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- > The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 137 / 2022
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
1). Rupture and biliary tract disease of the immune system 川田一仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 16-17, 2022. |
2). The current situation of the low invasive approach in the liver domain 高原武志 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 18-19, 2022. |
3). up to date of the ulcerative colitis practice 杉本健 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 20-21, 2022. |
4). Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of the early gastric cancer 芳澤社 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 22-23, 2022. |
S1-1. Characteristic - of the occurrence to see according to examination - localization of squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus treated in ESD in our hospital 石田夏樹1, 大澤恵1, 杉本健2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 30-30, 2022. |
S1-2. Use experience of the FOLFOX therapy for the primary treatment for unresectable progress gastric cancer in our hospital 貫井嵩之, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 30-30, 2022. |
S1-3. Examination of the nivolumab therapy after the third treatment for the unresectable progress, recurrent gastric cancer in our hospital 金岩弘樹, 森義徳, 妹尾恭司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 30-30, 2022. |
S1-4. Examination of the risk factor about rebleeding of the acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer 谷口裕紀, 小澤範高, 山崎健路 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 30-30, 2022. |
S1-5. The effectiveness of the Vedolizumab treatment for patients with ulcerative colitis in our hospital and safe examination 小島健太郎, 井深貴士, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 31-31, 2022. |
S1-6. The effectiveness for the intractable ulcerative colitis of Vedolizumab in our hospital and safe examination 中村美咲, 堀木紀行, 中川勇人 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 31-31, 2022. |
S1-7. Long term prognosis of the anal region Crohn's disease that we examined from various organism preparation 三枝直人1,2, 堀田直樹1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 31-31, 2022. |
S1-8. Examination of the irAE colitis case that we experienced in our hospital 鎌野俊彰, 中川義仁, 廣岡芳樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 31-31, 2022. |
S1-9. The current situation of the universal screening for colon cancer in our hospital 大西祥代, 山田啓策, 田近正洋 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 32-32, 2022. |
S1-10. Universal screening for colon cancer, the current situation and problem in the municipal hospital 佐藤辰宣1,2, 河合貞幸3, 大端考4 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 32-32, 2022. |
S1-11. The endoscopic diagnosis for vicinity of the appendix opening tumor (including the extension lesion in the appendix) and problem of the endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique 長谷川一成, 山村健史, 川嶋啓揮 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 32-32, 2022. |
S1-12. Short-term results after the invention of the approach method for the robot support colon cancer surgery and the new introduction 鈴木卓弥, 高橋広城, 瀧口修司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 32-32, 2022. |
S1-13. The future prospects including a treatment result of the TNT aiming at organ preservation for progress rectal cancer and prospective clinical studies 志村匡信, 川村幹雄, 問山裕二 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 33-33, 2022. |
S2-1. It is examination about liver complications (FALD) after the Fontan technique in our hospital 鈴木孝典, 松浦健太郎, 藤原圭 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 34-34, 2022. |
S2-2. Examination of the fatty liver improvement effect of the Pemafibrate on NAFLD patients who had the high neutral hyperlipemia 花岡智彦, 則武秀尚, 川田一仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 34-34, 2022. |
S2-3. Examination of the HBV reactivation in the blood malignant disorder case receiving rituximab 永野淳二, 入谷壮一, 清水省吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 34-34, 2022. |
