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Journal of Rehabilitation Practice

Volume , Issue 2 / 2001
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article "One example of a right hemiplegia who underwent joint passive surgery in marked flexion contracture"[Machine Translation] (「著明な屈曲拘縮に関節受動術を施行した右片麻痺の1例」)
TAKEZAWA Nobuo1), 寺脇稔2), 久保田和宏1), 高森行宏1), 秦敬和1), 鈴木竜太1)
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 1-3, 2001.

Japanese Article "Study of hemodialysis who have led to lower limb amputation" - Around the discharge destination and the mobile capability -[Machine Translation] (「下肢切断に至った血液透析者の検討」- 移動能力と退院先を中心として -)
Akiko Toki, 住田幹男, 村上理子
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 4-6, 2001.

Japanese Article "Study of muscle afferent block (MAB) against spastic paraplegia 2 cases of lower limb spasticity"[Machine Translation] (「痙性対麻痺2症例の下肢痙縮に対してのmuscle afferent block (以下 MAB) の検討」)
Hajime Yagura1), 森本茂1), 上野聡2)
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 7-8, 2001.

Japanese Article "Entity of prostheses, orthoses paid in Welfare Pension Law"[Machine Translation] (「厚生年金法における義肢・装具支給の実体」)
Etsunobu Hayama, 綾田裕子, 川村次郎, 西村岳洋, 藤井隆太朗
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 9-10, 2001.

Japanese Article "Early initiation and duration shorter postoperative rehabilitation by section ligament sparing, buckwheat midline approach to cervical spinal cord disease"[Machine Translation] (「頚髄症に対する項靱帯温存・傍正中アプローチによる術後リハの早期開始と期間短縮」)
Chiaki Hamanishi1), 松村文典2), 新山文夫2), 武田芳夫1)
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 11-13, 2001.

Japanese Article "Effect of elastic bandage for orthostatic hypotension" - Study by near-infrared spectroscopy -[Machine Translation] (「起立性低血圧に対する弾性包帯の効果」- 近赤外線スペクトロスコピーによる検討 -)
Kazuo Abe1),2), 佐藤睦美2), 高梨まや子1), 高安聡1), 井上悟2)
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 14-16, 2001.

Japanese Article In particular resulted in a large intramuscular hematoma incentive without left thigh, one cases of motor neuron disease with cirrhosis[Machine Translation] (「特に誘因なく左大腿部に大きな筋肉内血腫を生じた, 肝硬変を伴う運動ニューロン病の1例」)
Masato Tsuchiyama
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 17-19, 2001.

Japanese Article "Treatment of dementia (Mainly in non-drug therapy)" - Early detection of dementia and its corresponding -[Machine Translation] (「痴呆の治療(非薬物治療を中心に)」- 痴呆の早期発見とその対応 -)
Hiroko Ayata
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 20-24, 2001.

Japanese Article "One cases of cerebral infarction complicated with lower extremity venous thrombosis"[Machine Translation] (「下肢静脈血栓症を合併した脳梗塞の1例」)
Satoshi Takayasu1), 高梨まや子2), 阿部和夫1,2), 高木啓至2), 高島千敬2), 浮田弘美2), 井上悟2)
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 25-26, 2001.

Japanese Article *Rehabilitaion of a patient with dual disability or hemiplegia and amputation
Yoshiyuki Hamba
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 27-29, 2001.

Japanese Article Mainly on highly advanced dysfunction - of stroke patients particularly a right hemisphere lesion
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 32-32, 2001.

Japanese Article Exercise therapy of the coxarthrosis
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 38-39, 2001.

Japanese Article Eating, dysphagia and specialist in rehabilitation
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 40-40, 2001.

Japanese Article Rheumatic dysfunction and treatment of the hand
Yoshitaka Minamikawa
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 41-41, 2001.

Japanese Article Cardiorespiratory function evaluation of the person with a disability
Minoru Kimura
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 44-44, 2001.

Japanese Article Rehabilitation medical care and quality of life
Norihiko Iida
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 45-45, 2001.

Japanese Article Of the infants nursing, actually
Hiroshi Tamai
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 46-46, 2001.

Japanese Article Clinical condition and diagnosis of the unilateral spatial neglect
Shinichiro Maejima
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 49-49, 2001.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment of the baseball shoulder
Jiro Ozaki
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 50-50, 2001.

Japanese Article About "cardiac rehabilitation"
Yoshihiro Hiramatsu
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 53-53, 2001.

Japanese Article Abolished embolism, deep vein thrombosis after cosmetic surgery procedures
Fuji Takeshi
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 55-55, 2001.

Japanese Article Proposal
Makoto Fujiwara
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (2): 65-65, 2001.