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Journal of Medical English Education

Volume 17, Issue 2 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article The 21st JASMEE Academic Meeting Greetings from the President
Ikuo Kageyama
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 4-5, 2018.

English Article Innovative English education for 21st-century health care professionals
Haruko Akatsu
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 20-20, 2018.

Japanese Article 1. Possibility of the English education as the medical litterae humaniores: As a subject one by "poverty and medical care"
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 22-22, 2018.

English Article 2. Evaluating a flipped learning course for third-year medical students
Kazumichi Enokida
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 22-22, 2018.

English Article 3. Effectiveness of a medical English course taught by an all-Japanese clinician team
Yoshiko Yamada1,2, Keigo Yada3, Hiroyuki Nodera3, Koichi Sairyo3, Masashi Akaike2,3, Akiyoshi Nishimura2,3
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 23-23, 2018.

English Article 4. Using social media in the pharmacy English classroom to promote active learning and professionalism
Denise A.Epp
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 23-23, 2018.

English Article 1. Creating an effective peer evaluation Can-do list for medical interviews in English
Sean Chidlow, Harumi Oshita
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 24-24, 2018.

English Article 2. Patient Talks : Motivating future doctors with patient stories
Thomas Mayers, Flaminia Miyamasu
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 24-24, 2018.

English Article 3. English ward rounds for well-rounded Japanese medical students!
Alexander Zaboronok1, Takao Enomoto2, Bryan J.Mathis3, Ai Muroi1, Eiichi Ishikawa1, Akira Matsumura1
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 25-25, 2018.

English Article 4. The case for teaching clinical case presentation skills
Michael Guest
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 25-25, 2018.

English Article 1. Can we improve TOEFL ITP(R) scores by teaching test-taking strategies?
Cosmin Mihail Florescu, Yusuke Hayasaka, Tamerlan Babayev, Takayuki Oshimi, Vitalii Lytnev, Arif Ul Hasan, Barnabas Jon Martin, Mutsumi Inokawa, Shawn De Haven
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 26-26, 2018.

English Article 2. Application of active learning methods to language teaching of L2 medical students
Barnabas Jon Martin, Yusuke Hayasaka, Tamerlan Babayev, Takayuki Oshimi, Vitalii Lytnev, Arif Ul Hasan, Cosmin Mihail Florescu, Mutsumi Inokawa, Shawn De Haven
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 26-26, 2018.

English Article 3. English language proficiency and history-taking performance of first-year medical students
Takayuki Oshimi, Yusuke Hayasaka, Tamerlan Babayev, Cosmin Mihail Florescu, Vitalii Lytnev, Arif Ul Hasan, Barnabas jon Martin, Mutsumi Inokawa, Shawn De Haven
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 27-27, 2018.

English Article 1. Terminology, register and convergence : An analysis of "everyday English" use in medical interviews
Timothy P.Williams, Eric H.Jego
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 28-28, 2018.

English Article 2. Developing strategies to teach medical English at acupuncture and judo therapy schools
Sako Ikegami1, Masumi Nishimura2
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 28-28, 2018.

English Article 3. 'Empathy' in English as a lingua franca : How student doctors solicit concerns from simulated patients by turn-taking
Yukako Nozawa1, Kazuyo Yamauchi2, Daniel Salcedo2
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 29-29, 2018.

English Article 4. Usefulness of a history-taking communication skills assessment rubric : a comparative study between Nihon University and Thammasat University
Eric H.Jego1, Timothy P.Williams1, Todd Mason Stoudt1, Yasuyuki Nomura1, Kazunori Kawasaki2, Takahiko Yamamori3, Yukiko Kuru3, Prakitpunthu Tomittchong4
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 29-29, 2018.

Japanese Article 5. How many people know the medical English certification examination in Japan in the staff of the hospital? As a result of questionary survey about the foreign practice at the Sanshin Hara Hospital medicine general meeting
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 30-30, 2018.

English Article 1. How I mark papers : Shorthand for quick correction of written work
Christopher Holmes
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 31-31, 2018.

