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The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 121 / 2023
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Future greetings to make with the 121st Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Kyushu Branch regular meeting discussion
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 2-2, 2023.

Japanese Article Future greetings to make with the 115th Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Kyushu Branch regular meeting discussion
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 3-3, 2023.

Japanese Article From functional diversity - fundamental researches of the disease-specific macrophage to clinical drug discovery -
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 65-65, 2023.

Japanese Article Pathological diagnosis of ulcerative colitis-related tumor
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 66-66, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-01 (消). Working style of female doctors who are raising children in gastrointestinal medicine, issues of support for returning to work, and future issues
具嶋亮介1,2), 田山紗代子1), 浦本有記子1), 瀬戸山博子1), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 69-69, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-02 (消). Current Status and Issues of Working Styles at Secondary Emergency Designated Hospitals with Many Women
鶴田紗奈江, 成瀬尚美, 山崎智子, 松浦聡子, 岩根紳治
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 69-69, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-01 (消). Investigation of extension status of band attached to mouthpiece in endoscope
石村徳彦1), 馬場禎浩1), 安養寺美会子1), 蓑田洋介2), 藤岡審2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-02 (inner). Efforts of the time-out in the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
波多江つばさ1), 緒方静子1), 蒲原伸子1), 原田英美1), 植木敏晴2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-03 (消). An attempt to improve the referral rate of preoperative test-positive patients in cooperation with ophthalmology
今泉龍之介1), 磯田広史1), 矢田ともみ2), 西村知久3), 高橋宏和1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-04 (消). Result of the follow-up system of the hepatitis virus-positive person by the cooperation with the hepatitis medical care coordinator
鈴木美羽1), 大園芳範2), 松澤伸治1), 和田徹也1), 永田賢治2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-05 (消). Continuous, step-by-step multi-professional support for abstinence and reduction alcohol for alcoholic liver disease - Efforts at a single medical institution -
田中薫1), 福田貴博1,4), 江口有一郎2), 江口尚久1), 高橋宏和3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-06 (消). Introduction of exercise habits by "exercising while doing exercise" for patients with non-alcoholic liver disease who do not have exercise habits
倉永政男1), 佐藤圭1), 山元透江1), 江口有一郎1), 高橋宏和2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-07 (消). Efforts of the Lenvatinib side effect supporting program introduction for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
古野龍也1), 緒方健二1), 井上香2), 高橋宏和2), 島ノ江千里1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-08 (消). Frailty improvement effects and issues in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma by introduction of system additions such as maintenance and improvement of ADL
神谷俊次1), 斎藤弘道1), 松瀬博夫1,2), 平岡弘二2), 川口巧3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-09 (消). Significance of total care by hepatitis medical coordinator consisting of various occupations who contribute to long-term multidisciplinary liver cancer treatment
友添雅史, 右近麻衣子, 松本美さと, 矢田ともみ, 米澤敦子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 75-75, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-01 (消). Characteristics of patients who achieved CR with multidisciplinary treatment using hepatic arterial injection chemotherapy and Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab combination therapy
新関敬, 下瀬茂男, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 79-79, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-02 (消). Significance of the local treatment combination in the liver cancer medical therapy (About LEN-TACE therapy)
佐々木龍, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 79-79, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-03 (消). The prognostic impact of first-line therapy and local treatment in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
徳永尭之, 立山雅邦, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 79-79, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-04 (消). Exploring the characteristics of conversion cases in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
大穂有恒1,6), 荒武良総2,6), 東夕喜3,6), 上田哲弘4,6), 杉本理恵5,6)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 79-79, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-05 (消). Multidisciplinary treatment of drug therapy and liver resection for borderline hepatocellular carcinoma
伊藤心二, 長尾吉泰, 吉屋匠平, 冨野高広, 吉住朋晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 80-80, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-06 (消). Examination of Conversion surgery using the liver arterial infusion chemotherapy for the unresectable local progress hepatocellular carcinoma
後藤祐一, 酒井久宗, 福冨章悟, 赤司昌謙, 久下亨
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 80-80, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-07 (消). A Trial of Multidisciplinary Treatment with Preoperative Chemotherapy and Liver Resection with Lenvatinib - Hepatic Arterial Chemoembolization Combination Therapy (LEN-TACE) in our department
和田幸之, 釘山統太, 野村頼子, 龍知記, 高見裕子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 80-80, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-08 (消). Multidisciplinary treatment strategy using immune checkpoint inhibitors/molecularly targeted drugs for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
曽山明彦, 原貴信, 松島肇, 足立智彦, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 80-80, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-09 (消). Low invasive hepatectomy in Conversion surgery for the progress hepatocellular carcinoma
酒井久宗1), 後藤祐一1), 新関敬2), 古賀浩徳2), 久下亨1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 81-81, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-10 (消). Is the local treatment effective for long-term survival of the unresectable pancreatic cancer? What we learn from long-term survivor.
李倫學, 肱岡真之, 森田祐輔, 田中ゆき, 久野晃聖
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 81-81, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-11 (消). Treatment result of the conversion surgery for the unresectable biliary cancer
島垣智成1), 杉町圭史1), 杉本理恵2), 森田勝3), 藤也寸志3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 81-81, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-01 (消). Verification of simple screening method for sarcopenia in chronic liver disease
原なぎさ, 今泉龍之介, 高橋宏和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 85-85, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-02 (消). Relationship between blood ammonia levels and obesity in outpatient liver disease patients
澤健一, 山道忍, 山島美緒, 長田和義, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 85-85, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-03 (消). Usefulness of zinc replacement therapy for hypozincemia in chronic liver disease
福田洋美, 横山圭二, 釈迦堂敏, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 85-85, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-04 (消). Liver fibrosis and cardiovascular risk in Lean-MAFLD: Significance of impaired glucose tolerance
堤翼, 中野暖, 佐野有哉, 天野恵介, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 85-85, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-05 (消). Clinical features and significance of the fatty liver in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
坂江遥, 小田耕平, 小牧祐雅, 上村修司, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 86-86, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-06 (消). Investigation of usefulness in predicting NAFLD of PGE2 receptor EP4 nucleotide polymorphism in PNPLA3 non-risk group
渡邊丈久1), 鬼木健太郎2), 猿渡淳二2), 立山雅邦1), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 86-86, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-07 (消). Examination of usefulness of extracellular vesicles (EV) as minimally invasive biomarkers for NAFLD patients
中尾康彦, 福島真典, 三馬聡, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 86-86, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-01 (消). Significance of the rise in HbA1c value in the pancreatic cancer diagnosis
久木山直貴, 牛嶋真也, 浦木有記子, 吉成元宏, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 89-89, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-02 (inner). Examination of the case that we had only pancreatic duct expansion pointed out by abdominal ultrasonography of the examination and evaluated with ultrasonic endoscope
山内拓真, 樋之口真, 田ノ上史郎, 橋元慎一, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 89-89, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-03 (消). Current status of pancreatic cancer early diagnosis project aimed at picking up high risk group of pancreatic cancer in our hospital
森英輝, 與那原究, 石原健二, 座覇修
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 89-89, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-04 (inner). Clinicopathologic examination of diameter 10mm or less pancreatic tumor that we experienced in our hospital
島松裕1), 岡部義信1), 内藤嘉紀2), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 89-89, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-05 (消). Current status of pancreatic cancer treatment in our department
小川宗一郎, 河上洋, 田村穂高, 内山尚美, 大園芳範
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 90-90, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-06 (消). Examination of the clinicopathologic characteristic of the pancreas in situ cancer which we experienced in our hospital
高木亮1), 佐藤諒1), 小橋川嘉泉1), 伊志嶺朝成2), 松崎晶子3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 90-90, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-07 (消). Usefulness of pancreatic juice cytology test for preoperative diagnosis of microscopic pancreatic cancer
佐上亮太1,2), 錦織英史1), 佐藤孝生1), 水上一弘1,2), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 90-90, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-08 (消). Examination of 30 IPMN-related surgery cases in our hospital
木下英幸, 山本真也, 古川淳一郎, 楠元大岳, 新原亨
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 90-90, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-09 (消). Results of the ramified IPMN follow-up in our hospital
嶋倉茜, 小澤栄介, 森智崇, 高橋孝輔, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 91-91, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-10 (inner). Results of consecutive pancreatic juice cytodiagnosis (SPACE) of our hospital for the IPMN-related pancreatic cancer
池田智成, 岡村卓真, 長田和義, 宮崎修, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 91-91, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-11 (消). Strategy for pancreatic masses difficult to diagnose by initial EUS-guided tissue sampling
大野彰久1), 藤森尚1), 長友周三郎2), 蓑田洋介1), 植田圭二郎1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 91-91, 2023.

