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The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 200 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In Japanese Society of Gastroenterology northeast Branch 200th regular meeting holding
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 3-3, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-01. Examination of the noninvasive fibrosis evaluation in patients with chronic hepatitis C and patients with non-alcoholic lipid hepatitis
諸沢樹1), 近藤泰輝1), 藤坂泰之1), 小暮高之1), 井上淳1), 涌井祐太2), 梅津輝行1), 高井智1), 中村琢也1), 下瀬川徹1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-02. Attempt of visualization and the liver fibrosis evaluation of the blood vessel reconstruction process with the C type chronic liver disease using Superb Microvascular Imaging
柿坂啓介, 黒田英克, 滝川康裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-03. Examination about the noninvasive diagnostic method of liver fibrosis
沼尾宏, 田中奈保子, 蓮井桂介, 島谷孝司, 花畑憲洋, 金澤浩介, 棟方正樹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-04. Usefulness of the complete laparoscopic hepatectomy as low invasive treatment and the diagnosis
臼田昌広, 中西渉, 藤尾淳, 中村崇宣, 中川智彦, 西牧宏泰, 手島仁, 村上和重, 井上宰, 宮川剛, 望月泉
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-05. Examination of the clinical usefulness of liver fibrosis carbohydrate chain marker M2BPGi
渡邊健太, 中根邦夫, 辻剛俊, 大野秀雄, 石井元, 酒井利隆, 千葉満郎, 津田聡子, 菅原佳恵, 伊藤満衣, 小松眞史
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-06. Usefulness of Shear Wave Elastgraphy in the noninvasive liver fibrosis diagnosis
阿部珠美, 黒田英克, 滝川康裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-07. About the effect of the liver protection agent in the Daclatasvir / Asunaprevir therapy on hepatitis C
星野孝男, 藤井公生, 津田栄彦, 小林芳生, 大高日本, 俵谷伸, 渋谷健吾, 小板橋祐也, 吉田樹, 渡部博之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article S1-08. Examination about the effect of treatment of DEB-TACE for the huge hepatocellular carcinoma
岡井研, 今泉博道, 阿部和道, 高橋敦史, 大平弘正
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-01. Examination about the safety of an examination in our hospital for large intestine CT and the colonoscopic examination
山中祥弘1), 深瀬和利1), 伊藤純一1), 安達徹1), 螻眞弘2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-02. Choice of the scope depending on low invasive colonoscope practice ... case using PCF-PQ260L of our hospital
菊池英純1,2), 三上達也3), 澤谷学2), 平賀寛人2), 珍田大輔2), 櫻庭裕丈2), 下山克2), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-03. Usefulness of CT colonography and invasive examination
岩渕正広, 杉村美華子, 鵜飼克明, 田所慶一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-04. orthodox & serendlpity of the endoscopic surgical treatment for pancreas tumor
石田晶玄, 森川孝則, 井本博文, 前田晋平, 青木豪, 工藤克昌, 大沼忍, 田中直樹, 長尾宗紀, 水間正道, 大塚英郎, 坂田直昭, 林洋毅, 中川圭, 武者宏昭, 元井冬彦, 内藤剛, 海野倫明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-05. Diagnosis, treatment of the Nakashita pharynx superficial cancer with specialist in digestive organ
野口哲也, 及川智之, 宮崎武文, 内海潔, 相澤宏樹, 虻江誠, 塚本啓祐, 鈴木真一, 小野寺博義
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-06. Endoscopic treatment result for the pancreatic duct jejunum anastomotic stricture in our hospital
三浦晋, 菅野敦, 正宗淳, 本郷星仁, 吉田直樹, 中野絵里子, 濱田晋, 粂潔, 菊田和宏, 廣田衛久, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-07. The present conditions of the operation under laparoscopy for the disease of stomach of our hospital
田中直樹, 武者宏昭, 工藤克昌, 青木豪, 井本博文, 大沼忍, 阿部友哉, 長尾宗紀, 渡辺和宏, 唐澤秀明, 元井冬彦, 内藤剛, 海野倫明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-08. Usefulness of the examination for MRI diffusion weighted image in the active monitoring of the Crohn's disease
蓮井桂介1,2), 櫻庭裕丈1), 平賀寛人3), 佐竹美和1), 明本由衣1), 太田真二1), 菊池英純1), 澤谷学1), 珍田大輔1), 三上達也4), 下山克1), 石黒陽5), 田中正則6), 福田眞作1,4)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-09. It is usefulness of the diachronic observation using the capsule endoscope in the Crohn's disease practice after an operation
日下順1), 志賀永嗣2), 黒羽正剛1), 木村智哉1), 角田洋一1), 遠藤克哉1), 木内喜孝3), 下瀬川徹1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 52-52, 2016.

