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Nihon University Journal of Oral Science

Volume 33, Issue 2 / 2007
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article A Study of the Predictive Factors for Invasion, Recurrence and Malignant Transformation of the Oral Mucosal Dysplastic Lesion ― With Special Reference to Immunohistochemical Analyses of the Surgical Margin ―
Kayo Kuyama, Hitomi Kurosawa*, Ryou Fujimaki*, Takumi Kimura*, Koujitsu Nakamura*, Sisilia F.Fifita, Hirotsugu Yamamoto
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 47-55, 2007.

Japanese Article Immediate Loading of Mandibular Implant Following Strategic Extractions ; A Case Report of a Bone Anchored-Bridge
Masafumi Wakita1,3,5, Senichi Suzuki1,3,5, Hajime Igarashi5,6, Takao Kato2,5, Hirotsugu Yamamoto3, Koh Shibutani4
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 56-67, 2007.

Japanese Article About breeding and breeding - suncus Suncus murinus (musk shrew) of the laboratory animal -
Ota (Yokota) Lumi, Hideki Chisaka, Jin Yamamoto, Hisashi Suzuki kernel Expo, Toshiro Sakae, Yukishige Ozawa
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 68-71, 2007.

Japanese Article Change and organism - human and earth - of the global environment
Minoru Ishikawa quadrature
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 75-76, 2007.

Japanese Article 1. The electrophoresis for the preparation of the protein by the agarose gel which added Sheena gel SynerGel
Masao Ueno 1, Beach Susumu Shima 2, 早川光央 1, Seal Jiro Azuma 1, Teruaki Shiroza 1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 76-77, 2007.

Japanese Article 2. The cloning of the protein molecules which is specific for FimA type II P.gingivalis
Beach Susumu Shima 1, Soichiro Okano 1, Kyoko Shibata 1, 早川光央 2, 安孫子宜光 1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 77-77, 2007.

Japanese Article 3. Phosphorylation proteome analysis due to the oxygen stimulation in Porphyromonas gingivalis
Soichiro Okano, Kyoko Shibata, 安孫子宜光
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 77-78, 2007.

Japanese Article 5. From the examination of a type of tooth and the song of exchange style -Desmostylus up tertiary specimen of fossil mammals -
Hisashi Suzuki kernel Expo, Toshiro Sakae, Jin Yamamoto, Rumi Yokota, Yukishige Ozawa
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 78-79, 2007.

Japanese Article 7. The property analysis of the mucoid type village of carious causative organism S.mutans
Hirata Ryotaro 1, Hirasawa Masatomo 2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 79-80, 2007.

Japanese Article 10. One case that received occlusal reconstruction using an implant
Yutaro Oda
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 80-80, 2007.

Japanese Article 11. The case that improved occlusal support tooth mobility
Seiji Kamata
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 80-81, 2007.

Japanese Article 12. Correspondence to furcation involvement in the maxillary first molar
Atsushi Kawaguchi
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 81-81, 2007.

Japanese Article 14. Likelihood of the laboratory study induction mainly on the blood test in the dental clinic
持塚真吾, 康本征史
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 82-82, 2007.

Japanese Article 15. The present conditions and an action of the issue of dentist supply and demand in the oak dental association
Hitoshi Nishimaki, Yoshiyuki Kurotaki, Shinya Yamaguchi, Yagi Koichi, Shinko Ogawara, Yabe cloth will husband
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 82-83, 2007.

Japanese Article 19. 2 cases that general anesthesia developed Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy postoperatively
下山明子, 福田貴介, 杉原典子, 富田裕美, 峯村麻由, 山本英三, 西連寺央康, 鈴木正敏, 下坂典立, 卯田昭夫, 山口秀紀, 石橋肇, 渋谷鉱
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 84-84, 2007.

