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The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 131 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article 1. From "this of LECS flapping in the Reiwa period"
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 4-4, 2021.

Japanese Article 2. "Gastrointestinal echography"
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 6-6, 2021.

Japanese Article 3. "The current situation and the future of the liver transplant"
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 8-8, 2021.

Japanese Article 4. "Endoscopic diagnosis, the treatment of the pancreas biliary tract domain"
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 10-10, 2021.

Japanese Article "Extension and a problem of the cancer genomic medicine"
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 14-14, 2021.

Japanese Article 01. One case of the elderly people progress cancer of the esophagus given Paclitaxel combination radiotherapy
宮島沙織1, 辻国広1, 木藤陽介1, 秋山晋一郎1, 野村浩樹1, 上野和音1, 宇都宮まなみ1, 川崎梓1, 中西宏佳1, 吉田尚弘1, 松永和大1, 辻重継1, 土山寿志1, 竹村健一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 33-33, 2021.

Japanese Article 02. One case of the progress gastric cancer which resulted in mass hematemesis by splenic artery permeation
熊井達男1, 清水吉晃1, 川上巧1, 原田憲一2,3, 太田肇1, 米島學1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 33-33, 2021.

Japanese Article 03. Treatment result of the laparoscopic pylorus side gastrectomy in our hospital
北野悠斗1, 柄田智也1, 加治正英1, 黒川祐貴1, 森康介1, 杉本優弥1, 所智和1, 倉田徹1, 河合俊輔1, 廣瀬淳史1, 林泰寛1, 天谷公司1, 吉川朱実1, 前田基一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 33-33, 2021.

Japanese Article 04. Examination of the treatment result according to the generation in the unresectable progress recurrent gastric cancer
辻国広1, 桃井午左衛門1, 北川浩太1, 早川晃1, 宮島沙織1, 宇都宮まなみ1, 川崎梓1, 木藤陽介1, 中西宏佳1, 吉田尚弘1, 松永和大1, 辻重継1, 土山寿志1, 竹村健一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 33-33, 2021.

Japanese Article 05. One case of the in front of art idiopathic greater omentum twisting that it was diagnosed and resected under the peritoneoscope
松中喬之1, 田口誠一1, 土山智邦1, 五井孝憲2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 34-34, 2021.

Japanese Article 06. It is ... from colonoscopy assistance bottom transdermal endoscopic gastrostomy - success and unsuccessful two cases that took effect in our hospital
本藤有智1, 平名浩史1, 河相覚1, 真野鋭志1, 小倉由起子2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 34-34, 2021.

Japanese Article 07. One case of the diospyrobezoar that Coca-Cola therapy and endoscopic crush resulted in ileus postoperatively
西野美智子1, 安田康平1, 中井亮太郎1, 矢野正明1, 辻宏和1, 寺田逸郎2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 34-34, 2021.

Japanese Article 08. One case of stomach origin inflammation-related myofibroblast-related tumor
庄司泰弘1, 藤森大輔1, 經田淳1, 角谷直孝1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 34-34, 2021.

Japanese Article 09. One case of stomach GIST metastases to ovary
坂井亜依1, 山口貴久1, 齋藤裕人1, 島田麻里1, 岡崎充善2, 高田智司2, 大畠慶直2, 寺井志郎1, 岡本浩一1, 中沼伸一2, 森山秀樹1, 牧野勇2, 木下淳1, 中村慶史1, 田島秀浩2, 二宮致1, 伏田幸夫1, 八木真太郎2, 稲木紀幸1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 35-35, 2021.

Japanese Article 10. Attempt - Reduced port surgery - from the D-LECS (duodenal - endoscopic laparoscopic joint surgery) surgery side
森康介1, 柄田智也1, 松田充2, 北野悠斗1, 竹中俊介1, 杉本優弥1, 所智和1, 倉田徹1, 河合俊輔1, 廣瀬淳史1, 林泰寛1, 天谷公司1, 吉川明実1, 加治正英1, 前田基一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 35-35, 2021.