Japanese Article S4-01 (消). Examination of current status of 5-ASA intolerance and treatment progress in patients with ulcerative colitis in our hospital
武富啓展, 鶴岡ななえ, 坂田資尚, 島村拓弥, 江崎幹宏
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 95-95, 2023.

Japanese Article S4-02 (消). Outcome of the 5-ASA intolerance case in the ulcerative colitis
山内大夢1), 久米井伸介1), 渡邊龍之1), 芳川一郎2), 原田大1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 95-95, 2023.

Japanese Article S4-03 (inner). Examination about the 5-ASA intolerance in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
小坂聡太郎1,2), 高橋晴彦1), 水上一弘1), 村上和成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 95-95, 2023.

Japanese Article S4-04 (inner). Examination about a short term of the Vedolizumab for the ulcerative colitis and the long-term efficacy
酒見亮介, 橋本崇, 平野昭和, 松岡弘樹, 宗祐人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 95-95, 2023.

Japanese Article S4-05 (消). Investigation of clinical factors affecting medium- to long-term efficacy and administration continuation rate of Vedolizumab for refractory ulcerative colitis
西俣伸亮, 濱元ひとみ, 家守雅大, 平川あさみ, 鮫島由規則
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 96-96, 2023.

Japanese Article S4-06 (消). Treatment result of the new JAK inhibitor for the ulcerative colitis in our hospital
鶴田耕三1,2), 森田俊1,2), 吉岡慎一郎1,2), 竹田津英稔1,2), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 96-96, 2023.

Japanese Article S4-07 (消). Usage status of JAK inhibitors (Tofacitinib, Filgotinib) for ulcerative colitis in our hospital
三雲博行1), 安川重義2), 高津典孝1), 久部高司2), 八尾建史3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 96-96, 2023.

Japanese Article S4-08 (消). Experience of using JAK inhibitors in our department
松野雄一1), 梅野淳嗣1), 森山智彦1,2), 鳥巣剛弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 96-96, 2023.

Japanese Article S4-09 (消). Treatment results of biologics for elderly patients with inflammatory bowel disease in our department
能丸遼平, 久能宣昭, 船越禎広, 芦塚伸也, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 97-97, 2023.

Japanese Article S4-10 (消). Examination of usefulness and safety of biologics for pediatric Crohn's disease patients
前田将久, 田中啓仁, 小牧祐雅, 上村修司, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 97-97, 2023.

Japanese Article S4-11 (消). Endoscopic surveillance for the ulcerative colitis to think about from a surgery case
佛坂正幸, 新名一郎, 樋口茂輝, 黒木直哉, 岩村威志
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 97-97, 2023.

Japanese Article S4-12 (消). Correlation of MR enterography and endoscopic activity in the small intestine stenosis lesion of the Crohn's disease
中島昌利1), 古田陽輝1), 林奈留美2), 伊牟田真功2), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 97-97, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-01 (消). The condition of a patient elucidation of esophageal achalasia using human clinical specimens
池田浩子1), 伊原栄吉1,2), 畑佳孝1), 和田将史1), 小川佳宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 101-101, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-02 (消). Examination of the anti-inflammatory effect of the Arginase 2-Spermidine pathway in experimental colitis
今津愛介, 横手章人, 川崎啓祐, 梅野淳嗣, 鳥巣剛弘
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 101-101, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-03 (消). Investigation on effect predictors of anti-TNF-α antibody preparations for inflammatory bowel disease
今給黎宗, 久能宣昭, 船越禎広, 芦塚伸也, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 101-101, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-04 (消). Relationship between epithelial-mesenchymal transition and epitranscriptome in tumor immunity in gastrointestinal cancer and future prospects
土橋賢司1), 馬場英司2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 101-101, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-05 (消). Comprehensive analysis of the cancer genome profiling test result of the colorectal cancer case
主藤朝也1,2), 藤吉健司1), 長主祥子1,3), 吉田武史1), 藤田文彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 102-102, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-06 (消). Elucidation of the pathogenesis of primary biliary cholangitis by genome-wide association analysis
相葉佳洋1), 植野和子2), 人見祐基2), 小森敦正1,3), 中村稔1,3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 102-102, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-07 (消). Molecular biologic role of α-fetoprotein in hepatocarcinogenesis after C type chronic liver disease SVR
長岡克弥, 立山雅邦, 楢原哲史, 渡邊丈久, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 102-102, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-08 (消). The effect that Glycoprotein Nonmetastatic Melanoma Protein B (GPNMB) in the cancer microenvironment gives for liver cancer extension
熊谷公太郎, 小田耕平, 馬渡誠一, 上村修司, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 102-102, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-09 (消). Elucidation of the effects of molecular targeted drugs against hepatocellular carcinoma on the tumor immune microenvironment
鈴木浩之, 岩本英希, 古賀浩徳, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 103-103, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-01 (消). Efforts to the hepatitis C destruction in the area
山崎一美1), 田中敏己2), 八橋弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 107-107, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-02 (消). Efforts to eradicate hepatitis C in dialysis facilities - Approach to clinical engineers -
遠藤美月1), 荒川光江1), 岩尾正雄1), 是永匡紹2), 村上和成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 107-107, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-03 (消). The liver function change after the DAA treatment SVR long-term course in compensated cirrhosis and examination about the aggravation factor
小川栄一, 河野聡, 大穂有恒, 中牟田誠, 林純
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 107-107, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-04 (消). Hepatic reserve and prognosis after treatment with Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir for decompensated cirrhosis type C : a multicenter study
佐野有哉1,2), 横山圭二3), 磯田広史4), 井出達也1,2,5), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 107-107, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-05 (消). Examination of carcinogenesis rate after SVR in chronic hepatitis C and follow-up stratification after SVR
三馬聡1), 宮明寿光1), 松崎寿久2), 市川辰樹3), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 108-108, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-06 (消). Examination of hepatic carcinogenesis and carcinogenic risk after DAA treatment in the prefecture
小牧優里, 大園芳範, 中村憲一, 蓮池悟, 永田賢治
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 108-108, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-07 (消). Examination of carcinogenesis and the vital prognosis after the DAA treatment in the HCC history case
馬渡誠一, 熊谷公太郎, 椨一晃, 小田耕平, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 108-108, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-08 (消). Development of extrahepatic malignancy after SVR by interferon and DAA therapy
本間雄一, 柴田道彦, 草永真志, 阿部慎太郎, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 108-108, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-09 (消). Examination about the form at carcinogenesis in the viral liver disease
三浦浩美, 宮瀬志保, 柚留木秀人, 束野奈津己, 藤山秀俊
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 109-109, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-10 (消). Approach for the HBV reactivation prevention using the electronic medical chart alert system
渡邊丈久1), 吉丸洋子2), 瀬戸山博子1,2), 田中靖人1,2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 109-109, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-01 (消). Role of aldehyde breath test in the medical care of pharyngeal and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
佐々木文郷, 小田耕平, 前田英仁, 上村修司, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 113-113, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-02 (inner). An association between recurrence and neotype MAFLD of the fatty liver after the endoscopic treatment for the squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus: Multicenter study
福永秀平, 向笠道太, 中根智幸, 岡部義信, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 113-113, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-03 (inner). About the comparison in approximately validity and ESD/EMR guidelines on endoscopic treatment for the Clinical MM-SM1 squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus
脇幸太郎1), 宮本英明1), 具嶋亮介1), 馬場祥史2), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 113-113, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-04 (inner). Examination of the fundic gland type gastric cancer given endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique (ESD)
森田拓1), 荒木俊博1), 島松一秀3), 大圃研4), 川口巧2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 113-113, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-05 (消). Thoracoscopic-Endoscopic combined Surgery with submucosal tunnelingmethod - A new treatment for esophageal submucosal tumors
峯彩子1), 南ひとみ1), 猪股寛子1), 金高賢悟2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 114-114, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-06 (inner). Usefulness of the fluorescence clip method in front of the art for the gastric mucosa lower mass
長友周三郎1), 蓑田洋介1), 梅北慎也1), 太田光彦2), 伊原栄吉1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 114-114, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-07 (inner). Experience of endoscopic hand-sewn stitch (EHS) after stomach ESD using needle carrier SutuArt for the soft endoscope
岡村卓真, 池田智成, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 114-114, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-08 (inner). Invention of usefulness and the snare ring of EMRO (EMR with Over-the-scope dip) for gastrointestinal tumor
南真平1,2), 向笠道太1,2), 岡部義信1,2), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 114-114, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-09 (inner). Examination of ESD for duodenal non-Vater's papilla tumor in our hospital and D-LECS
橋口慶一1,2), 山口直之1), 大仁田賢3), 金高賢悟4), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 115-115, 2023.

