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The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 131 / 2019
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
1). The total management of chronic hepatitis, the cirrhosis 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 16-17, 2019. |
2). The current situation and problem in the pancreatic cyst-related disease 原和生 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 18-19, 2019. |
3). Endoscopic practice for the early gastric cancer 藤城光弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 20-21, 2019. |
4). The latest diagnosis and treatment of diseases of oesophagus 片岡洋望 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 22-23, 2019. |
S1-1. Examination of the dabigatran origin-related esophagitis in our hospital 隈井大介, 林則之, 祖父江聡 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 30-30, 2019. |
S1-2. Factor associated with the presence or absence of symptom of patients with acidophilic esophagitis 室井航一, 宮原良二, 藤城光弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 30-30, 2019. |
S1-3. Nivolumab for the unresectable progress, recurrent gastric cancer in our hospital 小野聡, 森義徳, 妹尾恭司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 30-30, 2019. |
S1-4. About possibility of 3 persons sequential combination therapy of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, the cancer immune therapy for the progress gastric cancer 坂元直行1, 田中修2, 八木信明1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 30-30, 2019. |
S1-5. Usefulness of probe type cofocus laser endoscopy (pCLE) in the gastric epithelium-related tumor diagnosis 堀口徳之, 寺田剛, 大宮直木 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 31-31, 2019. |
S1-6. Usefulness of the end truck in esophagus, stomach ESD in our hospital 山本怜, 久永康宏, 北畠秀介 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 31-31, 2019. |
S1-7. Examination of the expiration CO2 monitoring at under sedation CO2 supply of air stomach ESD 高田淳, 荒木寛司, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 31-31, 2019. |
S1-8. Usefulness of capsule endoscopic diagnosis support software Top100 with the artificial intelligence 前田晃平, 鎌野俊彰, 大宮直木 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 31-31, 2019. |
S1-9. Universal screening of the Lynch's syndrome in colon cancer 大西祥代1, 田近正洋1, 井本逸勢2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 32-32, 2019. |
S1-10. Examination about the usefulness of the intestinal tract washings pico prep in patients with ulcerative colitis 齋藤雅之, 岩瀬弘明, 島田昌明 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 32-32, 2019. |
S1-11. Examination of the revival ratio after the antiTNF α antibody medicine remission maintenance administration cancellation in the ulcerative colitis 尾関啓司, 谷田諭史, 片岡洋望 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 32-32, 2019. |
S1-12. Examination of the effectiveness of Vedolizumab for the ulcerative colitis in our hospital 竹内一訓, 浜島英司, 神岡諭郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 32-32, 2019. |
S1-13. Examination of NUDT15 genetic polymorphism and the clinical picture in the ulcerative colitis 樋口道雄, 山田雅弘, 浦野文博 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 33-33, 2019. |
