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The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple

Volume , Issue 127 / 2020
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the 100th Hokkaido medicine meeting general meeting president greetings 100th Hokkaido medicine meet general meeting holding
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 3-3, 2020.

Japanese Article SS1-1 (消). Elucidation of the role of CXCL16 in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease
平山大輔, 山川司, 平野雄大, 一宮匡, 横山佳浩, 林優希, 我妻康平, 石上敬介, 本谷雅代, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 27-27, 2020.

Japanese Article SS1-2 (消). Examination of pathological conditions from the clinical course of ulcerative colitis by age group
杉山雄哉1, 上野伸展2, 齊藤成亮1, 上原恭子1, 小林裕1, 村上雄紀1, 佐々木貴弘1, 久野木健仁1, 高橋慶太郎1, 安藤勝祥1, 嘉島伸1, 盛一健太郎3, 田邊裕貴1, 藤谷幹浩1, 奥村利勝1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 27-27, 2020.

Japanese Article SS1-3 (消). Examination of usefulness for disease evaluation by fecal calprotectin and extracorporeal abdominal ultrasonography in ulcerative colitis
木下賢治, 高谷理沙子, 東野真幸, 鈴木和治, 杉浦諒, 宮本秀一, 安孫子さとし, 畑中一映, 山本義也, 成瀬宏仁
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 27-27, 2020.

Japanese Article SS1-4 (消). Multicenter retrospective observational study on the effectiveness of zinc acetate hydrate administration in patients with inflammatory bowel disease with hypozincemia
桜井健介1, 桂田武彦1, 小田切信介1, 長島一哲1, 大西礼造1, 西村東人2, 伊藤貴博2, 古川滋2, 前本篤男2, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 27-27, 2020.

Japanese Article SS1-5(消). Examination of short-term treatment results and background factors of vedolizumab for ulcerative colitis
加藤正樹, 那須野正尚, 杉山浩平, 宮川麻希, 田中浩紀, 本谷聡
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 28-28, 2020.

Japanese Article SS1-6 (消). Examination of the clinical remission rate of budesonide enema foam for ulcerative colitis and the factors involved in the induction of remission in clinical practice
長島一哲1,2, 桂田武彦2, 木下賢治3, 桜井健介2, 小田切信介2, 山梨香菜4, 坂本直哉2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 28-28, 2020.

Japanese Article 1 (inner). Treatment result of ultrasonic endoscope lower gallbladder drainage (EUS-GBD) for the perioperative high-risk acute cholecystitis
大森銀治1, 小野道洋1, 山田充子1, 安部智之1, 藤井重之1, 前田征洋1, 飴田咲貴2, 池田裕貴2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 28-28, 2020.

Japanese Article 2 (inner). H. pylori infection and relative examination of type A gastritis
米谷則重, 松田宗一郎, 津田桃子, 久保公利, 加藤元嗣
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 28-28, 2020.

Japanese Article 3 (inner). Usefulness of the submucosal station note for large duodenal Vater's papilla tumor of the size
柳原弘明, 河端賢秀, 梶浦麻未, 上原聡人, 佐藤裕基, 林明宏, 後藤拓磨, 水上裕輔, 藤谷幹浩, 奥村利勝
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 29-29, 2020.

Japanese Article 4 (inner). One patient who presented with abdominal aortic aneurysm stent graft custody postoperatively sigmoid stenosis
由井美佳, 杉村浩二郎, 藤林周吾, 芹川真哉, 鈴木康秋
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 29-29, 2020.

Japanese Article 5 (inner). Three cases of the esophagus intramural hematoma
池田淳平, 杉山隆治, 黒田祥平, 寺澤賢, 岩間琢哉, 助川隆士, 稲場勇平, 垂石正樹, 斉藤祐輔
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 29-29, 2020.

Japanese Article 6 (inner). It is hard to be treated, and cholangioscope using SpyGlass DS for the intrahepatic stone provides lower treatment
瀧澤歩, 川上裕次郎, 平野雄大, 我妻康平, 沼田泰尚, 石上敬介, 柾木喜晴, 室田文子, 本谷雅代, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 29-29, 2020.

Japanese Article 7(消). A case of IgG4-related autoimmune hepatitis and type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis
奥田景子1, 横山佳浩1, 沼田泰尚2, 佐々木基1, 鈴木亮1, 矢花崇1, 有村佳昭1, 近藤吉宏1, 守田玲菜3, 笠井潔3, 仲瀬裕志2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 30-30, 2020.

Japanese Article 8 (消). A case of invasive pancreatic ductal cancer with bile duct epithelial atypia that required differentiation from intraductal papillary mucinous tumor-related pancreatic cancer
真口遼香1, 佐藤裕基1, 河端秀賢1, 船山拓也1, 梶浦麻未1, 柳原弘明1, 上原聡人1, 林明宏1, 後藤拓磨1, 藤谷幹浩1, 高橋裕之2, 萩原正弘2, 今井浩二2, 横尾英樹2, 松野直徒2, 湯沢明夏3, 谷野美智枝3, 古川博之2, 水上裕輔1, 奥村利勝1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 30-30, 2020.

Japanese Article 9 (消). A case in which thrombus recovery was effective for Trousseau syndrome associated with pancreatic cancer
森匠平1, 鈴木亮1, 横山佳浩1, 佐々木基1, 矢花崇1, 有村佳昭1, 近藤吉宏1, 新谷好正2, 仲瀬裕志3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 30-30, 2020.

Japanese Article 10 (消). A case of emergency endoscopic treatment for a critically ill COVID-19 patient under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) management
奥田竜1, 室田文子1, 高田夢実1, 大和田紗恵1, 山川司1, 風間友江1, 平山大輔1, 吉井新二1, 能正勝彦1, 山野泰穂1, 井上弘行2, 成松英智2, 仲瀬裕志1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 30-30, 2020.

Japanese Article 11 (消). Treatment results of Bedrizumab aiming at mucosal healing of ulcerative colitis
中村隼人1, 有村佳昭1, 矢花崇1, 鈴木亮1, 佐々木基1, 横山佳浩1, 沼田有斗1, 近藤吉宏1, 仲瀬裕志2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 31-31, 2020.

Japanese Article 12 (消). A case of esophageal Darier disease
沼田有斗1, 有村佳昭1, 矢花崇1, 鈴木亮1, 佐々木基1, 横山佳浩1, 近藤吉宏1, 仲瀬裕志2, 保科大地3, 三浦克予志4, 乃村俊史5, 守田玲奈6
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 31-31, 2020.

Japanese Article 13 (消). Current status of hepatitis B countermeasure treatment caused by immunosuppression and chemotherapy at our hospital
田中智之, 馬場英, 古家乾, 定岡邦昌, 黒木俊宏
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 31-31, 2020.

Japanese Article 14(消). 4 cases of thrombotic microangiopathy during Gemcitabine treatment
瀧澤歩, 本谷雅代, 平野雄大, 我妻康平, 川上裕次郎, 沼田泰尚, 石上敬介, 柾木喜晴, 室田文子, 阿久津典之, 佐々木茂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 31-31, 2020.