S2-4. Examination about an effect of treatment predictor, the safety in the Atezolizumab bevacizumab combination therapy for the unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma 河村逸外1, 松浦健太郎2, 藤原圭2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 34-34, 2022. |
S2-5. The current situation and problem of the robot support lower hepatectomy prospective as the latest treatment 小島正之1, 高原武志1, 加藤悠太郎2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 35-35, 2022. |
S2-6. Introduction of the robot support lower hepatectomy and the future prospects 林祐一, 松尾洋一, 瀧口修司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 35-35, 2022. |
S2-7. The factor which affects the prognosis of the nonresected biliary cancer 玉腰裕規, 金子淳一, 山田貴教 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 35-35, 2022. |
S2-8. Examination about the usefulness of the GCS therapy for the unresectable progress biliary cancer 吉田健作, 丸田明範, 清水省吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 35-35, 2022. |
S2-9. The current situation and problem of the genomic medicine in the biliary cancer 福井淑崇, 奥野のぞみ, 原和生 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 36-36, 2022. |
S2-10. Examination of the usefulness of the exclusive sheath in the bile duct biopsy of the transnipple 新谷文崇, 石渡裕俊, 佐藤純也 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 36-36, 2022. |
S2-11. It is examined the treatment with liver pancreas endoscope for the rebuilding intestinal tract after the operation 野瀬賢治, 山田玲子, 中川勇人 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 36-36, 2022. |
S2-12. Results according to the type of the metallic stent to use for the Stent-in-stent custody for the unresectable malignant hepatic portal region domain obstruction of bile duct 奥野充, 岩佐悠平, 岩田圭介 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 36-36, 2022. |
S2-13. A treatment result of EUS-HGS for unresectable malignant biliary tract stenosis in our hospital and examination of endoscopic re-intervention for recurrent biliary obstruction 加納佑一, 松原浩, 鈴木博貴 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 37-37, 2022. |
S2-14. Possibility of orthodromic stenting combination EUS-HGS which omitted a fistula expansion device 井上匡央, 北野礼奈, 米田政志 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 37-37, 2022. |
S2-15. Treatment result of the nal-IRI+5-FU/LV combination therapy in our hospital 平田太陽1, 川口真矢1, 多久佳成2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 37-37, 2022. |
S2-16. How did the pancreatic cancer chemotherapy in real world change by nab-paclitaxel supply restrictions? 村林桃士, 大山田純, 亀井昭 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 37-37, 2022. |
01. Example that granulocytes apheresis was effective for Ulcerative colitis-related postoperative enteritis 安藤慧1, 足立和規2, 加藤綾2, 高山将旭2, 加藤駿介2, 小野聡2, 吉峰尚子2, 杉村明佳音2, 越野顕2, 長尾一寛2, 山本和弘2, 杉山智哉2, 山口純治2, 田村泰弘2, 井澤晋也2, 海老正秀2, 舟木康2, 小笠原尚高2, 佐々木誠人2, 春日井邦夫2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 66-66, 2022. |
02. An example of the ulcerative colitis who had Aseptic abscess syndrome 宇野好, 尾関啓司, 西垣瑠里子, 小島悠揮, 管野琢也, 佐々木槙子, 奥田悠介, 福定繁紀, 杉村直美, 水野裕介, 岩崎弘靖, 西江裕忠, 田中守, 片野敬二, 志村貴也, 久保田英嗣, 片岡洋望 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 66-66, 2022. |
03. An example of the super elderly people ulcerative colitis that occurred after COVID-19mRNA vaccination 嶋田貴仁1, 高田淳2, 馬場厚1, 岩下雅秀1, 林隆夫1, 前田晃男1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 66-66, 2022. |
04. One case of the ulcerative colitis who had the oesophageal ulcer 木戸恒陽, 中村美咲, 梅田悠平, 重福亜紀奈, 別府剛志, 濱田康彦, 田中匡介, 堀木紀行, 中川勇人 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 66-66, 2022. |
05. It is an example of the ulcerative colitis who had the pyoderma gangrenosum on face 伊藤誠人1, 樋口友洋1, 石田夏樹2, 田村智1, 谷伸也1, 山出美穂子1, 濱屋寧1, 岩泉守哉3, 大澤恵2, 古田隆久4 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 67-67, 2022. |
06. An example of the Crohn's disease that developed interstitial nephritis during mesalazine administration 小林里帆, 溝口直人, 外山貴洋, 加藤秀章, 飯田章人, 大谷宣人, 山雄健次, 成田真 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 67-67, 2022. |
07. One case of the polyp of colon endoscope treatment afterbleeding that we were able to stop bleeding of by treatment for the DIC after the aorta stent graft interpolation 林冴加, 小澤範高, 山崎健路, 岩田啓祐, 木村明博, 黒田英孝, 小泉拓也, 坂野香里, 曽我敦史, 廣田大輝, 入谷壮一, 吉田健作, 丸田明範, 永野淳二, 清水省吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 67-67, 2022. |
