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- > The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology
Volume , Issue 139 / 2023
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
1). Liver disease practice of the virus control era 豊田秀徳 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 16-16, 2023. |
2). The current situation (from IEE to application of the AI) of the digestive organ endoscope 八木信明 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 18-18, 2023. |
3). up to date of colon cancer treatment 松橋延壽 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 20-20, 2023. |
4). up to date of a diagnosis and the treatment for cholelithiasis 岩下拓司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 22-22, 2023. |
1). About diversity to support the development of the academic conference 山本眞由美 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 28-28, 2023. |
2). Graduate from a graduate school 大西祥代 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 29-29, 2023. |
3). We think about the career up of the woman doctor 中畑由紀 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 30-30, 2023. |
S1-1. International collaborative efforts for the development of the colonoscope medical decision support system with the artificial intelligence 宇野好1, 久保田英嗣1, Cho Bum-Joo2, 福定繁紀1, 杉村直美1, 水野裕介1, 田中守1, 尾関啓司1, 志村貴也1, 片岡洋望1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 37-37, 2023. |
S1-2. The current situation and problem of the universal screening for colon cancer in our hospital 高木暁広, 山田啓策, 伊藤信仁, 田中努, 田近正洋, 丹羽康正 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 37-37, 2023. |
S1-3. Expression of tumor-related microRNA in large intestine tumor 村島健太郎, 中川義仁, 廣岡芳樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 37-37, 2023. |
S1-4. Examination about the usefulness of gallbladder cancer preoperative contrasting harmonic EUS 吉田健作, 丸田明範, 入谷壮一, 小澤範高, 永野淳二, 山崎健路, 清水省吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 37-37, 2023. |
S1-5. Problem for the current situation and the malignant transformation case of the IPMN follow-up in our hospital 片岡史弥, 河口順二, 神野宏規, 亀井真琴, 長尾涼太郎, 中西孝之, 淺野剛之, 田上真, 荒木寛司, 杉原潤一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 38-38, 2023. |
S1-6. Examination about the differential diagnosis in the CT image evidence of invasive pancreatic duct cancer and distal cholangiocarcinoma 玉腰裕規, 金子淳一, 山田貴教 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 38-38, 2023. |
S1-7. Examination of the factor contributing to the success of the examination for gene panel using the EUS-FNB specimen 坂本拡基, 石渡裕俊, 佐藤純也 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 38-38, 2023. |
S1-8. Examination of the risk factor of the febrile neutropenia in the modified FOLFIRINOX therapy for the unresectable progress pancreatic cancer 千住明彦, 岩下拓司, 岩田翔太, 嶋田貴仁, 宇野女慎二, 手塚隆一, 華井竜徳, 上村真也, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 38-38, 2023. |
S1-9. Treatment result in our hospital of the Durvalumab + GC therapy for the unresectable biliary cancer 中村佳史, 山田玲子, 小林真悠, 田中隆光, 野瀬賢治, 三輪田哲郎, 坪井順哉, 中川勇人 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 39-39, 2023. |
S1-10. Clinical usefulness of the hepatic artery chemoembolisation of the transradial for the hepatocellular carcinoma 社本賢昭, 内藤岳人, 浦野文博 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 39-39, 2023. |