Japanese Article 15 (消). Examination of the relationship between Epstein-Barr virus and Cytomegalovirus antibody prevalence and IBD treatment history in patients with inflammatory bowel disease at our hospital
高田夢実1, 平山大輔1, 大和田紗恵1, 山川司1, 風間友江1, 吉井新二1, 能正勝彦1, 山野泰穂1, 三浦みき2, 久松理一2, 仲瀬裕志1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 32-32, 2020.

Japanese Article 16 (消). Examination of portal vein gasemia in our hospital
黒田祥平, 稲場勇平, 池田淳平, 寺澤賢, 岩間琢哉, 杉山隆治, 助川隆士, 垂石正樹, 斉藤祐輔
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 32-32, 2020.

Japanese Article 17 (inner). Short-term treatment result after the muscular layer incision (Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy: POEM) introduction of the peroral endoscopy for the achalasia
高橋慶太郎1,2, 藤谷幹浩2, 上原恭子2, 小林裕2, 杉山雄哉2, 村上雄紀2, 佐々木貴弘2, 久野木健仁2, 安藤勝祥2, 上野伸展2, 嘉島伸2, 盛一健太郎2, 田邊裕貴2, 奥村利勝2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 32-32, 2020.

Japanese Article 18 (inner). Construction of the small intestine capsule endoscopic remote interpretation of radiogram system
藤田朋紀1, 藤江慎也1, 上林実2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 32-32, 2020.

Japanese Article 19 (inner). Treatment result of the ultrasonic endoscope lower biliary tract drainage
筑後孝紀, 林毅, 豊永啓翔, 石井達也, 那須野央, 金俊文, 高橋邦幸, 潟沼朗生
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 33-33, 2020.

Japanese Article 20 (inner). One case of the gastric cancer which caused form changes from a 0-IIa+IIc type to type 1 in a short term
佐々木耕1, 長島一哲1, 加藤茜1, 中村赳晶1, 江上太基1, 伊藤淳1, 多谷容子1, 中積宏之1, 馬場麗1, 加藤貴司1, 木村太一2, 深沢拓夢3, 白川智沙斗3, 小丹枝裕二3, 三野和宏3, 川村秀樹3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 33-33, 2020.

Japanese Article 21 (inner). One patient who complicated a stomach neuroendocrine tumor and early gastric cancer in synchronism for type A gastritis
澤山初音1, 馬場麗1, 加藤茜1, 中村赳晶1, 江上太基1, 長島一哲1, 伊藤淳1, 多谷容子1, 中積宏之1, 加藤貴司1, 木村太一2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 33-33, 2020.

Japanese Article 22 (inner). One case of the intractable duodenal ulcer associated with the eosinophilic gastroenteritis that crush Budesonide administration succeeded
渡辺亮介, 米谷則重, 松田宗一郎, 津田桃子, 久保公利, 間部克裕, 加藤元嗣
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 33-33, 2020.

Japanese Article 23 (inner). One case of the large intestine saw tooth appearance lesion found in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis
入部航平1, 盛一健太郎1, 田邊裕貴1, 武井英博2, 斎藤成亮1, 杉山雄哉1, 小林裕1, 村上雄紀1, 佐々木貴弘1, 久野木健仁1, 安藤勝祥1, 上野伸展1, 嘉島伸1, 水上裕輔1,3, 藤谷幹浩1, 奥村利勝1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 34-34, 2020.

Japanese Article S1-1 (消). "A case considered to be an early stage of cancer with intraductal papillary mucinous tumor"
佐藤允洋1, 李鵬1, 富永素矢1, 坂本淳1, 木村圭介1, 太田智之1, 唐崎秀則1, 水上裕輔2, 奥村利勝2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 34-34, 2020.

Japanese Article S1-2(消). Examination of locally advanced unresectable pancreatic cancer cases in which Conversion Surgery may be a treatment option
村松丈児1, 吉田真誠1, 久保智洋1, 村瀬和幸1, 高田弘一1, 宮西浩嗣1, 加藤淳二1, 木村康利2, 竹政伊知朗2, 南伸弥3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 34-34, 2020.

Japanese Article S1-3 (消). Preoperative pathological diagnosis for pancreatic cancer of 10 mm or less - Role and challenges of endoscopes -
豊永啓翔, 金俊文, 石井達也, 筑後孝紀, 那須野央, 林毅, 高橋邦幸, 潟沼朗生
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 34-34, 2020.

Japanese Article S1-4(消). Gallbladder cancer genome and transcriptome analysis
江畑信孝1,2,3, 中川英刀1, 藤田征志1, 中村透2, 平野聡2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 35-35, 2020.

Japanese Article S1-5 (消). Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) prospective observational study in pancreatic cancer
室田文子1, 本谷雅代1, 木村康利2, 吉田真誠3, 平野雄大1, 川上裕次郎1, 柾木喜晴1, 佐々木茂1, Fabio Pittella-Silva4, 竹政伊知朗2, 中村祐輔4, 仲瀬裕志1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 35-35, 2020.

Japanese Article S1-6(消). リキッドバイオプシーによる膵癌の術前診断
林明宏1, 岡田哲弘1, 佐藤裕基1, 河端秀賢1, 後藤拓磨1, 小野裕介2, 唐崎秀則2, 水上裕輔1, 藤谷幹浩1, 奥村利勝1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 35-35, 2020.

Japanese Article S1-7 (消). Exosome signaling of pancreatic cancer stem cells and molecular targeted therapy targeting stem cell markers
及能大輔1,2, 木村康利1, 渡久山晃1, 吉田幸平1, 太田盛道1, 今村将史1, 永山稔1, 沖田憲司1, 信岡隆幸1, 小山内誠2, 竹政伊知朗1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 35-35, 2020.

Japanese Article S1-8 (消). Development of a novel body fluid diagnostic method using exosomes for early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer
高橋賢治, 小山一也, 大竹晋, 岩本英孝, 山北圭介, 玉木陽穂, 北野陽平, 岡田充巧, 麻生和信
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 36-36, 2020.

Japanese Article 学-1 (消). Beginning of gastrointestinal surgery - Surgery training for medical students using living pigs
西川純平1, 伊東竜哉2, 信岡隆幸2, 村上武志2, 木村明菜2, 奥谷浩一2, 西舘敏彦2, 沖田憲司2, 今村将史2, 永山稔2, 木村康利2, 竹政伊知朗2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 36-36, 2020.

Japanese Article 学-2(消). A case of hyperbilirubinemia after administration of clarithromycin suspected of having OATP dysfunction
山本智香1, 石上敬介2, 阿久津典之2, 沼田泰尚2, 平野雄大2, 我妻康平2, 川上裕次郎2, 柾木喜晴2, 室田文子2, 本谷雅代2, 佐々木茂2, 仲瀬裕志2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 36-36, 2020.

Japanese Article 学-3 (消). A Case of Familial Mediterranean Fever Introduced as Refractory Irritable Bowel Syndrome
川上ひかる1, 植村洋紀2, 石王応知2, 村上雄紀2, 粂井志麻2, 安藤勝祥2, 水上裕輔2, 藤谷幹浩2, 奥村利勝2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 36-36, 2020.

Japanese Article 学-4 (消). A case of Crohn's disease that developed vasculitis during maintenance therapy with Infliximab
横山涼太1, 山下健太郎2, 吉井新二3, 風間友江3, 大和田紗恵3, 山川司3, 平山大輔3, 山野泰穂3, 仲瀬裕志3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 37-37, 2020.