S1-14. When is the condition of a patient evaluation in MRenterocolonography (MREC) for the Crohn's disease in our hospital? 貫井嵩之, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 33-33, 2019. |
S2-1. Attempt of the condition of a patient evaluation in the chronic liver disease using the serum copeptin level 重福隆太, 岩佐元雄, 竹井謙之 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 34-34, 2019. |
S2-2. Follow-up of the liver fat degree and the liver hardness by FibroScan of patients with fatty liver given a nutrition education 田中大貴, 平嶋昇, 島田昌明 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 34-34, 2019. |
S2-3. Examination of the liver cancer proton radiotherapy in our hospital 木村吉秀, 小島尚代, 妹尾恭司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 34-34, 2019. |
S2-4. Suggestion of the new convalescence predictor in the on admission of the acute pancreatitis 神野成臣, 堀寧, 内藤格 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 34-34, 2019. |
S2-5. Examination of the usefulness of SRS for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor 孝田博輝, 桑原崇通, 原和生 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 35-35, 2019. |
S2-6. Examination about the differential diagnosis of invasive cancer/coexistence pancreatic cancer derived from IPMN using contrasting endoscopic ultrasonography (CE-EUS) 八鹿潤, 大野栄三郎, 藤城光弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 35-35, 2019. |
S2-7. The effectiveness of the S-1 combination proton radiotherapy for the local progress pancreatic cancer 平野敦之, 土田研司, 妹尾恭司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 35-35, 2019. |
S2-8. Treatment result of Conversion Surgery for the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer 三田直樹, 岩下拓司, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 35-35, 2019. |
S2-9. Is the biliary cell block specimen which we dissolve it in biliary tract malignancy diagnosis and made than ENBD drainage more useful than choler cytodiagnosis? 奥野充1, 渡部直樹2, 向井強1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 36-36, 2019. |
S2-10. A diagnosis and treatment of Nivolumab-related cholangitis 浦壁憲司, 奥村文浩, 水島隆史 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 36-36, 2019. |
S2-11. It is examined safety and the usefulness of the looking straight convex type ultrasonic endoscope for bile duct, the pancreatic duct jejunum anastomotic stricture after the pancreatoduodenectomy 佐藤純也, 石渡裕俊, 金子淳一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 36-36, 2019. |
S2-12. Examination of calculus treatment using SpyGlass(TM) DS in our hospital 重福亜紀奈, 山田玲子, 井上宏 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 36-36, 2019. |
S2-13. Combined side-by-side and stent-in-stent method (the SBSIS method) for the hepatic portal region malignancy bile duct stricture 井上匡央, 伊藤清顕, 米田政志 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 37-37, 2019. |
S2-14. Usefulness of the nutritional index in the preoperation as the convalescence predictor of the distal cholangiocarcinoma excision case of immunity 野口大介, 栗山直久, 水野修吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 37-37, 2019. |