S1-11. The change of Era of initial treatment results of the systemic medical therapy for the unresectable progress hepatocellular carcinoma in our hospital 山本崇文1, 伊藤隆徳1, 水野和幸1, 横山晋也2, 山本健太3, 今井則博2, 石津洋二1, 本多隆2, 川嶋啓揮2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 39-39, 2023. |
S1-12. Examination about the pre-rear predictor of the Atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy in the unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma first treatment 岡山幸平1, 鈴木孝典2, 松浦健太郎2, 奥村文浩1, 祖父江聡3, 日下部篤宣4, 長谷川泉4, 的屋奨5, 藤原圭2, 片岡洋望2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 39-39, 2023. |
S2-1. We think about medical security in the chylopoietic disease practice than the apparatus log information analysis of the endoscopic system 星野弘典, 吉井重人, 丸山保彦 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 40-40, 2023. |
S2-2. The current situation of the digestive organ practice in the JCI authorization hospital 齋藤彰敏, 林克巳, 加藤大介, 森俊敬, 宮城島俊, 熱田直己, 塚本宏延, 蟹江浩, 宮部勝之, 山田智則 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 40-40, 2023. |
S2-3. It is examined the endoscopic maneuver-related fatigue in the woman doctor from the viewpoint of medical security 猪飼千咲, 中川真里絵, 庄田怜加, 武仲祐弥, 荒木幸子, 西垣信宏, 小島尚代, 近藤啓, 伊藤恵介, 林香月 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 40-40, 2023. |
S2-4. Proposal of the ergonomic approach method relieving line skeletal system fatigue with X-rays protection clothes 堀寧1, 榎原毅2, 林香月1,3, 吉田道弘1, 加藤晃久1, 加地謙太1, 佐橋秀典1, 片岡洋望1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 40-40, 2023. |
S2-5. About peptide receptor radionuclide treatment (PRRT) introduction preparations to work on in the multi-type of job, a multi-section 田中浩敬, 大野栄三郎, 葛谷貞二, 川部直人, 中岡和徳, 中野卓二, 宮地洋平, 越智友花, 宮地小百合, 廣岡芳樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 41-41, 2023. |
S2-6. Efforts to the Failure to Rescue evasion due to hemorrhagic complications after the pancreas surgery in our hospital 傳田悠貴, 松尾洋一, 江口祐輝, 野々山敬介, 村瀬寛倫, 加藤知克, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 森本守, 瀧口修司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 41-41, 2023. |
S2-7. Examination of the HBV reactivation in the blood malignant disorder case receiving the antiCD20 antibody preparation 永野淳二, 増田直也, 大谷毅一, 入谷壮一, 吉田健作, 丸田明範, 小澤範高, 山崎健路, 清水省吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 41-41, 2023. |
S2-8. Efforts - of infection measures - endoscopic washing and degree of purity management of the gastrointestinal endoscope in our hospital 黒田直起1, 天野有二2, 山端壯周2, 紅林真理絵1, 青木雅俊1, 福家洋之1, 河俣浩之1, 脇田喜弘1, 橋本章1, 清水敦哉1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 41-41, 2023. |
S2-9. Exploring needle choice in consideration of adverse event reduction and pathological diagnosis ability of EUS-FNA for lymphadenopathy 奥野充, 岩田圭介, 岩佐悠平, 下城宏太, 伊藤有紀, 河内隆宏, 小木曽富生, 林秀樹, 杉山昭彦, 西垣洋一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 42-42, 2023. |
S2-10. The current situation of the sedative management at the endoscopy in our hospital and future problem 境浩康1,2, 井深貴士1, 三輪貴生1, 大西紘太郎1, 今井健二1, 白上洋平1, 末次淳1, 高井光治1, 熊田恵介2, 清水雅仁1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 42-42, 2023. |
S2-11. Of the pentazocine at ERCP prior, giving it intramuscularly decreases a midazolam total drug dose 馬淵正敏, 足立政治, 岩崎萌子, 田端みずほ, 岩佐太誠, 松浦加奈, 高田英里, 中村博式, 島崎信, 西脇伸二 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 42-42, 2023. |