08. Two cases of the mesenterial vein sclerosis that occurred by long-term internal use of the Kamishoyosan 鈴木琢也1, 中村一平1, 柴崎泰2, 金子猛2, 横井佳博2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 67-67, 2022. |
09. One case of the mesenterial vein sclerosis that occurred by long-term internal use of the Chinese medicine 増田直也, 市川広直, 水谷拓, 今井奨, 浮田雅人, 白子順子 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 68-68, 2022. |
10. One case of the rapidly increased large intestine anaplastic carcinoma 江上貴俊1, 芳澤社1, 三宅彩1, 榛葉俊太郎1, 吉井元1, 平野雄一1, 大城恵吾1, 井田雄也1, 小林郁美1, 志田麻子1, 山田洋介1, 海野修平1, 小林陽介1, 木全政晴1, 室久剛1, 長澤正通1, 細田佳佐1, 浜野孝2, 大月寛郎3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 68-68, 2022. |
11. An example of the metastasis to cancer of descending colon penis that radiation exposure was useful in pain relief 山本晃1, 家城英治1, 嶌村麻生1, 辻浦誠浩1, 横江毅1, 尾嶋英紀1, 内田恵一2, 毛利靖彦1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 68-68, 2022. |
12. Two cases of residual colon cancer which occurred after the colic subtotal resection for familial adenomatous polyposis 大野慎也, 福田萌, 太田雅斗, 横井亮磨, 水谷千佳, 田島ジェシー雄, 木山茂, 田中善宏, 奥村直樹, 村瀬勝俊, 高橋孝夫, 松橋延壽 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 68-68, 2022. |
13. One case of appendix mucinous adenocarcinoma StageIV which combined modality therapy is provided, and is living long 関森健一1, 阪田麻裕1, 立田協太1, 杉山洸裕1, 小嶋忠浩1, 赤井俊也1, 鈴木克徳1, 鳥居翔2, 森田剛文1, 菊池寛利1, 平松良浩1, 倉地清隆1, 竹内裕也1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 69-69, 2022. |
14. An example of the early internal secretion basalioma which occurred in transverse colon 三宅彩1, 芳澤社1, 榛葉俊太朗1, 井田雄也1, 平野雄一1, 大城恵吾1, 吉井元1, 志田麻子1, 小林郁美1, 江上貴俊1, 山田洋介1, 海野修平1, 小林陽介1, 木全政晴1, 室久剛1, 長澤正通1, 細田佳佐1, 浜野孝2, 大月寛郎3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 69-69, 2022. |
15. An example of the primary peritoneal carcinoma which occurred for ileus due to sigmoid stenosis 福井脩介, 岡本和哉, 島村隆浩, 東正樹, 白木巧, 長谷川聡, 中村利夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 69-69, 2022. |
16. One case of the pars analis recti malignant melanoma given the abdominoperineal resection of rectum with the side lymph node excision 川北航平, 楠田司, 高橋幸二, 松本英一, 藤井幸治, 熊本幸司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 69-69, 2022. |
17. One patient who received diagnostic treatment with ESD for rectal MALT lymphoma 杉浦直輝1, 高橋賢一1, 伊藤誠人1, 伊藤達弘1, 浅井雄介1, 高橋悟1, 杉浦喜一1, 尾上峻也1, 宮津隆裕1, 金子雅直1, 樋口友洋1, 松浦友晴1, 石田夏樹2, 田村智1, 谷伸也1, 山出美穂子1, 岩泉守哉3, 濱屋寧1, 大澤恵2, 杉本健1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 70-70, 2022. |
18. One case of the adult volvulus of stomach that was able to evade gastrectomy by early epithesis 井田雄也1, 木全政晴1, 三宅彩1, 榛葉俊太朗1, 大城恵吾1, 平野雄一1, 吉井元1, 小林郁美1, 志田麻子1, 江上貴俊1, 山田洋介1, 海野修平1, 小林陽介1, 芳澤社1, 室久剛1, 長澤正通1, 細田佳佐1, 戸松真琴2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 70-70, 2022. |
19. One case of the atypical Heyde syndrome that healed in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation 豊田純樹1, 杉本真也1, 高村武志2, 津田宜之1, 河俣真由1, 松嶋竜太郎1, 久田拓央1, 林智士1, 天満大志1, 村林桃士1, 大山田純1, 亀井昭1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 70-70, 2022. |
20. Example that cola dissolution therapy was effective for the huge bezoar which occurred by half solidity nutrient preparation 青井有里波, 杉本啓之, 小池剛, 野浪大介, 江崎正哉, 安藤祐資, 大塚泰郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 70-70, 2022. |
21. One case that presented gastrocolic fistula by the gastric ulcer penetration 小嶋清一郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 71-71, 2022. |
22. An example of the ulcerative colitis upper gastrointestinal tract lesion 小林真理子, 小山恵司, 山田日向, 吉田大, 尾崎隼人, 大森崇史, 堀口徳之, 鎌野俊彰, 長坂光夫, 舩坂好平, 中川義仁, 宮原良二, 橋本千樹, 柴田知行, 廣岡芳樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 71-71, 2022. |
23. Two cases of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis that we experienced in our hospital 小野隆裕, 橋本章, 河内瑞季, 紅林真理絵, 田原雄一, 吉澤尚彦, 黒田直起, 福家洋之, 青木雅俊, 河俣浩之, 脇田善弘, 清水敦哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 71-71, 2022. |
24. Case of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis with suspected merger of the IgG4-related gastrointestinal disease 山下龍, 岡井研, 山田哲, 久保田望, 佐藤義久, 大原和人, 金谷和哉, 佐藤友香, 多々内暁光 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 71-71, 2022. |
