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The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 203 / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Japanese Society of Gastroenterology northeast Branch 203rd regular meeting 159th Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society northeast Branch regular meeting greetings
松本主之1,2, 中村昌太郎3,4
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 2-2, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-1 (消). The present conditions of ESD, EMR for the antithrombotic drug internal use patients in our hospital
八木周1), 阿部靖彦2), 矢尾板孝夫2), 佐々木悠1), 上野義之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 53-53, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-2 (inner). Examination of the afterbleeding rate every antithrombotic drug by stomach ESD which followed "the digestive organ endoscope practice guidelines for the antithrombotic drug user"
嶋田奉広, 山形拓, 大平哲也, 原田喜博, 伊藤啓
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 53-53, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-3 (消). The present conditions and problem of cancer of the esophagus ESD
菊地眸1,2), 引地拓人1), 渡辺晃1,2), 中村純1,2), 大平弘正2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 54-54, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-4 (消). Oral administration of budesonide suspension for esophageal stricture enlargement after ESD
松橋保, 神万里夫, 志賀永嗣, 沢口昌亨, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 54-54, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-5 (inner). About a basic maneuver necessary for ESD
堀川洋平, 水溜浩弥, 三森展也, 加藤雄平, 伏見咲, 佐藤紗弥香, 大久保俊治
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 55-55, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-6 (消). Long term prognosis of the non-curative resection case excised completely local in gastric cancer ESD
鳥谷洋右1), 遠藤昌樹1,2), 中村昌太郎1), 菅井有3), 松本主之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 55-55, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-7 (消). Use experience of propofol in stomach ESD and the dexmedetomidine
石井元, 辻剛俊, 中根邦夫, 伊藤満衣, 渡邊健太, 大野秀雄, 津田聡子, 千葉満郎, 小松眞史
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 56-56, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-8 (inner). Usefulness of the new scoring system (eCura system) about the early gastric cancer non-curative resection lesion metastatic prediction
高橋靖, 八田和久, 小池智幸, 浅野直喜, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 56-56, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-9 (inner). underwater EMR for duodenal non-Vater's papilla tumor
澁川悟朗, 入澤篤志
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 57-57, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-10 (inner). Cold snare polypectomy for the polyp of colon: Experience in our institution
愛澤正人, 歌野健一, 根本大樹, 高柳大輔, 五十畑則之, 隈元謙介, 遠藤俊吾, 冨樫一智
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 57-57, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-11 (inner). Point of en bloc resection by large intestine EMR for the large lesion
加藤文一朗, 原田英嗣, 松下弘雄, 吉川健二郎, 高木亮
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 58-58, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-12 (消). The present situation of the transdermal endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) in our hospital
梶原祐策, 水木一郎
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 58-58, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-13 (消). Examination of the large intestine EMS case in our hospital
赤坂威一郎1), 本多俊介1), 小坂崇1), 高橋隆宏2), 佐藤利紀2), 高橋太郎2), 渡邊崇2), 伏谷淳2), 城戸治2), 池端敦2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 61-61, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-14 (inner). Usefulness of the actinal side intestinal tract evaluation after the large intestine stenting for the purpose of Bridge-to-surgery
蓮井桂介1,2), 花畑憲洋1,2), 島谷孝司1,2), 金澤浩介1), 棟方正樹1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 61-61, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-15 (inner). New endoscopic treatment EUS-guided coil deployment with sclerotherapy for the isolated gastric varices
阿部洋子, 澁川悟朗, 佐藤愛, 山部茜子, 入澤篤志
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 62-62, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-16 (inner). The present conditions of the endoscopic treatment for the common bile duct stone that is hard to be treated
紺野直紀1), 高木忠之1), 鈴木玲1), 引地拓人2), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 62-62, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-17 (消). Examination of the usefulness of ENBD for the complications prevention in common bile duct stone treatment
菅原心平, 牧野直彦, 安藤嘉章, 松田暁子, 池田祐之, 柿崎泰明, 齋藤吉彦, 石澤哲也, 小林敏一, 池田千咲, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 63-63, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-18 (inner). It is examined the ERCP-related maneuver in the rebuilding intestinal tract after an operation in our hospital
滝川哲也, 菅野敦, 正宗淳, 粂潔, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 63-63, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-19 (消). Treatment result of the EUS lower biliary tract drainage for the nonresected malignant biliary tract obstruction
菅野良秀, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 小川貴央, 野田裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 64-64, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-20 (inner). Examination of the effectiveness of the ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic cyst drainage technique in our hospital
松田望, 小穴修平, 齊藤慎二, 山本一成, 松本主之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 64-64, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-21 (消). Treatment result of the ultrasonic endoscope lower drainage for Peripancreatic fluid collection (PFC)
津田栄彦1), 星野孝男1), 藤井公生1), 渡部博之1), 糸井隆夫2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 65-65, 2017.

