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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 18 / 1971
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The current situation of public health nurse duties and future problem
大谷昌美, 成田栄子, 橋本善彦
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 1-1, 1971.

Japanese Article Examination of the public health nurse work planning
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 1-2, 1971.

Japanese Article Findings (the second report) of the potentiality nurse
大谷昌美, 成田栄子, 斉藤育子, 梶野妙子, 阿部泰子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 2-3, 1971.

Japanese Article The role that the point of contact combination workshop of a school nurse and the public health nurse fulfiled
武和子, 福田敏子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 3-4, 1971.

Japanese Article The role that health class fulfiled in the communication summer of a school and the public health center
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 4-4, 1971.

Japanese Article A community health investigation and activity
小松五郎, 加藤一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 5-6, 1971.

Japanese Article As a clue of the healthy investigation community health activity of the housing complex housewife
田沢キク, 三沢秀子, 大場ミツ子, 芝屋カツ, 山川キヨ, 田中香南江, 竹田美代, 原田佑子, 田中松枝, 西山淳子, 松沢和子, 岸本節子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 6-7, 1971.

Japanese Article About consciousness for the hygiene of the health station user
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 7-8, 1971.

Japanese Article Sunbathing enforcement situation investigation
時任直人, 白川ハヤ, 飯島冨美子, 葛位久子, 小柴涙子, 柳生こう, 白鳥しげる, 白駒文代, 渡利浩美
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 8-8, 1971.

Japanese Article Investigation about nutrition in infants and the baby food
巽和歌子, 北浜美鶴
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 8-9, 1971.

Japanese Article About the way of holding regular nourishment classroom in 16 public halls in Hiratsuka-shi
神山倫子, 石井孝子, 柚木正子, 星崎早苗
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 9-10, 1971.

Japanese Article One consideration of the pre-natal class in Kawasaki-shi
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 10-11, 1971.

Japanese Article About the electroencephalogram of the 3 years old child that is higher than convulsions experience three times
成田功, 鈴木忠義, 若木しづ, 榎本憲二, 守屋保男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 11-12, 1971.

Japanese Article About the instruction of children with cerebral paralysis in the public health center
青山三男, 神蔵嘉子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 12-12, 1971.

Japanese Article In the case of the role mental patient of the public health center in the hospitalization consultation
本庄茂敏, 今井功, 岸沢真理子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 13-13, 1971.

Japanese Article Mental health person concerned second report of the attitude survey public health center of the person concerned in the community mental health activity
高橋信子, 石原幸夫, 鈴木直哉, 篠崎英夫, 菊地正子, 渡辺真, 稲本誠一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 13-14, 1971.

Japanese Article Clustering (the first report) of the lung cancer in Kanagawa
井上怜子, 岡本英子, 平山雄, 杉田暉道
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 14-14, 1971.

Japanese Article Epidemiological examination of gastric cancer and dietary habits
平井正義, 平山雄, 井上怜子, 杉田暉道, 岡本英子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 15-15, 1971.

Japanese Article Follow-up (discharge three years later) of the person with late effects of cerebral stroke
白崎とよ, 大森ミサ, 三浦アイ, 土肥豊, 横山巌
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 15-16, 1971.

Japanese Article It is examined the survival for follow-up (the second report) five years of the cancer registration in the place
岡本英子, 井上怜子, 杉田暉道
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 16-16, 1971.

Japanese Article About Salmonella draining it of water of the food dealer
増田二郎, 高橋勉, 滝沢金次郎, 中塚繁, 松島章喜, 浅井良夫, 宮本泰, 高橋武夫, 細川照美, 丸岡哲三
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 16-17, 1971.

Japanese Article About Salmonella pollution of the food
滝沢金次郎, 中塚繁, 松島章喜, 浅井良夫, 岡崎則男, 宮本泰, 高橋武夫, 高橋勉, 増田二郎, 吉田三郎, 吉田拓郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 17-18, 1971.

Japanese Article About the pursuit of the pollution course of the food due to Salmonella
長山勝男, 和田明, 佐久間貞, 岩村雄一, 秋葉保忠, 中村武雄, 大久保吉雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 18-19, 1971.

