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The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 122 / 2023
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Digestive organ practice greetings of the 122nd Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Kyushu Branch regular meeting/116th Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Kyushu Branch regular meeting "patients first"
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 2-2, 2023.

Japanese Article Digestive organ practice greetings of the 122nd Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Kyushu Branch regular meeting/116th Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Kyushu Branch regular meeting "patients first"
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 3-3, 2023.

Japanese Article Viral liver disease of remote soil Okinawa
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 69-69, 2023.

Japanese Article We read the inflammatory bowel disease condition of a patient from the viewpoint of cytokine
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 70-70, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-01 (消). Initiatives to improve consultation rates at medical institutions specializing in liver diseases using applications
今泉龍之介1), 磯田広史1), 井上香2), 大枝敏1), 高橋宏和1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-02 (消). Hepatitis medical coordinator baton that medical students from base hospitals connect
中西那月1), 磯田広史2,3), 江口眞子1), 江口有一郎4), 高橋宏和1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-03 (消). The important role of the physical therapist hepatitis medical coordinator - Cirrhosis Child-Pugh classification C with various clinical symptoms Tailor-made support from early hospitalization to return to home -
倉永政男1), 平川美智子1), 江口有一郎1), 江口尚久1), 高橋宏和2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-04 (消). "Supported pick-up system by hepatitis medical coordinator" for picking up Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency
常陸顕悟, 矢田ともみ, 福田裕子, 小松明子, 江口有一郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-05 (消). The significance of nurse practitioner (NPs) participating in gastrointestinal treatment in the era of work style reform and multi-disciplinary collaboration
中原未智1), 米田晃2), 福井彩恵子2), 南恵樹2), 黒木保2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-06 (消). About hepatitis medical coordinator activities in our prefecture - From the perspective of a clinical laboratory technician -
今田龍市1), 宮瀬志保2), 柚留木秀人2), 束野奈津己2), 藤山重俊2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-07 (消). Impact of the spread of new coronavirus infection on the motivation of liver disease coordinators
杉桜子1), 瀬戸山博子2), 松浦由沙1), 井上有子1), 田中靖人2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-08 (消). Pharmacy pharmacist's role as hepatitis medical coordinator
寺元栄一1), 瀬戸山博子2,3), 野村真希2), 吉丸洋子2,3), 田中靖人2,3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-09 (消). Efforts to promote hepatitis virus screening aiming to prevent liver disease, and provide health guidance
大宜見恵1), 湧川奈津子1), 橋本咲枝1), 島袋尚美2), 前城達次3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 75-75, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-10 (消). Initiatives for training sessions for medical staff aimed to maintain motivation
中山美樹1), 砂川綾美1), 新垣伸吾2), 田端そうへい2), 前城達次3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 75-75, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-11 (消). Health promotion initiatives tailored to local characteristics in Ie Village
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 75-75, 2023.

Japanese Article SP1-12 (消). Regarding support for medical staff at Okinawa Prefecture, where is a region with distinctive causes of liver disease
前城達次1,2), 新垣伸吾2), 田端そうへい2), 山本和子2), 砂川綾美3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 75-75, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-01 (inner). Way of working of the digestive organ internal medicine
田里裕子, 瀬嵩万貴, 城間磨裕実, 豊見山麻未, 豊見山良作
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 79-79, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-02 (消). Creating an environment where it is easy to take vacation by taking measures to prevent individualization, and the problems that arise in male childcare
藤原謙次1,2), 長池幸樹1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 79-79, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-03 (消). Male doctors taking childcare leave and reviewing work styles
瑞慶山隆太, 大石有衣子, 伊良波淳, 新垣伸吾, 金城徹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 79-79, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-04 (消). Survey on the current situation and awareness regarding male childcare leave at Nagasaki University Hospital and related facilities
草野啓子1), 田渕真惟子1), 松島加代子1), 赤澤祐子2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 79-79, 2023.

Japanese Article SP2-05 (消). Current status and issues of the working environment and childcare support for gastroenterologists - Questionnaire survey at the Kyushu branch of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
牛嶋真也1), 瀬戸山博子1), 松原大勇2), 田中健太郎1), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 80-80, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-01 (消). Current status of mucosal damage and perforation during POEM and how to deal with it
小川竜1), 堤康志郎1), 水上一弘1), 兒玉雅明2), 村上和成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 83-83, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-02 (inner). Usefulness of the ICG station note method in POEM
田渕真惟子1,2), 南ひとみ1,3), 塩田純也1), 峯彩子1), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 83-83, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-03 (inner). Examination - that we paid our attention to the difference in clinical course of treatment result - each form of muscular layer incision (POEM) of the peroral endoscopy for achalasia
塩飽晃生, 塩飽洋生, 草場裕之, 岡田浩樹, 長谷川傑
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 83-83, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-04 (inner). Introduction of Anti-Reflux Mucosectomy (ARMS) for the PPI/P-CAB-resistant gastroesophageal reflux disease in our hospital and five treatment results
水流大尭1), 畑佳孝1,2), 和田将史1), 荻野治栄1,2), 伊原栄吉1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 83-83, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-05 (消). Treatment strategies for esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma (pT1 cancer)
山崎明, 大野健翔, 古田陽輝, 直江秀昭, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 84-84, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-06 (inner). The current situation and problems judging from ESD short-term results and long term prognosis for esophagogastric junction cancer
赤司太郎1), 山口直之1), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 84-84, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-07 (inner). Clinical practice including the prognosis in esophagogastric junction pT1 cancer of our hospital and examination about the pathological characteristic
大井貴之1), 佐々木文郷1), 上原翔平1), 有上貴明2), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 84-84, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-08 (消). Importance of cardia and esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma in Helicobacter pylori-uninfected stomachs
吉村大輔1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 落合利彰3), 加藤誠也4), 藤原美奈子5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 84-84, 2023.

Japanese Article S1-09 (消). Approaches to refractory anastomotic stricture after surgery for esophageal cancer - Development of prevention and treatment methods from the perspective of basic and clinical research -
小林慎一朗, 金高賢悟, 哲翁華子, 円城寺貴浩, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 85-85, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-01 (消). Examination of the relationship between lifestyle habits and early pancreatic cancer - Efforts at our hospital to detect early pancreatic cancer -
錦織英史1), 佐上亮太1), 佐藤孝生1), 水上一弘2), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 89-89, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-02 (消). Impact of pancreatic endocrine dysfunction on life prognosis in patients with pancreatic cancer
植田圭二郎, 高岡雄大, 寺松克人, 藤森尚, 小川佳宏
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 89-89, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-03 (inner). We think about cholelithiasis in the aging society: Is the cholecystectomy for elderly people really safe? Multi-level analysis using DPC data
森泰寿, 厚井志郎, 田村利尚, 佐藤典宏, 平田敬治
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 89-89, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-04 (消). Clinical characteristics of 44 cases of liver abscess focusing on lifestyle-related diseases
伊集院翔1), 玉井努1), 橋口正史2), 堀剛1), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 89-89, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-05 (消). Initiatives to promote high-risk patient visits by linking educational tools regarding metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease with a liver specialist consultation system
瀬戸山博子, 渡邊丈久, 吉丸洋子, 長岡克弥, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 90-90, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-06 (消). Characteristics of MASLD, Met-ALD and ALD in Okinawa Prefecture
田端そうへい, 嵩原小百合, 溜田茂仁, 宮里公也, 新垣伸吾
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 90-90, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-07 (inner). An association between recurrence and neotype MAFLD of the fatty liver after the endoscopic treatment for the squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus: Multicenter study
福永秀平, 向笠道太, 中根智幸, 岡部義信, 川口巧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 90-90, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-08 (消). Relationship between aldehyde breath test and liver pathology in patients with pharyngoesophageal squamous cell carcinoma
小田耕平, 佐々木文郷, 前田英仁, 上村修司, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 90-90, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-09 (消). Examination of characteristics of drinking and smoking habits of patients with superficial pharyngeal cancer and factors related to secondary carcinogenesis
財田祐希1), 田渕真惟子1,2), 南ひとみ1,4), 山口直之1,3), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 91-91, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-10 (消). Endoscopic treatment of esophageal tumors and the risk of aspiration in obese patients
鈴木翔, 三池忠, 山本章二朗, 河上洋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 91-91, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-11 (inner). Examination of the reflux oesophagitis risk factor to be able to establish medical examination endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract
田村次朗1), クリステンセンめぐみ1), 名富仁美1), 仕垣幸太郎2), 伊志嶺真達3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 91-91, 2023.

Japanese Article S2-12 (内). Relationship between disturbance of intestinal flora (dysbiosis) and decreased intestinal mucosal barrier function in diabetic patients
木村勇祐1), 蓑田洋介1), 荻野治栄2), 伊原栄吉1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 91-91, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-01 (消). Can blood presepsin become a novel biomarker for inflammatory bowel disease?
坂元一樹, 山本章二朗, 大園芳範, 瀬戸口翔子, 河上洋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 95-95, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-02 (消). Examination of the usefulness of intestinal ultrasound examination for ulcerative colitis in our department
小牧祐雅1,2), 小牧蕗子1), 田中啓仁1), 上村修司1), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 95-95, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-03 (消). Examination of sarcopenia in patients with Crohn's disease
古田陽輝1), 中島昌利1), 辻順行2), 高野正太2), 田中靖人1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 95-95, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-04 (消). Short-term treatment results of drugs targeting IL-23 for Crohn's disease at our hospital
西俣伸亮, 家守雅大, 濱元ひとみ, 平川あさみ, 鮫島由規則
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 95-95, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-05 (消). Experience with Ustekinumab for ulcerative colitis at our hospital
吉村美優, 座覇修, 石原淳, 知念隆之, 石原健二
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 96-96, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-06 (消). Study on the usefulness of the Clinical Decision Support Tool in predicting treatment effects for ulcerative colitis
松野雄一1), 梅野淳嗣1), 藤岡審1,2), 川崎啓祐1), 鳥巣剛弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 96-96, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-07 (消). Examination of the short- and medium-term efficacy of Filgotinib for ulcerative colitis at our hospital
鶴田耕三1,2), 森田俊1,2), 吉岡慎一郎1,2), 竹田津英稔1,2), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 96-96, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-08 (消). Biomarker study for upadacitinib
武内翼, 荻野治栄, 近藤悠樹, 知念敏孝, 伊原栄吉
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 96-96, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-09 (消). Treatment experience with new JAK inhibitors for ulcerative colitis at our hospital
塩田純也, 永松雅朗, 北山素, 松島加代子, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 97-97, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-10 (消). Current status of JAK inhibitor use for refractory cases of ulcerative colitis at our hospital
井上須磨1,2), 武富啓展1), 鶴岡ななえ1), 坂田資尚1), 江崎幹宏1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 97-97, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-11 (消). Treatment status and results of JAK inhibitors for ulcerative colitis at our hospital
田辺太郎, 芦塚伸也, 久能宣昭, 船越禎広, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 97-97, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-12 (消). Investigation of 5-ASA intolerance in patients with ulcerative colitis at our hospital
向井康二1), 水谷孝弘1), 落合利彰1), 伊原栄吉2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 97-97, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-13 (消). Changes in the long-term prognosis of ulcerative colitis - With the advent of new molecular target drugs -
安川重義1), 高津典孝2), 古賀章浩2), 久部高司1,2), 八尾建史3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 98-98, 2023.

