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- > The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 135 / 2021
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
1). Recent topic of the viral hepatitis 藤原圭 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 16-17, 2021. |
2). A diagnosis and treatment of biliary cancer, the pancreatic cancer 川嶋啓揮 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 18-19, 2021. |
3). About autoimmune gastritis (type A gastritis) to attract attention recently 丸山保彦 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 20-21, 2021. |
4). A diagnosis and treatment of the inflammatory bowel disease 長坂光夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 22-23, 2021. |
S1-1. About selective introduction of a treatment strategy on the basis of the preoperative chemotherapy for local progress rectal cancer, total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT) and the non-surgery treatment (watch and wait strategy) 小倉淳司, 上原圭, 江畑智希 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 30-30, 2021. |
S1-2. The front line of colon cancer treatment: Now and the future to fix the eyes from introduction of the robot support surgery for severe progress rectal cancer and colon cancer 高橋広城, 瀧口修司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 30-30, 2021. |
S1-3. Results of the aerobic processing feces transplant by the fresh stool, bank donor freeze service for the recurrent Clostridium difficile infection 大宮直木1, 阪口義彦2, 加藤はる3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 30-30, 2021. |
S1-4. Examination of 12 omental appendices flame in our hospital 山本友輝, 林則之, 祖父江聡 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 30-30, 2021. |
S1-5. Clinical examination of the use of Vedolizumab case in the UC case of our hospital 福沢一馬, 濱島英司, 神岡諭郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 31-31, 2021. |
S1-6. The effectiveness and side effect for the ulcerative colitis of the tofacitinib in our hospital 西垣瑠里子, 尾関啓司, 片岡洋望 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 31-31, 2021. |
S1-7. Examination of the effectiveness of the Ustekinumab for the induction of remission of the intractable ulcerative colitis 稲垣勇輝, 溝下勤, 佐野仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 31-31, 2021. |
S1-8. Attempt (the current situation) of the Crohn's disease monitoring using MREC, LRG in our hospital 貫井嵩之, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 31-31, 2021. |
S1-9. Relations with the endoscopic activity of leucine Rich α 2 glycoprotein and the Crohn's disease 河村達哉, 山村健史, 中村正直 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 32-32, 2021. |
S1-10. Expression of tumor-related microRNA-143, -145 in small intestine tumor 中川義仁1, 赤尾幸博2, 廣岡芳樹1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 32-32, 2021. |
S1-11. Examination of the gastric cancer complicated with multiple large intestine adenomatosis 杉浦喜一1, 金子雅直1, 岩泉守哉2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 32-32, 2021. |
S1-12. Clinicopathologic characteristic of the upper gastrointestinal tract lesion in the patients with familial adenomatous polyposis 林完成, 高田淳, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 32-32, 2021. |
S1-13. A treatment strategy for the Stage4 gastric cancer: Robot surgery + chemotherapy 佐川弘之, 小川了, 瀧口修司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 33-33, 2021. |
S1-14. Adaptation and timing of conversion surgery for the StageIV gastric cancer 菊池寛利1, 平松良浩2, 竹内裕也1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 33-33, 2021. |
S1-15. Usefulness of the ultrasonic endoscope in the Invasion depth diagnosis of the esophagus superficial cancer 海野修平, 芳澤社, 細田佳佐 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 33-33, 2021. |
S1-16. It is a treatment result of the endoscopic stenting for the cancer of the esophagus after the radiotherapy in our hospital 神谷友康, 田近正洋, 丹羽康正 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 33-33, 2021. |
