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The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 201 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In Japanese Society of Gastroenterology northeast Branch 201st regular meeting holding
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 3-3, 2016.

Japanese Article S-01. Collaboration in our hospital and invention of LECS on the internal medicine side
本間清明1, 橋爪英二2, 鈴木義広2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 44-44, 2016.

Japanese Article S-02. One - of the neuroendocrine tumor which we were able to resect without overs and shorts by a surgeon cooperating with the LECS - digestive organ physician to a lesion of the cardial part, and putting the clipping to a serosa side and the cauter marking in needle form females
加藤健, 板垣秀弥, 廣嶋優子, 齊藤孝, 柴田聡, 水口直樹, 鈴木克彦
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 44-44, 2016.

Japanese Article S-03. Examination of the laparoscopic stomach GIS resection case in our hospital
遠野千尋1, 大崎洸1, 藤井仁志1, 高橋正統1, 皆川幸洋1, 佐々木裕2, 小玉祐2, 安部圭之輔2, 織笠俊輔2, 鈴木年竜2, 赤坂威一郎3, 佐々木章4, 吉田徹1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 44-44, 2016.

Japanese Article S-04. Results, problem of LECS in our hospital
野村尚1, 石山廣志朗1, 藤嶋昌一郎2, 川越圭2, 福島紀雅1, 飯澤肇1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 44-44, 2016.

