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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 19 / 1972
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Through the pressure collective guidance training to a public health center training plan
三品照子, 柴崎さな江
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 1-1, 1972.

Japanese Article About public health center training acceptance of the student nurse
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 2-2, 1972.

Japanese Article Health index (2) according to the area in Fujisawa-shi
清水利貞, 藤倉芳郎, 斉藤亘子, 松本清, 金子洋, 白崎利夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 2-3, 1972.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the old man in Minamiashigara-shi
杉山晴美, 戸田ノブ, 中村淑, 浦秀子, 飯田澄美子, 雨宮悦子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 3-4, 1972.

Japanese Article The issue of old man from a senile mental patient
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 4-5, 1972.

Japanese Article One attempt in the place of the problem (state) children treatment workshop public sanitation
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 5-6, 1972.

Japanese Article Non-testee investigation of the 3 years old child health checkup
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 6-7, 1972.

Japanese Article About the situation of 3 years old child health checkup non-consultation children
清水利貞, 関名和
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 7-8, 1972.

Japanese Article Consideration by the visit of the 3 years old child medical examination observer required
藤本安子, 三浦牧子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 8-9, 1972.

Japanese Article About the early detection of the seeing and hearing child with a disability
鈴木勝治, 長谷川茂, 笠羽真理子, 植田和子, 佐藤とも子, 山平邦子, 西岡三紀
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 9-10, 1972.

Japanese Article About anemia of the pregnant woman in the Odawara health jurisdiction
勝間田アサ子, 山室和栄, 平沢敏子, 篠原浄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 10-11, 1972.

Japanese Article A blood sugar investigation in the motherly consultation and the follow-up
水野武, 常間地嘉子, 大谷篤, 三沢秀子, 中妻コイシ, 吉見芳子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 11-12, 1972.

Japanese Article Infants health investigation in Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi particularly stridor, infants, examination about bronchial asthma-like children
小室健, 今井波吉, 織田正美, 広田稔, 阿部和男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 12-13, 1972.

Japanese Article Examination (the first report) of the problems over the congenital hip dislocation group medical examination
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 13-14, 1972.

Japanese Article About the affection of the malignant neoplasm in Kanagawa (the first report)
吉田清彦, 平井正義, 井上怜子, 岡本英子, 杉田暉道, 平山雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 14-15, 1972.

Japanese Article Follow-up (three years later investigation of the person of 42.43 years discharge) of the person with late effects of cerebral stroke
白崎とよ, 大森ミサ, 三浦アイ, 横山巌
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 15-16, 1972.

Japanese Article Job analysis of the food sanitation inspector
中倉千鶴子, 八田金太郎, 松下弘, 池田陽男, 川上伍良, 神谷喬, 赤堀正光, 渋谷世司
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 16-17, 1972.

Japanese Article About a shift and the washing effect to a finger of the PCB in pressure-sensitive paper
渡部健二朗, 木川寛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 17-18, 1972.

Japanese Article About PCB pollution in food
渡辺重信, 斉藤芳久, 飯田勝彦, 貝瀬利一, 和田裕, 吉田三郎, 遠藤慶一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 18-19, 1972.

Japanese Article About the kind of the snack investigation first report snack to be connected with the caries of the schoolchild and frequency
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 19-19, 1972.

Japanese Article Relations with the snack investigation second report caries morbid form and snack to be associated with the caries of the schoolchild
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 20-20, 1972.

Japanese Article About the epidemiological investigation first report medical relations with values, and the like of the permanent tooth caries annual for throughout the prefecture childhood of relationships
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 20-21, 1972.

Japanese Article Epidemiological investigation second report city, situation in the area including the county of the permanent tooth caries annual for throughout the prefecture childhood
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 21-22, 1972.

Japanese Article Examination of the investigation first report Cd ionization electrode of the quantity of heavy metal in withdrawal deciduous tooth and fluorine
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 22-23, 1972.

Japanese Article Attempt of the simple judgment due to a Kay alga of biological quality of the water judgment 1 iron Megawa of the river and the macroscopic organism
綿貫知彦, 矢部辰男, 森谷清樹, 原田文雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 23-24, 1972.

Japanese Article One consideration about the simple method of the biological quality of the water judgment in the river area of the sea
唐沢栄, 館野周之, 米山悦夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 24-25, 1972.

Japanese Article Report second about the actual situation of the Tsukui district river water
中倉千鶴子, 八田金太郎, 川上伍艮, 神谷喬, 志田匡且, 赤堀正光, 池田陽男, 渋谷世司
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 25-26, 1972.