S2-1. Moving body pursuit normal position radiotherapy experience using the cyber knife for the localized liver cancer 山本健太, 本多隆, 石上雅敏 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 34-34, 2021. |
S2-2. Examination of the molecular pathology of the abnormality of the genes for the progress of nipple mucinous tumor (IPMN) in the pancreatic duct 浅野剛1, 宮部勝之1,2, 内藤格1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 34-34, 2021. |
S2-3. About results of the current situation of the genome practice for the pancreas malignant tumor in our hospital and EUS lower sampling 文原大貴, 奥野のぞみ, 原和生 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 34-34, 2021. |
S2-4. Role of the robot support lower hepatectomy for the liver tumor 加藤悠太郎1, 杉岡篤2, 宇山一朗1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 34-34, 2021. |
S2-5. It is ... from experience - introduction of the robot support lower pancreatectomy to short-term results 齊藤健太, 松尾洋一, 瀧口修司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 35-35, 2021. |
S2-6. It is examination about the pancreatitis protective efficacy after ERCP of the nafamostat mesilate in the non-pancreatic disease 羽根田賢一, 鈴木雄太, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 35-35, 2021. |
S2-7. Law to precut using the scissors type knife in balloon endoscope lower ERCP 井上匡央, 伊藤清顕, 米田政志 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 35-35, 2021. |
S2-8. Long-term results of common bile duct stone treatment for elderly people 85 years or older 中村はる香, 杉本真也, 村林桃士 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 35-35, 2021. |
S2-9. Two cases that oral cholangioscope was effective directly using the endoscope nasal after the operation for the common bile duct stone of the rebuilding intestinal tract 吉田健作, 丸田明範, 清水省吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 36-36, 2021. |
S2-10. About the false gallstones onset in our hospital, it is examined the onset factor with a comparison between CTRX and CPZ/SBT 岡山幸平, 宮部勝之, 林克巳 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 36-36, 2021. |
S2-11. Examination about the disease severity predictor of the acute cholecystitis 豊原祥資1, 宮部勝之2, 片岡洋望1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 36-36, 2021. |
S2-12. Results of EUS-GBD for the cholecystitis 今井元, 入彩加, 門阪薫平 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 36-36, 2021. |
S2-13. Examination of the treatment result of the ultrasonic endoscope bottom transgastrointestinal drainage for the around the pancreas liquid retention 的屋奨, 安部快紀, 佐野仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 37-37, 2021. |
S2-14. Examination of the choler cell block method aiming at the pathological diagnosis ability in the malignant biliary tract stenosis case and the improvement of the quantity of sampling 奥野充1, 田中卓司2, 岩田圭介1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 37-37, 2021. |
S2-15. Examination about the diagnosis ability of new endoscopic biliary tract paratripsis device (Trefle) 安達明央, 高田博樹, 祖父江聡 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 37-37, 2021. |
S2-16. Results of the neoadjuvant chemotherapy using the GS therapy for the resectable pancreatic cancer 木下拓也, 林大樹朗, 竹内真実子 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 37-37, 2021. |
S2-17. Comparison of nal-IRI+5-FU/I-LV therapy and the S-1 therapy as the third therapy for the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer 三田直樹, 岩下拓司, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 38-38, 2021. |
01. One case of the gastric rupture which developed during the endoscopy that we went to for a close inspection purpose of hemoid vomiting by the spasmodic deafness 伊藤有紀1, 日野孝彬1, 長尾涼太郎1, 田口大輔1, 水谷しの1, 足達広和1, 安田陽一1, 大島靖広1, 杉山宏1, 中神光2, 山口和也2, 山田鉄也3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 62-62, 2021. |
02. It is one patient of ileus after the operation with the wall of stomach fixation thread of the transdermal endoscopic gastrostomy 小泉悠, 長谷川恒輔, 小泉拓也, 坂野香里, 村瀬博幸, 大谷毅一, 廣田大輝, 増田直也, 入谷壮一, 吉田健作, 小澤範高, 丸田明範, 永野淳二, 山崎健路, 清水省吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 62-62, 2021. |