Japanese Article S3-14 (inner). Examination about the surveillance of the carcinogenesis case to be complicated with IBD
田中正文, 福永光子, 中村寧
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 98-98, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-01 (inner). A trend and measures of the GI bleeding of the Reiwa era
野上鈴夏, 山岡哲秀, 岩越友紀, 岩崎肇, 庄野孝
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 101-101, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-02 (inner). Hemostasis strategy for the esophageal varices explosion case of our hospital
佐藤孝生1), 佐上亮太1,2), 錦織英史1), 水上一弘2), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 101-101, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-03 (inner). Diachronic change of the stomach ESD afterbleeding for the early gastric cancer accompanied with the antithrombotic drug discontinuation method change
前田英仁, 佐々木文郷, 上原翔平, 坂江貴弘, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 101-101, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-04 (inner). Significance of the 2nd look endoscope in the afterbleeding prevention of the stomach ESD case
大野健翔, 松野健司, 具嶋亮介, 直江秀昭, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 101-101, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-05 (inner). Control of the operative haemorrhage in stomach ESD: Multicenter study on hemostasis effect of the Spray solidification mode
江崎充1,2), 隅田頼信3), 山口太輔4), 西岡慧5), 伊原栄吉1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 102-102, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-06 (inner). Measures and the current situation of our hospital for the stomach ESD afterbleeding using the PGA sheet fibrin paste combined use with Clutch Cutter and the PDS stitch
小副川敬, 淀江賢太郎, 久保川賢
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 102-102, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-07 (消). Experience in using disposable needle holders for ulcers after endoscopic treatment in our department
長末智寛, 松野雄一, 川床慎一郎, 太田佳奈美, 鳥巣剛弘
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 102-102, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-08 (消). Study on upper gastrointestinal bleeding after starting tube feeding in critical care ward
佐藤航平, 田渕真惟子, 橋口慶一, 北山素, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 102-102, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-09 (inner). Examination of the afterbleeding risk factor in the endoscopic papillectomy
児島一成, 橋元慎一, 樋之口真, 田ノ上史郎, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 103-103, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-10 (消). Consideration of endoscopy for OGIB at our hospital
柴田衛, 大津健聖, 佐々木優, 森光洋介, 宗祐人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 103-103, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-11 (消). Study of cases of colonic diverticulum bleeding showing extravasation on contrast-enhanced CT
瀬嵩万貴1), 金城譲1), 豊見山良作1), 外間昭2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 103-103, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-12 (inner). The examination that it is useful to perform a colonoscope when when diverticula of colon bleeding is suspected, and there is an image of extravasation in contrasting CT in large intestine
北田英貴, 南信弘, 浦田孝広, 吉本和仁, 下村茉希
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 103-103, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-13 (消). Treatment results for lower gastrointestinal diverticulum bleeding at our hospital
向坂誠一郎, 今村直人, 梅谷聡太, 向井康二, 水谷孝弘
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 104-104, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-14 (消). Examination of unsuccessful cases of band ligation for colorectal diverticulum bleeding at our hospital
丸岡諒平1), 江崎充1,2), 吉岡ちほ子1), 徳永紀子1), 原口和大1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 104-104, 2023.

Japanese Article W1-15 (内). Is endoscopic hemostasis using PuraStat safe for colonic diverticular bleeding?
山口太輔1), 冨永直之2), 安田剛士3), 森源喜4), 行元崇浩5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 104-104, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-01 (消). Examination of predictive factors for immune-related adverse events (irAEs) in Atezolizumab/Bevacizumab therapy
桑野哲史, 矢田雅佳, 田中紘介, 本村健太
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 107-107, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-02 (消). Examination of factors contributing to long-term survival of patients treated with systemic drug therapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
千住猛士1), 田中正剛2), 田中紘介3), 荒武良総4), 杉本理恵5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 107-107, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-03 (消). Significance of multidisciplinary treatment in drug therapy for unresectable advanced liver cancer
佐々木龍1), 宮明寿光1), 曽山明彦2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 107-107, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-04 (消). Impact of drug and local treatment sequence on prognosis for patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
稲田浩気, 徳永尭之, 長岡克弥, 瀬戸山博子, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 107-107, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-05 (消). Results and review of LEN-TACE sequential treatment at our hospital
水田貴大, 工藤康一, 豊田俊徳, 近澤秀人, 上原正義
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 108-108, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-06 (消). Multidisciplinary treatment using immune checkpoint inhibitors for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma in our department and its results
松島肇, 曽山明彦, 原貴信, 金高賢悟, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 108-108, 2023.

Japanese Article W2-07 (消). Significance of multidisciplinary treatment combining combined immunotherapy and surgical treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma
伊藤心二, 戸島剛男, 吉屋匠平, 伊勢田憲史, 吉住朋晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 108-108, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-01 (inner). Results of the endoscopic ultrasonography for the case noted only a pancreatic cyst by abdominal ultrasonography of examination and the screening
濱田嵩史, 樋之口真, 田ノ上史郎, 橋元慎一, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 111-111, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-02 (消). Characteristics of pancreatic cysts associated with micro-pancreatic cancer - Don't overlook retention cysts! -
佐上亮太1,2), 錦織英史1), 佐藤孝生1), 水上一弘2), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 111-111, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-03 (消). Study on clinical characteristics of pancreatic cancer with pancreatic cysts
中村義孝1), 田口宏樹1), 樋之口真2), 橋元慎一2), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 111-111, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-04 (消). Consideration of preoperative diagnosis of IPMN at our hospital
嶋倉茜, 小澤栄介, 森智崇, 高橋孝輔, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 111-111, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-05 (消). Examination of preoperative diagnosis rate and predictors of IPMN malignancy for pancreatic cystic tumors and pancreatic NETs with cystic degeneration
森英輝, 與那原究, 石原健二, 座覇修
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 112-112, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-06 (消). Utility of EUS-guided tissue acquisition for pancreatic cystic lesions
末永顕彦1), 大野彰久1), 蓑田洋介2), 植田圭二郎1), 藤森尚1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 112-112, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-07 (消). Factor evaluation of lymph node metastasis of IPMC
大塚郁弥, 久木山直貴, 牛嶋真也, 吉成元宏, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 112-112, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-08 (消). Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm (IPMN) follow-up and its challenges
伊原諒, 立川勝子, 丸尾達, 野間栄次郎, 植木敏晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 112-112, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-09 (消). Clinicopathological study of mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN)
飽田博海, 浦田孝広, 河原駿, 河野亮介, 北田英貴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 113-113, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-10 (消). Examination of pancreatic MCN resection cases
高木亮1), 佐藤諒1), 小橋川嘉泉1), 伊志嶺朝成2), 松崎晶子3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 113-113, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-11 (消). Clinical characteristics of pancreatic SPN resection cases in our department
山下万平, 足立智彦, 今村一歩, 曽山明彦, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 113-113, 2023.