S2-12. The current situation and safety measures of ERCP for super elderly people in our hospital 浦壁憲司, 山田直晃, 大岩拓矢, 岡山幸平, 鈴木健人, 蓑輪彬久, 鈴木雄太, 羽根田賢一, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 42-42, 2023. |
S2-13. Overtime emergency ERCP in consideration for medical security 村林桃士, 大山田純, 亀井昭 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 43-43, 2023. |
S2-14. Efforts from each type of job that aimed at high quality duodenal Endoscopic submucosal dissection by security 廣瀬崇1, 古川和宏2, 古根聡2, 高田善久2, 坂戸恵3, 根木英輔3, 川添知佳3, 中山竣平4, 中村正直1, 川嶋啓揮2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 43-43, 2023. |
S2-15. A treatment result of ESD by the young physician and examination about the safety 長尾涼太郎, 中西孝之, 荒木寛司, 神野宏規, 亀井真琴, 片岡史弥, 河口順二, 淺野剛之, 田上真, 杉原潤一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 43-43, 2023. |
S2-16. Efforts for the handling of examination and the antithrombotic drug of the stomach ESD afterbleeding in our hospital 山下晃司, 井深貴士, 林完成, 宇野由佳里, 田口大輔, 小島健太郎, 大西祥代, 高田淳, 久保田全哉, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 43-43, 2023. |
01. One case that was thought to occur in a row for ischaemic colitis, ischemic ileitis against a backdrop of superior mesenteric artery region of origin stenosis 中村博式1, 岩佐太誠1, 馬淵正敏1, 足立政治1, 島崎信1, 西脇伸二1, 小島則昭2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 64-64, 2023. |
02. One case of the acute hemorrhagic colitis that occurred after the new coronavirus vaccination 牧野紘幸, 中西孝之, 荒木寛司, 鳥澤宗一郎, 神野宏規, 亀井真琴, 長尾涼太郎, 片岡史弥, 河口順二, 淺野剛之, 田上真, 杉原潤一, 森脇久隆, 冨田栄一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 64-64, 2023. |
03. Cytomegalovirus enterocolitis and C. where combined modality therapy succeeded An example of the old onset serious case ulcerative colitis who had the difficile enterocolitis 神野宏規, 中西孝之, 荒木寛司, 鳥澤宗一郎, 亀井真琴, 長尾涼太郎, 片岡史弥, 河口順二, 淺野剛之, 早崎直行, 伊藤康文, 田上真, 杉原潤一, 森脇久隆, 冨田栄一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 64-64, 2023. |
04. Two cases who had intestinal tract spirochetal disease and the intestinal tract cyst-formed emphysematosa 大谷毅一1, 山崎健路1, 九嶋亮治2, 山内和貴1, 木村明博1, 黒田英孝1, 小泉悠1, 村瀬博幸1, 増田直也1, 入谷壮一1, 吉田健作1, 小澤範高1, 丸田明範1, 永野淳二1, 清水省吾1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 64-64, 2023. |
05. Examination of the efficacy and safety of Filgotinib for patients with ulcerative colitis at our hospital 小泉拓也, 小島健太郎, 大西祥代, 高田淳, 久保田全哉, 井深貴士, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 65-65, 2023. |
06. Exclusive operation case of the Crohn's disease that presented extensive subnutrition by the small intestine, colon, the coexistence of the anal lesion 鷹羽律紀, 浅井竜一, 安藤幸紀, 松本圭太, 田島ジェシー雄, 木山茂, 田中善宏, 奥村直樹, 村瀬勝俊, 松橋延壽 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 65-65, 2023. |
07. Examination about the accident of Over-the-scope clip (OTSC) which a hemostasis purpose of the diverticula of colon bleeding was given 日野孝彬, 杉山宏, 市野翔一, 犬飼将旭, 大橋洋佑, 水谷しの, 出田貴康, 足達広和, 大島靖広 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 65-65, 2023. |
08. An example of the MEFV enterocolitis which lacked in the views that were specific in the endoscopic views about gene 林良紘, 尾関啓司, 片岡洋望 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 65-65, 2023. |
09. One patient who presented with disseminated bone marrow carcinosis during the chemotherapy of rectal cancer-prone lymph node metastases 曽我淳史, 雄山裕亮, 小出香里, 谷口裕紀, 市川広直, 今井奨, 白子順子 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 66-66, 2023. |
