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The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple

Volume , Issue 128 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article As well as carrier support - woman doctor in the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 32-32, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-1 (消). Clinicopathological differences depending on the origin of esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma
山本桂子1, 西村友佑2, 久保茉理奈2, 霜田佳彦2, 田中一光2, 木脇佐代子2, 井上雅貴2, 大野正芳2, 小野尚子3, 清水勇一1, 三橋智子4, 高橋宏明5, 山本義也6, 成瀬宏仁6, 坂本直哉2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 34-34, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-2 (消). Treatment results and problems of Barrett esophageal cancer treated with endoscopy
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 34-34, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-3 (消). Examination of cases of pT1a-MM and pT1b-SM1 esophageal cancer who underwent endoscopic resection
三宅高和, 高橋宏明, 横山崇, 菅原伸明, 岡原聡, 小平純一, 松本岳士
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 34-34, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-4 (消). Examination of the optimal dissection range of esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma from the viewpoint of localization
吉川智宏1, 坂下啓太1, 藤原有史1, 北上英彦1, 西田靖仙1, 三宅高和2, 横山崇2, 菅原伸明2, 岡原聡2, 小平純一2, 高橋宏明2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 34-34, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-5 (消). Results of treatment with nivolumab for esophageal cancer
平川昌宏, 佐川保, 濱口京子, 永島裕之, 和賀永里子, 藤川幸司, 高橋康雄
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 35-35, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-6 (消). Can Triple Therapy-Based Chemoradiotherapy for Resectable Advanced Esophageal Cancer Replace Surgical Therapy ? : Propensity Score Matching Analysis
大沼啓之1, 小野山直輝1, 濱口孝太1, 早坂尚貴1, 佐藤昌則1, 村瀬和幸1, 高田弘一1, 宮西浩嗣1, 村上武志2, 伊東竜哉2, 信岡隆幸2, 竹政伊知朗2, 土屋高旭3, 長谷川智一3, 堀正和3, 染谷正則3, 坂田耕一3, 加藤淳二1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 35-35, 2021.

Japanese Article S1-7 (消). About the role of surgical treatment in multidisciplinary treatment strategy for esophageal cancer and the actual practice of recent esophagectomy
才川大介, 奥芝俊一, 内藤善, 宮坂衛, 横山啓介, 櫛引敏寛, 林諭史, 山村喜之, 鈴木善法, 川田将也, 川原田陽, 北城秀司
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 35-35, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-1 (inner). Is pathological diagnosis - adenoma of duodenal tumor or cancer the dice game? ...
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 36-36, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-2 (inner). The current situation of the endoscopic treatment for the superficial non-Vater's papilla epithelial neoplasm in our hospital
大野正芳1, 山本桂子2, 小野尚子1, 清水勇一2, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 36-36, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-3 (inner). Endoscopic papillectomy for duodenal Vater's papilla tumor
石井達也, 金俊文, 潟沼朗生
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 36-36, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-4 (inner). Surgery for the early neoplastic lesion of the duodenum
鈴木善法1, 奥芝俊一1, 北城秀司1, 川原田陽1, 山村喜之1, 才川大介1, 佐藤大介1, 櫛引敏寛1, 横山啓介1, 宮坂衛1, 内藤善1, 住吉徹哉2, 近藤仁2, 岡川泰2, 皆川武慶2, 藤井亮爾2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 36-36, 2021.

Japanese Article S2-5 (inner). Perforation and the treatment with treatment with duodenal tumor endoscope
村上壮一, 倉島庸, 岡村圭祐, 渡邊祐介, 田中公貴, 松井あや, 中西喜嗣, 浅野賢道, 野路武寛, 海老原裕磨, 中村透, 土川貴裕, 七戸俊明, 平野聡
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 37-37, 2021.

Japanese Article 001 (inner). Examination of five raspberry-like crypt epithelium type gastric cancer treated with our hospital
飯田怜一1, 住吉徹哉1, 魚住健志1, 得地果穂1, 吉田将大1, 櫻田晃1, 藤井亮爾1, 皆川武慶1, 岡川泰1, 森田康太郎1, 矢根圭1, 庵原秀之1, 平山眞章1, 近藤仁1, 小山田ゆみ子2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 40-40, 2021.

Japanese Article 002 (inner). Examination for the bleeding after RDW and the treatment with early gastric cancer endoscope
高田夢実, 吉井新二, 大和田紗恵, 山川司, 風間友江, 平山大輔, 山野泰穂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 40-40, 2021.

Japanese Article 003 (inner). One case of T1 cancer derived from SSA/P
瀧澤歩, 山野泰穂, 大和田紗絵, 山川司, 風間友江, 平山大輔, 吉井新二, 能正勝彦, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 40-40, 2021.

Japanese Article 004 (inner). 1 case that needed invention for common bile duct stone exclusion method with the paraduodenal diverticulum in elderly people
中島正人1, 佃曜子1, 宮下憲暢1, 町田卓郎1, 岡本宗則1, 藤江慎也2, 後藤哲2, 藤田朋紀2, 河上純彦2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 40-40, 2021.

Japanese Article 005 (inner). The fundic gland mucous membrane type adenocarcinoma which withered, and resulted to the gullet of the straight mucous membrane
船橋咲乃1, 石川麻倫1, 小田総一郎1, 田中崇倫1, 横山大輔1, 横山達也1, 吉河歩1, 澤田憲太郎1, 川岸直樹1, 佐野逸紀1, 小田寿1, 岡田宏美2, 市原真3, 宮城島拓人1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 41-41, 2021.

Japanese Article 006 (inner). An example of the duodenal ulcer that was diagnosed, and was able to be treated with the upper part endoscopy of the initial training 25th case in the first year
秋月源, 小野寺学, 米村洋輝, 松本美櫻, 太宰昌佳, 加藤総介
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 41-41, 2021.

Japanese Article 007 (inner). Duodenal Brunner's glands hyperplastic one case of the longer axis 30mm size that we resected endoscopically
佐々木耕, 加藤茜, 江上太基, 長島一哲, 伊藤淳, 多谷容子, 中積宏之, 馬場麗, 加藤貴司, 木村太一
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 41-41, 2021.