Japanese Article S-01-22 (消). Treatment result of bile duct, the duodenal double metallic stent enforcement case in our hospital
佐藤亘, 松澤尚徳, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 65-65, 2017.

Japanese Article S-02-1 (inner). Examination of the liver carcinogenesis judging from HBV genotype in the type B chronic liver disease
芳賀弘明, 奥本和夫, 勝見智大, 水野恵, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 69-69, 2017.

Japanese Article S-02-2 (消). Examination of the factor associated with liver carcinogenesis until completion of treatment two years later in the hepatitis C SVR case with the Direct active antivirals treatment
鈴木彰子, 吉田雄一, 宮坂昭生, 滝川康裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 69-69, 2017.

Japanese Article S-02-3 (消). The Keap1-Nrf2 course controls the IL-33 expression of pancreatic cancer cells
濱田晋, 正宗淳, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 70-70, 2017.

Japanese Article S-02-4 (消). The present situation of follow up for the purpose of the pancreatic cancer discovery of the chronic pancreatitis in our hospital
佐藤愛, 入澤篤志, 澁川悟朗, 阿部洋子, 山部茜子
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 70-70, 2017.

Japanese Article S-02-5 (消). Clinical features of the esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma in our hospital
石岡充彬, 松橋保, 志賀永嗣, 神万里夫, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 71-71, 2017.

Japanese Article S-02-6 (inner). It is a clinicopathologic characteristic of the gastric cancer after H.pylori sanitization
赤坂理三郎1), 鳥谷洋右1), 中村昌太郎1), 菅井有2), 松本主之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 71-71, 2017.

Japanese Article S-02-7 (inner). It is comparison between pass way analysis - single-engine case and multiple case ... of the gastric cancer after Helicobacter pylori sanitization
作田和裕1), 佐々木悠1), 阿部靖彦2), 矢尾板孝夫2), 上野義之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 72-72, 2017.

Japanese Article S-02-8 (消). Role of periostin in ulcerative colitis-related colon cancer
下山雄丞1,2), 玉井恵一2), 内藤健夫1), 諸井林太郎1), 黒羽正剛1), 木村智哉1), 金澤義丈1), 角田洋一1), 木内喜孝3), 佐藤賢一4), 下瀬川徹1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 72-72, 2017.

Japanese Article S-02-9 (inner). The present conditions of Surveillance Colonoscopy for the ulcerative colitis in our hospital
大森信弥1), 安谷屋仁1), 片岡晃二郎1), 矢口圭1), 大楽尚弘1), 山下和良2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 73-73, 2017.

Japanese Article S-02-10 (消). Examination of the usefulness of the magnifying endoscope in cancer / dysplasia complicated with ulcerative colitis
川崎啓祐1), 菅井有2), 松本主之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 73-73, 2017.

Japanese Article S-02-11 (消). Medical treatment of colon tumor which occurred in a patient with ulcerative colitis in our department
菊池英純1), 櫻庭裕丈1), 三上達也2), 明本由衣1), 福田眞作1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 74-74, 2017.