03. One patient who underwent endoscopic mucosal resection for fundic gland polyps which presented a strange form 村島健太郎, 舩坂好平, 小山恵司, 吉田大, 尾崎隼人, 堀口徳之, 大森崇史, 前田晃平, 城代康貴, 小村成臣, 鎌野俊彰, 長坂光夫, 中川義仁, 宮原良二, 柴田知行, 廣岡芳樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 62-62, 2021. |
04. Two patients who went ESD for stomach endocrinoma (NEN) of the Rindi type III 黒田昂宏, 丸山保彦, 吉井重人, 景岡正信, 大畠昭彦, 寺井智宏, 榎田浩平, 星野弘典, 稲垣圭祐, 佐藤大輝 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 62-62, 2021. |
05. An example of the ectopic pancreatic cancer which had difficulty in diagnosis before operation 上田錠1, 渡邉一正1, 國井伸1, 石川大介1, 橋詰清孝1, 坪内達郎1, 加賀充朗1, 越山彩香1, 中村太二1, 山田訓也1, 宇都宮節夫2, 奥村明彦1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 63-63, 2021. |
06. One case of the male accessory breast cancer metastases to stomach that a stomach lesion was the opportunity of the diagnosis 大城恵吾1, 木全政晴1, 金谷和哉1, 榛葉俊太朗1, 玉腰裕規1, 吉井元1, 遠藤茜1, 小林郁美1, 志田麻子1, 丹羽智之1, 江上貴俊1, 山田洋介1, 海野修平1, 小林陽介1, 鏡卓馬1, 芳澤社1, 室久剛1, 長澤正通1, 細田佳佐1, 大月寛郎2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 63-63, 2021. |
07. One case that performed operation under laparoscopy for esophageal hiatal hernia with Upside down stomach, and was improved 加藤大樹1, 西澤航平1, 藤田翔也1, 井口太郎1, 米倉孝1, 山中力行1, 大庭行正1, 山崎哲1, 鈴木安曇1, 佐原秀1, 栗山茂1, 影山富士人1, 金岡繁1, 尾崎祐介2, 宮崎真一郎2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 63-63, 2021. |
08. One case of the afferent loop syndrome by the gastric cancer technique retroperitoneum dissemination treated effectively with drainage of the peroral endoscopy 稲垣圭佑1, 大畠昭彦1, 佐藤大輝1, 星野弘典1, 榎田浩平1, 寺井智宏1, 景岡正信1, 吉井重人1, 丸山保彦1, 島村隆浩2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 63-63, 2021. |
09. One case that they presented with duodenal varicose vein ruptured and were able to stop bleeding of by an endoscopic sclerotherapy 清水典久, 土井拓矢, 大西浩史, 鈴木恵里奈, 飛鳥井香紀, 神野成臣, 高口裕規, 井上裕介, 長谷川泉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 64-64, 2021. |
10. One case of the Epstein-Barr virus-related gastric cancer which responded to preoperative chemotherapy 小林郁美, 海野修平, 芳澤社, 金谷和哉, 榛葉俊太朗, 佐藤友香, 吉井元, 玉腰裕規, 大城恵吾, 遠藤茜, 志田麻子, 丹羽智之, 江上貴俊, 山田洋介, 小林陽介, 鏡卓馬, 木全政晴, 室久剛, 長澤正通, 細田佳佐 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 64-64, 2021. |
11. One patient who was able to undergo Conversion surgery after the SOX therapy for the unresectable progress gastric cancer with severe lymph node metastases 中村友梨香, 足立和規, 杉村明佳音, 加藤駿介, 駒井洋彦, 高山将旭, 小野聡, 吉峰尚子, 鈴木真名美, 長尾一寛, 山本和弘, 福富里枝子, 杉山智哉, 山口純治, 井澤晋也, 海老正秀, 舟木康, 小笠原尚高, 佐々木誠人, 春日井邦夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 64-64, 2021. |
12. It is two patients of the unresectable progress gastric cancer using Pembrolizumab in our hospital 鈴木健人, 塚本宏延, 濱田祐輔, 佐々木謙, 丹羽佑介, 山田直晃, 大岩拓矢, 浦壁憲司, 貫井嵩之, 石原亮, 蓑輪彬久, 鈴木雄太, 羽根田賢一, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 64-64, 2021. |
13. One patient who was treated effectively with CBDCA + VP-16 for stomach neuroendocrine system cancer (NEC) of elderly people 森田翔一, 杉村明佳音, 吉峰尚子, 高山将旭, 小野聡, 加藤駿介, 駒井洋彦, 長尾一寛, 鈴木真名美, 山本和弘, 杉山智哉, 山口純治, 足立和規, 井澤晋也, 海老正秀, 小笠原尚高, 舟木康, 佐々木誠人, 春日井邦夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 65-65, 2021. |
14. One case of the gastric cancer that radiotherapy was effective for tumour haemorrhage 小林由花, 平田慶和, 竹市絵里花, 山本涼, 原田貴仁, 河村逸外, 相羽礼佳, 田中翔, 山本友輝, 安達明央, 池内寛和, 林則之, 高田博樹, 祖父江聡 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 65-65, 2021. |
15. An example of the diverticulitis Meckel's that led to a diagnosis before operation with small intestinal obstruction 金谷和哉, 木全政晴, 佐藤友香, 榛葉俊太朗, 大城恵吾, 玉腰裕規, 吉井元, 遠藤茜, 小林郁美, 志田麻子, 丹羽智之, 江上貴俊, 山田洋介, 海野修平, 小林陽介, 鏡卓馬, 芳澤社, 室久剛, 長澤正通, 細田佳佐 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 65-65, 2021. |
16. Two patients who presented with anemia by the Meckel diverticulum 小柳裕揮, 鈴木貴久, 三宅忍幸, 村山睦, 芳川昌功, 澤口洋視, 加藤真子, 物江真司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 65-65, 2021. |
17. An example of the ileal endometriosis detected with ileus 志田麻子, 芳澤社, 丹羽智之, 金谷和哉, 佐藤友香, 榛葉俊太朗, 大城恵吾, 玉腰裕規, 吉井元, 遠藤茜, 小林郁美, 江上貴俊, 山田洋介, 海野修平, 小林陽介, 鏡卓馬, 木全政晴, 室久剛, 長澤正通, 細田佳佐 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 66-66, 2021. |