Japanese Article 008 (inner). One case of the cytomegalovirus enterocolitis that presented the Shikiishi appearance
渡辺亮介1, 久保公利1, 木村伯子2, 水島健1, 米谷則重1, 松田宗一郎1, 津田桃子1, 加藤元嗣1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 41-41, 2021.

Japanese Article 009 (inner). One patient who received endoscopic hardening, ligation treatment (EVL/EIS) for rectal varicose vein ruptured
佐藤純一朗, 秋田浩太朗, 大久保陽介, 越前栄次朗, 菅野伸一, 若杉英樹, 鈴木一也
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 42-42, 2021.

Japanese Article 010 (消). Scoring of ultra-large observation findings by Endocyto for colorectal neoplastic lesions - Is it possible for beginners to make an appropriate diagnosis?
中村里紗1, 原田拓1, 五十嵐聖名子1, 潟沼朗生1, 篠原敏也2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 42-42, 2021.

Japanese Article 011 (消). Examination of the use results of nivolumab and optimal treatment strategy for unresectable advanced and recurrent esophageal cancer in our department
村松丈児, 佐藤昌則, 大沼啓之, 早坂尚貴, 渡辺大地, 小野山直輝, 飯島一飛, 濱口孝太, 村瀬和幸, 高田弘一, 宮西浩嗣, 加藤淳二
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 42-42, 2021.

Japanese Article 012 (消). Examination of the usefulness of continuous pancreatic juice cytology for pancreatic lesions in our department
瀧澤歩, 柾木喜晴, 平野雄大, 我妻康平, 川上裕次郎, 沼田泰尚, 石上敬介, 室田文子, 阿久津典之, 本谷雅代, 佐々木茂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 42-42, 2021.

Japanese Article 013 (消). Prognosis of invasive cancer derived from pancreatic IPMN in the elderly as a follow-up policy at the time of diagnosis
宿田耕之介1, 横山和典1, 小杉英史1, 阿部正洋1, 代田充1, 益子博幸2, 山城勝重3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 43-43, 2021.

Japanese Article 014 (消). A Case of Autoimmune Gastritis (Multiglandular Autoimmune Syndrome Type 3B) with Pernicious Anemia and Subacute Combined Degeneration
菅彩花1, 小野尚子2, 久保茉理奈3, 西村友佑3, 霜田佳彦3, 田中一光3, 井上雅貴3, 木脇佐代子3, 大野正芳3, 山本桂子4, 清水勇一4, 坂本直哉3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 43-43, 2021.

Japanese Article 015 (消). A case of MEFV mutation-negative familial Mediterranean fever that was diagnosed due to repeated terminal ileal inflammation
関口竣也1, 安藤勝祥1, 粂井志麻2, 上原聡人1, 上原恭子1, 小林裕1, 杉山雄哉1, 村上雄紀1, 佐々木貴弘1, 久野木健仁1, 上野伸展3, 嘉島伸1, 盛一健太郎1, 田邊裕貴1, 藤谷幹浩1, 奥村利勝1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 43-43, 2021.

Japanese Article 016 (消). An example of spur cell anemia associated with alcoholic cirrhosis
村越成人, 中島知明, 推井大雄, 巽亮二, 山口将功, 荒川智宏, 桑田靖昭, 豊田成司, 髭修平
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 43-43, 2021.

Japanese Article 017 (消). A case of tumor lysis syndrome after transcatheter arterial embolization for neuroendocrine tumor and multiple liver metastases
木村彩萌, 曽我部進, 富田祐介, 松薗絵美, 小林良充, 石橋陽子, 菅井望, 関英幸, 藤田淳, 鈴木潤一
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 44-44, 2021.

Japanese Article 018 (inner). Usefulness of Underwater EMR for duodenal SNADET
山川司, 吉井新二, 高田夢見, 大和田紗恵, 風間友江, 平山大輔, 能正勝彦, 山野泰穂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 44-44, 2021.

Japanese Article 019 (inner). It is tried shortening at the interpretation of radiogram results return time in the capsule endoscopic remote interpretation of radiogram system using Cloud
藤田朋紀1, 安保智典1, 上林実2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 44-44, 2021.

Japanese Article 020 (inner). Differentiation> of Invasion depth diagnosis <T1, T2, T3/4 of the wide basis-related gallbladder cancer by EUS
豊永啓翔1, 林毅1, 筑後孝紀1, 石井達也1, 那須野央1, 金俊文1, 高橋邦幸1, 篠原敏也2, 潟沼朗生1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 44-44, 2021.

Japanese Article 021 (消). Two cases of gastric vanishing tumor thought to be caused by Anisakis
米谷則重, 松田宗一郎, 津田桃子, 水島健, 久保公利, 加藤元嗣
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 45-45, 2021.

Japanese Article 022 (消). A case of superior mesenteric artery syndrome due to rapid postoperative thinning against the background of abdominal aortic aneurysm
高橋直希, 菅井望, 関英幸, 藤田淳, 曽我部進, 小林良充, 松薗絵美, 石橋陽子, 富田祐介
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 45-45, 2021.

Japanese Article 023 (消). Type A gastritis with pernicious anemia
足立靖, 久保俊之, 中村浩子, 菊地剛史, 見田裕章, 中村正弘, 岩田徳和, 安達靖代, 吉田幸成, 伴紀宏, 加藤康夫, 遠藤高夫
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 45-45, 2021.

Japanese Article 024 (inner). Example that a transdermal endoscopic gastrostomy just after the endoscopic reposition was effective for recurrent volvulus of stomach
黒田祥平, 岩間琢哉, 池田淳平, 寺澤賢, 杉山隆治, 助川隆士, 稲場勇平, 垂石正樹, 斉藤裕輔
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 45-45, 2021.

Japanese Article 025 (消). A case of ruptured anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal aneurysm associated with eosinophilic polyangiitis granuloma
小柴裕1, 久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 宮崎悦2, 小野稔2, 川崎亮輔3, 行部洋3, 吉田直文3, 坂野浩也4, 大岩修太郎4, 曽山武士5
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 46-46, 2021.

Japanese Article 026 (inner). One patient who presented with bleeding than stomach arterio-venous malformation
櫻井環1, 久居弘幸1, 坂野浩也1, 小柴裕1, 宮崎悦2, 小野稔2, 川崎亮輔3, 行部洋3, 吉田直文3, 大岩修太郎4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 46-46, 2021.