Japanese Article W1-01 (消). A case of gastric dystonia with hiatal hernia in the esophagus combined with chestnut stone and difficult treatment
村上輔1), 渡邊崇1), 佐藤利紀1), 高橋隆宏2), 本多俊介2), 高橋太郎1), 伏谷淳1), 城戸治1), 赤坂威一郎2), 池端敦1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 77-77, 2017.

Japanese Article W1-02 (消). Two cases of the gastric cancer discovered by Sister Mary Joseph's nodule
瀬川雄一郎1), 伏谷淳1), 佐藤利紀1), 高橋隆宏1), 本多俊介1), 高橋太郎1), 渡邊崇1), 城戸治1), 赤坂威一郎2), 小野貞英3), 池端敦1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 77-77, 2017.

Japanese Article W1-03 (消). A case of the mesenterial vein sclerosis that it was thought that it was caused by long-term internal use of Kampo
安藤皓一郎1), 堤康志郎1,3), 渋谷仁1,2), 鈴木翔2), 池原久朝1,2), 後藤田卓志2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 78-78, 2017.

Japanese Article W1-04 (消). A case of the acetaminophen drug induced hepatic injury that was thought to occur by alcohol excessive drinking early
後藤裕樹1), 奥本和夫1), 仁科武人1), 水野恵1), 勝見智大1), 芳賀弘明1), 上野義之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 78-78, 2017.

Japanese Article W1-05 (消). A case of patients with HBV, HCV infection which Sofosbuvir / Ledipasvir (SOF / LDV) combination therapy for the hepatitis C was provided after hepatocellular carcinoma excision, and accepted a rise of HBV
遠藤剛1), 若林博人2), 角田卓哉2), 平井優3), 山口佳子4), 清水栄二5)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 79-79, 2017.

Japanese Article W1-06 (消). A case of the renal failure merger hepatocellular carcinoma explosion that was able to be given TAE in CO2-DSA
國島麻実子, 黒田聖仁, 藁谷雄一, 菅野有紀子, 寺島久美子, 宮田昌之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 79-79, 2017.

Japanese Article W1-07 (消). A case of the autoimmune pancreatitis with the hypopituitarism
野上健, 池田千咲, 牧野直彦, 安藤嘉章, 松田暁子, 池田祐之, 柿崎泰明, 齋藤吉彦, 石澤哲也, 小林敏一, 菅原心平, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 80-80, 2017.

Japanese Article W1-08 (消). A case of severe necrotizing pancreatitis complicated with MOF and ACS in which fluid management by PiCCO system was successful
佐藤伊佐雄, 境吉孝, 松本諒太郎, 尾形洋平, 矢野恒太, 鈴木範明, 野村栄樹, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 菊地達也
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 80-80, 2017.

Japanese Article W2-01 (消). A case of the breast cancer metastases to stomach that needed differentiation with the poorly-differentiated gastric cancer
鶴岡未央, 三浦雅人, 佐京彩郁, 小野地研吾, 沖口将夫, 堀井亨
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 83-83, 2017.

Japanese Article W2-02 (消). A Case of Non-Islet Cell Tumor Hypoglycemia (NICTH) with IGF-II Producing Gastric Cancer Responsive to Chemotherapy and Steroid Administration
高畑陽介1), 渡辺晃1,2), 引地拓人2), 中村純1,2), 菊地眸1,2), 高木忠之1), 鈴木玲1), 杉本充1), 紺野直紀1), 佐藤雄紀1), 小原勝敏3), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 83-83, 2017.

Japanese Article W2-03 (消). A case of the small duodenal gastrinoma with the MEN-1 type that assumed metastatic lymph node the main lesion
伊藤南1), 黒木実智雄1), 遠藤博之1), 名木野匡1), 西瀬雄子1), 平川秀紀1), 大竹浩也2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 84-84, 2017.