18. One case of the small intestine ileus which occurred in patients on dialysis during oral phosphate binder internal use 石原亮, 水島隆史, 丹羽佑介, 山田直晃, 大岩拓矢, 浦壁憲司, 貫井嵩之, 鈴木健人, 蓑輪彬久, 鈴木雄太, 羽根田賢一, 塚本宏延, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 66-66, 2021. |
19. An example of the familial mediterranean fever treated effectively with colchicine 山根佑基, 野村智史, 久保田淳, 中井俊介, 今津充季, 金岩弘樹, 冨田優作, 山口彩奈, 北川美香, 平野敦之, 森義徳, 木村吉秀, 土田研司, 妹尾恭司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 66-66, 2021. |
20. One patient whom neurosyphilis developed in during use of infliximab for Crohn disease 新田紘一郎, 服部峻, 内藤岳人, 山田雅弘, 松原浩, 山本英子, 鈴木博貴, 加納佑一, 小木曽拓也, 西堀友美, 大森康司, 堀田尋紀, 浦野文博 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 66-66, 2021. |
21. One case that cerebral infarction attributable to the antiphospholipid syndrome and deep vein thrombosis developed in the small intestine type Crohn's disease patients given adalimumab for a long term 八木直人, 川口大貴, 菊池恵介, 有谷実莉, 上田駿介, 池田正俊, 早川諒祐, 木村領佑, 佐野泰樹, 鈴木博貴, 黒石健吾, 濱村啓介, 高橋好朗, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 67-67, 2021. |
22. An example of the small intestine follicular lymphoma which we were able to diagnose with ileus 鈴木寛人1, 濱田康彦1, 梅田悠平1, 池之山洋平1, 重福亜紀奈1, 行本弘樹1, 中村美咲1, 葛原正樹1, 田中匡介2, 堀木紀行2, 中川勇人1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 67-67, 2021. |
23. An example of jejunum adenoma which repeated abdominal pain by the invagination of intestine 川口大貴1, 田中俊夫1, 八木直人1, 菊池恵介1, 有谷実莉1, 上田駿介1, 池田正俊1, 早川諒祐1, 木村領佑1, 鈴木博貴1, 黒石健吾1, 多田誠一郎2, 前田賢人2, 濱村啓介1, 高橋好朗1, 小柳津竜樹1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 67-67, 2021. |
24. One case of the small intestinal cancer which we were discovered with invagination of intestine and were able to resect endoscopically 山田直晃, 奥村文浩, 水島隆史, 塚本宏延, 羽根田賢一, 鈴木雄太, 蓑輪彬久, 鈴木健人, 石原亮, 浦壁憲司, 貫井嵩之, 大岩拓矢, 丹羽佑介, 濱田祐輔 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 67-67, 2021. |
25. One case of the focal nodular hyperplasia that we showed diachronic increase and excised surgically 光松佑時1, 仲島さより1, 濱島英司1, 中江康之1, 神岡諭郎1, 久野剛史1, 佐々木雅隆1, 福沢一馬1, 二村侑歩1, 吉川幸愛1, 井本正巳1, 伊藤誠2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 68-68, 2021. |
26. An example of the Fontan associated liver disease (FALD)-related hepatocellular carcinoma 増田直也, 永野淳二, 小泉拓也, 小泉悠, 坂野香里, 村瀬博幸, 大谷毅一, 曽我淳史, 林冴加, 廣田大輝, 相羽優志, 入谷壮一, 吉田健作, 小澤範高, 長谷川恒輔, 丸田明範, 山崎健路, 清水省吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 68-68, 2021. |
27. Hepatocellular carcinoma explosion example that occurred in a young woman during combined oral contraceptive pill internal use to assume the normal liver background 菊池恵介, 小柳津竜樹, 八木直人, 有谷実莉, 上田駿介, 池田正俊, 早川諒介, 木村領佑, 鈴木博貴, 黒石健吾, 濱村啓介, 高橋好朗, 田中俊夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 68-68, 2021. |
28. Two cases with suspected encephalitis of the adverse event immune-mediated during the Atezolizumab + bevacizumab treatment for the hepatocellular carcinoma 近藤大也, 稲掛優介, 玉腰丈博, 平岩厚佑, 豊島創, 松井健一, 竹内淳史, 森田清, 高士ひとみ, 都築智之 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 68-68, 2021. |
29. One case that became clear by autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) merger during going to hospital in primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and ulcerative colitis (UC) 鈴木孝典, 名倉義人, 松浦健太郎, 片野敬仁, 内藤格, 藤原圭 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 69-69, 2021. |
30. One autopsy case of the acute hepatic failure due to the diffuse large B-cell lymphoma which suffered from a diagnosis 佐藤友香, 小林陽介, 金谷和哉, 榛葉俊太朗, 大城恵吾, 玉腰裕規, 吉井元, 遠藤茜, 小林郁美, 志田麻子, 丹羽智之, 江上貴俊, 山田洋介, 海野修平, 鏡卓馬, 木全政晴, 芳澤社, 室久剛, 長澤正通, 細田佳佐 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 69-69, 2021. |
31. One case of de novo hepatitis B that occurred 44 months after the end of the chemotherapy to a malignant lymphoma 浦壁憲司, 丹羽佑介, 山田直晃, 大岩拓矢, 貫井嵩之, 石原亮, 蓑輪彬久, 鈴木健人, 鈴木雄太, 羽根田賢一, 塚本宏延, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 69-69, 2021. |