Japanese Article About quality of lake findings of the reed
成田功, 福原健一, 福島康, 加藤一艮, 鈴木茂雄, 鈴木美千子, 原興三, 石井煕悦, 小川雄弘, 淡路宣男, 宮田保
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 26-27, 1972.

Japanese Article Water pollution mechanism findings of the Sakawa River
高橋輝一郎, 高松和幸, 関口祐太郎, 大森重夫, 横島章, 牧野宏, 深谷勝久, 田中克彦, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 28-29, 1972.

Japanese Article A property and sludge abandonment standard of the sedimentation sludge dredging sludge of Yokohama-shi nearshore waters and the river
沢野後彦, 唐沢栄, 飯塚貞男, 米山悦夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 29-30, 1972.

Japanese Article Gutter style end pollution investigation in Kanagawa
田島縒子, 土屋恭一, 節田節子, 宇都宮暁子, 坂本光代, 小川博夫, 森実, 内藤昭治, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 30-31, 1972.

Japanese Article Study of the methylation of the inorganic mercury in the environment
福井昭三, 菅野三郎, 横川次寛
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 31-31, 1972.

Japanese Article About Escherichia coli (group) which separated from seawater and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
宮手多助, 白石喜代子, 平野拓男, 渡辺艮一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 31-34, 1972.

Japanese Article About a carrying germ state of the Salmonella enteropathogenic Escherichia coli from a healthy person (the group supply of food, food handling practitioner) (the first report)
屋代政義, 嶋村光雄, 西条艮雄, 中村武雄, 大久保艮雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 34-35, 1972.

Japanese Article About the laboratory procedure of the cholera vibrio
滝沢金次郎, 松島章喜, 浅井艮夫, 後藤功, 中塚繁, 岡崎則男, 宮本泰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 35-36, 1972.

Japanese Article About bacterial types distribution of hemolytic streptococcus isolated in Kanagawa
浅井艮夫, 滝沢金次郎, 岡崎則男, 松島章喜, 中塚繁, 宮本泰, 鈴木功
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 36-37, 1972.

Japanese Article About the chemosensitivity of the hemolytic streptococcus (1966 through 1971)
松島章喜, 滝沢金次郎, 浅井艮夫, 岡崎則男, 中塚繁, 宮本泰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 37-38, 1972.

Japanese Article Sensitivity for the diphtheria of adults
大谷篤, 薄井巌, 石田詮, 水野武, 菅沼洋達, 鈴木恵美子, 佐分利保雄, 星野重二, 常間地嘉子, 白井壮夫, 鈴木千弘
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 38-39, 1972.

Japanese Article About the cryopreservation of phosphorus bacteria
山井志朗, 新川隆康, 小野彰, 殿内光子, 小原寧, 宮本泰, 安部佐末
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 39-40, 1972.

Japanese Article About the environmental health which we saw than chest disease
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 40-41, 1972.

Japanese Article Antigen analysis of the influenza virus
斉藤充司, 田島マサ子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 41-42, 1972.

Japanese Article Rubella antibody prevalence of children
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 42-43, 1972.

Japanese Article Seroepidemilogic research about the rubella of the pregnant woman resident in Kawasaki-shi
斉藤充司, 春山長治, 福田諄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 43-44, 1972.

Japanese Article Rubella antibody investigation under Kanagawa
荒井一二, 吉田芳哉, 斉藤直喜, 高城美穂子, 竹越恵子, 梶岡実雄, 小林一郎, 高橋武夫, 鈴木功, 加藤末蔵, 前田実, 神山雅之, 百海位三雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 44-44, 1972.

Japanese Article About a basic investigation of the mouse extermination in Kawasaki-shi, a setting place and the extermination drug in the sewer
村島新吉, 嶋村光雄, 舟生秀一, 渡部秋二, 石川孝二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 46-47, 1972.

Japanese Article About the environmental noise in the prefecture
高橋輝一郎, 高松和幸, 関口祐太郎, 尾崎雅亮, 藤掛敏夫, 深野松三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 47-48, 1972.

Japanese Article About the actual situation of the environmental noise with the car in the prefecture around the * (the first report) Yokohama city
深野松三, 藤掛敏夫, 尾崎雅亮, 苅部初雄, 小泉三吉, 田中進, 関荘吉, 石井勤
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 48-49, 1972.

Japanese Article Mainly on development damage of the actual situation last year of the photochemistry pollution in Kanagawa
杉田暉道, 樋口文夫, 小城原新, 和田鈴子, 宍戸昌夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 49-51, 1972.