Japanese Article W2-04 (消). A case of the lung cancer metastases to small intestine that were discovered with small intestinal obstruction, and suddenly progressed
大久保義徳1,2), 高橋裕太1), 今泉博道1,2), 熊川宏美1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 84-84, 2017.

Japanese Article W2-05 (消). A case of large intestine segmental hypoganglionosis where they presented with high-grade stenosis, and had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis
綿引優, 鈴木智浩, 松岡直紀, 小屋有代, 松橋暢生, 市井統, 田井真弓, 江尻豊
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 85-85, 2017.

Japanese Article W2-06 (消). A Case of Effective Percutaneous Ethanol Injection (PEIT) for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Invasion of the Common Bile Duct
無量井章, 田邊暢一, 木村憲治
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 85-85, 2017.

Japanese Article W2-07 (消). A case of teroid and DAA treatment for HCVRNA negative chronic hepatitis C by AIH acute exacerbation
齋藤悠, 池田智之, 佐々木敦宏, 織内優好, 駒澤大輔, 土佐正規, 高橋成一, 池谷伸一, 中山晴夫
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 86-86, 2017.

Japanese Article W2-08 (消). A case of NEC regarded as gallbladder origin complicated with a bile duct non-expansion type pancreas bile duct junction abnormality symptom
土田秀元1), 鈴木義広1), 青木政則1), 折居智彦1), 吉田尚美1), 早坂高志1), 菅原俊樹1), 阿蘓里佳1), 岩野大輔1), 渋谷りか1), 渡邉敏治1), 今泉和臣2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 86-86, 2017.

Japanese Article PL-01 (inner). Antithrombotic drug internal use in our hospital and relative examination of the afterbleeding
若林飛友, 辻剛俊, 伊藤満衣, 渡邊健太, 大野秀雄, 石井元, 津田聡子, 千葉満郎, 中根邦夫, 小松眞史
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 89-89, 2017.

Japanese Article PL-02 (inner). One case of celiac disease where characteristic image views were obtained
平井みなみ1), 朝倉謙輔1), 川崎啓祐1), 郷内貴弘1), 漆久保順1), 鳥谷洋右1), 佐藤邦彦1), 赤坂理三郎1), 梁井俊一1), 中村昌太郎1), 上杉憲幸2), 菅井有2), 松本主之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 89-89, 2017.

Japanese Article PL-03 (inner). One case of rectal MALT lymphoma that we were able to excise en bloc by ESD
黒木航, 松橋保, 石岡充彬, 高橋壮, 福田翔, 菅原佳恵, 渡部昇, 沢口昌亨, 畠山夏美, 小泉重仁, 志賀永嗣, 大場麗奈, 神万里夫, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 90-90, 2017.

Japanese Article PL-04 (inner). One case of the rectal origin Burkitt's lymphoma which was able to observe the change of the sudden naked eye type with an endoscope
森川友樹1), 花畑憲洋1,2), 五十嵐昌平1,2), 町田龍馬1,2), 棟方正樹1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 90-90, 2017.

Japanese Article PL-05 (inner). One case of the progress gallbladder cancer which was able to chase an image change of the cholecystoduodenal fistula formation
斉藤有佳1), 田中裕1), 下田楓美子1), 平本圭一郎1), 木村修1), 阿曽沼祥1), 梅村賢1), 佐藤晃彦1), 杉山克郎2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 91-91, 2017.

Japanese Article PL-06 (inner). One case that was able to smash rock for a huge common bile duct stone thought to be Confluence stone using new oral cholangioscope (SpyGlass DS)
安田耕平1), 吉村徹郎1,2), 鈴木友香理1,2), 荒木康光1,2), 菊池公二1), 和田豊人1), 福田眞作1,2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 91-91, 2017.