32. An example of the inactive tuberculosis-related HBV carrier which developed coma type acute hepatic failure by reactivation without precipitants 北祐次, 村田礼人, 大森将史, 粟津崇仁, 佐藤祥, 谷口源太郎, 佐藤俊輔, 嶋田裕慈, 玄田拓哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 69-69, 2021. |
33. An example of the liver sclerosing hemangioma which we were able to diagnose by video diagnosis and liver tumor biopsy including contrasting US 榛葉俊太朗, 室久剛, 玉腰裕規, 遠藤茜, 小林郁美, 志田麻子, 丹羽智之, 江上貴俊, 山田洋介, 海野修平, 小林陽介, 鏡卓馬, 木全政晴, 芳澤社, 細田佳佐, 長澤正通 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 70-70, 2021. |
34. One case that we performed artery embolization for a spontaneous rupture of the liver cavernous hemangioma that spontaneous hemostasis was obtained and hepatectomized for on call 岩田憲吾, 新家卓郎, 黒岩正憲, 竹中宏之, 河邉智久, 小島久実, 山内浩揮, 佐原和規, 西川和希, 平野智也, 滝川一徳, 山本崇史 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 70-70, 2021. |
35. One case of the laparoscopic canopy excision for the huge hepatic cyst which caused obstructive jaundice 辻直哉, 田端正己, 中邑信一朗, 中村俊太, 瀬木祐樹, 武内泰司郎, 出崎良輔, 小林基之, 谷口健太郎, 岩田真, 三田孝行 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 70-70, 2021. |
36. Usefulness of the treatment using the examination of the infectious hepatic cyst in our hospital and a low-pressure sustained suction system 上田駿介, 濱村啓介, 八木直人, 川口大貴, 菊池恵介, 有谷実莉, 池田正俊, 早川諒祐, 木村領佑, 鈴木博貴, 黒石健吾, 田中俊夫, 高橋好朗, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 70-70, 2021. |
37. The case that was given B-RTO for intractable hepatic encephalopathy 名倉義人, 鈴木孝典, 久野佳代子, 松浦健太郎, 藤原圭, 片岡洋望 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 71-71, 2021. |
38. An example of the invasive liver abscess syndrome by hyperviscosity-related Klebsiella pneumoniae 堀田侑義, 土居崎正雄, 山口丈夫, 鷲見肇, 藤吉俊尚, 丸川高弘, 高野宏平, 八田勇輔, 上田遼太, 松本悠平, 三木大地, 川瀬祐, 春田純一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 71-71, 2021. |
39. One case of the liver acidophile-related abscess which was pointed out in CT accidentally, and was relieved spontaneously 黒柳恵太, 日下部篤宣, 有賀亮太, 加藤大介, 隈井大介, 宮城島俊, 岡山幸平, 神田武生, 齋藤敏彰, 熱田直巳, 宮部勝之, 蟹江浩, 山田智則, 林克巳 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 71-71, 2021. |
40. Example that heart's core syndrome was noted after the gastric varices explosion treatment 李愚姫, 水谷拓, 千住明彦, 金田裕人, 今井奨, 浮田雅人, 白子順子 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 71-71, 2021. |
41. One case of the renal cell carcinoma metastases to pancreas that needed differentiation with the primary pancreatic cancer 大橋洋祐1, 岩田圭介1, 下城宏太1, 岩佐太誠1, 小居幹太1, 岩田翔太1, 岩佐悠平1, 奥野充1, 河内隆宏1, 小木曽富生1, 林秀樹1, 杉山昭彦1, 西垣洋一1, 冨田栄一1, 玉木正義2, 渡部直樹3, 田中卓二3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 72-72, 2021. |
42. One case of the BRCA2 mutation in the gene-positive unresectable pancreatic cancer where Olaparib was effective 綿引萌花, 梅村昌宏, 松本萌, 山下真帆, 木次健介, 高鳥真吾, 太田和義, 伊藤潤, 則武秀尚, 川田一仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 72-72, 2021. |
43. One case of the multiple myeloma that resulted in metastases to pancreas 杉原有紀1, 金森明1, 菅井章達1, 古川大樹1, 塩田祥平1, 風呂井学1, 小藪敬尋1, 山本怜1, 和田啓孝1, 安田諭1, 北畠秀介1, 豊田秀徳1, 久永康宏1, 谷川誠1, 曽根康博2, 桐山勢生1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 72-72, 2021. |
44. One case of triple digestive organ cancer which we diagnosed in front of art exactly and resected appropriately 市川彩子1, 村林桃士1, 奥田裕文1, 河俣真由1, 松嶋竜太郎1, 中村はる香1, 久田拓央1, 林智士1, 天満大志1, 杉本真也1, 大山田純1, 亀井昭1, 佐藤啓太2, 矢花正3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 72-72, 2021. |
45. One patient who chronically administers Pembrolizumab to MSI-High pancreatic cancer 大岩恵祐1, 水谷泰之1, 大野栄三郎1, 石川卓哉1, 飯田忠1, 植月康太1, 八鹿潤1, 山田健太2, 宜保憲明1, 青木聡典1, 片岡邦夫1, 森裕1, 高田善久1, 高橋秀和1, 青井広典1, 川嶋啓揮2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 73-73, 2021. |
46. One case that confirmed an image of pathology for the neighborhood lymphadenopathy due to the irAE pancreatitis in EUS-FNB 佐藤椋, 堀寧, 内藤格, 鬼頭佑輔, 加地謙太, 加藤晃久, 夏目まこと, 吉田道弘, 林香月, 片岡洋望 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 73-73, 2021. |
47. Pancreatic ascitic one case that was complicated with alcoholic cirrhosis 河村岳史, 三井有紗, 葛谷貞二, 橋本千樹, 川部直人, 中野卓二, 中岡和徳, 田中浩敬, 越智友花, 宮地小百合, 宮地洋平, 舩坂好平, 長坂光夫, 中川義仁, 宮原良二, 柴田知行, 廣岡芳樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 73-73, 2021. |
