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The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 122 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article 1. "Hepatic disease studies to recur for metabolism Alcoholic liver disease and NAFLD"
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 2-2, 2016.

Japanese Article 2. "Endoscopic surgical progress for the upper part chylopoietic disease"
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 4-4, 2016.

Japanese Article 3. "The condition of a patient of the inflammatory bowel disease and an enterobacterial relation"
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 6-6, 2016.

Japanese Article 4. "Combined modality therapy for the pancreatic cancer"
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 8-8, 2016.

Japanese Article 01. Sanitization judgment precision using vonoprazan combination sanitization treatment result and UBT
林武弘1, 川西勝2, 大堀功1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 31-31, 2016.

Japanese Article 02. One patient who repeated acute gastric mucosal lesion (AGML) due to the Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) initial infection
藤本信乃1,2, 池田麻衣2, 田中翔太2, 奥瀬博亮2, 黒田直起2, 堀池眞一郎2, 多喜裕子2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 31-31, 2016.

Japanese Article 03. 1 case of stomach MALT lymphoma with the mesenteric lymph nodes permeation that occurred as Trousseau syndrome
林宣明1, 宇都宮まなみ1, 有塚敦史1, 内藤慶英1, 藤永晴夫1, 波佐谷兼慶1, 青柳裕之1, 辰巳靖1, 伊部直之1, 海崎泰治2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 31-31, 2016.

Japanese Article 04. One case of the huge submucosal tumor of the stomach that resulted in a gastrointestinal passage disorder
海古井由佳1, 高畠央1, 清島淳1, 熊井達男1, 松川弘樹1, 岩田章1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 31-31, 2016.

Japanese Article 05. CY positive, one patient of the gastric cancer which caused distant lymph nodes metastatic recurrence who continues living long by combined modality therapy
椿貴佳1, 森川充洋1, 廣野靖夫1, 呉林秀崇1, 小練研司1, 村上真1, 片山寛次2, 五井孝憲1, 山口明夫1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 32-32, 2016.

Japanese Article 06. Examination of the laparoscopic gastrectomy for the progress gastric cancer
崎村祐介1, 稲木紀幸1, 磯和賢秀1, 福島大1, 道傳研太1, 美並輝也1, 鈴木勇人1, 辻敏克1, 山本大輔1, 北村祥貴1, 黒川勝1, 伴登宏行1, 山田哲司1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 32-32, 2016.

Japanese Article 07. One case of the unresectable progress gastric cancer with the pancreas permeation that became the radical excision possibility by XELOX therapy
宗本将義1, 尾島敏彦1, 山本精一1, 斉藤智裕1, 江嵐充治1, 藤井久丈1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 32-32, 2016.

Japanese Article 08. Ectopic varicose example that PSE combination PTO was effective
石田晃介1, 小栗光1, 大和雅敏1, 鹿熊一人2, 小坂一斗3, 南哲弥3
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 32-32, 2016.

Japanese Article 09. An example of the cancer of the esophagus that CR was obtained by the chemotherapy that we gave for progress colon cancer
岡村利之1, 林洸太郎1, 高田佳子1, 稲邑克久1, 田畑敏2, 河合博志1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 33-33, 2016.

Japanese Article 10. Two cases of the Barrett cancer of the esophagus which occurred in a countryman in the 40s
三浦雅1, 松田充1, 水上敦喜1, 竹越快1, 矢野正明1, 原泰将1, 在原文教1, 堀田洋介1, 松田耕一郎1, 酒井明人1, 野田八嗣1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 33-33, 2016.

Japanese Article 11. One patient whom we rolled up a mesentery at ventrofixation during a gastrostomy, and ileus developed in
小林理佳1, 濱田和1, 小豆澤定史1, 川浦健1, 岡村英之1, 北方秀一1, 浦島左千夫1, 伊藤透1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 33-33, 2016.

Japanese Article 12. Example that we presented with Lemmel syndrome by the intestinal calculus that became incarcerated for a duodenal paranipple diverticulum, and the hind intestine ileus occurred in a row
澤崎拓郎1, 高嶋祐介1, 中嶋和仙1, 本藤有智1, 塚田健一郎1, 小川浩平1, 西田泰之1, 国谷等1, 平井信行1, 寺田光宏1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 33-33, 2016.

Japanese Article 13. One case of ileal pyogenic granuloma which caused ileus
島田麻里1, 道傳研司1, 平能康光2, 平沼知加志1, 服部昌和1, 橋爪泰夫1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 34-34, 2016.