Japanese Article W3-12 (消). Examination of pancreatic lymphoepithelial cyst and pancreatic epidermoid cyst resected at our hospital
寺部寛哉1), 岡部義信1,2), 中山正道3), 久下享4), 内藤嘉紀5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 113-113, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 01 (消). A case of ectopic pancreas discovered incidentally due to small intestinal intussusception
空閑亮太1), 佐々木泰介1), 興津亮太1), 福谷洋樹1), 大久保彰人1), 濱田匠平1), 吉村大輔1), 原田直彦1), 工藤健介2), 桃崎征也3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 117-117, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 02 (消). A case of pneumatosis intestinalis discovered incidentally after being brought to the emergency room due to acute vomiting
下川一貴, 大津健聖, 平野昭和, 柴田衛, 池園剛, 橋本崇, 樋脇久美, 児嶋宏晃, 佐々木優, 宗祐人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 117-117, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 03 (内). A case of small intestine cancer discovered during follow-up after gastric GIST surgery
豊田亮1), 徳永紀子1), 松坂浩史1), 江崎充1,2), 丸岡諒平1), 吉岡ちほ子1), 大塚宜寛1), 兼城三由紀1), 当間宏樹3), 原口和大1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 117-117, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 04 (消). A case in which Crohn's disease was confirmed in the wake of the diagnosis of granulomatous cheilitis
中山大希1), 前田将久1), 上原翔平1), 坂江貴弘1), 田中啓仁1), 前田英仁1), 小牧祐雅2), 佐々木文郷1), 上村修司1), 井戸章雄1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 117-117, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 05 (消). A case of paralytic ileus triggered by genital bruise
廣松昌平1), 平田智也2), 小野健太2), 金子博樹2), 市成直樹2), 野田貴穂3), 遊佐俊彦4), 梅崎直紀4), 原田和人4), 石躍裕之4), 本田志延4), 土居浩一4), 山本章二朗5), 河上洋5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 118-118, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 06 (内). A case of intussusception caused by small intestinal fat species that was difficult to reduce endoscopically and underwent ileocecal resection
鶴田恵里, 大保宏允, 山鹿慎也, 堀尾高任, 池邊賢一, 本田秀和, 福林光太郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 118-118, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 07 (消). A case in which emergency laparotomy thrombectomy was performed for superior mesenteric artery thromboembolism that developed during hospitalization
安座間陽輝, 岡田晋一郎, 古澤慎也, 木下高之介, 永田恵蔵, 與那覇智基
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 118-118, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 08 (消). A case of functional fecal evacuation disorder due to elderly-onset internal anal sphincter thickening diagnosed that triggered by large intestine dilatation
大竹隆太郎1), 西岡慧1), 畑薫1), 志賀典子1), 岩佐勉1), 壁村哲平1), 伊原栄吉2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 118-118, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 09 (消). A case of ulcerative colitis causing intractable leg ulcers
大久保慶1), 塩田純也1), 澤健一3), 谷口育洋4), 赤司太郎1), 田渕真惟子1), 北山素1), 橋口慶一1,2), 松島加代子1), 赤澤祐子1), 山口直之1,2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 119-119, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 10 (消). A case of elderly-onset Crohn's disease diagnosed due to intractable anal fistula
井川怜美, 藤邑勇太朗, 島田不律, 四本界人, 山内康平, 中村昌太郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 119-119, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 11 (消). A case of eosinophilic gastroenteritis
重村玲1), 平井哲1), 貞島健人1), 澤瀬寛典1), 井手康史1), 阿比留正剛1), 内橋和芳2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 119-119, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 12 (消). A case of irAE enteritis that was difficult to differentiate due to chemotherapy diarrhea induced
中村理貴1), 谷口育洋1), 南永子1), 岩永貞大朗1), 釣船隼也1), 柴田雅士1), 福田浩子1), 松崎寿久1), 山尾拓史1), 林洋子2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 119-119, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 13 (消). An example of drug-induced lung injury caused by Mesalazine
二宮花音, 西原敬仁, 影浦尚輝, 山口兼生, 橋本さつき, 小松直広, 森崎智仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 120-120, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 14 (消). A case in which ulcerative colitis was diagnosed from polyarthritis, and the arthritis improved with only a 5ASA preparation
羽生田菜月, 貞島健人, 平井哲, 澤瀬寛典, 内橋和芳, 阿比留正剛
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 120-120, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 15 (消). A case of severe ulcerative colitis in which blood cell depletion therapy was effective for arthritis with extraintestinal complications
大岩望実, 金城健, 宮城泰雅, 佐藤諒, 富里孔太, 高木亮, 小橋川嘉泉, 内間庸文, 仲吉朝邦, 金城福則
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 120-120, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 16 (消). A case in which Encorafenib + Binimetinib therapy was effective for lymph node metastasis recurrence of sigmoid colon cancer after endoscopic resection complicated by Trousseau syndrome
山口慧世, 宮崎修, 新谷和貴, 澤健一, 池田智成, 岡村卓真, 長田和義, 山島美緒, 山道忍, 矢嶌弘之, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 120-120, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 17 (消). A case of rectal mucinous carcinoma presenting with electrolyte depletion syndrome
中尾彩乃1), 宮副誠司1), 町田治久1), 山西幹夫1), 村上俊介2), 蒲原行雄2), 林徳真吉3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 121-121, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 18 (消). A case of rectal cancer with a good progress after multidisciplinary treatment for synchronous brain metastasis
太田成美1), 木下綾華1), 小野稔晃1), 牟田裕貴1), 布下裕基1), 長田和義2), 谷口堅1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 121-121, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 19 (消). A case of intrahepatic bile duct cancer that metastasized to the colon
光吉良輔, 朝長道人, 陣内杏月, 松永拓也, 冨永直之, 緒方伸一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 121-121, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 20 (内). A case of intramucosal carcinoma of the sigmoid colon that hemorrhagic shock that required emergency laparotomy after manual reduction of external prolapsed intestine
榎本聡真1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 柿添梢1), 山本翔太1), 吉田晃宏1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 121-121, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 21 (内). A case of small intramucosal colon cancer with lymphatic invasion
山本嶺王1), 渡邉優征1), 大田耕平2), 渡辺大将2), 深水航2), 柴田翔2), 上野恵里奈2), 岡村修祐2), 河野弘志2), 光山慶一2), 鶴田修2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 122-122, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 22 (内). A case of ascending colon cancer with metachronous bilateral Krukenberg metastasis and recurrence
柴山理菜1), 川下雄丈1), 立石昌樹1), 櫨山尚憲1), 山口淳三1), 阿部創世1), 上田剛資1), 鷲田康雄2), 八反田洋一3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 122-122, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 23 (消). A case of idiopathic bilateral femoral head necrosis that developed during treatment for ulcerative colitis
稲富梨紗, 宮原貢一, 白水萌子, 森田竜麻, 中山賢一郎, 川添夕佳, 竹内祐樹, 野田隆博
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 122-122, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 24 (内). A case of a transverse colon volvulus that could be reduced endoscopically
塚本愛麗子1), 塩田純也1), 佐藤航平1), 赤司太郎1), 田渕真惟子1), 北山素1), 橋口慶一1,2), 富永哲郎3), 野中隆3), 山口直之1,2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 122-122, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 25 (内). A case of accidental ingestion of PTP that was successfully removed endoscopically using balloon dilation for anastomotic stenosis after transverse colon surgery
三浦玲1), 河野真一1), 重森亮宏1), 田中貴英1), 中村滋郎1), 鳥巣剛弘2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 123-123, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 26 (消). An example of colostomy perforation within a parastomal hernia
小野稔晃, 木下綾華, 太田成美, 牟田裕貴, 布下裕基, 谷口堅
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 123-123, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 27 (消). An autopsy case of sinonasal cancer complicated by liver/lymph node metastasis and brain invasion and death from liver failure
池田峻一1), 東晃一1), 東夕喜1), 伏見文良2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 123-123, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 28 (消). A case of cholangitis caused by a common bile duct stone caused by a stray clip in a patient after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
峯苫佑貴, 山内康平, 中村昌太郎, 下西智徳, 四本界人, 島田不律, 藤邑勇太朗
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 123-123, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 29 (消). A case of giant hepatocellular carcinoma in which Complete Response (CR) was achieved with Atezo + Bev therapy
水之江洋平, 相部祐希, 松室孝英, 野口達矢, 木下善博, 幸本達矢, 原田克則, 中嶋哲也, 白井保之, 藤川貴久
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 124-124, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 30 (消). A case of giant focal nodular hyperplasia complicated by an aneurysm at the origin of the cystic artery
藤吉凌万, 野村頼子, 龍知記, 武石一樹, 和田幸之, 高見裕子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 124-124, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 31 (消). A case of multiple pulmonary metastases treated with Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma, followed by thoracoscopic partial lung resection in which a pathological complete response was demonstrated
白川征士朗1), 野田悠2), 新関敬2), 村上大悟3), 松隈則人4), 酒井味和2), 岩本英希2), 下瀬茂男2), 城野智毅2), 中野聖士2), 森山悦子2), 黒松亮子2), 古賀浩徳2), 三好寛明5), 秋葉純5), 川口巧2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 124-124, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 32 (消). A case of resection of hepatocellular carcinoma developed due to hypercitrullinemia
小川紗智1), 北里周1), 織方良介1), 笠伸大郎1), 吉野恭平1), 福井彩恵子1), 釘山統太1), 米田晃1), 杉山望1), 竹下浩明1), 南恵樹1), 長岡進矢2), 黒木保1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 124-124, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 33 (消). A case of hepatocellular carcinoma in which initial Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab combination therapy was not effective, but Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab combination therapy after Lenvatinib - transcatheter hepatic artery chemoembolization (LEN-TACE) was effective
高崎真全, 東晃一, 東夕喜
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 125-125, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 34 (消). A case of primary hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma with intra-abdominal lymph node and cervical spine metastasis
菊池臣太郎1), 東晃一1), 東夕喜1), 伏見文良2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 125-125, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 35 (消). A case of acute hepatitis A of genotype IIIA infected in India
八百山華, 小野原伸也, 原田林, 道免和文
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 125-125, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 36 (消). A case of hepatitis C in which diagnosis was difficult, acute onset to chronicity was confirmed by liver biopsy, and treatment was performed
田中愛美, 佐々木大尭, 杉和洋, 中田成紀, 石井将太郎, 松山太一, 向坂健佑, 楠本周平, 山本祐弥
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 125-125, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 37 (消). A case of improvement after steroid pulse therapy for acute liver failure
國行浩平1), 平井哲1), 澤瀬寛典1), 貞島健人1), 井手康史1), 阿比留正剛1), 内橋和芳2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 126-126, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 38 (消). A case of chronic hepatitis C in which a significant virological response (SVR) was achieved by continuing antiviral treatment without stopping medication although Grade 3 hyperbilirubinemia due to intrahepatic cholestasis occurred during Glecaprevir/Pibrentasvir (GLE/PIB) combination therapy
持田諭1), 東晃一1), 東夕喜1), 伏見文良2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 126-126, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 39 (消). Three cases of PTO with balloon occlusion of inflow veins for ruptured rectal varices
久木田武應1), 伊集院翔1), 玉井努1), 児玉弘毅1), 室町香織1), 馬渡誠一2), 堀剛1), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 126-126, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 40 (消). A case of human intestinal spirochetosis with hepatic granuloma
川添綾子1), 小出明妃1), 松本耕輔1), 釘山有希1), 末廣智之1), 本吉康英1), 佐伯哲1), 長岡進矢1), 山崎一美1), 小森敦正1), 八橋弘1), 今村祥子2), 三原祐美3), 伊東正博3), 三浦史郎3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 126-126, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 41 (消). A case diagnosed with liver angiosarcoma at autopsy that showed a unique multiple hepatic cyst-like morphology
須賀原啓1), 松尾諭1), 佐々木龍1), 嶋倉茜1), 森智崇1), 中尾康彦1), 福島真典1), 三馬聡1), 宮明寿光1), 田中健之2), 荒木寛3), 関野元裕3), 吉川亮4), 曽山明彦5), 江口晋5), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 127-127, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 42 (消). A case of porphyria diagnosed based on characteristic liver MRI findings
上嶋佑輝, 岩津伸一, 蓑田昌和, 杉尾小百合, 佐藤祐斗, 庄司寛之, 小野英樹, 高木崇, 加藤有史, 沖本忠義
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 127-127, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 43 (消). Two cases of percutaneous minocycline hydrochloride injection therapy for symptomatic liver cysts
赤嶺佑介, 大中祐太郎, 宮下香世, 上原里依, 茶園歩夢, 富田有香, 柳田佳史, 中村弘, 大城拓巳, 知念健司, 眞喜志知子, 加藤功大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 127-127, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 45 (消). Intraoperative simulation using VR: a case of resection of ruptured giant hepatocellular carcinoma
池田典子1), 川下雄丈1), 立石昌樹1), 櫨山尚憲1), 山口淳三1), 阿部創世1), 上田剛資1), 鷲田康雄2), 八反田洋一3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 127-127, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 46 (消). A case of hemorrhagic liver cyst rupture
加藤遼1), 高木崇1), 杉尾小百合1), 蓑田昌和1), 佐藤祐斗1), 岩津伸一1), 庄司寛之1), 小野英樹1), 沖本忠義1), 高山洋臣2), 宇都宮徹2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 128-128, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 47 (消). A case of hemorrhagic cholecystitis with gallbladder pseudoaneurysm
石井優子, 北里周, 吉野恭平, 織方良介, 笠伸大郎, 福井彩恵子, 釘山統太, 米田晃, 竹下浩明, 杉山望, 南恵樹, 黒木保
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 128-128, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 48 (消). A case of long-term survival after extended cholecystectomy and pancreaticoduodenectomy for Stage IV gallbladder cancer with distant lymph node metastasis
小川祐希, 河野博, 中釜秀将, 田中佑一, 佐伯潔, 後藤佳登, 梁井公輔, 山元啓文, 植木隆, 大城戸政行, 一宮仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 128-128, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 49 (内). A case in which ERGDP was successfully performed for penetrating cholecystitis
前田直樹1), 後藤佳登2), 河野博2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 128-128, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 50 (消). A case of gallbladder torsion triggered by a fall from a high jump
加瀬蒼, 野村頼子, 龍知記, 武石一樹, 和田幸之, 高見裕子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 129-129, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 51 (内). A case of telangiectasia at the bile duct jejunostomy where bleeding was successfully stopped with PuraStat
中村将司1), 田口宏樹1), 中村義孝1), 黒木咲花1), 児玉弘毅1), 森聡志1), 小田原成彬1), 児玉朋子2), 樺山雅之1), 伊集院翔1), 川平正博2), 中澤潤一2), 那須雄一郎1), 玉井努1), 堀剛1), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 129-129, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 52 (inner). A case of intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct (IPNB) that succeed jaundice relief with EUS lower biliary drainage
今村優太1), 中村義孝1), 黒木咲花1), 森聡志1), 児玉弘毅1), 小田原成彬1), 児玉朋子2), 樺山雅之1), 川平正博2), 伊集院翔1), 中澤潤一2), 那須雄一郎1), 田口宏樹1), 玉井努1), 堀剛1), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 129-129, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 53 (消). Experience of cholecystectomy in two cases with right portal umbilicus
福守雄太1), 蒲原行雄1), 右田一成1,2), 中村瞬1), 佐藤彩香1), 村上俊介1), 前川恭一郎1), 林徳真吉3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 129-129, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 54 (消). A case of severe pancreatitis due to marked hypertriglyceridemia
堤田夏生, 樋口野日斗, 柴田倫子, 具嶋敏文
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 130-130, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 55 (消). A case of micro-pancreatic cancer diagnosed triggered by pancreatic duct dilatation accompanied by focal pancreatic parenchymal atrophy
福井悠1,2), 錦織英史3), 佐上亮太3), 佐藤孝生3), 久松朱里3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 130-130, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 56 (消). A case of thrombophlebitis that developed during chemotherapy for pancreatic tail cancer and in which skin biopsy was useful for diagnosis
金城悟1), 河邉顕2), 土井和子3), 草野弘宣4), 鈴木哲5), 深浦啓太2), 村尾寛之2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 130-130, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 57 (消). A case of Hemosuccus Pancreaticus due to posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm in which angiography was useful for diagnosis
大河原有真, 古閑睦夫
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 130-130, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 58 (消). A case of idiopathic chronic pancreatitis with pancreatic fistula that developed at a young age
森元伸哉, 梯祥太郎, 橋本理沙, 平山雅大, 倉重智之, 友枝成, 田中俊行, 茶圓智人, 千住猛士, 板場壮一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 131-131, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 59 (内). A case of bullous pemphigoid caused stricture in the cervical esophagus
久原洋平1,2), 福谷洋樹1,2), 興津亮太1,2), 大久保彰人1,2), 佐々木泰介1,2), 濱田匠平1,2), 吉村大輔1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 桃崎征也3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 131-131, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 60 (内). A case of giant esophageal liposarcoma discovered due to esophageal passage obstruction
名取宥哉1), 松口崇央1), 今村壮志1), 高橋俊介1), 西村章2), 西田康二郎2), 東秀史2), 梅北慎也3), 佐々木泰介4), 孝橋賢一5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 131-131, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 61 (内). A case of esophageal granulocytoma with a tendency to increase that was successfully resected by endoscopic submucosal dissection
上野慎吾, 堀尾高任, 大保宏允, 山鹿慎也, 池邊賢一, 本田秀和, 福林光太郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 131-131, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 62 (消). A case of eosinophilic gastrointestinal disease diagnosed in the wake of ascites
神尾琢克伸1), 山本祐弥1), 佐々木大尭1), 楠本周平1), 向坂健佑1), 松山太一1), 石井将太郎1), 中田成紀1), 杉和洋1), 柳田恵理子2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 132-132, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 63 (消). A case of Dysphagia aortica diagnosed triggered by aspiration pneumonia
近藤聡太, 阪口真千, 山元勝悟, 馬込省吾
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 132-132, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 64 (内). A case of autoimmune bullosa with esophageal stricture that could be diagnosed endoscopically
川邉龍人1), 福田昌英2), 堤康志郎2), 前田晃希2), 渕野貴文2), 小坂聡太郎2), 高橋晴彦2), 福田健介2), 小川竜2), 水上一弘2), 兒玉雅明2), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 132-132, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 65 (消). Diagnosis and treatment experience of esophageal rupture and perforation in our department
池永裕紀, 荒井淳一, 田上幸憲, 橋本泰匡, 濱崎景子, 富永哲郎, 野中隆, 澤井照光, 永安武
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 132-132, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 66 (内). A case of gastric inflammatory fibroid polyp whose morphology changed over about 3 months
小玉将義1), 畑薫1), 梅北慎也1), 西岡慧1), 志賀典子1), 黒木淳一1), 岩佐勉1), 壁村哲平1), 矢野博久2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 133-133, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 67 (消). A case of telangiectasia occurring after palliative radiation irradiation for bleeding from unresectable advanced gastric cancer, making it difficult to control hemorrhagic anemia
水野泰智, 稲田泰亮, 本間仁, 前原浩亮, 塩月一生, 福田慎一郎, 隅田頼信, 秋穂裕唯
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 133-133, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 68 (消). A case of lymphocyte-infiltrated gastric cancer that underwent diagnostic ESD
力武優梨1), 加茂泰広1), 徳永良樹1), 柿添麻由子1), 若松彩1), 山口東平1), 小田英俊1), 國崎昌己2), 米満伸久3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 133-133, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 69 (消). A case of primary gastric choriocarcinoma in which radical resection was possible with early diagnosis
山本優香1), 山口太輔1), 権藤佳澄1), 野村忠洋1), 深水翔大1), 木村俊一郎1), 田中雄一郎1), 日野直之1), 有尾啓介1), 綱田誠司1), 小山正三朗2), 黨和夫2), 田場充3), 内藤愼二3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 133-133, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 70 (消). A case of gastric Glomus tumor
安東ゆめり1), 古本裕也1), 野口春菜1), 山田訓也1), 草津工喜1), 林友和1), 福地聡士1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 134-134, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 71 (内). A case of gastric mucinous cancer in which endoscopic ultrasound was useful for diagnosing invasion depth
前田和紀1), 松田恵伍1), 金光高雄1), 平瀬崇之2,3), 麻生頌1), 小野陽一郎1), 宮岡正喜2), 吉村雅代3), 田邉寛3), 原岡誠司3), 宮坂義浩4), 渡部雅人4), 二村聡3), 久部高司2), 植木敏晴1), 八尾建史2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 134-134, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 72 (内). A case of duodenal neoplasm of gastric phenotype with recurrence 17 years after endoscopic treatment
武田一泰1), 今村壮志1), 高橋俊介1), 松口崇央1), 岩尾梨沙1), 長田美佳子1), 後藤綾子1), 久保信英1), 田中亮太郎2), 中村吏2), 吉本剛志2), 小柳年正2), 梅北慎也3), 川床慎一郎4), 山元英崇5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 134-134, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 73 (消). A case of bone marrow colloid degeneration during systemic chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer
益山典子1), 吉田直樹2), 細川歩3), 大槻佑生子2), 田村穂高2,3), 宮後冴2,3), 末田光恵2,3), 中島孝治2,3), 大栗伸行4), 佐藤勇一郎4), 永田賢治2), 河上洋2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 134-134, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 74 (消). A case of segmental arterial mediolysis (SAM) of the left gastroepiploic artery treated with arterial embolization
與那覇智基, 岡田晋一郎, 木下高之介, 古澤慎也, 鹿島田寛明, 安座間陽輝, 重盛康司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 135-135, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 75 (内). A case of ileus by fall of a gastric bezoar developed after endoscopic screening in the upper gastrointestinal after distal gastrectomy
ユリアニ プトゥリ1), 藤邑勇太朗1), 島田不律1), 山内康平1), 中村昌太郎2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 135-135, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 76 (内). A case of peroneal nerve palsy caused by gastric ESD
鶴田透, 貞島健人, 平井哲, 澤瀬寛典, 阿比留正剛
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 135-135, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 77 (内). A case of small intestinal obstruction due to persimmon bezoar that was successfully treated with cola dissolution therapy
小山田侑生, 山鹿慎也, 大保宏允, 堀尾高任, 池邊賢一, 本田秀和, 福林光太郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 135-135, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 79 (消). A case in which absorbable reinforcement material was effective for fistula insufficiency after gastrostomy removal
坂口純, 岩永真太朗, 南永子, 釣船隼也, 柴田雅士, 谷口育洋, 福田浩子, 松崎寿久, 山尾拓史
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 136-136, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 80 (消). A case of tuberculous lymphadenitis that required differentiation from malignant lymphoma and in which EUS-FNA was useful for diagnosis
Dang Thanh Huy1), 山内康平1), 藤邑勇太朗1), 島田不律1), 中村昌太郎2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 136-136, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 81 (消). A case of autoimmune coagulation factor V deficiency resulting in gastrointestinal bleeding
岡柊吾1), 松成修1,3), 石飛裕和1,3), 渡邉充2), 村上和成3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 136-136, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 82 (消). A case of accessory splenic infarction that was diagnosed preoperatively and could be treated with laparoscopic accessory splenectomy
新藤滉大, 後藤佳登, 佐伯潔, 河野博, 梁井公輔, 山元啓文, 植木隆
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 137-137, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 83 (消). A case in which transinguinal lymph node puncture lymphangiography was effective for postoperative refractory chyle ascites
米田奈央1), 工藤康一1), 上原正義1), 占部裕巳2), 江口剛人3), 池田理4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 137-137, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 84 (消). A case of emergency bilateral TAPP performed after decompression using an ileus tube for bilateral obturator hernia incarceration
永井廉士, 大久保啓史, 佐竹霜一, 浜之上雅博, 高尾尊身
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 137-137, 2023.

