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The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 128 / 2018
English Article Japanese Article
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Biomarker in the colon cancer domain 問山裕二 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 14-14, 2018. |
Topic of gastric cancer and Helicobacter pylori 春日井邦夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 16-16, 2018. |
About international consensus 2017 of the Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer 伊佐地秀司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 18-18, 2018. |
Topic - of acute and chronic hepatic dysfunction - these days 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 20-20, 2018. |
S1-1. Examination of the Barrett cancer of the esophagus given ESD 小澤範高, 荒木寛司, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 28-28, 2018. |
S1-2. Comparison of EUS-FNA and the mucous membrane incision biopsy for upper gastrointestinal tract mucous membrane lower tumor 安達明央, 平田慶和, 祖父江聡 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 28-28, 2018. |
S1-3. Clinicopathologic examination of the H.pylori non-infection gastric cancer 磯野功明1, 向克巳1, 馬場洋一郎2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 28-28, 2018. |
S1-4. Examination for the gastric cancer histologic diagnosis ability with the microCT image 小宮山琢真, 宮原良二, 後藤秀実 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 28-28, 2018. |
S1-5. A device and inspection of the grade of atypism classification of the superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum epithelial neoplasm with the cofocus laser endoscope 田原智満, 堀口徳之, 大宮直木 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 29-29, 2018. |
S1-6. It is examined the mucous membrane reefing after ESD with the single channel endoscope using the custody snare 小林真1, 野村達磨2, 矢野元義1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 29-29, 2018. |
S1-7. The present conditions of the treatment in our hospital for the unresectable gastric cancer diagnosed with a passage disorder 福定繁紀, 塚本宏延, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 29-29, 2018. |
S1-8. Examination about the safety of the nivolumab administration in the type of cancer including stomach cancer in our hospital 高田善久, 山田雅弘, 浦野文博 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 29-29, 2018. |
S1-9. Examination of double balloon endoscope bottom mucosa of small intestine lower tumor which we resected 丹羽慶樹1, 中村正直1, 廣岡芳樹2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 30-30, 2018. |
S1-10. Examination (comparison with stool fresh blood response-positive patients) of the clinical usefulness of the colonoscopic examination in patients with early gastric cancer 山口純治, 海老正秀, 春日井邦夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 30-30, 2018. |
S1-11. Treatment result of cold polypectomy for the polyp of colon in our hospital 宇仁田慧, 岩瀬弘明, 島田昌明 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 30-30, 2018. |
S1-12. Colon cancer surgical treatment strategy judging from preoperation albumin globulin ratio 毛利智美, 毛利靖彦, 尾嶋英紀 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 30-30, 2018. |
S1-13. Examination about the rate of detection of SRS for Gl-NEN in our hospital 鳥山和浩1, 田近正洋2, 丹羽康正2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 31-31, 2018. |
S1-14. Examination of the methotrexate-related lymphoproliferative disorder that occurred as a line outside-related lesion 平松健, 宮田章弘, 平井孝典 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 31-31, 2018. |
S2-1. DAA therapy for the hepatitis C of elderly people in our hospital 山中豊, 森谷勲, 白木克哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 32-32, 2018. |
S2-2. Change of the severe drug-resistant mutation of the C type chronic liver disease DAA failure case 飯尾悦子1, 松浦健太郎1, 田中靖人2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 32-32, 2018. |