Japanese Article 20. The application to the jaw oral cavity region of Diffusion-weighted imaging
Yuzo Fujita 1, Takashi Kaneta 1, Shintaro Mori 1, 阪柳雅志 1, Masataka Kato 1, Yoshihiro Kato 1, Yoshie Yamashita 1, Keiko Sekiya 1, Tadahiko Utsunomiya 2, Hirotsugu Yamamoto 2, Toshiro Kondo 3, Yoshiaki Akimoto 4
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 85-85, 2007.

Japanese Article 21. The implant case that used sinus lift together to the patients of the retention cyst of maxillary sinus
Mari Teranishi 1, Hajime Sakurai 1, Mai Endo 1, Saori Yasuoka 1, Kazuya Kezuka 1, Hiromi Kanemaru 1, Asami Nakadai 1, 玉木大之 1, Well Shigeko Shimoda 1, Hiroshi Murakami 1, Yukio Hayashi 1, Suguru Hashizume Castle 1, Yukie Koga 2, Wakaba Suzuki 2, Chika Shimane 2, Kato 1, Niburi
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 85-85, 2007.

Japanese Article 23. About the role of the dental hygienist in jaw cerebral function center eating, the deglutition rehabilitation outpatient department
Bamboo lid Michiko 1, Nomoto たかと 2, Mami Endo 2, Yuko Saegusa 2, Nobuko Nihei 2, Sachiyo Hayashi 2, Asako Oyake 1, Well gutter Kanako 1, Kyoko Matsumoto 1, Wife deer Junichi 2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 86-86, 2007.

Japanese Article 24. Correspondence - for dysphagia of patients with tumor of role - oral cavity region of the nurse in jaw cerebral function center eating, the deglutition rehabilitation outpatient department
Suzuki beauty straight 1, Nomoto たかと 2, Sachiyo Hayashi 2, 松永小余子 1, Naoko God 1, Koide eyes 3, Yoshito Takeda 4, Ko Ito 4, Ryoichi Kamino 4, Hiroyuki Sakamaki 4, Toshiro Kondo 4, Yoshiaki Akimoto 5, Tatsuo Sakamaki 6, 平山晃康 7, Wife deer Junichi 2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 87-87, 2007.

Japanese Article 26. The incentive by the communication game for the purpose of the acquisition of the listening closely technique
Kawana part Kazuyo 1, Star Masako 1, Miki Sato 1, Kyoko Kawaguchi 1, Tomomi Okawa 1, 伊藤孝訓 2, Fumio Nagahama 1, Takeo Nakamura 1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 88-88, 2007.

Japanese Article 29. The analysis of the transcriptional control mechanism of human bone sialoprotein (BSP) by the PTH
Tadashi Araki University 1, 目澤優 1, Hiroshi Azuma 1 Kim, Hideki Takai 1, Naoko Kato 1, Yohei Nakayama 1, 小方頼昌 1, 2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 89-90, 2007.

Japanese Article 30. The effect that a rise in fever at semiconductor laser irradiation gives to the ALP activity of the human pulpal cultured cell
武内ひとみ1, 松井智2, 坂本真樹1, 岡部達1, 辻本恭久1, 松島潔1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 90-90, 2007.

Japanese Article 31. !-The treatment-patient's self-esteem, compliance and own health control.- to recover from neither the cavity nor periodontal disease
Miyoko Matsue 1, Hideki Makimura 2, 1000, Somei Yoshiko 2, Hisashi Kobayashi net 3, Yuji Omura 4, Yoshiko Yoshida 5, Yuki Takeo 5
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 90-91, 2007.

Japanese Article 33. Examination for the gingival smile expression after the orthodontic treatment
Burn Goseki and see it, Shuichi Ono, Kazutaka Kasai
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 91-92, 2007.

Japanese Article 34. About an incisal point and condyle motion at trunk extension, curvature movement
淺野隆, 川良美佐雄, Osamu Komiyama, Shunichi Kuroki, Koji Suzuki, Takashi Iida, Chiharu Kawano
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 33(2): 92-92, 2007.