10. One case of rectal origin Mixed neuroendocrine non-neuroendocrine neoplasm (MiNEN) which caused a form change in a short term 有賀亮太, 蟹江浩, 内田美奈, 高木優輔, 加藤大介, 森俊敬, 宮城島俊, 熱田直己, 齋藤彰敏, 塚本宏延, 宮部勝之, 山田智則, 林克巳 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 66-66, 2023. |
11. One patient who was able to observe the CT level change of the toothpick which caused large intestine penetration 大久保文, 橋本章, 澤井翔馬, 小野隆裕, 紅林真理絵, 田原雄一, 黒田直起, 吉澤尚彦, 青木雅俊, 福家洋之, 河俣浩之, 脇田喜弘, 清水敦哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 66-66, 2023. |
12. One case of old onset rectal EBV-positive skin mucosal ulceration (EBVMCU) that occurred against a backdrop of use of immunomodulator 高橋嘉那太, 寺井智宏, 丸山保彦, 吉井重人, 景岡正信, 大畠昭彦, 星野弘典, 乾航, 稲垣圭佑, 馬場皓大, 丸山巧 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 66-66, 2023. |
13. Examination of the vitamin B12 deficiency of patients with Crohn's disease in our hospital 歌方有貴, 井深貴士, 川出真史, 小泉拓也, 嶋田貴仁, 宇野女慎二, 宇野由佳里, 林完成, 田口大輔, 山下晃司, 小島健太郎, 大西祥代, 高田淳, 久保田全哉, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 67-67, 2023. |
14. An example of the small intestine leiomyoma 松下知路1, 荒尾真道1, 寺倉大志1, 安田陽一1, 關野誠史郎3, 山田鉄也2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 67-67, 2023. |
15. One case of the small intestine arterio-venous malformation given endoscopic mucosal resection with a double balloon small intestine endoscope 河村達哉1, 石川恵里2, 中村正直1, 山村健史2, 前田啓子2, 澤田つな騎1, 村手健太郎2, 長谷川一成2, 池上脩二2, 大橋彩子2, 大岩恵祐2, 八田勇輔2, 平松美緒2, 川嶋啓揮2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 67-67, 2023. |
16. A case of small intestine lipomatosis complicated by small intestine cancer 鈴木章弘, 中山吾郎, 服部憲史, 梅田晋一, 岸田貴喜, 村田悠記, 小倉淳司, 清水大, 神田光郎, 田中千恵, 小寺泰弘 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 67-67, 2023. |
17. One case of metastatic jejunum tumor of choriocarcinoma which obtained a diagnosis by jejunum segmental resection for the intractable GI bleeding 豊田健介, 海野修平, 芳澤社, 金谷和哉, 山下大貴, 井田雄也, 大城恵吾, 平野雄一, 吉井元, 遠藤茜, 小林郁美, 志田麻子, 山田洋介, 小林陽介, 木全政晴, 室久剛, 長澤正通, 細田佳佐 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 68-68, 2023. |
18. An example of the jejunum allopatry pancreatic cancer diagnosed with the passage disorder 杉山智哉1, 加藤敦士2, 淺井雄介1, 杉浦喜一1, 高橋悟1, 尾上峻也1, 樋口友洋2, 宮津隆裕1, 金子雅直1, 石田夏樹1, 松浦友春1, 田村智1, 阪田麻裕3, 谷伸也1, 山出美穂子1, 濱屋寧1, 岩泉守哉4, 大澤恵2, 倉地清隆3, 杉本健1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 68-68, 2023. |
19. An example of the fimbria-related anterior intestinal portal-related hepatic cyst which reached the diagnosis by echo guided biopsy 榛葉俊太朗1, 竹内悠1, 米倉孝1, 石橋浩平1, 渡邉晋也1, 金山広和1, 松下雅広1, 濱保英樹2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 68-68, 2023. |
20. An example of the hemangiosarcoma of the liver which we were able to diagnose by the percutaneous liver tumor biopsy with the 20G small diameter needle safely 川口大貴, 濱村啓介, 引地智基, 菊池恵介, 早川諒祐, 木村領佑, 鈴木博貴, 長谷川力也, 黒石健吾, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 68-68, 2023. |
21. One case of the liver origin angiomyolipoma 山本雅人, 加藤憲治, 森定雄, 辻直哉, 中邑信一朗, 松田明敏, 小林基之, 谷口健太郎, 岩田真, 田端正己 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 69-69, 2023. |
22. One case of the liver tumor detected in abdominal supersonic wave examination 森建次, 大洞昭博, 杉野敏志, 中畑由紀, 向井理英子, 坂元直行, 村上善基, 八木信明, 小島孝雄 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 69-69, 2023. |