48. An example of the subcutaneous nodular fat necrosis associated with the pancreatic cancer relieved by pancreatic duct drainage 石川和真1, 石渡裕俊1, 新谷文崇1, 松林宏行1,2, 南出竜典1, 山本陽一1, 前田有紀1, 川田登1, 高田和典1, 岸田圭弘1, 今井健一郎1, 堀田欣一1, 川上武志3, 佐竹宏介4, 小野裕之1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 73-73, 2021. |
49. An example of the invasive pancreas mucinous cystadenocarcinoma (MCC) which occurred in the pancreas tail 丹羽智之, 小林陽介, 金谷和哉, 佐藤友香, 榛葉俊太朗, 大城恵吾, 玉腰裕規, 吉井元, 遠藤茜, 小林郁美, 志田麻子, 江上貴俊, 山田洋介, 海野修平, 鏡卓馬, 木全政晴, 芳澤社, 室久剛, 長澤正通, 細田佳佐 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 74-74, 2021. |
50. An example of the pancreatic cancer sarcoma which followed the sudden course 寺島良幸1, 藤田美穂1, 中川頌子1, 松田大知1, 小笹貴士1, 陸美穂2, 小野謙三3, 斎田康彦1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 74-74, 2021. |
51. 1 excision case of the pancreatic cancer sarcoma which coexisted in IPMC 藤井武宏, 尭天一亨, 早崎碧泉, 飯澤祐介, 種村彰洋, 村田泰洋, 栗山直久, 岸和田昌之, 櫻井洋至, 水野修吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 74-74, 2021. |
52. An example of mucinous cyst tumor (mucinous cystic neoplasm) of men 川瀬貴久1, 内田雄一郎1, 加藤悠太郎2, 高原武志1, 安田顕1, 小島正之1, 木口剛造1, 宇山一朗2, 須田康一1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 74-74, 2021. |
53. Two cases of IPMN which accepted the nodule which showed a tendency to increase all over the course, and was contrasted in pancreatic duct 前川有里, 山田玲子, 坪井順哉, 島田康彬, 河俣真由, 中川勇人 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 75-75, 2021. |
54. An example of the common bile duct stone that inserted SPY Glass DS from an ultrasonic endoscope lower cholangiogastrostomy route, and was able to be treated 廣田大輝, 吉田健作, 入谷壮一, 小澤範高, 長谷川恒輔, 丸田明範, 永野淳二, 山崎健路, 清水省吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 75-75, 2021. |
55. Two cases that radiofrequency wave cauter therapy was useful for ingrowth obstruction after the hepatic portal region both leaves metallic stent custody 嵯峨俊信1, 北野礼奈2, 井上匡央2, 指宿麻悠2, 坂本和賢2, 木本慧2, 小林佑次2, 角田圭雄2, 中出幸臣2, 伊藤清顕2, 米田政志2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 75-75, 2021. |
56. An example of gallbladder origin neuroendocrine system cancer that long-term survival was obtained by chemotherapy 指宿麻悠, 井上匡央, 北野礼奈, 坂本和賢, 木本慧, 小林佑次, 角田圭雄, 中出幸臣, 伊藤清顯, 米田政志 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 75-75, 2021. |
57. One patient who had a diagnosis of diffuse intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma in autopsy after the death as an unknown primary cancer 武田有里, 西川貴広, 榊原聡介, 名倉明日香, 柳瀬成希, 柳澤直宏, 早川真也, 白水将憲, 田島万莉, 宮崎聖大, 胡磊明, 柴田萌, 堀諒, 野々垣浩二 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 76-76, 2021. |
58. Two cases that biliary tract lesion developed by eosinophil leukocytic infiltrate, and were improved by steroid administration 石田みなみ1, 有賀亮太1, 加藤大介1, 黒柳恵太1, 押谷由衣2, 岡山幸平1, 隈井大介1, 神田武生1, 熱田直己1, 齋藤彰敏1, 日下部篤宣1, 蟹江浩1, 宮部勝之1, 山田智則1, 林克巳1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 76-76, 2021. |
59. An example of the purulent portal vein phlebitis that took advantage of retrograde cholangitis after the bile duct -12 finger Abbe operation 三木大地, 藤吉俊尚, 山口丈夫, 土居崎正雄, 鷲見肇, 丸川高弘, 八田勇輔, 高野宏平, 上田遼太, 松本悠平, 堀田侑義, 川瀬祐, 春田純一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 76-76, 2021. |
60. An example of acidophilic cholangitis that we presented with bile duct wall thickening, and steroid was effective 猪飼千咲, 近藤啓, 伊藤恵介, 田中義人, 西垣信宏, 小島尚代, 荒木幸子, 森俊敬, 武仲祐弥, 庄田怜加, 加藤真里絵, 平山陽太, 市野由華 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 76-76, 2021. |
61. One patient who presented with fatal haemoperitoneum after the self-withdrawal of the PTGBD tube 三大寺千咲1, 金子淳一1, 甲田恵1, 井田雄也1, 山田健太1, 竹下悠1, 高橋賢一1, 瀧浪将貴1, 辻敦1, 西野眞史1, 高橋百合美2, 笹田雄三2, 山田貴教1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 77-77, 2021. |
62. One case of High grade spindle cell malignant tumor which occurred in the esophagus 増渕麻里子, 清水大, 神田光郎, 小池聖彦, 田中千恵, 猪川祥邦, 高見秀樹, 服部憲史, 林真路, 中山吾郎, 藤原道隆, 小寺泰弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 77-77, 2021. |