25. One case of Collagenous gastritis 福沢一馬1, 松崎一平1, 菊池正和1, 泉千明1, 岩田悠嗣1, 横井太紀雄2, 服部昌志1, 乾和郎1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 72-72, 2022. |
26. One case of the adult onset IgA vasculitis that an abdominal symptom was treated effectively with diaminodiphenylsulfone (DDS) 大西拓海, 小木曽富生, 犬飼将旭, 川出真史, 日野孝彬, 伊藤有紀, 高木暁広, 相羽優志, 岩佐悠平, 奥野充, 河内隆宏, 林秀樹, 岩田圭介, 杉山昭彦, 西垣洋一, 冨田栄一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 72-72, 2022. |
27. Two patients who performed colonoscopy assistance bottom percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (C-PEG) in a gastrostomosis difficulty case 小柳裕揮, 鈴木貴久, 三宅忍幸, 村山睦, 芳川昌功, 物江真司, 長屋龍太郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 72-72, 2022. |
28. Example that percutaneous drainage was effective for the afferent loop syndrome accompanied with the recurrence after the gastric cancer technique 平尾亮太, 平井孝典, 丹羽慶樹, 小宮山琢真, 杉山由晃, 樋口道雄, 安藤樹里, 宮田章弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 72-72, 2022. |
29. An example of the wall of stomach abscess that an endoscopic mucous membrane incision was effective 正谷一石, 早川諒介, 横山翔平, 八木直人, 菊池惠介, 上田駿介, 池田正俊, 鈴木博貴, 黒石健吾, 濱村啓介, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 73-73, 2022. |
30. Use experience of PTEG for the gastric cancer peritoneum dissemination 杉山史剛1, 中西香企1, 田中千恵1, 神田光郎1, 清水大1, 高見秀樹1, 猪川祥邦1, 服部憲史1, 林真路1, 中山吾郎1, 藤原道隆1,2, 小寺泰弘1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 73-73, 2022. |
31. One case of submucosal tumor state gastric mucus cancer which suffered from a diagnosis 飛田恵美子1, 古川和宏1, 伊藤信仁1, 古根聡2, 廣瀬崇1, 鈴木智彦1, 鈴木孝弘1, 平井恵子1, 柴田寛幸1, 倉田祥行1, 中村正直1, 川嶋啓揮1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 73-73, 2022. |
32. An example of the mixed gastric cancer of a fetal gastrointestinal similar cancer and the hepatoid adenocarcinoma 阿久津友洋1, 内山隆1, 小坂隼人3, 中村光一1, 久保田修1, 山田健太2, 鈴木崇弘2, 石橋るり2, 二見肇2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 73-73, 2022. |
33. An example of the duodenal signet ring cell adenocarcinoma which investigated it thoroughly with common bile duct expansion, and was under the medical treatment 山中力行, 井上尊史, 西澤航平, 藤田翔也, 井口太郎, 大庭行正, 鈴木安曇, 佐原秀, 栗山茂, 影山富士人, 金岡繁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 74-74, 2022. |
34. One patient who was treated effectively with SOX+Trastuzumab therapy for gastric cancer, metastases to bone who had the DIC 中井俊介, 冨田優作, 森義徳, 橋本真耶佳, 金山朋裕, 大脇聖楽, 前田英貴, 金岩弘樹, 今津充季, 北川美香, 野村智史, 平野敦之, 木村吉秀, 土田研司, 妹尾恭司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 74-74, 2022. |
35. It is an example with suspected hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) during chemotherapy for stomach small cell carcinoma 伊藤創太, 石原誠, 牧野成彦, 竹内悠祐, 加藤彩, 榎本祥吾, 齋藤洋一郎, 尾崎玄, 林大樹朗, 竹内真実子 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 74-74, 2022. |
36. One patient who obtained conversion surgery and pathological complete fruition using nivolumab for cardial part cancer with the peritoneal dissemination 近石裕子1, 中内雅也2, 藤田正博1, 梅木祐介1, 後藤愛1, 鈴木和光1, 芹澤朗子1, 秋元信吾1, 田中毅1, 柴崎晋1, 稲葉一樹2, 宇山一朗2,3, 須田康一1,4 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 74-74, 2022. |
37. It is an example of the progress gastric cancer using the infliximab for interstitial pneumonia by the nivolumab 加藤綾, 加藤駿介, 加藤真子, 杉村明佳音, 吉峰尚子, 高山将旭, 小野聡, 越野顕, 山本和弘, 長尾一寛, 杉山智也, 山口純治, 足立和規, 田村泰弘, 井澤晋也, 海老正秀, 舟木康, 小笠原尚高, 佐々木誠人, 春日井邦夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 75-75, 2022. |
38. Surgery results for stomach neuroendocrine system cancer in our hospital 曽根田亘, 藤谷啓一, 寺島雅典, 古川健一朗, 谷澤豊, 坂東悦郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 75-75, 2022. |
39. Examination in the patients with progress, recurrent gastric cancer terminal phase 太田学, 中島昭人, 大貫義則 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 75-75, 2022. |
40. One case of liver origin Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma given laparoscopic partial hepatectomy technique 弓削拓也, 種村彰洋, 前田光貴, 新貝達, 伊藤貴洋, 堯天一亨, 早崎碧泉, 藤井武宏, 飯澤祐介, 村田泰洋, 栗山直久, 岸和田昌之, 水野修吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 75-75, 2022. |
41. An example of neuroendocrine system cancer of the liver origin 芹澤亜紗美, 小池弘太, 池田誉, 高柳泰宏, 窪田裕幸 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 76-76, 2022. |