Japanese Article S2-10. Usefulness and problem of laparoscopic endoscopic joint surgery (LECS) for the submucosal tumor of the stomach
藁谷雄一1,2), 引地拓人1), 渡辺晃1,2), 中村純2), 菊地眸2), 高木忠之2), 鈴木玲2), 杉本充2), 紺野直紀2), 浅間宏之2), 高住美香2), 木村礼子4), 多田武志5), 遠藤久仁5), 門馬智之6), 佐瀬善一郎5), 大須賀文彦5), 大木進司6), 小原勝敏3), 大平弘正2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 52-52, 2016.

Japanese Article PD-01. Requirements necessary for the carrier formation of the female digestive organ physician after the delivery
横川順子1,2), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article PD-02. The carrier formation of the woman doctor who looks back on oneself, and thinks
坂本夏美1,2), 片倉響子2), 大平弘正2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article PD-03. For the carrier formation
田井真弓, 大久保義徳, 橋本陽, 高橋伸太郎, 喜田栄作, 松橋暢雄, 市井統, 鈴木智浩, 江尻豊
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article PD-04. For northeastern woman doctor achievement
小野寺美緒1,3), 久多良徳彦2,3), 滝川康裕1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article PD-05. Think as a female digestive organ physician
木暮敦子, 大島康嘉, 坂充, 近藤祐一郎
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article PD-06. The present conditions of a certain woman doctor
諸橋聡子, 吉澤忠司, 平井秀明, 羽賀敏博, 呉雲燕, 鬼島宏
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article PD-07. Does the woman doctor come by the carrier formation with a male physician equally? From the questionary survey at the local core hospital
草野央1,2), 鈴木翔1,2), 平宇健治3), 村田昇平1), 笹森凌平1), 後藤田卓志4)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article PD-08. The thing which is important for a variety of ways of working to experience delivery, child care, and to think of
中村由紀子, 松尾拓, 鈴木恒治, 平田慎也
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-01. An example of the AFP-producing gastric cancer which resulted in the neuroendocrine system differentiation that occurred for a low Na blood symptom in acknowledgment of significant ADH high level
下田楓美子1), 阿曽沼祥1), 鈴木郁1), 高橋貴一1), 木村修1), 梅村賢1), 佐藤晃彦1), 佐藤俊2), 二井谷友公2), 杉山克郎2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 58-58, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-02. An example of Crohn disease who had the autoimmune pancreatitis
野澤瞳1), 佐々木悠1), 佐藤剛司2), 秋葉昭多郎1), 作田和裕1), 八木周1), 吉澤和哉1), 岩野大輔1), 西瀬祥一1), 阿部靖彦1), 上野義之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 58-58, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-03. An example of the serious case pseudomembranous enteritis that had the onset for the postpartum perinatal period, and showed the significant wall hypertrophy and ascitic fluid of the large intestine
瀧澤沙矢香, 野村栄樹, 菊地達也, 齋藤瑛里, 鈴木範明, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 境吉孝
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 58-58, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-04. An example of the adult onset Still disease that developed in acute hepatitis
土田秀元, 奥本和夫, 仁科武人, 水野恵, 勝見智大, 芳賀弘明, 齋藤貴史, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 58-58, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-05. Two cases of the HCV-positive autoimmune hepatitis
五十嵐昌平1), 沼尾宏1), 田中奈保子1,2), 蓮井桂介1,2), 島谷孝司1,2), 花畑憲洋1,2), 金澤浩介1), 棟方正樹1), 吉田茂昭1), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 59-59, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-06. An example of pancreas enhancement-related false theloncus and the diagnosed abdominal mass
磯上弘貴1), 岡本大祐1), 駒澤大輔1), 伊藤広通1), 土佐正規1), 宇野要1), 池田智之1), 高橋成一1), 池谷伸一1), 中山晴夫1), 白相悟2), 吉田寛2), 川口信哉2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 59-59, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-07. One case of the retroperitoneal lymphangioma which resulted in acute abdomen
宮部賢, 俵谷伸, 吉田樹, 小板橋祐也, 渋谷健吾, 大高日本, 小林芳生, 津田栄彦, 藤井公生, 星野孝男, 渡部博之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 59-59, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-08. An example of the primary liver leiomyosarcoma
力丸真美1), 黒田聖仁1), 藤田将史1), 菅野有紀子1), 寺島久美子1), 宮田昌之1), 見城明2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 59-59, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-09. One case of fusiform cells type anaplasia-related pancreatic duct cancer which increased rapidly in a short term
高橋慧1), 渡邊崇1), 池端敦1), 本多俊介1), 伏谷淳1), 高橋太郎1), 城戸治1), 三浦真奈美2), 小坂崇2), 天野良彦2), 赤坂威一郎2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 60-60, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-10. 1 autopsy case of the cardiac tumor regarded as the metastasis from a nipple mucinous tumor in the pancreatic duct
廣瀬亘1), 渡邊崇1), 池端敦1), 本多俊介1), 高橋太郎1), 伏谷淳1), 城戸治1), 三浦真奈美2), 小坂崇2), 赤坂威一郎2), 中村明浩3), 小野貞英4)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 60-60, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-01. One case of the acute Budd-Chiari syndrome which we were able to save by a brain death liver transplant
鈴木彰子, 宮本康弘, 鈴木悠地, 佐藤寛毅, 柿坂啓介, 片岡晃二郎, 滝川康裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-02. An example of acidophilic cholangitis that had the onset with taking horse grape, and presented various image views
屋代牧子1), 阿部和道2), 齋藤桂悦1), 塩谷康夫1), 山野辺邦美1), 佐川恵一1), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-03. It is examined the long term prognosis after endoscopic treatment of rectal NET in our hospital
岩城智之, 奥薗徹, 松田知己, 坪井瑠美子, 青木隼人, 二瓶公祐, 中條恵一郎, 山岡肇, 佐藤俊, 中堀昌人, 長南明道
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-04. H. in our hospital The present conditions of the sanitization therapy for pylori infection gastritis
菱沼佳純, 伊藤博敬, 大矢内幹, 泉山泰宏, 福田翔, 佐藤雄一郎, 五十嵐勇彦, 尾花伸哉
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-05. It is an example who had the small intestine malignant lymphoma for wall hypertrophy type intestinal tuberculosis
明本由衣1), 飯野勢1,2), 五十嵐崇徳1,2), 相原智之2), 石井健太郎2), 菊池英純1), 櫻庭裕丈1), 須藤武道3), 坂本十一2), 東野博2), 田中正則4), 福田眞作1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-06. An example of the liver angiomyolipoma which racked its brains about a diagnosis having cyst-like denaturation
鈴木郁, 木村修, 高橋貴一, 阿曽沼祥, 梅村賢, 佐藤晃彦
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-07. It is an example of the afferent loop syndrome after the BillrothII method rebuilding where was able to be treated with percutaneous transhepatic drainage conservatively
枡悠太郎, 黒木実智雄, 鍋島立秀, 善如寺暖, 遠藤博之, 名木野匡, 西瀬雄子, 平川秀紀
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-08. An example of bile duct mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma (MANEC)
五十嵐亮1), 入澤篤志1), 澁川悟朗1), 星恒輝1), 山部茜子1), 藤澤真理子1), 佐藤愛1), 牧匠1), 齋藤拓朗2), 添田暢俊2), 押部郁朗2), 北條洋3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-09. One patient whom we produced a calculus in an intrahepatic bile duct after the bile duct duodenum end-to-side anastomosis, and severe acute cholangitis developed in
高橋貴一, 鈴木郁, 木村修, 阿曽沼祥, 梅村賢, 佐藤晃彦
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 64-64, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-10. One case of the nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma in the pancreatic duct which caused metachronous polycentrism generating 13 years after primary operation
客本ゆき恵1), 水間正道1), 阿部友哉1), 高舘達之1), 前田晋平1), 有明恭平1), 益田邦洋1), 石田晶玄1), 深瀬耕二1), 大塚英郎1), 坂田直昭1), 森川孝則1), 中川圭1), 林洋毅1), 元井冬彦1), 内藤剛1), 菅野敦2), 下瀬川徹2), 海野倫明1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 64-64, 2016.