Japanese Article 2. The Move analysis of the medical English article and application to the article writing
河本健1, 石井達也2
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 31-31, 2018.

Japanese Article 3. Practice report of the English medical thesis abstract Reading class by the viewpoint of ESP
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 32-32, 2018.

English Article 4. Student-designed survey on the education of evidence-based medicine
Tomoki Hirata1, Takuya Hanabayashi1, Hiroyuki Oishi1, Kazutaka Kajiura1, Koushiro Tanamoto1, Yukiko Kuru, Takahiko Yamamori, Yoshitaka Fukuzawa
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 32-32, 2018.

Japanese Article About the medical system in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Paralympics tournament
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 34-35, 2018.

English Article Dental education for UK dental students and dentists who are non-native speakers
Neil Patel
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 36-36, 2018.

Japanese Article Medical English certification examination enforcement report in Japan
日本医学英語検定試験制度委員会, 安藤千春1
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 38-38, 2018.

English Article EMP lesson plans : PechaKucha style presentation
Takayuki Oshimi
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 39-39, 2018.

English Article 1. Learning experiences and identity development of nursing students through study abroad
Jeffrey Huffman, Mami Inoue
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 40-40, 2018.

English Article 2. Medical electives abroad : Do they contribute to the "globalization" of physicians?
Ruri Ashida1, Kunihiko Fukuda1, Susumu Minamisawa1, Kimihiko Oishi2
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 40-40, 2018.

English Article 3. Setting up for success : A workshop for Japanese medical students in preparation for overseas clinical electives
Kris Siriratsivawong1, Michael W.Myers2, Miyuki Hashimoto2, Yuka Hiraizumi2, Shizuma Tsuchiya1, Miki Izumi1, Yuji Kiuchi1, Takashi Miyazaki2
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 41-41, 2018.

English Article 4. Study abroad program for first-year students at Japanese comprehensive medical university
Michael W. Myers1, Yuka Hiraizumi1, Miyuki Hashimoto1, Norimitsu Kurata2, Takashi Miyazaki1
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 41-41, 2018.

English Article 1. Teaching medical anthropology to future physicians : Content-based EMP for cultural competence, critical thinking, and cosmopolitanism
Donald Wood
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 42-42, 2018.

English Article 2. A course for cross-cultural competence
Najma Janjua
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 42-42, 2018.

English Article 1. Learn dental English
Kyoko Matsuo1, Terumi Yamazaki1, Akira Hamura2, Tomomi Yokoyama2, Norihiro Tsunoda1
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 43-43, 2018.

Japanese Article 2. Efforts of the medical English education for radiological technologist
吉田智美1, 松浦由佳2, 坂田健太郎3
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 43-43, 2018.

Japanese Article 3. Role of the Sapporo English medical care interpreter group
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 44-44, 2018.

English Article 4. Nurses' and doctors' approaches to medical English conversation at Shikoku Central Hospital
Miho Ishikawa, Hiroki Wake
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 44-44, 2018.

English Article 5. Introducing JANET-The Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching
Simon Capper1, Mathew Porter2
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 45-45, 2018.

Japanese Article 1. The suggestion of the e-Learning English learning teaching materials corresponding to the globalization of the healthcare setting: In consideration of the needs of the Japanese faculty of medicine student
西村眞澄1, 池上小湖2
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 46-46, 2018.

Japanese Article 2. Making and the trial of the new form of the medical English teaching materials: Examination of the teaching materials which utilized VR and a communication robot
坂本洋子, 坂田信裕
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 46-46, 2018.

English Article 3. Building vocabulary-rich teaching materials through dialogue with a neurosurgeon
Walter Davies
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 47-47, 2018.

English Article 4. The neurosurgery / neurology component of a general medical word list
Simon Fraser
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 47-47, 2018.

English Article 5. Welcome to the Chiyoda-ward in Japan. Dental consultation with OMOTENASHI using a multilingual support visual description tool
Terumi Yamazaki1, Akira Hamura2
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 48-48, 2018.

English Article How can we use students more effectively as simulated patients in medical education and training?
James Thomas, Timothy Minton
Journal of Medical English Education 17(2): 49-49, 2018.