Japanese Article 24 (消). A case of liver metastasis of sigmoid colon cancer with bile duct tumor embolism
村山毬乃1, 横山和典1, 阿部正洋1, 秋山佳香1, 宿田耕之介1, 小杉英史1, 代田充1, 益子博幸2, 山城勝重3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 37-37, 2020.

Japanese Article 26 (inner). One case that received the calculus removal using a double balloon small intestine endoscope and small diameter nasal endoscope for bile duct arm of a river postoperative intrahepatic calculosis
上原聡人, 林明宏, 佐藤裕基, 河端秀賢, 後藤拓磨, 水上裕輔, 藤谷幹浩, 奥村利勝
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 37-37, 2020.

Japanese Article 27 (inner). We provide endoscopic treatment of the transnipple for the common bile duct stone with the rebuilding intestinal tract after the operation in our hospital
石井達也, 林毅, 豊永啓翔, 筑後孝紀, 那須野央, 金俊文, 高橋邦幸, 潟沼朗生
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 38-38, 2020.

Japanese Article 28 (消). A Case of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma with Frequent Microsatellite Instability (MSI-High) Responsive to Pembrolizumab
池田裕貴1, 小野道洋1, 大森銀治1,3, 飴田咲貴1,3, 安部智之1, 藤井重之1, 藤田美悧2, 前田征洋1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 38-38, 2020.

Japanese Article 29(消). Examination of false positive cases in biliary tumor resection cases
久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 坂野浩也1, 大岩修太郎1, 川崎亮輔2, 行部洋2, 吉田直文2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 38-38, 2020.

Japanese Article 30 (消). A case of mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine neoplasm (MiNEN) from the distal bile duct
吉田将大1, 矢根圭1, 魚住健志1, 得地果穂1, 藤井亮爾1, 櫻田晃1, 皆川武慶1, 森田康太郎1, 庵原秀之1, 武田広子2, 住吉徹哉1, 平山眞章1, 近藤仁1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 38-38, 2020.

Japanese Article 31 (消). A Case of Mixed Gallbladder Gland Neuroendocrine Cancer (MiNEN) Survived for 3 Years on Multidisciplinary Treatment
秋田浩太朗1, 本谷雅代2, 我妻康平2, 大和田紗恵2, 平野雄大2, 川上裕次郎2, 柾木喜晴2, 石上敬介2, 伊東文子2, 阿久津典之2, 佐々木茂2, 木村康利3, 竹政伊知朗3, 仲瀬裕志2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 39-39, 2020.

Japanese Article 32 (inner). Examination about the usefulness of the cholangioscope in the preoperation extension degree diagnosis of the biliary cancer
柾木喜晴1, 平野雄大1, 我妻康平1, 沼田泰尚1, 川上裕次郎1, 石上敬介1, 室田文子1, 本谷雅代1, 木村康利2, 仲瀬裕志1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 39-39, 2020.

Japanese Article 33 (inner). One case of the duodenal perforation by the bile duct plastic stent deviation
加藤茜1, 多谷容子1, 中村赳晶1, 江上太基1, 長島一哲1, 伊藤淳1, 中積宏之1, 馬場麗1, 加藤貴司1, 三野和宏2, 大場光信3, 三橋智子3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 39-39, 2020.

Japanese Article 34 (消). A Case of Delayed Gallbladder Perforation After Endoscopic Transpapillary Gallbladder Stent Placement
久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 坂野浩也1, 大岩修太郎1, 川崎亮輔2, 行部洋2, 吉田直文2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 39-39, 2020.

Japanese Article 35 (inner). Examination about the preoperation bile duct drainage imperfection in malignant biliary tract stenosis
平野雄大1, 柾木喜晴1, 我妻康平1, 川上裕次郎1, 石上敬介1, 室田文子1, 本谷雅代1, 木村康利2, 仲瀬裕志1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 40-40, 2020.

Japanese Article 36 (消). Transpapillary bile duct stent placement for the very elderly
保浦直弘1, 石部絵梨奈1, 大塚勇太朗1, 石田浩一1, 野村朝子1, 高橋徹1, 村中徹人1, 桑谷将城2, 國枝保幸1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 40-40, 2020.

Japanese Article 37 (inner). Examination of the treatment result of EGBS and EUS-GBD for the nonresected acute cholecystitis
川上裕次郎1, 鈴木一也2, 大久保陽介2, 平野雄大1, 越前栄次朗2, 我妻康平1, 石上敬介1, 柾木喜晴1, 室田文子1, 菅野伸一2, 若杉英樹2, 本谷雅代1, 仲瀬裕志1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 40-40, 2020.

Japanese Article 38 (消). A case of hepatic echinococcosis that was difficult to diagnose
梶浦麻未, 林秀美, 中嶋駿介, 長谷部拓夢, 澤田康司, 藤谷幹浩, 奥村利勝
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 40-40, 2020.

Japanese Article 39(消). A case of hepatectomy contributing to long-term survival for hepatocellular carcinoma with repeated single recurrences after intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
岩田浩義1, 横尾英樹1, 萩原正弘1, 高橋裕之1, 今井浩二1, 松野直徒1, 角泰雄2, 古川博之1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 41-41, 2020.

Japanese Article 40 (消). A case of B-RTO with shunt occlusion using NBCA
町田卓郎1, 中島正人1, 佃曜子1, 後藤哲1, 宮下憲暢1, 岡本宗則1, 藤江慎也2, 藤田朋紀2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 41-41, 2020.

Japanese Article 41 (消). Examination of 15 cases of simultaneous laparoscopic liver and gastrointestinal resection
旭火華, 神山俊哉, 柿坂達彦, 折茂達也, 島田慎吾, 長津明久, 坂本譲, 蒲池浩文, 武冨紹信
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 41-41, 2020.

Japanese Article 42 (消). About digging up hepatitis C patients at our hospital
宇野誓, 矢和田敦, 三浦克予志, 齋藤潤信, 守谷洋, 一色裕之, 鈴木亮, 岡俊州, 笠原薫, 小林寿久
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 41-41, 2020.

Japanese Article 43 (消). A case of HBV / HCV co-infection that achieved SVR24 in 3 days of treatment with Grecaprevir / Pibrentasvir
沼田泰尚, 平野雄大, 我妻康平, 川上裕次郎, 柾木喜晴, 石上敬介, 室田文子, 阿久津典之, 本谷雅代, 佐々木茂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 42-42, 2020.

Japanese Article 44(消). A case of hepatic granuloma that disappeared after SVR of chronic hepatitis C
寺澤賢1, 助川隆士1, 黒田祥平1, 池田淳平1, 岩間琢哉1, 杉山隆治1, 稲場勇平1, 垂石正樹1, 斉藤裕輔1, 高田明生2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 42-42, 2020.

Japanese Article 45 (消). Liver carcinogenesis status after SVR by DAA treatment for hepatitis C
山本義也, 東野真幸, 甲谷理紗子, 鈴木和治, 杉浦諒, 宮本秀一, 木下賢治, 安孫子怜史, 畑中一映, 成瀬宏仁
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 42-42, 2020.