Japanese Article 11. An example of the duodenal cancer that racked its brains about differentiation with acidophilic duodenitis
高野暉1, 林援1, 櫻井尚子1, 太田雅文1, 堀田友映1, 林蘭仁1, 大塚俊美1, 中村正克1, 宮田隆司2, 塩谷晃広3
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 35-35, 2021.

Japanese Article 12. One case of the mesentery origin desmoid without rectal cancer and the surgery history that we resected at the same time
竹中俊介1, 竹原朗1, 垣内大毅1, 毛利亮祐1, 奥出輝夫1, 渡邉和英1, 芝原一繁1, 佐々木正寿1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 35-35, 2021.

Japanese Article 13. One case of the pass genotype ischemia-related enteritis that we were able to observe by small intestine endoscopy over time from acute phase
水嶋崇臣1, 大谷昌弘2, 山下順貴2, 並川正一2, 山本有紗2, 翠洋平2, 村田陽介2, 菅田亮太郎2, 田中知子2, 野阪拓人2, 内藤達志2, 高橋和人2, 大藤和也2, 松田秀岳2, 平松活志2, 中本安成2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 36-36, 2021.

Japanese Article 14. One case of the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome which needed surgical resection for the frequent occurrence polyp of small intestine which repeated invagination of intestine
井田朝彩香1, 島田麻里1, 寺井志郎1, 蒲田亮介2, 齋藤裕人1, 高田智司2, 岡崎充善2, 山口貴久1, 大畠慶直2, 中沼伸一2, 岡本浩一1, 森山秀樹1, 牧野勇2, 木下淳1, 中村慶史1, 田島秀浩2, 二宮致1, 伏田幸夫1, 八木真太郎2, 稲木紀幸1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 36-36, 2021.

Japanese Article 15. One patient who underwent the laparoscopic small intestine segmental resection for the intussusception due to the ileal lipoma
勝木舞結1, 呉林秀崇1, 田海統之1, 澤井利次1, 森川充洋1, 小練研司1, 玉木雅人1, 村上真1, 廣野靖夫2, 五井孝憲1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 36-36, 2021.

Japanese Article 16. An example of the ileal overlap intestinal perforation treated with laparoscopic surgery
中山啓1, 竹下雅樹1, 芝原史記1, 山崎裕人1, 名倉慎人1, 渡邉利史1, 佐々木省三1, 藤村隆1, 野島孝之2, 齋藤勝彦2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 36-36, 2021.

Japanese Article 17. An example of the cytomegalovirus infection merger Meckle diverticulum bleeding that observed it, and was able to be treated endoscopic during chemotherapy
野村浩樹1, 木村真規子1, 山宮大典1, 朝日向良朗1, 西川昌志1, 小村卓也1, 加賀谷尚史1, 宗本将義2, 黒瀬望3
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 37-37, 2021.

Japanese Article 18. Example that presented pustulosis palmaris et plantaris after the adalimumab introduction for Crohn's disease
千葉智義1, 北原征明1, 北村和哉2, 亀田正二1, 加登康洋1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 37-37, 2021.

Japanese Article 19. An example of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis that needed time for a diagnosis
村山愛子1, 中谷敦子1, 蓮本祐史1, 大澤幸治1, 伊藤博行1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 37-37, 2021.

Japanese Article 20. One case of the carcinoid syndrome due to pulmonary large-cell neuroendocrine system cancer which presented chronic diarrhea
山本信1, 伊藤錬磨1, 大和雅敏1, 三輪一博1, 辻畑亜紀彦1, 又野豊1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 37-37, 2021.

Japanese Article 21. An example of the acute abdomen with suspected hereditary angioedema
吉田亮太1, 柳昌宏1, 須田烈史1, 大石尚毅1, 濱口儒人2, 松下栄紀1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 38-38, 2021.