23. All de-case of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia where had difficulty in differentiation with the hepatocellular carcinoma 鵜飼剛史1, 田中浩敬1, 葛谷貞二1, 川部直人1, 大野栄三郎1, 中岡和徳1, 中野卓二1, 宮地洋平1, 越智友花1, 宮地小百合1, 古松了昭2, 奥村浩二2, 牛田知佳2, 廣岡芳樹1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 69-69, 2023. |
24. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which caused metastases to lung recurrence after the curative treatment in the course of six years 伊勢谷徒加, 小倉英, 大和浩乃, 川村聡, 着本望音, 玉井康将, 藤原直人, 重福隆太, 爲田雅彦, 吉川恭子, 杉本龍亮, 田中秀明, 杉本和史, 岩佐元雄, 中川勇人 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 69-69, 2023. |
25. It is one patient who had irAE colitis and the irAE pancreatitis by the Atezolizumab bevacizumab for the progress hepatocellular carcinoma 引地智基, 濱村啓介, 川口大貴, 菊池恵介, 木村領佑, 早川諒祐, 鈴木博貴, 長谷川力也, 黒石健吾, 田中俊夫, 小柳津竜樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 70-70, 2023. |
26. Two cases of the maintenance patients on dialysis who received Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab combination therapy for an unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma 坂口航輝, 佐藤辰宣, 本多一仁, 村松未来, 稲川敦子, 大堂真一郎, 土壁千夏, 上原慶大, 武田昌大, 池田慎也, 加島弘崇, 平田太陽, 増井雄一, 松田昌範, 川合麻実, 遠藤伸也, 黒上貴史, 白根尚文, 川口真矢, 大野和也 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 70-70, 2023. |
27. An example of the irAE aplasia pure red cell which occurred by Atezolizumab administration 前田英貴, 前田英貴, 森義徳, 中井俊介, 今津充季, 金岩弘樹, 冨田優作, 山口彩奈, 北川美香, 平野敦之, 木村吉秀, 土田研司 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 70-70, 2023. |
28. One patient who received Durvalumab/Tremelimumab combination therapy for mixed type liver cancer 小泉拓也, 宇野女慎二, 三輪貴生, 華井竜徳, 今井健二, 高井光治, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 70-70, 2023. |
29. Example that caused acute liver damage during oxaliplatin chronic administration 佐藤大輝1, 栗山茂3, 井上尊史1, 西澤航平1, 井口太郎1, 山中力行1, 大庭行正2, 鈴木安曇1, 佐原秀1, 影山富士人2, 金岡繁1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 71-71, 2023. |
30. One case of adult Wilson disease 神谷昌宏, 猪飼千咲, 佐藤椋, 服部智子, 小林彩香, 中川真里絵, 庄田怜加, 武仲祐弥, 荒木幸子, 西垣信宏, 小島尚代, 近藤啓, 伊藤恵介, 林香月 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 71-71, 2023. |
31. One case of the gastric varices due to the alcoholic cirrhosis that elective CA-EIS succeeded 亀井真琴1, 田上真1, 鳥澤宗一郎1, 神野宏規1, 林冴加1, 長尾涼太郎1, 片岡史弥1, 全秀嶺1, 中西孝之1, 河口順二1, 淺野剛之1, 早崎直行1, 伊藤康文1, 杉原潤一1, 森脇久隆1, 冨田栄一2, 荒木寛司1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 71-71, 2023. |
32. One case that antithrombin III preparation and edoxaban treatment were effective for portal vein thrombosis 宮原康孝, 松山恭士, 深見正高 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 71-71, 2023. |
33. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma which caused a tumor explosion after the medical therapy start early, and needed hemostasis by the IVR 増田直也, 永野淳二, 山内和貴, 木村明博, 黒田英孝, 小泉悠, 村瀬博幸, 大谷毅一, 入谷壮一, 吉田健作, 小澤範高, 丸田明範, 山崎健路, 清水省吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 72-72, 2023. |
34. Example that caused non-obstructive intestinal ischaemia after the hepatocellular carcinoma explosion 川出真史, 三輪貴生, 宇野女慎二, 華井竜徳, 今井健二, 高井光治, 清水雅仁 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 72-72, 2023. |
35. One case of the super elderly people Bouveret syndrome where endoscopic treatment was successful 伊藤里奈, 相羽優志, 長井宏樹, 平下祐生, 伊藤貴嗣, 三田直樹, 向井美鈴, 水谷拓, 山中一輝, 華井頼子, 白木亮, 戸田勝久, 勝村直樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 72-72, 2023. |
