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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 20 / 1973
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About fact-finding of the development situation and the extermination of the insanitary insect in the home
細川照美, 平野拓男, 富田正義, 飯島芳郎, 小室八郎, 中村和男, 森谷清樹, 矢部辰男, 石渡輝夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 1-1, 1973.

Japanese Article Study on technology development of the waste inning disposal
福井博, 土屋恭一, 上野秀一, 高橋一三, 大野茂, 小川雄比古
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 2-2, 1973.

Japanese Article Study on ingredient composition of the industrial waste (the first report)
土屋恭一, 福井博, 上野秀一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 2-3, 1973.

Japanese Article Effect to give to respiratory organs of the air pollution
今井波吉, 阿部和男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 3-4, 1973.

Japanese Article About study on effect (the first report) acrolein to give to the living body of the photochemistry pollution causative agent
佐藤修二, 宮原智江子, 堀口佳哉, 和田裕, 高橋武夫, 島田武憲, 深谷勝久, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 4-5, 1973.

Japanese Article Observation - by effect -flow-volume curve to give to a respiratory function of the photochemical smog
宍戸昌夫, 杉田暉道, 樋口文夫, 小城原新
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 5-6, 1973.

Japanese Article Comparison of the respiratory function of inhabitants of study first report Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi and Isogo-ku of the respiratory function by the Flow-volume curve
宍戸昌夫, 杉田暉道, 樋口文夫, 小城原新, 安部和男, 織田正美, 小室健
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 6-6, 1973.

Japanese Article Inhabitants examination results of the respiratory function investigation air pollution area by the Flow-Volume curve
宍戸昌夫, 杉田暉道, 樋口文夫, 小城原新, 日野光顕, 小松五郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 7-7, 1973.

Japanese Article About the health conscious investigation of Asahi-ku inhabitants
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 7-8, 1973.

Japanese Article About the healthy findings of Mitsui, the Matano district
中倉千鶴子, 鈴木進, 太田礼文, 八木謙, 淡路房子, 堀内英子, 大塚アサノ, 井上寿美枝, 鈴木皐月
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 8-9, 1973.

Japanese Article District practice (the first report) in the public health nursing education
黒沢邦子, 柴崎さな江
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 9-10, 1973.

Japanese Article About the request matter to the public health center of the inhabitants attitude survey in Fujisawa-shi
清水利貞, 斉藤亘子, 神山健
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 10-11, 1973.

Japanese Article Nursing of patients with infectious pulmonary tuberculosis that continued refusing appropriate medical treatment
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 11-12, 1973.

Japanese Article Attempt of collective guidance for the home treatment of the asthma classroom and the individual guidance that we repeated
酒井昭, 美馬和子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 12-13, 1973.

Japanese Article Study on support process for 65 years or older
戸田ノブ, 杉山晴美, 中村淑, 浦秀子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 13-14, 1973.

Japanese Article Circulatory organ examination in Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi
鈴木糺, 織田正美, 小室健, 阿部和男, 和田節
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 14-15, 1973.

Japanese Article Fact-finding (the third report) - EDPS of the malignant neoplasm in Kanagawa about becoming it -
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 15-16, 1973.

Japanese Article About PCB pollution fact-finding of Tokyo Bay
丹藤恒美, 渡部健二朗, 木川寛, 小野寺典好, 石井哲夫, 熊沢光敏
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 16-17, 1973.

Japanese Article About behavior of the PCB in the water
木川寛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 17-18, 1973.

Japanese Article About PCB in fishery products and mercury
渡部健二朗, 木川寛, 丹藤恒美, 中山惇一, 川村貴
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 19-20, 1973.

Japanese Article About the absorption accumulation to a fish of the PCB
木川寛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 20-21, 1973.

Japanese Article About effect by the heating of study second report KSK-260 about the heat medium body of edible oils and fats and Dow Sam A
渡部久美子, 桐ケ谷忠司, 矢沢洋一, 中村正明
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 22-23, 1973.

Japanese Article Chemical study (1) Japan of the mineral water and China, main chemical components of the mineral water of the Soviet Union
平野富雄, 大木靖衛
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 23-24, 1973.

Japanese Article It is a study on toxicity of the (the second report) preservative about a preservative in a health drink
岸美智子, 佐藤修二, 清水久世, 谷孝之, 堀口佳哉, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 24-25, 1973.

Japanese Article About effect to give to a mouse of the fluorescent substance which we used for a tracer
斉藤治子, 林正孝, 米山悦夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 25-25, 1973.

Japanese Article Effect of cadmium on soybean
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 26-27, 1973.

Japanese Article About an investigation of the heavy metal in fishery products (the second report)
伊達道子, 貝瀬利一, 渡辺重信, 和田裕, 永野弘史, 淵上信也, 黒井信義
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 27-28, 1973.