Japanese Article O-01. A diagnosis of the collagen colitis in the chronic diarrhea and examination of the treatment
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article O-02. Examine Yamagata District inflammatory bowel disease disease; about the establishment of cooperation network IGATA NET
佐藤剛司1,2), 武田弘明3), 名木野匡4), 秋葉昭多郎2), 作田和裕2), 八木周2), 吉澤和哉2), 岩野大輔2), 佐々木悠2), 阿部靖彦2), 西瀬祥一2), 鈴木康之5), 田村真明6), 小野和彦7), 大泉晴史8), 上野義之2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article O-03. Long-term follow-up results of patients with large intestine micropolyps
木村聖路1), 西谷大輔1), 濱館貴徳1), 石橋文香1,3), 樋口博之1,3), 田中正則2), 福田眞作3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article O-04. One case of the elderly people steroid-dependent ulcerative colitis that infliximab was effective
川島一公, 片倉響子, 藤原達雄, 郡司直彦, 横川綾希, 大平弘正
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article O-05. An example of the long-term remission small intestine large intestine type Crohn's disease by the infliximab which was maintaining it, and developed pharynx malignant lymphoma
泉山泰宏1), 佐藤雄一郎1), 菱沼佳純1), 福田翔1), 伊藤博敬1), 大矢内幹1), 五十嵐勇彦1), 尾花伸哉1), 高橋太郎2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article O-06. One case of the metastasis to colon cancer gallbladder
遠山慎吾, 大沼忍, 工藤克昌, 石田昌玄, 唐澤秀明, 渡辺和宏, 井本博文, 青木豪, 田中直樹, 長尾宗紀, 阿部友哉, 武者宏昭, 元井冬彦, 内藤剛, 海野倫明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article O-07. One case of the intra-peritoneal abscess by the appendicitis postoperative persistence fossilized fecal matter that suffered from a diagnosis
渡辺伸和, 遠藤正章, 川崎仁司, 三橋佑人
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article O-08. One case of progress rectal cancer which complicated esophageal varices, splenomegaly during XELOX therapy, and was given an endoscopic sclerotherapy and partial splenic artery embolization
福士大介1), 松村吉史1), 大方智樹1), 佐藤倫紀1), 高山歳三1), 支倉翔太郎1), 支倉さやか1), 近藤史帆1), 米地真1), 目黒敬義1), 山本毅1), 田邊暢一2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article O-09. An example of the cecal cancer in acknowledgment of invagination of intestine to invaginate to transverse colon
松本諒太郎, 野村栄樹, 菊地達也, 齋藤瑛里, 鈴木範明, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 境吉孝
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 68-68, 2016.

