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 145-145, 2022.

Japanese Article W4-10 (消). Evaluation of the results of pancreatic body and tail resection with celiac artery for locally advanced pancreatic body cancer
丸野正敬, 林洋光, 上村将太, 足立優樹, 金光紘介, 田尻拓哉, 佐藤寛紀, 白石裕大, 松本嵩史, 武末亨, 塚本雅代, 宮田辰徳, 中川茂樹, 美馬浩介, 新田英利, 馬場秀夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 145-145, 2022.

Japanese Article W4-11 (消). A study of patients with recurrence of oligo metastasis after pancreatic cancer surgery in our hospital
佐伯哲1,2), 濱崎俊輔1), 若松彩1), 松本耕輔1), 釘山有希1), 末廣智之1), 本吉康英1,3), 長岡進矢1), 山崎一美3), 小森敦正3), 黒木保3), 八橋弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 145-145, 2022.

Japanese Article Immune-mediated gastrointestinal lesion with the immune checkpoint inhibitor
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 149-149, 2022.

Japanese Article Personalized medicine for the fatty liver
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 150-150, 2022.

Japanese Article Point of the "acute pancreatitis practice guidelines 2021" revision
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 151-151, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 01 (消). A case of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with pathologically marked response to atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy
何逸美, 杉和洋, 山本祐弥, 松田暖, 佐々木大尭, 志茂田美紀, 向坂健佑, 松山太一, 石井将太郎, 中田成紀
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 155-155, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 02 (消). Two cases of hepatocellular carcinoma that ruptured after the introduction of atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy
中村将之, 佐々木龍, 野尻暁太, 澤健一, 松尾諭, 嶋倉茜, 森智崇, 中尾康彦, 福島真典, 三馬聡, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 155-155, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 03 (消). A case of hepatocellular carcinoma who developed type 1 diabetes during atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy (Atezo + Bev) and resumed Atezo + Bev after glycemic control
永島翔一朗, 東晃一, 古賀淳也
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 155-155, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 04 (消). An autopsy case of hepatocellular carcinoma with adrenal hemorrhage requiring differentiation from adrenal metastasis
古賀淳也1), 東晃一1), 伏見文良2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 155-155, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 05 (消). An autopsy case of hepatocellular carcinoma in fatty liver without fibrosis
矢崎諒1), 東晃一1), 荒川真衣1), 古賀淳也1), 伏見文良2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 156-156, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 06 (消). A case of hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosed by digital oral cholangioscopy (POCS)
森田宗一郎1), 遠藤美月1), 得丸智子1), 齋藤衆子1), 岩尾正雄1), 荒川光江1), 岡本和久1), 兒玉雅明2), 村上和成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 156-156, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 07 (消). A pediatric case of esophagogastric varices with extrahepatic portal vein occlusion and double inferior vena cava
林尭樹1), 吉田直樹2), 永田賢治2), 小牧優里2), 大園芳範2), 中村憲一2), 岩切久芳2), 蓮池悟2), 河上洋2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 156-156, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 08 (消). Two Cases of Hepatic Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome Diagnosed with Liver Injury
田中亮太郎1,2), 井本効志1), 黒川美穂1), 東夕喜1), 日置智惟1), 青柳知美1), 高橋基1), 田代茂樹1,2), 合谷孟1), 田中正剛1), 国府島庸之1), 小川佳宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 156-156, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 09 (消). A case of Heyde's syndrome with alcoholic cirrhosis and aortic stenosis due to gastrointestinal bleeding
日高里美1), 田嶋修三1), 室町香織1), 橋口正史1,3), 竹中嵩博1), 山口天慶1), 山里侑1), 喜山甲菜2), 児玉朋子2), 川平正博2), 中村義孝1), 軸屋賢一1), 中澤潤一2), 岩下祐司1), 那須雄一郎1), 玉井努1), 堀剛1), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 157-157, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 10 (消). One patient who presented with acute hepatic failure with severe nutritional disorder
田淵斐子, 新谷和貴, 岩津伸一, 児玉康弘, 佐藤祐斗, 庄司寛之, 小野英樹, 高木崇, 加藤有史
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 157-157, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 11 (消). A case of acute hepatitis E requiring differentiation from acute-onset autoimmune hepatitis
中野颯斗1), 釘山有希1), 濱崎俊輔1), 若松彩1), 松本耕輔1), 末廣智之1), 本吉康英1), 佐伯哲1), 長岡進矢1), 山崎一美3), 三浦史郎2), 小森敦正3), 八橋弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 157-157, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 12 (消). A case of de novo hepatitis B in an HBc antibody-negative patient who developed after chemotherapy
山路創一郎, 鈴木秀生, 藤澤愛, 豊田優貴, 將口佳久, 安部周壱, 荒殿ちほ子, 藤山隆, 有吉明日香, 藤井宏行, 高尾信一郎, 松尾享, 坂井慈美, 多田靖哉, 大越惠一郎, 田中宗浩, 中村和彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 157-157, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 13 (消). An autopsy case of hepatic angiosarcoma who died of respiratory failure due to pulmonary hemorrhage due to pulmonary metastasis
荒川真衣1), 東晃一1), 矢崎諒1), 伏見文良2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 158-158, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 14 (消). A case of metachronous recurrence of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma due to horizontal extension after surgery for distal cholangiocarcinoma
沖田奈菜1), 池田貴裕1), 北里周1), 藤瀬悠太1), 福井彩恵子1), 三好敬之1), 岡本辰哉1), 米田晃1), 竹下浩明1), 佐藤俊輔2), 黒木保1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 158-158, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 15 (消). A case of hepatic hemangioma whose diagnosis was aided by the tubular worm signature on ultrasonography
寺園逸正, 塩屋晋吾, 肥後隆彦, 夏田圭汰, 川上侑希子, 大薗宏輔, 重久彩乃, 有木園哲仁, 帖佐俊行, 杉田浩, 水上京子, 肱黒薫, 徳留健太郎, 吉元英之, 三阪高春, 長谷川将, 重田浩一朗
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 158-158, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 16 (消). A case of liver abscess with metronidazole encephalopathy
光山雄一郎, 小野原伸也, 原田林, 道免和文
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 158-158, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 17 (消). One case of the breast cancer late relapse that they presented with isolated liver metastases after the operation in the 18th year, and was given laparoscopic hepatectomy
江本央, 内野馨博, 釘山統太, 野村頼子, 龍知記, 和田幸之, 高見裕子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 159-159, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 18 (消). A case of liver metastasis from prostate cancer with neuroendocrine differentiation
嶋永翔太, 松下寛, 山鹿慎也, 堀尾高任, 今給黎瑛子, 池端彰子, 本田秀和, 福林光太郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 159-159, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 19 (内). A case of accidental ingestion of a spoon resulting in airway obstruction
本村昇寛, 山元勝悟, 財田祐希, 草野啓子, 阪口真千, 馬込省吾
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 159-159, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 20 (内). An example of the esophagus dyskinesia that suffered from a diagnosis
秦大一朗, 宮瀬志保, 束野奈津己, 柚留木秀人, 三浦浩美, 藤山重俊
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 159-159, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 21 (内). Two cases of achalasia-related disease with supradiaphragmatic diverticulum successfully treated with POEM and laparoscopic surgery
岩崎悠花1), 田渕真惟子2), 猪股寛子1), 塩田純也1), 橋本豊か5), 荒井健一5), 小林慎一朗7), 金高賢悟7), 南ひとみ2,3), 赤司太郎2), 北山素2), 橋口慶一2,6), 松島加代子1,2), 赤澤祐子2,8), 山口直之2,6), 岡野慎士4), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 160-160, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 22 (内). A case of gastric cellulitis for which early diagnosis and treatment were possible based on characteristic endoscopic findings
塚本尚紀, 千代永卓, 米田暁, 日隈ゆかり, 水田馨, 市川亮, 池邊賢一, 佐々木雅人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 160-160, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 23 (消). A case of emphysematous gastritis thought to be caused by an NSAIDs ulcer that was relieved by conservative treatment
大久保公晴1), 平田敬1), 永田豊1), 大草響1), 太田佳奈美1), 鳥巣剛弘2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 160-160, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 24 (消). A case of Heyde's syndrome suspected as the cause of recurrent hemorrhagic anemia
松田悠佑, 角志穂, 内田信二郎, 町田治久
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 160-160, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 25 (消). One case that colonoscopy assistance bottom transdermal endoscopic gastrostomy (C-PEG) was useful for interposition of the transverse colon
山本昂史1), 山内康平1), 平野里佳1), 島田不律1), 四本界人1), 中村昌太郎2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 161-161, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 26 (内). A Case of Pedunculated Neuroendocrine Tumor Occurring in the Terminal Ileum Diagnosed by ESD
梅村ゆりあ1), 大仁田賢1), 柴田雅士1), 桑原愛1), 柿ヶ尾佳奈1), 植原亮平1), 東俊太朗1), 井上健一郎1), 野中隆2), 黒濱大和3), 中島正洋4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 161-161, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 27 (内). A Case of Jejunal Cancer Diagnosed with Unexplained Progressive Anemia
松本龍哉1,2), 吉村大輔1,2), 福谷洋樹1,2), 本間仁1,2), 大久保彰人1,2), 糸永周一1,2), 佐々木泰介1,2), 濱田匠平1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 蓮田博文3), 桃崎征也4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 161-161, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 28 (内). A Case of Gastric and Small Intestinal Anisakiasis with Endoscopic Excision of Parasites
重森亮宏1), 河野真一1), 田中貴英1), 佐藤大晃1), 中村滋郎1), 鳥巣剛弘2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 161-161, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 29 (消). A case of small intestinal lymphangiectasia with intestinal obstruction
江副未来1), 塩田純也1), 山口兼生1), 平田亮介1), 永松雅朗1), 植松梨華子1), 赤司太郎1), 田渕真惟子1), 北山素1), 橋口慶一1,2), 富永哲郎3), 松島加代子1), 野中隆3), 赤澤祐子1,4), 山口直之1,2), 岡野慎士5), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 162-162, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 30 (消). A case of protein-losing gastroenteropathy due to ischemic enteritis in which surgical resection was effective
田崎真佑子, 本田徹郎, 池田智成, 長田和義, 岡村卓真, 栗林泰隆, 山道忍, 山島美緒, 宮崎修, 矢嶌弘之, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 162-162, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 31 (消). A Case of Food-Induced Intestinal Obstruction Caused by Umeboshi Seeds
神矢真由1), 竹島翼1), 小森圭司1), 久保川賢1), 由茅隆文2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 162-162, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 32 (消). A case of small intestinal variceal bleeding due to extrahepatic portal vein occlusion