Japanese Article W4-01 (inner). Examination of the afterbleeding in the endoscopic treatment for the polyp of colon
平野昭和1), 大津健聖1), 児嶋宏晃1), 宗祐人1), 森光洋介2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 119-119, 2023.

Japanese Article W4-02 (inner). Current situation and problem ... of the under water EMR - our hospital for large intestine tumor
山崎明, 宮本英明, 具嶋亮介, 直江秀昭, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 119-119, 2023.

Japanese Article W4-03 (inner). Treatment result of Underwater EMR for the large intestine epithelial neoplasm
八坂達尚1), 久部高司1), 大津健聖1), 二村聡3), 八尾建史2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 119-119, 2023.

Japanese Article W4-04 (inner). Attempt of Underwater precutting EMR as large intestine tumor vs. the new endoscopic treatment option to do
塩月一生, 隅田頼信, 大角真央, 福田慎一郎, 秋穂裕唯
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 119-119, 2023.

Japanese Article W4-05 (inner). Comparison of CS-EMR and ESD for SSL 15mm in diameter or more
下森雄太1), 上尾哲也1), 照山直樹2), 本田俊一郎1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 120-120, 2023.

Japanese Article W4-06 (inner). About usefulness of the RDI combination in large intestine ESD
軸屋賢一1,2), 那須雄一郎1,2), 堀剛1), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 120-120, 2023.

Japanese Article W4-07 (inner). Treatment result of ESD for large intestine tumor extending to ileum of our hospital
前田英仁, 佐々木文郷, 上原翔平, 矢野弘樹, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 120-120, 2023.

Japanese Article W4-08 (inner). Use experience of the new traction device (multi-point traction device) in endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique (ESD) for large intestine tumor
岡村卓真, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 120-120, 2023.

Japanese Article W4-09 (inner). Invention using the multi-loop traction device in the endoscopic treatment for large intestine tumor
稲田泰亮, 江崎充, 梅北慎也, 稲村和紀, 伊原栄吉
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 121-121, 2023.

Japanese Article W4-10 (inner). About the CSC (clip stopper closure) law that it becomes possible to close the custody snare in the reefing after ESD effectively
濱田匠平, 佐々木泰介, 吉村大輔, 原田直彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 121-121, 2023.

Japanese Article The latest knowledge of the medical therapy for the hepatocellular carcinoma
岩本英希1, 古賀浩徳1,2, 川口巧1
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 125-125, 2023.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and the handling of the pancreatic cyst-related lesion
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 126-126, 2023.