Japanese Article 22. One patient who had a diagnosis of ascending colon carcinoma spongiosum
山田はな1, 辻国広1, 宮島沙織1, 木藤陽介1, 辻重継1, 竹村健一1, 山本大輔2, 野原淳3, 湊宏4
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 38-38, 2021.

Japanese Article 23. It is one patient using the BRAF inhibitor for an ascending colon cancer technique retroperitoneum dissemination recurrence
寺川裕史1, 田中宏幸1, 材木良輔1, 武居亮平1, 月岡雄治1, 寺田逸郎1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 38-38, 2021.

Japanese Article 24. Treatment result of the unresectable progress, medical therapy for recurrent colon cancer
木藤陽介1,2, 辻国広1,2, 宮島沙織2, 崎村祐介3, 林憲吾3, 山本大輔3, 土山寿志2,3, 竹村健一2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 38-38, 2021.

Japanese Article 25. Examination of the elderly people large intestine stenting case in our hospital
西谷雅樹1, 木戸秀典1, 梶喜一郎1, 佐伯昌一1, 東勇気1, 西島弘二1, 二上文夫1, 寺崎修一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 39-39, 2021.

Japanese Article 26. An example of lower rectal cancer which became a stump-positive distal by a vein infestation lesion
杉本優弥1, 廣瀬淳史1, 倉田徹1, 湯浅悠介1, 黒川祐貴1, 高長紘平1, 森康介1, 北野悠斗1, 所智和1, 河合俊輔1, 柄田智也1, 林泰寛1, 天谷公司1, 吉川朱実1, 加治正英1, 前田基一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 39-39, 2021.

Japanese Article 27. One case of Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) which occurred in pelvic cavity
関本周平1, 上山本伸治2, 釜田誠也2, 山形恒貴2, 山田和俊2, 水野秀城2, 齋藤勝彦3
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 39-39, 2021.

Japanese Article 28. An example of the HPV-related anal canal cancer complicated with HIV infection
鍵谷聡一郎1, 元尾伊織2, 安藤孝将2, 三原弘2, 作村美穂2, 南條宗八2, 藤浪斗2, 梶浦新也2, 安田一朗2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 39-39, 2021.

Japanese Article 29. One patient whom chemotherapy-related lipid hepatitis (chemotherapy-associated steatohepatitis (CASH)) that we experienced in our hospital is strongly suspected in
塚田健一郎1, 中山優吏佳1, 重田浩平1, 高木宏明1, 木田明彦1, 荒木康宏1, 澤崎拓郎1, 國谷等1, 寺田光宏1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 40-40, 2021.

Japanese Article 30. One case of the drug induced hepatic injury with fumarate dimethyl
伊藤顕太郎1, 林有花1, 村山愛子1, 田尻和人1, 峯村正実1, 高原照美1, 安田一朗1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 40-40, 2021.

Japanese Article 31. One patient who fever and a liver damage were detected after the infusion therapy in the BCG bladder, and had a diagnosis of a disseminated BCG infection
松森光司1,2, 織田典明1, 大溝知英1, 中島崇志1, 在原文教1, 松田耕一郎1, 松田充1, 高木宏明2, 小川浩平2, 酒井明人1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 40-40, 2021.

Japanese Article 32. One case of the protoporphyria that they presented with a liver damage, and presented specific MRI image views
幸明克典1, 砂子阪肇1, 田丸雄大1, 上野和音1, 平井博和1, 松尾俊紀1, 内藤慶英1, 波佐谷兼慶1, 海崎泰治2, 青柳裕之1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 40-40, 2021.