63. One case of the esophageal mucosa detachment symptom that occurred with vomiting after the drinking 南喜之, 廣瀬崇, 河村達哉, 倉田祥行, 田中仁, 柴田寛幸, 鈴木孝弘, 鈴木智彦, 飛田恵美子, 平井恵子, 室井航一, 古根聡, 伊藤信仁, 角嶋直美, 古川和宏 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 77-77, 2021. |
64. An example of the tracheoesophageal fistula merger cancer of the esophagus that the esophagus stenting under the endotracheal intubation was effective 細野幸太, 藤田孝義, 飯塚昭男, 森井正哉, 山田弘志, 大塚利彦, 水野史崇, 堤克彦 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 77-77, 2021. |
65. One patient who suspected a submucosal tumor, and performed EUS - FNA, and had a diagnosis of the esophagus abscess 久野友里恵, 近藤尚, 平嶋昇, 斎藤雅之, 浦田登, 島田昌明, 近藤高, 恒川卓也, 宇仁田慧, 田中大貴 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 78-78, 2021. |
66. One patient whom we chose surgery for an esophageal foreign body by the existence hook denture mis-deglutition and were able to throw out safely 鷹羽律紀, 末次智成, 佐藤悠太, 田中義宏, 加藤充純, 奥村直樹, 松橋延壽, 村瀬勝俊, 高橋孝夫, 二村学, 吉田和弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 78-78, 2021. |
67. One patient who underwent a transhiatal laparoscopic oesophageal diverticulum resection for a megaesophagus diverticulum 中埜友晴 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 78-78, 2021. |
68. An example of the chylous ascites with the severe peritonitis 市野由華, 岩崎弘靖, 奥田悠介, 杉村直美, 水野裕介, 西江裕忠, 田中守, 片野敬仁, 尾関啓司, 志村貴也, 久保田英嗣, 谷田諭史, 片岡洋望 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 78-78, 2021. |
69. One case of the pancreas duodenum aneurysm ruptured due to the ligamentum arcuatum medianum compression syndrome that resulted in duodenal stricture 平山陽太, 近藤啓, 猪飼千咲, 市野由華, 加藤真里絵, 庄田怜加, 武仲祐弥, 森俊敬, 荒木幸子, 小島尚代, 西垣信宏, 田中義人, 伊藤恵介 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 79-79, 2021. |
70. Experience of using anamorelin hydrochloride in our hospital 稲掛優介, 近藤大也, 玉腰丈博, 平岩厚佑, 豊島創, 松井健一, 高士ひとみ, 竹内淳史, 森田清, 都築智之 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 79-79, 2021. |
71. Treatment result of the tofacitinib for the active stage ulcerative colitis in our hospital 池上脩二1, 前田啓子2, 中村正直1, 山村健史1, 澤田つな騎2, 石川恵里1, 飯田忠1, 水谷泰之1, 石川卓哉1, 古川和宏1, 角嶋直美1, 大野栄三郎1, 川嶋啓揮2, 石上雅敏1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 79-79, 2021. |
72. An example of the ulcerative colitis that tofacitinib administration was an opportunity, and developed Ramsay Hunt syndrome 伊藤誠人1, 草間大輔1, 山下大貴1, 高橋悟1, 淺井雄介1, 尾上峻也1, 杉浦喜一1, 宮津隆裕1, 樋口友洋1, 金子雅直1, 石田夏樹1, 松浦友春1, 田村智2, 谷伸也1, 山出美穂子1, 岩泉守哉3, 濱屋寧1, 大澤恵2, 古田隆久4, 杉本健1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 79-79, 2021. |
73. One case of the ulcerative colitis that developed acute pericarditis after the mesalazine increase in quantity 三浦梨音1, 丸谷祐香1, 小山哲生1, 宇野好1, 中西和久1, 野尻優1, 中舘功1, 瀧川雄貴2, 椎野憲二2, 戸川昭三1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 80-80, 2021. |
74. Two cases that VCM injection into the intestines therapy succeeded for intractable CD enterocolitis 高橋賢一1, 鈴木蓮1, 井田雄也1, 山田健太1, 甲田恵1, 吹田恭一1, 竹下悠1, 瀧浪将貴1, 金子淳一1, 辻敦1, 西野眞史1, 高橋百合美2, 笹田雄三2, 山田貴教1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 80-80, 2021. |
75. One case of the intestinal tract Behcet's disease which GI bleeding was prolonged by Infliximab second invalidity, and underwent ileocecum resection 二村侑歩, 濱島英司, 中江康之, 神岡諭郎, 仲島さより, 久野剛史, 佐々木雅隆, 福沢一馬, 吉川幸愛, 光松佑時 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 80-80, 2021. |
76. A case of BRAF mutation-positive advanced colorectal cancer with successful encorafenib + cetuximab in 6th-line treatment 山田洋介, 室久剛, 金谷和哉, 佐藤友香, 榛葉俊太朗, 大城恵吾, 吉井元, 玉腰裕規, 志田麻子, 丹羽智之, 遠藤茜, 小林郁美, 江上貴俊, 海野修平, 小林陽介, 鏡卓馬, 木全政晴, 芳澤社, 長澤正通, 細田佳佐 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 80-80, 2021. |
77. One patient who fruition was obtained by FOLFOXIRI + bevacizumab therapy for rectal cancer with unresectable synchronism liver metastases to lung, and was able to resect RO for the second 村田悠記, 水野隆史, 上原圭, 小倉淳司, 三品拓也, 小池佳勇, 神原祐一, 西村元伸, 小林龍太郎, 神野孝徳, 國料俊男, 伊神剛, 山口淳平, 宮田一志, 尾上俊介, 砂川真輝, 渡辺伸元, 杉田静紀, 横山幸浩, 江畑智希 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 81-81, 2021. |