Japanese Article 027 (消). Clinicopathological study of 12 cases of gastric neuroendocrine cancer at our hospital
富田祐介1, 関英幸1, 松薗絵美1, 小林良充1, 曽我部進1, 菅井望1, 藤田淳1, 武田圭佐2, 鈴木昭3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 46-46, 2021.

Japanese Article 028 (消). One case of the gastric cancer which resulted in orbital metastasis
羽田明海, 松本隆祐, 吉田晃, 新智文, 柳澤秀之, 菊池英明
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 46-46, 2021.

Japanese Article 029 (消). A case of gastric schwannoma diagnosed preoperatively
一柳亜貴子1, 清水晴夫1, 上野あかり1, 谷元博2, 小野寺馨1, 佐藤修司1,2, 村松里沙3, 金澤あゆみ3, 宇野智子3, 小川宰司3, 佐々木賢一3, 小西康宏4, 今信一郎4, 金戸宏行1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 47-47, 2021.

Japanese Article 030 (inner). An example of the hypopharynx in situ cancer with the significant upheaval
西村友佑1, 清水勇一2, 久保茉理奈1, 霜田佳彦1, 田中一光1, 井上雅貴1, 木脇佐代子1, 大野正芳1, 山本桂子2, 小野尚子3, 三橋智子4, 鈴木崇祥5, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 47-47, 2021.

Japanese Article 031 (inner). One case of the oropharyngeal cancer (less than tumor thickness 1,000μm) which resulted in multiple lymph node metastases after the endoscopic excision
井上雅貴1, 清水勇一2, 西村友佑1, 久保茉理奈1, 霜田佳彦1, 田中一光1, 木脇佐代子1, 大野正芳1, 山本桂子2, 小野尚子3, 本間明宏4, 岡田宏美5, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 47-47, 2021.

Japanese Article 032 (消). An example of a Kommerell diverticulum whose diagnosis was triggered by esophageal stricture
岡川泰, 住吉徹哉, 魚住健志, 飯田怜一, 得地果穂, 吉田将大, 櫻田晃, 藤井亮爾, 皆川武慶, 森田康太郎, 矢根圭, 庵原秀之, 平山眞章, 近藤仁
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 47-47, 2021.

Japanese Article 033 (消). One case of juvenile esophagus mesenchyma system tumor which occurred
霜田佳彦1, 山本桂子2, 西村友佑1, 久保茉理奈1, 田中一光1, 井上雅貴1, 木脇佐代子1, 大野正芳1, 小野尚子3, 清水勇一2, 村上壮一4, 三橋智子5, 岡田宏美5, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 48-48, 2021.

Japanese Article 034 (消). Examination of 3 resected cases of esophageal schwannoma - From the standpoint of esophageal surgery -
藤原有史1, 西田靖仙1, 高橋宏明2, 小平純一2, 岡原聡2, 菅原伸明2, 三宅高和2, 横山崇2, 佐々木邦明1, 久須美貴哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 48-48, 2021.

Japanese Article 035 (消). A case of primary esophageal malignant melanoma with multi-organ metastasis
鯨岡悠1, 辻靖1, 本間理央1, 高山歳三1, 澤井康弥1, 新藤智子1, 串間孝朗2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 48-48, 2021.

Japanese Article 036 (inner). One case of the esophagus GIST given thoracoscopic esophagectomy under the robot support
山本寛之, 海老原裕磨, 渡邊祐介, 倉島庸, 村上壮一, 七戸俊明, 田中公貴, 松井あや, 中西喜嗣, 浅野賢道, 野路武寛, 中村透, 土川貴裕, 岡村圭祐, 平野聡
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 48-48, 2021.

Japanese Article 037 (消). A case of gastric cancer that has survived for a long time after administration of nivolumab
加藤茜, 中積宏之, 江上太基, 長島一哲, 伊藤淳, 多谷容子, 馬場麗, 加藤貴司
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 49-49, 2021.

Japanese Article 038 (消). Examination of safety and short-term results of preoperative SOX therapy for advanced gastric cancer at our hospital
小田総一郎1, 澤田憲太郎1, 田中崇倫1, 横山大輔1, 横山達也1, 吉河歩1, 石川麻倫1, 川岸直樹1, 佐野逸紀1, 小田寿1, 宮城島拓人1, 岡田宏美2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 49-49, 2021.

Japanese Article 039 (消). A Case of Postoperative Brain Metastasis of Gastric Cancer with Abscopal Effect by Combined Radiation Therapy and Nivolumab
中田裕隆, 武藤桃太郎, 立花史音, 石垣憲一, 吉田萌, 武藤瑞恵, 柳川伸幸
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 49-49, 2021.

Japanese Article 040 (消). Examination of gastric cancer that could not be treated
久保俊之1,2, 足立靖1, 中村浩子1, 菊地剛史1, 見田裕章1, 安達靖代1, 岩田徳和1, 中村正弘1, 吉田幸成1, 伴紀宏1, 加藤康夫1, 遠藤高夫1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 49-49, 2021.

Japanese Article 041 (inner). One patient who sig singularity early gastric cancer was diagnosed preoperatively, and was able to undergo ESD
守谷洋, 三浦克与志, 齋藤潤信, 一色裕之, 笠原薫, 小林寿久, 矢和田敦
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 50-50, 2021.

Japanese Article 042 (inner). An example of the metachronous gastric cancer which occurred on stomach ESD scar
皆川武慶, 住吉徹哉, 魚住健志, 得地果穂, 吉田将大, 櫻田晃, 藤井亮爾, 岡川泰, 森田康太郎, 矢根圭, 庵原秀之, 平山眞章, 近藤仁
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 50-50, 2021.

Japanese Article 043 (inner). Examination of the vascular invasion-positive Invasion depth pT1a early gastric cancer
木脇佐代子1, 小野尚子2, 西村友佑1, 久保茉理奈1, 霜田佳彦1, 田中一光1, 井上雅貴1, 大野正芳1, 山本桂子3, 清水勇一3, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 50-50, 2021.

Japanese Article 044 (inner). One case of duodenal descending limb pedunculated polyps which we resected endoscopically
久保茉理奈1, 小野尚子2, 西村友佑1, 霜田佳彦1, 田中一光1, 井上雅貴1, 木脇佐代子1, 大野正芳1, 山本桂子3, 清水勇一3, 坂本直哉1, 森康明4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 50-50, 2021.