Japanese Article 46 (消). Examination of therapeutic effect and lipid change of Grecaprevir / Pibrentasvir treatment for hepatitis C
阿久津典之1, 佐々木茂1, 松居剛志2, 矢和田敦3, 明石浩史4, 米澤和彦5, 辻崎正幸6, 安達雄哉7, 高木秀安8, 中原生哉8, 山本至9, 伴紀宏10, 岩田徳和10, 一色裕之3, 平野雄大1, 我妻康平1, 沼田泰尚1, 石上敬介1, 仲瀬裕志1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 42-42, 2020.

Japanese Article 47 (消). A Case of Hepatic Small Vessel Neoplasm with Difficult Preoperative Diagnosis
吹野良, 出水考章, 小野雄司, 村井太一, 板谷一史, 遠藤文菜, 加藤新, 中村路夫, 永坂敦, 西川秀司
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 43-43, 2020.

Japanese Article 48 (消). A case of adult liver abscess associated with chronic granulomatous disease
大竹晋, 玉木陽穂, 岡田充巧, 麻生和信, 岩本英孝, 山北圭介, 高橋賢治, 北野陽平, 和田佳緒利
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 43-43, 2020.

Japanese Article 49 (消). A case of liver cirrhotic hemangioma
重沢拓, 小川浩司, 久保彰則, 得地祐匡, 中井正人, 荘拓也, 坂本直哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 43-43, 2020.

Japanese Article 50 (消). IrAE hepatitis with nivolumab and ipilimumab combination therapy
永島裕之, 佐川保, 平川昌宏, 和賀永里子, 濱口京子, 藤川幸司, 高橋康雄
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 43-43, 2020.

Japanese Article 51 (消). Results of use of antithrombin III preparation for portal vein thrombosis in our hospital
北潟谷隆, 小川浩司, 山田錬, 重沢拓, 鈴木和治, 中村晃久, 梅村真知子, 中井正人, 荘拓也, 須田剛生, 森川賢一, 坂本直哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 44-44, 2020.

Japanese Article 52 (消). A case of hepatocellular carcinoma found after the diagnosis of membranous nephropathy
太田盛道1, 永山稔1, 吉田幸平1, 渡久山晃1, 水口徹1, 今村将史1, 木村康利1, 三橋慧2, 富樫信彦2, 阿久津典之3, 佐々木茂3, 竹政伊知朗3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 44-44, 2020.

Japanese Article 53 (消). Usefulness and safety of Lenvatinib for hepatocellular carcinoma in the elderly
田中一成, 辻邦彦, 渡辺祈一, 南亮輔, 松居剛志, 児玉芳尚, 櫻井康雄, 姜貞憲, 潟沼朗生
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 44-44, 2020.

Japanese Article 54 (消). A case of liver cancer after hepatitis C virus SVR that recurred with a paraneoplastic sarcoid reaction
松田宗一郎1, 米谷則重1, 津田桃子1, 久保公利1, 加藤元嗣1, 鈴置真人2, 大原正範2, 木村伯子3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 44-44, 2020.

Japanese Article 55 (消). A Case of Poorly Differentiated Lymphocyte Rich Hepatocellular Carcinoma
大森銀治1,5, 大須賀崇裕1, 濱口孝太1, 田中信悟1,2, 小野道洋5, 菊池泰弘4, 永山稔3, 大沼啓之1, 村瀬和幸1, 高田弘一1, 宮西浩嗣1, 木村康利3, 竹政伊知朗3, 長谷川匡4, 加藤淳二1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 45-45, 2020.

Japanese Article 56 (消). A case of C-type decompensated cirrhosis in which SVR12 was obtained by administration of sofosbuvir / velpatasvir
山田錬, 小川浩司, 北潟谷隆, 重沢拓, 鈴木和治, 中村晃久, 梅村真知子, 中井正人, 荘拓也, 須田剛生, 森川賢一, 坂本直哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 45-45, 2020.

Japanese Article 57 (消). Examination of therapeutic effect by switching from kanamycin sulfate to rifaximin for hyperammonemia associated with liver cirrhosis
巽亮二, 推井大雄, 山口将功, 荒川智宏, 中島知明, 桑田靖昭, 豊田誠司, 髭修平
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 45-45, 2020.

Japanese Article 58 (消). A case of ruptured small intestinal varicose veins due to liver cirrhosis accompanied by extrahepatic portal vein occlusion, hemostasis and lifesaving by IVR
町田卓郎1, 中島正人1, 佃曜子1, 後藤哲1, 宮下憲暢1, 岡本宗則1, 藤江慎也2, 藤田朋紀2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 45-45, 2020.

Japanese Article 59 (消). Examination of the usefulness of FAST score in NASH diagnosis
中島知明, 推井大雄, 巽亮二, 山口将功, 荒川智宏, 桑田靖昭, 豊田成司, 髭修平
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 46-46, 2020.

Japanese Article 60 (消). Prognostic analysis of NAFLD by MR Elastography liver hardness stratification
鈴木康秋, 由井美佳, 杉村浩二郎, 藤林周吾, 芹川真哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 46-46, 2020.

Japanese Article 61 (消). A Case of Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma of the Liver Primary with Peritoneal Dissemination
青木麻衣1, 辻靖1, 本間理央1, 高山歳三1, 澤井康弥1, 有賀伸2, 新藤智子1, 吉田将大3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 46-46, 2020.

Japanese Article 62 (消). Outcomes of Bile Duct Cell Cancer with COVID-19
保坂雪野1, 有村佳昭1, 矢花崇1, 鈴木亮1, 佐々木基1, 横山佳浩1, 沼田有斗1, 近藤吉宏1, 仲瀬裕志2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 46-46, 2020.

Japanese Article 63 (消). A case of extrahepatic growth type intermediate liver cancer that was difficult to diagnose
横山達也1, 川岸直樹1, 田中崇倫1, 横山大輔1, 小田総一郎1, 吉田苑永1, 吉河歩1, 石川麻倫1, 澤田憲太郎1, 佐野逸紀1, 小田寿1, 宮城島拓人1, 石川隆壽2, 谷野美智枝3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 47-47, 2020.

Japanese Article 64 (消). A case of diffuse infiltrative hepatic malignant lymphoma in which MRI was useful without any abnormalities on CT and ultrasound
鈴木康秋, 由井美佳, 杉村浩二郎, 藤林周吾, 芹川真哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 47-47, 2020.

Japanese Article 65 (消). Examination of 7 cases in which pathogenic Escherichia coli was detected with chronic abdominal symptoms as the main symptom
藤田朋紀1, 藤江慎也1, 中島正人2, 後藤哲2, 佃曜子2, 町田卓郎2, 宮下憲暢2, 岡本宗則2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 47-47, 2020.

Japanese Article 66 (inner). One case of the acanthocephaliasis that showed parasitism to a cecum
小松悠弥1, 森田理恵1, 中村元1, 平田裕哉1, 嘉成悠介1, 高梨訓博1, 安保智典1, 勝木伸一1, 藤田朋紀2, 片平浩孝3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 47-47, 2020.

Japanese Article 67 (inner). One case of the chronic diarrhea with suspected participation of the intestinal tract spirochetal disease
藤江慎也1, 後藤哲1, 藤田朋紀1, 中島正人2, 佃曜子2, 町田卓郎2, 宮下憲暢2, 岡本宗則2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 48-48, 2020.