Japanese Article 33. One case of the liver angiomyolipoma which had difficulty in differentiation with the hepatocellular carcinoma
釜田誠也1, 丹尾幸樹1, 中川貴史1, 湊友佑1, 森田幸輝1, 川根太郎1, 野口綾1, 出島彰宏1, 高田昇1, 関晃裕1, 稲垣聡子1, 飯田宗穂1, 島上哲朗1, 荒井邦明1, 川口和紀1, 北村和哉1, 山下太郎1, 酒井佳夫1, 山下竜也1, 水腰英四郎1, 本多政夫1, 金子周一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 41-41, 2021.

Japanese Article 34. One case of the NASH origin decompensated cirrhosis given growth hormone replacement therapy for an adult growth hormone hyposecretion symptom
中尾萌音1, 田尻和人1, 伊藤顕太郎1, 村山愛子1, 林有花1, 安田一朗1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 41-41, 2021.

Japanese Article 35. One patient who was treated effectively with balloon lower backward movement characteristics transvenous embolization (B-RTO) for the hepatic encephalopathy by the portal vein circulation of blood shunts with the decreased renal function
西川智貴1, 竹越快1, 寺崎禎一1, 野田八嗣1, 川部秀人2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 41-41, 2021.

Japanese Article 36. An example of the left-sided portal hypertension that we splenectomized after the progress cancer of transverse colon technique in the eighth year
牧田直樹1, 大西一朗1, 萱原正都1, 宗本将義1, 八木康道1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 41-41, 2021.

Japanese Article 37. One case of the coma type acute hepatic failure with the amiodarone administration by IV infusion
田畑和久1,2, 時光善温3, 北村和紀1, 圓谷俊貴1, 徳永麻美1, 小林才人1, 植田亮4, 品川和子1, 岡田和彦1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 42-42, 2021.

Japanese Article 38. One case of hepatitis B that occurred during treatment of the autoimmune hepatitis
山本晃平1, 松川弘樹1, 沖野真理子1, 山川元太1, 野村能元1, 野村佳克1, 上田晃之1, 真田拓1, 渡邊弘之1, 野ツ俣和夫1, 登谷大修1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 42-42, 2021.

Japanese Article 39. Initial use experience of the Atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy in the true clinical practice
北村和紀1, 時光善温2, 田畑和久1,3, 圓谷俊貴1, 徳永麻美1, 小林才人1, 植田亮4, 品川和子1, 岡田和彦1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 42-42, 2021.

Japanese Article 40. It is one patient of the recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma after the operation that became hyper progressive disease by Atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy
竹内勇太1, 酒井明人1, 大溝知英1, 松森光司1, 中島崇志1, 織田典明1, 在原文教1, 松田耕一郎1, 松田充1, 高木宏明2, 小川浩平2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 42-42, 2021.

Japanese Article 41. One case of the poorly-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma which was able to continue Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab therapy by Prednisolone combination for the irAE colitis
水屋賢太1, 松田秀岳1, 山下順貴1, 並川正一1, 山本有紗1, 翠洋平1, 村田陽介1, 菅田亮太郎1, 田中知子1, 野阪拓人1, 高橋和人1, 内藤達志1, 大藤和也1, 大谷昌弘1, 平松活志1, 中本安成1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 43-43, 2021.

Japanese Article 42. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma which was thought to regress by ischemia spontaneously
津村崇1, 久保田龍一1, 尾崎一晶1, 立石洪平1, 村上慧1, 楠野颯樹1, 山形光慶1, 野村匡晃1, 平川祐希1, 湊貴浩1, 齊藤隆1, 福村敦1, 利國信行1, 土島睦1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 43-43, 2021.

Japanese Article 43. Example that accepted sudden breathing state aggravation all over the course of the progress hepatocellular carcinoma
伊藤聡1, 田尻和人1, 渡邊かすみ1, 花岡辰行1, 荒木康弘1, 高橋孝輔1, 安田一朗1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 43-43, 2021.

Japanese Article 44. An example of the inflammatory pseudotumor that participation of the methotrexate was inferred
竹田康人1, 方堂祐治1, 代田幸博1, 若林時夫1, 上田善道2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 43-43, 2021.

