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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 17 / 1970
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Quantity of 5 atmospheric lead about air pollution control measures with the motor exhaust
米山悦夫, 遠藤陽子, 北爪稔
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 1-1, 1970.

Japanese Article Consideration of the hygienic chemistry of the tank water in Yokohama-shi
田中徹, 林正孝, 山本親男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 2-3, 1970.

Japanese Article About the lead pollution of the person
小原寧, 山井志朗, 池田暁子, 新川隆康, 宮本泰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 3-3, 1970.

Japanese Article Knowledge about the mercurial analytical procedure
金子幹宏, 内藤昭治, 節田節子, 松崎淳三, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 3-3, 1970.

Japanese Article Heavy metal in a dust to descend, and to double
遠藤陽子, 北爪稔, 米山悦夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 4-4, 1970.

Japanese Article Cattle shed discharge sewage treatment and study on vacuum filtration such as the processing equipment (the ninth report) domestic animal feces and urine, and the like
大野茂, 高橋一三, 桜井敏郎, 小川雄比古
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 4-5, 1970.

Japanese Article A plant of the soil application (filthy water, liquid waste treatment)
高橋一三, 大野茂, 桜井敏郎, 小川雄比古
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 5-5, 1970.

Japanese Article Investigation about the contamination mechanism of the river
松崎淳三, 節田節子, 金子幹宏, 内藤昭治, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 6-6, 1970.

Japanese Article Biological consideration in the deposit investigation of the river in Yokohama-shi
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 6-7, 1970.

Japanese Article Salmonella in the environmental pollution (1) river of Salmonella
滝沢金次郎, 中塚繁, 松島章喜, 宮本泰, 高橋武夫, 秋山昭一, 荒井道子, 増田二郎, 高橋勉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 7-7, 1970.

Japanese Article Examination about the early diagnosis of the beach quality of the water
渡辺良一, 吉田克己, 古賀仁, 平野拓男, 宮手多助, 石渡進, 白石喜代子, 斎藤洋子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 8-8, 1970.

Japanese Article Symposium summary
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 9-10, 1970.

Japanese Article Problems (about attitude toward 1 blood donation) over the blood donation
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 10-10, 1970.

Japanese Article Problems (about distribution, and the like of 2 blood specific gravity) over the blood donation
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 11-11, 1970.

Japanese Article Trend (medical statistics) of the lifestyle diseases center
杉田暉道, 井上怜子, 岡本英子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 11-12, 1970.

Japanese Article About the survival rate of registration cancer in the prefectural lifestyle diseases center
杉田暉道, 井上怜子, 岡本英子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 12-12, 1970.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the public health of the stomach group medical examination in Kanagawa
平山雄, 井上怜子, 岡本英子, 杉田暉道
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 12-13, 1970.

Japanese Article Attempt of a quick change investigation of the epidemic disease in the prefecture and the intelligence activity with it
前田実, 百海位三雄, 高橋武夫, 宮本泰, 小林一郎, 小川幹雄, 梶岡実雄, 白戸三郎, 広瀬四郎, 太田寿恵, 吉田宅三, 竹谷江美, 高宮篤
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 15-16, 1970.

Japanese Article About the research of the stomach lesion of the pig found in the examination for meat hygiene about the (I) particularly stomach esophagus part ulcer
斉藤保二, 土屋新男, 野村靖夫, 沢谷広志, 桑原弘, 遠藤慶一, 篠田光雄, 木下義彦, 斉藤武夫, 瓜生一郎, 半沢宏文
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 16-17, 1970.

Japanese Article Study on tumor of the pig found at a meat inspection (first report)
野村靖夫, 土屋新男, 斉藤保二, 沢谷広志
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 17-17, 1970.

Japanese Article About pursuit (the food poisoning in the facility of mass feeding-induced) of the food source of pollution
佐久間正美, 渋谷健児, 石井喜一, 間宮英男, 阿部矩久, 後藤功
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 17-18, 1970.

Japanese Article About the use situation of BHA in commercial food and BHT
河村太郎, 佐藤洋子, 初谷美矢子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 18-19, 1970.

Japanese Article Ecological study of Salmonella in Ashigarakami-gun
佐久間正美, 安西幸子, 渋谷健児, 岡等, 後藤功, 滝沢金次郎, 中塚繁, 松島章喜, 秋山昭一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 19-19, 1970.

Japanese Article About the bacteria pollution such as general diet products, and the like in the summer
柴田幸生, 松崎邦夫, 今井晴恵, 荒井元吉, 浅岡裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 20-20, 1970.

Japanese Article About the bacteria pollution in the preparation process of hygienic study (the second report) taimeshi of station box lunches and the fun lunch
瀬戸昇, 法橋節造
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 20-21, 1970.