Japanese Article S-05. Six cases (comparison with the traditional approach) of LECS for the submucosal tumor of the stomach in our hospital
小山淳1, 平澤大2, 土屋誉1, 本多博1, 及川昌也1, 柿田徹也1, 岡田恭穂1, 大石英和1, 矢澤貴1, 赤澤直也1, 小林実1, 吉沢あゆは1, 市川英孝1, 坪井基浩1, 安藤涼平1, 須田睦1, 則内友博1, 中島康介1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article S-06. Laparoscopic stomach local site resection - LECS vs. Conventional ... for the stomach GIST
青木豪, 武者宏昭, 唐澤秀明, 元井冬彦, 内藤剛, 海野倫明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article S-07. A treatment result of laparoscopic endoscopic joint surgery (LECS) for the stomach GIST in our hospital and invention for the difficult case
門馬智之1, 大木進司1, 藁谷雄一2,3, 菊地眸2,3, 中村純2,3, 渡辺晃2,3, 引地拓人2, 河野浩二1, 竹之下誠一1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article S-08. Treatment result of LECS by reduced port for the stomach GIST
馬場誠朗1, 佐々木章1, 肥田圭介1, 鳥谷洋右2, 赤坂理三郎2, 高原武志1, 秋山有史1, 岩谷岳1, 西塚哲1, 大塚幸喜1, 新田浩幸1, 水野大1, 松本主之2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article S-09. Experience ... of the intragastric surgery in technique choice - our hospital for the submucosal tumor of the stomach
齊藤亮, 絹田俊爾, 林嗣博, 佐藤和磨, 松岡宏一, 今泉潤, 後藤悠大, 滝口光一, 竹村真生子, 平井優, 岡崎護, 輿石直樹, 木嶋泰興
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article S-10. Usefulness - of the endoscope in the operation in the collaboration - peritoneoscope lower gastrectomy of the medicine and surgery in the disease of stomach
佐藤多未笑, 蜂谷修, 高須直樹, 外田慎, 山岸岳人, 福元剛, 矢野充泰, 木村理
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article S-11. Collaboration - upper gastrointestinal tract perforation ... with the surgical team in our hospital
菊池哲, 藤野靖久, 小野寺誠, 井上義博
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article S-12. collaboration of a physician, a surgeon, a radiologist in the colon cancer practice and the pathologist
愛澤正人1, 根本大樹1, 歌野健一1, 五十畑則之1, 隈元謙介1, 遠藤俊吾1, 北條洋2, 冨樫一智1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article S-13. Examination for the usefulness of the large intestine stent as Bridge to surgery
高橋一徳1, 花畑憲洋2,3, 棟方正樹2,3, 福田眞作3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-01. One case of the non-obstructive intestinal ischaemia in acknowledgment of protein C, protein S drop
斎藤浩一1, 坂本薫2, 早坂一希2, 中橋健太2, 水木亨2, 臼井賢司2, 八木寛2, 大滝雅博3, 白幡康弘2, 鈴木聡2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-02. One case of the liver accessory lobe which needed neoplastic lesion and differentiation
佐々木仁1, 遠藤博之2, 枡悠太郎2, 名木野匡2, 西瀬雄子2, 黒木実智雄2, 平川秀紀2, 大竹浩也3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-03. One case of acute esophageal mucosa lesion (AEML) which occurred with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
猪狩剛1, 黒田聖仁1, 加藤恒孝1, 菅野有紀子1, 寺島久美子1, 宮田昌之1, 佐藤義憲2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-04. One case of the large intestine perforation by the E. coli bacteria O157 infection
鈴木友香理1, 花畑憲洋1,2, 五十嵐昌平1,2, 蓮井桂介1,2, 島谷孝司1,2, 金澤浩介1, 沼尾宏1, 棟方正樹1, 福田眞作2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-05. One case that we were able to stop bleeding of by coil embolization for hepatic portal region elevation jejunum varicose bleeding after the liver transplant
岡部基成, 辻剛俊, 伊藤満衣, 渡邊健太, 大野秀雄, 石井元, 津田聡子, 中根邦夫, 千葉満郎, 小松眞史
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-06. One case of the POEMS syndrome which presented significant hepatosplenomegaly and intractable ascitic fluid
野澤瞳, 奥本和夫, 仁科武人, 勝見智大, 水野恵, 芳賀弘明, 齋藤貴史, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-07. One case of the huge hepatic cyst which displacement did IVC, and caused the development of the collateral pathway
福長健史, 赤羽武弘, 岩田朋晃, 前嶋隆平, 山本康央, 海野純, 富永現
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article W1-08. One case of the hemorrhagic gastric ulcer complicated for multiple liver abscesses and portal vein blood circulation abnormality
小野祥直, 大森信弥, Badran Adel, 矢口圭, 大楽尚弘, 菅野厚
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-01. An example of the eosinophilic gastroenteritis diagnosed with an intractable gastric ulcer
福田翔, 小野地研吾, 菅原佳恵, 沢口昌亨, 下平陽介, 小泉重仁, 志賀永嗣, 大場麗菜, 畠山夏美, 松橋保, 神万里夫, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-02. One case of the Epstein-Barr Virus-related hemophagocytic syndrome where characteristic liver MRI views were the opportunity of the diagnosis
立田卓登, 石黒陽, 秋元直樹, 佐竹立, 鎌田耕輔, 松木明彦, 佐藤年信
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-03. One case of the liver accessory lobe stem twisting suspicion that showed a tendency to involution by conservative medical treatment
梅原松樹, 堀内素平, 武田忠, 角田道彦, 赤松学, 佐藤英之, 高野潤, 大村清成, 渡辺晋一郎, 齋藤孝治
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-04. 2 excision case of the gallbladder origin neuroendocrine tumor diagnosed by pathological examination after an operation
佐藤利紀1, 渡邊崇1, 高橋隆宏1, 高橋太郎1, 伏谷淳1, 城戸治1, 池端敦1, 本多俊介2, 天野良彦2, 小坂崇2, 赤坂威一郎2, 小野貞英3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-05. One case of the periphery joint pain concurrence ulcerative colitis that an intestinal tract symptom and joint symptom improved by a biological drug change
鈴木郁, 梅村賢, 下田楓美子, 田中裕, 木村修, 阿曽沼祥, 佐藤晃彦
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-06. An example of the type 2 intestinal tract-related T-cell lymphoma detected with hypoproteinemia
綿引優1, 藤原達雄1, 片倉響子1, 郡司直彦1, 横川綾希1, 川島一公1, 引地拓人2, 大平弘正1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-07. Present with rectal stenosis, one case with suspected endometrial adenocarcinoma by the cancerization of the endometriosis of intestine
伊藤南1, 遠藤博之1, 枡悠太郎1, 名木野匡1, 西瀬雄子1, 黒木実智雄1, 平川秀紀1, 大竹浩也2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-08. An example of pancreas acinar cell carcinoma where Modified FOLFIRINOX was effective
橋本陽1, 鈴木智浩1, 大久保義徳1, 高橋伸太郎1, 喜田栄作1, 松橋暢生1, 市井統1, 田井真弓1, 江尻豊1, 箱崎半道2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-09. Treatment result of the Helicobacter pylori sanitization therapy of vonoprazan and lansoprazole in our hospital
川村恵太, 奥薗徹, 福田遼, 冨樫純一, 友兼正太郎, 坪井瑠美子, 田中一平, 橋本林太朗, 岩城智之, 二瓶公佑, 今村仁, 山岡肇, 松田和己, 中堀昌人, 長南明道
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 56-56, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-10. H. An example of antibiotic attributable hemorrhagic colitis that occurred by the second sanitization of pylori infection gastritis
渡邊健太1, 辻剛俊1, 伊藤満衣1, 津田聡子1, 石井元1, 大野秀雄1, 中根邦夫1, 千葉満郎1, 小松眞史1, 提嶋眞人2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 56-56, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-11. Example that performed a brain death liver transplant for C type decompensated cirrhosis of the hemophilic merger, and observed a healing process of hemophilia
岡田洋平1, 鈴木悠地1, 柿坂啓介1, 宮本康弘1, 阿部珠美1, 滝川康裕1, 長谷川康2, 高原武志2, 新田浩幸2, 佐々木章2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 56-56, 2016.

