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Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui
Volume , Issue 13 / 2021
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
We think about the fecundity conservative treatment in the declining birthrate era some other time 梶山広明 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 2-2, 2021. |
To -1 step of dysmenorrhea - 大須賀穣 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 5-5, 2021. |
One case that led to septic shock with gynecologic surgery 山崎伸太郎, 金井貴弘, 三屋和子, 里見裕之, 細川久美子, 金嶋光夫 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 6-6, 2021. |
One patient who an ectocervical endometrial cyst failed, and underwent TLH 福田真, 杉田元気, 山本真, 佐藤久美子, 辻隆博, 田嶋公久 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 7-7, 2021. |
An example of schizophrenia merger uterus tumor which needed decision aiding 八代憲司, 加藤将人, 津吉秀昭, 品川明子, 折坂誠, 黒川哲司, 吉田好雄 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 8-8, 2021. |
One patient who was complicated with COVID-19 for pregnancy 28 weeks, and detected respiratory failure 道倉瑛里奈, 高橋仁, 藤田将行, 桝本咲子, 小林寛人, 堀芳秋, 加藤じゅん, 加藤三典, 田中政彰 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 9-9, 2021. |
Four cases that an obstetrician received palliative care by visit practice 倉田和巳 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 10-10, 2021. |
It is examined five cases using the fibrinogen preparation for massive bleeding 波々伯部隆紀, 鈴木秀文, 加藤正隆, 佐々木晴菜, 岡秀明 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 11-11, 2021. |
Self-sampling HPV examination ... for the young woman as attempt ... non-testee measures to uterine cervix cancer zero in Fukui 知野陽子1), 黒川哲司2), 大沼利通2), 品川明子2), 吉田好雄2), 大森淳子3), 小西宏4), 垣添忠生4) Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 12-12, 2021. |
With evidence of the endometriotic surgery, actually 岩瀬明 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 15-15, 2021. |
One case of the in utero candida infections symptom 西野千尋, 吉田雄貴, 飯藤弘光, 服部由香 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 16-16, 2021. |
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria merger pregnant one case that we delivered under the eculizumab administration 山内諒子, 堀芳秋, 荒木晧光, 桝本咲子, 高橋仁, 小林寛人, 加藤じゅん, 加藤三典, 田中政彰 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 17-17, 2021. |
An example of the cesarean operation scar part pregnancy that complicated DIC 加藤将人, 川村裕士, 中森あかり, 藤田将行, 井上大輔, 清水可奈子, 山田しず佳, 白藤文, 宮崎有美子, 高橋望, 玉村千代, 津吉秀昭, 品川明子, 折坂誠, 黒川哲司, 吉田好雄 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 18-18, 2021. |
One case that cancer of endometrium was detected after the hysteroscope lower endometrium cauterization 田嶋公久, 江坂有希恵, 山本真, 佐藤久美子, 福田真, 辻隆博 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 19-19, 2021. |
Experience of using Dinoprostone vaginal indwelling preparation (Propess) in our hospital 加藤正隆, 鈴木秀文, 岡秀明, 波々伯部隆紀, 佐々木晴菜 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 20-20, 2021. |
Can you predict the prolonged labour? 鈴木秀文, 佐々木晴菜, 加藤正隆, 波々伯部隆紀, 岡秀明 Proceedings of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fukui (13): 21-21, 2021. |