Japanese Article O-10. Three cases of anaplasia-related pancreatic duct cancer which we experienced in our hospital
柴田將, 松田望, 小穴修平, 松本主之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 68-68, 2016.

Japanese Article O-11. The case that was given total pancreatectomy after abscess drainage for nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma (IPMC) in the pancreatic duct which formed an intra-peritoneal abscess by cyst penetration
酒井利隆, 石井元, 小松眞史, 中根邦夫, 辻剛俊, 大野秀雄, 津田聡子, 千葉満郎, 菅原佳恵, 渡邊健太, 伊藤満衣
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 68-68, 2016.

Japanese Article O-12. During combined modality therapy for the severe pancreatitis with the infectious pancreatic necrosis, it is an example who had the splenic infarct
矢野恒太, 境吉孝, 斎藤瑛里, 鈴木範明, 野村栄樹, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 菊地達也
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 68-68, 2016.

Japanese Article O-13. One case of the pancreas anaplastic carcinoma detected with an abdominal mass
友田博行, 片桐智子, 角田卓哉, 若林博人
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 69-69, 2016.

Japanese Article O-14. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor obtaining long-term survival by Everolimus internal use
前田高人1), 岡本豊1), 新井徹1,2), 立田哲也1,2), 高橋一徳1,2), 川口章吾1,2), 對馬清人1,2), 葛西雅治1), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 69-69, 2016.

Japanese Article O-15. Examination of mucinous tumor (BD-IPMN) in the ramified pancreatic duct in our hospital
塚本啓祐, 虻江誠, 宮崎武文, 相澤宏樹, 及川智之, 内海潔, 野口哲也, 鈴木眞一, 小野寺博義
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 69-69, 2016.

Japanese Article O-16. One case of the StageI pancreatic cancer which we followed up in EUS
吉野武晃, 岩男年康, 廣瀬勝也
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 69-69, 2016.

Japanese Article O-17. An example of the epidermoid cyst which had difficulty in pancreas mucinous cyst tumor and differentiation
小堺史郷, 小川貴央, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 菅野良秀, 枡かおり, 柾木喜晴
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 70-70, 2016.

Japanese Article O-18. One patient whom xanthogranulomatous pancreatitis developed in during pancreatic cyst follow-up
中西渉, 臼田昌広, 西牧宏泰, 藤尾淳, 中川智彦, 中村孝宣, 手島仁, 村上和重, 井上宰, 宮田剛, 望月泉
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 70-70, 2016.

Japanese Article O-19. One case of the hepatic portal region cholangiocarcinoma sarcoma
菊池公二1), 吉村徹郎1,2), 荒木康光1,2), 浅利享1,2), 和田豊人1), 福田眞作2), 高橋祐3), 高澤豊4)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 70-70, 2016.

Japanese Article O-20. One case of the bile duct mixed type gland neuroendocrine system basalioma
佐藤英之, 大村清成, 梅原松樹, 齋藤慶太, 小野里祐介, 堀内素平, 渡邉祐介, 高野潤, 武田忠, 渡辺晋一郎, 齋藤孝治
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 70-70, 2016.

Japanese Article O-21. It is an example of the intestinal tract choledocholithiasis after the operation that was able to be treated using EPLBD balloon under PTCD
小穴修平1), 柴田將1), 松田望1), 松本主之1), 齋藤慎二2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article O-22. An example of the duodenal gallstone ileus that improvement was obtained to be caused by art of endoscopic crush
佐野晃俊, 小川千恵子, 小岩井明信, 荒井壮, 飛澤笑山, 小林茂之, 横沢聡, 菅野記豊
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article O-23. One case of the bile duct origin malignant lymphoma that we had the onset for obstructive jaundice, and a definitive diagnosis was obtained by ERCP lower biopsy
猪股優志, 佐藤雄一郎, 菱沼佳純, 泉山泰宏, 福田翔, 伊藤博敬, 大矢内幹, 五十嵐勇彦, 尾花信哉, 高橋太郎, 坂元和宏
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article O-24. Initial treatment results of new Laser cut type fully covered metallic stent for nonresected distal malignant biliary tract stenosis
小川貴央, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 菅野良秀, 枡かおり, 柾木喜晴, 小堺史郷, 野田裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article O-25. Pancreas, bile duct junction abnormal one case that caused peritonitis by the gallbladder perforation after ENGBD withdrawal
笹嶋素子1), 千葉充1), 後藤隆1), 三浦光一1), 大嶋重敏1), 佐藤亘1), 道免孝洋1), 澁谷友美1), 関根匡成1), 渡部昇1), 荒田英1), 杉本侑孝1), 高橋健一1), 南慎一郎1), 齋藤敦1), 大西洋英1), 打波宇2), 中川康彦2), 渡邊翼2), 飯田正毅2), 山本雄造2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 72-72, 2016.