Japanese Article W2-12. One case of the liver pseudotumor which developed all over the course of the IgG4-negative autoimmune pancreatitis
鍋島立秀1, 菅野敦1, 正宗淳1, 小暮高之1, 井上淳1, 本郷星仁1, 吉田直樹1, 中野絵里子1, 三浦晋1, 濱田晋1, 粂潔1, 菊田和宏1, 廣田衛久1, 藤島史喜2, 下瀬川徹1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 56-56, 2016.

Japanese Article O-01. One case with suspected the PSC-AIH overlap syn-drome
五十嵐剛, 遠藤哲, 佐竹立, 澤田直也, 佐藤研, 三上健一郎, 福田眞作
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 58-58, 2016.

Japanese Article O-02. It is an example who had the extensive portal vein thrombosis of all portal vein truncus - liver portal vein branches for biliary tract infection
是川海, 滝川哲也, 木村憲治, 鵜飼克明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 58-58, 2016.

Japanese Article O-03. 2 cases that EUS-BD was effective for malignant biliary tract stenosis of the rebuilding intestinal tract after an operation
長谷川翔, 枡かおり, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 酒井利隆, 征木喜晴, 村林桃士, 小堺史郷, 野田裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 58-58, 2016.

Japanese Article O-04. Usefulness of the ultrasonic endoscope lower drainage for the hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma having difficulty in control of cholangitis
菅野良秀, 越田真介, 小川貴央, 枡かおり, 小堺史郷, 楠瀬寛顕, 酒井利隆, 柾木喜晴, 村林桃士, 長谷川翔, 野田裕, 伊藤啓
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 58-58, 2016.

Japanese Article O-05. An example of the gallbladder false aneurysm explosion that we were able to stop bleeding of by blood vessel embolization
小野里祐介1, 伊東一志2, 影山咲子2, 梅原松樹3, 堀内素平3, 佐藤英之3, 高野潤3, 大村清成3, 武田忠3, 渡辺晋一郎3, 齋藤孝治3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 59-59, 2016.

Japanese Article O-06. Example that we caused hepatic artery bile duct penetration after bile duct stenting and were able to save in IVR
大久保義徳1, 鈴木智浩1, 入江大樹1, 小屋有代1, 喜田栄作1, 松橋暢夫1, 市井統1, 田井真弓1, 江尻豊1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 59-59, 2016.

Japanese Article O-07. One case of the gallbladder twisting symptom that was diagnosed in preoperation, and was able to chase the course
山田峻1, 本多俊介1, 天野良彦1, 小坂崇1, 赤坂威一郎1, 東本郁2, 瀬川雄一朗2, 高橋隆宏2, 佐藤利紀2, 高橋太郎2, 渡邊崇2, 伏谷淳2, 城戸治2, 池端敦2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 59-59, 2016.

Japanese Article O-08. Progress, three recurrent intrahepatic bile duct cancer that chemoradiotherapy succeeded
渡邊利広, 高橋良輔, 菅原秀一郎, 手塚康二, 平井一郎, 木村理
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 59-59, 2016.