Japanese Article It is ... until problems after the sanitization from problems - infection diagnosis of the Helicobacter pylori infection
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 127-127, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 01 (消). One case that caused irAE colitis during CF+ Pembrolizumab therapy administration for unresectable cancer of the esophagus
行徳成敬1), 田中俊光2,3), 三輪啓介3,4), 長主祥子3,4), 下津浦康隆2,3), 執行ひろな3,4), 赤木由人4), 川口巧2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 131-131, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 02 (消). A case of gastric MiNENs diagnosed with paraneoplastic neurological syndrome
副島駿1), 行元崇浩1), 荻野祐也1), 松尾真紀子2), 柯懿玲1), 井上須磨1), 津村圭亮3), 井樋有紗4), 島村拓弥1), 佐野遥菜5), 佐野春彦5), 鶴安浩6), 芥川剛至2), 鈴山耕平3), 鶴岡ななえ1), 勝屋弘雄4), 江崎幹宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 131-131, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 03 (内). A case that we were able to remove safely by using skirt type food and a nasal endoscope for the sharp foreign body in stomach of infants
大神延章1), 福永秀平2), 向笠道太2), 岡部義信2), 川口巧2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 131-131, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 04 (内). A case of an endoscopic electric water pressure-style shock crush operation succeeded for the Bouveret syndrome which became incarcerated in the descending part of duodenum
益田実加, 堀内敦史, 平畠啓介, 宮ケ原典, 清水俊喜, 奈須峻之, 宮原翔仁, 杣田真一, 鶴田悟
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 131-131, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 05 (消). A case that we performed retrograde cholangiography with colon videoscope for calculous pancreatitis after duodenal ulcer surgery, and we were able to easily cannulate the papilla of vater using an MTW Seeking Tome
寺田康佑, 中村弘毅, 前山夕紀子, 内田優介, 佐野千恵子, 内田健介, 土井敬子, 山下真広
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 132-132, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 06 (消). A Case of co-occurred Gallbladder Bleeding and Gallbladder Duodenal Fistula Due to Ruptured Gallbladder Pseudoaneurysm
後藤優弥1), 山口東平1), 銕尾智幸2), 福田大毅1), 柿添麻由子1), 高木裕子1), 加茂泰広1), 国崎真己2), 草場隆史2), 小田英俊1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 132-132, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 07 (消). An example of the gallbladder adenosquamous carcinoma which was able to be curatively resected
福島創, 上原智仁, 金野剛, 大坪一浩, 沖本隆司, 又吉信貴, 新山新, 野口純也, 山吉隆友, 井上征雄, 木戸川秀生, 岡本好司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 132-132, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 08 (消). A case that hepatocellular carcinoma postoperatively normal glycemic ketoacidosis produced as there was not discontinuation before operation of the SGL T2 inhibitor
日野直人1), 内野馨博2), 釘山統太2), 野村頼子2), 龍知記2), 和田幸之2), 高見裕子2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 132-132, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 09 (消). A case of the ligamentum arcuatum medianum compression syndrome that developed abdominal angina with excessive exercise
蒲原礼央, 水田優実, 山口太輔, 野村忠洋, 石田智士, 木村俊一郎, 藤本峻, 田中雄一郎, 日野直之, 有尾啓介, 綱田誠司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 133-133, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 10 (消). A case of the autoimmune hepatitis that occurred after delivery
伊豆将貴, 一木康則, 大久保公晴, 太田佳奈美, 大草響, 平田敬, 橋元悟, 永田豊, 上平幸史
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 133-133, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 11 (消). A case of hepatic angiomyolipoma that was difficult to differentiate from hepatocellular carcinoma
楠美雅陸1), 中野聖士1), 水落伸治2), 野田悠1), 新関敬1), 岩本英希1), 下瀬茂男1), 城野智毅1), 森山悦子1), 鈴木浩之1), 中村徹1), 秋葉純3), 古賀浩徳1), 黒松亮子1), 矢野博久2), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 133-133, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 12 (消). A case of the hepatocellular carcinoma with the tumor emboli in the right atrium that a response was obtained by combination of New FP therapy and radiotherapy
古賀真彦1), 新関敬2), 古賀浩徳2), 岩本英希2), 下瀬茂男2), 城野智毅2), 森山悦子2), 川口巧2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 133-133, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 13 (消). An autopsy case of the metastases to adrenals merger hepatocellular carcinoma that a Complete Response: CR was obtained by compound immune therapy
坂口晴樹1), 東晃一1), 東夕喜1), 伏見文良2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 134-134, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 14 (消). Two cases of the mesentery panniculitis that showed symptom relief by conservative medical treatment
金城美優, 石田智士, 山口太輔, 野村忠洋, 水田優実, 木村俊一郎, 藤本峻, 田中雄一郎, 日野直之, 有尾啓介, 綱田誠司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 134-134, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 15 (消). A case of abscess-forming small intestinal GIST that was difficult to differentiate from arteriovenous malformation preoperatively
矢野雅己1), 保坂優斗1), 吉野春一郎1), 飯尾俊也1), 金城多架良1), 庄亮真1), 田辺寛1), 平野拓郎1), 田代幸恵2), 二之宮謙次郎2), 馬場研二1), 上之園芳一1), 帆北修一1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 134-134, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 16 (内). A Case of Heterotopic Jejunal Pancreas which caused Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding
空閑亮太1,2), 福谷洋樹1,2), 本間仁1,2), 大久保彰人1,2), 糸永周一1,2), 佐々木泰介1,2), 濱田匠平1,2), 吉村大輔1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 楠本英次3), 藤原美奈子4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 134-134, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 17 (内). A case of the stenosis type ischemic enteritis that colonoscopic examination pre-treatment was regarded as precipitants
中尾睦, 冨永直之, 朝長道人, 中西朗, 中山賢一郎, 樋高秀憲, 緒方伸一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 135-135, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 18 (消). A case of the diverticula of colon bleeding that was able to confirm no recurrences 30 days or more with an absorbent local styptic
田崎陽, 冨永直之, 朝長道人, 中西朗, 中山賢一郎, 樋高秀憲, 緒方伸一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 135-135, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 19 (消). A case of UCAN-like multiple colorectal tumor associated with gastrointestinal GVHD and chronic CMV enteritis
中村優介1), 吉岡慎一郎1,2), 鶴田耕三1,2), 森田俊1,2), 竹田津英稔1,2), 岡部義信1,3), 長藤宏司4), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 135-135, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 01 (内). A case of gastric fundic mucosal adenocarcinoma showing SM2 and venous invasion positive in spite of the tumor longer diameter of 6 mm
照山直樹1), 上尾哲也1), 下森雄太1), 九嶋亮治2), 本田俊一郎1), 山中昂紀1), 久保山雄介3), 秦一敏4), 村上和成5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 139-139, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 02 (内). A case of familial Mediterranean fever gene-associated enteritis treated surgically for a stenotic lesion of the small intestine
黒岩俊志1), 高津典孝2), 市丸壽光1), 安川重義1), 久部高司1,2), 是枝寿彦4), 柴田亮輔4), 東大二郎4), 田邉寛5), 植木敏晴1), 二村聡5), 八尾建史3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 139-139, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 03 (内). A case of small intestinal arteriovenous malformation diagnosed with massive bleeding
岩武史朗1), 長末智寛1), 松野雄一1), 冬野雄太1), 藤岡審1,2), 川崎啓祐1), 梅野淳嗣1), 森山智彦1,3), 水内祐介4), 谷口義章5), 川床慎一郎5), 孝橋賢一5), 膳所圭三6), 鳥巣剛弘1), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 139-139, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 04 (内). A case of jejunal inflammatory polyp that caused anemia resected by Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR)
淀優花1), 永井敬之1), 三毛門和彦1), 木下竜一1), 峯崎大輔1), 安部高志1), 中嶋宏1), 大河原均1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 139-139, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 05 (内). A case of small intestinal ileus caused by an internal medicine approach to persimmon bezoar leading to surgery
野村忠洋1), 和田英雄2), 山口太輔1), 水田優実1), 石田智士1), 木村俊一郎1), 藤本峻1), 田中雄一郎1), 日野直之1), 有尾啓介1), 黨和夫2), 綱田誠司1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 140-140, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 06 (消). A case of gastric-type adenocarcinoma that developed in the stomach after eradication of H. pylori
岩尾直樹1), 川口巧2), 小野典之1), 梶原雅彦1), 白地美紀1), 宮崎健1), 山口翔太郎1), 渡辺大将1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 140-140, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 07 (消). A case of diabetic ketoacidosis and irAE colitis developed in during CapeOX + Nivolumab therapy for progress gastric cancer
藤吉真英1), 田中俊光1,2), 三輪啓介2,3), 長主祥子2,3), 下津浦康隆1,2), 執行ひろな2,3), 赤木由人3), 川口巧2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 140-140, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 08 (消). A case of the ALK-negative anaplastic large cell lymphoma which showed a stomach lesion
山本翔太1), 長末智寛1), 谷口義章1,2), 川床慎一郎1,2), 孝橋賢一2), 宮脇恒太3), 西原博英3), 川崎啓祐1), 松野雄一1), 冬野雄太1), 藤岡審1,4), 梅野淳嗣1), 森山智彦1,5), 鳥巣剛弘1), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 140-140, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 09 (消). A case of the afferent loop syndrome with the obstructive jaundice given the SEMS custody technique in percutaneous approach via PTBD
陣内杏月1), 山口太輔1), 黨和夫2), 福井健一郎3), 野村忠洋1), 水田優実1), 石田智士1), 木村俊一郎1), 藤本峻1), 田中雄一郎1), 日野直之1), 有尾啓介1), 綱田誠司1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 141-141, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 10 (消). Examination of the bone density in the long-term course of the gastrectomy patients
小川伸一郎1), 小林慎一朗1), 千葉恒2), 古賀洋一3), 吉元智子4), 久芳さやか1), 松本亮1), 丸屋安広1), 金高賢悟1), 尾崎誠2), 江口晋1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 141-141, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 11 (消). A Case of Intestinal Endometriosis Diagnosed with Repeated Intestinal Obstruction
楊晃慶, 山嶋友実, 船越禎広, 久能宣昭, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 141-141, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 12 (消). A case of ileal endometriosis causing intestinal obstruction
木下竜一1), 永井敬之1), 三毛門和彦1), 淀優花1), 峯崎大輔1), 安部高志1), 中嶋宏1), 大河原均1), 横山直樹2), 堀尾俊介2), 野口琢也2), 柴田浩平2), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 141-141, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 13 (消). A case of intestinal obstruction due to internal hernia caused by Meckel's diverticulum
本間仁1,2), 佐々木泰介1,2), 福谷洋樹1,2), 大久保彰人1,2), 糸永周一1,2), 濱田匠平1,2), 吉村大輔1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 藤原美奈子2,3), 伊原栄吉4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 142-142, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 14 (消). A case of intraoperative endoscopic surveillance for Peutz-Jeghers syndrome with multiple laparotomy history
本田真央1), 仕垣隆浩1), 川本裕輔1), 菊池麻亜子1), 福田純也1), 野口堯志1), 藤吉健司1), 吉田直裕1), 合志健一1), 吉田武史1), 藤田文彦1), 森田俊2), 鶴田耕三2), 桑木光太郎2), 赤木由人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 142-142, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 15 (消). Examination of the clinical characteristic of 7 small intestine tumors which we diagnosed in our hospital
松元琢真1), 恒吉研吾1), 藤田浩1), 岩田大輝1), 花田法久2), 前田英仁3), 田ノ上史郎3), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 142-142, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 16 (内). A case of superficially serrated adenoma for which detailed observation was made by endoscopy and diagnosis was made before treatment
唐千暁1), 冬野雄太1), 川床慎一郎1,2), 谷口義章1,2), 孝橋賢一2), 松野雄一1), 藤岡審1,3), 川崎啓祐1), 梅野淳嗣1), 森山智彦1,4), 川本真由美5), 鳥巣剛弘1), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 142-142, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 17 (消). One case of poorly-differentiated rectal cancer with the metastases to ovary that immunostaining was useful in primary tumor identification
