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The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 129 / 2019
English Article Japanese Article
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1. "Ten years of the intestinal bacteria study" 飯田宗穂 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 2-3, 2019. |
2. "Treatment up-to-date of the liver cancer" 根本朋幸 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 4-5, 2019. |
3. "Combined modality therapy up-to-date of the pancreatic cancer" 藤井努 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 6-7, 2019. |
4. "Robot support surgery for the gastrointestinal carcinoma" 稲木紀幸 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 8-9, 2019. |
"The prospects of the immune therapy for digestive organ cancer" 水腰英四郎 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 12-13, 2019. |
01. One case of the liver abscess by the fish bone penetration 三浦雅1, 西野隆平1, 松下栄紀1, 鵜浦雅志1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 31-31, 2019. |
02. An example of the Kawasaki's disease (imperfection type) that presented acute hepatitis 松尾俊紀1, 米島淳1, 梶喜一郎1, 守護晴彦1, 岩田章1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 31-31, 2019. |
03. Two cases of the hepatic encephalopathy with the portal vein circulation of blood shunts that balloon lower backward movement characteristics transvenous embolization succeeded 竹越快1, 西川智貴1, 寺崎禎一1, 野田八嗣1, 望月健太郎2 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 31-31, 2019. |
04. One case of colon cancer liver metastases given steroid pulse therapy for a liver damage by the regorafenib 小川浩平1, 里村康輔1, 川根太郎1, 伊藤綾1, 林洸太郎1, 矢野正明1, 在原文教1, 松田耕一郎1, 松田充1, 酒井明人1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 31-31, 2019. |
05. An example of the autoimmune hepatitis with the osteoporosis 石田晃介1, 寺崎修一1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 32-32, 2019. |
06. Example that mycophenolate mofetil was effective for a liver damage by Durvalumab 一宮佑輔1, 宮島沙織1, 辻国広1, 秋山晋一郎1, 杉山絃1, 平井博和1, 増永哲平1, 脇田重徳1, 木藤陽介1, 中西宏佳1, 吉田尚弘1, 松永和大1, 辻重継1, 竹村健一1, 土山寿志1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 32-32, 2019. |
07. An example of the checkpoint inhibitor-related liver damage that presented characteristic pathological finding of immunity 野村浩樹1, 玉井利克1, 木戸秀典1, 松川弘樹1, 宮澤正樹1, 竹田康人1, 岡藤啓史1, 堀井里和1, 寺島健志1, 北原征明1, 北村和哉1, 荒井邦明1, 山下太郎1, 酒井佳夫1, 山下竜也1, 水腰英四郎1, 本多政夫1, 吉村かおり2, 原田憲一3, 金子周一1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 32-32, 2019. |
08. Two cases of liver neuroendocrine tumor (NET) which presented an interesting image 村石望1, 野畠浩司2, 野本一博3, 中嶋和仙1, 高木宏明1, 塚田健一郎1, 澤崎拓郎1, 國谷等1, 寺田光宏1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 32-32, 2019. |
09. An example who had liver origin neuroendocrine system cancer AFP-producing in a hepatocellular carcinoma episode of care 山形恒貴1, 関晃裕1, 北恵太1, 長井一樹1, 清島淳1, 朝日向良朗1, 高田昇1, 林智之1, 丹尾幸樹1, 稲垣聡子1, 飯田宗穂1, 荒井邦明1, 川口和紀1, 北村和哉1, 山下太郎1, 酒井佳夫1, 山下竜也1, 水腰英四郎1, 本多政夫1, 金子周一1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 33-33, 2019. |
10. One patient who underwent hemostasis by the transcatheter arterial embolization for an explosion of the hemangiosarcoma of the liver 圓谷俊貴1, 村山愛子1, 小林才人1, 高橋孝輔1, 田尻和人1, 安田一朗1, 鳴戸規人2, 水上敦喜3, 佐藤幸治3 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 33-33, 2019. |
11. One patient who the mixed type liver cancer that high CEA, the cholangiocarcinoma ingredient with the AFP blood symptom were dominant was diagnosed, and responded to treatment 並川正一1, 野阪拓人1, 翠洋平1, 山本有紗1, 赤澤悠1, 田中知子1, 高橋和人1, 内藤達志1, 大藤和也1, 松田秀岳1, 大谷昌弘1, 平松活志1, 今村好章2, 中本安成1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 33-33, 2019. |
12. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which was untreated, and regressed spontaneously, and achieved survival for five years 河上裕太郎1, 水上敦喜1, 佐藤幸浩1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 33-33, 2019. |