S2-3. Examination of the effectiveness of the Lusutrombopag administration for patients with cirrhosis with the thrombocytopenia in our hospital 藤原圭, 松浦健太郎, 野尻俊輔 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 32-32, 2018. |
S2-4. It is examined DB-ERCP for the case after hepatectomy, a liver transplant 西尾亮1, 廣岡芳樹2, 後藤秀実1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 32-32, 2018. |
S2-5. Treatment strategy of ERC for the biliary tract disease of the back rebuilding intestinal tract 川口真矢, 寺田修三, 遠藤伸也 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 33-33, 2018. |
S2-6. Results of the double balloon endoscope lower bile duct stone exclusion method in our hospital 水野創太, 宜保憲明, 野々垣浩二 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 33-33, 2018. |
S2-7. Pros and Cons of ERCP for the Performance status 4 case 北野礼奈, 井上匡央, 米田政志 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 33-33, 2018. |
S2-8. Cholangiocarcinoma with the bile duct stricture in our hospital, the present conditions of the pathologic diagnosis using ERCP for the cancer of head of pancreas 加藤孝太1, 岡崎和一2, 三木誓雄1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 33-33, 2018. |
S2-9. It is abdominal ultrasonography using Superb Micro-vascular Imaging for biliary tract disease 中岡和徳, 橋本千樹, 吉岡健太郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 34-34, 2018. |
S2-10. The present conditions of the use of SpyGlass DS in our hospital: A diagnosis and contribution to treatment 吉田道弘1,2, 林香月1, 内藤格1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 34-34, 2018. |
S2-11. Examination of the usefulness of C-SEMS for the EST afterbleeding 藤田恭明, 福定繁紀, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 34-34, 2018. |
S2-12. Examination about the gallbladder polyp excision case 10mm or more 熊澤広朗, 田中宏樹, 松崎晋平 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 34-34, 2018. |
S2-13. step-up approach treatment result for the infectious pancreatic necrosis: Pay attention to an initial intervention method 飯澤祐介, 水野修吾, 伊佐地秀司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 35-35, 2018. |
S2-14. Clinical examination of FOLFIRINOX therapy and the nab-PTX / GEM therapy for the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer 桑原崇通, 水野伸匡, 原和生 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 35-35, 2018. |
S2-15. Examination of the risk factor of the febrile neutropenia in the FOLFIRINOX therapy for the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer 三田直樹, 岩下拓司, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 35-35, 2018. |
S2-16. Combined modality therapy - chemotherapy vs. in the UR-M pancreatic cancer Chemoradiotherapy - 早崎碧泉, 飯澤祐介, 伊佐地秀司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 35-35, 2018. |
01. It is one patient who had the malrotation for pancreas, bile duct junction abnormality 尾崎玄1, 林大樹朗1, 鈴木貴也1, 近藤重明1, 安藤雅能1, 浅井清也1, 青木聡典1, 市川雄平1, 鶴留一誠1, 岡田昭久1, 細井努1, 竹内真実子1, 新井利幸2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 58-58, 2018. |
02. An example of the gallbladder cancer complicated with a pancreas bile duct junction abnormality symptom 北村雅一1, 末澤誠朗1, 植月有希子1, 田中達也1, 丸田真也1, 小屋敏也2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 58-58, 2018. |
03. An example of the intrabiliary papillary tumor diagnosed by cholangitis recurrence after common bile duct stone treatment 椹木一仁1, 加藤孝太1, 青野祐樹1, 八尾隆治1, 内田一茂2, 岡崎和一2, 三木誓雄1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 58-58, 2018. |
04. One case of the gallbladder lesion which was treated with a diagnosis of the gallbladder cancer, and showed the specific course 古橋暁, 坂口孝宣, 北嶋諒, 木内亮太, 武田真, 平出貴乗, 柴崎泰, 森田剛文, 菊池寛利, 竹内裕也 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 58-58, 2018. |
05. One case of gallbladder origin clear cell carcinoma 千住明彦1, 水谷しの1, 森弘輔1, 宮崎恒起1, 吉田司1, 足達広和1, 安田陽一1, 大島靖広1, 杉山宏1, 山本淳史2, 杉山誠治3, 松永研吾3, 山田鉄也3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 59-59, 2018. |