Japanese Article O-26. An example of the systemic lupus erythematosus that repeated extensive enteritis was a diagnosis opportunity
千葉宏文1), 遠藤克哉1), 松本信1), 永井博1), 横山直信1), 山本勝利1), 下山雄丞1), 内藤健夫1), 小野寺基之1), 日下順1), 川上瑶子1), 只野敏浩1), 黒羽正剛1), 木村智哉1), 角田洋一1), 木内喜孝2), 谷内真司3), 下瀬川徹1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 72-72, 2016.

Japanese Article O-27. An example of the scleroderma that we diagnosed with an examination of small intestine X-rays contrasting
梁井俊一1), 川崎啓祐1), 中村昌太郎1), 赤坂理三郎1), 鳥谷洋右1), 朝倉謙輔1), 山口智子1), 小穴修平1), 柴田将1), 松田望1), 赤坂俊英2), 松本主之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 72-72, 2016.

Japanese Article O-28. An example of the jejunum GIST which presented mixed type in the growth pattern that was pointed out with an upper gastrointestinal tract endoscope, and suffered from a pathological diagnosis and a pathological diagnosis
菅原歩1), 阿曽沼祥1), 鈴木郁1), 高橋貴一1), 木村修1), 梅村賢1), 佐藤晃彦1), 上野達也2), 高橋道長2), 内藤広朗2), 二井谷友公3), 杉山克郎3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 72-72, 2016.

Japanese Article O-29. One case of the small intestine GIST that a double balloon endoscope was useful in a diagnosis
有明千鶴, 千葉大輔, 三上裕嗣, 岡野奈穂子, 田代実, 長谷良志男
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article O-30. Examination of the small intestine anisakiasis in our hospital
八嶋嘉之, 岩渕正広, 杉村美華子, 半田智之, 藤谷拓, 滝川哲也, 野口謙治, 木村憲治, 鵜飼克明, 田所慶一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article O-31. Two cases of the middle-aged onset hepatitis cytomegalovirus that showed antimitochondrial M2 antibody positive
藤田将史, 菅野有紀子, 佐藤義憲, 黒田聖仁, 寺島久美子, 宮田昌之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article O-32. One case of the idiopathic portal hypertension that resulted in significant neutropenia
斎藤桂悦, 屋代牧子, 塩谷康夫, 山野辺邦美, 佐川恵一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article O-33. One case that we resected for multiple hepatocellular carcinomas complicated with glycogenosis 1a model
米田海, 宮城重人, 吉田諭, 宮澤恒持, 藤尾淳, 柏舘俊明, 原康之, 戸子台和哲, 中西史, 川岸直樹, 大内のりあき
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article O-34. Examination of the NAFLD case given liver biopsy in our hospital
田中奈保子1), 沼尾宏2), 蓮井桂介1,2), 島谷孝司1,2), 花畑憲洋1,2), 金沢浩介1), 棟方正樹1), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article O-35. One case of NASH which occurred all over the course of Crohn disease
橋本陽1,3), 鈴木智浩1), 大久保義徳1), 高橋伸太郎1), 喜田栄作1), 松橋暢生1), 市井統1), 田井真弓1), 江尻豊1), 箱崎半道2), 大平弘正3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article O-36. Treatment result of the Daclatasvir Asunaprevir combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C in our hospital
渡邉敏治1), 阿蘓里佳1), 角田道彦1), 宮澤弘哲1), 二宮淳1), 菅原俊樹1), 早坂高志1), 吉田尚美1), 折居智彦1), 青木政則1), 名和晋輔2), 三浦朋来2), 本間清明2), 今泉和臣3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article O-37. Treatment result (multicenter study) of the peginterferon ribavirin telaprevir triple-drug therapy for chronic hepatitis C
木皿典宏1), 佐々木公美子1), 石井元康2), 真野浩3), 小林智夫4), 山川暢4), 長崎太5), 山本毅6), 宮崎豐7), 菅野厚8), 佐藤俊裕9), 赤羽武弘10), 蒲比呂子10), 安倍修11), 岡本裕正12), 三浦雅人13)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 75-75, 2016.

Japanese Article O-38. Hepatic dysfunction during use of DAAs
城戸冶1), 本多俊介1), 高橋太郎1), 三浦真奈美2), 小坂崇2), 天野良彦2), 伏谷淳1), 渡邉崇1), 赤坂威一郎2), 池端敦1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 75-75, 2016.

Japanese Article O-39. Treatment result of the telaprevir three drugs Japanese hawfinch pre-building triple-drug therapy for chronic hepatitis C in our hospital
赤羽武弘, 蒲比呂子, 平本圭一郎, 中川健一郎, 山本康央, 海野純, 富永現
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 75-75, 2016.