Japanese Article 研 85 (消). A case of Taenia solium developed after traveling abroad
武藤潤, 山口太輔, 権藤佳澄, 野村忠洋, 深水翔大, 木村俊一郎, 田中雄一郎, 日野直之, 有尾啓介, 綱田誠司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 137-137, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 01 (内). A case of diffuse esophageal spasm based on imaging findings
唐千暁1), 井原勇太郎1), 矢田親一朗1), 河野浩幸2), 柴瑛介3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 141-141, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 02 (消). A case of acute necrotizing esophagitis complicated by diabetic ketoacidosis
郷田悠1), 広島康久2), 今石奈緒1), 嵯峨邦裕3), 江口英利3), 石川浩一3), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 141-141, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 03 (消). A case of esophageal Behcet's disease that was difficult to diagnose
今村祐介, 大井貴之, 前田将久, 上原翔平, 坂江貴弘, 田中啓仁, 前田英仁, 佐々木文郷, 上村修司, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 141-141, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 04 (内). A case of Barrett's esophageal adenocarcinoma complicated by long segment Barrett's esophagus that occurred in a short period of time after cardiac gastrectomy
高山弘毅1), 小野陽一郎1), 安川重義1), 武田輝之1), 平瀬崇之2), 二村聡2), 渡部雅人3), 久部高司1), 植木敏晴1), 八尾建史4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 141-141, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 05 (内). A case of metastatic gastric cancer discovered at the same time as esophageal adenocarcinoma with a background of ectopic gastric mucosa
野尻暁太1), 大仁田賢1), 桑原愛1,2), 柿ヶ尾佳奈2), 植原亮平1), 東俊太朗1), 井上健一郎1), 神谷直昭2), 林康平3), 園田悠紀3), 本田琢也3), 中尾一彦3), 松岡優毅4), 中島正洋4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 142-142, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 06 (内). A case of neuroendocrine cell carcinoma that occurred in Barrett's esophagus
花園ゆりか, 河野亮介, 飽田博海, 河原駿, 下村茉希, 植村昌代, 吉本和仁, 南信弘, 浦田孝広, 北田英貴, 竹熊与志
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 142-142, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 07 (内). A case of acute esophageal mucosal lesions caused by drinking alcohol
潮平朝成, 萩原啓太, 上間恵理子, 川又久永, 大湾朝尚, 眞喜屋実之, 諸喜田林
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 142-142, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 08 (消). A case of gastric syphilis that required differentiation from gastric MALT lymphoma
近藤陽香1), 重田浩一朗1), 若松万葉1), 大薗宏輔1), 杉田浩1), 水上京子1), 徳留健太郎1), 肱黒薫1), 大納伸人2), 長谷川将1), 杉田智3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 142-142, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 09 (消). A case of emphysematous gastritis caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae, in which changes in endoscopic findings over time were observed
前田拓, 久能宣昭, 黒木大世, 徳重裕陽, 木村俊大, 江上弥之介, 能丸遼平, 今給黎宗, 松岡弘樹, 田辺太郎, 船越禎広, 芦塚伸也, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 143-143, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 10 (内). A case of Cronkhite-Canada syndrome developed after gastric cancer surgery
宿輪尚孝, 藤野亮太, 石田智士, 東郷政明, 竹島史直
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 143-143, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 11 (消). Two cases of HER2-positive early gastric cancer that developed distant metastasis after ESD
深瀬均, 山崎明, 大野健翔, 園田隆賀, 松野健司, 古田陽輝, 宮本英明, 具嶋亮介, 直江秀昭, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 143-143, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 12 (消). One case of stomach hepatoid adenocarcinoma Stage4
福田大毅1), 林康平1), 山道翔太1), 園田悠紀1), 荒木智徳1), 本田琢也1), 岡野慎士2), 中尾一彦1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 143-143, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 13 (消). Hyperbilirubinemia due to severe hemolytic attack, a case of infectious mononucleosis complicated by acute renal failure
山下真広, 中村弘毅, 前山夕紀子, 内田優介, 佐野千恵子, 内田健介, 土居敬子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 144-144, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 14 (消). A case of metastatic liver tumor rupture from a primary pancreatic mixed tumor (MiNEN: mixed neuroendocrine-nonendocrine neoplasm)
大山格1), 松崎寿久1), 山尾拓史1), 中尾一彦2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 144-144, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 15 (消). A case of tumor thrombus in the bile duct and portal vein due to liver metastasis from rectal cancer
木村遼, 高田和英, 福山真, 徳重裕陽, 永田貴大, 松元慶亮, 宮山隆志, 北口恭規, 柴田久美子, 山内涼, 福田洋美, 古賀毅彦, 土屋直壮, 福永篤志, 田中崇, 石田祐介, 横山圭二, 釈迦堂敏, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 144-144, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 16 (消). A case of a young man with hepatocellular carcinoma who was strongly suspected to have Alagille syndrome
宮里卓行1), 山里雄飛1), 志喜屋好令1), 黒島洋平1), 盛島明丈1), 瑞慶山隆太2), 嵩原小百合2), 古賀絵莉香2), 大石有衣子2), 田端そうへい1), 宮里公也2), 溜田茂仁2), 大平哲也2), 伊良波淳2), 新垣伸吾1), 金城徹2), 山本和子1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 144-144, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 17 (消). A case of intestinal necrosis caused by portal vein-superior mesenteric vein thrombosis that occurred after combination therapy with atezolizumab + bevacizumab
家村公太朗1), 野田悠1), 三原勇太郎2), 酒井味和1), 新関敬1), 中野聖士1), 岩本英希1), 城野智毅1), 下瀬茂男1), 森山悦子1), 黒松亮子1), 古賀浩徳1), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 145-145, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 18 (消). A case of inferior vena cava syndrome caused by rapidly expanding hepatocellular carcinoma, where symptoms were quickly relieved by inferior vena cava stent placement
大野桃香1), 城野智毅1), 新関敬1), 岩本英希1), 下瀬茂男1), 野田悠1,2), 森山悦子1), 中野聖士1), 小金丸雅道2), 黒松亮子1), 古賀浩徳1), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 145-145, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 19 (消). A case of adult-onset Langerhans histiocytosis diagnosed by liver tumor biopsy
嶋永翔太, 楢原哲史, 稲田浩気, 田中健太郎, 徳永尭之, 飯尾悦子, 吉丸洋子, 長岡克弥, 渡邊丈久, 瀬戸山博子, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 145-145, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 20 (消). A case of hepatocellular carcinoma associated with glycogen storage disease type I that achieved a favorable postoperative course through treatment strategies and perioperative management for symptoms specific to glycogen storage disease
由比元顕, 田中智和, 伊藤孝太朗, 井手貴雄, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 145-145, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 21 (消). Intraductal papillary tumor discovered due to biliary tract bleeding
蓑田昌和1), 村上和成2), 沖本忠義1), 小野英樹1), 佐藤祐斗1), 児玉康弘1), 加藤有史1), 庄司寛之1), 岩津伸一1), 新谷和貴1), 杉尾小百合1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 146-146, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 22 (消). A case of intraductal papillary neoplasm of bile duct (IPNB) that required differentiation from infectious liver cyst, hemorrhagic liver cyst, and hepatic cystadenocarcinoma
叶晶嘉1), 湯ノ谷修三1), 野下祥太郎1), 村山賢一郎1), 古賀風太1), 三好篤2), 大座紀子1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 146-146, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 23 (消). A case of early gallbladder cancer complicated by cholecystitis with high tumor marker values
中村瞬, 蒲原行雄, 佐藤彩香, 村上俊介, 前川恭一郎, 林徳真吉
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 146-146, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 24 (消). A case of common bile duct metastasis after endometrial cancer discovered due to obstructive jaundice
庄彬亘1), 柊元洋紀1), 藤田俊浩2), 秋元遥1), 田平悠二1), 宮之前優香1), 灰床裕介1), 川平真知子1), 鮫島洋一1), 福田芳生1), 徳重浩一1), 田中啓仁3), 橋元慎一3), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 146-146, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 25 (内). A case in which endoscopic stone removal was possible for a giant intrahepatic stone that occurred after surgery for congenital biliary ectasia
深水翔大, 日野直之, 権藤佳澄, 野村忠洋, 石田智士, 木村俊一郎, 田中雄一郎, 山口太輔, 有尾啓介, 綱田誠司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 147-147, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 26 (消). A case of hepatic pseudoaneurysm bleeding late after total pancreatectomy and bile duct stricture after coil embolization
南永子1), 谷口育洋1), 岩永真太朗1), 釣船隼也1), 柴田雅士1), 福田浩子1), 松崎寿久1), 山尾拓史1), 田中貴之2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 147-147, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 27 (消). A case of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) that was difficult to differentiate from cholangiocarcinoma
茶園歩夢, 知念健司, 加藤功大, 眞喜志知子, 大城拓巳, 大中祐太郎, 柳田佳史, 中村弘, 上原里依, 富田有香
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 147-147, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 28 (消). A case of primary neuroendocrine tumor in the duodenal papilla requiring additional surgical resection after endoscopic papillectomy
新山寛季, 豊留孝史郎, 柴田隆佑, 児島一成, 濱田崇史, 樋之口真, 田ノ上史郎, 有馬志穂, 橋元慎一, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 147-147, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 29 (消). A case in which preoperative bile duct stent placement using the Rendezvous method via cholecystoduodenal fistula was effective
小林潤一1), 武市由希子1), 新里雅人1), 岸本信三1), 西原政好2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 148-148, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 30 (内). A case of biliary tract bleeding after biliary stent placement for obstructive jaundice caused by pancreatic cancer, in which endoscopic hemostasis was performed after resuscitation of cardiopulmonary arrest and the patient's life was saved
古本裕也1), 野口春菜1), 山田訓也1), 草津工喜1), 林友和1), 福地聡士1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 148-148, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 31 (内). A case of intestinal perforation that occurred during a balloon endoscopic procedure and was relieved by placing a self-expanding metal stent
外園友之, 丸尾達, 江崎薫, 後野徹宏, 田中利幸, 平塚裕晃, 伊原諒, 立川勝子, 野間栄次郎, 植木敏晴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 148-148, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 32 (内). Five cases of stent dysfunction due to granulation formation after full-coverage metal stent placement
小川宗一郎, 河上洋, 畑田紘志, 内山尚美, 大園芳範
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 148-148, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 33 (内). A case of unresectable duodenal papillary carcinoma in which endoscopic ultrasound-guided hepatogastric anastomosis (EUS-HGS) was useful
中村亮介1), 松岡大介1), 伊原諒2), 永山林太郎1), 中島美紀2), 江崎薫2), 後野徹宏2), 田中利幸2), 平塚裕晃2), 立川勝子2), 丸尾達2), 野間栄次郎2), 植木敏晴2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 149-149, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 34 (内). Bile duct perforation occurs due to bile duct obstruction due to pancreatic head cancer, a case of biliary peritonitis
湯ノ谷修三1), 古賀風太1), 叶晶嘉1), 野下祥太郎1), 村山賢一郎1), 三好篤2), 大座紀子1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 149-149, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 35 (消). A case of pancreatic and bile duct abnormality discovered due to acute pancreatitis
森聡志1), 田口宏樹1), 黒木咲花1), 児玉弘毅1), 小田原成彬1), 児玉朋子2), 樺山雅之1), 伊集院翔1), 中村義孝1), 中澤潤一2), 那須雄一郎1), 玉井努1), 堀剛1), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 149-149, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 36 (消). A case of severe acute pancreatitis developed after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) for a right renal pelvic ureteral stone
影浦尚輝, 小松直広, 山口兼生, 西原敬仁, 橋本さつき, 森崎智仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 149-149, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 37 (消). A case in which pancreatic metastasis of clear cell renal cell carcinoma was diagnosed by postoperative pathological examination, but the primary tumor could not be identified
和田竣太郎1), 福森光1), 梶原涼1), 井上和彦1), 森内昭博1), 櫻井一宏1), 野元三治2), 橋元慎一3), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 150-150, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 38 (消). A case of pancreatic mucinous cystadenocarcinoma with infection within the cyst
田中遼河1), 田中利幸1), 外園友之1), 高山弘毅1), 中島美紀1), 江島薫1), 後野徹宏1), 平塚裕晃1), 伊原諒1), 丸尾達1), 野間栄次郎1), 植木敏晴1), 平野陽介2), 川元真2), 宮坂義浩2), 渡部雅人2), 田邉寛3), 二村聡3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 150-150, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 39 (内). Cases where endoscopic dilator for fistula dilation was useful for bile duct stray stent
米須裕晃, 曽谷祐貴, 與那原究, 森英輝, 浜比嘉一直, 吉村美優, 崎原正基, 石原健二, 知念隆之, 座覇修
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 150-150, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 40 (消). Laparoscopic surgery for paraganglioma on the anterior surface of the sacrum
馬場楓, 平木将紹, 武居晋, 真鍋達也, 能城浩和
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 150-150, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 41 (消). A case of irAE pancreatitis caused by nivolumab that responded well to steroids
何逸美, 吉成元宏, 大塚郁弥, 牛嶋真也, 久木山直貴, 浦本有記子, 田山紗代子, 宮本英明, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 151-151, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 42 (内). A case in which pancreatic duct drainage using the drill dilator Tornus ES was useful for an infected pancreatic pseudocyst with severe stenosis of the pancreatic duct
鍬塚磨呂, 高橋孝輔, 嶋倉茜, 田島和昌, 森智崇, 中尾康彦, 福島真典, 佐々木龍, 小澤栄介, 三馬聡, 宮明寿光, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 151-151, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 43 (内). A case of transoral pancreatoscopy electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL) for pancreatic stone disease for which endoscopic stone removal was difficult
日高里美, 濱田嵩史, 柴田隆佑, 小吉尚裕, 豊留孝史郎, 児島一成, 樋之口真, 有馬志穂, 田ノ上史郎, 橋元慎一, 井戸章雄
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 151-151, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 44 (消). Two cases in which ustekinumab was effective against Crohn's disease mainly caused by upper gastrointestinal symptoms
津田祐作, 鶴田結子, 中島昌利, 古田陽輝, 大野健翔, 志茂田美紀, 田山紗代子, 森田宗新, 園田隆賀, 脇幸太郎, 松野健司, 山崎明, 宮本英明, 具嶋亮介, 直江秀昭, 田中靖人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 151-151, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 45 (消). A case of paralytic ileus of the small intestine complicated by abdominal herpes zoster
春木紗良, 南信弘, 河野亮介, 飽田博海, 花園ゆりか, 竹熊梨祐, 河原駿, 下村茉希, 植村昌代, 吉本和仁, 浦田孝広, 竹熊与志, 北田英貴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 152-152, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 46 (内). A case of endometriosis of intestine diagnosed as a result of small intestinal ileus
樋脇久美, 大津健聖, 森光洋介, 柴田衛, 池園剛, 平野昭和, 安倍満彦, 橋本崇, 佐々木優, 宗祐人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 152-152, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 47 (消). A case of small intestinal metastasis of renal cell carcinoma detected 7 years after onset due to melena