釈迦堂有貴, 山下真広, 松永高明, 土居敬子, 内田健介, 佐野千恵子, 前山夕紀子, 内田優介, 中村弘毅
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 143-143, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 18 (内). One case of the early carcinoma of the appendix which was able to observe extension of the cancerization from persistence appendix adenoma
田中健太郎1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 森麻里母1), 加来寿光1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 143-143, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 19 (内). A case of successful preoperative diagnosis of inverted appendiceal mucinous tumor
中尾凜1), 工藤哲司1), 西田美沙子1), 岡村活揮1), 和智博信1), 野村亜貴子1), 西山憲一1,2), 平川克哉1), 青柳邦彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 143-143, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 20 (内). A case of appendiceal MALT lymphoma of the appendix stump that occurred after the H.pylori sanitization treatment
田中健太郎1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 森麻里母1), 加来寿光1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 143-143, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 21 (消). A case of presented with 12 times of GI bleeding against a backdrop of acquired von Willebrand disease (Heyde syndrome)
白水萌子, 宮原貢一, 森田竜麻, 竹内祐樹, 藤邑勇太朗, 村山賢一郎, 野田隆博
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 144-144, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 22 (消). Four cases of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli enteritis medical treated at our hospital
太田佳奈美1), 永田豊1), 大草響1), 平田敬1), 橋元悟1), 上平幸史1), 一木康則1), 鳥巣剛弘2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 144-144, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 23 (消). A case of MEFV gene-related enterocolitis with Crohn's disease-like findings
宮崎由里恵, 中島昌利, 古田陽輝, 直江秀昭, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 144-144, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 24 (消). Two cases of ischemic enteritis complicated by CMV infection
上原里依1), 眞喜志知子1), 柳田佳史1), 大城拓巳1), 加藤功大1), 喜友名正也2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 144-144, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 25 (消). A case of cytomegalovirus (CMV) proctitis that occurred in healthy young people
内海聡志1), 井原勇太郎1), 矢田親一朗1), 高山耕治2), 柴瑛介3), 久岡正典3), 鳥巣剛弘4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 145-145, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 26 (消). A case of complicated by drug-induced liver injury at the time of introduction of treatment for PBC-AIH overlap syndrome
福田道隆1), 高木孝太1), 桑原朝子1), 高木浩史1), 宮島一郎1), 南野隆一1), 有永照子2), 川口巧2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 145-145, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 27 (消). A case of the drug-related liver damage that presented a cholecystitis-like symptom after the steroid pulse for the multiple sclerosis
小出明妃, 中尾康彦, 田島和昌, 高橋孝輔, 福島真典, 三馬聡, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 145-145, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 28 (消). A case of the severe form alcoholic hepatitis that it was hard to save though intensive care was provided
古賀雅也1), 大野桃香1), 佐野有哉1,2), 天野恵介1,2), 桑原礼一郎1), 有永照子1), 水落伸治3), 秋葉純3), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 145-145, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 29 (消). A case of the severe form alcoholic hepatitis that we were able to save by granulocytapheresis
宮崎絵美里, 宮崎将之, 原真児登, 立花雄一, 上田哲弘, 明石哲郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 146-146, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 30 (消). A case of multidrug-resistant chronic hepatitis B that was difficult to treat
志喜屋好令1), 黒島洋平2), 潮平朝成1), 盛島明丈2), 富田有香1), 瑞慶山隆太2), 嵩原小百合2), 古賀絵莉香2), 大石有衣子2), 田端そうへい1), 宮里公也2), 溜田茂仁2), 桑江聡1), 大平哲也2), 伊良波淳2), 新垣伸吾1), 金城徹2), 前城達次1), 山本和子1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 146-146, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 31 (消). A case of Wilson disease that the copper content measurement by the liver biopsy was useful during maintenance therapy
佐藤沙貴, 大江晋司, 宮川恒一郎, 本間雄一, 柴田道彦, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 146-146, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 32 (消). A case that a hepatic cyst sclerotherapy was useful for the huge hepatic cyst which caused obstructive jaundice
三毛門和彦1), 永井敬之1), 三戸優花1), 木下竜一1), 峯崎大輔1), 安部高志1), 中嶋宏1), 大河原均1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 146-146, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 33 (消). A case of ulcerative colitis diagnosed as protein S deficiency the opportunity to due to extensive deep vein thrombosis
田中遼河1), 安川重義1), 樋脇久美1), 京山一樹1), 高橋篤史2), 武田輝之1), 平塚裕也3), 八坂達尚1), 古賀彰浩2), 高津典孝2), 小野陽一郎1), 久部高司2), 植木敏晴1), 八尾建史3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 147-147, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 34 (内). A case of localized rectal lymphoid follicular hyperplasia progressing to ulcerative colitis
伊藤隆成1), 吉田雄一朗1), 森山智彦1,2), 川床慎一郎3), 谷口義章3), 小林広幸4), 藤原美奈子5), 鳥巣剛弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 147-147, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 35 (内). A case of filiform polyposis where had difficulty in diagnosis before operation
青木佑介, 福永秀平, 竹田津英稔, 岡部義信, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 147-147, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 36 (消). A case of IgG4-related mesenteric panniculitis diagnosed by laparoscopic mesenteric biopsy and relieved with conservative treatment
宮下香世, 谷口育洋, 平田亮介, 田中久也, 永松雅朗, 峯彩子, 小林仁美, 植松梨華子, 井山玲奈, 猪股寛子, 塩田純也, 赤司太郎, 田渕真惟子, 北山素, 松島加代子, 橋口慶一, 赤澤祐子, 山口直之
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 147-147, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 37 (消). A case of strangulated ileus due to epiploic appendage of the sigmoid colon
山口天慶1), 軸屋賢一1), 山里侑1), 竹中嵩博1), 喜山甲菜2), 児玉朋子2), 田嶋修三1), 川平正博2), 中村義孝1), 中澤潤一2), 岩下祐司1), 那須雄一郎1), 玉井努1), 堀剛1), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 148-148, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 38 (消). A case of the acidophilic cholangitis that fruition was obtained by steroid mini-pulse therapy
井手雄太郎1,2), 岩屋博道1,2), 山崎晃裕1), 奈良博文1,3), 今給黎和幸1), 吉永英希1), 船川慶太1), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 148-148, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 39 (消). A case of MSI-High unresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma successfully treated with Pembrolizumab
寺田芳寛1), 藤野悠介1), 児玉弘毅1), 市田泰海1), 寺田朋1), 坂江貴弘1), 田口宏樹2), 嵜山敏男1), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 148-148, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 40 (inner). A case of duodenal perforation due to ERCP in which common bile duct stones were removed by repeat ERCP after the perforation was closed using an over-the-scope clip system
佐藤沙貴, 大江晋司, 篠原暢彦, 秀島宏典, 久米井伸介, 宮川恒一郎, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 148-148, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 41 (内). A case that transdermal and endoscopic treatment succeeded for transection type bile duct injury at cholecystectomy
川口夢佳, 加来豊馬, 上田孝洋, 津田桂, 三木正美, 伊地知嵩治, 本間仁, 福谷洋樹, 大久保彰人, 糸永周一, 佐々木泰介, 中嶋摩依, 田代茂樹, 濱田匠平, 荒武良総, 吉村大輔, 吉本剛志, 福泉公仁隆, 中牟田誠, 原田直彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 149-149, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 42 (消). A case of the drug-related pancreatitis that we were able to differentiate from type 2 autoimmune pancreatitis by percutaneous pancreas biopsy
外園友之1), 丸尾達1), 江崎薫1), 後野徹宏1), 田中利幸1), 平塚裕晃1), 立川勝子1), 永山林太郎1), 野間栄次郎1), 植木敏晴1), 田邉寛2), 二村聡2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 149-149, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 43 (内). A case in which endoscopic necrosectomy using a lumen-apposing metallic stent was effective against infectious pancreatic necrosis due to gallstone pancreatitis
光安峻, 丸尾達, 江崎薫, 後野徹宏, 田中利幸, 平塚裕晃, 立川勝子, 永山林太郎, 土居雅宗, 野間栄次郎, 植木敏晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 149-149, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 44 (消). A case of hepatocellular carcinoma pancreatic metastasis that was difficult to diagnose
梶原雅人, 牛嶋真也, 大塚郁弥, 久木山直貴, 浦本有記子, 吉成元宏, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 149-149, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 45 (内). A case of the metastases to pancreas of the left nasal cavity origin alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma that occurred for obstructive jaundice
山本祐弥, 石井将太郎, 松田暖, 佐々木大尭, 志茂田美紀, 向坂健佑, 松山太一, 中田成紀, 杉和洋, 榮達智, 柳田恵理子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 150-150, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 46 (内). A case of the cancer of head of pancreas which was able to collect the pancreatic duct stent which tore by Tornus ES(TM) and EndoSheather(TM)
陣内真佑子, 長田和義, 池田智成, 岡村卓真, 山道忍, 山島美緒, 宮崎修, 矢嶌弘之, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 150-150, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 47 (消). A case of pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma that was difficult to distinguish from Invasive ductal carcinoma only by imaging findings
麻生皆人, 小森康寛, 木村弥成子, 大野彰久, 松本一秀, 村上正俊, 寺松克人, 竹野歩, 植田圭二郎, 藤森尚, 小川佳宏
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 150-150, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 48 (消). A case of resection of solid pseudopapillary neoplasm incidentally detected during a medical examination
宮里けい1), 松隈則人1), 増田裕1), 林めぐみ1), 菅原脩平1), 亀井英樹2), 田尻健亮2), 渡邉秀隆2), 川口巧3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 150-150, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 49 (消). A case of radiotherapy for bone metastasis lesion during combination therapy with Atezolizumab and Bevacizumab, and abscopal effect was obtained
安倍悠乃, 楢原哲史, 稲田浩気, 田中健太郎, 徳永尭之, 飯尾悦子, 吉丸洋子, 長岡克弥, 渡邊丈久, 瀬戸山博子, 立山雅邦, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 151-151, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 50 (消). A case of hepatocellular carcinoma intratumor hemorrhage that developed after administration of cabozantinib
森美哉子1), 桑代卓也1), 湯ノ谷修三1), 川添夕佳1), 田中賢一1), 井上香2), 磯田広史2), 大枝敏2), 秋山巧2), 江頭秀哲3), 相島慎一4), 高橋宏和2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 151-151, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 51 (消). A case of adult type Langerhans' cell histiocytosis that presented multiple liver masses
南部生妃, 本間雄一, 合田智則, 池見雅俊, 吉富健悟, 草永真志, 大江晋司, 柴田道彦, 阿部慎太郎, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 151-151, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 52 (消). A case of the liver origin methotrexate-related lymphoproliferative disorder that the involution of tumor was seen in after the methotrexate cancellation
金子博樹, 大園芳範, 中村憲一, 岩切久芳, 蓮池悟, 永田賢治, 河上洋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 151-151, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 53 (消). A case that varicose embolization of the transdermal transsplenic was effective after the partial splenic artery embolization for megaesophagus gastric varices
水田優実1), 山口太輔1), 野村忠洋1), 木村俊一郎1), 石田智士1), 藤本峻1), 田中雄一郎1), 日野直之1), 有尾啓介1), 福井健一郎2), 綱田誠司1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 152-152, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 54 (消). A case of endoscopic sclerotherapy using Histoacryl for ruptured rectal varices
廣谷侑慶, 伊集院翔, 熊谷公太郎, 豊留亜衣, 谷山央樹, 坂江遥, 椨一晃, 小田耕平, 馬渡誠一, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 152-152, 2023.