06. One patient who formed false aneurysm by percutaneous transhepatic cholangiole drainage (PTBD), and presented with hematobilia 上村真也, 岩下拓司, 三田直樹, 吉田健作, 今井健二, 高井光司, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 59-59, 2018. |
07. An example of IPNB where intraluminal supersonic wave (IDUS) was useful for a diagnosis 宇野女慎二1, 林大樹朗1, 市川雄平1, 鈴木貴也1, 近藤重明1, 安藤雅能1, 浅井清也1, 青木聡典1, 鶴留一誠1, 岡田昭久1, 細井努1, 竹内真実子1, 関崇2, 陸大輔2, 新井利幸2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 59-59, 2018. |
08. An example of the right liver false aneurysm which occurred after the bile duct metallic stent custody for the bile duct permeation of the hepatocellular carcinoma 田中仁, 内藤岳人, 山田雅弘, 松原浩, 山本英子, 溝上雅也, 山本崇文, 高田善久, 樋口道雄, 浦野文博 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 59-59, 2018. |
09. An example of cholangitis by Raoultella ornithinolytica which developed anaphylaxis 松葉朋彦, 都築智之, 松井健一, 竹内淳史, 森田清 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 60-60, 2018. |
10. One case of Choledochocele with the pancreatic juice intrabiliary reflux discovered with cholangiectasis 山田健太, 尾上峻也, 志村恵理, 梅村昌宏, 金子雅直, 間渕裕行, 辻敦, 山田貴教, 高橋百合美, 笹田雄三, 斎田康彦 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 60-60, 2018. |
11. An example of the nipple type gallbladder cancer which had difficulty in preoperative range diagnosis 寺島佳奈江1, 春田尚樹1, 柴田寛幸1, 龍華加奈1, 宿輪和孝1, 児玉佳子1, 村瀬賢一1, 西村元伸2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 60-60, 2018. |
12. An example of the fascioliasis 山中裕貴, 竹内真実子, 鈴木貴也, 安藤雅能, 近藤重明, 浅井清也, 青木聡典, 市川雄平, 林大樹朗, 鶴留一誠, 岡田昭久, 細井努 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 60-60, 2018. |
13. One case that a percutaneous supersonic wave guide lower sclerotherapy succeeded for a hemorrhagic stoma varix 小木曽拓也1, 内藤岳人1, 浦野文博1, 山田雅弘1, 山本英子1, 松原浩1, 坂巻慶一1, 平松和洋2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 61-61, 2018. |
14. One patient who presented with splenic infarct and cerebral infarction after Denver shunt construction 早川諒祐, 木村領佑, 佐野泰樹, 河合歩, 鈴木博貴, 近藤貴浩, 黒石健吾, 星野勝一, 濱村啓介, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 61-61, 2018. |
15. It is one patient with suspected onset of the autoimmune hepatitis after DAAs treatment for HBV, HCV superinfection 松島萌, 山崎哲, 吹田恭一, 横田彬彦, 山下真帆, 伊藤潤, 太田和義, 下山真, 千田剛士, 川田一仁, 小林良正 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 61-61, 2018. |
16. 1 excision case of liver MALT lymphoma 水谷広樹, 西浦祐樹, 菅大典, 森谷勲, 山中豊, 大矢由美, 井上英和, 尾嶋英紀, 毛利靖彦, 白木克哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 61-61, 2018. |
17. 1 excision case of a hepatocellular carcinoma and the focal nodular hyperplasia that coexisted 多代充, 山田豪, 加藤吉康, 田中晴祥, 浅野智成, 園原史訓, 高見秀樹, 末永雅也, 丹羽由紀子, 林真路, 神田光郎, 田中千恵, 中山吾郎, 小池聖彦, 藤原道隆, 小寺泰弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 62-62, 2018. |
18. One case of the acute liver damage that occurred during tolvaptan administration 原田哲朗1, 岩佐元雄1, 杉本龍亮1, 小島真一1, 玉井康将1, 吉川恭子1, 小倉英1, 田中秀明1, 山本憲彦1, 杉本和史1, 小林由直1, 長谷川浩司1, 種村彰洋2, 伊佐地秀司2, 竹井謙之1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 62-62, 2018. |
19. Example that formed a clot for an extrahepatic part portal vein lump 鶴賀聡美, 岡野宏, 野瀬賢治, 栃尾智正, 熊澤広朗, 磯野功明, 田中宏樹, 松崎晋平, 佐瀬友博, 齊藤知規, 向克巳, 西村晃 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 62-62, 2018. |
20. One case with suspected hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia that developed hepatic encephalopathy 服部愛司, 河俣浩之, 田中隆光, 紅林真理絵, 青木雅俊, 福家洋之, 脇田喜弘, 橋本章, 清水敦哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 62-62, 2018. |
21. 1 excision case of the huge poorly-differentiated type hepatocellular carcinoma with the extensive fatty change that had difficulty in differentiation with the liver angiomyolipoma 坂口充弘, 村田泰洋, 早崎碧泉, 飯澤祐介, 藤井武宏, 加藤宏之, 種村彰洋, 栗山直久, 安積良紀, 岸和田昌之, 水野修吾, 臼井正信, 櫻井洋至, 伊佐地秀司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 63-63, 2018. |