Japanese Article 14. One case of tumor in the small intestine intestinal tract membrane which racked its brains about a diagnosis in preoperation
野口和照1, 斎藤健一郎1, 高橋智彦1, 和田崇志1, 俵広樹1, 杉田浩章1, 奥出輝夫1, 島田雅也1, 寺田卓郎1, 天谷奨1, 高嶋吉浩1, 宗本義則1, 三井毅1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 34-34, 2016.

Japanese Article 15. One case of the children whom ileal diverticulum penetration developed in
今井達朗1, 寺川裕史1, 山崎豪孔1, 森和也1, 馬渡俊樹1, 小林隆司1, 堀川直樹1, 福島亘1, 岡田英吉2, 薮下和久1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 34-34, 2016.

Japanese Article 16. One case of the small intestine GIST diagnosed with abdominal ultrasonography in the examination
高山哲也1, 高嶋吉浩1, 杉田浩章1, 古谷裕一郎1, 呉林秀崇1, 島田雅也1, 斎藤健一郎1, 寺田卓郎1, 天谷奨1, 宗本義則1, 三井毅1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 34-34, 2016.

Japanese Article 17. One case that was treated for an explosion rectum varix in endoscopic NBCA infusion and BRTO
永井圭一1, 宮山士朗1, 山城正司1, 櫻川尚子1, 吉田未来1, 四日章1, 真田拓2, 中山俊2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 35-35, 2016.

Japanese Article 18. Example that endoscopic mucosal resection was effective for a large intestine hemangioma of the blue rubber-bleb nevi syndrome
高野暉1, 野村友映1, 太田雅文1, 林蘭仁1, 大塚俊美1, 中村正克1, 有沢富康1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 35-35, 2016.

Japanese Article 19. One case that we stopped bleeding and treated endoscopic after ascending colon cancer technique for a colic varix due to the tumor emboli in the portal vein by the recurrence
平井博和1, 竹村健一2, 西谷雅樹2, 太田亮介2, 川崎梓2, 竹田康人2, 吉光雅志2, 辻国広2, 吉田尚宏2, 松永和大2, 辻重継2, 山田真也2, 山本大輔3, 伴登宏行3, 土山寿志2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 35-35, 2016.

Japanese Article 20. One patient whom Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia developed in during chemotherapy for sigmoid colon cancer
東友理1, 中村慶史1, 廣瀬淳史1, 岡崎充善1, 山口貴久1, 大畠慶直1, 岡本浩一1, 中沼伸一1, 酒井清祥1, 木下淳1, 牧野勇1, 林泰寛1, 尾山勝信1, 井口雅史1, 宮下知治1, 田島秀浩1, 高村博之1, 二宮致1, 伏田幸夫1, 太田哲生1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 35-35, 2016.

Japanese Article 21. An example of the gallbladder colonic fistula which occurred in patients with ulcerative colitis
宇都宮まなみ1, 有塚敦史1, 内藤慶英1, 藤永晴夫1, 林宣明1, 波佐谷兼慶1, 青柳裕之1, 辰巳靖1, 伊部直之1, 海崎泰治2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 36-36, 2016.

Japanese Article 22. One case of colitic cancer which developed rectal neuroendocrine system basalioma during ulcerative colitis long-term treatment
富田泰斗1, 藤田秀人1, 藤井頼孝1, 三浦聖子1, 藤田純1, 甲斐田大資1, 大西敏雄1, 木南伸一1, 中野泰治1, 上田順彦1, 小坂健夫1, 土島睦2, 堤幹宏2, 中田聡子3, 湊宏3
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 36-36, 2016.

Japanese Article 23. One case of ascending colon cancer with the protein leakage that was diagnosed preoperatively, and was treated
寺川裕史1, 今井達朗2, 鈴木信博2, 山崎豪孔2, 森和也1, 馬渡俊樹1, 小林隆司1, 堀川直樹1, 福島亘1, 大澤幸治3, 薮下和久1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 36-36, 2016.

Japanese Article 24. One case of the rectal neuroendocrine tumor that somatostatin receptor scintigraphy was useful for the decision of the surgery method
鈴木勇多1, 原泰将2, 三浦雅2, 竹越快2, 水上敦喜2, 矢野正明2, 在原文教2, 堀田洋介2, 松田耕一郎2, 松田充2, 酒井明人2, 野田八嗣2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 36-36, 2016.