三嶋悠佳1), 鈴木翔1), 黒木利樹1), 内田圭祐1), 田村穂高1), 吉田直樹1), 内山尚美1), 小川宗一郎1), 畑田紘志1), 瀬戸口翔子1), 篠原実成1), 坂元一樹1), 押川一達1), 中村佳菜子1), 中村恵理子2), 清水一晃3), 高森大樹4), 河上洋1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 152-152, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 48 (消). A case of follicular lymphoma of the jejunum revealed by intestinal obstruction symptoms
黒島洋平1), 山里雄飛1), 伊良波淳1), 田端そうへい1), 新垣伸吾1), 宮里卓行2), 志喜屋好令2), 盛島明丈2), 嵩原小百合2), 瑞慶山隆太2), 古賀絵莉香2), 大石有衣子2), 溜田茂仁2), 宮里公也2), 大平哲也2), 金城徹2), 和田直樹3), 山本和子1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 152-152, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 49 (内). A case of multiple small intestinal neuroendocrine tumors whose primary tumor was confirmed by double balloon endoscopy
翁安3), 小副川敬1), 淀江賢太郎1), 若杉晃伸1), 内ノ倉弘和1), 大崎智絵1), 長田繁樹1), 小森圭司1), 久保川賢1), 古賀聡2), 平木由佳3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 153-153, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 50 (内). A case of monomorphic epitheliotropic intestinal T-cell lymphoma with marked villous atrophy in the small intestine
濱野朋恵, 小坂聡太郎, 高橋晴彦, 福田昌英, 堤康志郎, 平下有香, 福田健介, 岡本和久, 小川竜, 水上一弘, 村上和成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 153-153, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 51 (内). A case of small intestinal Crohn's disease caused by intestinal obstruction due to Patency capsule
武原祐貴, 渡邊龍之, 松藤寛治, 今津直紀, 石原光, 熊元啓一郎, 久米井伸介, 久米恵一郎, 芳川一郎, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 153-153, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 52 (消). A case of a jejunostomy tube that became ligated in the intestinal tract when it was replaced, and was recovered using a double balloon endoscope
河野亮介, 北田英貴, 竹熊与志, 浦田孝広, 南信弘, 吉本和仁, 植村昌代, 下村茉希, 河原駿, 飽田博海, 花園ゆりか
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 153-153, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 53 (内). A case of gastrointestinal bleeding in a COVID-19 patient where bleeding was stopped using transanal double balloon enteroscopy
長友寿朗1), 長末智寛1), 梅野淳嗣1), 藤岡審1,2), 川崎啓祐1), 松野雄一1), 川床慎一郎1), 戸島剛男3), 吉住朋晴3), 森山智彦1,4), 鳥巣剛弘1), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 154-154, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 54 (消). A case of tapeworm disease diagnosed as a result of Campylobacter enteritis and led to deworming
相馬颯介1), 小坂聡太郎1), 高橋晴彦1), 福田昌英1), 堤康志郎1), 平下有香1), 福田健介1), 岡本和久1), 小川竜1), 水上一弘1), 神山長慶2), 小林隆志2), 村上和成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 154-154, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 55 (消). A case of surgically treated enterocolitis jejunum caused by stricture lesions in Crohn's disease
吉竹亨介1), 秋山泰樹1), 金野剛1), 藤本勝士1), 新田挙助1), 山内潤身1), 永田淳1), 鳥越貴行2), 平田敬治1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 154-154, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 56 (消). A case of enteritis due to eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis
廣谷侑慶1), 恒吉研吾1), 徳田弘幸1), 市田泰海1), 藤田浩1), 菰原義弘2), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 154-154, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 57 (消). A case of early colorectal cancer with sessile serrated lesions
平野里佳1), 山内康平1), 島田不律1), 高瀬ゆかり2), 中村昌太郎1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 155-155, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 58 (消). A case of anal canal cancer that achieved complete remission after chemoradiotherapy
山道翔太, 福田大毅, 林康平, 園田悠紀, 荒木智徳, 本田琢也, 中尾一彦
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 155-155, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 59 (消). A case of low-grade appendiceal mucinous tumor complicated by peritoneal pseudomyxoma and requiring differentiation from perforated appendiceal abscess
山本翔太1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 柿添梢1), 吉田晃宏1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 155-155, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 60 (消). A case of a young man who presented with a raised lesion resembling mucosal prolapse syndrome on the anterior rectal wall
興津亮太1,2), 大久保彰人1,2), 南野涼子1,2), 吉村大輔1,2), 福谷洋樹1,2), 佐々木泰介1,2), 濱田匠平1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 桃崎征也3), 藤原美奈子3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 155-155, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 61 (消). A case of appendiceal mucinous carcinoma that was difficult to differentiate from periappendiceal abscess
久保飛翔, 岡本辰哉, 岩田亨, 橋本敏章, 前田茂人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 156-156, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 62 (消). A case of pneumonia that developed during infliximab treatment for Crohn's disease
田中健太郎1), 鳥巣剛弘1), 松野雄一1), 梅野淳嗣1), 河野拓2), 坪内和哉2), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 156-156, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 63 (消). A case of breast cancer metastasis and early duodenal cancer discovered in a mass around the pancreatic head with elevated CA19-9
山本翔太1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 柿添梢1), 吉田晃宏1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 156-156, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 64 (消). A case of IGF-2-producing pleural solitary fibrous tumor discovered with hypoglycemia symptoms
牟田裕貴, 平山昂仙, 布下裕基, 永川寛徳, 川原大輔, 平原正隆, 木下綾華, 谷口堅
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 156-156, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 65 (消). Timing of gastrostomy and its prognosis in stroke patients
濱崎俊輔, 馬渡文弘, 喜多由子, 深堀愛子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 157-157, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 66 (内). A case of CPA due to excessive intake of KCL, who was able to return to society without neurological sequelae through endoscopic recovery of the tablets
井口祐希, 藤井宏行, 中村和彦, 田中宗浩, 安部周壱, 將口佳久, 平山雅大, 松本龍弥
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 157-157, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 67 (内). Consideration of postoperative management of ELPS for hypopharyngeal cancer at our hospital
野村忠洋1), 山口太輔1), 権藤佳澄1), 深水翔大1), 木村俊一郎1), 田中雄一郎1), 日野直之1), 有尾啓介1), 綱田誠司1), 松本浩平2), 吉見龍二2), 田場充3), 内藤愼二3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 157-157, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 68 (内). A case of posterior mediastinal abscess after endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph nodes
植木理倫, 宮川恒一郎, 永汐太郎, 佐藤沙貴, 篠原暢彦, 大江晋司, 原田大
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 157-157, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 69 (消). A case of gastric tumor metastasized from renal cell carcinoma
小笠原俊輔1), 峯彩子1), 志垣雅誉1), 平田亮介1), 永松雅朗1), 井山玲奈1), 小林仁美1), 猪股寛子1), 植松梨華子1), 塩田純也1), 赤司太郎1), 田渕真惟子1), 北山素1), 橋口慶一1), 南ひとみ1), 松島加代子1), 山口直之1), 中尾一彦1), 中西裕美2), 岡野慎士3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 158-158, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 70 (消). A case of hybrid ESD for duodenal NET, diagnosed with lymph node metastasis recurrence 7 years later, and underwent surgical treatment
綿屋摩湖人, 後藤高介, 三根祥一郎, 今村祥子, 中島悠史郎, 末廣智之, 三浦史郎, 黒木保, 西山仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 158-158, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 71 (内). A case of gastric metastasis of renal cell carcinoma that was resected by endoscopic mucosal resection with gross morphological changes over a short period of time
山里侑1), 藤野悠介1), 桑原萌絵未1), 竹中遥香1), 竹中嵩博1), 原口朋晋1), 荒木紀匡1), 嵜山敏男1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 158-158, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 72 (消). A case of ruptured duodenal varices in which hemostasis was achieved with PTO and endoscopic Histoacryl injection
児玉弘毅1), 伊集院翔1), 玉井努1), 黒木咲花1), 森聡志1), 小田原成彬1), 樺山雅之1), 中村義孝1), 那須雄一郎1), 田口宏樹1), 堀剛1), 坪内博仁1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 158-158, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 73 (消). A case of gastric low-grade, well-differentiated adenocarcinoma small intestine type that was difficult to diagnose
中山嵩士1), 平山昂仙2), 牟田裕貴2), 布下裕基2), 永川寛徳2), 川原大輔2), 木下綾華2), 平原正隆2), 谷口堅2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 159-159, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 74 (内). A case of breast cancer gastric metastasis in which endoscopic diagnosis was useful
大槻佑生子1), 三池忠1), 瀬戸口翔子1), 坂元一樹1), 中村佳菜子1), 篠原実成1), 押川一達1), 宮後冴1), 鈴木翔1), 黒木大介1), 坂口舞1), 中島孝治1), 安倍弘生1), 山本章二朗1), 稲津東彦1), 冨永洋平2), 中村恵理子3), 都築諒4), 佐藤勇一郎5), 河上洋1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 159-159, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 75 (内). A case diagnosed with gastric metastasis of breast cancer based on ESD pathological findings
興津亮太1,2), 佐々木泰介1,2), 吉村大輔1,2), 原田直彦1,2), 福谷洋樹1,2), 大久保彰人1,2), 濱田匠平1,2), 藤原美奈子3), 伊原栄吉4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 159-159, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 76 (内). A case of 4-year endoscopic follow-up after diagnosis of Russell body gastritis
澤健一, 新谷和貴, 池田智成, 長田和義, 岡村卓真, 山道忍, 山島美緒, 宮崎修, 矢嶌弘之, 市川辰樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 159-159, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 77 (消). A case of conservative treatment for duodenal transit obstruction due to evacuation of a non-ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm
篠原大毅, 友枝成, 清水俊吾, 田中俊行, 茶圓智人, 上田孝洋, 橋本理沙, 倉重智之, 千住猛士, 板場壮一, 日高敬介
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 160-160, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 78 (消). A case of complete obstruction of the right upper ureter caused by the Over-The-Scope Clip (OTSC) system, a full-thickness gastrointestinal wall suture device used during ESD for early duodenal cancer
陣内駿一, 楠本浩一郎, 重野賢也, 竹下茂之, 中鋪卓, 馬渡将語
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 160-160, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 79 (消). Validity of ESD as a diagnostic treatment for gastric cystic submucosal tumors
柿添麻由子1), 加茂泰広1), 徳永良樹1), 若松彩1), 山口東平1), 小田英俊1), 米満伸久2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 160-160, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 80 (消). A case of a gastric wall abscess that self-destructed and improved with conservative treatment, and the ectopic pancreas was thought to be involved in the onset
若松万葉1), 徳留健太郎1), 小畑僚景2), 政岡寛之2), 近藤陽香1), 大薗宏輔1), 有木園哲仁1), 帖佐俊行2), 杉田浩1), 水上京子1), 肱黒薫1), 重田浩一朗1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 160-160, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 81 (内). A case of EMRO (EMR with OTSC) performed on duodenal neuroendocrine tumor
太田佳奈美1), 川床慎一郎1), 吉田雄一朗1), 唐千暁1), 松野雄一1), 長畑誠修1), 谷口義章2), 成富文哉2), 鳥巣剛弘1), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 161-161, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 82 (内). A case of endoscopic full-thickness gastric wall resection (EFTR) for gastric GlST followed by suture closure of the gastric wall defect using ROLM
光安崚1), 宮岡正喜2), 小野陽一郎2), 金光高雄2), 八尾建史2), 植木敏晴1), 長浜孝3), 二村聡4), 上堂丈也5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 161-161, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 83 (内). A case in which percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy was difficult to perform, and gastrostomy was performed laparoscopically and endoscopically
権藤佳澄1), 山口太輔1), 内田史武2), 野村忠洋1), 深水翔大1), 木村俊一郎1), 田中雄一郎1), 日野直之1), 有尾啓介1), 黨和夫2), 綱田誠司1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 161-161, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 84 (消). A case of xanthogranulomatous appendicitis that required differentiation from appendiceal mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
吉田晃宏1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 柿添梢1), 山本翔太1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 161-161, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 85 (内). A case of ectopic endometriosis that was difficult to differentiate from cecal tumor
大谷剛史, 成瀬尚美, 樋高秀憲, 遠藤広貴, 千布裕
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 162-162, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 86 (内). A case of intramucosal cancer of the sigmoid colon in which muscle traction could be predicted preoperatively
飯田篤1), 川崎啓祐1), 川床慎一郎1), 谷口義章2), 孝橋賢一2), 田村公二3), 鳥巣剛弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 162-162, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 87 (内). A case of anal canal cancer diagnosed with rectal mucosal prolapse syndrome and missed by multiple colonoscopies
白水萌子, 宮原貢一, 森田竜麻, 中山賢一郎, 川添夕佳, 竹内祐樹, 野田隆博
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 162-162, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 88 (消). A case in which fecal transplantation was effective for refractory Clostridioides difficile-related enteritis and problems in its operation
與那覇智貴1), 山田航希2), 山腰晃治2), 本部卓也2), 座喜味盛哉2), 久保田富秋2), 椎木創一3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 162-162, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 89 (消). A case of elderly-onset inferior mesenteric arteriovenous fistula that presented with rapid ascites accumulation and was cured by surgery
後藤尚希1), 上尾哲也1), 安部真琴1), 蒔田貴大2), 成安赳彦1), 下森雄太1), 木本喬博1), 秋山英俊1), 岩城堅太郎3), 馬場博4), 久保山雄介5), 村上和成6)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 163-163, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 90 (内). A case of submerged cold snare polypectomy for colorectal diverticular tumor
山口杏月, 松永拓也, 朝長道人, 冨永直之, 緒方伸一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 163-163, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 91 (消). Study of surgical cases of intestinal Behcet's disease
小野李香, 富永哲郎, 野田恵佑, 大石海道, 高村祐磨, 野中隆, 永安武
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 163-163, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 92 (消). A case of laparoscopic surgery for sigmoid colon cancer incarcerated in an inguinal hernia
行武彩季, 平山昂仙, 牟田裕貴, 布下裕基, 赤尾恵子, 永川寛徳, 赤司桃子, 川原大輔, 木下綾華, 平原正隆, 崎村千香, 森野茂行, 山之内孝彰, 谷口堅
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 163-163, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 93 (消). A case of goblet cell adenocarcinoma of the appendix discovered after interval appendectomy
吉田晃宏1), 檜沢一興1), 岡本康治1), 坂本圭1), 柿添梢1), 山本翔太1), 伏見文良2), 鳥巣剛弘3), 梶山潔4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 164-164, 2023.