Japanese Article O-09. One case of the drug-related liver damage with suspected hepatic vein atresia (VOD)
半田智之1, 真野浩1, 田邊暢一1, 鵜飼克明1, 櫻田潤子2, 鈴木博義2, 田所慶一1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 60-60, 2016.

Japanese Article O-10. One case of type B acute hepatitis genotypeA which presented extensive intrahepatic cholestasis
齋藤悠, 高橋成一, 駒澤大輔, 伊藤広通, 土佐正規, 宇野要, 池田智之, 池谷伸一, 中山晴夫
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 60-60, 2016.

Japanese Article O-11. An example of chronic hepatitis C that was complicated with chronic myelogenous leukemia all over the course, and combined interferon-free therapy with antitumor agents
佐藤裕人, 鈴木克典, 榎本愛美, 竹内章夫, 堺貴之, 渡辺舞, 菅原心平, 伊藤美保, 川越圭, 藤嶋昌一郎, 白幡名香雄, 武田弘明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 60-60, 2016.

Japanese Article O-12. Present with acute hepatic failure; is an example of the acute hepatitis E using the ribavirin for a virus exclusion delay
佐々木貴裕, 木村修, 下田楓美子, 田中裕, 鈴木郁, 阿曽沼祥, 梅村賢, 佐藤晃彦
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 60-60, 2016.

Japanese Article O-13. One case of the autoimmune hepatitis that Trombidium holosericeum antibody IgM became false-positive
水野恵, 奥本和夫, 仁科武人, 勝見智大, 芳賀弘明, 齋藤貴史, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 61-61, 2016.

Japanese Article O-14. Use results of the Daclatasvir (DCV) + Asunaprevir (ASV) combination therapy in our hospital
三上貴史1, 吉田健太2, 佐藤裕紀1, 小山隆男2, 齋藤太郎1, 相馬悌1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 61-61, 2016.

Japanese Article O-15. Effect of treatment and problems of the Daclatasvir+Asnaprevir combination therapy in our hospital
赤羽武弘, 岩田朋晃, 前嶋隆平, 山本康央, 海野純, 富永現
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 61-61, 2016.

Japanese Article O-16. One case of SVR and the C type hepatocirrhosis of the thing which caused esophageal varices explosion during treatment with Daclatasvir (DCV), Asunaprevir (ASV) where it was
古山和樹1, 堀井亨1, 沖口将夫1, 三浦雅人1, 乗田一明2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 61-61, 2016.

Japanese Article O-17. One case of the history infection that the HBV reactivation with the escape mutant produced after steroid administration for a long term
中村琢也, 井上淳, 小暮高之, 嘉数英二, 二宮匡史, 梅津輝行, 高井智, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article O-18. One case of the alcoholic hepatic dysfunction in acknowledgment of a significant platelet drop
藤田将史, 林学, 岡井研, 阿部和道, 高橋敦史, 大平弘正
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article O-19. An example of the C type cirrhosis that developed the vanishing bile duct syndrome that bilirubin adsorption therapy was effective
工藤渉1, 赤羽武弘2, 岩田朋晃2, 前嶋隆平2, 山本康央2, 海野純2, 富永現2, 中川健一郎3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article O-20. One case that a diffuse oesophageal spasm was suspected, and a Ca blocker was effective
浅利享1, 吉村徹郎1,2, 荒木康光1,2, 菊池公二1, 和田豊人1, 福田眞作2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article O-21. One patient who underwent thoracoscopic esophagus subtotal resection for benign oesophageal stenosis for the intractable reflux oesophagitis
高須直樹, 蜂谷修, 佐藤多未笑, 山岸岳人, 外田慎, 平井一郎, 木村理
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article O-22. Persistence after the cancer of the esophagus chemoradiotherapy, examination of the treatment result of salvage ESD for the recurrence
櫻井直1, 亀井尚1, 中野徹1, 瓶子隆弘1, 武山大輔1, 佐藤千晃1, 久保田洋介1, 神谷蔵人1, 小関健1, 大内憲明2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article O-23. An example of the G-CSF-producing gastric cancer
八木周1, 中村秀平1, 東海林正邦1, 作田和裕1, 矢尾板孝夫1, 吉澤和哉1, 岩野大輔1, 佐々木悠1, 阿部靖彦1, 西瀬祥一1, 西塚麻代2, 阿部吉弘2, 上野義之1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article O-24. One case of the gastric cancer postoperative bone which had a diagnosis with serum ALP high level and the metastasis in bone marrow
渡辺伸和1, 遠藤正章2, 川崎仁司2, 和田豊人3, 吉村徹郎3, 菊池公二3, 荒木康光3, 浅利享3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article O-25. Therapy for simple gastrointestinal anisakiasis
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 64-64, 2016.