Japanese Article 25. An example of chronic hepatitis C that caused HBV reactivation after DAA treatment
杉本宰甫1, 玉井利克1, 西野美智子1, 米島淳1, 高田昇1, 林智之1, 寺島健志1, 北原征明1, 砂子阪肇1, 鷹取元1, 島上哲朗1, 北村和哉1, 川口和紀1, 荒井邦明1, 山下太郎1, 酒井佳夫1, 山下竜也1, 水腰英四郎1, 本多政夫1, 金子周一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 37-37, 2016.

Japanese Article 26. Examination of dyslipidemia after the interferon-free DAA therapy for chronic hepatitis C
木村真規子1, 守護晴彦1, 熊谷将史1, 米島學1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 37-37, 2016.

Japanese Article 27. The change of the interferon-free oral antiviral agent therapy for genotype type 1 chronic hepatitis C
野ツ俣和夫1, 神野正隆1, 野村能元1, 田中章浩1, 野村佳克1, 上田晃之1, 真田拓1, 渡邊弘之1, 登谷大修1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 37-37, 2016.

Japanese Article 28. One case of the portal vein thrombosis complicated with cytomegalovirus (CMV) hepatitis
村田陽介1, 松田秀岳1, 齊藤恭志1, 赤澤悠1, 高橋和人1, 大藤和也1, 大谷昌弘1, 平松活志1, 根本朋幸1, 中本安成1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 37-37, 2016.

Japanese Article 29. Examination of four symptomatic hepatic cysts that monoethanolamine oleate (EO) infusion therapy was effective
小檜山亮介1, 大幸英喜2, 稲田悠記2, 藤原秀2, 冨田学2, 辻宏和2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 38-38, 2016.

Japanese Article 30. Experience of the laparoscopic hepatic cyst canopy resection using the ICG fluorescence method
道傳研太1, 北村祥貴1, 磯和賢秀1, 福島大1, 崎村祐介1, 美並輝也1, 佐藤礼子1, 鈴木勇人1, 辻敏克1, 山本大輔1, 稲木紀幸1, 黒川勝1, 伴登宏行1, 山田哲司1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 38-38, 2016.

Japanese Article 31. One case of multiple liver inflammatory pseudotumor
木田明彦1, 原田ゆかり1, 佐藤保則2, 寺崎修一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 38-38, 2016.

Japanese Article 32. 1 excision case of segmental atrophy of the liver
山崎祐樹1, 天谷公司1, 青木竜也1, 郡司掛勝也1, 加納俊輔1, 野村皓三1, 丸銭祥吾1, 羽場祐介1, 平野勝久1, 寺井志郎1, 渡邉利史1, 柄田智也1, 竹下雅樹1, 松井恒志1, 加治正英1, 前田基一1, 清水康一1, 池田理栄2, 阿保斉2, 中西ゆう子3, 石澤伸3
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 38-38, 2016.

Japanese Article 33. One case of the acute lymphoid leukemia that we complicated hepatitis fulminant with L-asparaginase and were able to save
里見聡子1, 谷川明希子1, 馬場萌加1, 鳥居志充1, 西山悟1, 三原美香1, 松永心祐1, 道上学1, 山崎幸直1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 39-39, 2016.

Japanese Article 34. An example of the SLE in acknowledgment of various liver tumors
吉田亮太1, 堀井里和1, 松尾俊紀1, 下出哲弘1, 朝日向良朗1, 岡藤啓史1, 飯田宗穂1, 北原征明1, 砂子阪肇1, 鷹取元1, 島上哲朗1, 北村和哉1, 川口和紀1, 荒井邦明1, 山下太郎1, 酒井佳夫1, 山下竜也1, 水腰英四郎1, 本田政夫1, 金子周一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 39-39, 2016.

Japanese Article 35. Example that AFP high level lasted after chronic hepatitis C SVR, and a hepatocellular carcinoma developed eight years later, and AFP normalized by excision
竹越快1, 酒井明人1, 三浦雅1, 水上敦喜1, 原泰将1, 矢野正明1, 在原文教1, 堀田洋介1, 松田耕一郎1, 松田充1, 清水康一2, 野田八嗣1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 39-39, 2016.

Japanese Article 36. One case of liver origin neuroendocrine system cancer that irinotecan / cisplatin therapy succeeded
宮前誠1, 根本朋幸1, 赤澤悠1, 村田陽介1, 斎藤恭志1, 高橋和人1, 大藤和也1, 松田秀岳1, 大谷昌弘1, 平松活志1, 中本安成1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 39-39, 2016.