Japanese Article 45. One case of the inflammatory pseudotumor which pancreatic cancer liver metastases and differentiation needed
高山秀雄1, 堀井里和1, 加藤雅晃1, 竹村直起1, 川瀬翔太郎1, 宮澤正樹1, 林智之1, 中河秀俊1, 寺島健志1, 山田真也1, 鷹取元1, 荒井邦明1, 川口和紀1, 北村和哉1, 山下太郎1, 酒井佳夫1, 山下竜也1, 水腰英四郎1, 本多政夫1, 金子周一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 44-44, 2021.

Japanese Article 46. One case of the multi-partition gallbladder discovered with liver function abnormality by medical examination
保坂亮介1, 山崎幸直1, 道上学1, 里見聡子1, 松永心祐1, 三原美香1, 西山悟1, 鳥居志充1, 山崎剛明1, 永井将也1, 土居幸司1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 44-44, 2021.

Japanese Article 47. One patient who underwent EUS-HGS for a bile duct good nature stenosis
桃井午左衛門1, 松永和大1, 北川浩太1, 早川晃1, 宮島沙織1, 宇都宮まなみ1, 川崎梓1, 木藤陽介1, 中西宏佳1, 辻国広1, 吉田尚弘1, 辻重継1, 土山寿志1, 竹村健一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 44-44, 2021.

Japanese Article 48. One case of follicular cholangitis which differentiation with the distal cholangiocarcinoma was difficult and resected
東雄大1, 小練研司1, 嶋田通明1, 田海統之1, 呉林秀崇1, 澤井利次1, 森川充洋1, 村上真1, 廣野靖夫2, 五井孝憲1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 44-44, 2021.

Japanese Article 49. One patient who presented with isolated liver metastases recurrence in 10 years after pancreas endocrinoma excision, and did radical excision
北恵太1, 高田佳子1, 里村恵輔1, 石田晃介1, 岡村利之1, 河合博志1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 45-45, 2021.

Japanese Article 50. One case of the pancreatic abscess that had difficulty in pancreatic cancer and differentiation derived from nipple mucinous tumor (IPMN) in the pancreatic duct
坂本裕生1, 恩地英年2, 大槻忠艮2, 麻生慶子2, 泉俊昌2, 山口明夫3, 五井孝憲1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 45-45, 2021.

Japanese Article 51. All de-case of invasive pancreatic duct cancer which occurred frequently in pancreas
所智和1, 天谷公司1, 林泰寛1, 森康介1, 北野悠斗1, 杉本優弥1, 倉田徹1, 河合俊輔1, 廣瀬淳史1, 柄田智也1, 吉川朱実1, 加治正英1, 前田基一1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 45-45, 2021.

Japanese Article 52. Robot support lower body of pancreas tailpiece ablative safe introduction and the usefulness
深澤美奈1, 渋谷和人1, 木村七菜1, 山峯直樹1, 櫻井太郎1, 金谷瑛美1, 伊藤綾香1, 荒木美聡1, 酒井彩乃1, 馬場逸人1, 平野勝久1, 渡辺徹1, 三輪武史1, 五十嵐隆通1, 北條荘三1, 松井恒志1, 吉岡伊作1, 奥村知之1, 藤井努1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 45-45, 2021.

Japanese Article 53. One case of colon cancer metastases to pancreas with the extension in the pancreatic duct
堀尾浩晃1, 寺田卓郎1, 山田翔1, 宗本義則1, 三井毅1, 中沼安二2
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 46-46, 2021.

Japanese Article 54. An example of the FGF23-related hypophosphatemia with the saccharated iron oxide preparation which we had pointed out during treatment of the pancreatic cancer
勝木航志1, 大幸英喜1, 岡田和弘1, 海崎智恵1, 冨永桂1
The Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 46-46, 2021.