Japanese Article Atmospheric oxidant, one consideration about the distribution of ozone or other pollutants
工藤秀子, 鈴木正明, 若松伸司, 才木義夫, 氷見康二, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 51-52, 1972.

Japanese Article Pollution distribution of the heavy metal out of the atmosphere in Kanagawa
狩山広子, 中沢誠, 才木義夫, 氷見康二, 菅野三郎, 輿水敏子, 高松和幸, 関口祐太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 52-52, 1972.

Japanese Article Pollution distribution such as a hydrocarbon, the nitrogen oxide, and the like in the seaside industrial zone
増井芳男, 才木義夫, 氷見康二, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 53-53, 1972.

Japanese Article About association of the result of a measurement to descend, and to double it, and to pitch a camp by British standard schedule and the dust diyeah method
志水正樹, 吉田謙一, 佐藤静雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 54-54, 1972.

Japanese Article Distribution of vanadium in fixed-quantity of vanadium in dust fall by BPA and dust fall
吉永洋治, 北爪稔, 遠藤陽子, 米山悦夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 55-55, 1972.

Japanese Article Kay light X-ray analysis (2) of the heavy metal which floats, and doubles it, and is pitching a camp using the vacuum deposition reference standard
村松富美雄, 宮崎滋, 大塚幸雄, 小山恒人, 小泉勇, 氷見康二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 56-56, 1972.

Japanese Article Absorptivity intensity of light assay of pyridine in effluent gas
片桐佳典, 深谷勝久, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 56-57, 1972.

Japanese Article Growth of air pollution and infants
宍戸昌夫, 杉田暉道, 樋口文夫, 小城原新
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 57-58, 1972.

Japanese Article Study on drainage disposal of study on drainage disposal of food manufacturing facilities (4) miso factories
竹田茂, 大野茂, 高橋一三, 桜井敏郎, 土屋恭一, 小川雄比古, 上野秀一, 福井博
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 58-59, 1972.

Japanese Article Fact-finding of the drainage of the building according to the building use and study on basic unit
小川雄比古, 大野茂, 高橋一三, 桜井敏郎, 土屋恭一, 竹田茂, 上野秀一, 福井博, 野間紀之, 今木恒夫, 清水輝雄, 小野紘一, 森田彰典, 河田尚, 一瀬正寛
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 59-60, 1972.

Japanese Article Experimental study about the anaerobic digestion of the septic tank cleaning sludge
大野茂, 高橋一三, 桜井敏郎, 土屋恭一, 上野秀一, 小川雄比古, 竹田茂, 福井博, 白井正明
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 61-61, 1972.

Japanese Article Study on cattle shed discharge sewage treatment and test plant performance investigation by the batch process activated sludge method of the processing equipment (the eleventh report) domestic animal feces and urine
大野茂, 高橋一三, 桜井敏郎, 土屋恭一, 小川雄比古, 上野秀一, 竹田茂, 福井博
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 62-62, 1972.

Japanese Article Study zinc about the deposition exclusion method of the heavy metal draining it of water and copper deposition exclusion method
荒川葉子, 野島一宏, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 62-63, 1972.

Japanese Article Of the BOD measurement is correct temporarily
石井優子, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 64-64, 1972.

Japanese Article About the color measurement tentative plan of the coloration water by the comparison with the standard color-rendering index
黒沢康弘, 丸山一郎, 福満博視
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 64-65, 1972.

Japanese Article About an urea assay of the bathtub water by the P-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
林正孝, 斉藤治子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 65-66, 1972.

Japanese Article The ratio of a methylmercury assay in fish meat and total mercury and methylmercury
田中克彦, 島田武憲, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 66-67, 1972.

Japanese Article Fixed-quantity of the cyan by the study on practical use (the first report) ion electrode method of the ion electrode method
輿水敏子, 高松和幸, 関口祐太郎, 才木義夫, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 67-68, 1972.

Japanese Article Fixed-quantity of fluorine by the study on practical use (the second report) ion electrode method of the ion electrode method
輿水敏子, 高松和幸, 関口祐太郎, 金子幹宏, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 69-70, 1972.

Japanese Article Chromic atomic absorption intensity of light fixed-quantity by the trioctylamine - methyl isobutyl ketone system extraction
島田武憲, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 70-71, 1972.

Japanese Article Examination of the arsenic fixed-quantity method by the molybdate blue method
橋本茂, 金子幹宏, 佐々木恵子, 西山信一, 福井昭三, 管野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 71-72, 1972.