Japanese Article O-26. H. by the vonoprazan in our hospital pylori sanitization treatment result
友田博行, 片桐智子, 角田卓哉, 若林博人
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 64-64, 2016.

Japanese Article O-27. Results of the sanitization treatment using the vonoprazan for the sanitization unsuccessfullness case at the existing PPI
東海林正邦1, 吉澤和哉1, 阿部靖彦1, 佐々木悠1, 岩野大輔1, 矢尾板孝夫2, 八木周1, 作田和裕1, 中村秀平1, 西瀬祥一1, 上野義之1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 64-64, 2016.

Japanese Article O-28. The characteristic of peptic ulcer in elderly people 80 years or older: H. pylori-negative ulcerated importance
高橋貴一1, 菅野武1, 八田和久1, 荒誠之1, 淺沼清孝1, 浅野直喜1, 小池智幸1, 今谷晃1, 伊藤博敬2, 大矢内幹2, 阿部晴彦3, 阿曽沼祥4, 下瀬川徹1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 64-64, 2016.

Japanese Article O-29. One case that performed laparoscopic endoscopic joint surgery and laparoscopic pylorus side gastrectomy for the merger case of early gastric cancer and submucosal tumor
遠藤久仁1, 佐瀬善一郎1, 引地拓人2, 金田晃尚1, 中村純3, 渡辺晃2, 菊地眸3, 藁谷雄一2, 渡邊晶之1, 菊池智宏1, 多田武志1, 花山寛之1, 大須賀文彦1, 大平弘正3, 後藤満一1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 65-65, 2016.

Japanese Article O-30. Examination of laparoscopic endoscopic joint surgery (LECS) four which took effect in our hospital for submucosal tumor of the stomach
高橋宏和, 陳正浩, 安次富裕哉, 高屋快, 村山最二郎, 橋爪英二
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 65-65, 2016.

Japanese Article O-31. One case of the duodenal diverticulitis that we followed the chronic course, and the endoscopic food debris removal succeeded
天海一明, 菅野有紀子, 加藤恒孝, 黒田聖仁, 寺島久美子, 宮田昌之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 65-65, 2016.

Japanese Article O-32. An example of the Edwardsiella tarda enterocolitis that caused significant high CK blood symptom and septic shock
矢野恒太, 野村栄樹, 菊地達也, 尾形洋平, 松本諒太郎, 齋藤瑛里, 鈴木範明, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 境吉孝
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 65-65, 2016.

Japanese Article O-33. An example of the portal vein gas blood symptom due to the acute enterocolitis that hybaroxia was effective
相澤卓, 工藤克昌, 前田晋平, 土屋堯裕, 井本博文, 唐澤秀明, 青木豪, 渡辺和宏, 田中直樹, 長尾宗紀, 阿部友哉, 大沼忍, 武者宏昭, 元井冬彦, 内藤剛, 海野倫明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article O-34. 1 case that repeated idiopathic intestinal tract emphysematosa with Free air in a short term
長谷川繁生1, 戸屋亮1, 尾形貴史1, 仁科盛之1, 勝見修一郎2, 鈴木明彦2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article O-35. One case of the ischemic enteritis due to the intestinal tract membrane venous thrombosis that was able to be under the medical treatment conservatively
蘇武竜太1, 笹森凌平1, 鈴木翔1, 草野央1, 後藤田卓志2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article O-36. One case of the duodenal accessory pancreas
川崎啓祐1, 鳥谷洋右1, 梁井俊一1, 永塚真2, 上杉憲幸2, 赤坂理三郎1, 朝倉謙輔1, 大泉智史1, 山口智子1, 沢口勢良1, 松田望1, 柴田將1, 小穴修平1, 廣田茂1, 中村昌太郎1, 石田和之2, 菅井有2, 松本主之1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article O-37. One case of the small intestine accessory pancreas which we were able to confirm with small enteroscope
横川綾希1, 片倉響子1, 藤原達雄1, 郡司直彦1, 川島一公1, 引地拓人2, 大平弘正1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article O-38. An example of ileus by the diospyrobezoar which responded to the Coca-Cola dissolution from an ileus pipe and endoscopic treatment
遠藤啓1, 鈴木悠地1, 山本一成2, 石田弥2, 柿坂啓介1, 滝川康裕1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article O-39. One case of the mesentery penetration with the diffuse scleroderma relieved by conservative treatment
真崎拓也, 盛口佳宏, 阿南陽二, 舩山広幸, 佐澤由郎, 伊在井淳子, 大森崇博, 宮本慶一, 高津有紀子, 諸沢樹, 小熊信, 松田好郎, 小野翼, 黒川耀貴, 佐藤麻理, 平澤樹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article O-40. An example of the methotrexate (MTX)-related lymphoproliferative disorder which had difficulty in differentiation with the pancreatic cancer
安藤嘉章1, 牧野直彦1, 伊藤美保2, 柿崎泰明1, 齋藤吉彦1, 石澤哲也1, 小林敏一1, 上野義之1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article O-41. One case of the invasive cancer derived from IPMN which presented micropermeation in the form of carcinoma mucoides during follow-up
小堺史郷, 越田真介, 伊藤啓, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 枡かおり, 酒井利隆, 柾木喜晴, 村林桃士, 長谷川翔, 野田裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 68-68, 2016.