陣内駿一, 近藤俊介, 竹下茂之, 中鋪卓, 深水翔太, 楠本浩一郎, 重野賢也
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 162-162, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 33 (消). A case of advanced colorectal cancer that was difficult to diagnose
松雪紀子, 平井哲, 松永拓也, 澤瀬寛典, 井手康史, 阿比留正剛, 川原大輔, 内橋和芳
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 163-163, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 34 (消). A case of BRAFV600E mutation-positive unresectable advanced colorectal cancer successfully treated with encorafenib + binimetinib + cetuximab
大槻佑生子1,2), 田村穂高2,3), 宮後冴2), 中島孝治2), 細川歩2), 河上洋3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 163-163, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 35 (消). A case of Lynch syndrome with metachronous and synchronous multiple colorectal cancers and ovarian serous adenocarcinoma.
中野友貴1), 門脇義昂1), 藤本敦1), 大本佳奈1), 齊藤宏和1), 多田修治1), 山根大侍2), 徳永竜馬2), 生田義明2), 横山幸生2), 浦田譲治3), 豊住康夫4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 163-163, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 36 (消). A Case of Locally Advanced Cecal Cancer with Bladder Invasion and Right Ovarian Invasion Underwent Radical Resection
濱田由紀1), 藤本敦1), 大本佳奈1), 門脇義昂1), 齊藤宏和1), 多田修治1), 徳永竜馬2), 山根大侍2), 生田義明2), 横山幸生2), 浦田譲治3), 桑原朋広4), 大竹秀幸5), 豊住康夫6)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 163-163, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 37 (消). A case of surgical resection for ovarian fallopian tube invasion and ureteral invasion due to primary appendiceal cancer that was difficult to diagnose
家村公太朗1), 門脇義昂1), 藤本敦1), 大本佳奈1), 齊藤宏和1), 多田修治1), 山根大侍2), 徳永竜馬2), 生田義明2), 横山幸生2), 浦田譲治3), 桑原朋広4), 大竹秀幸5), 豊住康夫6)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 164-164, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 38 (消). A Case of Appendiceal Mucinous Carcinoma with Radical Surgical Resection
田中遼1), 中原修2), 甲斐田剛圭2), 小島範大3), 高森啓史2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 164-164, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 39 (消). A case of advanced breast cancer with peritoneal metastasis suspected of overlapping with sigmoid colon cancer
松瀬良奈1), 水田優実1), 山口太輔1), 野村忠洋1), 木村俊一郎1), 石田智士1), 藤本峻1), 田中雄一郎1), 日野直之1), 有尾啓介1), 綱田誠司1), 内藤愼二2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 164-164, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 40 (消). One case of the intractable ileal pouchitis that obtained long-term remission with a Budesonide injection into the intestines form agent
太田崇王, 冨永直之, 朝長道人, 中西朗, 中山賢一郎, 樋高秀憲, 緒方伸一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 164-164, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 41 (消). One case of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome that adenomas which assumed a hamartomatous polyp the mother ground occurred frequently, and performed endoscopic excision
深瀬均, 本田宗倫, 宮本英明, 鶴田結子, 田山紗代子, 中島昌利, 園田隆賀, 脇幸太郎, 今村美幸, 松野健司, 山崎明, 古田陽輝, 具嶋亮介, 直江秀昭, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 165-165, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 42 (内). Abdominal bloating and anorexia in a scleroderma patient with marked colonic gas retention, a case in which medical treatment was remarkably effective
野見山櫻子1), 鈴木祐輔1), 蓑田洋介1,2), 稲田泰亮1), 長友周三郎1), 田中義将1), 荻野治栄1), 伊原栄吉1,3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 165-165, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 43 (内). A Case of Pelvic Abscess Treated with Endoscopic Ultrasound Transrectal Drainage
持田香織1), 千代永卓1), 米田暁1), 日隈ゆかり1), 水田馨1), 市川亮1), 池邊賢一1), 中原修1,2), 佐々木雅人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 165-165, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 44 (消). Two cases of listeria sepsis
南永子1), 田渕真惟子2), 北山素2), 吉村俊佑3), 赤司太郎2), 塩田純也2), 橋口慶一2,4), 松島加代子1,2), 赤澤祐子2), 山口直之2,4), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 165-165, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 45 (消). A case of strongyloidiasis that became severe during steroid administration
井上貴統1), 峯彩子1), 北山素1), 岩本直樹2), 道辻徹3), 高尾亮太3), 芦澤信之3), 谷口育洋1), 別府麻美1), 河合紀生こ4), 岸川正大4), 岡野慎士5), 塩田純也1), 赤司太郎1), 田渕真惟子1), 橋口慶一1), 松島加代子1), 赤澤祐子1), 山口直之1), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 166-166, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 46 (内). A case of fundic gland-type gastric cancer with ectopic recurrence 5 years after initial treatment
中尾凛併1), 上木原雄介1), 佐々木文郷1), 上原翔平1), 矢野弘樹1), 田中啓仁1), 前田英仁1), 上村修司1), 田崎貴嗣2), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 166-166, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 47 (内). A case of duodenal metastasis of esophagogastric junction cancer with lymphangiectasia findings
中村啓太1), 芥川剛至2), 行元崇浩1), 松尾真紀子2), 井上須磨1), 島村拓弥1), 佐野晴彦3), 勝屋弘雄3), 前田佐知子4), 相島慎一4), 木村晋也3), 江崎幹宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 166-166, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 48 (内). A case of residual gastric MLAT lymphoma after H. pylori eradication therapy with endoscopic resection
古賀裕知1), 芥川剛至2), 松尾真紀子2), 柯懿玲1), 荻野祐也1), 井上須磨1), 島村拓弥1), 武富啓展1), 行元崇浩1), 鶴岡ななえ1), 坂田資尚1), 下田良2), 青木茂久3), 江崎幹宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 166-166, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 49 (内). A case of multiple gastric neuroendocrine tumor associated with parietal cell dysfunction
民永健人1), 城間翔1), 樋口佳代子2), 太田浩良3), 梅野淳嗣4), 石岡充彬5), 平澤俊明5), 久場弘子1), 小野武6), 内間良二2), 永村良二1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 167-167, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 50 (消). A case of gastric neuroendocrine carcinoma with multiple liver metastases that progressed rapidly
陣内杏月1,2), 田中雄一郎1), 木村俊一郎1), 野村忠洋1), 水田優実1), 石田智士1), 藤本峻1), 日野直之1), 山口太輔1), 有尾啓介1), 田場充2), 内藤愼二2), 綱田誠司1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 167-167, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 51 (消). Two cases of the HER2-positive gastric cancer that trastuzumab deruxtecan was effective
旭亮祐, 山口太輔, 野村忠洋, 水田優実, 木村俊一郎, 石田智士, 藤本峻, 田中雄一郎, 日野直之, 有尾啓介, 綱田誠司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 167-167, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 52 (消). Treatment experience of a case of giant Gastrointe stinalStromalTumor (GIST) associated with spinocerebellar degeneration
毛利謙成, 蒲原行雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 167-167, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 53 (消). One case of autoimmune pancreatitis merger pancreatic duct cancer which presented various image views, and had difficulty in diagnosis before mass indication, operation
後藤尚希1), 佐上亮太1,2), 佐藤孝生1), 久松朱里1), 錦織英史1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 168-168, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 54 (消). A case of solid pseudopapillary neoplasm with a maximum diameter of 12 cm undergoing laparoscopic pancreatectomy
寺崎萌, 門脇義昂, 藤本敦, 大本佳奈, 齊藤宏和, 多田修治, 徳永竜馬, 山根大侍, 生田義明, 横山幸生, 浦田譲治, 豊住康夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 168-168, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 55 (内). One case that they presented with hematobilia during chemotherapy for unresectable pancreatic cancer, and suffered from difficulty hemostasis
朝日奈文彦, 林友和, 東祥史, 野口春菜, 草津工喜, 和田蔵人, 福地聡士
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 168-168, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 56 (消). A case of gallbladder cancer that was difficult to differentiate from adenomyomatosis of the gallbladder and was confirmed by cytological examination by endoscopic transnasal gallbladder drainage (ENGBD)
叶晶嘉1), 川添夕佳1), 森美哉子1), 湯ノ谷修三1), 井上香2), 田中賢一1), 磯田広史2), 桑代卓也1), 大枝敏2), 秋山巧1), 安西慶三1), 高橋宏和2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 168-168, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 57 (消). A case of mucinous gallbladder cancer in an elderly patient who developed acute cholecystitis during treatment for advanced pancreatic cancer and underwent subtotal cholecystectomy
望月一貴1), 内田史武1), 渋谷亜矢子1), 田場充2), 内藤愼二2), 和田英雄1), 黨和夫1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 169-169, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 58 (消). Two cases of endoscopic papillary resection for duodenal papillary tumor
浦知佳子1), 澤瀬寛典1), 平井哲1), 松永拓也1), 井手康史1), 阿比留正剛1), 内橋和芳2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 169-169, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 59 (消). A case of retroperitoneal lymphangioleiomyomatosis diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration
酒井杏, 野村頼子, 内野馨博, 釘山統太, 龍知記, 和田幸之, 高見裕子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 169-169, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 60 (消). A case of Hemosuccus pancreaticus caused by pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysm
野崎健太郎, 前田大樹, 古川歩生, 糸島尚, 山邊聡, 上川健太郎, 工藤康一, 浦田淳資, 上原正義
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 169-169, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 61 (消). A Case of Pancreatic Pseudocyst Hemorrhage Perforating the Duodenum
下園航, 児島一成, 前田将久, 山内拓真, 柴田隆佑, 樋之口真, 有馬志穂, 橋元慎一, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 170-170, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 62 (内). A Case of Refractory Pancreatic Fistula Occurring Metachronously at Multiple Sites
堀遥, 三木正美, 平畠啓介, 上田孝洋, 加来豊馬, 中嶋摩依, 吉本剛志, 原田直彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 170-170, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 63 (消). A case of laparoscopic cholecystectomy for a duplicate bile duct discovered by emergency ERCP for choledocholithic cholangitis
村本太郎1,2), 山根大侍1), 藤本敦2), 大本佳奈2), 門脇義昂2), 齊藤宏和2), 徳永竜馬1), 浦田譲治3), 多田修治2), 生田義明1), 横山幸生1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 170-170, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 64 (消). A case of epigastralgia in a dialysis patient
吉田拓海1), 松成修1), 錦耕平2), 麓祥一2), 石飛裕和1), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 170-170, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 65 (消). A case of choledocholithic severe cholangitis with septic shock and DIC who underwent endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage
服部裕貴1), 藤本敦1), 大本佳奈1), 門脇義昂1), 齊藤宏和1), 多田修治1), 山根大侍2), 徳永竜馬2), 生田義明2), 横山幸生2), 原田正公3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 171-171, 2022.