Japanese Article About an assay of lead in sardining food
谷古宇秀, 上条昌弥, 浅倉倫子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 28-28, 1973.

Japanese Article About the residual sulfite assay of frozen prawns
中村昌道, 岸奈保子, 中岡正吉, 和田裕, 河端俊治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 29-29, 1973.

Japanese Article About the findings of the understanding degree about the hygiene knowledge of the food handler
青山三男, 川野展資, 西沢伝, 藤田東三, 中村昭
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 29-30, 1973.

Japanese Article About the statistical analysis of the bacterial count in the breed method
安方魁人, 遠藤慶一, 宮代恵嗣, 孫田正毅, 長南茂樹, 金子精一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 30-31, 1973.

Japanese Article About a biochemistry property of few strain Salmonella
後藤功, 滝沢金次郎, 中塚繁, 松島章喜
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 31-32, 1973.

Japanese Article About hygienic study (the fifth report) microwave irradiation of station box lunches and relations with the preservative quality of the lunch
法橋節造, 瀬戸昇, 湯川初江
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 33-33, 1973.

Japanese Article A food poisoning example and the preventive measures to be caused by an enteritis vibrio
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 34-35, 1973.

Japanese Article Hygiene microbiologic study of the processed meat which we looked at according to process of manufacture
大塚喜善, 松下弘, 武原文三郎, 金子精一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 35-36, 1973.

Japanese Article An example of the listeriosis of the goat
沢谷広志, 大谷英彦, 松本弘明, 加藤雅美, 篠田光男, 高橋勉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 36-37, 1973.

Japanese Article About Toxoplasma of "the brown rat" inhabiting in slaughterhouse
笠間保一, 大谷英彦, 野沢雄一郎, 沢谷広志, 兵頭征介, 松本弘明, 宮崎勇吉, 加藤雅美, 田辺文雄, 高橋勉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 37-38, 1973.

Japanese Article Pass, and is; about an infection case of the Clostridium genus in a death beast and the pig to kill
市川進, 向島雄, 大谷英彦, 沢谷広志, 野沢雄一郎, 笠間保一, 兵頭征介, 加藤雅美, 篠田光雄, 瓜生一郎, 高橋勉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 39-39, 1973.

Japanese Article Examination of the analytical procedure of cyanogen in study on practical use (the third report) exhaust gas from motorcar of the ion electrode method
輿水敏子, 高松和幸, 関口祐太郎, 橋本茂, 金子幹宏, 才木義夫, 西山信一, 氷見康二, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 39-40, 1973.

Japanese Article Cyanogen concentration in study (the fourth report) exhaust gas from motorcar about the practical use of the ion electrode method, combustion effluent gas and living environment
輿水敏子, 高松和幸, 関口祐太郎, 橋本茂, 金子幹宏, 才木義夫, 西山信一, 氷見康二, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 40-41, 1973.

Japanese Article Effect of the EDTA on resolution of the study on practical use (the fifth report) metal cyan complex salt of the ion electrode method
輿水敏子, 高松和幸, 関口祐太郎, 阿相敏明, 金子幹宏, 西山信一, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 41-42, 1973.

Japanese Article Generation of the cyan by the response with study on practical use (the sixth report) nitrite ion and amines of the ion electrode method and choice of the nitrous acid ionophore
輿水敏子, 高松和幸, 関口祐太郎, 井脇淑子, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 42-43, 1973.

Japanese Article Fixed-quantity of the NOx by the study on practical use (the seventh report) nitric acid ion electrode method of the ion electrode method
片桐佳典, 島田武憲, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 43-44, 1973.

Japanese Article The Tokaido Shinkansen noise findings
深野松三, 藤掛敏夫, 尾崎雅亮, 石井貢, 大塚定男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 44-45, 1973.

Japanese Article Fixed-quantity (1) problems in the fishery products by the combustion method of mercury and the improvement
田中克彦, 深谷勝久, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 45-46, 1973.

Japanese Article Analytical procedure of the sulfur-containing organic phosphorus pesticide with the gas chromatograph with blaze intensity of light type detector (FPD)
佐藤葉子, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 46-47, 1973.

Japanese Article Change of the harmful ingredient of exhaust gas from motorcar by the adjustment at the ignition time
増井芳男, 中沢誠, 才木義夫, 氷見康二, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 47-47, 1973.

Japanese Article Background of the atmosphere pollutant concentrations
工藤秀子, 若松伸司, 才木義夫, 氷見康二, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 47-48, 1973.

Japanese Article Grain size distribution of the atmospheric suspended particulate under Kanagawa
小山恒人, 宮崎滋, 小泉勇, 氷見康二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 48-48, 1973.