Japanese Article Ecological study (III) of Salmonella
後藤功, 滝沢金次郎, 中塚繁, 松島章喜, 秋山昭一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 19-19, 1971.

Japanese Article The ups and downs of Salmonella in the edible meat sale store
荒井道子, 秋山昭一, 増田二郎, 高橋勉, 福岡栄治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 20-20, 1971.

Japanese Article About the biochemical property of the non-Indole-producing enteritis vibrio derived from food poisoning
滝沢金次郎, 浅井良夫, 松島章喜, 中塚繁, 宮本泰, 高橋武夫, 高橋勉, 増田二郎, 小川雄弘, 相磯総平
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 20-21, 1971.

Japanese Article About bacteria transtime change study of the main food in the hygienic study (the third report) lunch of station box lunches required
瀬戸昇, 法橋節造
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 21-22, 1971.

Japanese Article About food source of pollution (the food poisoning in the facility of mass feeding-induced) (second report)
石井喜一, 後藤功
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 22-23, 1971.

Japanese Article About a test result of the fresh milk in Tsukui-gun
神谷喬, 中倉千鶴子, 池田陽男, 川上伍良, 松下弘, 志田匡且, 佐藤信二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 23-24, 1971.

Japanese Article About the fact-finding such as antibiotics, and the like in investigation (the second report) of antibiotic (bacteriostat) original milk
安方魁人, 高橋勉, 増田二郎, 宮代惠嗣, 孫田正毅, 長南茂樹, 金子精一, 永村章子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 24-24, 1971.

Japanese Article Shift to mother's milk with the investigation (the third report) medication of antibiotic (bacteriostat)
安方魁人, 増田二郎, 高橋勉, 孫田正毅, 宮代惠嗣, 高橋武夫, 長南茂樹, 金子精一, 永村章子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 24-25, 1971.

Japanese Article Bacteria pollution and fat concentration of the ice-cream cone
今井晴恵, 松崎邦夫, 柴田幸夫, 野村良信
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 25-25, 1971.

Japanese Article Application to fixed-quantity foreign fat differentiation of butyric acid by the liquid chromatography and caproic acid
河村太郎, 上條昌彌
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 25-26, 1971.

Japanese Article About the fact-finding of the edible oil and the good direction for uses
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 26-27, 1971.

Japanese Article About qualitative analysis of amine in the food by the fluorescence method and fixed-quantity
斉藤芳久, 渡辺重信, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 27-27, 1971.

Japanese Article About the composition of the plastic balloon and the analytical procedure
中村正明, 渡部愛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 27-28, 1971.

Japanese Article About heavy metal of the fish and shellfish in Tokyo Bay
土屋恭一, 宇都宮暁子, 田島縒子, 内藤昭治, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 28-29, 1971.

Japanese Article About distribution of the heavy metal in food
木川寛, 丹藤恒美, 谷古宇秀, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 29-31, 1971.

Japanese Article About 12 brain lesions of the pig which showed circus movement
沢谷広志, 野沢雄一郎, 篠田光雄, 山口富男, 木下義彦, 安井一夫, 遠藤慶一, 桑原弘, 野村靖夫, 土屋新男, 斎藤保二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 31-31, 1971.

Japanese Article Health index (1) according to the district in Fujisawa-shi
清水利貞, 佐野勝人, 斎藤亘子, 松本清, 金子洋, 山口和夫, 榊原高尋, 山田建次郎, 華表宏有, 白崎和夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 31-32, 1971.

Japanese Article Investigation in the actual situation and the second response Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi infants of the vaccination
今井波吉, 阿部和男, 小室健, 秋山尚道, 広田稔
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 33-34, 1971.

Japanese Article Change into positive rate of smallpox vaccination and the hemagglutination inhibition antibody
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 34-34, 1971.

Japanese Article The swimming pool fever findings that occurred in Hodogaya-ku
大谷篤, 富田公道, 望月巌, 高橋巌, 松尾宗芳, 小山哲夫, 竹村久恵, 早川典子, 河内保, 石川良二郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 34-35, 1971.

Japanese Article About pathogenic neisserial transportation and choice isolation medium
山井志朗, 小原寧, 新川隆康, 岡崎光子, 宮本泰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 35-36, 1971.