Japanese Article 専 94 (消). A case of a patient with cirrhosis who refused blood transfusions for religious reasons who was able to undergo multiple open treatments with repeated administration of lusutrombopag
三毛門和彦, 遠藤美月, 齋藤衆子, 内田宅郎, 岩尾正雄, 荒川光江, 村上和成
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 164-164, 2023.

Japanese Article O001 (消). A case of resection of IPNB with associated invasive carcinoma diagnosed after repeated biliary tract bleeding
梯祥太郎1), 平山雅大1), 倉重智之1), 友枝成1), 橋本理沙1), 田中俊行1), 茶圓智人1), 千住猛士1), 板場壮一1), 中島洋2), 槇原康亮3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 167-167, 2023.

Japanese Article O002 (inner). Examination of EGD adjacent to ERCP in one case of the double cancer that gastric cancer was detected in EGD adjacent to ERCP of the cholangiocarcinoma close inspection purpose and our hospital
山城謙人, 圓若修一, エリクソン安香, 仲舛拓, 仲本学, 折田均, 宮城純, 佐久川廣
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 167-167, 2023.

Japanese Article O003 (inner). One case that performed oral cholangioscope lower electricity water pressure shock wave lithodialysis technique (EHL) for stent-stone complex which assumed bile duct plastic stent a nucleus
市田泰海1), 藤野悠介1), 児玉弘毅1), 寺田芳寛1), 寺田朋1), 荒木紀匡1), 坂江貴弘1), 嵜山敏男1), 田口宏樹2), 井戸章雄3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 167-167, 2023.