Japanese Article O-40. One case of the acute hepatitis A in acknowledgment of a haemophagocytosis image
今泉博道1), 岡井研1), 菅野有紀子2), 阿部和道1), 高橋敦史1), 五十嵐亮3), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 75-75, 2016.

Japanese Article O-41. The long-term results of the brain death liver transplant and change of the brain death registration system
川岸直樹, 吉田諭, 米田海, 宮澤恒持, 柏舘俊明, 原康之, 中西史, 宮城重人, 大内憲明, 里見進
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 76-76, 2016.

Japanese Article O-42. It is one patient of de novo hepatitis B after a spontaneous relieved live donor liver transplant
原康之1), 川岸直樹1), 吉田諭1), 宮澤恒持1), 米田海1), 柏舘俊明1), 中西史1), 宮城重人1), 大内憲明1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 76-76, 2016.

Japanese Article O-43. Example that SBP developed during an ascitic concentration reinfusion therapy for the intractable ascitic fluid, and took the outcome of the death in the rapid course
梅田隆志, 黒田聖仁, 藤田将史, 菅野有紀子, 佐藤義憲, 寺島久美子, 宮田昌之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 76-76, 2016.

Japanese Article O-44. One case of the type A acute hepatic failure coma type that resulted in icteric protraction
鈴木裕也, 奥本和夫, 仁科武人, 水野恵, 勝見智大, 芳賀弘明, 齋藤貴史, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 76-76, 2016.

Japanese Article O-45. One case of the full-bloodedness-related liver tumor which racked its brains about a diagnosis
藤谷拓1), 田邊暢一1), 鵜飼克明1), 鈴木博義2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 77-77, 2016.

Japanese Article O-46. Hepatectomy case of cear cell type HCC
大谷将之1), 城戸治1), 本多俊介1), 高橋太郎1), 三浦真奈美2), 小坂崇2), 天野良彦2), 伏谷淳1), 渡邊崇1), 赤坂威一郎2), 池端敦1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 77-77, 2016.

Japanese Article O-47. An example of the full-bloodedness-related liver tumor which racked its brains about the differentiation with colon cancer liver metastases
矢萩舜1), 櫻井直樹1), 盛直生1), 石山廣志朗1), 白幡名香雄2), 安藤嘉章2), 菅原心平2), 緒形真也3), 矢萩淑恵4), 飯澤肇1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 77-77, 2016.

Japanese Article O-48. An example of liver end differentiation cancer which took the unhappy outcome in a short term
佐藤倫紀1), 大方智樹1), 福士大介1), 高山歳三1), 支倉翔太郎1), 支倉さやか1), 近藤史帆1), 松村吉史1), 米地真1), 目黒敬義1), 山本毅1), 村上一宏2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 77-77, 2016.

Japanese Article O-49. An example of the ischemic stomach symptom which was able to be under the medical treatment conservatively
吉田樹, 俵谷伸, 小板橋裕也, 渋谷健吾, 大高日本, 小林芳生, 津田栄彦, 藤井公生, 星野孝男, 渡部博之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 78-78, 2016.

Japanese Article O-50. Example that was regarded as adult T cell leukemia / lymphoma (ATLL: Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma) of the stomach origin
宮崎武文1), 野口哲也1), 及川智之1), 塚本啓祐1), 相澤宏樹1), 内海潔1), 鈴木眞一1), 小野寺博義1), 佐々木治2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 78-78, 2016.

Japanese Article O-51. Two patients whom aspiration pneumonia seemed to develop in after gastrectomy repeatedly
塩谷康夫, 屋代牧子, 齋藤桂悦, 山野辺邦美, 佐川恵一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 78-78, 2016.

Japanese Article O-52. One case that radiotherapy was effective for progress gastric cancer bleeding during Ramucirumab+Paclitaxel therapy
村井康久1), 棟方正樹1), 田中奈保子1,2), 蓮井桂介1,2), 島谷孝司1,2), 花畑憲洋1,2), 金澤浩介1), 沼尾宏1), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 78-78, 2016.

Japanese Article O-53. An example of MALT lymphoma that radiotherapy succeeded after sanitization therapy
遠藤麻衣, 坂充, 大島康嘉, 木暮敦子, 近藤祐一郎
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 79-79, 2016.

Japanese Article O-54. AFP, one patient of the hCG-producing anaplastic carcinoma who showed liver direct permeation by stomach origin
浅利享1), 吉村徹郎1,2), 荒木康光1,2), 菊池公二1), 和田豊人1), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 79-79, 2016.

Japanese Article O-55. One case of the stomach lipoma which presented GI bleeding and Ball valve syndrome
飯野勢1), 坂本十一1), 吉田健太1,2), 五十嵐崇徳1,2), 相原智之1), 石井健太郎1), 東野博1), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 79-79, 2016.