42. An example of the G-CSF-producing liver anaplastic carcinoma that surgical treatment succeeded 犬飼庸介1, 石津洋二1, 水野史崇1, 松田宜賢1, 山本崇文1, 水野和幸1, 武藤久哲1, 横山晋也1, 山本健太1, 伊藤隆徳1, 今井則博1, 本多隆1, 林真路2, 石上雅敏1, 川嶋啓揮1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 76-76, 2022. |
43. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma that SD is obtained after the interstitial pneumonia onset with the checkpoint inhibitor administration of immunity for a long term 和田悠良, 葛谷貞二, 宮地小百合, 宮地洋平, 越智友花, 田中浩敬, 中岡和徳, 中野卓二, 川部直人, 橋本千樹, 廣岡芳樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 76-76, 2022. |
44. One case of esophageal varices, the hepatocellular carcinoma which complicated a rectal varix 長井宏樹, 三田直樹, 山田愛, 三浦有貴, 小居幹太, 伊藤貴嗣, 向井美鈴, 杉山智彦, 白木亮, 戸田勝久, 勝村直樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 76-76, 2022. |
45. Experience of the human trunk part normal position radiotherapy for the hepatocellular carcinoma 西澤航平, 井上尊史, 井口太郎, 藤田翔也, 山中力行, 大庭行正, 鈴木安曇, 佐原秀, 栗山茂, 影山富士人, 金岡繁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 77-77, 2022. |
46. An example of recurrent primary sclerosing cholangitis given a brain death liver transplant 11 years after a live donor liver transplant 井上尊史, 伊藤潤, 松本萌, 梅村昌宏, 花岡智彦, 山下真帆, 木次健介, 高鳥真吾, 太田和義, 千田剛士, 則武秀尚, 川田一仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 77-77, 2022. |
47. Two patients who conducted the shunts custody for intractable pleural effusion 安藤樹里, 平井孝典, 丹羽慶樹, 小宮山琢真, 杉山由晃, 樋口道雄, 平尾亮太, 宮田章弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 77-77, 2022. |
48. An example of the primary systemic amyloidosis which they presented with severe jaundice, and had a diagnosis by liver biopsy 柴田萌1, 西川貴広1, 小島伊織2, 齋藤和輝1, 吉田和弘1, 堀諒1, 杉原有紀1, 田島万莉1, 柳澤直宏1, 八鹿潤1, 名倉明日香1, 野々垣浩二1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 77-77, 2022. |
49. One case of acute HIV infection that occurred for an infectious mononucleosis-like symptom 岩佐太誠, 今井健二, 三輪貴生, 華井竜徳, 末次淳, 高井光治, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 78-78, 2022. |
50. For CD20-positive follicular lymphoma, it is examined the HBV reactivation in the chemotherapy case using the Obinutuzumab 木村明博1, 永野淳二1, 岩田啓佑1, 黒田英孝1, 小泉拓也1, 坂野香里1, 廣田大輝1, 林冴加1, 曽我淳史1, 谷口裕紀1, 入谷壮一1, 吉田健作1, 小澤範高1, 丸田明範1, 山崎健路1, 清水省吾1, 植松孝広2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 78-78, 2022. |
51. Examination of the liver residual function and the nutritional status after the Rifaximin administration for the hepatic encephalopathy in our hospital 浦田登, 島田昌明, 平嶋昇 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 78-78, 2022. |
52. In addition to gallbladder twisting; one case of the necrotic cholecystitis with the strangulation by the strand-formed thing 谷川智美, 渡邊大和, 市川健, 奥田善大, 近藤昭信, 田中穣 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 78-78, 2022. |
53. One case of the super old common bile duct stone given the biliary tract drainage of the transnipple by the rendezvous method using the PTGBD route 金子淳一1, 綿引萌花1, 小杉知功1, 草間大輔1, 玉腰裕規1, 丹羽智之1, 竹下悠1, 瀧浪将貴1, 辻敦1, 西野眞史1, 高橋百合美2, 笹田雄三2, 山田貴教1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 79-79, 2022. |
54. The rubble by the PTBD route occurred in the rebuilding intestinal tract after the effective operation; accumulate; one case of cholangitis due to the calculus 大橋洋祐, 佐竹勇哉, 下城宏太, 林完成, 水谷しの, 出田貴康, 足達広和, 大島靖広, 杉山宏 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 79-79, 2022. |
55. Example that was heterotopic, and caused common bile duct stone-related cholangitis after the operation more in the 23rd year of the clip at laparoscopic cholecystectomy 三木大地, 鷲見肇, 山口丈夫, 土居崎正雄, 藤吉俊尚, 丸川高弘, 吉岡直輝, 上田遼太, 松本悠平, 堀田侑義, 川瀬祐, 原啓文, 市川毅留, 坂本旭美, 野村真希, 春田純一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 79-79, 2022. |
56. An example of the hematobilia due to the pancreas duodenum aneurysm ruptured complicated for biliary tract measures 松本尚樹, 丹羽峻, 小森徹也, 桐生幸苗, 土屋学, 遠藤大輔, 金井友哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 79-79, 2022. |
57. Two cases of cholangitis as the immune-mediated adverse event with the immune checkpoint inhibitor which we experienced in our hospital 田中佑典, 鈴木博貴, 松原浩, 内藤岳人, 山田雅弘, 山本英子, 服部峻, 加納佑一, 西堀友美, 堀田尋紀, 足立賢吾, 新田紘一郎, 浦野文博 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 80-80, 2022. |