Japanese Article 研 66 (内). Example that self-expansion type bile duct metallic stent was useful for bile duct jejunum anastomotic stricture after the operation
綿貫裕介1), 伊原諒1), 松岡大介1), 中島美紀1), 江崎薫2), 平塚裕晃2), 植木敏晴2), 伏見文良3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 171-171, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 01 (内). A case of esophageal perforation caused by fish bone in which endoscopic suturing using an indwelling snare achieved a favorable therapeutic course
泉見奈, 小糸絢子, 荒川大輔, 大野健翔, 持永崇惠, 平岡昌晃, 吉松眞一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 175-175, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 02 (内). A case of desquamative esophagitis caused by rivaroxaban
平山雅大, 梯祥一郎, 多田美苑, 倉重智之, 友枝成, 橋本理沙, 田中俊行, 茶圓智人, 板場壮一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 175-175, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 03 (内). A Case of Superficial Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Non-Drinking, Non-Smoking Patient
外園友之1), 高野恵輔1), 石川智士1), 小野陽一郎1), 麻生頌2), 金光高雄2), 宮岡正喜2), 田邉寛3), 原岡誠司3), 植木敏晴1), 二村聡3), 八尾建史2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 175-175, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 04 (消). A case of unresectable locally advanced esophageal cancer treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy (CRT) after CDDP + 5-FU + Pembro therapy
小川樹里1), 柴田隆佑1), 柿原敦子1), 有馬志穂1), 上木原雄介1), 児島一成1), 樋之口真1), 田口宏樹1,2), 田ノ上史郎1), 橋元慎一1), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 175-175, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 05 (内). A case of esophageal lymphangioma
南條勝哉1), 鶴丸大介2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 176-176, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 06 (消). A case of esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma with gingival metastasis
藤澤愛, 將口佳久, 安部周壱, 荒殿ちほ子, 鈴木秀生, 藤山隆, 松尾享, 藤井宏行, 高尾信一郎, 多田靖哉, 大越惠一郎, 田中宗浩, 中村和彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 176-176, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 07 (内). A case of gastric cancer with micropapillary pattern that progressed rapidly over 1 year
野村忠洋1), 内田史武2), 山口太輔1), 水田優実1), 田中雄一郎1), 日野直之1), 有尾啓介1), 黨和夫2), 内藤愼二3), 綱田誠司1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 176-176, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 08 (内). A case of early gastric mucosal cancer
中尾凜1), 平川克哉1), 秋吉大輔2), 西田美沙子1), 岡村活輝1), 和智博信1), 野村亜貴子1), 工藤哲司1), 青柳邦彦1), 西山憲一3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 176-176, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 09 (消). A case of gastric signet ring cell carcinoma that was difficult to diagnose
備瀬裕次郎1), 馬渕仁志1), 豊見山麻未1), 田里裕子1), 西澤万貴1), 金城譲1), 宮里賢1), 仲地紀哉1), 島尻博人1), 豊見山良作1), 外間昭2), 上江洌一平3), 長濱正吉3), 宮里浩3), 友利寛文3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 177-177, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 10 (消). A case of early esophagogastric junction cancer observed in the mucosal epithelium on a bronchial cyst
内藤貴一1), 江藤弘二郎1), 岩上志朗1), 問端輔1), 大内繭子1), 小澄敬祐1), 小川克大1), 岩槻政晃1), 馬場祥史1), 宮本裕士1), 吉田直矢1), 脇幸太郎2), 直江秀昭2), 田中靖人2), 馬場秀夫1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 177-177, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 11 (消). A Case of Metastatic Gastric Tumor Due to Breast Cancer Distinguished from Type 4 Gastric Cancer
山岡哲秀, 庄野孝, 大谷響, 岩崎肇, 岩越友紀, 古庄雄一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 177-177, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 12 (消). A case of metachronous and ectopic gastric and pancreatic metastasis after nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma
東祥史1), 福地聡士1), 野口春菜1), 草津工喜1), 和田蔵人1), 林友和1), 白鳥敏夫2), 蒲池綾子3), 平井健一4), 村上和成5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 177-177, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 13 (内). A case of PPI-associated gastric hyperplastic polyp that shrunk during PPI withdrawal
水田貴大, 上原正義, 糸島尚, 須古信一郎, 吉田健一, 江口洋之, 神尾多喜浩
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 178-178, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 14 (消). A case of fundic gland polyp that was markedly reduced after discontinuation of proton pump inhibitors
小野健太, 三池忠, 金子博樹, 黒木利樹, 内田圭祐, 田村穂高, 内山尚美, 畑田絋志, 市成直樹, 篠原実成, 押川一達, 坂元一樹, 中村佳菜子, 鈴木翔, 坂口舞, 黒木大介, 中島孝治, 山本章二朗, 稲津東彦, 河上洋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 178-178, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 15 (消). A Case of Crohnkhite-Canada Syndrome with Difficulty in Diagnosis with Chief Complaints of Tongue Paresthesia and General Malaise
小出明妃1), 北山素1), 田中久也1), 峯彩子1), 田渕真惟子1), 小笠原俊輔7), 小笹宗一郎3), 赤羽目翔悟3), 岡野慎士4), 松岡優毅6), 濱田航一郎5), 山口直之2), 中島正洋4), 前田隆浩3), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 178-178, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 16 (消). A case of eosinophilic gastroenteritis with repeated intussusception
児玉弘毅1), 藤野悠介1), 市田泰海1), 寺田朋1), 寺田芳寛1), 坂江貴弘1), 嵜山敏男1), 松井まゆ2), 祁答院千寛2), 夛田宣裕2), 川越浩輔2), 柳田茂寛2), 有留邦明2), 畠中真吾3), 井戸章雄4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 178-178, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 17 (内). A case of Yersinia enteritis with typical imaging findings
鍬塚磨呂, 東郷政明, 藤野亮太, 福嶋伸良, 竹島史直
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 179-179, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 18 (消). A case of cytomegalovirus enteritis with protein-losing gastroenteritis in a healthy elderly person
黒木利樹1), 山本章二朗1), 坂元一樹1), 市成直樹1), 山路卓巳2), 小野健太1), 鈴木翔1), 高城一郎3), 久冨木庸子4), 中村恵理子5), 盛口清香5), 三池忠1), 安倍弘生1), 河上洋1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 179-179, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 19 (消). A case of duodenal ulcer with stenosis and false lumen one year after treatment
岩武史朗1,2,3,4), 今津愛介1), 松野雄一1), 冬野雄太1), 藤岡審1,2), 川崎啓祐1), 梅野淳嗣1), 森山智彦1,3), 進藤幸治4), 鳥巣剛弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 179-179, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 20 (内). A case of intractable gastric ulcer that developed during postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal cancer and was successfully treated with W-ED tube placement
今村壮志, 高橋俊介, 松口崇央, 長田美佳子, 後藤綾子, 中村吏, 久保信英, 岩尾梨沙, 桑野博行
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 179-179, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 21 (消). A case of multiple ulcers in the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum due to COVID-19 infection
山里侑1,2), 那須雄一郎1,2), 山口天慶1,2), 竹中嵩博1,2), 田嶋修三1,2), 中村義孝1,2), 軸屋賢一1,2), 岩下祐司1,2), 玉井努1,2), 上村修司2), 堀剛1,2), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 180-180, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 22 (消). A case of eosinophilic gastroenteritis diagnosed from gastric and duodenal lesions in childhood
中村亮介1), 安川重義1), 小野陽一郎1), 樋脇久美1), 金城健2), 石川智士1), 高津典孝2), 久部高司2), 植木敏晴1), 平瀬崇之2), 二村聡4), 八尾建史3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 180-180, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 23 (内). A case of duodenal varices that occurred after treatment for esophageal and gastric varices and was difficult to detect
久保田圭織, 工藤康一, 糸島尚, 横手誠一郎, 山邊聡, 上原正義
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 180-180, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 24 (内). A case of retrieval of an esophageal stent that has prolapsed into the stomach using a single-balloon endoscopic mantle
近藤悠樹, 大角真央, 前原浩亮, 塩月一生, 福田慎一郎, 國木康久, 隅田頼信, 秋穂裕唯
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 180-180, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 25 (内). A case of gastric crypt epithelial tumor with detailed imaging and histopathological findings
井本尚徳1), 川崎啓祐1), 川床慎一郎1,2), 孝橋賢一2), 谷口義章1,2), 松野雄一1), 冬野雄太1), 藤岡審1,4), 梅野淳嗣1), 森山智彦1,3), 鳥巣剛弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 181-181, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 26 (消). A case of AFP-producing early gastric cancer
岩田大輝1), 恒吉研吾1), 松元琢真1), 前田英仁2), 田ノ上史郎2), 藤田浩1), 吉本健太郎3), 菰原義弘4), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 181-181, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 27 (消). A case of gastric hepatoid adenocarcinoma (AFP-producing gastric cancer) with a small primary lesion but with hematogenous and systemic metastasis leading to tumor death
若杉晃伸, 桑野哲史, 田中紘介, 矢田雅佳, 増本陽秀, 本村健太
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 181-181, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 28 (内). A case of gastric endocrine cell carcinoma observed in detail by gastrointestinal radiography and endoscopy
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 181-181, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 29 (消). A case of Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphocyte-infiltrating gastric cancer with intramural metastasis
内海聡志1), 井原勇太郎1), 矢田親一朗1), 保利喜史2), 河野浩幸3), 名和田彩4), 久岡正典4), 鳥巣剛弘5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 182-182, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 30 (内). A case of syphilis with similar gastrointestinal lesions in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts
森聡志, 大井貴之, 川平真知子, 佐久間真友子, 田淵雅裕, 鮫島洋一, 藤田俊浩, 柊元洋紀, 福田芳生, 徳重浩一, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 182-182, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 31 (消). A case of intractable defecation disorder caused by neuropathic colonic dysfunction treated with transanal irrigation
大山真英, 清住雄希, 木下翔太郎, 齋藤誠哉, 那須二郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 182-182, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 32 (消). A case of extremely rare IgG4-related disease involving the appendix and proximal mesentery
大薗宏輔1), 塩屋晋吾2), 有木園哲仁1), 水上京子1), 杉田浩1), 徳留健太郎1), 肱黒薫1), 井上真岐3), 門野潤3), 重田浩一朗1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 182-182, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 33 (消). A case of rectal foreign body granuloma thought to be caused by dione injection requiring differentiation from rectal carcinoid
福井秀章1), 上尾哲也1), 下森雄太1), 久保山雄介2), 本田俊一郎1), 山中昂紀1), 照山直樹1), 膳所憲二3), 村上和成4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 183-183, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 34 (内). A case of idiopathic mesenteric venous endomysial hyperplasia for which preoperative diagnosis was difficult
楊晃慶1), 能丸遼平1), 柴田衛1), 山嶋友実1), 今給黎宗1), 久能宣昭1), 石橋英樹1), 石田祐介1), 船越禎広1), 芦塚伸也1), 松本芳子2), 濱崎慎3), 長谷川傑2), 平井郁仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 183-183, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 35 (消). A case in which biliary excretion of an iodinated contrast medium was thought to be a factor in the onset of cholangitis and pancreatitis
山根大毅1), 高橋孝輔1), 野尻暁太1), 澤健一1), 松尾諭1), 嶋倉茜1), 田島和昌1), 中尾康彦1), 森智崇1), 松本耕輔1), 福島真典1), 佐々木龍1), 小澤栄介1), 三馬聡1), 宮明寿光1), 中尾一彦1), 佐藤智仁2), 井手裕之2), 西畑伸哉2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 183-183, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 36 (内). A case of metastatic bile duct tumor caused by breast cancer
末永顕彦1), 野崎哲史1), 宜保淳也1), 内之倉弘和1), 濱崎慎平1), 小森圭司1), 小副川敬1), 岡本正博2), 大石善丈3), 久保川賢1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 183-183, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 37 (消). A case of male pancreatic MCN resected after 8 years follow-up
山本祐弥, 石井将太郎, 松田暖, 佐々木大尭, 向坂健佑, 松山太一, 中田成紀, 杉和洋, 柳田恵理子, 宮成信友
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 184-184, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 38 (消). A case of hepatic hemochromatosis for which evaluation of intrahepatic iron deposition by MRI was useful