Japanese Article O004 (消). A case of gallbladder neuroendocrine cancer that showed rapid imaging changes before surgery
橋本理沙1), 梯祥太郎1), 平山雅大1), 倉重智之1), 友枝成1), 田中俊行1), 茶圓智人1), 千住猛士1), 板場壮一1), 工藤雄山2), 中島洋2), 槇原康亮3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 167-167, 2023.

Japanese Article O005 (inner). As for the biopsy of the transnipple using the ERCP guide sheath, excellent sampling, accuracy are obtained
内山尚美, 河上洋, 小川宗一郎, 畑田紘志, 大園芳範, 田村穂高, 吉田直樹
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 168-168, 2023.

Japanese Article O006 (inner). Did the bile duct intubation success rate increase by the Precut method introduction?
佐竹真明, 新里航, 龍野奈央子, 大野朋子
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 168-168, 2023.

Japanese Article O007 (消). Treatment results of EUS-BD for malignant biliary obstruction due to non-biliary and pancreatic cancer
下川雄三1), 新名雄介1), 植田圭二郎1,2), 秋穂裕唯1), 藤森尚2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 168-168, 2023.

Japanese Article O008 (inner). One case of the distal cholangiocarcinoma which was able to collect the hesitation metallic stent which we did containing in an intrahepatic bile duct by using the Introducer for the endoscope
田平悠二1), 福田芳生1), 庄彬亘1), 秋元遥1), 灰床裕介1), 宮之前優香1), 川平真知子1), 鮫島洋一1), 柊元洋紀1), 橋元慎一2), 徳重浩一1), 井戸章雄2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 168-168, 2023.

Japanese Article O009 (inner). The case that was able to evade serious complications by SEMS deviating in mediastinum at EUS-HGS, and performing Tandem stent placement
山腰晃治1), 久保田富秋1), 新里雅人2), 松原三郎3), 本部卓也1), 座喜味盛哉1), 山田航希1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 169-169, 2023.

Japanese Article O010 (inner). Examination of 9 cases that caused duodenal Vater's papilla penetration after the endoscopic bile duct stenting
日野直之, 権藤佳澄, 野村忠洋, 深水翔大, 木村俊一郎, 田中雄一郎, 山口太輔, 有尾啓介, 綱田誠司
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 169-169, 2023.

Japanese Article O011 (inner). One patient successful for common bile duct stone treatment endoscopic for a nipple in the duodenal diverticulum using MLTD
小橋川嘉泉, 富里孔太, 佐藤諒, 高木亮, 宮城泰雅, 金城健, 内間庸文, 仲吉朝邦, 金城福則
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 169-169, 2023.

Japanese Article O012 (inner). 1 case that a new rotary basket was effective on the persistence calculus removal in the liver after the huge lithodialysis
下川雄三1), 新名雄介1), 秋穂裕唯1), 藤森尚2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 169-169, 2023.

Japanese Article O013 (消). A case of acute pancreatitis occurring in an ectopic pancreas on the dorsal side of the horizontal limb of the duodenum
中屋照雄, 渡辺真, 古巣央
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 170-170, 2023.

Japanese Article O014 (消). A case of autoimmune pancreatitis diagnosed after splenic hemorrhage
西原敬仁, 影浦尚輝, 山口兼生, 橋本さつき, 小松直広, 森崎智仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 170-170, 2023.

Japanese Article O015 (消). A case of resection of adenosquamous carcinoma derived from intraductal papillary mucinous tumor of the pancreas
斉東京祿1), 岡部義信1,2), 中山正道3), 内藤嘉紀4), 寺部寛哉1), 平井真吾1), 島松裕1), 吉村壮平1), 新井相一郎5), 宮崎大貴3,5), 久下亨5), 川口巧1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 170-170, 2023.

Japanese Article O016 (消). A case of pancreatic head cancer complicated by sarcoid-like reaction that was difficult to distinguish from metastatic lesions in the spleen on preoperative CT
松元慶亮1), 石田祐介1), 福山真1), 北口恭規1), 古賀毅彦1), 土屋直壮1), 佐々木貴英2), 中島亮2), 内藤滋俊2), 梶原正俊2), 福永篤志1), 田中崇1), 高田和英1), 横山圭二1), 釈迦堂敏1), 濱田義浩3), 平井郁仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 170-170, 2023.

Japanese Article O017 (消). Two cases of bile duct stricture as a late complication of radiotherapy for pancreatic cancer
肱岡真之, 久野晃聖, 森田祐輔, 李倫學, 田中ゆき, 杉本理恵
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 171-171, 2023.

Japanese Article O018 (inner). Pancreatic calculus is hesitation example that does it, and developed obstructive jaundice containing in common bile duct
上田孝洋, 加来豊馬, 川口夢佳, 津田桂, 三木正美
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 171-171, 2023.

Japanese Article O019 (inner). Example that caused paranipple diverticulum retroperitoneum penetration by pancreatic duct stent of the pancreatitis prevention after ERCP
幸本達矢, 中嶋哲也, 松室孝英, 松田康里, 野口達矢, 木下善博, 相部祐希, 原田克則, 白井保之
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 171-171, 2023.

Japanese Article O020 (inner). One case that a single balloon endoscope and pancreatic duct drainage using looking straight type EUS were useful for pancreatitis due to the pancreatic duct anastomotic stricture
福山真, 石田祐介, 松元慶亮, 北口恭規, 古賀毅彦, 土屋直壮, 久能宣昭, 芦塚伸也, 船越禎広, 佐々木貴英, 中島亮, 内藤滋俊, 梶原正俊, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 171-171, 2023.

Japanese Article O021 (消). A case of intrapancreatic accessory spleen that was difficult to differentiate from a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor that was resected simultaneously with gastric cancer
宮崎健介, 國行浩平, 黒滝航希, 峯由華, 森内博紀, 円城寺昭人
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 172-172, 2023.

Japanese Article O022 (消). A case of acute liver damage that developed simultaneously with rheumatoid arthritis
大穂有恒, 鈴木秀生
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 172-172, 2023.

Japanese Article O023 (消). A case of pure red cell aplasia and hemolytic anemia caused by ICI treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma
山内涼, 徳重裕陽, 永田貴大, 宮山隆志, 柴田久美子, 福田洋美, 福永篤志, 田中崇, 高田和英, 横山圭二, 釈迦堂敏, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 172-172, 2023.

Japanese Article O024 (消). Two cases of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma in which a remarkable response was obtained by introducing ICI treatment after repeated IVR treatment using a special reservoir
板野哲1), 井上哲也2), 岩本英希1,3), 新関敬1,3), 城野智毅3), 下瀬茂男3), 中野聖士3), 川口巧3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 172-172, 2023.

Japanese Article O025 (消). A case of severe fatty liver caused by L-asparaginase in which low serum cholinesterase was useful in differentiating NAFLD
永田貴大, 高田和英, 徳重裕陽, 宮山隆志, 柴田久美子, 山内涼, 福田洋美, 福永篤志, 田中崇, 横山圭二, 釈迦堂敏, 平井郁仁
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 173-173, 2023.

Japanese Article O026 (消). Long-term effects after switching from fenofibrate to pemafibrate for asymptomatic primary biliary cholangitis
道免和文, 小野原伸也, 原田林
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 173-173, 2023.

Japanese Article O027 (消). A case in which durvalumab and tremelimumab combination therapy was successful for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
灰床裕介, 秋元遥, 樋脇卓也, 最勝寺晶子, 平峰靖也
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 173-173, 2023.

Japanese Article O028 (消). A case of olmesartan-related enteropathy that required differentiation from collagenous colitis
平田智也1), 小野健太1), 金子博樹1), 市成直樹1), 野田貴穂2), 島尾義也3), 山本章二朗4), 河上洋4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 173-173, 2023.

Japanese Article O029 (消). An example of a giant persimmon bezoar in which endoscopic fragmentation using a snare and cola dissolution therapy were successful
徳永紀子, 丸岡諒平, 吉岡ちほ子, 大塚宜寛, 江崎充, 原口和大, 松坂浩史, 兼城三由紀
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 174-174, 2023.

Japanese Article O030 (消). A case of strongyloidiasis with intestinal obstruction in an adult T-cell leukemia with a history of deworming
豊見山麻未1), 馬渕仁志1), 城間磨裕実1), 田里裕子1), 瀬嵩万貴1), 金城譲1), 宮里賢1), 仲地紀哉1), 島尻博人1), 豊見山良作1), 外間昭2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 174-174, 2023.

Japanese Article O031 (inner). One case of the bezoar which we were able to remove by endoscopic crush technique
児嶋知仁1,2), 濱崎俊輔1), 喜多由子1), 馬渡文弘1), 山崎和文2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 174-174, 2023.

Japanese Article O032 (消). A case of superior mesenteric vein thrombosis complicated by COVID-19
友枝成, 篠原大毅, 清水俊吾, 上田孝洋, 倉重智之, 橋本理沙, 田中俊行, 茶圓智人, 千住猛士, 板場壮一
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 174-174, 2023.

Japanese Article O033 (消). Study of 6 cases of appendiceal diverticulosis in our department
吉野恭平, 北里周, 織方良介, 笠伸大郎, 福井彩恵子, 釘山統太, 米田晃, 杉山望, 竹下浩明, 南恵樹, 黒木保
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 175-175, 2023.

Japanese Article O034 (消). A case of ileal NET discovered due to intestinal obstruction
岳藤良真, 柴田浩平, 永島瞭太朗, 松田佳恵, 野口琢矢
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 175-175, 2023.

Japanese Article O035 (消). Two cases of superior mesenteric vein thrombosis with different clinical courses
今村直人1), 向井康二1), 高妻葵1), 梅谷聡太1), 向坂誠一郎1), 水谷孝弘1), 落合利彰1), 伊原栄吉2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 175-175, 2023.

Japanese Article O036 (消). A case of hepatocellular carcinoma metastasizing to the small intestine
葛山堅斗1), 山内潤身1), 久原一哲1), 藤本勝士1), 新田挙助1), 秋山泰樹1), 永田淳1), 田村利尚1), 本間雄一2), 原田大2), 小松和貴3), 久岡正典3), 平田敬治1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 175-175, 2023.

Japanese Article O037 (inner). An example of the multiple huge ileal diverticulum bleeding that we were able to stop bleeding of with a lower double balloon endoscope
山田航希, 山腰晃治, 本部卓也, 座喜味盛哉, 久保田富秋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 176-176, 2023.

Japanese Article O038 (inner). Use experience of the new intestinal tract cleaner (sulfate preparation) in our hospital
本間仁, 塩月一生, 稲田泰亮, 前原浩亮, 福田慎一郎, 隅田頼信, 秋穂裕唯
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 176-176, 2023.

Japanese Article O039 (消). A case of ulcerative colitis that developed after paclitaxel/carboplatin therapy (TC therapy) for ovarian cancer
南川容子1), 梅野淳嗣1), 吉田雄一朗1), 谷口義章2), 毛利太郎2), 前之原章司3), 鳥巣剛弘1), 北園孝成1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 176-176, 2023.

Japanese Article O040 (inner). Joint pain, an example of the FMF unrepresentativeness case who had the UC-like gastrointestinal lesion
萩原啓太, 潮平朝成, 上間恵理子, 川又久永, 眞喜屋実之, 大湾朝尚, 諸喜田林
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 176-176, 2023.

Japanese Article O041 (消). A case of colonic Epstein-Barr virus-related lymphoproliferative disease that developed while using immunosuppressants
大石有衣子1), 黒島洋平1), 志喜屋好令2), 盛島明丈1), 瑞慶山隆太1), 嵩原小百合1), 古賀絵莉香1), 溜田茂仁1), 田端そうへい2), 宮里公也1), 大平哲也1), 伊良波淳2), 新垣伸吾2), 金城徹1), 山本和子2), 和田直樹3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 177-177, 2023.

Japanese Article O042 (inner). The Campylobacter enterocolitis that required endoscopic hemostasis technique
城間磨裕実, 田里裕子, 豊見山麻未, 瀬嵩万貴, 馬渕仁志, 金城譲, 宮里賢, 仲地紀哉, 島尻博人, 豊見山良作, 外間昭
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 177-177, 2023.