Japanese Article O001 (inner). Examination of the radial incision and cutting (RIC) method for benign gastrointestinal stenosis intractable after the operation in the own omen case
井原勇太郎1), 矢田親一朗1), 内海聡志1), 河野浩幸2), 春田泰宏2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 155-155, 2023.

Japanese Article O002 (inner). Two cases of the endoscopic treated esophagoenterostomy part varix
蓮池悟1), 野田貴穂1), 小牧優里1), 鈴木翔1), 大園芳範1), 中村憲一1), 安倍弘生1), 三池忠1), 岩切久芳1), 末田光恵1), 山本章二朗1), 永田賢治1), 河上洋1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 155-155, 2023.

Japanese Article O003 (inner). Four cases of the gastric varices associated with the left-sided portal hypertension that we experienced in our hospital
久永宏1), 井上博人1), 江森啓悟2), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 155-155, 2023.

Japanese Article O004 (inner). An example of the fundic gland mucous membrane type adenocarcinoma type 2 which curative resection was able to be provided to in ESD
中島孝治1,2), 黒木大介1), 鈴木翔1), 三池忠1), 河上洋1), 大栗伸行3), 佐藤勇一郎3), 槇信一朗4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 155-155, 2023.

Japanese Article O005 (inner). One case of the stomach GIST given all endoscopic stomach layer resection (EFTR)
宮岡正喜1), 大津健聖2), 大園周吾2), 上堂文也3), 二村聡4), 植木敏晴2), 八尾建史1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 156-156, 2023.

Japanese Article O006 (inner). One case of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis detected with anemia
大場未紀1), 吉原崇正1), 久保倉尚哉1), 遠藤伸悟1), 池田文恵1), 小林広幸1), 大屋正文2), 恒吉正澄2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 156-156, 2023.

Japanese Article O007 (inner). Example that succeeded in exchange by approaching it for the case which had difficulty with the gastric fistula exchange that guide wire fell off from the stomach side
赤星和明1), 中里貴浩2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 156-156, 2023.

Japanese Article O008 (inner). One case of the atraumatic stomach intramural hematoma which did intraabdominal penetration, and needed hemoid stomach frame work tumor and differentiation
加来寿光1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 森麻里母1), 田中健太郎1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 156-156, 2023.

Japanese Article O009 (消). A case of bleeding from the horizontal leg of the duodenum after surgery for a difficult-to-treat infectious abdominal aortic aneurysm
荒井淳一, 田上幸憲, 橋本泰匡, 濱崎景子, 富永哲郎, 野中隆, 澤井照光, 永安武
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 157-157, 2023.

Japanese Article O010 (inner). An example of duodenal nerve pancreas endocrinoma (NET) which recurred lymph node after the duodenal local resection
城間磨裕実, 豊見山良作, 島尻博人, 仲地紀哉, 宮里賢, 金城譲, 馬渕仁志, 西澤万貴, 田里裕子, 豊見山麻未
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 157-157, 2023.

Japanese Article O011 (消). A case of resection pancreatic serous cystic tumor that was difficult to differentiate from pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
宮崎大貴, 佐藤寿洋, 橋本和晃, 新井相一郎, 福冨章悟, 後藤祐一, 赤司昌謙, 酒井久宗, 赤木由人, 久下亨
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 157-157, 2023.

Japanese Article O012 (消). A case of pancreatic tail cancer where peripancreatic fluid collection appeared after acute pancreatitis, making diagnosis difficult
北口恭規1), 石田祐介1), 松元慶亮1), 古賀毅彦2), 土屋直壮1), 佐々木貴英2), 中島亮2), 石井文規2), 加藤大祐2), 梶原正俊2), 濱田義浩3), 平井郁仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 157-157, 2023.

Japanese Article O013 (消). A case of Preoperative diagnosis of overlap between pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor and pancreatic ductal carcinoma and resected
石原健二, 與那原究, 森英輝, 浜比嘉一直, 吉村美優, 崎原正基, 安座間欣也, 知念克哉, 知念隆之, 石原淳, 座覇修
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 158-158, 2023.

Japanese Article O014 (消). Examination of 4 cases that achieved pathological complete response by neoadjuvant chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer
橋本和晃, 赤司昌謙, 宮崎大貴, 福冨章悟, 新井相一郎, 後藤祐一, 佐藤寿洋, 酒井久宗, 久下亨, 藤田文彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 158-158, 2023.

Japanese Article O015 (消). Examination of the usefulness of nal-IRI+5-FU/l-LV as the third treatment for the unresectable pancreatic cancer
三木正美, 加来豊馬, 川口夢佳, 上田孝洋, 津田桂, 伊地知嵩治, 本間仁, 福谷洋樹, 大久保彰人, 糸永周一, 佐々木泰介, 中嶋摩依, 田代茂樹, 濱田匠平, 荒武良総, 吉村大輔, 吉本剛志, 福泉公仁隆, 中牟田誠, 原田直彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 158-158, 2023.

Japanese Article O016 (inner). An example of the giardial dysentery detected by choler cytodiagnosis
佐々木優1), 岡部義信2), 安倍満彦1), 松本健司郎1), 児嶋宏晃1), 平野昭和1), 橋本崇1), 酒見亮介1), 宗祐人1), 川口巧2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 158-158, 2023.

Japanese Article O017 (消). A Case of Primary Mixed Neuroendocrine Non-Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Gallbladder Underwent Conversion Surgery
塚本哲平1), 森泰寿1), 厚井志郎1), 田村利尚1), 佐藤典宏1), 大江晋司2), 柴尾和徳1), 平田敬治1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 159-159, 2023.