01. An example of the gastric cancer which showed long-term effect of treatment after the nivolumab cancellation by early irAE 冨田優作, 森義徳, 金岩弘樹, 山口彩菜, 寺島明里, 田中翔, 小野聡, 内田絵理香, 野村智史, 小島尚代, 平野敦之, 木村吉秀, 土田研司, 妹尾恭司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 58-58, 2019. |
02. An example of the stomach glomangioma which it was diagnosed in EUS-FNA in preoperation and was able to resect under the laparoscopic adjuvant 小倉正臣1, 畑中友秀1, 赤尾希美1, 大森隆夫1, 濱田賢司1, 金兒博司1, 田岡大樹1, 鶴賀聡美2, 松崎晋平2, 向克巳2, 馬場洋一郎3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 58-58, 2019. |
03. One case of the paraduodenal papilla diverticulum bleeding that we were able to stop bleeding of by transcatheter artery embolization 加藤彩, 竹内真実子, 齋藤洋一郎, 宇野女慎二, 尾崎玄, 山中裕貴, 鈴木貴也, 近藤重明, 安藤雅能, 浅井清也, 林大樹朗, 石原誠, 細井努 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 58-58, 2019. |
04. The current situation of the PEG-J construction for LCIG therapy introduction in our hospital 平井恵子1, 宮原良二1, 古川和宏1, 鈴木智彦1, 古根聡2, 鈴木将史3, 中村友彦3, 勝野雅央3, 藤城光弘1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 58-58, 2019. |
05. One case of stomach origin mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma 荘加道太, 清水大, 栗本景介, 園原史訓, 猪川祥邦, 高見秀樹, 服部憲史, 林真路, 神田光郎, 田中千恵, 小林大介, 山田豪, 中山吾郎, 小池聖彦, 小寺泰弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 59-59, 2019. |
06. 1 excision case of the stomach neuroendocrine system basalioma 中村俊太, 田端正己, 中邑信一朗, 瀬木祐樹, 藤村侑, 出崎良輔, 小林基之, 大澤一郎, 岩田真, 三田孝行 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 59-59, 2019. |
07. One case of duodenal NET-G1 末澤誠朗, 丸田真也, 北村雅一, 近藤真也, 田中達也, 植月有希子 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 59-59, 2019. |
08. One case of the EBV-related lymphocytic infiltration gastric cancer given ESD 山浦暢晃, 青井広典, 細野幸太, 小池剛, 水野史崇, 大塚利彦, 平松美緒, 山田弘志, 藤田孝義, 飯塚昭男 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 59-59, 2019. |
09. One case of the differentiation type dominant undifferentiated mixture type gastric cancer that caused a peritoneal dissemination recurrence four years after adaptation expansion curative resection 荒井南絵, 井上智司, 海老正秀, 舟木康, 小笠原尚高, 佐々木誠人, 春日井邦夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 60-60, 2019. |
10. Sarcopenia is a risk factor of the upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique of elderly people-related aspiration pneumonia 荒尾真道1,2, 岩田翔太1,2, 水谷拓1, 小澤範高1, 久保田全哉1, 今井健二1, 井深貴士1, 荒木寛司1, 清水雅仁1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 60-60, 2019. |
11. Have a diagnosis in Ball valve syndrome, one case of stomach type adenoma who had the acute pancreatitis 光松佑時1, 神岡諭郎1, 浜島英司1, 中江康之1, 仲島さより1, 神田裕大1, 山本崇文1, 竹内一訓1, 福沢一馬1, 二村侑歩1, 吉川幸愛1, 井本正巳1, 伊藤誠2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 60-60, 2019. |
12. An example of the gallstone ileus of super elderly women 岩田翔太, 宇野由佳里, 荒尾真道, 今井奨, 白子順子, 清島満 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 60-60, 2019. |
13. One case of the ileus which occurred by the seminal long-term retention of the plum 大橋洋祐1, 田口大輔1, 水谷しの1, 足達広和1, 安田陽一1, 大島靖弘1, 杉山宏1, 今井直基2, 杉山誠治3, 松永研吾3, 山田鉄也3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 61-61, 2019. |