36. Autoimmune hepatitis, one case of the primary sclerosing cholangitis with the ulcerative colitis 加納佑一1, 水谷泰之1, 石川卓哉1, 山雄健太郎2, 飯田忠1, 植月康太1, 片岡邦夫1, 森裕1, 高田善久1, 青井広典1, 南喜之1, 熊野良平1, 高野宏平1, 木下拓也1, 佐々木雅隆1, 竹内一訓1, 川嶋啓揮1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 72-72, 2023. |
37. For unresectable distal malignant bile duct stricture, it is an example using partially covered self-expandable metallic stent (SEMS) 平野智也, 服部昌志, 松崎一平, 菊池正和, 泉千明, 福沢一馬, 乾和郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 73-73, 2023. |
38. Example that radiation exposure was effective for tumour haemorrhage by the duodenal permeation of the gallbladder cancer 佐々木謙1, 祖父江雅也1, 水野智之1, 濱田祐輔1, 安原聡1, 原田貴仁1, 隈井大介1, 小林由花1, 山本友輝1, 名倉義人1, 林則之1, 池内寛和1, 平田慶和1, 高田博樹1,2, 祖父江聡1, 西尾昌大3, 小川靖貴3, 深谷信之3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 73-73, 2023. |
39. An example of the tuberculous lymphadenitis that occurred for obstructive jaundice 大堂真一郎, 佐藤辰宣, 坂口航輝, 本多一仁, 村松未来, 土壁千夏, 稲川敦子, 上原慶大, 武田昌大, 加島弘崇, 平田太陽, 池田慎也, 増井雄一, 松田昌範, 川合麻実, 遠藤伸也, 黒上貴史, 白根尚文, 川口真矢, 大野和也 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 73-73, 2023. |
40. End-stage symptom of the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma and vitamin B1 deficiency, one case of the Wernicke encephalopathy that needed differentiation 河俣真由1,2, 村林桃士2, 阪口亮平1, 原田哲朗2,3, 大山田純2, 中川勇人4 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 73-73, 2023. |
41. An example of the xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis with the hepatic portal region bile duct stricture that in front of art was able to diagnose by the ultrasonic endoscope previous preparation texture sampling method and oral cholangioscope lower biopsy 綿引萌花1, 金子淳一1, 木内亮太2, 小杉知功1, 草間大輔1, 玉腰裕規1, 丹羽智之1, 瀧浪将貴1, 高橋百合美3, 山田貴教1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 74-74, 2023. |
42. One patient who was able to treat biliary fistula and the common bile duct stone by ENBD and ESWL 村松未来, 遠藤伸也, 坂口航輝, 本多一仁, 稲川敦子, 大堂真一郎, 土壁千夏, 上原慶大, 武田昌大, 池田慎也, 加島弘崇, 平田太陽, 佐藤辰宣, 増井雄一, 松田昌範, 川合麻実, 黒上貴史, 白根尚文, 川口真矢, 大野和也 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 74-74, 2023. |
43. One case of the gallbladder cancer detected with anemia 山下貴大, 中野有泰, 西尾亮, 物江真司, 安江優 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 74-74, 2023. |
44. An example of the gallbladder cancer which assumed the pancreas, bile duct junction abnormality that had difficulty in diagnosis before operation background 上田華子1, 大城恵吾1, 豊田健介1, 金谷和哉1, 山下大貴1, 吉井元1, 平野雄一1, 井田雄也1, 遠藤茜1, 小林郁美1, 志田麻子1, 山田洋介1, 海野修平1, 小林陽介1, 木全政晴1, 芳澤社1, 室久剛1, 長澤正通1, 細田佳佐1, 山本博崇2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 74-74, 2023. |
45. An example of the early gallbladder cancer which had difficulty with a diagnosis before operation 金谷和哉1, 小林陽介1, 豊田健介1, 山下大貴1, 井田雄也1, 大城恵吾1, 平野雄一1, 吉井元1, 遠藤茜1, 小林郁美1, 志田麻子1, 山田洋介1, 海野修平1, 木全政晴1, 芳澤社1, 室久剛1, 長澤正通1, 細田佳佐1, 山本博崇2, 大月寛郎3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 75-75, 2023. |
46. 1 excision case of the invasive cancer derived from the intrabiliary papillary tumor which was able to evaluate the change of image views accompanied with the tumor extension over time 野口大介, 栗山直久, 阪本達也, 藤村侑, 弓削拓也, 伊藤貴洋, 早崎碧泉, 飯澤祐介, 藤井武宏, 種村彰洋, 村田泰洋, 岸和田昌之, 水野修吾 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 75-75, 2023. |