新谷和貴, 岩津伸一, 児玉康弘, 佐藤祐斗, 庄司寛之, 小野英樹, 高木崇, 加藤有史
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 184-184, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 39 (消). A case of hepatic sarcoidosis that developed during follow-up of autoimmune hepatitis
馬渡将語1), 福嶋伸良2), 柴田雅士2), 池谷千章2), 伊藤裕也2), 東郷政明2), 竹島史直2), 鹿毛政義4), 中尾一彦3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 184-184, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 40 (消). A case of brain-dead liver transplantation for acute liver failure caused by novel coronavirus infection
布下裕基, 曽山明彦, 原貴信, 丸屋安広, 松島肇, 今村一歩, 足立智彦, 福本将之, 吉野恭平, 伊藤信一郎, 日高匡章, 金高賢悟, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 184-184, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 41 (消). Medical examination for the liver transplant enforcement case in our hospital
金丸紗千1), 平峯靖也1), 最勝寺晶子1), 樋脇卓也1), 今村也寸志1), 馬渡誠一2), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 185-185, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 42 (消). A case of advanced pancreatic cancer with peritoneal dissemination that achieved 5-year survival with chemotherapy alone
小野明日香1), 岡部弘尚1), 冨田真裕1), 黒田大介1), 黒木秀幸1), 増田稔郎1), 廣田昌彦1), 杉田裕樹1), 馬場秀夫2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 185-185, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 43 (消). A case of pancreatic cancer with long-term response to nal-IRI + 5FU/LV therapy
市田泰海1), 坂江貴弘1), 児玉弘毅1), 寺田芳寛1), 寺田朋1), 藤野悠介1), 青崎眞一郎1), 嵜山敏男1), 田口宏樹2), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 185-185, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 44 (消). A case of anaplastic pancreatic cancer diagnosed by para-aortic lymph node biopsy
秋元遥1), 田口宏樹1), 板山雄亮1), 湯通堂和樹1), 松岡慧1), 田代幸恵2), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 185-185, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 45 (消). A case of modified FOLFIRINOX therapy for pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma
小糸絢子, 吉松眞一, 平岡昌晃, 持永崇惠, 大野健翔, 荒川大輔, 泉見奈
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 186-186, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 46 (消). It is an example receiving the Pembrolizumab for metastases to lung after the nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma technique in the pancreatic duct
土井鴻弥1), 永山林太郎1), 植木敏晴1), 江崎薫1), 後野徹宏1), 田中利幸1), 平塚裕晃1), 立川勝子1), 土居雅宗1), 丸尾達1), 野間栄次郎1), 八尾建史2), 宮坂義浩3), 二村聡4), 田中俊裕5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 186-186, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 47 (消). A case of pancreatic head cancer with median arcuate ligament syndrome undergoing two-stage radical surgery after blood flow modification by ligamentotomy
南祐, 黒田陽介, 川下知英, 権藤雄三, 新井貴大, 春野覚史, 古川恵瑞, 古賀直道, 田尻裕匡, 栗原健, 工藤健介, 由茅隆文, 岡本正博, 古賀聡, 山下洋市
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 186-186, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 48 (内). A case of choledocholithiasis with bile duct stricture for which choledoscopic stone extraction by spy basket was useful
照山直樹1), 本村充輝2), 坂東昌哉2), 下森雄太1), 山中昂紀1), 本田俊一郎1), 安部真琴1), 上尾哲也1), 成田竜一2), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 186-186, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 49 (内). A case of pancreaticolithiasis caused by chronic pancreatitis undergoing pancreatoscopic electronic hydraulic lithotripsy (EHL)
野尻暁太, 森智崇, 澤健一, 嶋倉茜, 松尾諭, 高橋孝輔, 佐々木龍, 小澤栄介, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 187-187, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 50 (内). An example of the Niemeier type II gallbladder perforation that the inside and outside fistula simultaneous drainage of the ultrasonic endoscope guide bottom transstomach was effective
蒔田貴大, 宮川恒一郎, 梶谷健太, 秀島宏典, 篠原暢彦, 米田晃敏, 草永真志, 大江晋司, 本間雄一, 柴田道彦, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 187-187, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 51 (内). One patient who succeeded in hemostasis using self-organization peptide solution (PuraStat) for the EST afterbleeding that caused a shock
森田竜麻, 竹内祐樹, 宮原貢一, 白水萌子, 藤邑勇太朗, 村山賢一郎, 野田隆博
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 187-187, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 52 (消). A Case of Biliary Varices Bleeding Caused by Portal Cavernous Change
松原大勇1), 久木山直貴1), 牛嶋真也1), 浦本有記子1), 吉成元宏1), 階子俊平1), 蛭川和也2), 嶋田圭太2), 田村吉高3), 平井俊範3), 日比泰造2), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 187-187, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 53 (消). Two patients who formed false aneurysm in an episode of care of the unresectable cancer of head of pancreas, and were able to be treated with the blood vessel embolization, stent graft custody technique
麻生皆人1), 小森康寛1), 木村弥成子1), 大野彰久1), 松本一秀1), 村上正俊1), 寺松克人1), 竹野歩1), 植田圭二郎1), 藤森尚1), 藤田展宏2), 牛島泰宏2), 小川佳宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 188-188, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 54 (消). A case of early detection of pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with portal hypertension from abnormal heart sounds
貞島健人1), 村山賢一郎2), 白水萌子2), 森田竜麻2), 藤邑勇太朗2), 竹内祐樹2), 宮原貢一2), 野田博隆2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 188-188, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 55 (消). A case of duodenal varices 13 years after superior mesenteric vein occlusion which was successfully reconstructed with superficial femoral vein grafting
中山湧貴, 原田昇, 冨山貴央, 利田賢哉, 小斉侑希子, 冨野高広, 吉屋匠平, 長尾吉泰, 萱島寛人, 伊藤心二, 吉住朋晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 188-188, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 56 (消). A case of stoma varices with giant splenomegaly undergoing planned partial splenic artery embolization (PSE) and percutaneous transhepatic variceal occlusion (PTO)
水田貴大1), 工藤康一1), 前田大樹1), 川野雄一郎2), 上原正義1), 新田英利3), 松本克孝4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 188-188, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 57 (消). A case of Budd-Chiari syndrome-like inferior vena cava stenosis that spontaneously improved with conservative treatment
仲野優, 草永真志, 本間雄一, 柴田道彦, 阿部慎太郎, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 189-189, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 58 (消). One patient who underwent inferior vena cava stenosis cancellation, patch plastic surgery by the dorsum approach for Budd-Chiari syndrome
小川伸一郎, 曽山明彦, 原貴信, 丸屋安広, 松島肇, 今村一歩, 足立智彦, 福本将之, 吉野恭平, 伊藤信一郎, 日高匡章, 金高賢悟, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 189-189, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 59 (消). Four cases of cirrhosis patients who underwent umbilical hernia repair at our hospital
谷崎卓実1), 野元大地1), 中村尋1), 久野祐樹1), 松石梢1), 東孝暁1), 松本克孝1), 久保田竜生1), 水元孝郎1), 宮成信友1), 馬場秀夫2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 189-189, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 60 (消). A case of de novo hepatitis B with specific hepatitis virus markers
エリクソン安香, 山城謙人, 仲舛拓, 圓若修一, 仲本学, 折田均, 宮城純, 佐久川廣
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 189-189, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 61 (消). A Case of Cryoglobulinemia Reticuloderma Accompanied by Hepatitis C Improved with Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents (DAA)
木野智博1), 横山圭二1), 永田貴大1), 宮山隆志1), 柴田久美子1), 福田洋美1), 山内涼1), 梅田かおる1), 福永篤志1), 高田和英1), 田中崇1), 釈迦堂敏1), 今福信一2), 平井郁仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 190-190, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 62 (消). One patient whom autoimmune hepatitis developed in during follow-up after the achievement of C type cirrhosis SVR
松田暖, 杉和洋, 山本祐弥, 佐々木大尭, 志茂田美紀, 向坂健佑, 松山太一, 石井将太郎, 中田成紀
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 190-190, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 63 (消). An example of the IgG4-related autoimmune hepatitis that needed differentiation with the IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis
藤本光, 中下俊哉, 野下祥太郎, 古賀風太, 大座紀子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 190-190, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 64 (消). One case that had difficulty in differentiation of the drug-related liver damage and autoimmune hepatitis with the COVID-19 vaccine
光安崚1), 野間栄次郎1), 江崎薫1), 後野徹宏1), 田中利幸1), 平塚裕晃1), 立川勝子1), 永山林太郎1), 土居雅宗1), 丸尾達1), 植木敏晴1), 原岡誠司2), 二村聡2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 190-190, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 65 (消). One case that introduced azathioprine for steroid and irAE liver damage of the mycophenolate mofetil refractoriness, and was improved
小泉大海, 稲田浩気, 田中健太郎, 楢原哲史, 徳永尭之, 吉丸洋子, 長岡克弥, 渡邊丈久, 瀬戸山博子, 立山雅邦, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 191-191, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 66 (消). One patient whom acute liver damage due to the eosinophilia developed in
山鹿慎也, 福林光太郎, 堀尾高任, 今給黎瑛子, 松下寛, 池端彰子, 本田秀和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 191-191, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 67 (消). Two cases of the COVID-19 merger acute hepatic failure treated effectively with anticoagulation
大保宏允, 稲田浩気, 瀬戸山博子, 楢原哲史, 田中健太郎, 徳永尭之, 吉丸洋子, 長岡克弥, 渡邊丈久, 立山雅邦, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 191-191, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 68 (消). Three cases of hepatocellular carcinoma that developed after Fontan's operation and underwent surgical treatment
白石仁, 伊藤心二, 冨野高広, 中山湧貴, 利田賢哉, 冨山貴央, 小斉侑希子, 栗原健, 吉屋匠平, 長尾吉泰, 森田和豊, 萱島寛人, 原田昇, 吉住朋晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 191-191, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 69 (消). One case of breast origin neuroendocrine system cancer that we had liver metastases pointed out after the operation in the 29th year, and hepatectomy was performed
荒川大輔, 平岡昌晃, 吉松眞一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 192-192, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 70 (消). A case of FGFR2 fusion-positive intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma successfully treated with pemigatinib
古賀雅也, 下瀬茂男, 古賀浩徳, 新関敬, 城野智毅, 森山悦子, 岩本英希, 野田悠, 中野聖士, 黒松亮子, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 192-192, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 71 (消). 2 cases that was able to confirm the liver permeation of blood tumor which racked its brains about a diagnosis by liver biopsy
仁位達郎, 横山圭二, 永田貴大, 宮山隆志, 柴田久美子, 福田洋美, 山内涼, 梅田かおる, 福永篤志, 高田和英, 田中崇, 釈迦堂敏, 向坂彰太郎, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 192-192, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 72 (消). A case of hepatic hemangiosarcoma with intraperitoneal hemorrhage after percutaneous liver tumor biopsy
盛島明丈1), 黒島洋平1), 潮平朝成1), 志喜屋好令1), 富田有香2), 城間磨裕実2), 瑞慶山隆太1), 嵩原小百合1), 桑江聡2), 古賀絵莉香1), 大石有衣子1), 田端そうへい2), 宮里公也1), 溜田茂仁1), 大平哲也1), 伊良波淳2), 新垣伸吾2), 金城徹1), 前城達次2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 192-192, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 73 (消). A Case of Idiopathic Small Intestinal Submucosal Hematoma Triggered by a Golf Swing
古庄雄一1), 山岡哲秀1), 岩越友紀1), 岩崎肇1), 大谷響2), 松下郁雄2), 庄野孝1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 193-193, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 74 (消). A case of adult-onset acquired intestinal ganglionocyte oligocytosis predominantly in the small intestine
森戸みゆ紀1), 田山紗代子1), 鶴田結子1), 中島昌利1), 園田隆賀1), 脇幸太郎1), 本田宗倫1), 今村美幸1), 松野健司1), 山崎明1), 古田陽輝1), 宮本英明1), 具嶋亮介1), 庄野孝2), 宮本裕士3), 直江秀昭1), 馬場秀夫3), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 193-193, 2022.