Japanese Article O-42. An example of nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma (IPMC) in the pancreatic duct which did penetration to lower bile duct
坪井瑠美子, 奥薗徹, 福田遼, 川村恵太, 冨樫純一, 友兼正太郎, 田中一平, 岩城智之, 橋本林太郎, 二瓶公佑, 今村仁, 山岡肇, 松田知己, 中堀昌人, 長南明道
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 68-68, 2016.

Japanese Article O-43. Comparison - with the invasive cancer excision case derived from clinical picture - IPMN of 49 IPMN coexistence carcinectomy
越田真介, 野田裕, 伊藤啓, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 枡かおり, 柾木喜晴, 楠瀬寛顕, 酒井利隆, 村林桃士, 長谷川翔, 小堺史郷
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 68-68, 2016.

Japanese Article O-44. One case of pancreas mucinous cyst tumor (MCN) which it was adjacent, and was complicated with pseudocyst bleeding
客本ゆき恵1, 水間正道1, 石田晶玄1, 橘知睦1, 高舘達之1, 前田晋平1, 有明恭平1, 益田邦洋1, 深瀬耕二1, 大塚英郎1, 坂田直昭1, 森川孝則1, 中川圭1, 林洋毅1, 元井冬彦1, 内藤剛1, 菅野敦2, 下瀬川徹2, 海野倫明1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 68-68, 2016.

Japanese Article O-45. One patient who survives for Stage4 pancreatic cancer for nine years
高橋良輔, 平井一郎, 菅原秀一郎, 渡邊利広, 手塚康二, 木村理
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 69-69, 2016.

Japanese Article O-46. One case of the nonfunction pancreas neuroendocrine tumor (P-NET G2) which resulted in multiple liver metastases
柴田將, 松田望, 田村明生, 小穴修平, 石田和之, 菅井有, 松本主之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 69-69, 2016.

Japanese Article O-47. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor with the extension in the pancreatic duct
齋藤達1, 盛直生1, 山賀亮介1, 平田雄大1, 菅原心平2, 安藤嘉章2, 緒形真也3, 白幡名香雄2, 櫻井直樹1, 飯澤肇1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 69-69, 2016.

Japanese Article O-48. One case that was able to undergo normal pancreatoduodenectomy by separating ligamentum arcuatum medianum under a peritoneoscope for a pancreatic cancer case with celiac artery region of origin stenosis beforehand
飯田正毅, 吉岡政人, 中川康彦, 渡辺翼, 打波宇, 山本雄造
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 69-69, 2016.

Japanese Article O-49. One case of the juvenile chronic pancreatitis that presented acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis by the pancreatic calculus strangulation
外田修裕1, 木村憲治1, 滝川哲也1, 半田智之1, 是川海1, 鵜飼克明1, 田所慶一1, 正宗淳2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 70-70, 2016.

Japanese Article O-50. Examination of ten chronic pancreatitis with the pancreatic calculus given ESWL
新井田憩, 岩尾年康, 多田大和, 吉野武晃
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 70-70, 2016.