Japanese Article 045 (inner). One case of the stomach confinement characteristics juvenile polyposis that provided endoscopic treatment for anemia control
横山崇1, 小平純一1, 三宅高和1, 岡原聡1, 菅原信明1, 松本岳士1, 須貝茂1, 小池容史1, 高橋宏明1, 大内知之2, 武内利直2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 51-51, 2021.

Japanese Article 046 (inner). A technique choice and prognostic examination judging from an operation anterior wall Invasion depth diagnosis for the duodenal cancer
北山陽介, 田中公貴, 中西善嗣, 浅野賢道, 野路武寛, 中村透, 土川貴裕, 岡村圭祐, 海老原裕磨, 倉島庸, 村上壮一, 七戸俊明, 平野聡
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 51-51, 2021.

Japanese Article 047 (inner). One case of the metachronous gastric cancer in the stomach ESD scar which we resected in LECS
田中一光1, 小野尚子1, 西村友佑1, 久保茉理奈1, 霜田佳彦1, 井上雅貴1, 木脇佐代子1, 大野正芳1, 山本桂子2, 清水勇一2, 坂本直哉1, 篠原良仁3, 海老原裕磨3, 高桑恵美4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 51-51, 2021.

Japanese Article 048 (消). Standardization and short-term results of robot-assisted laparoscopic gastrectomy in our classroom
篠原良仁, 海老原裕磨, 倉島庸, 松井あや, 渡邊祐介, 田中公貴, 中西喜嗣, 浅野賢道, 野路武寛, 村上壮一, 中村透, 土川貴裕, 岡村圭祐, 七戸俊明, 平野聡
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 51-51, 2021.

Japanese Article 049 (消). RO resection rate of patients who underwent "bile duct dissection at the bile duct separation limit point" for resection of hilar cholangiocarcinoma
野路武寛, 田中公貴, 松井あや, 渡邊祐介, 中西喜嗣, 浅野賢道, 海老原裕磨, 倉島庸, 中村透, 村上壮一, 土川貴裕, 岡村圭祐, 七戸俊明, 平野聡
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 52-52, 2021.

Japanese Article 050 (消). Prognostic stratification by invasive tumor thickness in hilar cholangiocarcinoma
中西喜嗣, 大場光信, 岡村圭祐, 土川貴裕, 中村透, 野路武寛, 浅野賢道, 松井あや, 田中公貴, 村上壮一, 倉島庸, 渡邊祐介, 七戸俊明, 平野聡
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 52-52, 2021.

Japanese Article 051 (inner). An example of the hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma which resulted in hematobilia with the false aneurysm by cholangioscope lower biopsy
柾木喜晴, 平野雄大, 我妻康平, 沼田泰尚, 川上裕次郎, 石上敬介, 室田文子, 阿久津典之, 本谷雅代, 佐々木茂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 52-52, 2021.

Japanese Article 052 (消). Treatment results of chemoradiotherapy for hilar cholangiocarcinoma in our department
平野雄大, 本谷雅代, 高田夢実, 瀧澤歩, 我妻康平, 沼田泰尚, 川上裕次郎, 柾木喜晴, 石上啓介, 室田文子, 阿久津典之, 佐々木茂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 52-52, 2021.

Japanese Article 053 (消). An example of surgical treatment for locally advanced gallbladder cancer sarcoma in patients with religious transfusion refusal
加藤透1,2, 今村将史1, 木村康利1, 木村明菜1, 太田盛道1, 永山稔1, 竹政伊知朗1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 53-53, 2021.

Japanese Article 054 (消). Examination of biliary tract cancer cases found during the postoperative course after endoscopic papillary sphincter incision
久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 坂野浩也1, 大岩修太郎1, 川崎亮輔2, 行部洋2, 吉田直文2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 53-53, 2021.

Japanese Article 055 (消). Examination of non-resectable factors and poor prognosis factors in gallbladder cancer surgery cases
岡村圭祐, 野路武寛, 中西喜嗣, 田中公貴, 松井あや, 浅野賢道, 中村透, 海老原裕磨, 倉島庸, 村上壮一, 土川貴裕, 七戸俊明, 平野聡
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 53-53, 2021.

Japanese Article 057 (消). An example of IgG4-related biliary tract lesions similar to gallbladder cancer
瀧新悠之介1, 桑谷将城1, 永井孝輔1, 古川龍太郎1, 平田甫1, 川久保和道1, 坂本直哉1, 三橋智子2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 54-54, 2021.

Japanese Article 058 (消). A case of hilar cholangiocarcinoma associated with IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis
久保智洋1, 村松丈児1, 吉田真誠1, 村瀬和幸1, 高田弘一1, 宮西浩嗣1, 木村康利2, 辻脇光洋3, 竹政伊知朗2, 長谷川匡3, 加藤淳二1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 54-54, 2021.

Japanese Article 059 (消). A Case of Intracholecystic Papillary-tubular Neoplasm
池田裕貴1, 小野道洋1, 大森銀治1,4, 飴田咲貴1,4, 山田充子1, 安部智之1, 藤井重之1, 仙丸直人2, 藤田美悧3, 前田征洋1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 54-54, 2021.

Japanese Article 060 (消). One resection of multiple early gallbladder cancer in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis
久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 川崎亮輔2, 行部洋2, 吉田直文2, 宮崎悦3, 小野稔3, 坂野浩也4, 大岩修太郎4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 54-54, 2021.

Japanese Article 061 (消). Two cases of IgG4-related cholecystitis diagnosed with ectopic relapse
高田夢実1, 川上裕次郎1, 平野雄大1, 我妻康平1, 沼田泰尚1, 石上敬介1, 柾木喜晴1, 室田文子1, 阿久津典之1, 本谷雅代1, 佐々木茂1, 木村康利3, 高橋裕樹2, 仲瀬裕志1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 55-55, 2021.

Japanese Article 062 (消). A Case of Intragallbladder Papillary Tumor (ICPN) -Derived Invasive Cancer Presenting a Giant Gallbladder Mass
大岩修太郎1, 久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 川崎亮輔2, 行部洋2, 吉田直文2, 宮崎悦3, 小野稔3, 坂野浩也4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 55-55, 2021.