14. Examination of the usefulness of the small intestine capsule endoscope in small intestine tumor 加納佑一, 山田雅弘, 内藤岳人, 松原浩, 山本英子, 坂巻慶一, 溝上雅也, 高田善久, 樋口道雄, 浦野文博 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 61-61, 2019. |
15. An example of the mesentery origin GIST which was available for a preoperation diagnosis in EUS-FNA 武仲祐弥, 近藤啓, 小山哲生, 駒井洋彦, 森俊敬, 荒木幸子, 西垣信宏, 田中義人, 長谷川千尋, 伊藤恵介, 川合孝 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 61-61, 2019. |
16. One patient whom sigmoid colon cancer postoperatively ischemic proctitis developed in 浜口幸大, 橋本章, 大和浩乃, 服部愛司, 小野隆裕, 田中隆光, 田原雄一, 青木雅俊, 福家洋之, 河俣浩之, 脇田喜弘, 清水敦哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 61-61, 2019. |
17. An example of the Yersinia enterocolitis 夏目淳太郎, 藤田孝義, 飯塚昭男, 山田弘志, 青井広典, 平松美緒, 大塚利彦, 水野史崇, 小池剛 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 62-62, 2019. |
18. One case of the intussusception that assumed colitis due to the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 leading part 上田駿介, 福原貴太郎, 武田実莉, 木村領佑, 早川諒祐, 佐野泰樹, 河合歩, 鈴木博貴, 黒石健吾, 濱村啓介, 高橋好朗, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 62-62, 2019. |
19. Examination of the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli outbreaks case that we experienced in our hospital 佐藤大輝, 星野弘典, 吉井重人, 景岡正信, 大畠昭彦, 寺井智宏, 山本晃大, 矢野庄悟, 稲垣圭佑, 山田裕, 丸山保彦 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 62-62, 2019. |
20. One case of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome which accepted improvement of the overall status in steroid administration and central venous hyperalimentation 草間大輔1, 江上貴俊1, 武部友寛1, 尾上峻也1, 大庭行正1, 山崎哲1, 佐原秀1, 栗山茂1, 岩岡泰志1, 影山富士人1, 大塚駿介2, 森弘樹2, 小澤享史2, 金岡繁1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 62-62, 2019. |
21. One case of acidophilic polyangiitis-related granulomatosis (EGPA) where we received abdominal pain for main complaint, and colonoscopic examination was useful for a diagnosis 水野史崇, 藤田孝義, 飯塚昭男, 山田弘志, 青井広典, 平松美緒, 大塚利彦, 小池剛 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 63-63, 2019. |
22. One case that suffered from immune-mediated adverse event (irAE) colitis 菅田亮太郎, 大西浩史, 河辺健太郎, 飛鳥井香紀, 高口裕規, 岡本泰幸, 井上裕介, 長谷川泉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 63-63, 2019. |
23. One case of the cytomegalovirus merger nivolumab-related colitis that occurred three months after the end of the nivolumab chronic administration for the non-small cell lung cancer 眞鍋藍璃1, 佐野宗孝1, 萬治福匡1, 高橋悟1, 川崎真佑1, 山形真碁1, 渡邉幸弘1, 寺澤康之1, 久力権2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 63-63, 2019. |
24. An example of systemic AL amyloidosis diagnosed with a large intestine lesion 丹羽智之1, 芳澤社1, 大城恵吾1, 吉井元1, 山田洋介1, 山中力行1, 杉浦喜一1, 木次健介1, 木全政晴1, 室久剛1, 長澤正通1, 細田佳佐1, 新井義文2, 大月寛郎2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 63-63, 2019. |
25. A case of Crohn's disease suspected of acute gastric mucosal lesion with oral administration of PENTASA (R) granules 二村侑歩, 浜島英司, 中江康之, 神岡諭郎, 仲島さより, 神田裕大, 山本崇文, 竹内一訓, 福沢一馬, 吉川幸愛, 井本正巳 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 64-64, 2019. |
26. One patient who was treated effectively with steroid for bowel outside the territorial jurisdiction complications of the ulcerative colitis that was main for arthralgia 美濃輪大介, 千住明彦, 市川広直, 中村みき, 水谷拓, 佐竹智行, 高田淳, 久保田全哉, 井深貴士, 荒木寛司, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 64-64, 2019. |