Japanese Article Change of Salmonella during the edible meat
荒井道子, 秋山昭一, 増田二郎, 高橋勉, 福岡栄治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 21-22, 1970.

Japanese Article About the effective washing such as use appliances, and the like in the edible meat production and disinfection technique
福馬幸哉, 八田金太郎, 大塚喜善, 石田正美, 高橋慶彦, 増田二郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 22-22, 1970.

Japanese Article Hygienic consideration of "the cold water" in the cafe
成田功, 小川雄弘, 原太八司, 長沢駿, 原田開作, 福島康, 福原健一, 石井煕悦
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 22-23, 1970.

Japanese Article Some knowledge about the colorimetry assay of the sodium cyclamate
川名清子, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 23-23, 1970.

Japanese Article About the use actual situation of the cyclamate in food
渡部愛, 佐藤洋子, 中村正明, 秋元祥子, 長塚久, 滝沢輝雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 23-24, 1970.

Japanese Article About stability and an addition stabilizer of study on analysis hydrogen peroxide of pharmaceutical products
竹内美智子, 渡辺重信
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 24-24, 1970.

Japanese Article About intestinal tract system disease-causing germs in the past 5 years discrete in Kamakura public health center and the drug resistance
渡辺良一, 宮手多助, 石川和善, 白石喜代子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 24-25, 1970.

Japanese Article Comparison between STS and TPHA, FTA-ABS of the STS for syphilis
甘利貞衛, 道部融, 山崎真実, 田口資生
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 25-25, 1970.

Japanese Article Effect to give to the mosquito population of the DDVP mixture resin board type insecticide in the pigpen
中村譲, 大島司郎, 杉田和子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 26-26, 1970.

Japanese Article The extermination field experiment of the sandflies with the DDVP transpiration agent
中村和男, 鈴木一良, 小室八郎, 斉藤康夫, 平野拓雄, 志賀勝美, 原興三, 森谷清樹, 矢部辰男, 原田文雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 26-27, 1970.

Japanese Article About an outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Kanagawa
小林一郎, 小川幹雄, 梶岡実雄, 斎藤直喜, 本田恵子, 高橋武夫, 山田建次郎, 関正道, 飯塚真康, 小島幸司, 成田功, 石井権三郎, 相磯総平, 米山磐
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 27-28, 1970.

Japanese Article Influenza outbreak of 1968 and 1969 in Yokohama-shi
遠藤貞郎, 小島基義
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 29-29, 1970.

Japanese Article Effect of a symptom and the vaccine of the schoolchild with the Mao flu
遠藤貞郎, 小島基義, 佐分利保雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 29-30, 1970.

Japanese Article 1 year old child health checkup in the Atsugi Hospital
吉村幸代, 黒木紘子, 三栖乃冨, 馬場ミチ子, 森屋文枝, 高橋信夫, 杉本博俊
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 30-31, 1970.

Japanese Article About neonates serious case jaundice case by the Lewis-style blood group incompatibility
白井透, 吉田佐代子, 露木和徳, 金谷淳子, 嶽間沢昌和, 入江英博
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 31-32, 1970.

Japanese Article The atmosphere effect of pollution to give to the health disturbance of children
宍戸昌夫, 杉田暉道, 日野英子, 斉藤徳二, 小林正木, 鈴木忠義, 渡部光雄, 助川信彦, 猿田勝美
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 32-32, 1970.

Japanese Article Mainly on consideration about the prevention of vaccination side effect particularly pediatric environmental factors
河内保, 望月巌, 早川典子, 石川良二郎, 高橋巌, 常間地嘉子, 水野武, 大谷篤, 斉藤正男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 32-33, 1970.

Japanese Article Prediction of the children with congenital rubella birth in Yokohama-shi
佐分利保雄, 中村譲, 小林順子, 沢登昭一, 入江英博
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 33-34, 1970.

Japanese Article About the Tsurumi-ku health planning which we saw from a public health center
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 34-35, 1970.

Japanese Article About the Tsurumi-ku health planning which we saw from Tsurumi-ku Medical Association
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 35-36, 1970.

Japanese Article About the Tsurumi-ku health planning which we saw than a member of health guidance
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 36-37, 1970.

Japanese Article Questionary survey (the first report) about health and the diet of the department store saleswoman
杉原正造, 松井二男, 赤間静子, 渡辺シゲ
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 37-37, 1970.

Japanese Article Questionary survey (the second report) about health and the diet of the department store saleswoman
杉原正造, 松井二男, 赤間静子, 渡辺シゲ
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 38-38, 1970.