Japanese Article 063 (消). A Case of AFP-Producing Gallbladder Cancer
藤井尚三郎, 柳原弘明, 梶浦麻美, 由井美佳, 杉村浩二郎, 芹川真哉, 鈴木康秋
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 55-55, 2021.

Japanese Article 064 (消). A Case of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Acute Astone Cholecystitis During Lenvatinib Administration
坂野浩也1, 久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 宮崎悦2, 小野稔2, 川崎亮輔3, 行部洋3, 吉田直文3, 大岩修太郎4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 55-55, 2021.

Japanese Article 065 (消). Usefulness of drain home self-management after percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage for acute cholecystitis
飴田咲貴1, 小野道洋1, 山田充子1, 安部智之1, 藤井重之1, 前田征洋1, 仙丸直人2, 大森銀治3, 池田裕貴3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 56-56, 2021.

Japanese Article 066 (消). A case of common bile duct stones in a super-elderly person who had been suffering from anorexia of unknown cause - Including a summary of 11 cases of cholangitis experienced during the initial training period of the second year -
川江雄太, 小野寺学, 米村洋輝, 松本美櫻, 太宰昌佳, 加藤総介
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 56-56, 2021.

Japanese Article 067 (消). Two Cases of Acute Imported Leg Syndrome Relieved by Medical Treatment
田中翔, 小林智絵, 目野晃光, 松本将吾, 細田峻一, 川畑修平
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 56-56, 2021.

Japanese Article 068 (inner). An example of acidophilic cholangitis that presented characteristic cholangioscope views
平田甫, 桑谷将城, 永井孝輔, 瀧新悠之介, 古川龍太郎, 川久保和道, 坂本直哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 56-56, 2021.

Japanese Article 069 (消). Examination of massive hepatectomy requiring percutaneous transhepatic portal vein embolization in the late stage elderly
坂本譲, 神山俊哉, 島田慎吾, 折茂達也, 長津明久, 旭火華, 柿坂達彦, 蒲池浩文, 武冨紹信
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 57-57, 2021.

Japanese Article 070 (消). A Case of Recurrence of Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Gallbladder Metastasis
得地祐匡, 須田剛生, 久保彰則, 北潟谷隆, 山田錬, 重沢拓, 中井正人, 荘拓也, 小川浩司, 森川賢一, 坂本直哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 57-57, 2021.

Japanese Article 071 (消). A case in which Lenvatinib was successful in treating primary hepatocellular carcinoma with hepatitis B in the background and led to radical resection
秋山由樹, 馬場英, 菅野究, 定岡邦昌, 古家乾, 高橋直規, 正司裕隆, 植木伸也, 正村裕紀, 数井啓蔵, 服部淳夫
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 57-57, 2021.

Japanese Article 072 (消). An autopsy case in which a tumor ruptured 7 days after the start of administration of a molecular-targeted drug for hepatocellular carcinoma
甲谷理紗子1, 山本義也1, 鈴木和治1, 杉浦諒1, 宮本秀一1, 木下賢治1, 安孫子怜史1, 畑中一映1, 成瀬宏仁1, 櫛引英恵2, 棟方哲2, 下山則彦2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 57-57, 2021.

Japanese Article 073 (消). A Case of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Duodenal Perforation After Lenvatinib dministration
佃曜子1, 中島正人1, 宮下憲暢1, 町田卓郎1, 岡本宗則1, 藤江慎也2, 後藤哲2, 藤田朋紀2, 河上純彦2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 58-58, 2021.

Japanese Article 074 (消). A case of cholangiocarcinoma that developed during administration of infliximab and azathioprine for Crohn's disease
臺一樹, 長谷部拓夢, 上野信展, 大竹晋, 林秀美, 中嶋駿介, 澤田康司, 玉木陽穂, 岡田充巧, 麻生和信, 藤谷幹浩, 奥村利勝
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 58-58, 2021.

Japanese Article 075 (消). Examination of TKI-introduced cases for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
山本義也, 甲谷理紗子, 鈴木和治, 杉浦諒, 宮本秀一, 安孫子怜史, 木下賢治, 畑中一映, 成瀬宏仁
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 58-58, 2021.

Japanese Article 076 (消). A case of primary hepatic neuroendocrine tumor that tended to increase during follow-up and led to hepatectomy
久保彰則, 小川浩司, 得地祐匡, 山田錬, 北潟谷隆, 重沢拓, 中井正人, 荘拓也, 須田剛生, 森川賢一, 坂本直哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 58-58, 2021.

Japanese Article 077 (消). A case of anaplastic pancreatic duct cancer that was difficult to distinguish from hepatic angiosarcoma
石川翔理, 中島知明, 推井大雄, 巽亮二, 山口将功, 荒川智宏, 桑田靖昭, 豊田成司, 髭修平
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 59-59, 2021.

Japanese Article 078 (消). Examination of the functional constipation using the abdominal ultrasonography
津田桃子1, 小野寺友幸2, 米谷則重1, 松田宗一郎1, 水島健1, 久保公利1, 加藤元嗣1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 59-59, 2021.

Japanese Article 079 (消). Examination of the non-resident flora participation in the chronic bowel movement abnormality case
藤田朋紀1, 藤江慎也1, 後藤哲1, 中島正人2, 佃曜子2, 町田卓郎2, 宮下憲暢2, 岡本宗則2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 59-59, 2021.

Japanese Article 080 (消). Examination of colorectal diverticulum by CT
岩田徳和, 見田裕章, 足立靖, 久保俊之, 菊地剛史, 安達靖代, 吉田幸成, 伴紀宏, 加藤康夫, 遠藤高夫
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 59-59, 2021.

Japanese Article 081 (inner). Three patients who took the unhappy outcome by pre-treatment of the lower digestive tract endoscopy
江上太基, 加藤貴司, 加藤茜, 長島一哲, 伊藤淳, 多谷容子, 中積宏之, 馬場麗
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 60-60, 2021.

Japanese Article 082 (inner). Two cases of the lower digestive tract bleeding that Gel Immersion Endoscopy was useful for securing of field of the Endoscopic Band Ligation (EBL) method
上原聡人1, 小林裕1, 堀内正史1, 上原恭子1, 村上雄紀1, 佐々木貴弘1, 久野木健仁1, 安藤勝祥1, 上野伸展1, 嘉島伸1, 盛一健太郎1, 田邊裕貴2, 藤谷幹浩1, 奥村利勝3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 60-60, 2021.