47. Two cases of the pancreas malignant lymphoma that EUS-FNB was useful for a diagnosis 酒井崇, 加地謙太, 鬼頭祐輔, 豊原祥資, 久野佳世子, 安達明央, 佐橋秀典, 加藤晃久, 堀寧, 吉田道弘, 片岡洋望 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 75-75, 2023. |
48. One case that somatostatin analog was effective for the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which molecular target medicine came to have difficulty with continuously 田中佑典, 鈴木博貴, 松原浩, 内藤岳人, 山田雅弘, 山本英子, 服部峻, 小池剛, 堀田尋紀, 佐藤宏樹, 牧野成彦, 社本賢昭, 浦野文博 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 75-75, 2023. |
49. Example that the increase of the pancreatic cyst was a treatment opportunity of the pancreatic calculus 永野洋佑, 片野義明, 橋本千樹, 小林隆, 山本智支, 武藤久哲, 舘野晴彦, 高原頌子, 松下美冴, 梶野裕太郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 76-76, 2023. |
50. One case of Hemosuccus Pancreaticus which racked its brains about a diagnosis 古川大樹, 平松武, 金森信一, 側島友, 松浦倫三郎, 山田健太, 平松恵里奈, 梶原彰, 安田桂, 山田純也, 伊藤祐三郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 76-76, 2023. |
51. An example of the macrocystic type pancreas serous cyst which suffered from a diagnosis 新田紘一郎1, 中江康之1, 浜島英司1, 神岡諭郎1, 仲島さより1, 久野剛史1, 二村侑歩1, 吉川幸愛1, 光松佑時1, 伊藤誠2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 76-76, 2023. |
52. An example of Simple mucinous cyst which cyst wall hypertrophy was manifested over time, and accepted exacerbation 土壁千夏1, 佐藤辰宣1, 稲川敦子1, 大堂真一郎1, 上原慶大1, 武田昌大1, 池田慎也1, 加島弘崇1, 平田太陽1, 増井雄一1, 松田昌範1, 遠藤伸也1, 黒上貴史1, 白根尚文1, 川口真矢1, 大野和也1, 藤田哲嗣2, 金本秀行2, 鈴木誠3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 76-76, 2023. |
53. An example of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor detected with acute pancreatitis 山下大貴1, 小林陽介1, 豊田健介1, 金谷和哉1, 井田雄也1, 大城恵吾1, 平野雄一1, 吉井元1, 遠藤茜1, 小林郁美1, 志田麻子1, 山田洋介1, 海野修平1, 木全政晴1, 芳澤社1, 室久剛1, 長澤正通1, 細田佳佐1, 山本博嵩2, 大月寛郎3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 77-77, 2023. |
54. One case of the acute pancreatitis merger pancreas arterio-venous malformation that we treated surgically 岩田翔太1, 千住明彦1, 手塚隆一1, 上村真也1, 岩下拓司1, 村瀬勝俊2, 深田真宏2, 松橋延壽2, 清水雅仁1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 77-77, 2023. |
55. One case of the reflux oesophagitis improved remarkably by Anti-reflux mucoplasty 福沢一馬, 松崎一平, 菊池正和, 泉千明, 平野智也, 服部昌志, 乾和郎 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 77-77, 2023. |
56. Two cases of the cancer of the esophagus complicated with achalasia 足立賢吾1, 神岡諭郎1, 浜島英司1, 中江康之1, 仲島さより1, 久野剛史1, 吉川幸愛1, 二村侑歩1, 光松佑時1, 新田紘一郎1, 川嶋裕人1, 亀島祐貴1, 水谷夏香1, 伊藤誠2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 77-77, 2023. |
57. 1 autopsy case of the cancer of the esophagus which formed esophagus - pulmonary fistula, and resulted in pulmonary suppuration 粕谷昴希1, 鈴木貴久2, 三宅忍幸2, 芳川昌功2, 皆森俊2, 長屋龍太郎2, 小柳裕揮2, 島寛太3 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 78-78, 2023. |
58. Double cancer case of the cancer of the esophagus + cecal cancer after the total gastrectomy that obtained radical excision by the division surgery strategy of the second 山本一雄, 佐藤悠太, 洞口岳, 田中善宏, 浅井竜一, 田島ジェシー雄, 木山茂, 奥村直樹, 村瀬勝俊, 松橋延壽 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 78-78, 2023. |
59. A long term prognosis is recurrent esophageal cancer, an example of the early gastric cancer after the obtained CRT by combined modality therapy 足立圭司, 鈴木雄太, 丹羽佑介, 山田直晃, 大岩拓矢, 浦壁憲司, 岡山幸平, 鈴木健人, 蓑輪彬久, 羽根田賢一, 水島隆史, 奥村文浩 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 78-78, 2023. |