Japanese Article 専 75 (消). A Case of Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction Complicated with Intestinal Cystoid Emphysema
渡辺大将, 白地美紀, 下河邉尭, 山口翔太郎, 宮崎健, 梶原雅彦, 小野典之
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 193-193, 2022.

Japanese Article 専76(内). A case of terminal ileal diverticulum bleeding with endoscopic hemostasis
松室孝英, 野口達矢, 白神幹浩, 松田康里, 相部祐希, 木下善博, 幸本達矢, 原田克則, 中嶋哲也, 白井保之
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 193-193, 2022.

Japanese Article 専77(消). A case of terminal ileum stenosis due to intestinal endometriosis
白神幹浩1), 白井保之1), 松室孝英1), 松田康里1), 野口達矢1), 相部祐希1), 木下善博1), 幸本達矢1), 原田克則1), 中嶋哲也1), 小島大望2), 藤川貴久2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 194-194, 2022.

Japanese Article 専78(内). A case of primary jejunal cancer diagnosed by small bowel balloon endoscopy and surgically resectable
黒木大世, 芦塚伸也, 江上弥之介, 能丸遼平, 柴田衛, 山嶋友実, 今給黎宗, 久能宣昭, 船越禎広, 石橋英樹, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 194-194, 2022.

Japanese Article 専79(消). A case of partial duodenal resection for duodenal neuroendocrine tumor near Vater papilla
朝岡元気1), 森泰寿1), 厚井志郎1), 田村利尚1), 佐藤典宏1), 渡邊龍之2), 柴尾和徳1), 平田敬冶1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 194-194, 2022.

Japanese Article 専80(消). A case of small intestinal tumor that could be pointed out by anemia
松本健司郎1), 松岡弘樹1), 平野昭和1), 橋本崇1), 酒見亮介1), 佐々木優1), 安倍満彦1), 児嶋宏晃1), 宗祐人1), 森光洋介2), 吉本裕紀3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 194-194, 2022.

Japanese Article 専81(消). A case of extraductal small intestinal GIST discovered during anemia examination
篠原大毅1), 向坂誠一郎1), 今村直人1), 梅谷聡太1), 向井康二1), 水谷孝弘1), 落合利彰1), 佐々木駿2), 廣瀬皓介2), 本坊拓也2), 定永倫明2), 加藤誠也3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 195-195, 2022.

Japanese Article 専82(消). A case of ileal high grade B-cell lymphoma with MLP type
長友寿朗1), 野坂佳愛1), 久保安孝2), 半田瑞樹3), 安田大成3), 矢田親一朗4), 小畑伸一郎5), 村上知之6), 保利喜史1), 鳥巣剛弘7)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 195-195, 2022.

Japanese Article 専83(内). A Case of Metastatic Small Bowel Tumor of Renal Cell Carcinoma Diagnosed by Small Bowel Double-Balloon Endoscopy
金城留嘉, 小森圭司, 濱崎慎平, 大崎智絵, 竹島翼, 松林江里子, 長田繁樹, 小副川敬, 淀江賢太郎, 久保川賢, 赤星和也
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 195-195, 2022.

Japanese Article 専84(内). A case of ulcerative colitis that was difficult to diagnose and treat due to various changes in colonoscopy findings performed 4 times in 2 months
内田圭祐1), 山本章二朗1), 市成直樹1), 中村佳菜子1), 坂元一樹1), 大栗伸行3), 田中弘之3), 河上洋1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 195-195, 2022.

Japanese Article 専85(消). A case of elderly onset ulcerative colitis that developed during treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and was difficult to treat
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 196-196, 2022.

Japanese Article 専86(消). A Case of Takayasu's Arteritis While Using Anti-TNFα Antibody for Crohn's Disease
柯懿玲1), 鶴岡ななえ1), 松尾真紀子2), 荻野祐也1), 井上須磨1), 島村拓弥1), 武富啓展1), 行元崇浩1), 芥川剛至2), 坂田資尚1), 下田良2), 小松実樹也3), 真鍋達也4), 江崎幹宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 196-196, 2022.

Japanese Article 専87(消). A case of Inflammatory bowel disease unclassified (IBDU) with difficulty in diagnosis and treatment
山之口諒1), 仕垣隆浩1), 川本祐輔1), 島村智1), 野口堯志1), 藤吉健司1), 吉田直裕1), 合志健一1), 吉田武史1), 主藤朝也1), 竹田津英稔2), 藤田文彦1), 秋葉純3), 赤木由人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 196-196, 2022.

Japanese Article 専88(消). A case of MEFV-related enterocolitis successfully treated with colchicine
朝長道人, 冨永直之, 中西朗, 中山賢一郎, 樋高秀憲, 緒方伸一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 196-196, 2022.

Japanese Article 専89(消). A Case of Myelodysplastic Syndromes with Trisomy 8 Responding to Infliximab for Peristoma Pyoderma Gangrenosum
潮平朝成1), 伊良波淳1), 志喜屋好令1), 黒島洋平2), 盛島明丈2), 城間磨裕実3), 富田有香4), 瑞慶山隆太2), 嵩原小百合2), 古賀絵莉香2), 大石有衣子2), 宮里公也2), 田端そうへい1), 溜田茂仁2), 星野訓一2), 大平哲也2), 新垣伸吾1), 金城徹1), 前城達次1), 平田哲生5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 197-197, 2022.

Japanese Article 専90(内). A case of colon-duodenal fistula caused by ascending colon cancer in which a covered metallic stent was effective
梶谷健太, 渡邊龍之, 久米井伸介, 松藤寛治, 竹内雄亮, 西尾仁, 山内大夢, 今津直紀, 村石純一, 久米惠一郎, 芳川一郎, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 197-197, 2022.

Japanese Article 専91(消). A case of intussusception due to ascending colon cancer with preoperative CT colonography
福田大毅1), 加茂泰広1), 柿添麻由子1), 高木裕子1), 山口東平1), 小田英俊1), 重政有2), 米満伸久3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 197-197, 2022.

Japanese Article 専92(消). Two cases of elderly cecal cancer that were considered to have progressed rapidly in several years by retrospective search
吉武千香子1), 小森圭司1), 小副川敬1), 淀江賢太郎1), 田尻裕匡2), 工藤健介2), 久保川賢1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 197-197, 2022.

Japanese Article 専93(消). A Case of Lung Adenocarcinoma Colon Metastasis Discovered by Lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopy for Screening Purposes
藤本敦, 大本佳奈, 門脇義昂, 齊藤宏和, 多田修治
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 198-198, 2022.

Japanese Article 専94(消). Two Cases of Metastatic Gastrointestinal Tumor with Primary Lung Cancer
平野里佳1), 山内康平1), 島田不律1), 四本界人1), 高瀬ゆかり2), 中村昌太郎1), 林真一郎3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 198-198, 2022.

Japanese Article 専95(消). A case of hemorrhagic shock after endoscopic biopsy
山口兼生1), 塩田純也1), 山根大毅1), 平田亮介1), 谷口育洋1), 田中久也1), 永松雅朗1), 峯彩子1), 植松梨華子1), 赤司太郎1), 田渕真惟子1), 北山素1), 橋口慶一1,2), 松島加代子1), 赤澤祐子1), 山口直之1,2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 198-198, 2022.

Japanese Article 専96(消). A Case of Delayed Descending Colon Stenosis Caused by Rugby Trauma in Which Endoscopic Balloon Dilation Was Useful
今村直人, 向井康二, 篠原大毅, 梅谷聡太, 向坂誠一郎, 水谷孝弘, 落合利彰
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 198-198, 2022.

Japanese Article 専97(内). A Case of Removal of Accidentally Ingested Denture Using Balloon Endoscopy Overtube
笹原祐哉, 久能宣昭, 柴田衛, 能丸遼平, 山嶋友実, 今給黎宗, 石橋英樹, 船越禎広, 石田祐介, 芦塚伸也, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 199-199, 2022.

Japanese Article 専98(消). A clinical study of adult intussusception cases in our hospital
柿添麻由子, 加茂泰広, 福田大毅, 高木裕子, 山口東平, 小田英俊
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 199-199, 2022.

Japanese Article 専99(内). A case of coagulase negative Staphylococcus (CNS) bacteremia in which the intestinal tract was thought to be the portal of entry during treatment for segmental cholangitis and ischemic enteritis
宮下香世, 林康平, 小出明妃, 園田悠紀, 荒木智徳, 田渕真惟子, 本田琢也, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 199-199, 2022.

Japanese Article 専100(消). A case of hemolytic uremic syndrome caused by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 that was saved in our hospital
森山菜夏, 仲道孝次, 福田容久, 坂元孝光, 郡山隆志, 庄司裕佳子, 笠伸大郎, 飯田信也
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 199-199, 2022.

Japanese Article 専101(消). A case of drug-induced chylopleural effusion during chemotherapy with ramucirumab and paclitaxel (RAM + PTX) for advanced gastric cancer
澤健一, 林康平, 園田悠紀, 荒木智徳, 本田琢也, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 200-200, 2022.

Japanese Article 専102(消). A case of unresectable advanced gastric cancer who underwent conversion surgery after chemotherapy and was diagnosed with postoperative pathological complete response
大町一樹, 泉大輔, 秋山貴彦, 伊東山瑠美, 中尾陽佑, 藏元一崇, 辛島龍一, 今井克憲, 富安真二朗
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 200-200, 2022.

Japanese Article 専103(消). A Case of Rectal Neuroendocrine Tumor Diagnosed from a Hepatic Mass
太田佳奈美1), 永田豊1), 大草響1), 平田敬1), 橋元悟1), 上平幸史1), 一木康則1), 中島陽平2), 本下潤一3), 鳥巣剛弘4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 200-200, 2022.

Japanese Article 専104(内). A Case of Laterally Growing Tumor Circumferential to the Rectum Resectable by ESD
山本翔太1), 川崎啓祐1), 川床慎一郎1,2), 孝橋賢一2), 佐藤大晃1), 永田豊3), 松野雄一1), 冬野雄太1), 藤岡審1,4), 梅野淳嗣1), 森山智彦1,5), 鳥巣剛弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 200-200, 2022.