Japanese Article O018 (消). A case of the gallstone ileus by the cholecystoduodenal fistula
藤野亮太1), 鍬塚磨呂1), 東郷政明1), 福島信良1), 竹島史直1), 古賀洋一2), 北島正親2), 井上啓爾2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 159-159, 2023.

Japanese Article O019 (消). A case of Rupture of a Pseudoaneurysm of the Gallbladder Artery in endoscopic transpapillary gallbladder drainage (ETGBD) long-term case
齊藤宏和1), 藤本敦1), 大本佳奈1), 池端彰子1), 山根大侍2), 生田義明2), 浦田譲治3), 多田修治1), 階子俊平1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 159-159, 2023.

Japanese Article O020 (消). A case in which Famotidine was suggested to be involved as a cause of severe diarrhea
河野隆1), 江田誠1), 桑野徹1), 荒木俊博1), 豊増靖1), 森田拓1), 河野克俊1), 福森一太1), 坂田研二1), 木庭郁朗2), 大圃研3), 鳥村拓司1), 川口巧4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 159-159, 2023.

Japanese Article O021 (消). A case of the taenia saginata infection that we were able to completely deworm with Gastrografin
中村光一, 山崎雅弘, 中村健太, 永汐太郎, 武川慎治
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 160-160, 2023.

Japanese Article O022 (inner). An example of small intestine pyogenic granuloma where was discovered by an anemia close inspection, and underwent endoscopic excision
柴田雅士1), 桑原愛1), 柿ヶ尾佳奈1), 植原亮平1), 東俊太朗1), 大仁田賢1), 井上健一郎1), 上木望2), 中島正洋2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 160-160, 2023.

Japanese Article O023 (消). A case of mesenteric cholesterin granuloma requiring differentiation from extramural growth small intestinal GIST with cystic degeneration
坂本圭1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 森麻里母1), 加来寿光1), 田中健太郎1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 160-160, 2023.

Japanese Article O024 (消). A case that lightness was obtained by conservative treatment for the obstructive intestinal obstruction caused by mochi
大田諭1), 菅偉哉1), 大園大貴1), 大野美紀1), 於保和彦1), 川口巧2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 160-160, 2023.

Japanese Article O025 (inner). Idiopathic mesenterial vein endomysium hyperplastic one case that pathology histology by the mucous membrane biopsy was the opportunity of the diagnosis
川床慎一郎1,2), 川崎啓祐1), 近藤雅浩1), 山元英崇2), 井浦登志実3), 大谷博4), 鳥巣剛弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 161-161, 2023.

Japanese Article O026 (inner). An example of the idiopathic mesenterial vein sclerosis with sigmoid all circumferences-related stenosis
有田桂子1), 平塚孝宏1,3), 因幡和美1,2), 所征範1,2), 荒金佑典1,3), 白水章夫1,3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 161-161, 2023.

Japanese Article O027 (消). A case of diverticulum-related colitis that could be followed
宮城泰雅1), 金城徹2), 佐藤諒1), 富里孔太1), 松川しのぶ1), 高木亮1), 小橋川嘉泉1), 内間庸文1), 仲吉朝邦1), 金城福則1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 161-161, 2023.

Japanese Article O028 (消). Examination after introduction of transanal irrigation for defecation disorder caused by spinal cord injury
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 161-161, 2023.

Japanese Article O029 (消). Treatment result of the endoscopic stenting for the large intestine malignant stenosis in our center
岩崎一秀1), 河内修司1), 西田美沙子1), 鳥巣剛弘2), 道免和文1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 162-162, 2023.

Japanese Article O030 (inner). One case that large intestine covered stent was useful for ileus by the dissemination rectum permeation after the sigmoid colon cancer technique
若杉晃伸, 小森圭司, 淀江賢太郎, 小副川敬, 久保川賢
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 162-162, 2023.

Japanese Article O031 (消). A case of the scleroderma secondary intestinal tract disorder which racked its brains about thyroid function recovery
増田篤高, 青木佑介, 中村徹, 鈴木浩之, 古賀浩徳, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 162-162, 2023.

Japanese Article O032 (inner). One patient whom we caused disappearance of the nipple structure after the treatment of duodenal DLBCL, and obstruction of bile duct developed in
野崎哲史1), 宜保淳也1), 末永顕彦1), 内之倉弘和1), 濱崎慎平1), 小森圭司1), 久保川賢1), 本村健太2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 162-162, 2023.

Japanese Article O033 (消). A case of Ascites Pancreatic Cancer that we were able to complete EUS-HGS using pre-dilation of focal stenosis as entry
下川雄三1), 新名雄介1), 藤森尚2), 秋穂裕唯1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 163-163, 2023.

Japanese Article O034 (inner). One case that the EUS guide lower rendezvous method by stomach - extrahepatic bile duct route was useful for the bile duct intubation impossible distal biliary tract obstruction of the transnipple
松元慶亮, 古賀毅彦, 福山真, 北口恭規, 土屋直壮, 石田祐介, 柴田衛, 能丸遼平, 山嶋友実, 今給黎宗, 久能宣昭, 船越禎広, 芦塚伸也, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 163-163, 2023.

Japanese Article O035 (inner). 2 cases that was able to collect heterotopic bile duct stent using endoscopic dilator for the new fistula expansion
石田祐介1), 古賀毅彦1), 土屋直壮1), 北口恭規1), 松元慶亮1), 畑薫2), 西岡慧2), 志賀典子2), 岩佐勉2), 河口康典3), 壁村哲平2), 平井郁仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 163-163, 2023.

Japanese Article O036 (消). A case that granulocytes granulocytapheresis succeeded to patients with ulcerative colitis that produced 5-ASA intolerance
内之倉弘和, 淀江賢太郎, 小副川敬, 小森圭司, 長田繁樹, 大崎智絵, 若杉晃伸, 赤星和也, 久保川賢
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 163-163, 2023.

Japanese Article O037 (消). A case of Crohn's disease with multilocular cystic renal clear cell carcinoma that developed IgA nephropathy during Infliximab administration
加来寿光1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 森麻里母1), 田中健太郎1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 164-164, 2023.

Japanese Article O038 (消). Two cases of IBD with autoimmune disease treated with Ustekinumab
山崎博1,5), 江森啓悟1), 緒方啓1), 宮里けい1), 堀まいさ2,6), 竹田津英稔2,3), 井出達也1), 光山慶一4), 川口巧2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 164-164, 2023.

Japanese Article O039 (消). An effect of the adalimumab increase in quantity on ulcerative colitis and association of the blood level
森田俊, 竹田津英稔, 鶴田耕三, 吉岡慎一郎, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 164-164, 2023.

Japanese Article O040 (消). The practice of patients with pubertal inflammatory bowel disease in our hospital and future problem
古賀絵莉香1), 大石有衣子1), 大平哲也1), 伊良波淳2), 金城徹1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 164-164, 2023.

Japanese Article O041 (inner). Example that accepted a recurrence, multiple liver metastases, splenic metastasis for sigmoid colon cancer two years after the ESD enforcement
平山雅大1), 梯祥一郎1), 倉重智之1), 友枝成1), 橋本理沙1), 田中俊行1), 茶圓智人1), 板場壮一1), 槇原康亮2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 165-165, 2023.

Japanese Article O042 (消). A case of ascending colon cancer who had the liver abscess
島袋鮎美, 金城達也, 宮城良浩, 上里安範, 中村陽二, 大野慎一郎, 狩俣弘幸, 高槻光寿
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 165-165, 2023.

Japanese Article O043 (消). A case of BRAF gene mutation-positive cecal cancer treated with ENCO+BINI+CET therapy
奥村隆志, 藤元静太郎, 前原直樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 165-165, 2023.

Japanese Article O044 (inner). One case that a cecum showed an ectopic recurrence heterochrony after CR of stomach MALT lymphoma, and caused transformation to diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
黒木大世, 久能宣昭, 江上弥之介, 能丸遼平, 柴田衛, 山嶋友実, 今給黎宗, 船越禎広, 石橋英樹, 芦塚伸也, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 165-165, 2023.