Japanese Article Serologic identification of Candida
山崎真実, 荒井道子, 田口資生
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 36-37, 1971.

Japanese Article The onset prediction of 3 seasonal ups and downs investigation Japanese encephalitis infection mosquitoes of the mosquito in Yokohama-shi
中村譲, 杉田和子, 大島司郎, 小林仲好
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 37-37, 1971.

Japanese Article Study on striped mosquitoes 1 under Kanagawa. Classification of the striped mosquitoes by the surface structure of the egg
森谷清樹, 矢部辰男, 原田文雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 37-38, 1971.

Japanese Article The development situation and the extermination method of the mouse in the group residential area
柴田力, 上村寿夫, 杉内光明, 土肥年男, 北川治久, 杉山修, 武田馨, 松野芳雄, 島田幸栄, 大島司郎, 中村譲
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 38-39, 1971.

Japanese Article Sakaigawa quality of the water survey (the first report)
清水利貞, 福岡栄治, 小野沢隆重, 宮崎久子, 清水輝雄, 中沢美子, 今木恒郎, 志村富美子, 笈川和男, 殿内光子, 小野紘一, 山田建次郎, 桑原弘, 串田洋, 宮下一郎, 鈴木秀勝, 森谷恒和, 石井熈悦, 高橋温子, 吉原丘二子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 40-40, 1971.

Japanese Article Study on drainage disposal of spinning factories
大野茂, 高橋一三, 桜井敏郎, 小川雄比古, 上野秀一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 40-41, 1971.

Japanese Article About findings of the housing complex drainage
内藤昭治, 節田節子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 41-42, 1971.

Japanese Article About the actual situation of the cattle shed in Tsukui-gun
中倉千鶴子, 池田陽男, 川上伍良, 高橋賢従, 松本弘明
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 42-42, 1971.

Japanese Article Activated sludge method disposal of cattle shed discharge sewage treatment and processing equipment (the tenth report) domestic animal feces and urine by the batch process
大野茂, 高橋一三, 桜井敏郎, 小川雄比古, 上野秀一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 43-43, 1971.

Japanese Article About oxygen consumption and substrate resolving power of the activated sludge
北原節子, 尾藤朋子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 43-44, 1971.

Japanese Article About an effect of the chlorine sterilization on disease-causing germs (Salmonella)
中塚繁, 滝沢金次郎, 松島章喜, 浅井良夫, 宮本泰, 武原文三郎, 森実, 淡路宣夫, 鈴木長谷雄, 中野真一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 44-45, 1971.

Japanese Article Comparison between indicative mood and solvent sampling in the atomic absorption
深谷勝久, 田中克彦, 奈良さほ美, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 45-45, 1971.

Japanese Article Examination of the assay of a very small amount of sulfate ion
金子幹宏, 井上充, 西山信一, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 45-46, 1971.

Japanese Article A colorimetry assay and washing device measurement example of the trimethylamine
深谷勝久, 片桐佳典, 福井昭三, 管野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 46-47, 1971.

Japanese Article Move the heavy metal which increase it the floating using the vacuum deposition reference standard times, and is pitching a camp, and is; light X-ray analysis
村松富美雄, 氷見康二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 47-47, 1971.

Japanese Article Contamination mechanism findings of the Sagami River
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 48-48, 1971.

Japanese Article The ups and downs of cyanogen in the river water at accident and well water
沢野俊彦, 唐沢栄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 49-49, 1971.

Japanese Article About pollution by the seawater of the groundwater in the Tsurumi River basin
田中徹, 林正孝
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 49-50, 1971.

Japanese Article Is to Yokohama-shi nearshore waters pollution and the fish; death
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 50-51, 1971.

Japanese Article The air pollution in the Keihin industrial area and meteorological relations
若松伸司, 才木義夫, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 51-51, 1971.

Japanese Article Summary of the air pollution investigation under Kanagawa by the alkali filter paper method to be able to put in the past 3 years
工藤秀子, 若松伸司, 才木義夫, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎, 内藤昭二, 高松和幸, 森下一男, 関口祐太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 51-52, 1971.