Japanese Article Anion in suspended particulate in Yokohama-shi
鈴木正雄, 遠藤陽子, 北爪稔, 吉永洋治, 岡村慶子, 米山悦夫, 中村貢, 平野耕一郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 48-49, 1973.

Japanese Article The current situation of the water pollution in the Koide River
池田真, 安井一夫, 加藤典宇暉, 上田春人, 堀野文朗, 綿貫知彦, 沢村みどり, 矢部辰男, 斉藤洋子, 森谷清樹, 河端久雄, 原田文雄, 上原三次
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 50-51, 1973.

Japanese Article TOD, TOC, BOD and examination results basic about correlation of the COD
野崎隆夫, 岡敬一, 中田勝, 牧野宏, 大森重夫, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 51-52, 1973.

Japanese Article About correlation with TOD, TOC, BOD of the drainage according to the type of industry and the river water and the COD
岡敬一, 野崎隆夫, 中田勝, 牧野宏, 大森重夫, 福井昭三, 菅野三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 52-52, 1973.

Japanese Article Hygienic consideration of the city groundwater
林正孝, 斉藤治子, 村松妙子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 53-53, 1973.

Japanese Article Identification of the menthol isomer in the factory effluent about the oil spill accident
平野浩二, 相原敬次, 推野祐輔, 西山信一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 54-54, 1973.

Japanese Article Fact-finding of the drainage of the building according to the building use and study on basic unit
小川雄比古, 大野茂, 高橋一三, 桜井敏郎, 竹田茂
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 54-55, 1973.

Japanese Article Confirmation experiment of the penetration of the cyan drainage that assumed fluorescent substance a tracer under the ground
米山悦夫, 沢野俊彦, 山本親男, 飯塚貞男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 55-56, 1973.

Japanese Article About behavior of Kay algae vegetation in the Naka River as the spontaneous river and biological quality of the water judgment - particularly Navicula viridula -
唐沢栄, 米山悦夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 56-57, 1973.

Japanese Article The actual situation and the handling of study on drainage disposal of food manufacturing facilities (5) kamaboko factory effluent (the first report)
竹田茂, 大野茂, 桜井敏郎, 小川雄比古
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 57-58, 1973.

Japanese Article Consideration about the mouse extermination of the underlying investigation district tissue of the mouse extermination in Kawasaki-shi
酒井昭, 屋代政義, 嶋村光雄, 増田登, 菊田潔
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 58-59, 1973.

Japanese Article Quick change investigation (survey of 1972) of the epidemic disease in Kanagawa
鈴木利寿, 毛塚照代, 斉藤直喜, 小川幹雄, 白戸三郎, 石渡源治, 太田寿恵, 吉田勇, 石井みさ子, 内田健蔵, 小島トクコ, 中里幸治, 小幡順子, 今泉晴美, 武谷江美
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 60-60, 1973.

Japanese Article Virologic epidemiological investigation about the virus disease in 1972 Kanagawa
毛塚照代, 鈴木利寿, 斉藤直喜, 小川幹雄, 高宮篤, 金山富美枝
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 61-61, 1973.

Japanese Article The possession situation (1972) of the rubella antibody under Kanagawa
高城美穂子, 荒井一二, 小林一郎, 高橋武夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 61-62, 1973.

Japanese Article Influenza investigation of 1973 of outbreak
小林順子, 小島基義, 遠藤貞郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 62-63, 1973.

Japanese Article Research about the type B influenza outbreak in Kawasaki-shi
斉藤充司, 春山長治, 高野敬子, 中村武雄, 福田諄, 和田明
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 63-64, 1973.

Japanese Article About antigen analysis of the antianti-Australia antigen by the PHI method
吉田芳哉, 小田和正, 小林一郎, 高橋武夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 64-64, 1973.

Japanese Article Competing phenomenon of antiQ antibody and the antiB immune antibody
白井透, 吉田佐代子, 露木和徳
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 64-65, 1973.

Japanese Article About a smallpox vaccination second response in Yokohama-shi
大谷篤, 鈴木恵美子, 菅沼洋達, 武田雛子, 薄井巌
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 65-66, 1973.

Japanese Article About the chemosensitivity of phosphorus bacteria
西本真理子, 山井志朗, 新川隆康, 小原寧, 宮本泰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 66-67, 1973.

Japanese Article Streptococcus hemolyticus infection and serologic test results
津留崎利博, 高橋信夫, 成田功
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 67-68, 1973.

Japanese Article The hemolytic streptococcus investigation under the prefecture and the measures
滝沢金次郎, 浅井良夫, 岡崎則男, 松島章喜, 中塚繁, 宮本泰, 鈴木功, 鈴木忠義, 藤井信雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 68-69, 1973.