78. One case of carcinoma of the appendix which was able to live long by Regorafenib administration-prone metastases to lung 小林里帆, 足立和規, 前田英貴, 杉村明佳音, 駒井洋彦, 小野聡, 高山将旭, 吉峰尚子, 鈴木真名美, 長尾一寛, 山本和弘, 福富里枝子, 杉山智哉, 山口純治, 井澤晋也, 海老正秀, 舟木康, 小笠原尚高, 佐々木誠人, 春日井邦夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 81-81, 2021. |
80. A surgical procedure of the laparoscopic low anterior resection using the rectal inversion method and short-term treatment result 阿久津友洋1, 赤井俊也1, 立田協太1, 杉山洗裕1, 鈴木雄飛1, 鳥居翔2, 阪田麻裕1, 森田剛文1, 菊池利1, 平松良浩1, 深澤貴子3, 倉地清隆1, 竹内裕也1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 81-81, 2021. |
81. An example of the haemoperitoneum due to the segmental artery media myelinolysis (Segmental arterial mediolysis, SAM) 横山翔平1, 乾航1, 杉山智洋1, 魚谷貴洋1, 熱田幸司2, 小林成司3, 笹原正男4, 田代和弘4 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 82-82, 2021. |
82. An example of the stomach sky internal hemorrhage due to the middle colon aneurysm ruptured 水野智之, 平田慶和, 竹市絵里花, 山本涼, 原田貴仁, 河村逸外, 相羽礼佳, 田中翔, 小林由花, 山本友輝, 安達明央, 池内寛和, 林則之, 高田博樹, 祖父江聡 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 82-82, 2021. |
83. Examination about the prognostic factor of the acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer 小野隆裕, 橋本章, 河内瑞季, 澤井翔馬, 田原雄一, 吉澤尚彦, 黒田直起, 青木雅俊, 福家洋之, 河俣浩之, 脇田善弘, 清水敦哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 82-82, 2021. |
84. One case of the idiopathic mesenterial vein sclerosis that we excised surgically because of repeated ileus 近藤重明, 白井修, 森島大雅, 宮地達郎, 中田真登 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 82-82, 2021. |
85. Case report of the bag closure (bread bag clip) that became incarcerated in rectum and literature review 美濃輪大介, 荒尾真道, 三田直樹, 森建二, 谷口裕紀, 宇野女慎二, 林完成, 高田淳, 久保田全哉, 井深貴士, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 83-83, 2021. |
86. Two patients whom cytomegalovirus enterocolitis developed in to normal elderly people 加藤大介, 林克己, 山田智則, 宮部勝之, 蟹江浩, 日下部篤宣, 斎藤彰敏, 熱田直己, 神田武生, 岡山幸平, 宮城島俊, 隈井大介, 黒柳恵太, 有賀亮太 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 83-83, 2021. |
87. One case of the chronic hepatitis C-related cryoglobulinemia-related vasculitis 水野史崇, 藤田孝義, 細野幸太, 堤克彦, 大塚利彦, 山田弘志, 飯塚昭男, 森井正哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 83-83, 2021. |
88. An example of syphilitic proctitis that developed in a young man 相羽礼佳, 平田慶和, 竹市絵里花, 山本涼, 河村逸外, 原田貴仁, 田中翔, 小林由花, 山本友輝, 安達明央, 池内寛和, 林則之, 高田博樹, 祖父江聡 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 83-83, 2021. |
89. One patient who underwent operation under laparoscopy for the sigmoid colon lipoma which showed intussusception 木村大輝1, 廣純一郎1, 花井恒一2, 升森宏次1, 小出欣和1, 田島陽介1, 神谷忠宏1, 小林陽介1, 鄭栄哲1, 稲熊岳1, 須田康一1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 84-84, 2021. |
90. An example of the adult invagination of intestine due to cecum tumor reducible endoscopically 澤井翔馬1, 河俣浩之1, 河内瑞季1, 小野隆裕1, 田中隆光1, 田原雄一1, 黒田直起1, 吉澤尚彦1, 青木雅俊1, 福家洋之1, 橋本章1, 脇田喜弘1, 清水敦也1, 橋本真吾2, 近藤昭信2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 84-84, 2021. |
91. One case of the abscess in the pelvis relieved by EUS guide bottom transrectal drainage technique 土井拓矢, 清水典久, 大西浩史, 鈴木恵里奈, 飛鳥井香紀, 神野成臣, 高口裕規, 井上裕介, 長谷川泉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 84-84, 2021. |
92. An example of large intestine neuroendocrine system cancer which occurred in a scar after ESD 牧野成彦, 竹内真実子, 加藤彩, 竹内悠祐, 齋藤洋一郎, 山中裕貴, 尾崎玄, 鈴木貴也, 木下拓也, 林大樹朗, 石原誠 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 84-84, 2021. |
93. An example of rectal cancer which resulted in meningeal carcinoma 大岩拓矢, 濱田裕輔, 丹羽佑介, 山田直晃, 貫井嵩之, 浦壁憲司, 石原亮, 鈴木健人, 蓑輪彬久, 鈴木雄太, 羽根田賢一, 塚本宏延, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 85-85, 2021. |
94. An example of rectal cancer which led to a diagnosis with erythroderma 玉腰丈博, 稲掛優介, 近藤大也, 平岩厚佑, 豊島創, 松井健一, 竹内敦史, 森田清, 高士ひとみ, 都築智之 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 85-85, 2021. |
95. An example of the carcinoma of the appendix which was asymptomatic, and was detected 粟津崇仁1, 村田礼人1, 大森将史1, 北祐次1, 佐藤祥1, 谷口源太郎1, 佐藤俊輔1, 嶋田裕慈1, 永原章仁2, 玄田拓哉1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (135): 85-85, 2021. |