58. One case that performed percutaneous endoscopic necrosectomy after bile duct metallic stenting and the ENBD tube custody to the perforation department for acute necrotic retention associated with the pancreatitis and the delayed-action main Vater's papilla perforation after ERCP 川出真史, 奥野充, 岩田圭介, 犬飼将旭, 大西拓海, 日野孝彬, 伊藤優紀, 高木暁広, 相羽優志, 岩佐悠平, 河内隆宏, 小木曽富生, 林秀樹, 杉山昭彦, 西垣洋一, 冨田栄一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 80-80, 2022. |
59. Example that endoscopic papillectomy was effective for Choledochocele 横山翔平, 正谷一石, 八木直人, 菊池恵介, 上田駿介, 池田正俊, 早川諒介, 木村領佑, 鈴木博貴, 黒石健吾, 濱村啓介, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 80-80, 2022. |
60. One case of unresectable gallbladder neuroendocrine system cancer which responded to cisplatin + irinotecan 岩田彩加, 林大樹朗, 牧野成彦, 榎本祥吾, 加藤彩, 竹内悠祐, 齋藤洋一郎, 尾崎玄, 石原誠, 竹内真実子 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 80-80, 2022. |
61. Treatment result of the rays dynamic therapy in our hospital 柴田寛幸1, 伊藤信仁1, 古川和宏1, 古根聡2, 廣瀬崇1, 鈴木智彦1, 鈴木孝弘1, 飛田恵美子1, 平井恵子1, 倉田祥行1, 石川恵里1, 澤田つな騎3, 水谷泰之1, 山雄健太郎3, 前田啓子3, 山村健史1, 石川卓哉1, 大野栄三郎1, 中村正直1, 川嶋啓揮1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 81-81, 2022. |
62. Examination - surgery of the treatment result of the squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus vs. radical chemoradiotherapy - 眞柳修平1, 羽田綾馬1,2, 井上正純1, 石井賢二郎1, 坪佐恭宏1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 81-81, 2022. |
63. Treatment result of the chemoradiotherapy for the cervical cancer of the esophagus 井上正純, 坪佐恭宏, 羽田綾馬, 石井賢二郎, 眞柳修平 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 81-81, 2022. |
64. Practice about the abnormal value of the D dimer during cancer of the esophagus postoperative complications treatment introduced from another hospital 田中善宏, 佐藤悠太, 大野慎也, 遠藤真英, 浅井竜一, 深田真宏, 安福至, 田島ジェシー雄, 奥村直樹, 高橋孝夫, 松橋延壽 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 81-81, 2022. |
65. One case of the esophagus superficial type basaloid carcinoma which caused a rapid metastatic recurrence 平野雄一1, 芳澤社1, 三宅彩1, 榛葉俊太朗1, 井田雄也1, 大城恵吾1, 吉井元1, 小林郁美1, 志田麻子1, 江上貴俊1, 山田洋介1, 海野修平1, 小林陽介1, 木全政晴1, 室久剛1, 長澤正通1, 細田佳佐1, 大月寛郎2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 82-82, 2022. |
66. An example of the esophagus GIST 杉野敏志1, 森健次1, 中畑由紀1, 向井理英子1, 坂元直行1, 大洞昭博1, 村上善基1, 小島孝雄1, 八木信明1, 遠藤真英2, 田中善宏2, 酒々井夏子3, 宮崎龍彦3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 82-82, 2022. |
67. One case that detained the esophagus stent for esophagogastric junction cancer postoperative esophagoenterostomy department failure of the sutures 大島一真1, 中内雅也2, 藤田正博1, 梅木祐介1, 後藤愛1, 鈴木和光1, 芹澤朗子1, 秋元信吾1, 田中毅1, 柴崎晋1, 稲葉一樹2, 宇山一朗2,3, 須田康一1,4 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 82-82, 2022. |
68. One case of the Meckel diverticulum introversion discovered with a capsule endoscope with GI bleeding 丸山巧1, 石田夏樹2, 田村智1, 谷伸也1, 山出美穂子1, 岩泉守哉3, 濱屋寧1, 大澤恵2, 赤井俊也4, 倉地清隆4, 竹内裕也4, 杉本健1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 82-82, 2022. |
69. It is all de-case who had the small intestinal perforation for classic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 白木巧, 島村隆浩, 東正樹, 長谷川聡, 岡本和哉, 中村利夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 83-83, 2022. |
70. One patient who went conversion surgery for the jejunal cancer with peritoneal metastases 大林未来1, 大塚新平1, 山田美保子1, 蘆田良1, 大木克久1, 川上武志2, 杉浦禎一1, 上坂克彦1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 83-83, 2022. |
71. One case of the adult intussusception 林忠毅, 原田岳, 芝切花梨, 松本旭生, 尾崎裕介, 宮崎真一郎, 大菊正人, 田村浩章, 金井俊和, 落合秀人 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 83-83, 2022. |
72. An example of the small intestine neuroendocrine tumor diagnosed by intraabdominal tumor excision 浦谷亮, 大井正貴, 山下真司, 志村匡信, 今岡裕基, 北嶋貴仁, 川村幹雄, 安田裕美, 奥川喜永, 森本雄貴, 大北喜基, 吉山繁幸, 問山裕二 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 83-83, 2022. |
73. Example that octreotide was effective for intractable chylous ascites 大岩恵祐1, 石川恵里1, 中村正直1, 山村健史1, 前田啓子1, 澤田つな騎2, 村手健太郎1, 濱崎元伸1, 山田健太朗1, 長谷川一成1, 池上脩二1, 大橋彩子1, 河村達哉1, 八田勇輔1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 84-84, 2022. |
75. Example that lung cancer metastases to small intestine were given 2 degrees tumor resection 八木直人, 横山翔平, 正谷一石, 菊池恵介, 有谷実莉, 上田駿介, 池田正俊, 早川諒祐, 木村領佑, 鈴木博貴, 黒石健吾, 濱村啓介, 高橋好朗, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 84-84, 2022. |