22. An example of the liver abscess by String test-positive Klebsiella pneumoniae 黒田祐輔, 西浦祐貴, 菅大典, 森谷勲, 山名豊, 大矢由美, 井上英和, 白木克哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 63-63, 2018. |
23. One case of the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma with the sarcoma-like change 永田明佳音1, 仲島さより1, 浜島英司1, 中江康之1, 神岡諭郎1, 飛田恵美子1, 山本怜1, 竹内一訓1, 宮地洋平1, 福沢一馬1, 井本正巳1, 伊藤誠2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 63-63, 2018. |
24. One case of the drug induced hepatic injury that had the onset with a chief complaint of fever, and suffered from a diagnosis 中邑信一朗, 稲垣悠二, 中村佳史, 上野哲弘, 村嶋佑美, 浦出伸治, 金子昌史, 直田浩明, 小林一彦 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 63-63, 2018. |
25. One case of the liver abscess that it was thought that it was caused by intraoral affection 安田桂, 佐々木槙子, 大西浩史, 菅田亮太郎, 越野顕, 金子望, 河辺健太郎, 飛鳥井香紀, 高口裕規, 井上裕介, 戸川昭三, 長谷川泉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 64-64, 2018. |
26. Example that primary hemochromatosis was thought about 星野弘典, 大畠昭彦, 吉井重人, 景岡正信, 寺井智宏, 青山春奈, 青山弘幸, 矢野庄悟, 丸山保彦 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 64-64, 2018. |
27. One case of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) which developed in acute hepatitis, and racked its brains about a diagnosis 竹田尭, 横畑幸司, 杉山和久, 杉山由晃 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 64-64, 2018. |
28. One case of amyloidosis given a liver transplant 山本健太1, 石津洋二1, 武藤久哲1, 横山晋也1, 田中卓1, 安藤祐資1, 伊藤隆徳1, 安田諭1, 葛谷貞二1, 本多隆1, 林和彦1, 石上雅敏1, 廣岡芳樹2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 64-64, 2018. |
29. Significance of the CA 19-9 measurement in any type medical examination 朝川大暉, 熊澤広朗, 鶴賀聡美, 野瀬賢治, 栃尾智正, 磯野功明, 田中宏樹, 松崎晋平, 佐瀬友博, 斉藤知規, 岡野宏, 向克巳, 西村晃 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 65-65, 2018. |
30. 1 excision case of nonfunction retroperitoneum paraganglioma (PG) which was available for preoperation video diagnosis 佐藤祥1, 冨嶋享1, 天野希1, 村田礼人1, 廿楽裕徳1, 佐藤俊輔1, 金光芳生1, 嶋田裕慈1, 飯島克順1, 前川博2, 和田了3, 玄田拓哉1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 65-65, 2018. |
31. One case who had a GIST and pancreas body cancer duodenal for von Recklinghausen disease 高野宏平, 春田純一, 山口丈夫, 土居崎正雄, 鷲見肇, 大橋彩子, 吉岡直輝, 青井広典, 河村達哉, 南喜之, 八田勇輔 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 65-65, 2018. |
32. One case that caused ileocecum mesenteric lymph nodes recurrence after ovarian cancer technique in the twelfth year 川北航平, 瀬木祐樹, 瀬木奥田祐樹善大, 河埜道夫, 近藤昭信, 田中穣, 長沼達史 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 65-65, 2018. |
33. 2 excision case of the Meckel diverticulum 三宅望, 北畠秀介, 豊田秀徳, 多田俊史, 谷川誠, 金森明, 山剛基, 水野和幸, 東堀諒, 犬飼庸介, 熊田卓, 桐山勢生, 久永康宏 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 66-66, 2018. |
34. An example of the NSAIDs small intestine ulcer which we diagnosed with ileus 服部智仁, 吉村透, 川島靖浩, 安藤伸浩, 神谷友康, 前田俊英 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 66-66, 2018. |
35. Examination of the use of Ustekinumab experience in our hospital 村手健太郎1, 渡辺修1, 中村正直1, 山村健史2, 松下正伸1, 澤田つな騎1, 水谷泰之1, 丹羽芳樹1, 石川恵理1, 内田元太1, 大塚裕之1, 鈴木悠土1, 西川貴広1, 石田哲也1, 服部峻1, 山田啓作1, 久野剛史1, 梶川豪1, 廣岡芳樹2, 後藤秀実1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 66-66, 2018. |
36. One case of the small intestine arterio-venous malformation that lower digestive tract endoscopy and the general diagnosis by the examination for contrasting CT were useful 江上貴俊, 金岡繁, 鈴木未緒, 花岡智彦, 山田景子, 淺井雄介, 大庭行正, 高鳥真吾, 佐原秀, 栗山茂, 住吉信一, 岩岡泰志, 影山富士人 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 66-66, 2018. |
37. Two cases of MALT lymphoma 奥瀬博亮2, 葛原正樹2, 塩野泰功1, 三浦広嗣2, 作野隆1, 竹内俊文1, 原田哲朗1, 山田玲子1, 中村美咲1, 井上宏之1, 濱田康彦2, 田中匡介2, 堀木紀行2, 竹井謙之1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 67-67, 2018. |
38. One case of the pedunculated early jejunal cancer with the invagination of intestine 山口克弥, 神岡諭郎, 浜島英司, 中江康之, 仲島さより, 飛田恵美子, 山本怜, 竹内一訓, 宮地洋平, 福沢一馬, 永田明佳音, 井本正臣, 伊藤誠 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 67-67, 2018. |