Japanese Article PL-07 (inner). One patient who underwent ESD for an esophagus GIST
齋藤宏章, 福田遼, 川村恵太, 冨樫純一, 友兼正太郎, 井上薪, 田中一平, 名和田義高, 橋本林太朗, 五十嵐公洋, 今村仁, 前田有紀, 鈴木憲次郎, 奥薗徹, 山岡肇, 川端和歌子, 平澤大, 松田知己, 中堀昌人, 長南明道
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 92-92, 2017.

Japanese Article PL-08 (inner). One case of Gastric carcinoma with lymphoid stroma (GCLS) localized in the mucous membrane which we were able to resect in ESD
駒林大智, 小池良樹, 大平哲也, 原田喜博, 山形拓, 田中恵, 嶋田奉広, 伊藤啓, 野田裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 92-92, 2017.

Japanese Article PL-09 (inner). Example that formed false aneurysm for an ulcer after ESD
小橋亮一郎, 今村秀道, 橋本健明, 舟窪彰, 迎慎二
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 93-93, 2017.

Japanese Article PL-10 (inner). One case that passed through the bezoar small intestine ileus of super elderly patients, and was able to be treated by the cola dissolution therapy of the ileus pipe and endoscopic lithotripsy conservatively
佐藤利紀1), 渡邊崇1), 高橋隆宏2), 本多俊介2), 高橋太郎1), 伏谷淳1), 城戸治1), 赤坂威一郎2), 池端敦1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 93-93, 2017.

Japanese Article PL-11 (inner). One case of the persistence cystic duct duodenum gastric fistula which we were able to diagnose by oral cholangioscope (Spyglass DS)
五十嵐昌平, 花畑憲洋, 蓮井桂介, 金澤浩介, 棟方正樹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 94-94, 2017.

Japanese Article PL-12 (inner). One patient who was able to treat Walled off necrosis of the pancreatitis after ERCP which did penetration to bile duct
冨樫純一, 奥薗徹, 齋藤宏章, 友兼正太郎, 川村恵太, 福田遼, 井上薪, 田中一平, 岩城智之, 名和田義高, 橋本林太朗, 五十嵐公洋, 鈴木憲次郎, 今村仁, 前田有紀, 山岡肇, 川端和歌子, 平澤大, 松田知己, 中堀昌人, 長南明道
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 94-94, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -01 (消). A case of the adult Bochdalek hole hernia
佐藤孝洋1), 大平俊一郎2), 菊田佳子2), 齋藤勝1), 石幡良一2), 小山善久1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 97-97, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -02 (消). A case of the emphysematosa in the wall of stomach which occurred after pyelonephritis
引地浩基1), 花畑憲洋1,2), 五十嵐昌平1,2), 金澤浩介1), 棟方正樹1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 97-97, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -03 (消). A case of the 13 years old woman that AGML developed with H.pylori initial infection, and underwent endoscopic hemostasis technique
栗原康一郎, 佐々木裕, 小玉祐, 安部圭之輔, 織笠俊輔, 鈴木年竜
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 97-97, 2017.

Japanese Article 研-04 (内). A case of endoscopically resected hemorrhagic duodenal lipoma diagnosed by EUS and biopsy from the ulcer site combined with emergency endoscopic side-viewing
下田楓美子, 阿曽沼祥, 田中裕, 平本圭一郎, 木村修, 梅村賢, 佐藤晃彦
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 97-97, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -05 (消). A case of the AFP-producing early gastric cancer which we were able to detect with hemorrhagic shock
片渕充沙子1), 諸沢樹1), 伊東干城2), 佐藤麻理1), 真崎拓也1), 大森崇博1), 舩山広幸1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 98-98, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -06 (消). A case of stomach neuroendocrine system cancer given combined modality therapy
秋山剛広, 春日井聡, 米澤美希, 種市良雄, 小岡洋平, 山科光弘, 鈴木歩, 牛尾晶
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 98-98, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -07 (消). A case of MANEC with SCC component in the stomach
鈴木友香理1), 吉村徹郎1,2), 菊池公二1), 荒木康光1,2), 和田豊人1), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 98-98, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -08 (消). Metastatic duodenal tumor of the primary lung cancer in pursuit of the course
久本晃義, 佐藤尚子, 佐藤邦彦, 大泉智史, 藤島裕耕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 98-98, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -09 (消). A case of AL-type amyloidosis considered to be an import leg limited station with causes ulcers while taking warfarin and bleeding and import leg syndrome
秋重尚貴1), 阿曽沼祥1), 下田楓美子1), 田中裕1), 平本圭一郎1), 木村修1), 梅村賢1), 佐藤晃彦1), 井上亨悦2), 高橋道長2), 内藤広郎2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 99-99, 2017.