Japanese Article Examination of the results of the practice system three year of the children medical center
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 69-70, 1973.

Japanese Article Examination (the second report) of the problems over the congenital hip dislocation group medical examination
高橋賢従, 露木武治, 吉敷惣一, 松岡道子, 三井恂子, 野沢秀子, 杉本津子夫, 村上忠雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 70-71, 1973.

Japanese Article About Kanagawa infants snack no sugar motion
加藤増夫, 後藤勉, 長野俊夫, 鈴木丈信, 野間貞雄, 松沢昭生, 穴山嘉重, 山崎秀, 神野叔人
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 71-72, 1973.

Japanese Article Connection with the epidemiological investigation (the fifth report) dentistry health care activity of the permanent tooth caries annual for throughout the prefecture childhood
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 72-73, 1973.

Japanese Article Investigation about the nourishment method of infants
土田久美子, 皆木幸子, 桜井美知子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 74-75, 1973.

Japanese Article About the economic coefficient of one's own slide in the mothers' class
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 75-76, 1973.

Japanese Article Infants growth standard judging from a mother and child health handbook
鈴木忠義, 青江善作, 若木しづ, 榎本憲二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 76-76, 1973.

Japanese Article Chromosome aberration and mental weakness
佐分利保雄, 星野重二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 76-77, 1973.

Japanese Article Examination of the medical situation of patients with malignant neoplasm fact-finding (the second report) throughout the prefecture cancer in Kanagawa
吉田清彦, 井上怜子, 岡本英子, 平井正義
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 77-78, 1973.

Japanese Article The measurement results of radioactivity investigation (11) 1972 in the prefecture public environment
石井襄二, 小山包博, 高城裕之, 大木りつ子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 78-79, 1973.

Japanese Article About rainwater, the radioactive iodine which drops, and is pitching a camp by the 15th China nuclear test
小山包博, 石井襄二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 79-80, 1973.

Japanese Article Airborne dust, rainwater by the 15th China nuclear test, all β radioactivity investigations of the strong radioactivity particle
大木りつ子, 石井襄二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 80-81, 1973.

Japanese Article Nuclide analysis of the radioactive fallout by the 15th China nuclear test using the Ge (Li) detector
高城裕之, 石井襄二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 81-82, 1973.

Japanese Article About findings about a nitric acid root in a commercial edible meat product and a fish meat product, a nitrite root, dimethylamine and dimethylnitrosamine
和田裕, 渡辺重信, 中岡正吉, 川名清子, 斉藤芳久, 中村昌道
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 82-83, 1973.

Japanese Article Findings of the coloring agent of the straight juice in supermarkets, and the like
川名清子, 山田利治, 中岡正吉, 和田裕, 福田正彦, 黒田誠, 池田陽男, 安方魁人
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 83-83, 1973.

Japanese Article Hygienic fact-finding of hygienic study III ice cream of the ice cream (including the ice-cream cone)
長南茂樹, 中岡正吉, 長谷川幸江, 和田裕, 安方魁人, 遠藤慶一, 宮代恵嗣, 孫田正毅
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 84-84, 1973.

Japanese Article About PCB pollution in food (the second report)
飯田勝彦, 貝瀬利一, 高木芙美子, 斉藤芳久, 渡辺重信, 和田裕, 永野弘史, 高橋慶彦, 淵上信也, 黒井信義
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 84-85, 1973.

Japanese Article About the Lebman-Sach disease of the pig
野沢雄一郎, 篠田光雄, 瓜生一郎, 高橋勉, 加藤雅美, 兵頭征介
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 87-88, 1973.

Japanese Article Breeding experiment 3 of the mosquito group imago by the floral nectar. It is experimented in particular on breeding by the floral nectar of Rui Kimoto
原田文雄, 森谷清樹, 矢部辰男, 綿貫知彦, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 89-89, 1973.

Japanese Article Term of sanitary recollection in Kanagawa and the fine-view beginning
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 90-90, 1973.

Japanese Article About sanitary recollection in Kanagawa and fine-view health education
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 90-91, 1973.

Japanese Article About sanitary recollection in Kanagawa and fine-view health and medical care (maternal and child care, community health, intractable disease, nourishment)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 91-91, 1973.

Japanese Article About sanitary recollection in Kanagawa and fine-view disease prevention (tuberculosis, epidemic, mental health, lifestyle diseases)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 92-92, 1973.

Japanese Article About sanitary recollection in Kanagawa and fine-view environmental health
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 92-93, 1973.

Japanese Article About food hygiene judging from sanitary recollection and examination in Kanagawa of fine-view study
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (20): 93-94, 1973.