Japanese Article O043 (inner). Example that conducted an endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment for adenocarcinoma arising in sessile serrated lesion which occurred in the vicinity of the appendix opening
江田誠1), 井上裕喜1), 河野隆1), 荒木俊博1), 豊増靖1), 森田拓1), 福森一太1), 坂田研二1), 鳥村拓司1), 島松一秀2), 本庭郁朗3), 大圃研4), 川口巧5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 177-177, 2023.

Japanese Article O044 (消). A case of sigmoid colon cancer with rapid progression due to meningeal carcinomatosis
松口崇央1), 今村壮志1), 岩尾梨沙1), 高橋俊介1), 西村章2), 西田康二郎2), 東秀史2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 177-177, 2023.

Japanese Article O045 (inner). One case of the sigmoid colon dedifferentiation type liposarcoma which was pedunculated, and grew in intestinal tract
井原勇太郎1), 河野浩幸2), 矢田親一朗1), 春田泰宏2), 名和田彩3), 久保千幸3), 川床慎一郎4), 鳥巣剛弘4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 178-178, 2023.

Japanese Article O046 (消). A case of cavernous lymphangioma of the transverse colon resected laparoscopically
井原勇太郎1), 春田泰宏2), 矢田親一朗1), 河野浩幸2), 唐千暁1), 柴瑛介3), 鳥巣剛弘4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 178-178, 2023.

Japanese Article O047 (inner). An example of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome estimated that chemotherapy was associated with the onset
若杉晃伸1), 小森圭司1), 小副川敬1), 淀江賢太郎1), 久保川賢1), 大石善丈2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 178-178, 2023.

Japanese Article O048 (inner). About correlation with leucine Rich α 2 glycoprotein and endoscopy views, the pathology histology in patients with ulcerative colitis
村尾哲哉, 浦田昌幸, 江藤幸, 奥田彩子, 古閑千裕, 須田博子, 武市卒之, 徳永竜馬, 藤江里美, 蓮田究
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 178-178, 2023.

Japanese Article O049 (消). Does hyperbaric oxygen therapy affect Clostridium difficile infection?
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 179-179, 2023.

Japanese Article O050 (inner). One case that large intestine tumor actinal side was able to collect for the stent which we deviated from endoscopically
松室孝英, 白神幹浩, 松田康里, 野口達矢, 相部祐希, 木下善博, 幸本達矢, 原田克則, 中嶋哲也, 白井保之
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 179-179, 2023.

Japanese Article O051 (inner). Invention of the wound part reefing in the endoscopic treatment in our hospital
稲田泰亮, 本間仁, 前原浩亮, 塩月一生, 福田慎一郎, 隅田頼信, 秋穂裕唯
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 179-179, 2023.

Japanese Article O052 (消). Training system for acquiring gastrointestinal surgery laparoscopic surgery techniques in rural areas
富永哲郎, 野中隆, 高村祐磨, 大石海道, 野田恵佑, 小野李香, 澤井照光, 永安武
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 179-179, 2023.

Japanese Article O054 (消). A case of splenic injury caused by a foreign body removal procedure using a colonoscope
後藤崇1), 乘松裕1), 黒木直美1), 上原拓明1), 田中智章1), 菅瀬隆信1), 加茂仁美1), 稻留直樹1), 北條浩1), 谷口正次1), 指宿一彦1), 古賀倫太郎1), 黒木暢一2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 180-180, 2023.

Japanese Article O055 (消). A case of small intestine mesenteric neuroendocrine tumor
木村俊大1), 松岡弘樹1), 下河邉久陽2), 古賀佳織3), 青木光希子3), 黒木大世1), 江上弥之介1), 能丸遼平1), 今給黎宗1), 田辺太郎1), 久能宣昭1), 芦塚伸也1), 船越禎広1), 濱崎慎3), 長谷川傑2), 平井郁仁1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 180-180, 2023.

Japanese Article O056 (消). Relationship between lifestyle-related diseases and gastrointestinal diseases: Through a case of superior mesenteric artery embolism associated with myocardial infarction
川口雄太, 井上悠介, 三好敬之, 足立利幸, 岡田怜美, 曽山明彦, 足立智彦, 小林和真, 金高賢悟, 江口晋
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 180-180, 2023.

Japanese Article O057 (消). A case of gastrointestinal tuberculosis associated with esophagobronchial fistula that developed during treatment for rheumatoid arthritis
大草響1), 加来寿光1), 杉野絢子1), 保利喜史1), 吉田順一2), 大田俊一郎3), 半田瑞樹4), 安田大成4), 鳥巣剛弘5)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 181-181, 2023.

Japanese Article O058 (消). Short-term results of combination therapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors in primary treatment of esophageal cancer at our hospital
福田慎一郎, 本間仁, 稲田泰亮, 前原浩亮, 塩月一生, 隅田頼信, 秋穂裕唯
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 181-181, 2023.

Japanese Article O059 (inner). Examination of the treatment result of ESD for the superficial squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus of elderly people
庄司裕佳子, 野田尚吾, 福田容久, 坂元孝光, 仲道孝次
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 181-181, 2023.

Japanese Article O060 (inner). Three cases of the acute necrotic esophagitis that we experienced in our hospital
渡辺大将, 上野恵里奈, 河野弘志, 大田耕平, 渡邉優征, 深水航, 柴田翔, 岡村修祐, 光山慶一, 鶴田修
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 181-181, 2023.

Japanese Article O061 (消). A case of Barrett's adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction with superficial depression-type macroscopic morphology that could be resected endoscopically
田中貴英1), 重森亮宏1), 河野真一1), 中村滋郎1), 奥村幸彦2), 鳥巣剛弘3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 182-182, 2023.

Japanese Article O062 (消). A case of elderly-onset severe idiopathic esophageal rupture that was cured with conservative treatment
今村壮志1), 松口崇央1), 高橋俊介1), 岩尾梨沙1), 長田美佳子1), 後藤綾子1), 久保信英1), 名取宥哉1), 武田一泰1), 田中亮太郎2), 中村吏2), 吉本剛志2), 小柳年正2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 182-182, 2023.

Japanese Article O063 (inner). The deviation prevention after the upper gastrointestinal tract stenting: 13 experience using OTSC
前原浩亮, 本間仁, 稲田泰亮, 塩月一生, 福田慎一郎, 隅田頼信, 秋穂裕唯
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 182-182, 2023.

Japanese Article O064 (消). A case of Boerhaave syndrome that developed during treatment for Crohn's disease
松隈美佳1), 小林慎一朗1), 林田浩太朗1), 塩田純也2), 三好敬之1), 岡田怜美1), 足立利幸1), 井上悠介1), 永松雅朗2), 金高賢悟1), 中尾一彦1), 江口晋1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 182-182, 2023.

Japanese Article O065 (消). Experience of having difficulty securing the PTEG puncture site
長濱正吉, 上江洌一平, 宮里浩, 友利寛文
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 183-183, 2023.

Japanese Article O066 (inner). One case of fetal gastrointestinal similar cancer (ACED) which showed rapid increase
和氣良仁1), 衞藤孝之1), 首藤充孝1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 183-183, 2023.

Japanese Article O067 (消). A case of emphysematous gastritis with portal venous gas treated conservatively
佐久間努, 矢山貴之
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 183-183, 2023.

Japanese Article O068 (inner). An example of the ulcerative colitis that showed an upper gastrointestinal tract lesion
上間恵理子, 潮平朝成, 萩原啓太, 川又久永, 大湾朝尚, 眞喜屋実之, 諸喜田林
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 183-183, 2023.

Japanese Article O069 (消). A case of duodenal ulcer associated with eosinophilic gastroenteritis that was relieved by antacids
貞島健人1), 行元崇浩2), 平井哲1), 澤瀬寛典1), 内橋和芳3), 阿比留正剛1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 184-184, 2023.

Japanese Article O070 (inner). An example of the stomach candidiasis which they presented with gastric perforation, and suffered from treatment
下村茉希, 植村昌代, 春木紗良, 河野亮介, 飽田博海, 花園ゆりか, 竹熊梨祐, 河原駿, 吉本和仁, 南信弘, 浦田孝広, 北田英貴, 竹熊与志
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 184-184, 2023.

Japanese Article O071 (消). A case of gastric schwannoma diagnosed preoperatively
市成直樹1), 小野健太1), 金子博樹1), 内田圭祐2), 平田智也1), 野田貴穂3), 山本章二朗2), 原田和人4), 島尾義也5), 土居浩一4), 河上洋2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 184-184, 2023.

Japanese Article O072 (消). ESD techniques in action using spray coagulation mode
隅田頼信, 本間仁, 稲田泰亮, 前原浩亮, 塩月一生, 福田慎一郎, 秋穂裕唯
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 184-184, 2023.

Japanese Article O073 (消). A case of advanced gastric cancer type 4 occurring in a stomach uninfected by Helicobacter pylori
南條勝哉1,2), 西牟田雄祐1), 鶴丸大介1), 谷口義章3)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 185-185, 2023.

Japanese Article O074 (消). A case of pT1a (M) early residual gastric cancer with multiple bone metastases and recurrence
黨和夫1), 内田史武1), 森山正章1), 小山正三朗1), 田場充2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 185-185, 2023.

Japanese Article O075 (inner). An example of duodenal stomach type tumor in pursuit of change over time
平田敬1), 永田豊1), 佐藤大晃1), 大久保公晴1), 本下潤一1), 前山良1), 鳥巣剛弘2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 185-185, 2023.

Japanese Article O076 (inner). One case of the metastatic gastric tumor due to the liver anaplastic carcinoma
永村良二1), 久場弘子1), 城間翔2), 安次嶺宏哉3), 樋口佳代子4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 185-185, 2023.

Japanese Article O077 (消). A case of gallstone ileus incarcerated in the duodenal bulb due to cholecystoduodenal fistula
坂東昌哉1), 古賀敦大2), 中村光一1), 吉田昂平1), 稲益良紀1), 山崎雅弘1)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 186-186, 2023.

Japanese Article O078 (消). A case of Helicobacter felis-infected gastric ulcer thought to have been infected from a cat
藤原実桜1), 福田昌英2), 矢野貴史3), 沖本忠義4), 堤康志郎2), 小坂聡太郎2), 高橋晴彦2), 福田健介2), 小川竜2), 水上一弘2), 兒玉雅明2), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 186-186, 2023.

Japanese Article O079 (消). A case of Cronkhite-Canada syndrome that was effectively treated with steroids
浜比嘉一直, 座覇修, 石原淳, 知念隆之, 石原健二, 崎原正基, 吉村美優, 森英輝, 與那原究, 曽谷祐貴
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 186-186, 2023.

Japanese Article O080 (消). A case of successful drainage combined with endoscopic ultrasound for gastric intramural abscess
武市由希子, 小林潤一, 新里雅人, 岸本信三
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 186-186, 2023.

Japanese Article O081 (消). Experience of 5 cases of gastric lipoma treated with gastric submucosal dissection (ESD)
成安赳彦1), 上尾哲也1), 安部真琴1), 後藤尚希1), 蒔田貴大1), 下森雄太1), 木本喬博1), 秋山英俊1), 山元範昭1), 垣迫陽子1), 村上和成2)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 187-187, 2023.

Japanese Article O082 (inner). An example of crypt epithelium type SNADET which we were able to resect by endoscopic laparoscopic joint duodenectomy (D-LECS)
保利喜史1), 田中雅夫2), 大草響1), 加来寿光1), 杉野絢子1), 帆足誠司3), 鳥巣剛弘4)
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 187-187, 2023.

Japanese Article O083 (inner). Examination of the ESD treatment result for the duodenal epithelial neoplasm
久保田富秋, 山腰晃治, 本部卓也, 座喜味盛哉, 山田航希, 新城雅行
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 187-187, 2023.

Japanese Article O084 (inner). One patient who underwent hemostasis technique for antrum of stomach telangiectasia (GAVE) using Snare-tip spray spark coagulation technique (SSSC).
島田不律, 藤邑勇太朗, 四本界人, 山内康平, 中村昌太郎
The Kyusyu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (122): 187-187, 2023.