Japanese Article 68 (消). Examination of endoscopic treatment for colorectal diverticulum bleeding - Focusing on the clip method with soft coagulation -
杉村浩二郎1,2, 由井美佳1,2, 藤林周吾1,2, 芹川真哉1,2, 鈴木康秋1,2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 48-48, 2020.

Japanese Article 69 (消). Effect of Magnesium Oxide on Constipation in End-of-Life Cancer Patients in Palliative Care Units
武藤修一, 斎藤典子, 名越康晴, 加藤久昌, 四十坊克哉, 前野宏
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 48-48, 2020.

Japanese Article 70 (消). Usefulness of abdominal ultrasonography for inflammatory bowel disease
桂田武彦1, 小田切信介1, 桜井健介1, 木下賢治2, 山梨香菜3, 大西礼造4, 長島一哲5, 西田睦6, 表原里実6, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 48-48, 2020.

Japanese Article 71 (消). A case of cutaneous esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
久保俊之1,2, 足立靖1, 中村浩子1, 菊地剛史1, 中村正弘1, 見田裕章1, 安達靖代1, 岩田徳和1, 吉田幸成1, 伴紀宏1, 石井良文3, 高橋宏明4, 仲瀬裕志2, 遠藤高夫1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 49-49, 2020.

Japanese Article 72 (消). A Case of Monophasic Synovial Sarcoma of the Esophagus
越前栄次朗, 秋田浩一郎, 大久保陽介, 菅野伸一, 若杉英樹, 鈴木一也
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 49-49, 2020.

Japanese Article 73 (消). A case of pseudo-achalasia due to esophagogastric junction cancer that was difficult to diagnose preoperatively
高橋真生1, 矢花崇2, 横山佳浩2, 佐々木基2, 鈴木亮2, 有村佳昭2, 近藤吉宏2, 渡邉義人3, 吉田拓人3, 小野仁3, 葛西弘規3, 越前谷勇人3, 仲瀬裕志4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 49-49, 2020.

Japanese Article 74 (inner). One case that the rays dynamics therapy was effective for a recurrence after the cancer of the esophagus chemoradiotherapy
風間友江, 吉井新二, 大和田紗恵, 山川司, 平山大輔, 能正勝彦, 山野泰穂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 49-49, 2020.

Japanese Article 75 (消). Effectiveness of reflux esophagitis maintenance therapy by daily administration of vonoprazan
松田宗一郎, 久保公利, 間部克裕, 加藤元嗣
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 50-50, 2020.

Japanese Article 76 (inner). 1 infant case who repeated skill in balloon expansion for cicatricial stenosis after the corrosive esophagitis that developed after the strong alkali detergent mis-deglutition
久保茉理奈1, 清水勇一2, 西村友佑1, 霜田佳彦1, 田中一光1, 井上雅貴1, 木脇佐代子1, 大野正芳2, 山本桂子2, 小野尚子1, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 50-50, 2020.

Japanese Article 77 (inner). One case of esophageal mucosa bloody bowel discharge tumor which occurred with a fish bone aspiration
飯田敏史, 林龍之介, 堀内正史, 本田宗也, 岡田哲弘, 田中一之, 河本徹, 藤永明裕, 佐藤智信, 後藤充, 斎藤義徳
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 50-50, 2020.

Japanese Article 78 (inner). One case of the fundic gland mucous membrane type gastric cancer which we excised en bloc after the long-term follow-up in ESD
齊藤成亮, 高橋慶太郎, 上原恭子, 小林裕, 杉山雄哉, 村上雄紀, 佐々木貴弘, 久野木健仁, 安藤勝祥, 上野伸展, 嘉島伸, 盛一健太郎, 田邊裕貴, 藤谷幹浩, 奥村利勝
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 50-50, 2020.

Japanese Article 79 (inner). Huge H. which we were able to excise en bloc under the general anesthesia in endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique (ESD) Two cases of the pylori-negative crypt epithelium type adenocarcinoma
森田理恵1, 勝木伸一1, 安保智典1, 高梨訓博1, 小松悠弥1, 嘉成悠介1, 平田裕哉1, 中村元1, 植村尚貴1, 市原真2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 51-51, 2020.

Japanese Article 80 (inner). One case of early stomach mixed neuroendocrine-non-neroendocrine neoplasms (MiNENs)
富田祐介1, 関英幸1, 若園順康1, 松薗絵美1, 小林良充1, 曽我部進1, 菅井望1, 藤田淳1, 鈴木昭2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 51-51, 2020.

Japanese Article 81 (inner). One case of the renal cell carcinoma metastases to stomach that we were able to resect after the operation in ESD in the 20th year
藤井亮爾1, 住吉徹哉1, 魚住健志1, 飯田玲一1, 得地果穂1, 吉田将大1, 櫻田晃1, 皆川武慶1, 森田康太郎1, 矢根圭1, 庵原秀之1, 平山眞章1, 近藤仁1, 小山田ゆみ子2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 51-51, 2020.

Japanese Article 82 (inner). It is examined the usefulness of second look endoscopy after stomach ESD in the antithrombotic drug internal use case
魚住健志, 住吉徹哉, 飯田怜一, 得地果穂, 吉田将大, 藤井亮爾, 皆川武慶, 櫻田晃, 森田康太郎, 矢根圭, 庵原秀之, 平山眞章, 近藤仁
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 51-51, 2020.

Japanese Article 83 (消). Two cases of multiple gastric cancer in familial adenomatous polyposis
大和田紗恵1, 吉井新二1, 瀧澤歩1, 山川司1, 風間友江1, 平山大輔1, 能正勝彦1, 山野泰穂1, 仲瀬裕志1, 山下健太郎2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 52-52, 2020.

Japanese Article 84 (消). A case of gastric cancer in esophageal achalasia
石川隆壽1, 小笠原和宏1, 佐野逸紀2, 宮城島拓人2, 武冨紹信3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 52-52, 2020.

Japanese Article 85 (inner). One case of the gastric cancer in acknowledgment of the histology which presented a submucosal tumor state form, and was characteristic
濱口孝太, 大沼啓之, 小野山直輝, 早坂尚貴, 佐藤昌則, 村瀬和幸, 高田弘一, 宮西浩嗣, 加藤淳二
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 52-52, 2020.

Japanese Article 86 (消). A case of advanced gastric cancer discovered with acute myocardial infarction and having two stent thromboses during the perioperative period
木村明菜, 伊東竜哉, 信岡隆幸, 三浦亮, 村上武志, 吉田幸平, 西舘敏彦, 沖田憲司, 竹政伊知朗
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 52-52, 2020.

Japanese Article 87 (消). Two cases of palliative radiochemotherapy for difficult-to-resect gastric cancer bleeding
宿田耕之介1, 横山和典1, 阿部正洋1, 秋本佳香1, 小杉英史1, 代田充1, 富田雅義2, 山城勝重3, 結城敏志4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 53-53, 2020.

Japanese Article 88 (消). A case in which discontinuation of a proton pump inhibitor was effective for hyperplastic polyps in the stomach that caused severe anemia
西村友佑1, 久保茉理奈1, 霜田佳彦1, 田中一光1, 井上雅貴1, 木脇佐代子1, 大野正芳1, 山本桂子2, 小野尚子3, 清水勇一2, 清水亜衣4, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 53-53, 2020.