Japanese Article 37. One case of the super elderly people gallbladder twisting symptom that was diagnosed in preoperation, and was given laparoscopic cholecystectomy
古山和憲1, 杉田浩章1, 島田雅也1, 斎藤健一郎1, 寺川卓郎1, 天谷奨1, 高嶋吉浩1, 宗本義則1, 三井毅1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 40-40, 2016.

Japanese Article 38. An example of the autoimmune pancreatitis who had Warthin tumor
山田清貴1, 三原弘2, 高木宏明2, 安藤孝将2, 梶浦新也2, 細川歩2, 中嶋隆彦3, 井村穣二3, 新敷吉成4, 笠原善弥5, 杉山敏郎2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 40-40, 2016.

Japanese Article 39. Two cases of the chronic pancreatitis that outside the body shock wave lithodialysis therapy (ESWL) was effective for a pancreatic pseudocyst
西野貴晶1, 中谷敦子1, 大澤幸治1, 明石桃子1, 芳尾幸松1, 伊藤博行1, 寺川裕史2, 藪下和久2, 清水幸裕3
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 40-40, 2016.

Japanese Article 40. An example who had the pancreatitis severe for pancreas serous cystadenoma (macrocystic type)
方堂祐治1, 代田幸博1, 須田烈史1, 木田明彦1, 高田宗尚2, 富田剛治2, 今井哲也2, 龍澤泰彦2, 若林時夫1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 40-40, 2016.

Japanese Article 41. Comparison of the diagnosis ability by examination for image and EUS-FNA for the pancreas oligemia-related mass
松永和大1, 西谷雅樹1, 太田亮介1, 柳瀬祐孝1, 川崎梓1, 竹田康人1, 中西宏佳2, 吉光雅志1, 辻国広1, 冨永桂3, 吉田尚弘1, 辻重継1, 竹村健一1, 山田真也1, 土山寿志1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 41-41, 2016.

Japanese Article 42. One case of duodenal Vater's papilla cancer that pancreatic duct broaching extraction of roots was effective for biliary tract drainage
増永高晴1, 坂下俊樹1, 武藤綾子1, 篠崎公秀1, 出村嘉隆2, 荒能義彦2, 森下実2, 湊宏3
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 41-41, 2016.

Japanese Article 43. One case of old lesser pancreas cancer that primary tumor was thought to be controlled by S-1+IMRT treatment
平井大樹1, 渡邊弘之1, 神野正隆1, 野村能元1, 田中章浩1, 野村佳克1, 上田晃之1, 真田拓1, 野ツ俣和夫1, 登谷大修1, 菊池雄三2, 小西章太3, 宮山士朗3, 須藤嘉子4
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 41-41, 2016.

Japanese Article 44. One patient who presented with the metastasis in the pancreas after renal cell carcinoma technique in the sixth year
野村佳克1, 登谷大修1, 野ツ俣和夫1, 渡邊弘之1, 真田拓1, 上田晃之1, 田中章浩1, 野村能元1, 神野正隆1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 41-41, 2016.

Japanese Article 45. An example of the mass plasticity epithelium type peritoneum malignant mesothelioma with the property of Clear cell which racked its brains about a diagnosis
清水真実1, 堀田洋介1, 三浦雅1, 水上敦喜1, 竹越快1, 原泰将1, 矢野正明1, 在原文教1, 松田耕一郎1, 松田充1, 酒井明人1, 野田八嗣1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 42-42, 2016.

Japanese Article 46. One case of the retroperitoneal development leiomyoma which we resected under a peritoneoscope
杉田浩章1, 寺田卓郎1, 島田雅也1, 斎藤健一郎1, 天谷奨1, 高嶋吉浩1, 宗本義則1, 三井毅1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 42-42, 2016.

Japanese Article 47. One case of the upper mesentery aneurysm ruptured that had difficulty in differentiation with the severe acute pancreatitis
豊田健1, 尾崎一晶1, 松江泰弘, 中村彰伸1, 木下香織1, 久保田龍一1, 野村匡晃1, 平川祐希1, 道上洋二1, 山田香穂1, 角田真弘1, 湊貴浩1, 齊藤隆1, 林伸彦1, 福村敦1, 利國信行1, 土島睦1, 堤幹宏1, 北楯優隆2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 42-42, 2016.

Japanese Article 48. An example of the huge adult teratoma derived from rapidly increased retroperitoneum
清家拓哉1, 大村仁志1, 清水吉晃1, 中井亮太郎1, 小村卓也1, 加賀谷尚史1, 太田肇1, 鵜浦雅志1, 大山繁和2, 笠島里美3, 川島篤弘3
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 42-42, 2016.