Japanese Article 083 (inner). One case of the appendix diverticulum bleeding that we pointed out by combination of inundation lower colonoscopic examination and abdominal echography
安部智之1, 池田裕貴1, 山田充子1, 小野道洋1, 藤井重之1, 前田征洋1, 仙丸直人2, 藤田美悧3, 大森銀治4, 飴田咲貴4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 60-60, 2021.

Japanese Article 084 (inner). One case of the abdominal angina that we were able to diagnose by an endoscope
風間友江, 高田夢実, 大和田紗恵, 山川司, 平山大輔, 能正勝彦, 吉井新二, 山野泰穂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 60-60, 2021.

Japanese Article 085 (消). A case in which vancomycin enema administration was effective for pseudomembranous colitis with constipation
山口晃司, 中島誠一郎
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 61-61, 2021.

Japanese Article 086 (消). An example of endoscopic treatment of ulcerative colitis caused by fecal impaction
溝渕匠平, 曽我部進, 富田祐介, 松薗絵美, 小林良充, 石橋陽子, 菅井望, 関英幸, 藤田淳, 鈴木潤一
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 61-61, 2021.

Japanese Article 087 (消). A case of severe ulcerative colitis with COVID-19 for which infliximab biosimilar was effective without adversely affecting the course of COVID-19
平山大輔, 高田夢見, 瀧澤歩, 大和田紗恵, 山川司, 風間友江, 吉井新二, 山野泰穂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 61-61, 2021.

Japanese Article 088 (消). Long-term treatment outcome of vedolizumab for ulcerative colitis
伊藤貴博, 佐藤允洋, 古川滋, 前本篤男
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 61-61, 2021.

Japanese Article 089 (消). Examination of factors affecting the induction and maintenance of remission of blood cell depletion therapy for ulcerative colitis
伊藤貴博, 佐藤允洋, 古川滋, 前本篤男
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 62-62, 2021.

Japanese Article 090 (消). An example of Crohn's disease presenting with megacolon
中村隼人1, 有村佳昭1, 沼田有斗1, 横山佳浩1, 佐々木基1, 鈴木亮1, 矢花崇1, 近藤吉宏1, 仲瀬裕志2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 62-62, 2021.

Japanese Article 091 (消). Multicenter joint research study (VERSiON UP study) to investigate the expression of proteinuria in patients using angiogenesis inhibitors
中村路夫1, 船越太郎2, 片岡滋貴2, 堀松高博2, 西川佳孝3, 水上拓郎4, 後藤知之5, 土橋賢司6, 馬場英司7, 津村剛彦8, 三原良明9, 濱口哲弥9, 柳田素子10, 武藤学2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 62-62, 2021.

Japanese Article 092 (消). A Case of Pembrolizumab Remarkably Effective in Recurrent Colorectal Cancer
南部湧大1, 庄中達也1, 武田智宏1, 安達雄輝1, 大谷将秀1, 松下和香子1, 谷誓良1, 長谷川公治1, 松野直徒2, 古川博之2, 角泰雄1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 62-62, 2021.

Japanese Article 093 (消). A case of sigmoid colon tumor that was considered to have spontaneously shed after discontinuation of ESD due to muscular layer traction
森本純平1, 関英幸1, 富田祐介1, 松薗絵美1, 小林良充1, 曽我部進1, 菅井望1, 藤田淳1, 鈴木昭2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 63-63, 2021.

Japanese Article 094 (消). A case of Atypical pseudo-Meigs syndrome associated with sigmoid colon cancer ovarian metastasis
大森銀治1, 安部智之1, 山田充子1, 小野道洋1, 藤井重之1, 前田征洋1, 飴田咲貴2, 池田裕貴2, 藤田美悧3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 63-63, 2021.

Japanese Article 095 (消). Examination of early colorectal cancer in CTcolonography
福島新弥, 山梨香菜, 小笠原倫子, 寺下勝巳, 高木智史
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 63-63, 2021.

Japanese Article 096 (消). Two cases of rectal cancer with rectal pseudoaneurysm requiring selective arterial embolization
水田靖子1, 八木澤允貴1, 金子志帆1, 白鳥翔也1, 岸法磨1, 中村晃久1, 松田可奈1, 江平宣起1, 上林実1, 中野覚2, 松澤徹2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 63-63, 2021.

Japanese Article 097 (消). A case of sigmoid colon neuroendocrine cancer diagnosed with intestinal obstruction
中村友哉, 首藤千博, 山本勝利, 鬼柳彩, 長いく弥, 松下勝則, 眞坂智寛, 小林光樹
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 64-64, 2021.

Japanese Article 098 (消). A case of intraperitoneal desmoid tumor that required differentiation from recurrence of peritoneal dissemination after surgery for sigmoid colon cancer
古来貴寛, 奥谷浩一, 沖田憲司, 西舘敏彦, 秋月恵美, 佐藤雄, 浜部敦史, 石井雅之, 三浦亮, 竹政伊知朗
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 64-64, 2021.

Japanese Article 099 (inner). Two cases of rectal villous tumor which escaped outside anus
石垣憲一, 武藤桃太郎, 立花史音, 中田裕隆, 吉田萌, 武藤瑞恵, 柳川伸幸
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 64-64, 2021.

Japanese Article 100 (inner). Dip type lesion in the Lynch syndrome
柴田泰洋1, 山野泰穂1, 高田夢実1, 大和田沙恵1, 山川司1, 風間友江1, 平山大輔1, 久保俊之1, 吉井新二1, 能正勝彦1, 杉田真太郎2, 仲瀬裕志1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 64-64, 2021.

Japanese Article 101 (inner). Dip type large intestine tumor of diameter 7mm discovered in the episode of care of multiple large intestine adenoma
大和田紗恵1, 山野泰穂1, 辻脇光洋2, 高田夢実1, 山川司1, 風間友江1, 柴田泰洋1, 平山大輔1, 吉井新二1, 仲瀬裕志1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 65-65, 2021.

Japanese Article 102 (消). A case of ulcerative colitis that underwent total colectomy as Colitic cancer
青山慶哉, 桜井健介, 小田切信介, 桂田武彦
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 65-65, 2021.