27. Initial treatment results of the tofacitinib for the ulcerative colitis in our hospital 池上脩二1, 中村正直1, 山村健史2, 前田啓子2, 澤田つな騎2, 水谷泰之1, 石川恵里1, 西川貴広1, 久野剛史1, 服部峻1, 山田啓策1, 石川卓哉1, 古川和宏1, 大野栄三郎1, 宮原良二1, 川嶋啓揮1, 藤城光弘1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 64-64, 2019. |
28. Large intestine diffuse-related angiomatous one case 原田貴仁, 平田慶和, 河村逸外, 服部礼佳, 隈井大介, 山本友輝, 小島悠揮, 安達明央, 林則之, 池内寛和, 高田博樹, 祖父江聡 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 64-64, 2019. |
29. One patient who was operated on for large intestine MALT lymphoma, and was under the medical treatment 木村領佑, 小柳津竜樹, 田中俊夫, 濱村啓介, 黒石健吾, 鈴木博貴, 河合歩, 佐野泰樹, 早川諒介 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 65-65, 2019. |
30. One case of 7mm rectum NET discovered in CT colonograhy 清水典久, 飛鳥井香紀, 土井拓矢, 大西浩史, 菅田亮太郎, 河辺健太郎, 高口裕規, 岡本泰幸, 井上裕介, 長谷川泉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 65-65, 2019. |
31. An example of descending colon stoma region cancer which developed to long-term survivors obtained by aggressive surgery for rectal cancer local recurrence, liver metastases 田中綾1, 上原圭介1, 相場利貞1, 田中綾1, 山東雅紀1, 米川佳彦1, 大原規彰1, 渡辺伸元1, 尾上俊介1, 宮田一志1, 山口淳平1, 水野隆史1, 深谷昌秀1, 伊神剛1, 横山幸浩1, 江畑智希1, 服部憲史2, 中山吾郎2, 小寺泰弘2, 梛野正人1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 65-65, 2019. |
32. One case of the BRAF variant multiple liver metastases where hepatectomy was effective 田中綾1, 上原圭介1, 相場利貞1, 小倉淳司1, 山東雅紀1, 米川佳彦1, 大原規彰1, 渡辺伸元1, 尾上俊介1, 宮田一志1, 山口淳平1, 水野隆史1, 深谷昌秀1, 伊神剛1, 横山幸浩1, 江畑智希1, 服部憲史2, 中山吾郎2, 小寺泰弘2, 梛野正人1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 65-65, 2019. |
33. An example of the gallbladder adenomyoma symptom which presented an upheaval-related mass of approximately 1cm of the sub-caulescent 畑野颯佑1, 星野弘典1, 吉井重人1, 景岡正信1, 大畠昭彦1, 寺井智宏1, 山本晃大1, 矢野庄悟1, 稲垣圭佑1, 山田裕1, 東正樹2, 丸山保彦1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 66-66, 2019. |
34. An example of false cholelithiasis with the ceftriaxone administration that we were able to diagnose by a diachronic image comparison 伊藤達弘, 小池弘太, 池田誉, 高柳泰宏, 窪田裕幸 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 66-66, 2019. |
35. One case of the gallbladder cancer which coexisted for the xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis that we were able to diagnose in EUS-FNA 荒木幸子, 近藤啓, 武仲祐弥, 小山哲生, 駒井洋彦, 森俊敬, 西垣信宏, 田中義人, 伊藤恵介, 長谷川千尋, 川合孝 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 66-66, 2019. |
36. One case of the local xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis that occurred after percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography gallbladder suction puncture law (PTGBA) 石本智也1, 山田裕1, 吉井重人1, 景岡正信1, 大畠昭彦1, 寺井智宏1, 星野弘典1, 山本晃大1, 稲垣圭佑1, 矢野庄悟1, 丸山保彦1, 東正樹2, 前間篤2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 66-66, 2019. |
37. An example of the Mirizzi syndrome which we investigated thoroughly using oral cholangioscope 風呂井学, 金森明, 谷川誠, 久永康宏, 豊田秀徳, 北畠秀介, 安田諭, 東堀諒, 犬飼庸介, 山本怜, 三宅望, 小藪敬尋, 塩田祥平, 桐山勢生 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 67-67, 2019. |