39. One case of the anal canal basaloid carcinoma 白水将憲, 菊池正和, 田島万莉, 金沢哲広, 水野創太, 柳瀬成希, 南正史, 宜保憲明, 榊原聡介, 下郷友弥, 野々垣浩二, 印牧直人 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 67-67, 2018. |
40. One case of Inverted hyperplastic polyp coexistence cancer 栃尾智正1, 齊藤知規1, 馬場洋一郎2, 鶴賀聡美1, 野瀬賢治1, 熊澤広朗1, 磯野功明1, 田中宏樹1, 松崎晋平1, 佐瀬友博1, 岡野宏1, 向克巳1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 67-67, 2018. |
41. 1 excision case of early descending colon neuroendocrine system cancer 中村俊太, 田端正己, 藤村侑, 武内泰司郎, 出崎良輔, 大澤一郎, 加藤憲治, 岩田真, 三田孝行 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 68-68, 2018. |
42. One case of the AFP-producing cancer of descending colon in acknowledgment of multiple lymph node metastases 木村領佑, 早川諒祐, 河合歩, 鈴木博貴, 近藤貴浩, 黒石健吾, 星野勝一, 濱村啓介, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 68-68, 2018. |
43. An example of the colon cancer lymph node recurrence that EUS-FNA was useful for a diagnosis 梅田悠平, 田野俊介, 結城麻衣, 多喜裕子, 堀池眞一郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 68-68, 2018. |
44. It is two patients of the local recurrence after rectal cancer technique given Transperineal Endoscopic Approach 安井講平, 石黒成治, 加藤揺子, 鈴木健太, 松村卓樹, 小松俊一郎, 佐野力 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 68-68, 2018. |
45. One case of the ulcerative colitis that developed drug-related interstitial nephritis by mesalazine administration 池内寛和, 平田慶和, 河村逸外, 原田貴仁, 服部礼佳, 隈井大介, 山本友輝, 安達明央, 小島悠揮, 林則之, 望月寿人, 高田博樹, 祖父江聡 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 69-69, 2018. |
46. Three cases of the necrotic type ischemic enteritis that we experienced in our hospital 井田紘人, 青山弘幸, 丸山保彦, 吉井重人, 景岡正信, 大畠昭彦, 寺井智宏, 青山春奈, 山本晃大, 星野弘典, 矢野庄悟 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 69-69, 2018. |
47. One case of chlamydia proctitis that presented a long-term diarrhea symptom 五藤直也, 服部昌志, 松崎一平, 広瀬健, 泉千明, 山内浩揮 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 69-69, 2018. |
48. One patient who presented with left colon aneurysm ruptured by Segmental arterial mediolysis 井出正造, 藤川裕之, 問山裕二, 大村悠介, 北嶋貴仁, 安田裕美, 奥川喜永, 吉山繁幸, 廣純一郎, 大井正貴, 荒木俊光, 楠正人 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 69-69, 2018. |
49. A Case of Rectal Neuroendocrine Tumor Combined with Ulcerative Colitis in Clinical Remission Period Discovered by Causing Sleeping Blood Stimulated by Endoscope 平野雄一, 山田貴教, 梅村昌宏, 志村恵理, 金子雅直, 間渕裕行, 辻敦, 高橋百合美, 笹田雄三, 齋田康彦 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 70-70, 2018. |
50. One case of the rectal GIST given endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique (ESD) 皆森俊, 中野有泰, 長谷川一成, 永井真太郎, 山田弘武 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 70-70, 2018. |
51. Three cases of the rectal neuroendocrine tumor that somatostatin receptor scintigraphy was useful for metastatic recurrent diagnosis 仲井希, 高橋広城, 柳田剛, 安藤菜奈子, 前田祐三, 廣川高久, 志賀一慶, 原賢康, 松尾洋一, 石黒秀行, 瀧口修司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 70-70, 2018. |
52. One case of the sigmoid carcinoma in adenoma which resulted in synchronism-prone liver metastases 大森隆夫1, 服部可奈1, 小倉正臣1, 濱田賢司1, 金兒博司1, 馬場洋一郎2, 田岡大樹1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 70-70, 2018. |
53. One case of the intractable ulcerative colitis that developed toxic megacolon using Golimumab 福沢一馬1, 浜島英司1, 神岡諭郎1, 中江康之1, 仲島さより1, 飛田恵美子1, 山本怜1, 竹内一訓1, 宮地洋平1, 永田明佳音1, 井本正巳1, 伊藤誠2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 71-71, 2018. |
54. One case of the intussusception complicated with enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection 石原亮, 大岩拓矢, 浦壁憲司, 貫井嵩之, 鬼頭佑輔, 蓑輪彬久, 鈴木雄太, 羽根田賢一, 福定繁紀, 尾関貴紀, 藤田恭明, 塚本宏延, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 71-71, 2018. |
55. An example of the schistosomiasis due to schistosoma japonicum that presented characteristic endoscopic views 吉田泰之1, 山崎健路1, 岩田仁2, 山下晃司1, 小島健太郎1, 入谷壮一1, 寺倉大志1, 永野淳二1, 安藤暢洋1, 岩田圭介1, 清水省吾1, 杉原潤一1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 71-71, 2018. |