Japanese Article 専105(消). A Case of Radiation Enteritis-Associated Rectal Cancer 15 Years After Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer
本間仁1,2), 吉村大輔1,2), 吉武千香子1,2), 井星陽一郎1,2), 桃崎征也3), 藤原美奈子3), 楠元英次4), 福谷洋樹1,2), 大久保彰人1,2), 糸永周一1,2), 佐々木泰介1,2), 濱田匠平1,2), 原田直彦1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 201-201, 2022.

Japanese Article 専106(消). Study of EUSFNA results for retroperitoneal tumors in our hospital
豊田俊徳, 工藤康一, 山邊聡, 古川歩生, 前田大樹, 上川健太郎, 浦田淳資, 上原正義
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 201-201, 2022.

Japanese Article O001 (inner). An example of early colon cancer which progressed than a hyperplastic polyp, and was thought to cancerate
大草響1), 太田佳奈美1), 平田敬1), 永田豊1), 橋元悟1), 上平幸史1), 一木康則1), 伊地知佳世2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 205-205, 2022.

Japanese Article O002 (inner). Rectal adenoma and one patient of the collision tumor of the adenocarcinoma who conducted a genetic analysis
川床慎一郎1,2), 川崎啓祐1), 水江龍太郎1), 孝橋賢一2), 鳥巣剛弘1), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 205-205, 2022.

Japanese Article O003 (inner). Example that inundation lower NBI observation combination underwater EMR was useful for the saw tooth appearance lesion which was present in the vicinity of the appendix opening
大角真央, 塩月一生, 近藤悠樹, 前原浩亮, 福田慎一郎, 國木康久, 隅田頼信, 秋穂裕唯
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 205-205, 2022.

Japanese Article O004 (inner). An example of the large intestine lipoma of 50mm that we were able to resect endoscopically
押川一達, 中島孝治, 篠原実成, 宮後冴, 黒木大介, 稲津東彦, 河上洋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 205-205, 2022.

Japanese Article O005 (inner). One case of the transmucosal Schwann cellularity hamartoma (Mucosal Schwann cell hamartoma) which we were able to resect in ESD
宮原翔仁1), 宮ケ原典1), 杣田真一1), 清水俊吾1), 原真児登1), 奈須峻之1), 堀内敦史1), 鶴田悟1), 中園裕一2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 206-206, 2022.

Japanese Article O006 (inner). One case that received complete reefing using a traction device for base of ulcer after large large intestine tumor ESD more than 10cm
前原浩亮1), 近藤悠樹1), 大角真央1), 塩月一生1), 江崎充2), 福田慎一郎1), 國木康久1), 隅田頼信1), 秋穂裕唯1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 206-206, 2022.

Japanese Article O007 (inner). One case of appendiceal carcinoid tumor (NET-G2) which accepted lymph node metastases with internal calcification
加来寿光1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 森麻里母1), 田中健太郎1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 206-206, 2022.

Japanese Article O008 (inner). One case of the invagination of intestine due to the low grade of atypism appendix mucinous cysts which was able to evade emergency surgery by endoscopic reposition
笠伸大郎, 郡山隆志, 村上優太, 森山菜夏, 庄司裕佳子, 坂元孝光, 福田容久, 秋山和之, 仲道孝次, 飯田信也
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 206-206, 2022.

Japanese Article O009(内). A case of T1a (SM infiltration 0.3mm) colorectal cancer with liver metastasis 19 months after ESD
坂本圭1), 檜沢一興1), 王歓林2), 岡本康治1), 森麻里母1), 加来寿光1), 田中健太郎1), 伏見文良3), 鳥巣剛弘4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 207-207, 2022.

Japanese Article O010(消). A case of first-onset severe ulcerative colitis in an elderly patient with transverse colon cancer
永村良二, 久場弘子, 城間翔, 加藤航司, 樋口佳代子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 207-207, 2022.

Japanese Article O011(消). A case of fecal bowel obstruction with extensive colonic necrosis requiring multiple surgeries
矢山貴之1), 佐久間努1), 柿本忠俊2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 207-207, 2022.

Japanese Article O012(消). Ideal bowel movements learned from patients with intractable constipation and pit holes for constipation treatment
卜部繁俊, 北川瑞希, 吉村映美, 後藤貴史
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 207-207, 2022.

Japanese Article O013(消). Effects of biofeedback therapy on patients with rectocele
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 208-208, 2022.

Japanese Article O014 (inner). Invention (conversion and hand pressure of the right flank for on right decubitus) of the colonoscopic examination in the large intestine examination
仲道孝次, 森山菜夏, 笠伸大郎, 庄司裕佳子, 坂元孝光, 福田容久
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 208-208, 2022.

Japanese Article O015 (inner). One case of the asymptomatic endometriosis of intestine that we were able to diagnose in EUSFNA which went in the close inspection purpose of rectal mucous membrane lower tumor
江上弥之介1), 古賀毅彦1), 藤井陽三1), 犬尾和子1), 松元慶亮1), 北口恭規1), 土屋直壮1), 石田祐介1), 岡田浩樹2), 棟近太郎2), 濱田義浩3), 平井郁仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 208-208, 2022.

Japanese Article O016(消). A case of appendiceal endometriosis with complete intussusception
川口雄太1), 前川恭一郎1), 橋本敏章1), 北川瑞希2), 卜部繁俊2), 吉村映美2), 後藤貴史2), 力武美保子3), 岩田亨1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 208-208, 2022.

Japanese Article O017(消). A case of ulcerative colitis (UC)-associated gastroduodenitis after strangulation ileus surgery
大本佳奈1), 藤本敦1), 門脇義昂1), 齊藤宏和1), 多田修治1), 山根大侍2), 徳永竜馬2), 生田義明2), 横山幸生2), 浦田譲治3), 豊住康夫4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 209-209, 2022.

Japanese Article O018(消). A case of ulcerative colitis with intussusception after starting oral administration of Seidai
馬見塚大悟1), 野上鈴夏1), 中島昌利2), 中垣貴志1), 坂井良成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 209-209, 2022.

Japanese Article O019(消). A case of ulcerative colitis who developed drug-induced lung injury due to MMX-5ASA excipient allergy and maintained remission with 5ASA switch
檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 森麻里母1), 加来寿光1), 田中健太郎1), 鳥巣剛弘2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 209-209, 2022.

Japanese Article O020(消). A case of PR3-ANCA-positive 5-ASA-intolerant pancreatic ulcerative colitis with various clinical manifestations
志賀典子1), 丸山薫1), 西岡慧1), 岩佐勉1), 壁村哲平1), 伊原栄吉2,3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 209-209, 2022.

Japanese Article O021(消). A case of Crohn's disease who developed pulmonary injury induced by 5ASA excipient povidone and maintained remission with a non-containing generic switch
檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 森麻里母1), 加来寿光1), 田中健太郎1), 鳥巣剛弘2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 210-210, 2022.

Japanese Article O022 (inner). An example of appendix Crohn disease where a bloody bowel discharge was an opportunity of the consultation
米田暁, 千代永卓, 日隈ゆかり, 水田馨, 市川亮, 池邊賢一, 大矢雄希, 栗脇一三, 佐々木雅人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 210-210, 2022.

Japanese Article O023 (inner). An example of the primary jejunal cancer
野坂佳愛1), 長友寿朗1), 山口修輝2), 富原一貴2), 川地眸2), 半田瑞樹3), 安田大成3), 瀬戸明香4), 山砥茂也4), 小畑伸一郎5), 保利喜史1), 鳥巣剛弘6)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 210-210, 2022.

Japanese Article O024(消). A Case of Enteropathy-associated T-cell Lymphoma with Chronic Diarrhea
岩越友紀, 古庄雄一, 山岡哲秀, 岩崎肇, 庄野孝
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 210-210, 2022.

Japanese Article O025(消). A Case of Successful Treatment with Teduglutide for Short Bowel Syndrome Caused by Postoperative Complications
金城達也, 宮城良浩, 島袋鮎美, 上里安範, 中村陽二, 大野慎一郎, 狩俣弘幸, 高槻光寿
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 211-211, 2022.

Japanese Article O026(消). A case of Crohn's disease presenting with short bowel syndrome in which teduglutide was remarkably effective
高橋篤史1), 金城健2), 高野恵輔2), 安川重義2), 古賀章浩1), 高津典孝1), 久部高司2), 植木敏晴2), 八尾建史3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 211-211, 2022.

Japanese Article O027(消). A Case of Blind Loop Syndrome after Gastrectomy Caused by Repeated Anastomotic Stenosis
樋口和宏1), 池ノ上実1), 落合貴裕1), 野村信介1), 田代耕盛1), 河野文彰1), 武野慎祐1), 七島篤志1), 安倍弘生2), 河上洋2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 211-211, 2022.

Japanese Article O028(消). A case of accidental ingestion of multiple AAA batteries that could be removed by double-balloon enteroscopy
竹島翼, 吉武千香子, 内之倉弘和, 大崎智絵, 濱崎慎平, 松林江里子, 長田繁樹, 小森圭司, 小副川敬, 淀江賢太郎, 赤星和也, 久保川賢
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 211-211, 2022.

Japanese Article O029 (inner). One case of the large intestine carcinoma spongiosum which grew, and extended to a severe invasive cancer in a short term
坂本圭1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 森麻里母1), 加来寿光1), 田中健太郎1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 212-212, 2022.

Japanese Article O030(消). A Case of Neuroendocrine Marker-Positive Primary Appendicular Adenocarcinoma with Rapid Progression
加来寿光1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 森麻里母1), 田中健太郎1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 212-212, 2022.

Japanese Article O031 (inner). One case of the huge carcinoma mucoides that the development of the origin in the cecal diverticulum was thought about
松口崇央1), 今村壮志1), 高橋俊介1), 梅北慎也2), 木下伊寿美2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 212-212, 2022.

Japanese Article O032(消). Results of endoscopic stent placement for malignant stenosis of the colon at our hospital
市川亮, 米田暁, 日隈ゆかり, 水田馨, 池邊賢一, 千代永卓, 佐々木雅人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 212-212, 2022.

Japanese Article O033 (inner). The stent cutting remand technique that displacement accompanied with the large intestine stent additional custody to cancer of descending colon obstruction was given
森田宗新, 小森田駿介, 家城宇希人, 泉良寛
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 213-213, 2022.

Japanese Article O034 (inner). An example of the early cancer of esophagus with Epidermization
桑野徹1), 森田拓1), 江田誠1), 河野隆1), 荒木俊博1), 豊増靖1), 河野克俊1), 福森一太1), 坂田研二1), 鳥村拓司1), 川口巧2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 213-213, 2022.

Japanese Article O035(消). A Case of Esophageal Basaloid Cell Carcinoma Presenting with a Flat-surface Gross Morphology and Resectable Endoscopically
田中貴英1), 佐藤大晃1), 河野真一1), 中村滋郎1), 奥村幸彦2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 213-213, 2022.

Japanese Article O036(消). A case of mediastinal abscess after esophageal penetration by fish bone cured by thoracoscopic esophagectomy
河野隆1), 江田誠1), 桑野徹1), 荒木俊博1), 豊増靖1), 森田拓1), 河野克俊1), 福森一太1), 坂田研二1), 谷口寛子2), 谷脇慎一2), 佐々木晋2), 四方田隆任2), 村上直孝2), 鳥村拓司1), 川口巧3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 213-213, 2022.