Japanese Article About lunch of a junior high student and the kindergartener (the second report)
神山倫子, 坂間陽子, 峯尾美知子, 今井広子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 39-40, 1970.

Japanese Article One attempt of the newly-married class in the city
杉原正造, 松井二男, 村上喜久, 市岡操
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 40-41, 1970.

Japanese Article Record situation investigation of the mother and child health handbook
山本富美子, 斎藤信太郎, 達山憲一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 41-42, 1970.

Japanese Article Community mental health and mental hospital
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 42-43, 1970.

Japanese Article Community mental health and public health center activity
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 43-43, 1970.

Japanese Article From the results of approximately four years in seven swamp special elderly nursing homes
栗原忠夫, 横山巌, 土肥豊, 橋本たま, 村井三義
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 43-44, 1970.

Japanese Article Follow-up (the third report) of the medical rehabilitation of the stroke
白崎とよ, 大森みさ, 三浦あい, 土肥豊, 横山巌
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 44-44, 1970.

Japanese Article A nurse potentiality investigation and the reemployment situation (the first report)
大谷昌美, 成田栄子, 斎藤育子, 阿部泰子, 梶野妙子, 浅川明子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 44-45, 1970.

Japanese Article About the use fact-finding such as food additives, and the like in the intraluminal manufacturing industry
木本浩, 中茎修一, 矢島三郎, 田中源一郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 45-47, 1970.

Japanese Article About pesticide residue in milk under Kanagawa (about BHC in particular)
安方魁人1), 増田二郎1), 高橋勉1), 宮代恵嗣1), 孫田正毅1), 黒田誠1), 高橋武夫2), 和田裕2), 渡辺重信2), 吉田芳哉2), 細川照美3), 畑清敏3), 福岡栄治4), 山分杜美子4), 小川雄弘5), 長沢駿5), 青山巌6), 元井醇一6), 竹内伸一郎6), 宮下一郎7), 島村健朗7), 牧村正敏7), 大森博7), 内田三郎8), 平田清8), 田辺文雄9), 渋谷健児10), 間宮英男10), 相川文彦10), 池田陽男11), 小林美宏11), 桑原弘12), 遠藤慶一12), 野沢雄一郎12)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 47-48, 1970.

Japanese Article Detriment analysis method in a deposit
田中克彦, 深谷勝久, 西川陽子, 横島章, 牧野宏, 小泉勇, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 48-48, 1970.

Japanese Article Assay of lead in gasoline by the atomic absorption spectrophotometry
田中克彦, 深谷勝久, 葮谷規由, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 48-49, 1970.

Japanese Article The hygiene awareness of the kitchen and nearby hygiene fact-finding
大塚喜善, 青山巌, 高橋勉, 増田二郎, 武原文三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 50-50, 1970.

Japanese Article About fixed-quantity of the cyclamic acid by the fever detection liquid chromatograph E (the second report)
上条昌弥, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 51-51, 1970.

Japanese Article Bacterial bacteria genus identification technique derived from the salad by the hygienic study on convenience food (XI) replica method (Replica Plating method)
金子精一, 長南茂樹
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 51-52, 1970.

Japanese Article Flora of the hygienic study on convenience food (X) Tokyo Bay inland waters
金子精一, 長南茂樹, 武原文三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 52-52, 1970.

Japanese Article About the relations with the kind of the bacterial decarbonization zymase and amino acid of the amino acid
桑原弘, 遠藤慶一, 篠田光雄, 沢谷広志, 北村健一, 瓜生一郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 53-53, 1970.

Japanese Article About differentiation with Escherichia coli (fecal type) by the histidine decarboxylase study and other Coliform group
高橋勉, 増田二郎, 篠田光雄, 瓜生一郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 53-54, 1970.

Japanese Article About the room air pollution (the second report) gas poisoning accident case at the air conditioner
米山悦夫, 阿部昌蔵
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 54-55, 1970.

Japanese Article The measurement results of radioactivity investigation (8) 1969 in Kanagawa
石井襄二, 小山包博
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 55-56, 1970.

Japanese Article About 1970 epidemic predictive business of outbreak
前田実, 百海位三雄, 遠藤勝, 阿部郁夫, 広瀬達之, 鈴木忠義, 諸星久子, 増田二郎, 八田金太郎, 石田正美, 福馬幸哉, 高橋慶彦, 鈴木功, 中倉千鶴子, 矢野洋右, 川口喜好, 内田三郎, 小野沢隆重, 鈴木一良, 木下義彦, 桑原弘, 高橋武夫, 小林一郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 56-56, 1970.

Japanese Article One reflection from an impression of the raising problems East-West pollution inspection of the antipollution measure of Europe
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (17): 57-61, 1970.