56. An example of the ovarian serous adenocarcinoma which recurred metastatic to rectosigmoid junction 川村幹雄, 尾嶋英紀, 橋本清, 今岡裕基, 渡部秀樹, 毛利智美, 毛利靖彦 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 71-71, 2018. |
57. One case of the adult large intestine lymphangioma which caused invagination of intestine 山根亮介, 松下高明, 吉崎道代, 小澤喬, 竹山友章, 水谷太郎, 長野健一, 城浩介 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 72-72, 2018. |
58. One case of metastatic large intestine tumor which became available for the control of the bloody bowel discharge in endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) 小林郁美, 海野修平, 芳澤社, 加藤敦士, 山田洋介, 杉浦喜一, 山中力行, 木次健介, 宮津隆裕, 瀧浪将貴, 木全政晴, 室久剛, 清水恵理奈, 長澤正通, 細田佳佐 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 72-72, 2018. |
59. Results after antiTNF - α antibody preparation secession in the ulcerative colitis long-term remission case 樋口道雄, 山田雅弘, 浦野文博, 内藤岳人, 松原浩, 山本英子, 坂巻慶一, 溝上雅也, 山本崇文, 田中仁, 高田善久 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 72-72, 2018. |
60. Recurrent Clostridium difficile enterocolitis, usefulness of the feces transplant for the inflammatory bowel disease 尾崎隼人, 城代康貴, 生野浩和, 山田日向, 寺田剛, 吉田大, 河村知彦, 内堀遥, 前田晃平, 大森崇史, 堀口徳之, 小村成臣, 大久保正明, 鎌野俊彰, 田原智満, 長坂光夫, 中川義仁, 柴田知行, 大宮直木 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 72-72, 2018. |
61. One case of the autoimmune pancreatitis in acknowledgment of atypical image views 三浦広嗣1, 山田玲子2, 井上宏之2, 竹内俊文2, 塩野泰功2, 奥瀬博亮1, 作野隆2, 中村美咲2, 葛原正樹1, 濱田康彦1, 田中匡介1, 堀木紀之1, 竹井謙之2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 73-73, 2018. |
62. One case that percutaneous endoscopic necrosectomy was effective for pancreatic fistula after an operation 樋口正美, 木村有志, 全秀嶺, 中西孝之, 河口順二, 淺野剛之, 早崎直行, 伊藤康文, 田上真 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 73-73, 2018. |
63. One case that the stomach penetration of the pancreatic abscess developed during pancreatic cancer chemotherapy, and was improved by endoscopic drainage 小池弘太, 窪田裕幸, 高柳泰宏, 池田誉, 伊藤達弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 73-73, 2018. |
64. An example of the papillosity myxoma in the pancreatic duct which was exposed to the accessory breast head, and presented specific image views 山中力行1, 室久剛1, 加藤敦士1, 山田洋介1, 杉浦喜一1, 宮津隆裕1, 木次健介1, 海野修平1, 瀧浪将貴1, 木全正晴1, 芳澤社1, 清水恵理奈1, 細田佳佐1, 長澤正通1, 大月寛郎2, 土井隆一郎3, 山野三紀4 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 73-73, 2018. |
65. One case of pancreas NET G3 where lanreotide was useful 野瀬賢治, 松崎晋平, 田中宏樹, 鶴賀聡美, 栃尾智正, 熊澤広朗, 磯野功明, 佐瀬友博, 齊藤知規, 岡野宏, 向克巳 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 74-74, 2018. |
66. One case that received laparoscopic supporting lower modified Frey surgery for pancreas tail pseudocyst and chronic pancreatitis with the left-sided portal hypertension 葛谷宙正, 松尾洋一, 植松宏, 上田悟郎, 大見関, 林祐一, 今藤裕之, 齋藤健太, 坪井謙, 森本守, 高橋広城, 石黒秀行, 瀧口修司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 74-74, 2018. |
67. One case of the pancreas arterio-venous malformation diagnosed with acute pancreatitis 土井拓矢, 飛鳥井香紀, 大西浩史, 越野顕, 菅田亮太郎, 河辺健太郎, 佐々木槙子, 高口裕規, 井上裕介, 戸川昭三, 長谷川泉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 74-74, 2018. |
68. One case of epithelial cyst which occurred in the accessory spleen in the pancreas 寺島明里, 平野敦之, 田中翔, 内田絵理香, 山東元樹, 尾関智紀, 野村智史, 小島尚代, 森義徳, 木村吉秀, 土田研司, 妹尾恭司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 74-74, 2018. |
69. An example of the accessory spleen in the pancreas that sonography helped the diagnosis 犬飼庸介1, 熊田卓1, 桐山勢生1, 谷川誠1, 豊田秀徳1, 久永康宏1, 金森明1, 多田俊史1, 北畠秀介1, 山剛基1, 水野和幸1, 東堀諒1, 三宅望1, 小藪敬尋1,2, 曽根康博1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 75-75, 2018. |
70. Three cases that fecal pancreas elastase was useful in autoimmune pancreatitis 上野泰明1, 成瀬達1, 濱田広幸1, 伊藤治1, 山本明子2, 石黒洋2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 75-75, 2018. |