76. Three cases of the antimicrobial-related encephalopathy by the ceftriaxone experienced in our hospital 水野智之, 高田博樹, 祖父江雅也, 竹市絵里花, 山本涼, 原田貴仁, 河村逸外, 隈井大介, 小林由花, 山本友輝, 安達明央, 池内寛和, 林則之, 平田慶和, 祖父江聡 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 84-84, 2022. |
77. An example of the malignant peritoneal mesothelioma which gave systemic chemotherapy, and obtained the survival of three years 佐々木謙, 大岩拓矢, 濱田祐輔, 安原聡, 丹羽祐介, 山田直晃, 浦壁憲司, 貫井嵩之, 岡山幸平, 蓑輪彬久, 鈴木健人, 鈴木雄太, 羽根田賢一, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 85-85, 2022. |
78. One case of mesentery desmoid tumor which had difficulty in differentiation with the colon cancer technique retroperitoneum dissemination 見原遥佑, 平山一久, 田井優太, 林良郎, 石松久人, 小路毅, 山崎將典, 丸尾啓敏 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 85-85, 2022. |
79. An example of abdominal wall origin isolated fiber-related tumor that suffered from a diagnosis 相澤勇人, 藤田孝義, 森井正哉, 山田弘志, 大塚利彦, 堤克彦, 細野幸太, 今枝秀斗, 飯塚昭男 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 85-85, 2022. |
80. One case of the limited-stage Castleman illness that occurred in retroperitoneum 森山智仁, 林晋太郎, 百々弘樹, 原田雄太, 井原亮, 熊原加奈, 與儀竜治, 東玲治, 大橋憲嗣, 森昭裕 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 85-85, 2022. |
81. One case of the neoplasm of omentum which suffered from a diagnosis before operation 岩瀬友哉, 東正樹, 福井脩介, 白木巧, 島村隆浩, 長谷川聡, 岡本和哉, 中村利夫 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 86-86, 2022. |
82. Cancer of the esophagus, two experience that conducted thoracoscopic oesophagectomy and pancreatoduodenectomy by the division surgery for double cancer at the same time for two terms, and did radical excision of the biliary cancer 安井講平1,2, 安部哲也1, 檜垣栄治1, 藤枝裕倫1, 赤座賢1, 多和田翔1, 有竹典1, 沖哲1, 大内晶1, 佐藤雄介1, 奥野正隆1, 浅野智成1, 夏目誠治1, 木下敬史1, 伊藤友一1, 三澤一成1, 小森康司1, 伊藤誠二1, 清水泰博1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 86-86, 2022. |
83. One case of desmoid tumor due to the metachronous CTNNB1 mutation that recurred ectopically 臼井佑希1, 羽田綾馬1, 川田三四郎1, 村上智洋1, 坊岡英祐1, 松本知拓1, 森田剛文1, 菊池寛利1, 平松良浩1,2, 竹内裕也1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 86-86, 2022. |
84. An example of hydrosalpinx and the appendix endometriosis that had difficulty in Low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm (LAMN) and differentiation 西脇大貴, 大島健志, 東園和哉, 川村崇文, 間浩之, 永井恵里奈, 瀧雄介, 西田正人, 佐藤真輔, 大端考, 渡邉昌也, 金本秀行, 大場範行 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 86-86, 2022. |
85. Example that pelvic old meatus urinarius hernia developed after kidney ureter bladder urethra complete removal and was able to restore by rectus abdominis muscle dermal flap plombage 野村僚1, 早川俊輔1, 齊藤正樹1, 伊藤直1, 上野修平1, 大久保友貴1, 佐川弘之1, 田中達也1, 小川了1, 高橋広城1, 松尾洋一1, 三井章2,3, 木村昌弘2, 瀧口修司1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 87-87, 2022. |
86. An example of the segmental artery media myelinolysis that COVID-19mRNA vaccine was thought to be associated with the onset 丹羽佑介, 奥村文浩, 佐々木謙, 濱田祐輔, 安原聡, 山田直晃, 大岩拓矢, 浦壁憲司, 貫井嵩之, 岡山幸平, 鈴木健人, 蓑輪彬久, 鈴木雄太, 羽根田賢一, 水島隆史 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 87-87, 2022. |
87. An example of the type 2 autoimmune pancreatitis of 16 years old boys 北野礼奈, 井上匡央, 指宿麻悠, 坂本和賢, 木本慧, 小林佑次, 角田圭雄, 中出幸臣, 伊藤清顕, 米田政志 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 87-87, 2022. |
88. An example of body of pancreas tail cancer which was thought to occur against a backdrop of autoimmune pancreatitis 杉原守, 木内亮太, 境井勇気, 高木徹, 小坂隼人, 川端俊貴, 神藤修, 宇野彰晋, 深澤貴子, 松本圭五, 坂口孝宜, 鈴木昌八 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 87-87, 2022. |
89. One case of the micropancreatic cancer detected with acute pancreatitis 辻直哉, 前田光貴, 新貝逹, 尭天一亨, 伊藤貴洋, 早崎碧泉, 藤井武宏, 飯澤祐介, 村田泰洋, 種村彰洋, 栗山直久, 岸和田昌之, 水野修吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 88-88, 2022. |
90. An example of pancreas tail cancer which led to a diagnosis with iterative pancreatitis 大城恵吾1, 小林陽介1, 三宅彩1, 榛葉俊太朗1, 井田雄也1, 平野雄一1, 吉井元1, 小林郁美1, 志田麻子1, 江上貴俊1, 山田洋介1, 海野修平1, 木全政晴1, 芳澤社1, 室久剛1, 長澤正通1, 細田佳佐1, 山本博崇2, 大月寛郎3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 88-88, 2022. |
91. An example of minimally invasive pancreatic duct cancer that consecutive pancreatic juice cytodiagnosis was useful 加古雄基, 竹山友章, 鈴木悠土, 安藤雅能, 澤田悠太郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 88-88, 2022. |