Japanese Article O045 (消). A case of the submucosal tumor state lesion of the cecum domain that went unsolved about a diagnosis
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 166-166, 2023.

Japanese Article O046 (inner). Examination of the usefulness of ESMR-L for the large intestine neuroendocrine tumor
河内修司1), 岩崎一秀1), 西田美沙子1), 川床慎一郎2), 谷口義章2), 鳥巣剛弘3), 道免和文1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 166-166, 2023.

Japanese Article O047 (inner). Examination of the usefulness of the AI technology in the diagnosis of the polyp of colon
村尾哲哉, 江藤幸, 奥田彩子, 須田博子, 藤江里美, 浦田昌幸, 武市卒之, 蓮田究, 櫻井宏一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 166-166, 2023.

Japanese Article O048 (inner). One case of the pancreatic lithiasis that the short type balloon endoscope and electric water pressure shock wave lithodialysis using SpyGlass DS were useful for the rebuilding intestinal tract after the operation
福山真, 石田祐介, 古賀毅彦, 土屋直壮, 北口恭規, 松元慶亮, 柴田衛, 能丸遼平, 山嶋友実, 今給黎宗, 久能宣昭, 船越禎広, 芦塚伸也, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 166-166, 2023.

Japanese Article O049 (消). A case of repeated acute pancreatitis thought to be caused by pork allergy due to Pork-cat syndrome
溜田茂仁1), 黒島洋平1), 潮平朝成2), 盛島明丈1), 志喜屋好令2), 瑞慶山隆太1), 嵩原小百合1), 古賀絵莉香1), 大石有衣子1), 田端そうへい2), 宮里公也1), 大平哲也1), 伊良波淳2), 新垣伸吾2), 金城徹1), 前城達次2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 167-167, 2023.

Japanese Article O050 (消). A case of the pancreatitis that, nevertheless, multidisciplinary treatment succeeded who had infectious WON more a wide range of than start of therapy
上田孝洋, 三木正美, 川口夢佳, 津田桂, 加来豊馬, 伊地知嵩治, 本間仁, 福谷洋樹, 大久保彰人, 糸永周一, 佐々木泰介, 中嶋摩依, 田代茂樹, 濱田匠平, 荒武良総, 吉村大輔, 吉本剛志, 福泉公仁隆, 中牟田誠, 原田直彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 167-167, 2023.

Japanese Article O051 (消). An excision case of solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm (SPN) where had difficulty in diagnosis before operation
向坂健秀1), 寺部寛哉1), 岡部義信1,2), 平井真吾1), 島松裕1), 田中寛1), 橋本和晃3), 赤司昌謙3), 久下亨3), 金城賢尚4), 中山正道4), 内藤嘉紀4,5), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 167-167, 2023.

Japanese Article O052 (inner). Diagnosis ability of EUS-FNA for the malignant lymphoma
浦本有記子, 大塚郁弥, 牛嶋真也, 久木山直貴, 吉成元宏, 階子俊平, 直江秀昭, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 167-167, 2023.

Japanese Article O053 (消). A case of retroperitoneal lymphangioleiomyomatosis
伊牟田真功1), 林奈留美1), 河中功一1), 杉崎亜希子1), 土亀直俊1), 平井俊範1), 川上史2), 三上芳喜2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 168-168, 2023.

Japanese Article O054 (消). A case of huge hepatocellular adenoma inflammatory type which became PET-CT-positive
齋藤衆子1), 遠藤美月1), 岩尾正雄1), 荒川光江1), 佐藤雄高1), 増田崇2), 遠藤裕一2), 西田陽登3), 猪股雅史2), 村上和成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 168-168, 2023.

Japanese Article O055 (消). A case that HNF 1 α inactivated form hepatocellular adenoma was able to be diagnosed by liver tumor biopsy for the multiple liver tumor of women with young onset maturity adult diabetes
江田誠1), 河野隆1), 桑野徹1), 荒木俊博1), 豊増靖1), 森田拓1), 河野克俊1), 福森一太1), 坂田研二1), 鳥村拓司1), 島松一秀2), 秋葉純3), 川口巧4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 168-168, 2023.

Japanese Article O056 (消). A case of the liver origin malignant lymphoma which had difficulty in differentiation with the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma
飽田博海, 浦田孝広, 河野亮介, 花園ゆりか, 大塚郁弥, 下村茉希, 植村昌代, 吉本和仁, 南信弘, 北田英貴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 168-168, 2023.

Japanese Article O057 (消). A case of the hepatic porphyria diagnosed with examination
早田哲郎, 村上祐一, 堀端智子, 天野角哉, 楠原浩之, 王寺恒治, 江頭啓介
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 169-169, 2023.

Japanese Article O058 (消). A case of the progress hepatocellular carcinoma that the hepatic reserve recovery, treatment continuation was possible by Bevacizumab discontinuation though we caused the hepatic reserve drop during Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab combination therapy
釘山有希1), 本吉康英2), 松本耕輔1), 末廣智之1), 佐伯哲1), 長岡進矢2), 山崎一美2), 小森敦正2), 八橋弘2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 169-169, 2023.

Japanese Article O059 (消). A case of VP4 HCC that was refractory to New FP therapy and Atezolizumab+Bevacizumab combination therapy, but disease control was achieved with repeated intraarterial infusion therapy using Lenvatinib and System-i
森山悦子, 新関敬, 岩本英希, 下瀬茂男, 城野智毅, 鈴木浩之, 中野聖士, 野田悠, 黒松亮子, 古賀浩徳, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 169-169, 2023.

Japanese Article O060 (消). A case of the hepatocellular carcinoma with the portal vein tumor stopper which reached conversion hepatectomy by combined modality therapy
徳重裕陽, 高田和英, 永田貴大, 宮山隆志, 柴田久美子, 福田洋美, 山内涼, 梅田かおる, 福永篤志, 田中崇, 横山圭二, 釈迦堂敏, 向坂彰太郎, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 169-169, 2023.

Japanese Article O061 (消). Two cases of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma in which tumor invasion into the inferior vena cava and right atrium was confirmed
松永高明1), 森大介2), 岡本有貴1), 山下真広1), 土居敬子1), 内田健介1), 佐野千恵子1), 内田優介1), 前山夕紀子1), 中村弘毅1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 170-170, 2023.

Japanese Article O062 (消). Pathological finding of the case that showed the liver carcinogenesis in an episode of care of the autoimmune hepatitis
近藤礼一郎1), 秋葉純2), 矢野博久1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 170-170, 2023.

Japanese Article O063 (inner). An example of gastric glands squamous cell carcinoma
島村拓弥1), 行元崇浩1), 芥川剛至4), 江崎幹宏1), 勝屋弘雄2), 甲斐敬太3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 170-170, 2023.

Japanese Article O064 (消). A case of rhabdomyosarcomatous undifferentiated gastric cancer that was difficult to diagnose preoperatively and rapidly progressed
坂本圭1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 森麻里母1), 加来寿光1), 田中健太郎1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 170-170, 2023.

Japanese Article O065 (消). Characteristics of the local immune environment in HER2-positive gastric cancer
播磨朋哉, 胡慶江, 池田真一郎, 夏越啓多, 江端由穂, 吉山貴之, 田中康, 豊田怜, 野中謙太朗, 南原翔, 中西良太, 中ノ子智徳, 木村和恵, 沖英次, 吉住朋晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 171-171, 2023.

Japanese Article O066 (消). A case of gastric malignant lymphoma with sub-pedunculated morphology
糸永周一1,2), 濱田匠平1,2), 吉村大輔1,2), 佐々木泰介1,2), 本間仁1,2), 福谷洋樹1,2), 大久保彰人1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 中牟田誠1,2), 吉田倫太郎3), 藤原美奈子4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 171-171, 2023.

Japanese Article O067 (消). A case of ectopic pancreas with acute enlargement over 10 years
瑞慶山隆太, 黒島洋平, 潮平朝成, 志喜屋好令, 富田有香, 盛島明丈, 嵩原小百合, 古賀絵莉香, 大石有衣子, 田端そうへい, 宮里公也, 溜田茂仁, 大平哲也, 伊良波淳, 新垣伸吾, 金城徹, 前城達次, 星野訓一, 山本和子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (121): 171-171, 2023.