71. One patient who presented with interstitial pneumonia after febrile neutropenia treatment by Gemcitabine+nab-paclitaxel 山本崇文, 松原浩, 内藤岳人, 山田雅弘, 山本英子, 坂巻慶一, 溝上雅也, 高田善久, 田中仁, 樋口道雄, 浦野文博 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 75-75, 2018. |
72. An example of the acute lymphoid leukemia pancreas recurrence that EUS-FNA was useful for a diagnosis 八鹿潤1, 廣岡芳樹2, 川嶋啓揮1, 大野栄三郎1, 石川卓哉1, 須原寛樹1, 小屋敏也1, 田中浩敬1, 酒井大輔1, 飯田忠1, 西尾亮1, 鈴木博貴1, 植月康太1, 山田健太1, 芳川昌功1, 後藤秀実1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 75-75, 2018. |
73. An example of the mass plasticity pancreatitis that had difficulty in differentiation with cancer 鈴木貴也, 林大樹朗, 安藤雅能, 近藤重明, 浅井清也, 青木聡典, 市川雄平, 鶴留一誠, 岡田昭久, 細井努, 竹内真実子 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 76-76, 2018. |
74. One case of asymptomatic paraganglioma which occurred in the pancreas head vicinity, and led to a diagnosis in EUS-FNA in preoperation 大津卓也1, 川口真矢1, 浅原和久1, 佐藤たつのり1, 増井雄一1, 大島典彦1, 榎田浩平1, 川合麻実1, 寺田修三1, 遠藤伸也1, 黒上貴史1, 白根尚文1, 大野和也1, 小杉理英子2, 金本秀行3, 鈴木誠4 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 76-76, 2018. |
75. Pancreatic ascitic one case that EUS lower drainage succeeded 押谷由衣, 神部隆吉, 大橋暁, 岩田浩史, 水谷佳貴, 河合学, 佐橋学, 近藤寛之, 藤本諒 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 76-76, 2018. |
76. An example of the pancreatic cancer having only metastases to bone 白井信太郎, 石川英樹, 春田明範, 小島久美, 野村彩, 安藤貴文 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 76-76, 2018. |
77. It is one patient of metastases to lung recurrence after invasive pancreatic duct cancer technique living long 坂野慎哉, 今井寿, 松井聡, 棚橋利行, 田中善宏, 松橋延壽, 高橋孝夫, 山口和也, 吉田和弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 77-77, 2018. |
78. Two cases of the acute esophageal mucosa lesion which presented the non-black esophagus 紅林真理絵, 橋本章, 田中隆光, 青木雅俊, 福家洋之, 河俣浩之, 脇田喜弘, 清水敦哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 77-77, 2018. |
79. An example of the esophagus basaloid carcinoma which occurred in the spotted esophagus 鷲見聡子, 高橋裕司, 杉江岳彦, 小川憲吾, 松下知路, 名倉一夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 77-77, 2018. |
80. Efforts of the operating room general anesthesia lower ESD introduction in our hospital 宇野由佳里, 高田淳, 手塚隆一, 今井奨, 白子順子 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 77-77, 2018. |
81. One case of Type4 type megaesophagus hiatal hernia given laparoscopic surgical repair using mesh 野口智史, 成田潔, 佐藤梨枝, 杉澤文, 高橋直樹, 西川隆太郎, 小西尚巳, 鈴木秀郎, 岩永孝雄, 町支秀樹, 登内仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 78-78, 2018. |
82. An example of the acidophilic esophagitis 加賀充朗1, 渡辺一正1, 國井伸1, 石川大介1, 橋詰清孝1, 山田健太朗1, 宇都宮節夫2, 奥村明彦1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 78-78, 2018. |
83. An example of the acidophilic esophagitis treated effectively with fluticasone deglutition therapy for severe dysphagia 羽田野裕1, 大林友彦1, 山本佳奈1, 大北宗由1, 西村舞1, 竹田欽一1, 西尾雄司1, 後藤秀実2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 78-78, 2018. |
84. An example of the acidophilic esophagitis that responded to local adrenocortical steroid therapy 大岩拓矢, 鬼頭佑輔, 貫井崇之, 浦壁憲司, 石原亮, 蓑輪彬久, 鈴木雄太, 羽根田賢一, 福定繁紀, 尾関貴紀, 藤田恭明, 塚本宏延, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 78-78, 2018. |
85. Judging from cancer of the esophagus surgery rebuilding - ICG fluorescence method; sub-; good bloodstream state - of all stomachs 今井健晴, 田中善宏, 末次智成, 棚橋利行, 松井聡, 今井寿, 松橋延壽, 高橋孝夫, 山口和也, 吉田和弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 79-79, 2018. |
86. An example of stomach MANEC where an endoscopic diagnosis was difficult, and was given ESD 丹羽智之1, 石田夏樹1, 鈴木崇弘1, 杉山智洋1, 高野亮祐1, 田村智1, 松浦友春1, 鏡卓馬2, 森泰希1, 谷伸也3, 魚谷貴洋1, 山出美穂子1, 岩泉守哉4, 濱屋寧1, 大澤恵3, 古田隆久5, 杉本健1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 79-79, 2018. |
87. An example of the esophageal hiatal hernia that antrum of stomach and ampulla of duodenum became incarcerated, and presented a portal vein gas blood symptom 青野祐樹1, 加藤孝太1, 椹木一仁1, 八尾隆治1, 内田一茂2, 岡崎和一2, 三木誓雄1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 79-79, 2018. |