Japanese Article Pollution of the air in Yokohama-shi with the metal such as vanadium, and the like
遠藤陽子, 北爪稔, 吉永洋治, 米山悦夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 52-53, 1971.

Japanese Article The density of heavy metal distribution according to the altitude out of the atmosphere
増井芳男, 中沢誠, 若松伸司, 才木義夫, 菅野三郎, 輿水敏子, 高松和幸, 関口祐太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 53-53, 1971.

Japanese Article Sulfur oxide, suspended particulate with the air cleaner which we installed in the classroom, the removal effect of the heavy metal
才木義夫, 菅野三郎, 輿水敏子, 高松和幸, 関口祐太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 53-54, 1971.

Japanese Article About the visit activity for the pollution medical care relief designated victim
青山三男, 山田道子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 54-55, 1971.

Japanese Article Effect (interim report) to give to health of the human body of the photochemistry pollution
宍戸昌夫, 杉田暉道, 樋口文夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 55-55, 1971.

Japanese Article Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi tide paddy field ward respiratory illness investigation (the first report)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 55-56, 1971.

Japanese Article About lead of the person and mercury contamination
新川隆康, 小原寧, 山井志朗, 岡崎光子, 宮本泰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 56-56, 1971.

Japanese Article About the environmental noise in the prefecture
小池実, 深野松三, 富樫健, 藤掛敏夫, 菅野三郎, 輿水敏子, 高松和幸, 関口祐太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 57-58, 1971.

Japanese Article The measurement results of radioactivity investigation (9) 1970 in the prefecture public environment
石井襄二, 小山包博
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 58-58, 1971.

Japanese Article Salmonella test result that we chase a slaughterhouse drainage, a liquid waste treatment trip, an effluent stream
増田二郎, 篠田光雄, 野沢雄一, 桑原弘, 遠藤慶一, 沢谷広志, 瓜生一郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 58-58, 1971.

Japanese Article About a change of quantity of phosphoric acid and the quantity of volatile base nitrogen particularly inorganic about the freshness judgment of the edible meat
桑原弘, 遠藤慶一, 篠田光雄, 北村健一, 山口富男, 加藤雅美, 野沢雄一, 笠間保一, 瓜生一郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 59-59, 1971.

Japanese Article Examination in the voluntary examination of hygienic study II ice cream quality improvement Committee of the ice cream
長南茂樹, 金子精一, 永村章子, 高橋武夫, 安方魁人, 増田二郎, 高橋勉, 宮代惠嗣, 孫田正毅
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 60-60, 1971.

Japanese Article Hygiene (3) of the microwave oven
武原文三郎, 高橋武夫, 高橋勉, 増田二郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 60-61, 1971.

Japanese Article Pursuit of the source of pollution of the staphylococcal food poisoning
森実, 加藤英一, 浜田輔一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 61-61, 1971.

Japanese Article About valine, amine-producing (we boil intestinal bacteria) with the bacteria carbonic anhydrase from leucine
宮崎勇吉, 安井一夫, 兵頭征介, 大谷英彦, 篠田光雄, 瓜生一郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 61-62, 1971.

Japanese Article Breeding experiment 1 of the mosquito imago by the floral nectar. About Culex
原田文雄, 森谷清樹, 矢部辰男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 62-62, 1971.

Japanese Article About heavy metal U.S. and in the soil from the prefecture
田島縒子, 節田節子, 土屋恭一, 宇都宮暁子, 内藤昭治, 中岡正吉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 62-64, 1971.

Japanese Article To keep the social life of the future care of the aged old man; a term of the beginning
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 65-65, 1971.

Japanese Article To keep the social life of the future care of the aged old man; from a sanitary viewpoint
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 65-67, 1971.

Japanese Article To keep the social life of the future care of the aged old man; from the situation of the mental health
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 67-69, 1971.

Japanese Article To keep the social life of the future care of the aged old man; from a medical viewpoint
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 70-70, 1971.

Japanese Article To keep the social life of the future care of the aged old man; from the situation of the welfare
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 70-71, 1971.

Japanese Article It links the Chairman to keep the social life of the future care of the aged old man
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (18): 71-71, 1971.