Japanese Article O-56. One patient who responded to combined modality therapy for the StageIV progress gastric cancer
佐藤格, 米地真, 大方智樹, 福士大介, 佐藤倫紀, 高山歳三, 支倉翔太郎, 支倉さやか, 近藤史帆, 松村吉史, 目黒敬義, 山本毅
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 79-79, 2016.

Japanese Article O-57. One case of the gastric cancer which presented Trousseau syndrome
佐藤公亮, 野口謙治, 外田修裕, 阿部泰明, 杉村美華子, 岩渕正広, 鵜飼克明, 田所慶一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 80-80, 2016.

Japanese Article O-58. One patient who had a dip-related lesion pointed out in examination, and had a diagnosis of EB virus-related gastric cancer in ESD
渡部哲也, 坂充, 木暮敦子, 大島康嘉, 近藤祐一郎
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 80-80, 2016.

Japanese Article O-59. It is one patient who had the gastric cancer for eosinophilic gastroenteritis
小野智之, 武者宏昭, 田中直樹, 井本博文, 唐澤秀明, 青木豪, 工藤克昌, 大沼忍, 渡辺和宏, 長尾宗紀, 阿部友哉, 元井冬彦, 内藤剛, 海野倫明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 80-80, 2016.

Japanese Article O-60. An example of pulmonary large-cell neuroendocrine system cancer (LCNEC) metastases to stomach
吉澤和哉1), 佐々木悠1), 阿部靖彦1), 秋葉昭多郎1), 作田和裕1), 八木周1), 岩野大輔1), 佐藤剛司1,2), 西瀬祥一1), 上野義之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 80-80, 2016.

Japanese Article O-61. An example of Type3 stomach NET (neuroendocrine tumor) which conducted NBI magnifying endoscope observation detailed preoperatively
乗田一明1), 八田和久1), 小池智幸1), 菅野武1), 近藤穣1), 日下玄1), 荒誠之1), 淺沼清孝1), 浅野直喜1), 今谷晃1), 工藤克昌2), 笠島敦子3), 下瀬川徹1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 81-81, 2016.

Japanese Article O-62. H. which presented a mucous membrane change of the MALT lymphomoid, and was improved by sanitization An example of suis infection gastritis
中川悟, 下山克, 珍田大輔, 澤谷学, 福田眞作
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 81-81, 2016.

Japanese Article O-63. H. Examination about the clinical features of the gastric cancer case detected after pylori sanitization
菊地亮介, 猪股芳文, 内山志保, 横山大, 安倍修
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 81-81, 2016.

Japanese Article O-64. One case that a drug eruption by Clarithromycin produced in Helicobacter Pylori first sanitization treatment using Potassium-Competitive Acid Blocker
笹森凌平1), 鈴木翔1), 草野央1), 後藤田卓志2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 81-81, 2016.

Japanese Article O-65. Examination of the new onset other organs cancer merger case after the early gastric cancer endoscopic resection (ER)
藤谷拓, 野口謙治, 鵜飼克明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 82-82, 2016.

Japanese Article O-66. An example of the lower gastric corpus gastric cancer which caused acute pancreatitis by Ball valve syndrome
渡邉清誉1,2), 斎藤正人1), 板橋幸宏1), 小笠原紘志1), 星野恵治1), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 82-82, 2016.

Japanese Article O-67. 1 autopsy case of the gastric cancer complicated after familial polyposis coli technique in approximately 40 years
齋藤悠, 土佐正規, 岡本大祐, 駒澤大輔, 伊藤広通, 宇野要, 池田智之, 高橋成一, 池谷伸一, 中山晴夫
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 82-82, 2016.

Japanese Article O-68. One autopsy case of stomach origin squamous cell carcinoma
齋藤敦1), 佐藤亘1), 後藤隆1), 三浦光一1), 大嶋重敏1), 渋谷友美1), 道免孝洋1), 渡部昇1), 関根匡也1), 千葉充1), 杉本侑孝1), 荒田英1), 南慎一郎1), 高橋健一1), 石岡充彬1), 松澤尚徳1), 大西英洋1), 西島亜紀2), 山本洋平2), 大森泰文2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 82-82, 2016.

Japanese Article O-69. H. An example of the hemorrhagic duodenal ulcer of children due to pylori infection
加藤恒孝, 高橋裕太, 松岡直紀, 熊川宏美
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 83-83, 2016.

Japanese Article O-70. One case of the large intestine signet ring cell adenocarcinoma which they presented with an all circumferences-related stenosis in a submucosal tumor state and were hard to diagnose preoperatively
中島勇貴1), 郡司直彦1), 黒田聖仁1), 寺島久美子1), 遠藤豪一2), 宮田昌之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 83-83, 2016.

Japanese Article O-71. Idiopathic small intestine large intestine varicose one case which we were able to observe with a capsule colonoscope
川崎啓祐1), 柿坂啓介2), 鳥谷洋右1), 梁井俊一1), 赤坂理三郎1), 朝倉謙輔1), 山口智子1), 山本一成1), 松田望1), 柴田將1), 小穴修平1), 廣田茂1), 中村昌太郎1), 松本主之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 83-83, 2016.