Japanese Article 89 (消). Current status of Helicobacter pylori tertiary eradication therapy in local hospitals
小柴裕1, 久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 宮崎悦2, 小野稔2, 坂野浩也3, 大岩修太郎3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 53-53, 2020.

Japanese Article 90 (inner). One case of the juvenile polyposis which caused gastric obstruction
霜田佳彦1, 山本桂子2, 田中一光1, 井上雅貴1, 木脇佐代子1, 石川麻倫2, 大野正芳2, 高橋正和2, 森康明2, 中川学2, 中川宗一2, 小野尚子1, 清水勇一2, 倉島庸3, 今本鉄平4, 松野吉宏4, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 53-53, 2020.

Japanese Article 91 (inner). One patient who presented with bleeding than stomach arterio-venous malformation
櫻井環1, 久居弘幸1, 坂野浩也1, 小柴裕1, 宮崎悦2, 小野稔2, 川崎亮輔3, 行部洋3, 吉田直文3, 大岩修太郎4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 54-54, 2020.

Japanese Article 92 (inner). One case of hamartomatous inverted polyp which occurred in the stomach L domain
三橋慧, 伊早坂舞, 伊藤美樹, 志谷真啓, 安達雄哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 54-54, 2020.

Japanese Article 93 (消). A case of duodenal diverticulitis after total gastrectomy / Roux-en-Y reconstruction that was successful in endoscopic treatment and could avoid surgery
飴田咲貴1, 小野道洋1, 大森銀治1,2, 池田裕貴1,2, 山田充子1, 安部智之1, 藤井重之1, 前田征洋1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 54-54, 2020.

Japanese Article 94 (消). A Case of Early Duodenal Cancer Performed Underwater EMR After Long-Term Follow-up
大久保陽介, 鈴木一也, 秋田浩太朗, 越前栄次朗, 菅野伸一, 若杉英樹
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 54-54, 2020.

Japanese Article 95 (inner). One case of giant duodenum Brunner's gland tumor which racked its brains about a diagnosis
鈴木佑季1, 山梨香菜1, 野澤俊一郎1, 寺下勝巳1, 高木智史1, 藤好直2, 松澤文彦2, 下國達志2, 西川眞2, 高橋昌宏2, 小野寺麻莉3, 池田直樹3, 中西勝也3, 朴貞恩4, 吉川裕幸4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 55-55, 2020.

Japanese Article 96 (inner). One case of the duodenal fat species discovered with abdominal pain upper and a bloody bowel discharge
平田裕哉1, 勝木伸一1, 森田理恵1, 中村元1, 嘉成悠介1, 小松悠弥1, 高梨訓博1, 北岡慶介2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 55-55, 2020.

Japanese Article 97 (消). A case of eosinophilic gastroenteritis with acute pancreatitis
工藤準也1, 明石浩史1, 榮浪洋介1, 志谷真啓2, 水越常徳1, 宮地敏樹1, 舛谷治郎1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 55-55, 2020.

Japanese Article 98 (inner). Experience of 13 joint our hospital which we operated for endoscopic for superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum tumor by the non-perforation method a peritoneoscope
嘉成悠介1, 勝木伸一1, 安保智典1, 高梨訓博1, 小松悠弥1, 平田裕哉1, 中村元1, 森田理恵1, 向谷充宏2, 植木知身2, 野田愛2, 中山健太2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 55-55, 2020.

Japanese Article 99 (消). Experience with Trifluridine / Tipiracil Hydrochloride in Retrograde Gastric Cancer Treatment
小野寺馨1, 一柳亜貴子1, 上野あかり1, 谷元博2, 佐藤修司1,2, 清水晴夫1, 金戸宏行1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 56-56, 2020.

Japanese Article 100 (消). A case in which postoperative chemotherapy for gastric cancer (mFOLFOX6) showed a reducing effect on follicular lymphoma
佃曜子1, 中島正人1, 宮下憲暢1, 町田卓郎1, 岡本宗則1, 泉山康2, 藤江慎也3, 後藤哲3, 藤田朋紀3, 河上純彦3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 56-56, 2020.

Japanese Article 101(消). Efficacy of Conversion Surgery in Peritoneal Dissemination Cases of Gastric Cancer
佐藤昌則1, 大沼啓之1, 早坂尚貴1, 飯島一飛1, 濱口孝太1, 村瀬和幸1, 高田弘一1, 伊東竜也2, 信岡隆幸2, 宮西浩嗣1, 竹政伊知朗2, 加藤淳二1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 56-56, 2020.

Japanese Article 102 (消). A case of late-onset perforation after duodenal stent placement for duodenal stenosis due to hilar cholangiocarcinoma
立花史音, 武藤桃太郎, 石垣憲一, 中田裕隆, 武藤瑞恵, 柳川伸幸
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 56-56, 2020.

Japanese Article S2-1 (inner). Examination of the usefulness of the clip extension with the thread in the Nakashita pharyngeal cancer ESD difficulty case
井上雅貴1, 清水勇一2, 本間明宏3, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 57-57, 2020.

Japanese Article S2-2 (内). Feasibility study of modified SCC method +- PGA sheet / fibrin glue combination method to prevent bleeding after gastric ESD - Challenge to cases where it is difficult to prevent post-bleeding -
安孫子怜史1,2, 川岸直樹1, 佐野逸紀1, 小田寿1, 宮城島拓人1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 57-57, 2020.

Japanese Article S2-3 (inner). Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment for the ulcer scar merger early gastric cancer
横山崇1, 小平純一1, 高橋宏明1, 大内知之2, 武内利直2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 57-57, 2020.

Japanese Article S2-4 (inner). About usefulness of general anesthesia lower ESD in the case that stomach ESD has difficulty with
住吉徹哉, 魚住健志, 藤井亮爾, 皆川武慶, 近藤仁
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 57-57, 2020.

Japanese Article S2-5 (inner). Is hard to be treated; usefulness of Underwater EMR for the case
山川司, 吉井新二, 山野泰穂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 58-58, 2020.

Japanese Article S2-6 (inner). It is ... for skill of the wire operation to examination - bile duct difficulty with intubation case of Physician-Controlled Wire-Guided Canulation (PC-WGC) in our hospital
小野寺学, 松本美櫻, 水島健, 太宰昌佳, 加藤総介
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 58-58, 2020.

Japanese Article S2-7 (inner). We cannot recognize a nipple opening visually and intubate the bile duct using the needle knife for the case
鈴木一也, 秋田浩太朗, 大久保陽介, 越前栄次朗
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 58-58, 2020.

Japanese Article S2-8 (inner). Endoscopic approach to the bile duct jejunum anastomotic region, pancreaticojejunostomy department
北川翔, 長川達哉, 宮川宏之
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 58-58, 2020.

Japanese Article S2-9 (内). A case in which a recovery method using a self-made loop snare was useful for stent invasion into the accessory pancreatic duct
久居弘幸, 櫻井環, 小柴裕, 坂野浩也, 大岩修太郎
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 59-59, 2020.