Japanese Article O-51. Usefulness of the steroid pulse therapy in the type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis
杉本充1, 高木忠之1, 鈴木玲1, 紺野直紀1,2, 浅間宏之1, 渡辺晃1,2, 中村純1,2, 菊地眸1,2, 藁谷雄一1, 高住美香1, 引地拓人2, 小原勝敏3, 大平弘正1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 70-70, 2016.

Japanese Article O-52. It is one patient who had the interstitial pneumonia during steroid therapy for the IgG4-related autoimmune pancreatitis
深谷浩史, 石井元, 伊藤満衣, 渡邊健太, 大野秀雄, 津田聡子, 辻剛俊, 千葉満郎, 中根邦夫, 小松眞史
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 70-70, 2016.

Japanese Article O-53. Multicenter randomized controlled trial (physician-led trial) about the effectiveness and the safety of the protease inhibitor pancreas local site intraarterial injection therapy for the severe acute pancreatitis
廣田衛久1, 三浦晋2, 萱場千恵3, 梅津亮冴3, 佐藤昌美3, 池田浩治3, 下瀬川徹4
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article O-54. One case of liver reactive lymphoid hyperplasia
高橋隆弘1, 城戸治治1, 佐藤利紀1, 本多俊介1, 高橋太郎1, 伏谷淳1, 渡邊崇1, 小坂崇2, 天野良彦2, 赤坂威一郎2, 池端敦1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article O-55. An example of the liver tumor approved for patients with AIDS
小橋亮一郎, 岡井研, 藤田将史, 今泉博道, 林学, 阿部和道, 高橋敦史, 大平弘正
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article O-56. One patient who was treated effectively with sorafenib for multiple hepatocellular carcinomas recurrence
奥本和夫, 仁科武人, 水野恵, 勝見智大, 芳賀弘明, 齋藤貴史, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article O-57. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma which complicated the nephrotic syndrome that was suddenly manifested after hepatic artery chemistry embolus therapy
佐藤理子1, 蓮井桂介1,2, 村井康久2, 五十嵐昌平1,2, 島谷孝司1,2, 花畑憲洋1,2, 金澤浩介1, 沼尾宏1, 棟方正樹1, 福田眞作2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 72-72, 2016.

Japanese Article O-58. One case of the retroperitoneal origin paraganglioma which resulted in liver metastases after an operation in the ninth year
冨樫純一1, 奥園徹1, 山岡肇1, 松田知己1, 中堀昌人1, 赤平純一2, 長南明道1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 72-72, 2016.

Japanese Article O-59. One case of the tuberculous peritonitis that a peritoneoscope was useful in a diagnosis
本田悌一朗, 斎藤伸一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 72-72, 2016.

Japanese Article O-60. Example that performed operation under laparoscopy for cancer of transverse colon detected with ascites, and became the diagnosis of the tuberculous peritonitis
佐藤正規, 井本博文, 武者宏昭, 田中直樹, 青木豪, 工藤克昌, 阿部友哉, 大沼忍, 長尾宗紀, 渡辺和宏, 唐澤秀明, 土屋堯裕, 元井冬彦, 内藤剛, 海野倫明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 72-72, 2016.