Japanese Article O-72. An example of intestinal tract Behcet disease who had the abdominal wall abscess
角掛純一1), 池端敦1), 天貝諒1), 本多俊介1), 三浦真奈美1), 高橋太郎1), 渡邊崇1), 伏谷淳1), 城戸治1), 小坂崇2), 天野良彦2), 赤坂威一郎2), 村上和重3), 小野貞英4)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 83-83, 2016.

Japanese Article O-73. One patient who was treated effectively with highly-concentrated barium plombage for intractable diverticula of colon bleeding
伊藤満衣, 辻剛俊, 渡邊健太, 菅原佳恵, 酒井利隆, 石井元, 津田聡子, 中根邦夫, 千葉満郎, 小松眞史
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 84-84, 2016.

Japanese Article O-74. An example of ileus due to the ileal stenosis in acknowledgment of IgG4-positive plasma cell infiltration
佐々木悠1), 阿部靖彦1), 野村栄樹3), 佐藤剛司2), 岩野大輔1), 吉澤和哉1), 八木周1), 作田和裕1), 秋葉昭多郎1), 西瀬祥一1), 上野義之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 84-84, 2016.

Japanese Article O-75. An example of the small intestine type Crohn's disease which caused the recurrence of the ipsilateral iliopsoas muscle abscess after intestinal tract excision
天貝諒1), 池端敦1), 角掛純一1), 渡邊崇1), 本多俊介1), 三浦真奈美1), 高橋太郎1), 伏谷淳1), 天野良彦2), 小坂崇2), 城戸治1), 赤坂威一郎2), 村上和重3), 小野貞英4)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 84-84, 2016.

Japanese Article O-76. One case of Cowden disease who had the small intestine-prone hemangioma
山口智子, 鳥谷洋右, 朝倉謙輔, 松田望, 赤坂理三郎, 梁井俊一, 川崎啓祐, 柴田將, 小穴修平, 廣田茂, 中村昌太郎, 松本主之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 84-84, 2016.

Japanese Article O-77. One patient who detected chyle pleural effusion as a late effect after the chemoradiotherapy for the cancer of the esophagus
米地真, 大方智樹, 佐藤倫紀, 福士大介, 高山歳三, 支倉翔太郎, 支倉さやか, 近藤史帆, 松村吉史, 目黒敬義, 山本毅
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 85-85, 2016.

Japanese Article O-78. Ectopic varicose clinical picture in our hospital
阿部泰明, 野口謙治, 藤谷拓, 半円智之, 外田修裕, 鵜飼克明, 田所慶一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 85-85, 2016.

Japanese Article O-79. 1 case of the type portal vein systemic circulation shunts in the liver diagnosed with disturbance of consciousness
阿部出, 尾花伸哉, 泉山泰宏, 福田翔, 菱沼佳純, 五十嵐勇彦, 伊藤博敬, 大矢内幹, 佐藤雄一郎
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 85-85, 2016.

Japanese Article O-80. One case of the familial mediterranean fever that obtained the course of six years, and was diagnosed
鳥谷洋右, 梁井俊一, 山口智子, 山本一成, 朝倉謙輔, 松田望, 赤坂理三郎, 川崎啓祐, 柴田將, 小穴修平, 廣田茂, 中村昌太郎, 松本主之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 85-85, 2016.

Japanese Article O-81. An example of the primary peritoneal carcinoma detected with the cyst in the pelvis
上原周悟, 盛口佳宏, 小野翼, 黒川耀貴, 高津有紀子, 宮本慶一, 伊在井淳子, 佐澤由郎, 阿南陽二, 松田好郎, 小熊信
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 86-86, 2016.

Japanese Article O-82. Image evidence of sclerosing mesenteritis
土屋繁一郎1), 城戸治1), 本多俊介1), 高橋太郎1), 三浦真奈美2), 小坂崇2), 天野良彦2), 伏谷淳1), 渡邉崇1), 赤坂威一郎2), 池端敦1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 86-86, 2016.

Japanese Article O-83. One case of the liver damage complicated with Basedow disease
大久保義徳, 高橋伸太郎, 松橋暢生, 橋本陽, 喜田栄作, 市井統, 田井真弓, 鈴木智浩, 江尻豊
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 86-86, 2016.

Japanese Article O-84. One excision case of the diaphragm recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma with the tumor stopper in the right atrium
太田嶺人, 中西史, 原康之, 柏舘俊明, 宮澤恒持, 吉田諭, 宮城重人, 川岸直樹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 86-86, 2016.

Japanese Article O-85. One case of the heat stroke that we had the onset for significant hepatic dysfunction, and the abnormality of the ALT level was prolonged
菊池茜恵, 三浦雅人, 堀井亨, 沖口将夫
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 87-87, 2016.

Japanese Article O-86. Case of the primary biliary cirrhosis with Basedow disease for men
鈴木悠地1), 石田和之2), 高橋浩3), 肥田憲彦3), 柿坂啓介1), 宮本康弘1), 鈴木彰子1), 滝川康裕1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (200): 87-87, 2016.