Japanese Article Work out fish meat; about the bacteria pollution investigation of the product (hanpen)
江口三郎, 平川俊昭, 赤根茂生
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 72-73, 1972.

Japanese Article About an examination of bacteria such as the milk, and the like to use for coffee (the first report)
石幡輝保, 村島新吉, 高橋牧雄, 安藤正義, 坂本大文, 金杉志郎, 秋葉保忠, 小林彰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 73-73, 1972.

Japanese Article About source of pollution pursuit of the salad
石井喜一, 後藤功
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 73-74, 1972.

Japanese Article About consideration of pollution and the disinfection technique of hygienic study (the fourth report) woodenness cooking ingredients of station box lunches
法橋節造, 瀬戸昇, 湯川初江, 石山ユリ子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 74-75, 1972.

Japanese Article About improvement of the bacteria technique in the examination for fresh milk
安方魁人, 高橋勉, 遠藤慶一, 宮代恵嗣, 孫田正毅, 青山巌, 畑清敏, 長南茂樹, 金子精一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 75-76, 1972.

Japanese Article Examination of the dilution water at measurement of the bacterial count
長南茂樹, 金子精一, 長谷川幸江
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 76-76, 1972.

Japanese Article Change of the antibiotic in milk in pursuit fourth report Kanagawa of antibiotic (bacteriostat)
安方魁人, 遠藤慶一, 宮代恵嗣, 孫田正毅, 高橋武夫, 長南茂樹, 金子精一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 76-78, 1972.

Japanese Article Salmonella which separated from ecological study (IV) river of Salmonella, a human waste digestion tank, a human waste septic tank, a person
鈴木孝次, 安西幸子, 島村潤郎, 石井喜一, 間宮英男, 菊地伸太郎, 石井浩子, 岸奈保子, 後藤功, 遠藤佐久郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 78-79, 1972.

Japanese Article About the excretion of the organism situation of the Salmonella group bacteria carrier and the measures
青山三男, 川野展資, 西沢伝, 吉沢秀明, 立山昭三, 藤田東三, 中村昭
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 79-79, 1972.

Japanese Article The hygienic study on psychrotroph bacteria 1. About main bacterial flora by the edible meat and the function
福岡栄治, 島崎保家, 渋谷健児, 牧田耕二, 上条正守, 内田繁一郎, 荒井正之, 高橋正弘, 小金井きく江
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 79-80, 1972.

Japanese Article About examination I Tp (toxoplasma) of the meat hygiene technique symptom technique
大谷英彦, 向島雄, 長田利比古, 小柳晴男, 笠間保一, 北村健一, 沢谷広志, 元井醇一, 加藤雅美, 鍵本忠春, 安井一夫, 高橋勉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 82-83, 1972.

Japanese Article About criteria of the examination II pyemia of the meat hygiene technique
高橋勉, 沢谷広志, 大谷英彦, 小柳晴男, 野沢雄一郎, 笠間保一, 松本弘明, 宮崎勇吉, 加藤雅美, 篠田光雄, 鍵本忠春, 安井一夫, 吉田三郎, 遠藤慶一, 瓜生一郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 83-84, 1972.

Japanese Article About edible meat pollution by the acarid and a low temperature processing study
沢谷広志, 久富文路, 大谷英彦, 北村健一, 兵頭征介, 宮崎勇吉, 鍵本忠春, 安井一夫, 高橋勉, 桑原弘
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 84-85, 1972.

Japanese Article Hygienic fact-finding of the edible meat carrier
高橋勉, 安井一夫, 篠田光雄, 山口富男, 加藤雅美, 宮崎勇吉, 松本弘明, 元井醇一, 福馬幸哉, 鏑木支平, 兵頭征介, 大石喜彦, 松岡正美, 野沢雄一郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 85-86, 1972.

Japanese Article About the experimental consideration of the eating habits consultant activity
栗原忠夫, 安方魁人, 榊田桂, 高尾利弘, 小泉正光, 前田幸二, 高橋重勝, 上野多恵子, 桑原潤之助, 中村好美, 小山静子, 山田トリ子, 中村アサ子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 86-87, 1972.

Japanese Article About deterioration food of the packing oils and fats food
福原健一, 鈴木美千子, 石井煕悦
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 87-88, 1972.

Japanese Article About a preservative in a health drink (findings)
岸美智子, 小儀国太郎, 谷孝之, 堀口佳哉, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 88-89, 1972.