Japanese Article O-61. An example of the malignant peritoneal mesothelioma which we were able to diagnose by laparoscopic biopsy
川越圭1, 白幡名香雄1, 榎本愛実1, 佐藤裕人1, 竹内章夫1, 堺貴之1, 渡辺舞1, 菅原心平1, 伊藤美保1, 藤嶋昌一郎1, 鈴木克典1, 武田弘明1, 盛直生2, 飯澤肇2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article O-62. One case of hematoma in the huge abdominal cavity with aortic dissection introduced by our hospital as a huge liver tumor
鶴岡未央1, 沖口将夫1, 堀井亨1, 三浦雅人1, 小野文徳2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article O-63. One case of intraabdominal desmoid tumor which is huge
野川亮介, 竹下明子, 小澤孝一郎, 水谷雅臣, 東敬之, 森谷敏幸, 間瀬健次, 横山森良, 小野寺雄二, 高木慎也, 薄場修
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article O-64. It is one patient of the ulcerative colitis who had the cytomegalovirus enterocolitis under steroid non-administration
泉山泰宏, 平本圭一郎, 市川遼, 岡本大祐, 中野健, 松本信, 永井博, 千葉宏文, 横山直信, 山本勝利, 下山雄丞, 内藤健夫, 小野寺基之, 日下順, 黒羽正剛, 金澤義丈, 木村智哉, 角田洋一, 遠藤克也, 木内喜孝, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article O-65. It is an example who had the inferior mesenteric vein thrombosis for active stage of the ulcerative colitis
入江大樹, 市井統, 大久保義徳, 小屋有代, 喜田栄作, 松橋暢生, 田井真弓, 鈴木智浩, 江尻豊
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article O-66. An example of the nivolumab ulcerative colitis similar colitis that occurred after administration
梁井俊一1, 川崎啓祐1, 中村昌太郎1, 赤坂理三郎1, 鳥谷洋右1, 大泉智史1, 沢口勢良1, 山口智子1, 石田和之2, 大西正純3, 菅井有2, 松本主之1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article O-67. One case of the GI bleeding by the false aneurysm explosion of the ileocolic artery that transcatheter artery embolization was effective
澤田洋平1, 澤谷マナブ1, 三上達也2, 木村昌代1, 中川悟1, 千葉大輔1, 菊池英純1, 平賀寛人1, 珍田大輔1, 櫻庭裕丈1, 下山克1, 福田眞作1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article O-68. One case of the cancer of transverse colon which we formed an abscess and penetrated in wall of stomach
岩村庄吾, 俵谷伸, 宮部賢, 吉田樹, 小板橋祐也, 渋谷健吾, 大高日本, 小林芳生, 津田栄彦, 藤井公生, 星野孝男, 渡部博之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article O-69. One case of rectal cancer with the malrotation given laparoscopic supporting low price bowels low anterior resection
外田慎, 矢野充泰, 佐藤多未笑, 山岸岳人, 福元剛, 高須直樹, 蜂谷修, 木村理
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 75-75, 2016.

Japanese Article O-70. Two cases of metastatic colon cancer given CT colonography
押切みすず1, 杉村美華子1, 岩渕正広1, 野口謙治1, 鵜飼克明1, 手島伸2, 武田和憲2, 齋藤俊博2, 櫻田潤子3, 鈴木博義3, 田所慶一1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 75-75, 2016.

Japanese Article O-71. Clinicopathologic examination of the proctectomy (ISR) enforcement case between the sphincter which is not under the medical treatment in preoperation
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 75-75, 2016.

Japanese Article O-72. Characteristic of BRAF mutation-positive cancer by the prospective examination of progress colon cancer
原田英嗣1, 山野泰穂1, 松下弘雄1, 吉川健二郎1, 高木亮1, 田中義人1, 中岡宙子1, 吉田優子1, 津田一範1, 菅井有2, 永塚真2, 山本英一郎3, 鈴木拓3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 75-75, 2016.

Japanese Article O-73. One case of the colitis who had the megacolon
大泉智史1, 川崎啓祐1, 朝倉謙輔1, 永塚真2, 梁井俊一1, 赤坂理三郎1, 鳥谷洋右1, 山口智子1, 沢口勢良1, 松田望1, 柴田將1, 小穴修平1, 廣田茂1, 上杉憲幸2, 石田和之2, 中村昌太郎1, 菅井有2, 松本主之1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 76-76, 2016.

Japanese Article O-74. 1 autopsy case of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) with colon cancer which was complicated with myocardial infarction, and followed the acute course
中島勇貴1, 小橋亮一郎1, 橋本健明1, 今村秀道1, 金澤晃子2, 小田島肇3, 迎愼二1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 76-76, 2016.

Japanese Article O-75. Examination of Hyperplastic/serrated polyposis syndrome in our hospital
吉田優子1, 山野泰穂1, 松下弘雄1, 吉川健二郎1, 原田英嗣1, 高木亮1, 田中義人1, 中岡宙子1, 津田一範1, 菅井有2, 永塚真2, 山本英一郎3, 青木敬則3, 鈴木拓3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 76-76, 2016.

Japanese Article O-76. Endoscopic history in the past of the large intestine polypectomy patients
木村聖路1, 西谷大輔1, 濱舘貴徳1, 石橋文香1,3, 樋口博之1,3, 田中正則2, 福田眞作3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (201): 76-76, 2016.