88. Example that cola dissolution therapy and endoscopic crush technique succeeded for huge bezoar 田中翔太, 西川健一郎, 行本弘樹, 大岩道明 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 79-79, 2018. |
89. Example that accepted lanthanum carbonate storage disease to a gastric mucosa by lanthanum carbonate remedy 田中隆光, 橋本章, 紅林真理絵, 青木雅俊, 福家洋之, 河俣浩之, 脇田喜弘, 清水敦哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 80-80, 2018. |
90. Usefulness and problems of the endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract by wide-angle lens endoscope FUSE (full-spectrum endoscopy) 山田日向, 柴田知行, 寺田剛, 吉田大, 内堀遥, 河村知彦, 尾崎隼人, 堀口徳之, 前田晃平, 大森崇史, 城代康貴, 生野浩和, 小村成臣, 大久保正明, 鎌野俊彰, 田原智満, 長坂光夫, 中川義仁, 大宮直木 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 80-80, 2018. |
91. It is hard to resect gastric mucosa lower layer detachment technique (ESD) and is devised the predictive expression 山田日向, 柴田知行, 寺田剛, 吉田大, 内堀遥, 河村知彦, 尾崎隼人, 堀口徳之, 前田晃平, 大森崇史, 城代康貴, 生野浩和, 小村成臣, 大久保正明, 鎌野俊彰, 田原智満, 長坂光夫, 中川義仁, 大宮直木 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 80-80, 2018. |
92. An example of Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy due to the gastric cancer which we were able to diagnose by having responded to chemotherapy 平松拓弥, 竹中宏之, 佐竹美芽, 長江翔平, 松田悠司, 河邉智久, 新家卓郎, 松浦哲生, 黒岩正憲, 森田敬一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 80-80, 2018. |
93. One case of the progress gastric cancer which developed SIADH during S-1+CDDP therapy 物江真司1, 鈴木貴久2, 高士ひとみ2, 三宅忍幸2, 村山睦2, 平井恵子2, 高橋秀和2, 澤口洋視2, 加藤真子1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 81-81, 2018. |
94. One gastric cancer who had the dermatomyositis as paraneoplastic syndromes 内田絵理香, 妹尾恭司, 土田研司, 木村秀吉, 森義徳, 平野敦之, 小島尚代, 野村智史, 尾関智紀, 山東元樹, 田中翔, 寺島明里 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 81-81, 2018. |
95. One case that paraneoplastic myositis due to the gastric cancer was cured spontaneously 二村侑歩1, 仲島さより1, 神岡諭郎1, 浜島英司1, 中江康之1, 飛田恵美子1, 山本怜1, 竹内一訓1, 宮地洋平1, 福沢一馬1, 永田明佳音1, 井本正巳1, 松尾幸治2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 81-81, 2018. |
96. One case of the progress gastric cancer which caused revival of the myasthenia gravis by nivolumab administration 曽根田光, 早川諒祐, 木村領佑, 河合歩, 鈴木博貴, 近藤貴浩, 黒石健吾, 星野勝一, 濱村啓介, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 81-81, 2018. |
97. One case of the severe progress gastric cancer that long-term survival is obtained by ramucirumab administration of 5th Line 浦田登, 岩瀬弘明, 島田昌明, 平嶋昇, 齋藤雅之, 近藤尚, 宇仁田慧, 近藤高, 田中大貴 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 82-82, 2018. |
98. An example of the stomach accessory pancreas which had difficulty in stomach endocrinoma and diagnosis 中橋央棋1, 春木祐司1, 正見勇太1, 松井俊樹1, 野呂智仁1, 谷口健太郎1, 下村誠1, 勝田浩司2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 82-82, 2018. |
99. An example of the duodenal cancer that we were discovered by capsule small intestine endoscopy and were able to resect in EMR 作野隆1, 葛原正樹2, 塩野泰功1, 奥瀬博亮1, 中村美咲1, 濱田康彦2, 田中匡介2, 堀木紀行2, 三浦広嗣2, 竹内俊文1, 山田玲子1, 井上宏之1, 竹井謙之1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 82-82, 2018. |
100. One case that catheter ablation developed acute dilatation of stomach postoperatively 隈井大介, 平田慶和, 原田貴仁, 河村逸外, 服部麗佳, 山本友輝, 小島悠揮, 安達明央, 管野琢也, 池内寛和, 林則之, 望月寿人, 高田博樹, 祖父江聡 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 82-82, 2018. |
101. It is examined the additional surgical excision case for the non-curative resection case after early gastric cancer endoscopic excision in our hospital 伊藤拓也, 藤井幸治, 赤尾希美, 中川勇希, 熊本幸司, 松本英一, 高橋幸二, 宮原成樹, 楠田司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 83-83, 2018. |
102. Examination of the preoperation predictor of the S-1 adjuvant chemotherapy tolerability after the gastric cancer radical cure resection 三輪高嗣, 神田光郎, 田中千恵, 小林大介, 高見秀樹, 末永雅也, 服部憲史, 林真路, 丹羽由紀子, 岩田直樹, 山田豪, 中山吾郎, 小池聖彦, 藤原道隆, 小寺泰弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (128): 83-83, 2018. |