Japanese Article About the effect of the urea system compound which is toxic, and gives it of study on toxicity formalin of the elution material from a container tool made of urea formaldehyde resin
谷孝之, 岸美智子, 佐藤修二, 清水久世, 堀口佳哉, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 89-89, 1972.

Japanese Article About phthalate esters in a container made of synthetic resin
谷古宇秀, 中村正明, 上条昌弥, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 90-91, 1972.

Japanese Article About effect to give to the living body of the phthalate series plasticizer
宮原智江子, 小儀国太郎, 谷孝之, 堀口佳哉, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 91-91, 1972.

Japanese Article About an investigation of the heavy metal in fishery products
渡辺重信, 岩崎芙美子, 高橋孝則, 和田裕, 吉田三郎, 遠藤慶一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 91-92, 1972.

Japanese Article Trend of the pesticide residue in the fresh milk according to the individual
山田利治, 加藤クニ, 渡辺重信, 中岡正吉, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 92-93, 1972.

Japanese Article About analysis of the pesticide residue in Kawasaki-shi
森悦男, 山本順昭, 小野勝美, 頭本藤雄, 清水弥, 高尾博, 長山勝男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 94-95, 1972.

Japanese Article About a connection with epidemiological investigation third report - dentistry health care activity of the permanent tooth caries annual for throughout the prefecture childhood -
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 96-99, 1972.

Japanese Article It is improved the epidemiological investigation fourth report research activity and dentistry health of the annual permanent tooth caries for throughout the prefecture childhood
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 100-101, 1972.

Japanese Article The measurement results of radioactivity investigation (10) 1971 in the prefecture public environment
石井襄二, 小山包博, 高城裕之
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 101-102, 1972.

Japanese Article About the fixed-quantity of the edible food color
川名清子, 渡辺重信, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 102-102, 1972.

Japanese Article About milk to keep for a long time by the sterilization paper container plombage and soft mixture
長南茂樹, 金子精一, 長谷川幸江, 安方魁人, 遠藤慶一, 宮代恵嗣, 孫田正毅
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 102-103, 1972.

Japanese Article Hygiene microbiologic study on refreshing drinks
金子精一, 長南茂樹, 武原文三郎, 高橋武夫, 池田陽男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 103-104, 1972.

Japanese Article Hygiene microbiologic study on sugar storehouse food
金子精一, 長南茂樹, 武原文三郎, 高橋武夫, 高橋勉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 105-106, 1972.

Japanese Article Fact-finding of the bacteria pollution of the frozen food
高橋孝則, 中塚繁, 森実, 武原文三郎, 高橋武夫, 高橋勉, 遠藤慶一, 吉田三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 106-106, 1972.

Japanese Article About psychrophilic bacterium polluting cow uncooked meat
高橋勉, 安井一夫, 瓜生一郎, 篠田光雄, 加藤雅美, 野沢雄一郎, 桑原弘, 遠藤慶一, 吉田三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 106-107, 1972.

Japanese Article Effect of the temperature on strain derived from a study on psychrophilic bacterium particularly refrigeration edible meat and dehydrase
高橋勉, 安井一夫, 瓜生一郎, 篠田光雄, 野沢雄一郎, 桑原弘, 遠藤慶一, 吉田三郎, 福岡栄治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 107-108, 1972.

Japanese Article About the onset situation of carnivore tumor in examination II Kanagawa of the meat hygiene technique and the measures (the second report)
沢谷広志, 大谷英彦, 福馬幸哉, 宮崎勇吉, 山口富男, 安井一夫, 遠藤慶一, 高橋勉, 野村靖夫, 土屋新男, 斉藤保二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 108-109, 1972.

Japanese Article The disease-causing germs detection situation (from 1967 to 46) from the loose bowels patients
小川正之, 大久保吉雄, 藤井瑞恵, 中村武雄, 福田諄, 和田明
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 109-110, 1972.

Japanese Article About a change and an enterotoxin type of the staphylococcus aureus in the normal human
森実, 高橋孝則, 武原文三郎, 高橋武夫, 高橋勉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 110-111, 1972.

Japanese Article About H antigen analysis of Salmonella by the Microtiter method
中塚繁, 岡崎則男, 浅井良夫, 松島章喜, 小林一郎, 宮本泰, 高橋武夫, 滝沢金次郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 111-112, 1972.

Japanese Article Breeding experiment 2 of the mosquito imago which a flower moves to thickly. About Culex and Aedes
原田文雄, 森谷清樹, 矢部辰男, 綿貫知彦
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (19): 114-114, 1972.