38. One case that oral cholangioscope lower lithotripsy was effective for a bile duct stone complicated with the bile duct stricture after the liver transplant 樋口正美1, 木村有志1, 全秀嶺1, 中西孝之1, 河口順二1, 淺野剛之1, 早崎直行1, 杉原潤一1, 伊藤康文1, 田上真1, 松波英寿2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 67-67, 2019. |
39. One patient whom hemostasis coil for the hepatic artery aneurysm explosion deviated in bile duct, and cholangitis developed in 嶋田貴仁, 岩田圭介, 小瀬直統, 谷口裕紀, 吉田泰之, 入谷壮一, 吉田健作, 丸田明範, 小澤範高, 永野淳二, 安藤暢洋, 山崎健路, 清水省吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 67-67, 2019. |
40. One patient who complicated duodenal stricture in IgG4-sc 山田健太, 川嶋啓揮, 大野栄三郎, 石川卓哉, 田中浩敬, 飯田忠, 西尾亮, 鈴木博貴, 植月康太, 八鹿潤, 芳川昌功, 宜保憲明, 青木聡典, 片岡邦夫, 森裕, 藤城光弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 67-67, 2019. |
41. One case of BillN3 with the distal bile duct stricture 倉田一成, 井上宏之, 重福亜紀奈, 黒田直起, 坪井順哉, 山田玲子, 梅田悠平, 三浦広嗣, 作野隆, 中村美咲, 濱田康彦, 葛原正樹, 田中匡介, 堀木紀行, 竹井謙之 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 68-68, 2019. |
42. One case of bile duct origin Mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine neoplasm 神野つかさ, 廣岡芳樹, 橋本千樹, 川部直人, 中野卓二, 中岡和徳, 大城昌史, 越智友花, 宮地小百合, 高村知希, 倉下貴光, 宮地洋平, 三井有紗, 吉岡健太郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 68-68, 2019. |
43. One case of extrahepatic bile duct origin neuroendocrine system cancer which we were able to pathologically diagnose preoperatively 田島万莉, 菊池正和, 野々垣浩二, 杉原有紀, 越山彩香, 白水将憲, 金沢哲広, 水野創太, 柳瀬成希, 柳澤直宏, 榊原聡介, 下郷友弥, 印牧直人 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 68-68, 2019. |
44. One case of intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma and the liver inflammatory pseudotumor which it was hard to differentiate 濱野愛1, 山田玲子1, 倉田一成1, 重福亜紀奈1, 黒田直起1, 坪井順哉2, 井上宏之1, 竹井謙之1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 68-68, 2019. |
45. 2 cases of the aorta intestinal fistula which we experienced in our hospital 瀧川聖矢, 恩田奈央子, 安田桂, 高田直樹, 間下恵里奈, 熊谷成将, 酒井大輔, 松浦倫三郎, 側島友, 平松武, 金森信一, 水谷恵至 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 69-69, 2019. |
46. One case of the Crohn's disease suspicion that caused hemorrhagic shock by ileal haemorrhage 吉川幸愛1, 浜島英司1, 神岡諭郎1, 中江康之1, 仲島さより1, 神田裕大1, 山本崇文1, 竹内一則1, 福沢一馬1, 二村侑歩1, 光松佑時1, 井本正巳1, 伊藤誠2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 69-69, 2019. |
47. One patient who ischemic enteritis developed with dehydration, and underwent ileocecum resection for secondary protein losing gastroenteropathy 春木祐司1, 加藤憲治1, 川口瑛久1, 中橋央棋1, 正見勇太1, 藤永和寿1, 谷口健太郎1, 野呂智仁2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 69-69, 2019. |
48. An example of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis that complicated cornification type scabies 小山恵司, 舩坂好平, 山田日向, 寺田剛, 吉田大, 尾崎隼人, 堀口徳之, 大森崇史, 城代康貴, 前田晃平, 小村成臣, 大久保正明, 鎌野俊彰, 長坂光夫, 中川義仁, 柴田知行, 大宮直木 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 69-69, 2019. |
49. An example of the sponge dog hemangioma of the hepatoduodenal ligament which suffered from a diagnosis in preoperation 尭天一亨, 水野修吾, 小松原春菜, 中川勇希, 前田光貴, 新貝達, 野口大介, 早崎碧泉, 藤井武宏, 飯澤祐介, 加藤宏之, 村田泰洋, 種村彰洋, 栗山直久, 岸和田昌之, 櫻井洋至 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 70-70, 2019. |