13. One patient whom intrabiliary papillary tumor (IPNB) developed in during the nipple mucinous tumor (pancreas IPMN) postoperative course observation in the pancreatic duct 橋本暁1, 寺田卓郎1, 美並輝也1, 三井毅1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 34-34, 2019. |
14. One case of the C type cirrhosis where the multiple hepatocellular carcinoma which occurred nine years after the TIPS enforcement responded to proton beam irradiation combination RFA 川瀬翔太郎1, 砂子阪肇1, 田邉陽邦1, 宇都宮まなみ1, 清水吉晃1, 川崎梓1, 内藤慶英1, 多賀雅浩1, 波佐谷兼慶1, 青柳裕之1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 34-34, 2019. |
15. An example of the pancreatitis that racked its brains about a diagnosis 藤本健俊1, 真田拓1, 米元優一郎1, 野村能元1, 田中章浩1, 野村佳克1, 上田晃之1, 渡邊弘之1, 野ツ俣和夫1, 登谷大修1, 宮山士郎2, 中沼安二3 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 34-34, 2019. |
16. One case of the multiple myeloma that formed an extramedullary mass to pancreas 山下順貴1, 大藤和也1, 並川正一1, 山本有紗1, 赤澤悠1, 田中知子1, 野阪拓人1, 内藤達志1, 高橋和人1, 松田秀岳1, 大谷昌弘1, 平松活志1, 中本安成1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 34-34, 2019. |
17. An example of pancreas actinomycosis that we were able to diagnose in EUS-FNA 林洸太郎1, 川根太郎1, 伊藤綾1, 矢野正明1, 在原文教1, 松田耕一郎1, 小川浩平1, 松田充1, 酒井明人1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 35-35, 2019. |
18. One patient who was diagnosed, and was able to resect a pancreas body cancer with pancreas tail pancreatic duct expansion in EUS-FNA 早川希1, 高田佳子1, 岡村利之1, 稲邑克久1, 河合博志1, 浅海吉傑2, 菅原浩之2, 酒徳光明2, 垣内寿枝子3, 寺畑信太郎3 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 35-35, 2019. |
19. One case of pancreas paraganglioma where had difficulty in differentiation with the neuroendocrine tumor 兒玉竜太朗1, 矢野正明1, 川根太郎1, 伊藤綾1, 林洸太郎1, 在原文教1, 松田耕一郎1, 小川浩平1, 松田充1, 酒井明人1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 35-35, 2019. |
20. It is examined the postoperative complications in the case after the pancreatic cancer treatment excision with the jaundice 東恭平1, 片山外大1, 五井孝憲1, 片山寛次2, 前田浩幸1, 廣野靖夫2, 村上真1, 玉木雅人1, 小練研司1, 森川充洋1, 澤井利次1, 横井繋周1, 呉林秀崇1, 成瀬貴之1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 35-35, 2019. |
21. 1 excision case of the multiple myeloma that resulted in metastases to pancreas 辻際裕介1, 村上真1, 成瀬貴之1, 呉林秀崇1, 澤井利次1, 森川充洋1, 小練研司1, 玉木雅人1, 廣野靖夫2, 片山寛次2, 五井孝憲1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 36-36, 2019. |
22. One case of the micropancreatic acinus basalioma which had a diagnosis by huge liver metastases excision, and was given radical excision 南宏典1, 大畠慶直1, 蒲田亮介1, 岡崎充善1, 真橋宏幸1, 中沼伸一1, 牧野勇1, 宮下知治1, 田島秀浩1, 二宮致1, 伏田幸夫1, 太田哲生1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 36-36, 2019. |
23. An example of the superficial cancer of the esophagus ESD posterior mediastinum lymph node recurrence that husky voice expression was the opportunity of the diagnosis 高山秀雄1, 吉尾隆利1, 柳昌宏1, 西野美智子1, 織田典明1, 西川昌志1, 小村卓也1, 加賀谷尚史1, 川島篤弘2 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 36-36, 2019. |
24. One case of the spontaneous esophageal rupture that developed vomiting after the drinking as a cause 保坂亮介1, 山崎幸直1, 道上学1, 松永心祐1, 里見聡子1, 三原美香1, 西山悟1, 鳥居志充1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 36-36, 2019. |
25. One case that presented with a large quantity of ascitic fluid associated with Docetaxel during gastric cancer adjuvant postoperative treatment, and needed differentiation with the cancerous peritonitis 辻国広1, 木藤陽介1, 辻敏克2, 角谷慎一2, 土山寿志3 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 37-37, 2019. |
26. An example of the dermatomyositis that was resistant to immunosuppressive therapy, and showed symptom improvement after the gastric cancer excision 橋本聖史1, 木下淳1, 齋藤裕人1, 寺井志郎1, 岡本浩一1, 中村慶史1, 田島秀浩1, 二宮致1, 伏田幸夫1, 太田哲生1, 堀井幹喜2, 藤木明子2, 竹原和彦2 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 37-37, 2019. |
27. One case of early large-cell gastric endocrine cells cancer which we detected with bleeding 増永高晴1, 坂下俊樹1, 武藤綾子1, 岡本晶代1, 森下実2, 出村嘉隆2, 荒能義彦2, 野々村昭孝3 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 37-37, 2019. |