Japanese Article O037 (inner). An example of the drug origin-related esophagitis, oesophageal stenosis which improvement was seen in by early intervention immediately
芥川加代, 岡田倫明, 渡邊聡, 後藤祐大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 214-214, 2022.

Japanese Article O038 (inner). One case who had lymph node mediastinal for left upper lobe of lung tumor that EUS-FNA contributed to the decision of the treatment strategy and the hepatic portal region lymphadenopathy
松田康里, 野口達矢, 中嶋哲也, 白神幹浩, 松室孝英, 相部祐希, 木下善博, 幸本達矢, 原田克則, 白井保之
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 214-214, 2022.

Japanese Article O039 (inner). One case of stomach pedunculated hamartomatous inverted polyp which we resected endoscopically
吉原崇正1), 小林広幸1), 大場未紀1), 久保倉尚哉1), 遠藤伸悟1), 池田文恵1), 大屋正文2), 恒吉正澄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 214-214, 2022.

Japanese Article O040(消). A Case of Gastric Large Cell Endocrine Cell Carcinoma
三根祥一郎1), 杉尾小百合1), 今村祥子1), 後藤高介1), 中島悠史郎1), 三浦史郎2), 西山仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 214-214, 2022.

Japanese Article O041 (inner). An example of the metastatic gastric cancer due to the infiltrating ductal carcinoma of non-indication
下村茉希1), 川口哲2), 北田英貴1), 竹熊与志1), 浦田孝広1), 南信弘1), 吉本和仁1), 植村昌代1), 竹熊梨祐1), 大塚郁弥1), 飽田博海1), 花園ゆりか1), 河野亮介1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 215-215, 2022.

Japanese Article O042(消). A case of gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumor with liver metastasis and marked hyperammonemia
木村俊一郎1), 野村忠洋1), 水田優実1), 石田智士1), 藤本峻1), 田中雄一郎1), 日野直之1), 山口太輔1), 有尾啓介1), 綱田誠司1), 田中賢一2), 桑代卓也2), 秋山巧2), 高橋宏和2), 安西慶三2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 215-215, 2022.

Japanese Article O043(消). A case of gastric GIST with PDGFRA gene mutation (D842V) and cystic morphology
濱崎慎平1), 小森圭司1), 小副川敬1), 久保川賢1), 田尻裕匡2), 平木由佳3), 大石善丈3), 山元英崇4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 215-215, 2022.

Japanese Article O044(消). Comparative study of laparoscopic joint local gastrectomy and laparoscopic local gastrectomy for gastric GIST
田尻拓哉1), 江藤弘二郎1), 岩上志朗1), 問端輔1), 大内繭子1), 小澄敬祐1), 小川克大1), 岩槻政晃1), 馬場祥史1), 宮本裕士1), 吉田直矢1), 馬場秀夫1), 山崎明2), 直江秀昭2), 田中靖人2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 215-215, 2022.

Japanese Article O045 (inner). An example of the fundic gland type gastric cancer which was available for a chase in the course of approximately ten years
宮山祐美子1), 川口哲1,2), 成田泰子1), 中原束1), 成田和美1), 明石隆吉1), 高柳聡1), 北田英貴2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 216-216, 2022.

Japanese Article O046 (inner). It is one case of the discovery early gastric cancer after the sanitization to think that the form of a tumor and the colonization style of redness dip lesion that we did changed by a change of the gastric acid environment
下森雄太1), 上尾哲也1), 照山直樹1), 坂東昌哉2), 山中昂紀1), 福井秀章1), 本田俊一郎1), 安部真琴1), 久保山雄介3), 垣迫陽子3), 本村充輝2), 成田竜一2), 村上和成4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 216-216, 2022.

Japanese Article O047 (inner). Intralesional traction-assisted endoscopic submucosal dissection for the early gastric cancer: ILT-ESD
稲田泰亮1), 江崎充1), 鈴木祐輔1), 蓑田洋介1), 荻野治栄1), 伊原栄吉1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 216-216, 2022.

Japanese Article O048(消). Nivolumab + chemotherapy combined treatment in the first-line treatment of gastric cancer in our hospital
福田慎一郎1), 近藤悠樹1), 前原浩亮1), 大角真央1), 横山梓1), 塩月一生1), 國木康久1), 隅田頼信1), 秋穂裕唯1), 佐藤栄一2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 216-216, 2022.

Japanese Article O049 (inner). Three cases of the stomach lipoma which showed a tendency to increase, and was given diagnostic medical treatment in gastric mucosa lower layer detachment technique (ESD)
山中昂紀1), 上尾哲也1), 照山直樹1), 坂東昌哉1), 下森雄太1), 福井秀章1), 本田俊一郎1), 久保山雄介2), 垣迫陽子2), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 217-217, 2022.

Japanese Article O050 (inner). One case of High-grade PanIN which they presented with a non-continuous pancreatic duct stenosis over time, and led to a diagnosis by consecutive pancreatic juice cytodiagnosis
大野健翔1), 泉良寛2), 小糸絢子1), 荒川大輔1), 泉見奈1), 持永崇惠1), 平岡昌晃1), 吉松眞一1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 217-217, 2022.

Japanese Article O051(消). A case of pancreatic head cancer that developed with acute pancreatitis and was difficult to diagnose
佐藤諒1), 高木亮1), 小橋川嘉泉1), 金城福則1), 仲吉朝邦1), 内間庸文1), 松川しのぶ1), 富里孔太1), 宮城泰雅1), 金城直2), 松崎晶子3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 217-217, 2022.

Japanese Article O052(消). A case of malignant afferent leg syndrome with pancreatic cancer recurrence successfully treated with endoscopic stent placement
肱岡真之, 久野晃聖, 森田祐輔, 李倫學, 田中ゆき, 杉本理恵, 古川正幸
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 217-217, 2022.

Japanese Article O053(消). Evaluation of usefulness of laparoscopic pancreatic resection for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
湯本信成, 林洋光, 中川茂樹, 上村将太, 金光紘介, 足立優樹, 田尻拓哉, 小川大輔, 松本嵩史, 白石裕大, 佐藤寛紀, 武末亨, 丸野正敬, 塚本雅代, 宮田辰徳, 美馬浩介, 新田英利, 馬場秀夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 218-218, 2022.

Japanese Article O054(消). Usefulness and safety of laparoscopic surgery in pancreatic body and tail resection for pancreatic cancer
足立優樹, 林洋光, 上村将太, 金光紘介, 塚本雅代, 宮田辰徳, 美馬浩介, 中川茂樹, 新田英利, 馬場秀夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 218-218, 2022.

Japanese Article O055(消). A study on short-term surgical outcomes of biliary reconstruction in minimally invasive surgery
金光紘介, 林洋光, 宮田辰徳, 上村将太, 足立優樹, 塚本雅代, 中川茂樹, 美馬浩介, 新田英利, 馬場秀夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 218-218, 2022.

Japanese Article O056(消). A case of IgG4-associated cholangitis for which preoperative diagnosis was difficult
郡山隆志, 森山菜夏, 笠伸大郎, 庄司裕佳子, 福田容久, 坂元孝光, 中道考次, 飯田信也
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 218-218, 2022.

Japanese Article O057(消). A case of IgG4-associated autoimmune pancreatitis with multiple tumors
糸島尚1), 山邊聡1), 上川健太郎1), 浦田淳資1), 上原正義1), 神尾多喜浩2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 219-219, 2022.

Japanese Article O058 (inner). The current situation of electric water pressure shock wave lithodialysis technique (EHL) for the pancreatic calculus in our hospital
中村義孝1), 岩下祐司1), 山里侑1), 山口天慶1), 竹中嵩博1), 喜山甲菜2), 児玉朋子2), 田嶋修三1), 川平正博2), 軸屋賢一1), 中澤潤一2), 那須雄一郎1), 玉井努1), 堀剛1), 樋之口真3), 橋元慎一3), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 219-219, 2022.

Japanese Article O059 (inner). Three cases of the acute occlusive purulent pancreatic duct flame which we showed after ERCP
日野直之, 野村忠洋, 水田優実, 木村俊一郎, 石田智士, 藤本峻, 田中雄一郎, 山口太輔, 有尾啓介, 綱田誠司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 219-219, 2022.

Japanese Article O060(消). A Case of Pancreatic Metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma with Positive Somatostatin Receptor Scintigraphy
牛嶋真也1), 久木山直貴1), 浦本有記子1), 吉成元宏1), 階子俊平1), 岡崎菜紗2), 中川茂樹3), 林洋光3), 馬場秀夫3), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 219-219, 2022.

Japanese Article O061 (inner). It is one patient with suspected recurrence for multiple metastases after the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor technique in the 15th year
上野茂紀1), 冨口純1), 本原利彦1), 階子俊平2), 田中靖人2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 220-220, 2022.

Japanese Article O062(消). A Case of Japanese Schistosomiasis Diagnosed During Hepatocellular Carcinoma Resection
山村定弘1), 白石花織1), 中曽根豊1), 荒川大輔2), 吉松眞一2), 猪山賢一3), 林奈留美4), 伊牟田真功4), 平井俊範4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 220-220, 2022.

Japanese Article O063 (inner). One patient who repeated cholangitis by idiopathic gallbladder bleeding
阪口真千, 山元勝悟, 馬込省吾
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 220-220, 2022.

Japanese Article O064 (inner). One case of choledochocele which provided endoscopic treatment for choler pancreatic juice congestion
水田馨1), 千代永卓1), 米田暁1), 黒岩朋裕2), 日隈ゆかり1), 市川亮1), 池邊賢一1), 佐々木雅人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 220-220, 2022.

Japanese Article O065 (inner). An example of papillosity pipe-formed tumor (IAPN) in the ampulla which we were able to diagnose by endoscopic papillectomy
安部高志1), 永井敬之1), 三毛門和彦1), 三戸優花1), 寺師尚平1), 峯崎大輔1), 中嶋宏1), 大河原均1), 近藤能行2), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 221-221, 2022.

Japanese Article O066(消). Three cases of refractory hepatic pleural effusion for which an ultrasound contrast medium was useful for diagnosing fistula in diaphragmatic communication disease
工藤康一1), 豊田俊徳1), 糸島尚1), 上原正義1), 中尾陽佑2), 富安真二朗2), 牛嶋真也3), 新田英利4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 221-221, 2022.

Japanese Article O067 (inner). Treatment result of Underwater EMR for superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum tumor in our hospital
安部高志1), 永井敬之1), 三毛門和彦1), 三戸優花1), 寺師尚平1), 峯崎大輔1), 中嶋宏1), 大河原均1), 近藤能行2), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 221-221, 2022.

Japanese Article O068 (inner). An example of the early duodenal cancer that we resected in LECS
平田敬1), 永田豊1), 本下潤一2), 大草響1), 太田佳奈美1), 山田大輔3), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 221-221, 2022.

Japanese Article O069 (inner). One case of the duodenal Brunner's glands hamartoma which we resected in EMR
山邊聡1), 糸島尚1), 古川歩生1), 須古信一郎1), 江口洋之1), 吉田健一1), 神尾多喜浩2), 上原正義1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 222-222, 2022.

Japanese Article O070 (inner). One case of the pedunculated duodenal lipoma which we resected by the endoscopic mucosal resection that used the custody snare together
北田英貴, 竹熊与志, 浦田孝広, 南信弘, 吉本和仁, 下村茉希, 植村昌代, 竹熊梨祐, 大塚郁弥, 飽田博海, 花園ゆりか, 河野亮介
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 222-222, 2022.