Japanese Article S2-10 (inner). The current situation and problem of the ultrasonic endoscope guide lower pancreatic duct drainage technique
那須野央, 林毅, 潟沼朗生
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 59-59, 2020.

Japanese Article 103 (消). A case of small intestine cancer diagnosed with bilateral ovarian metastasis
末武将平1, 大和田紗恵1, 風間友江1, 高田夢実1, 山川司1, 平山大輔1, 能正勝彦1, 吉井新二1, 山野泰穂1, 仲瀬裕志1, 伊東竜哉2, 竹政伊知朗2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 59-59, 2020.

Japanese Article 104 (消). A case of ileal neuroendocrine tumor that was discovered due to lymph node metastasis and it was difficult to identify the primary lesion before surgery
中村元1, 勝木伸一1, 森田理恵1, 平田裕哉1, 嘉成悠介1, 小松悠弥1, 高梨訓博1, 中山健太1, 野田愛1, 植木知身1, 向谷充宏1, 吉田真誠2, 廣橋良彦3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 59-59, 2020.

Japanese Article 105 (消). A Case of Small Intestinal Metastasis / Large Intestine Metastasis of Renal Cell Carcinoma Diagnosed by Endoscopy During Treatment with Nivolumab
野澤俊一郎1, 山梨香菜1, 寺下勝巳1, 高木智史1, 藤好直2, 松澤文彦2, 下國達志2, 西川眞2, 高橋昌宏2, 吉川裕幸3, 中西勝也4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 60-60, 2020.

Japanese Article 106 (消). A case of recurrence of endometrial cancer diaphragmatic metastasis diagnosed 26 years after surgery
長谷川千紘, 鈴木康秋, 由井美佳, 杉村浩二郎, 藤林周吾, 芹川真哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 60-60, 2020.

Japanese Article 107 (消). A Case of Severe Small Intestinal Bleeding During Immunosuppressive Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis
田中一光1, 小野尚子1, 西村友佑1, 久保茉理奈1, 霜田佳彦1, 井上雅貴1, 木脇佐代子1, 大野正芳2, 山本桂子2, 清水勇一2, 坂本直哉1, 市川伸樹3, 吉田雅3, 本間重紀3, 杉野弘和4, 岡田宏美4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 60-60, 2020.

Japanese Article 108 (inner). One patient who underwent EMR for ileal Pyogenic granuloma which caused severe anemia
張辛寒1, 小野尚子2, 西村友佑1, 久保茉理奈1, 霜田佳彦1, 田中一光1, 井上雅貴1, 木脇佐代子1, 大野正芳2, 山本桂子3, 清水勇一3, 清水亜衣4, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 60-60, 2020.

Japanese Article 109 (消). A case of stenotic ischemic enteritis with ileus
齋藤潤信, 小林寿久, 三浦克予志, 守谷洋, 一色裕之, 岡俊州, 笠原薫, 矢和田敦
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 61-61, 2020.

Japanese Article 110 (消). A case of intestinal malrotation that became the first ileus in old age
佐藤純一朗, 菅野伸一, 秋田浩太朗, 大久保陽介, 越前栄次朗, 若杉英樹, 鈴木一也
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 61-61, 2020.

Japanese Article 111 (inner). Count of the small intestine capsule endoscopy introduction first year in our hospital
後藤哲1, 中島正人1, 宮下憲暢1, 町田卓郎1, 岡本宗則1, 藤江慎也2, 藤田朋紀2, 河上純彦2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 61-61, 2020.

Japanese Article 112 (inner). Three patients who presented with bleeding after EUS-FNA for mediastinal lymph node and the mass lesion
大岩修太郎1, 久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 小野稔2, 宮崎悦2, 坂野浩也3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 61-61, 2020.

Japanese Article 113 (消). Examination of regorafenib treatment and changes in skeletal muscle mass in gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
伊藤憲1, 原田一顕2, 川本泰之1, 中積宏之3, 中野真太郎1, 斎藤里佳2, 山村貴洋2, 結城敏志2, 小松嘉人1, 坂本直哉2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 62-62, 2020.

Japanese Article 114 (消). Current status of oncogene panel tests (panel tests) in the field of gastrointestinal cancer at our hospital
室田文子1,2, 高田弘一3, 田中佑弥1, 石川亜貴1, 櫻井晃洋1, 仲瀬裕志2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 62-62, 2020.

Japanese Article 115 (消). Experience with Vedolizumab for ulcerative colitis
小田切信介, 桂田武彦, 桜井健介, 坂本直哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 62-62, 2020.

Japanese Article 116 (消). A case of successful induction of remission of both diseases with tofacitinib for ulcerative colitis that occurred during the course of Takayasu's arteritis
松本将吾, 田中翔, 目野晃光, 細田峻一, 川畑修平, 小林智絵
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 62-62, 2020.

Japanese Article 117 (消). Therapeutic effect of new therapeutic agents for ulcerative colitis in clinical practice
古川滋, 伊藤貴博, 前本篤男
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 63-63, 2020.

Japanese Article 118 (消). A case of ulcerative colitis refractory due to initial cytomegalovirus infection
臺一樹1, 安藤勝祥1, 齊藤成亮1, 杉山雄哉1, 小林裕1, 村上雄紀1, 久野木健仁1, 佐々木貴弘1, 高橋慶太郎1, 上野伸展2, 嘉島伸1, 盛一健太郎3, 田邊裕貴1, 藤谷幹浩1, 奥村利勝1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 63-63, 2020.

Japanese Article 119 (消). A Case of Diverticulitis-Related Colitis Triggered by Recurrent Sigmoid Colon Diverticulitis
細川智加, 菅井望, 田畑智章, 富田祐介, 若園順康, 松薗絵美, 小林良充, 曽我部進, 関英幸, 藤田淳
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 63-63, 2020.

Japanese Article 120 (消). A case of MSI-High aged colorectal cancer with infusion-related reaction at the first administration of Pembrolizumab
川上賢太郎1, 奥田博介1, 澄川宗祐2, 佐々木邦明2, 久須美貴哉2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 63-63, 2020.

Japanese Article 121 (消). Two cases of drug-induced lung injury during colorectal cancer chemotherapy that required differentiation from COVID-19
澤口慎太郎1,2, 曽我部進1,2, 若園順康2, 富田祐介2, 松薗絵美2, 小林良充1,2, 大原克仁2, 石橋陽子2, 菅井望2, 関英幸2, 藤田淳2, 鈴木潤一2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 64-64, 2020.

Japanese Article 122(消). A Case of Successful Chemotherapy for Colorectal Cancer with Bone Marrow Carcinomatosis and Neoplastic DIC
田畑智章1, 小林良充1,2, 細川智加1, 富田祐介1, 若園順康1, 松薗絵美1,2, 曽我部進1, 菅井望1, 関英幸1, 藤田淳1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 64-64, 2020.

Japanese Article 123 (消). A Case of Recurrence of Liver Metastasis After Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Rectal T1 (SM / Head Invasion) Cancer
田中崇倫1, 澤田憲太郎1, 岡田宏美2, 小田総一郎1, 横山大輔1, 横山達也1, 吉田苑永1, 吉河歩1, 石川麻倫1, 川岸直樹1, 佐野逸紀1, 小田寿1, 宮城島拓人1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 64-64, 2020.