28. An example of the duodenal stricture by the permeation of the ureteral cancer which we were able to diagnose in EUS-FNA 笹川都1, 元尾伊織2, 植田優子2, 三原弘2, 安藤孝将2, 高嶋祐介2, 南條宗八2, 藤浪斗2, 梶浦新也2, 高橋孝輔2, 安田一朗2 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 37-37, 2019. |
29. One case that a paraduodenal papilla diverticulum made penetration to a duodenal descending limb 築田紗矢1, 大幸英喜1, 冨永桂1, 岡田和弘3, 海崎智恵1, 吉本勝博2, 黒阪慶幸2 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 38-38, 2019. |
30. Examination of the Kono-S anastomosis enforcement case for the Crohn's disease 加藤一希1, 中村慶史1, 寺井志郎1, 蒲田亮介1, 野村晧三1, 斎藤裕人1, 岡崎充善1, 平田美紀1, 石川聡子1, 大畠慶直1, 真橋宏幸1, 岡本浩一1, 中沼伸一1, 酒井清祥1, 牧野勇1, 木下淳1, 田島秀浩1, 二宮致1, 伏田幸夫1, 太田哲生1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 38-38, 2019. |
31. One case of the intestinal tuberculosis diagnosed with ileus 横田朋学1, 植田亮1, 時光善温1, 品川和子1, 圓谷朗雄1, 岡田和彦1, 加藤嘉一朗2, 前田宜廷3 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 38-38, 2019. |
32. Examination of the Ustekinumab remission maintenance case 吉田篤史1, 鍋田陽昭1, 白井真如紀1, 森川吉英1, 上野文昭1, 遠藤豊1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 38-38, 2019. |
33. One case of Toxic shock syndrome 清家拓哉1, 大溝知英1, 須田烈史1, 大石尚毅1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 39-39, 2019. |
34. One patient who was treated effectively with percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography varix embolization for a rectal varix 松江泰弘1, 尾崎一晶1, 利國信行1, 土島睦1, 沖村幸太朗2, 南哲弥2 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 39-39, 2019. |
35. One case of early colon cancer which was thought to be associated with a sarcoid response to stomach lesser curvature lymph node 萩原崚太1, 井上元気1, 木村真規子1, 川上巧1, 神野正隆1, 太田肇1, 米島學1, 林泰生2 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 39-39, 2019. |
36. One case of SE cancer of the 20mm size discovered with the right lower abdominal pain 櫻井尚子1, 高野暉1, 林援1, 太田雅文1, 堀田友映1, 林蘭仁1, 大塚俊美1, 中村正克1, 有沢富康1, 富田泰斗2, 藤田秀人2, 小坂健夫2, 黒瀬望3 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 39-39, 2019. |
37. One case of large intestine tumor which showed an adenomatous ingredient and neuroendocrine tumor ingredient in the same lesion 大和雅敏1, 稲垣慎吾1, 浅井純1, 柿木嘉平太1, 卜部健1, 丹羽秀樹2 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 40-40, 2019. |
38. One patient who presented with hematobilia from bile duct false aneurysm complicated with unresectable cancer of head of pancreas 谷口礼1, 稲田悠記1, 千葉智義1, 早川晃1, 冨田学1, 辻宏和1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 40-40, 2019. |
39. Two patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy for the gallbladder bleeding that we experienced in our hospital 渡辺和英1, 奥出輝夫1, 芝原一繁1, 佐々木正寿1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 40-40, 2019. |
40. Is hard to provide treatment in our hospital; a treatment strategy using the new cholangioscope for the bile duct stone (huge/strangulation calculus) 安田康平1, 西谷雅樹1, 中井亮太郎1, 渕崎宇一郎1, 宮森弘年1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 40-40, 2019. |
41. One case of the pregnancy merger ulcerative colitis that resulted in hypophosphatemia 三原美香1, 山崎剛明1, 保坂亮介1, 鳥居志充1, 西山悟1, 松永心祐1, 里見聡子1, 道上学1, 山崎幸直1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 41-41, 2019. |
42. One case of the asymptomatic splenic abscess that exploded in abdominal cavity after the antibiotic exposure start relatively early 熊井達男1, 代田幸博1, 方堂祐治1, 富田剛治2, 今井哲也2, 龍澤泰彦2, 若林時夫1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 41-41, 2019. |
43. One case of the abscess in the ventriculoperitoneal internal shunt-related pelvic cavity which presented a specific form 善田貴裕1, 中村彰伸1, 松江俊英1, 禿晃人1, 早稲田洋平1, 浜野直通1, 荒木一郎1, 尾島英介2, 中野達夫2 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 41-41, 2019. |
44. One case of the mesorectum panniculitis treated effectively with steroid 福井孝也1, 山田和俊1, 上野和音1, 小川憲彦1, 水野秀城1, 上山本伸治1 The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (129): 41-41, 2019. |