Japanese Article 103 (消). Examination of efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir / velpatasvir therapy for decompensated cirrhosis of type C and unsuccessful DAA
鈴木和治, 山本義也, 甲谷理紗子, 杉浦諒, 宮本秀一, 木下賢治, 安孫子怜史, 畑中一映, 成瀬宏仁
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 65-65, 2021.

Japanese Article 104 (消). About the current situation of hepatitis B virus reactivation and our efforts
目野晃光, 小林智絵, 田中翔, 松本将吾, 細田峻一, 川畑修平
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 65-65, 2021.

Japanese Article 105 (消). 3 cases of type E acute liver failure
安藤遼, 南亮輔, 田中一成, 松居剛志, 姜貞憲, 辻邦彦, 潟沼朗生
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 66-66, 2021.

Japanese Article 106 (消). In-hospital integrated system for classification of hepatitis B and C
村中徹人, 大塚勇太郎, 石部絵梨奈, 保浦直弘, 野村朝子, 石田浩一, 高橋徹, 國枝保幸
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 66-66, 2021.

Japanese Article 107 (消). A case of acute exacerbation of chronic hepatitis C during the course of adrenal Cushing's syndrome
濱口孝太1, 大須賀崇裕1, 宮西浩嗣1, 田中信悟1,2, 大沼啓之1, 村瀬和幸1, 高田弘一1, 加藤淳二1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 66-66, 2021.

Japanese Article 108 (消). A case of severe alcoholic hepatitis in a young man with a good course
石部絵梨奈, 大塚勇太郎, 保浦直弘, 野村朝子, 石田浩一, 高橋徹, 村中徹人, 國枝保幸
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 66-66, 2021.

Japanese Article 109 (消). An example of liver hemochromatosis diagnosed due to liver dysfunction
吉田苑永, 中井正人, 久保彰則, 得地祐匡, 北潟谷隆, 山田錬, 重沢拓, 荘拓也, 須田剛生, 森川賢一, 小川浩司, 坂本直哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 67-67, 2021.

Japanese Article 110 (消). 2 cases that was regarded as the macroAST blood symptom which we experienced in our hospital
中島知明, 推井大雄, 巽亮二, 山口将功, 荒川智宏, 桑田靖昭, 豊田成司, 髭修平
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 67-67, 2021.

Japanese Article 111 (消). A case of laparoscopic hepatectomy for solitary liver metastasis after surgery for anal malignant melanoma
島崎龍太郎1, 横尾英樹2, 萩原正弘1, 谷誓良2, 岩田浩義1, 高橋裕之1, 今井浩二1, 松野直徒1, 角泰雄2, 古川博之1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 67-67, 2021.

Japanese Article 112 (消). Liver histology during maintenance therapy with steroids for autoimmune hepatitis
田中一成, 松居剛志, 安藤遼, 南亮輔, 姜貞憲, 渡辺祈一, 児玉芳尚, 櫻井康雄, 辻邦彦, 潟沼朗生
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 67-67, 2021.

Japanese Article 113 (消). Usefulness of Pemafibrate for NAFLD Patients with Dyslipidemia - Medium Term Results for 2 Years -
鈴木康秋, 梶浦麻美, 柳原弘明, 由井美佳, 杉村浩二郎, 芹川真哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 68-68, 2021.

Japanese Article 114 (消). A case of anti-centromere antibody-positive autoimmune hepatitis considered to be drug-induced by atorvastatin
吉田幸成1, 伴紀宏1, 星秀樹2, 久保俊之1, 中村浩子1, 菊地剛史1, 見田裕章1, 安達靖代1, 中村正弘1, 足立靖1, 石井良文3, 加藤康夫1, 遠藤高夫1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 68-68, 2021.

Japanese Article 115 (消). Relationship between bone mineral density and undercaroxylated osteocalcin in patients with chronic liver disease
我妻康平, 石上敬介, 阿久津典之, 高田夢実, 瀧澤歩, 大和田紗恵, 平野雄大, 川上裕次郎, 沼田泰尚, 柾木喜晴, 室田文子, 本谷雅代, 佐々木茂, 仲瀬裕志
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 68-68, 2021.

Japanese Article 116 (消). A case of gastric varices rupture due to portal hypertension caused by oxaliplatin
鈴木佑季1, 寺下勝巳1, 福島新弥1, 山梨香菜1, 高木智史1, 中西勝也2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 68-68, 2021.

Japanese Article 117 (消). A case of anisakiasis of the small intestine resected laparoscopically
岡田尚樹1, 浜田卓巳1, 石黒友唯1, 石川隆壽1, 中川隆公1, 小林清二1, 小笠原和宏1, 高橋弘昌1, 小田総一郎2, 宮城島拓人2, 岡田宏美3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 69-69, 2021.

Japanese Article 118 (消). An example of dietary ileus due to grapes improved by conservative treatment
今川貴之, 佐賀潤也, 渡邊晃一, 三浦翔吾, 野田さや香, 村松博士
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 69-69, 2021.

Japanese Article 119 (消). A case of intraperitoneal desmoid tumor that could be diagnosed preoperatively
村上武志, 信岡隆幸, 伊東竜哉, 西舘敏彦, 沖田憲司, 今村将史, 永山稔, 竹政伊知朗
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 69-69, 2021.

Japanese Article 120 (消). A case of intra-abdominal abscess due to fish bone that required differentiation from residual urachus due to chronic course
竹内大輔, 菅野伸一, 秋田浩太朗, 大久保陽介, 越前栄次朗, 若杉英樹, 鈴木一也
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 69-69, 2021.

Japanese Article 121 (消). Vedolizumab treatment results for Crohn's disease
伊藤貴博, 佐藤允洋, 古川滋, 前本篤男
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 70-70, 2021.

Japanese Article 122 (消). A case in which factor XIII replacement therapy was effective for refractory ileal pouchitis
廣部洋輔1, 有村佳昭1, 中村隼人1, 沼田有斗1, 横山佳浩2, 佐々木基1, 鈴木亮1, 矢花崇1, 近藤吉宏1, 仲瀬裕志2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 70-70, 2021.

Japanese Article 123 (消). A Case of Crohn's Disease with Short Bowel Syndrome that ustekinumab was successful
池田淳平, 稲場勇平, 黒田祥平, 寺澤賢, 岩間琢哉, 杉山隆治, 助川隆士, 垂石正樹, 斉藤裕輔
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 70-70, 2021.