Japanese Article 124 (消). A Case of Ascending Colon Leiomyosarcoma with Asymptomatic Intussusception
長谷部理矩1, 安部智之1, 池田裕貴1, 山田充子1, 小野道洋1, 藤井重之1, 前田征洋1, 仙丸直人2, 藤田美悧3, 谷元博4, 清水晴夫4, 大森銀治5, 飴田咲貴5
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 64-64, 2020.

Japanese Article 125(消). A case of anal fistula cancer that could be diagnosed preoperatively
一柳亜貴子1, 上野あかり1, 谷元博2, 小野寺馨1, 佐藤修司1,2, 清水晴夫1, 村松里沙3, 金澤あゆみ3, 宇野智子3, 小川宰司3, 佐々木賢一3, 小西康宏4, 今信一郎4, 金戸宏行1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 65-65, 2020.

Japanese Article 126 (消). A case of endoscopic crushing of giant fecalith in Blind Pouch after transverse colectomy
松田宗一郎1, 米谷則重1, 津田桃子1, 久保公利1, 加藤元嗣1, 鈴置真人2, 大原正範2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 65-65, 2020.

Japanese Article 127 (消). Examination of metallic stent insertion cases for malignant colon stenosis in our hospital
高梨訓博1, 勝木伸一1, 森田理恵1, 中村元1, 平田裕哉1, 嘉成悠介1, 小松悠弥1, 向谷充宏2, 野田愛2, 植木知身2, 中山健太2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 65-65, 2020.

Japanese Article 128 (消). Experience with HANAROSTENT Naturfit for malignant colorectal stenosis
坂野浩也1, 久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 川崎亮輔2, 行部洋2, 吉田直文2, 大岩修太郎3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 65-65, 2020.

Japanese Article 129(消). Effects of robot-assisted surgery on the occurrence of postoperative dysuria of rectal cancer
三浦亮, 沖田憲司, 西舘敏彦, 奥谷浩一, 秋月恵美, 浜部敦史, 石井雅之, 横山新一郎, 古来貴寛, 竹政伊知朗
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 66-66, 2020.

Japanese Article 130 (消). 3 cases of gallstone ileus
上野あかり1, 清水晴夫1, 一柳亜貴子1, 谷元博2, 小野寺馨1, 佐藤修司1,2, 木村明菜3, 佐々木賢一4, 金戸宏行1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 66-66, 2020.

Japanese Article 131 (inner). One patient who went ERCP for a case who had the cholangiocarcinoma in complete situs inversus
黒木俊宏, 馬場英, 古家乾, 田中智之, 定岡邦昌
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 66-66, 2020.

Japanese Article 132 (消). A case of haemobilia due to ruptured gallbladder aneurysm
伊志嶺優1, 松村悠以1, 山本至1, 阿部厚憲2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 66-66, 2020.

Japanese Article 133 (消). Examination of the clinical features of IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis and the adequacy of steroid maintenance therapy
瀧新悠之介, 桑谷将城, 永井孝輔, 古川龍太郎, 平田甫, 川久保和道, 坂本直哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 67-67, 2020.

Japanese Article 134 (消). A case of gallbladder NEC diagnosed by reassessment by EUS-FNA
横山大輔, 佐野逸紀, 宮城島拓人, 小田寿, 重松明男, 川岸直樹, 澤田憲太郎, 石川麻倫, 吉河歩, 吉田苑永
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 67-67, 2020.

Japanese Article 135 (消). A case of common bile duct stone disease with an invading metal clip as the nucleus that developed 29 years after cholecystectomy
若園順康, 松薗絵美, 富田祐介, 小林良充, 曽我部進, 菅井望, 関英幸, 藤田淳
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 67-67, 2020.

Japanese Article 136 (消). A case of troubleshooting for metallic stent breakage 15 months after EUS-GBD
川村雄剛, 藤城貴教
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 67-67, 2020.

Japanese Article 137 (inner). The current situation of EUS in our hospital and EUS-FNA
中島正人1, 佃曜子1, 宮下憲暢1, 町田卓郎1, 岡本宗則1, 藤江慎也2, 後藤哲2, 藤田朋紀2, 河上純彦2, 宮島徹3, 横山絵美3, 小笠原励起3, 泉山康3, 齋藤誠3, 近藤健3, 盛暁生3, 森岡正信3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 68-68, 2020.

Japanese Article 138 (消). A case of intraepithelial lesion of the pancreatic duct with multiple stenosis of the main pancreatic duct
佐々木貴志1, 桑谷将城1, 三橋智子2, 浅野賢道3, 中村透3, 平野聡3, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 68-68, 2020.

Japanese Article 139(消). A case of IPMN with multiple occurrences of branched pancreatic ducts in the head of the pancreas during a 5-year follow-up period
伊藤英人1, 赤保内正和1, 石黒和也1, 高村毅典1, 吉本満1, 辻崎正幸1, 津坂翔一2, 斎藤智哉2, 湊雅嗣2, 大場豪2, 中山雅人2, 山本浩史2, 近藤信夫3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 68-68, 2020.

Japanese Article 140 (消). Usefulness of Geriatric 8 as an elderly function evaluation tool in the treatment of elderly pancreatic cancer
土居忠1, 坂本拡基1,4, 秋山剛英1, 大井雅夫1, 高橋稔1, 平田健一郎1, 佐藤昌則1,4, 久保智洋1,4, 本間久登1, 森井一裕2, 古川勝久2, 女澤慎一3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 68-68, 2020.

Japanese Article 141 (消). Current status of chemotherapy for unresectable pancreatic cancer in the elderly and its therapeutic effect
大和田紗恵, 室田文子, 平野雄大, 我妻康平, 川上裕次郎, 沼田泰尚, 石上敬介, 柾木喜晴, 阿久津典之, 本谷雅代, 佐々木茂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 69-69, 2020.

Japanese Article 142 (消). Ingenuity for celiac artery caudal pancreatectomy for SMA stenosis cases
吉田幸平, 今村将史, 木村康利, 三浦亮, 永山稔, 太田盛道, 渡久山晃, 竹政伊知朗
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 69-69, 2020.

Japanese Article 143 (消). A case of pancreatic metastasis of diffuse signet ring cell carcinoma of the large intestine diagnosed by EUS-FNA
池田安佳莉, 志谷真啓, 三橋慧, 伊早坂舞, 伊藤美樹, 安達雄哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 69-69, 2020.

Japanese Article 144 (消). A case of Stage I pancreatic tail cancer that could be avoided by in-hospital interpretation by a radiologist
小野寺学, 松本美櫻, 水島健, 太宰昌佳, 横山朗子, 工藤真弓, 加藤総介
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 69-69, 2020.

Japanese Article 145(消). A case of ypTis pancreatic cancer Comparison with a case of pTis pancreatic cancer
河瀬智哉1, 友田博行1, 山口智仁2, 木田裕之2, 山口聖隆2, 山口朋美3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 70-70, 2020.

Japanese Article 146 (消). A case after resection of pancreatic head cancer with long-term survival by multidisciplinary treatment
秋本佳香1, 横山和典1, 阿部正洋1, 宿田耕之介1, 小杉英史1, 代田充1, 喜納政哉2, 益子博幸2, 富田雅義3, 山城勝重4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (127): 70-70, 2020.