60. One patient whom we gave SOX + Nivolumab combination therapy for unresectable progress gastric cancer, and myasthenia gravis with the myositis developed in 関森健一1, 坊岡英祐1, 羽田綾馬1, 川田三四郎1, 村上智洋1, 松本知拓1, 森田剛文1,2, 深澤貴子4, 菊池寛利1, 平松良浩1,3, 竹内裕也1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 78-78, 2023. |
61. One case of the unresectable progress gastric cancer given Conversion surgery 市田山宝, 春日井邦夫, 佐々木誠人, 小笠原尚高, 海老正秀, 井澤晋也, 田村泰弘, 山口純治, 足立和規, 杉山智哉, 山本和弘, 越野顕, 杉村明佳音, 吉峰尚子, 小野聡, 加藤駿介, 田代崇, 加藤真子 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 79-79, 2023. |
62. One case of the unresectable progress gastric cancer which a cytoreductive effect continues after the nivolumab cancellation in IrAE for a long term 鳥澤宗一郎, 中西孝之, 荒木寛司, 神野宏規, 亀井真琴, 牧野絋幸, 長尾涼太郎, 片岡史弥, 河口順二, 淺野剛之, 早崎直行, 伊藤康文, 田上真, 杉原潤一, 森脇久隆, 冨田栄一 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 79-79, 2023. |
63. An example of the multiple myeloma stomach permeation that presented the polypoid lesion of the submucosal tumor state to occur frequently in stomach 田端みずほ1, 岩佐大誠1, 高田英里1, 馬淵正敏1, 中村信彦1, 中村博1, 中村博式1, 足立政治1, 高橋孝夫2, 島崎信1, 西脇伸二1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 79-79, 2023. |
64. One case that a liver abscess and the liver duodenal fistula occurred after RFA for the hepatocellular carcinoma, and closed a duodenal fistula in OTSC 梅田悠平, 濱田康彦, 池之山洋平, 重福亜紀奈, 行本弘樹, 藤原野須子, 別府剛志, 重福隆太, 中村美咲, 堀木紀行, 中川勇人 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 79-79, 2023. |
65. 1 excision case of the stomach accessory pancreas which caused bleeding 水谷夏香1, 神岡諭郎1, 浜島英司1, 中江康之1, 仲島さより1, 久野剛史1, 二村侑歩1, 吉川幸愛1, 光松佑時1, 足立賢吾1, 新田紘一郎1, 亀島祐貴1, 川嶋裕人1, 伊藤誠2 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 80-80, 2023. |
66. An example of the gastric ulcer with zinc acetate which racked its brains about a diagnosis 萩原聖也, 舩坂好平, 小山恵司, 山田日向, 堀口徳之, 中川義仁, 長坂光夫, 葛谷貞二, 宮原良二, 柴田知行, 廣岡芳樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 80-80, 2023. |
67. An example of the retroperitoneal fibrosis that occurred for duodenal stricture 朝倉麻由, 向井美鈴, 長井宏樹, 平下祐生, 相羽優志, 伊藤貴嗣, 三田直樹, 水谷拓, 山中一輝, 華井頼子, 白木亮, 戸田勝久, 勝村直樹 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 80-80, 2023. |
68. One case of gastro-jejunostomy department Implantation cyst manifested 30 years or more after an operation 岩佐太誠1, 足立政治1, 松浦加奈1, 馬淵正敏1, 中村博式1, 島崎信1, 岩下拓司2, 西脇伸二1 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 80-80, 2023. |
69. An example of the abdominal viscera artery pulse dissociation diagnosed with abdominal pain 寺井雄一朗, 嶋田裕慈, 厳理華, 北祐次, 池田裕至, 佐藤祥, 村田礼人, 佐藤俊輔, 玄田拓哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 81-81, 2023. |
70. One case of an intraabdominal tumor and multiple mesentery desmoid tumor which presented a submucosal tumor state upheaval of the transverse colon 山田久修, 山田哲, 三宅彩, 佐藤友香, 山下龍, 大原和人, 佐藤義久, 久保田望, 岡井研, 多々内暁光 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 81-81, 2023. |
71. One case of segmental arterial mediolysis which accompanied haemoperitoneum for cerebral infarction acute phase 稲見健汰, 橋本章, 澤井翔馬, 小野隆裕, 紅林真理絵, 田原雄一, 黒田直起, 吉澤尚彦, 青木雅俊, 福家洋之, 河俣浩之, 脇田喜弘, 清水敦哉 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 81-81, 2023. |
72. One case of the TAFRO syndrome which came to the hospital for main complaint for epigastric pain 長谷川万里子, 西川貴広, 三宅崚太, 吉田和弘, 齋藤和輝, 丸山昭洋, 山口智大, 胡磊明, 田島万莉, 黒部拓也, 早川真也, 八鹿潤, 野々垣浩二 The Tokai Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (139): 81-81, 2023. |