92. An example of pancreas Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm (SPN) which caused obstructive pancreatitis 小林誠之1, 渡邉晋也2, 竹内悠2, 米倉孝2, 横田彬彦2, 金山広和2, 松下雅広2, 上村和康3, 川田一仁4 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 88-88, 2022. |
93. One case of multiple gastrointestinal stenosis due to the pancreatic cancer that the duodenal drainage using the EUS-HGS route was useful 馬淵正敏1, 宇野由佳里1, 中村博式1, 足立政治1, 島崎信1, 西脇伸二1, 熊澤伊和生2, 岩下拓司3, 清水雅仁3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 89-89, 2022. |
94. An example of EGIST which racked its brains about the differentiation with pancreatic tumor 川野莉奈, 中江康之, 浜島英司, 神岡諭郎, 仲島さより, 久野剛史, 佐々木雅隆, 高田直樹, 船橋脩, 二村侑歩, 吉川幸愛, 光松佑時, 佐藤宏樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 89-89, 2022. |
95. One case of pancreas neuroendocrine tumor and the in front of art pancreas schwannoma that we diagnosed 大畠昭彦, 吉井重人, 景岡正信, 寺井智宏, 星野弘典, 稲垣圭佑, 佐藤大輝, 馬場皓大, 丸山保彦 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 89-89, 2022. |
96. One patient who underwent Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy for a recurrence after the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor technique 黒田昂宏1, 武田真1, 村木隆太1, 井田進也1, 牧野光将1, 森田剛文1, 小西憲太2, 中村和正2, 竹内裕也1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 89-89, 2022. |
97. Example that we were able to save by artery embolization for massive bleeding by the cancer of head of pancreas transverse colon permeation 吉田和弘, 八鹿潤, 野々垣浩二, 西川貴広, 名倉明日香, 榊原聡介, 柳瀬成希, 早川真也, 柳澤直宏, 田島万莉, 杉原有希, 堀諒, 柴田萌, 齋藤和輝 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 90-90, 2022. |
98. An example of pancreas IOPN (Intraductal oncocytic papillary neoplasm) with the invasive cancer 松波光志朗1, 岩間英明1, 小島正之1, 三井哲史1, 水本拓也1, 内田雄一郎1, 加藤悠太郎2, 宇山一朗2, 高原武志1, 須田康一1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 90-90, 2022. |
99. Example that gemcitabine +S1 therapy (GS) therapy was effective for pancreas adenosquamous carcinoma 澤田悠太郎, 竹山友章, 加古雄基, 安藤雅能, 鈴木悠土 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 90-90, 2022. |
100. One case of the pancreas adenosquamous carcinoma which repeated metastatic liver tumor bleeding after Pembrolizumab administration 引地智基, 遠藤伸也, 川口真矢, 稲川敦子, 武田昌大, 石黒友也, 加島弘崇, 平田太陽, 池田慎也, 浅原和久, 佐藤辰宣, 増井雄一, 松田昌範, 板井良輔, 川合麻実, 寺田修三, 黒上貴史, 白根尚文, 大野和也 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 90-90, 2022. |
101. One case of pancreas neuroendocrine tumor (pNEN) with the multiple liver metastases that peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) succeeded 木下拓也1, 大野栄三郎1, 石川卓哉1, 山雄健太郎2, 植月康太1, 宜保憲明1, 青木聡典1, 森裕1, 青井宏典1, 片岡邦夫1, 高田善久1, 高橋秀和1, 南喜之1, 熊野良平1, 高野宏平1, 川嶋啓揮1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 91-91, 2022. |
102. One case of pancreas serous cyst tumor which we were able to diagnose in EUS-FNA 大前啓太, 村林桃士, 津田宜之, 河俣真由, 松嶋竜太郎, 久田拓央, 天満大志, 林智士, 杉本真也, 大山田純, 亀井昭 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 91-91, 2022. |
103. One case of the malignant lymphoma which racked its brains about the differentiation with pancreatic tumor 森裕1, 大野栄三郎1, 石川卓哉1, 山雄健太郎2, 水谷泰之1, 飯田忠1, 植月康太1, 宜保憲明1, 青木聡典1, 片岡邦夫1, 高田善久1, 高橋秀和1, 青井広典1, 南喜之1, 高野宏平1, 木下拓也1, 川嶋啓揮1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 91-91, 2022. |
104. An example of the pancreas fusiform cells type anaplastic carcinoma which caused a clear form change in a short term 奥田彩子1, 山田玲子1, 野瀬賢治1, 田中隆光1, 村嶋佑美1, 坪井順哉1, 丸山和晃2, 内田克典2, 早崎碧泉3, 栗山直久3, 水野修吾3, 中川勇人1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 91-91, 2022. |
106. Examination of the risk factor of the febrile neutropenia in the modified FOLFIRINOX therapy for the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer 千住明彦, 岩下拓司, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 92-92, 2022. |
107. One case of the cancer of head of pancreas which obtained pathological complete fruition by chemoradiotherapy 山川純一, 藤田博文, 土屋一途, 木村泰生, 荻野和功 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 92-92, 2022. |
108. An example of the UR-LA cancer of head of pancreas which was available for the long-term condition of a patient control by chemotherapy 柴崎泰, 金子猛, 横井佳博 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (137): 92-92, 2022. |