50. Example that combined modality therapy was successful for the multiple hepatocellular carcinoma which occurred after chronic hepatitis C IFN treatment SVR8 year 倉下貴光, 三井有紗, 宮地洋平, 高村知希, 越智友花, 大城昌史, 中岡和徳, 中野卓二, 川部直人, 橋本千樹, 廣岡芳樹, 吉岡健太郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 70-70, 2019. |
51. One case of liver reactive lymphoid hyperplasia where had difficulty in differentiation with the metastatic liver tumor 杉山由晃, 石上雅敏, 吉岡直輝, 水野和幸, 武藤久哲, 横山晋也, 田中卓, 山本健太, 伊藤隆徳, 石津洋二, 葛谷貞二, 本多隆, 藤城光弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 70-70, 2019. |
52. An example of spontaneous liver focal nodular hyperplasia which dissipated 足立政治1, 小木曽英介1, 高田英里1, 馬淵正敏1, 堀部陽平1, 岩間みどり1, 山内治1, 齋藤公志郎1, 浅野隆彦2, 山田鉄也3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 70-70, 2019. |
53. One case of the splenic symptom in the liver 山田裕1, 星野弘典1, 吉井重人1, 景岡正信1, 大畠昭彦1, 寺井智宏1, 山本晃大1, 稲垣圭佑1, 矢野庄悟1, 丸山保彦1, 東正樹2, 前間篤2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 71-71, 2019. |
54. Clinical examination of the hepatitis E in our hospital 中畑由紀, 林完成, 向井理英子, 尾松達司, 坂元直行, 大洞昭博, 八木信明, 小島孝雄 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 71-71, 2019. |
55. One case of the liver hemochromatosis by the oral iron medicine long-term internal use discovered with a common bile duct stone 宮地達郎, 白井修, 氏原正樹, 森島大雅 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 71-71, 2019. |
56. One case of adult onset EBV association blood corpuscle food eating habit lymph histiocytosis that liver biopsy was useful 服部愛司, 河俣浩之, 大和浩乃, 小野隆裕, 田中隆光, 田原雄一, 青木雅俊, 福家洋之, 宮田恵里, 橋本章, 脇田喜弘, 清水敦哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 71-71, 2019. |
57. One case of the severe form alcoholic hepatitis that we were complicated with significant leukocyte rise and acute respiratory distress syndrome and were able to save in sustained hemofiltration dialysis, granulocytes adsorption therapy, plasma exchange, and the like 佐藤翔太, 佐野泰樹, 武田実莉, 上田駿介, 早川諒祐, 木村領佑, 河合歩, 鈴木博貴, 黒石健吾, 濱村啓介, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 72-72, 2019. |
58. Two cases of the intractable pleural effusion that the pleurodesis that used the continuous positive airway pressure method together succeeded 堀田尋紀, 内藤岳人, 山田雅弘, 松原浩, 山田英子, 坂巻慶一, 溝上雅也, 樋口道雄, 高田喜久, 加納佑一, 浦野文博 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 72-72, 2019. |
59. One case of the cancer of head of pancreas which resulted in a thrombotic microangiopathy symptom during Gemcitabine + nab-Paclitaxel therapy 北野礼奈1, 井上匡央1, 越野昌子2, 長谷羽奈子2, 小林佑次1, 指宿麻悠1, 木本慧1, 大橋知彦1, 中出幸臣1, 角田圭雄1, 伊藤清顕1, 米田政志1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 72-72, 2019. |
60. An example of the unresectable progress pancreatic acinus basalioma which was diagnosed in EUS-FNA, and was given chemotherapy 藤井洋一1, 山出美穂子1, 大澤恵2, 古田隆久3, 岩泉守哉4, 濱屋寧1, 鏡卓馬1, 谷伸也2, 石田夏樹1, 石黒友也1, 杉本健1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 72-72, 2019. |
61. One case of pancreatic duct intussusceptum-formed theloncus (ITPN) which was available for a preoperation diagnosis 蓑輪彬久1, 大岩拓矢1, 浦壁憲司1, 貫井嵩之1, 石原亮1, 鬼頭佑輔1, 鈴木雄太1, 羽根田賢一1, 藤田恭明1, 塚本宏延1, 水島隆史1, 奥村文浩1, 梶川真樹2, 渡邉和子3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 73-73, 2019. |