Japanese Article O071 (inner). One case of the congenital duodenal membrane-like constriction given endoscopic fonticulus nasi excision using the clip with the thread
久場弘子1), 城間翔1), 永村良二1), 樋口佳代子2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 222-222, 2022.

Japanese Article O072 (inner). Two cases of the stomach accessory pancreas which we showed it any place other than the antrum of stomach of the predilection department and were able to diagnose in EUS-FNA
北口恭規, 石田祐介, 松元慶亮, 古賀毅彦, 土屋直壮, 柴田衛, 能丸遼平, 今給黎宗, 山嶋友実, 久能宣昭, 石橋英樹, 船越禎広, 芦塚伸也, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 222-222, 2022.

Japanese Article O073 (inner). One case of the acalculous cholecystitis that it was thought that it was caused by tumor (BilIN: Biliary intraepithelial neoplasia) in the bile duct epithelium
池邊賢一, 千代永卓, 米田暁, 日隈ゆかり, 水田馨, 市川亮, 林田信太郎, 栗林一三, 佐々木雅人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 223-223, 2022.

Japanese Article O074(消). A case in which the narrow distal segment was severely tortuous and tortuous, making transpapillary treatment difficult, and common bile duct stones were removed by the rendezvous method from the remnant cystic duct.
門脇義昂1), 藤本敦1), 大本佳奈1), 齊藤宏和1), 多田修治1), 山根大侍2), 徳永竜馬2), 生田義明2), 横山幸生2), 浦田譲治3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 223-223, 2022.

Japanese Article O075(消). A case of pseudoaneurysm after placement of a biliary stent with an anti-reflux valve
木下慶亮, 力丸真理奈, 渕野貴文, 平下有香, 岡本和久, 福田健介, 小川竜, 水上一弘, 沖本忠義, 兒玉雅明, 村上和成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 223-223, 2022.

Japanese Article O076 (inner). It is a risk of the pancreatitis after ERCP of the non-cholangitis in the choledocholithiasis that we examined from the viewpoint of young person upbringing vs. cholangitis case
齊藤宏和1), 藤本敦1), 大本佳奈1), 門脇義昂1), 岩越友紀2), 岩崎肇2), 門野義弘3), 庄野孝2), 上川健太郎4), 上原正義4), 浦田淳資4), 浦田譲治5), 多田修治1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 223-223, 2022.

Japanese Article O077(消). Two Cases of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Successfully Hemostasis Using Purestat
西岡慧1), 丸山薫1), 志賀典子1), 岩佐勉1), 壁村哲平1), 伊原栄吉2,3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 224-224, 2022.

Japanese Article O078(消). A case of hemorrhagic shock due to hemorrhage from the right gastroepiploic artery that was saved by interventional radiology
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 224-224, 2022.

Japanese Article O079(消). A case of ruptured pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysm caused by median arcuate ligament compression syndrome
前田大樹, 工藤康一, 古川歩生, 糸島尚, 山邊聡, 上川健太郎, 上原正義
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 224-224, 2022.

Japanese Article O080(消). A Case of Mixed Dementia with Successful IVR for Hyperammonemia Caused by Superior Mesenteric Vein-Right Ovarian Vein Shunt
山口紘輝, 小屋有代, 二ッ矢浩一郎, 竹下洋平, 丸野裕季, 花田駿, 興梠征典
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 224-224, 2022.

Japanese Article O081 (消). A case of hemorrhagic duodenal ulcer with suspected irAE after administration of ipilimumab/nivolumab for renal cancer
野上鈴夏1), 馬見塚大悟1), 中島昌利2), 蔵野宗太郎2), 中垣貴志1), 坂井良成1), 陣内良映3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 225-225, 2022.

Japanese Article O082(消). A case of retroperitoneal Rosai-Dorfman disease
林奈留美1), 伊牟田真功1), 河中功一1), 野坂生郷2), 本田由美3), 三上芳喜3), 平井俊範1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 225-225, 2022.

Japanese Article O083(消). A Case of Splenic Angiosarcoma Triggered by Intraperitoneal Hemorrhage
横田康宏1), 森口直哉1), 井上泰平1), 荒木裕至1), 平井俊範2), 米田暁3), 日隈ゆかり3), 水田馨3), 市川亮3), 池邊賢一3), 千代永卓3), 佐々木雅人3), 森永剛司4), 林田信太郎4), 井上光弘4), 栗脇一三5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 225-225, 2022.

Japanese Article O084(消). A case of BRAF gene mutation-positive colorectal cancer for which chemotherapy was successful and conversion therapy was possible
堀尾高任, 福林光太郎, 山鹿慎也, 今給黎瑛子, 松下寛, 池端彰子, 本田秀和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 225-225, 2022.

Japanese Article O085 (inner). One case of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) enterocolitis complicated with acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer symptom (AHRU)
加来寿光1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 森麻里母1), 田中健太郎1), 鳥巣剛弘2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 226-226, 2022.

Japanese Article O086(消). A case of refractory CD enteritis for which bezlotoxumab was effective in preventing recurrence
石川裕太郎1), 米澤瑛美1), 永友宏史1), 山路卓巳1), 山本章二朗2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 226-226, 2022.

Japanese Article O087(消). Two cases of inflammatory pseudotumor with peculiar ultrasonographic findings and extrahepatic perforation during the course
柴田倫子1), 具嶋敏文1), 米田玲子2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 226-226, 2022.

Japanese Article O088(消). A case of ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma in a young woman with non-B, non-C, non-cirrhosis
佐々木大尭1), 石井将太郎1), 杉和洋1), 中田成紀1), 松山太一1), 向坂健佑1), 志茂田美紀1), 松田暖1), 山本祐弥1), 宮成信友2), 柳田恵理子3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 226-226, 2022.

Japanese Article O089(消). Examination of the background of hepatocellular carcinoma in our hospital
中田成紀, 杉和洋, 石井将太郎, 松山太一, 向坂健佑, 志茂田美紀, 佐々木大尭, 松田暖, 山本祐弥
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 227-227, 2022.

Japanese Article O090(消). A case of multiple pulmonary metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma with good progress by administration of lenvatinib and high-precision stereotactic radiotherapy
柚留木秀人, 宮瀬志保, 三浦浩美, 束野奈津己, 藤山重俊
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 227-227, 2022.

Japanese Article O091(消). A case of conversion hepatectomy after atezolizumab + bevacizumab therapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with lung metastasis
福永篤志1), 高田和英1), 伊藤心二2), 永田貴大1), 宮山隆志1), 山内涼1), 福田洋美1), 梅田かおる1), 田中崇1), 横山圭二1), 釈迦堂敏1), 吉住朋晴2), 平井郁仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 227-227, 2022.

Japanese Article O092(消). Study of atezolizumab/bevacizumab therapy in our hospital
新垣伸吾1), 黒島洋平2), 潮平朝成2), 志喜屋好令2), 城間磨裕実1), 富田有香1), 盛島明丈2), 瑞慶山隆太2), 桑江聡1), 古賀絵莉香2), 嵩原小百合2), 大石有衣子2), 田端そうへい1), 宮里公也2), 溜田茂仁2), 大平哲也2), 伊良波淳1), 金城徹2), 前城達次1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 227-227, 2022.

Japanese Article O093(消). A case of acute hepatitis E
高木孝太1), 宮島一郎1), 高木浩史1), 桑原朝子1), 南野隆一1), 福田道隆1), 川口巧2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 228-228, 2022.

Japanese Article O094(消). A case of acute hepatitis C that was difficult to treat
竹内彰教1), 荒木紀匡1), 小薗雅哉1), 小田耕平2), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 228-228, 2022.

Japanese Article O095(消). A case of acute exacerbation of chronic hepatitis C caused by liver injury during adjuvant chemotherapy after surgery for breast cancer
冨口純, 上野茂紀, 本原利彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 228-228, 2022.

Japanese Article O096(消). A case of type C decompensated liver cirrhosis with HCV RNA repositivity after SVR48 was obtained by DAA therapy
宇都浩文1), 矢田崇純1), 稲田由紀子1), 村山貴信1), 和田俊介1), 永野元章1), 馬渡誠一2), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 228-228, 2022.

Japanese Article O097(消). Relationship between the degree of hepatic fibrosis and inflammation and prognosis in patients with viral hepatitis who underwent primary hepatectomy for HCC
武末亨1), 美馬浩介1), 今井克憲2), 小川大輔1), 湯本信成1), 松本嵩史1), 白石裕大1), 佐藤寛紀1), 丸野正敬1), 武山秀晶1), 塚本雅代1), 宮田辰徳1), 中川茂樹1), 新田英利1), 林洋光1), 近本亮1), 馬場秀夫1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 229-229, 2022.

Japanese Article O098(消). A case study of liver dysfunction due to EBV reactivation after vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
大森薫, 末廣侑大, 木本喬博, 廣島康子, 安部雄治, 梅野成大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 229-229, 2022.

Japanese Article O099(消). A case of mixed liver cancer with various irAEs such as hemophagocytic syndrome caused by atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy
楠本周平, 楢原哲史, 稲田浩気, 田中健太郎, 蔵野宗太郎, 徳永尭之, 吉丸洋子, 長岡克弥, 渡邊丈久, 瀬戸山博子, 立山雅邦, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 229-229, 2022.

Japanese Article O100(消). Three cases of hypopituitarism after atezorizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
森山悦子, 新関敬, 城野智毅, 下瀬茂男, 岩本英希, 中野聖士, 野田悠, 蒲池直紀, 黒松亮子, 古賀浩徳, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 229-229, 2022.

Japanese Article O101(消). A Case of Malignant Melanoma with Protracted Liver Injury Caused by Combination Therapy with Nivolumab and Ipilimumab
蔵野宗太郎, 田中健太郎, 稲田浩気, 楢原哲史, 徳永尭之, 吉丸洋子, 長岡克弥, 渡邊丈久, 瀬戸山博子, 立山雅邦, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 230-230, 2022.

Japanese Article O102 (消). An exploratory study of the optimal noninvasive marker for picking up nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
廣田悠治, 横山圭二, 石橋淳子, 永田貴大, 宮山隆志, 柴田久美子, 福田洋美, 山内涼, 梅田かおる, 福永篤志, 高田和英, 田中崇, 釈迦堂敏, 向坂彰太郎, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 230-230, 2022.

Japanese Article O103 (消). Examination of the effects of pemafibrate on liver function in patients with fatty liver combined with hypertriglyceridemia
宮山隆志1), 横山圭二1), 永田貴大1), 柴田久美子1), 福田洋美1), 山内涼1), 梅田かおる1), 福永篤志1), 高田和英1), 田中崇1), 釈迦堂敏1), 向坂彰太郎2), 平井郁仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 230-230, 2022.

Japanese Article O104 (消). Two cases of the idiopathic rapidly progressive fatty liver treated effectively with pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy
永田貴大, 高田和英, 宮山隆志, 柴田久美子, 福田洋美, 山内涼, 梅田かおる, 福永篤志, 田中崇, 横山圭二, 釈迦堂敏, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (120): 230-230, 2022.