Japanese Article 124 (inner). We can predict the endoscopic remission of the Crohn's disease small intestine lesion by new biomarker
佐藤允洋, 伊藤貴博, 古川滋, 前本篤男
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 70-70, 2021.

Japanese Article 125 (inner). One case of the gastrointestinal origin malignant lymphoma which suffered from a diagnosis
後藤哲1, 中島正人1, 佃曜子1, 宮下憲暢1, 町田卓郎1, 岡本宗則1, 藤江慎也2, 藤田朋紀2, 河上純彦2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 71-71, 2021.

Japanese Article 126 (inner). One case of sigmoid colon cancer, metastases to small intestine, spleen metastasis that in front of art was able to diagnose metastatic small intestine tumor by an endoscope
藤田朋紀1, 藤江慎也1, 後藤哲1, 中島正人2, 佃曜子2, 町田卓郎2, 宮下憲暢2, 岡本宗則2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 71-71, 2021.

Japanese Article 127 (inner). One case of metastatic small intestine tumor of three synchronism that it was thought that it was of lung cancer origin
藤田朋紀1, 藤江慎也1, 後藤哲1, 中島正人2, 佃曜子2, 町田卓郎2, 宮下憲暢2, 岡本宗則2, 藤澤良樹3
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 71-71, 2021.

Japanese Article 128 (消). Infection report of gastroenterology ward nursing staff in nosocomial infection of new coronavirus
永島裕之, 佐川保, 平川昌宏, 和賀永里子, 濱口京子, 藤川幸司, 高橋康雄
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 71-71, 2021.

Japanese Article 129 (消). Examination of EUS-FNA specimens in MSI test for biliary pancreatic cancer
川上裕次郎1, 本谷雅代1, 平野雄大1, 我妻康平1, 沼田泰尚1, 石上敬介1, 柾木喜晴1, 室田文子1, 阿久津典之1, 佐々木茂1, 杉田真太朗2, 仲瀬裕志1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 72-72, 2021.

Japanese Article 130 (消). Significance of MUC1 detection in IPMN malignancy diagnosis
伊藤英人, 高村毅典, 吉本満, 辻崎正幸
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 72-72, 2021.

Japanese Article 131 (消). Examination of the initial experience of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with GEM + S-1 for resectable pancreatic cancer
吉田真誠1, 久保智洋1, 渡辺大地1, 村松丈児1, 大沼啓之1, 村瀬和幸1, 高田弘一1, 宮西浩嗣1, 加藤淳二1, 永島裕之2, 松野鉄平3, 中村元4
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 72-72, 2021.

Japanese Article 132 (消). Treatment result in a short term in the early period of introduction in our hospital of nanoliposome-type irinotecan + 5-FU / levofolinate (LV) therapy for unresectable advanced pancreatic cancer
山村貴洋1, 川本泰之2, 原田一顕1, 中野真太郎2, 斎藤里佳2, 伊藤憲2, 結城敏志1, 小松嘉人2, 坂本直哉1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 72-72, 2021.

Japanese Article 133 (消). A Case of Carcinoma in situ of the Pancreas with Localized Atrophy of the Pancreatic Parenchyma moved Over Time
佐々木啓壮1, 長川達哉1, 今村将史2, 木村康利2, 竹政伊知朗2, 杉田真太朗3, 長谷川匡3, 宮川宏之1, 平山敦1, 岡村圭也1, 奥大樹1, 北川翔1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 73-73, 2021.

Japanese Article 134 (消). A Case of Pancreaticoduodenectomy Conserving the Pylorus Ring After Radical Esophageal Cancer
郷雅, 岡村圭祐, 中西善嗣, 野路武寛, 田中公貴, 松井あや, 浅野賢道, 中村透, 村上壮一, 海老原裕磨, 倉島庸, 土川貴裕, 七戸俊明, 平野聡
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 73-73, 2021.

Japanese Article 135 (消). A Case of Pancreatic Head Cancer with Liver Metastasis Successful by Conversion Surgery After Chemotherapy
岩田浩義1, 今井浩二1, 萩原正弘1, 高橋裕之1, 横尾英樹1, 松野直徒1, 後藤拓磨2, 谷野美智枝3, 角泰雄4, 古川博之1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 73-73, 2021.

Japanese Article 136 (消). An example of a huge pancreatic mucinous cystic tumor
飯田怜一1, 森田康太郎1, 魚住健志1, 得地果穂1, 吉田将大1, 櫻田晃1, 藤井亮爾1, 皆川武慶1, 岡川泰1, 矢根圭1, 庵原秀之1, 住吉徹哉1, 平山眞章1, 近藤仁1, 小山田ゆみ子2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 73-73, 2021.

Japanese Article 137 (消). One resected case of pancreatic Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm with recurrence of liver metastasis 23 years after primary lesion resection
木村明菜1, 永山稔1, 加藤透1,2, 太田盛道1, 今村将史1, 信岡隆幸1, 水口徹1, 木村康利1, 竹政伊知朗1
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 74-74, 2021.

Japanese Article 138 (inner). re-intervention after the ultrasonic endoscope guide lower pancreatic duct drainage enforcement and long-term results
筑後孝紀, 林毅, 豊永啓翔, 石井達也, 那須野央, 金俊文, 高橋邦幸, 潟沼朗生
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 74-74, 2021.

Japanese Article 139 (inner). An expansion maneuver in EUS-CDS: Comparison of electrification and the non-electrification
永井孝輔, 桑谷将城, 滝新悠之介, 古川龍太郎, 平田甫, 川久保和道, 坂本直哉
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 74-74, 2021.

Japanese Article 140 (inner). One case that EUS lower drainage and endoscopic pancreatic duct stenting were useful for a local complication after the accepted pancreatitis during the rectal cancer chemotherapy enforcement
久居弘幸1, 櫻井環1, 小柴裕1, 坂野浩也2, 大岩修太郎2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 74-74, 2021.

Japanese Article 141 (inner). One patient who underwent transcatheter mark artery embolization and partial splenic artery embolization for a Crisp aneurysm explosion, splenic vein obstruction associated with the acute pancreatitis
町田卓郎1, 中島正人1, 佃曜子1, 宮下憲賜1, 岡本宗則1, 藤江慎也2, 後藤哲2, 藤田朋紀2, 河上純彦2
The Hokkaidou Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology Supple (128): 75-75, 2021.