62. A case of osteoclast-like giant cell type anaplastic pancreatic cancer with a flat ridge in the duodenum 松林宏行, 金子淳一, 佐藤純也, 佐藤辰宣, 石渡裕俊, 吉田将雄, 籔内洋平, 角嶋直美, 滝沢耕平, 岸田圭弘, 伊藤紗代, 今井健一郎, 堀田欣一, 小野裕之 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 73-73, 2019. |
63. Examination about the rate of detection of SRS for GEP-NET in our hospital 鳥山和浩1, 中村正直1, 山村健史2, 前田啓子2, 澤田つな騎2, 水谷泰之1, 梶川豪1, 橋口裕樹1, 村手健太郎1, 喜田裕一1, 江崎正哉1, 濱崎元伸1, 山田健太朗1, 長谷川一成1, 石川卓哉1, 古川和宏1, 大野栄三郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 73-73, 2019. |
64. Two cases of the obstructive pancreatitis associated with the pancreas malignant tumor that ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic duct stomach anastomoses were effective 榎本祥吾, 林大樹朗, 齋藤洋一郎, 宇野女慎二, 尾崎玄, 山中裕貴, 鈴木貴也, 近藤重明, 安藤雅能, 浅井清也, 石原誠, 細井努, 竹内真実子 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 73-73, 2019. |
65. One case that performed a body of pancreas tailpiece resection for the intrathoracic penetration pancreas body cyst-related lesion where we had, and was able to have a diagnosis of acidophilic pancreatitis 河村逸外1, 高田博樹1, 原田貴仁1, 服部礼佳1, 隈井大介1, 山本友輝1, 安達明央1, 小島悠揮1, 池内寛和1, 林則之1, 平田慶和1, 祖父江聡1, 藤枝裕倫2, 山口竜三2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 74-74, 2019. |
66. One case of the autoimmune pancreatitis with suspected merger of the acidophilic pancreatitis 武田昌大1, 寺田修三1, 川口真矢1, 河嶋健1, 浅原和久1, 大津卓也1, 増井雄一1, 榎田浩平1, 松田昌範1, 板井良輔1, 川合麻実1, 遠藤伸也1, 黒上貴史1, 白根尚文1, 大野和也1, 村松彩2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 74-74, 2019. |
67. An example of the autoimmune pancreatitis in acknowledgment of the merger of the intraabdominal mass 大内祐介, 田野俊介, 鈴木寛人, 奥瀬博亮, 笠井智佳, 堀池眞一郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 74-74, 2019. |
68. One case of the limited-stage autoimmune pancreatitis who had the left hydronephrosis due to the retroperitoneal fibrosis 早川諒祐, 上田駿介, 武田実莉, 木村領佑, 佐野泰樹, 河合歩, 鈴木博貴, 黒石健吾, 福原貴太郎, 濱村啓介, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 74-74, 2019. |
69. Pancreatic ascitic example that nasal pancreatic duct drainage from accessory nipple was effective 河嶋健, 寺田修三, 武田昌大, 浅原和久, 大津卓也, 増井雄一, 榎田浩平, 松田昌範, 板井良輔, 川合麻実, 遠藤伸也, 黒上貴史, 白根尚文, 大野和也, 川口真矢 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 75-75, 2019. |
70. An example of the pancreatic cyst with the calculus to be composed primarily of fatty acid calcium 上田錠1, 渡邊一正1, 國井伸1, 石川大介1, 橋詰清孝1, 坪内達郎1, 大岩恵祐1, 加賀充朗1, 中村太二1, 山邊勉1, 宇都宮節夫2, 奥村明彦1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 75-75, 2019. |
71. Example that artery embolization succeeded for Crisp aneurysm complicated with chronic pancreatitis 水野創太, 杉原有紀, 越山彩香, 田島万痢, 白水将憲, 金沢哲広, 柳瀬成希, 柳澤直宏, 榊原聡介, 下郷友弥, 菊池正和, 野々垣浩二 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 75-75, 2019. |
72. All de-case of MCN which caused rapid increase with the pregnancy and the pancreas lymphangioma which we diagnosed in preoperation 加藤吉康, 山田豪, 高見秀樹, 園原史訓, 猪川祥邦, 林真路, 服部憲史, 神田光郎, 小林大介, 田中千恵, 中山吾郎, 小池聖彦, 藤原道隆, 小寺泰弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 75-75, 2019. |
73. An example of the pancreas duodenal aneurysmal biliary tract penetration which resulted after the common bile duct metallic stent custody 武田実莉, 河合歩, 上田駿介, 早川諒祐, 木村領佑, 佐野泰樹, 鈴木博貴, 黒石健吾, 福原貴太郎, 濱村啓介, 高橋好朗, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (131): 76-76, 2019. |