Japanese Article 研-10 (内). A case that endoscopic stenting was effective for an afferent loop syndrome
種市良雄1), 春日井聡1), 秋山剛広1), 米澤美希2), 小岡洋平1), 山科光弘3), 鈴木歩1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 99-99, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -11 (消). A case of Cronkhite-Canada syndrome (CCS) which showed resistance for steroid therapy
佐藤格, 米地真, 佐藤賢一, 目黒敬義, 廣田衛久, 小暮高之, 遠藤克哉
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 99-99, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -12 (消). A case of the duodenal carcinoma papilliferum metastases to heart that condition of a patient control was obtained by an external beam radiation
鈴木寿明, 佐藤亘, 千葉充, 高橋健一, 松澤尚徳, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 99-99, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -13 (消). A case of ileus by the bezoar
萩原悠介1), 鈴木一広2), 秋田谷一輝2), 西下理恵2), 津谷亮佑2), 斎藤聡2), 坂田優2), 福田眞作3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 100-100, 2017.

Japanese Article 研-14 (内). A case that was able to crush the bezoar which caused small intestine strangulation by a balloon endoscope and direct dispersion of cola
小原優, 辻剛俊, 伊藤満衣, 渡邊健太, 大野秀雄, 石井元, 津田聡子, 中根邦夫, 千葉満郎, 小松眞史
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 100-100, 2017.

Japanese Article 研-15 (内). A case of the jejunum arterio-venous malformation detected with repeated GI bleeding
川村恵太, 松田知己, 山岡肇, 橋本林太朗
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 100-100, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -16 (消). A case of superior mesenteric vein thrombosis, portal vein thrombosis and multiple aortic thrombosis with acute enteritis
滝口和暁1), 菅野有紀子1), 寺島久美子1), 黒田聖仁1), 藁谷雄一1), 郡司崇志2), 西間木淳2), 遠藤豪一2), 宮田昌之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 100-100, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -17 (消). A case of the IgA vasculitis that 4 clinical signs appeared during eosinophilia treatment, and led to a diagnosis
佐久間千陽1), 藤原達雄1), 郡司直彦1), 川島一公1), 石川真郷2), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 101-101, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -18 (消). A case of the young man of the intestinal tract cyst-like emphysematosa discovered with invagination of intestine
今村忠嗣, 野村栄樹, 矢野恒太, 平塚敬士, 大山秀晃, 尾形洋平, 松本諒太郎, 鈴木範明, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 菊地達也
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 101-101, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -19 (消). A Case of Ulcerative Colitis in the Late Elderly, in Which Granulocyte-Monocyte Adsorption Therapy was Effective for Distal Large Intestine Lesions That Do Not Get Mucosal Healing Due to 5-ASA Oral & Enema
安谷屋仁, 大森信弥, 片岡晃二郎, 矢口圭, 大楽尚弘
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 101-101, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -20 (消). Identical twins case of the renal failure concurrence ulcerative colitis that suffered from treatment
田中裕, 梅村賢, 下田楓美子, 平本圭一郎, 木村修, 阿曽沼祥, 佐藤晃彦
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 101-101, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -21 (消). A case who had the ulcerative colitis postoperatively hemorrhagic ileitis
猪股優志1), 尾花伸哉1), 菱沼佳純2), 泉山泰宏2), 伊藤博敬1), 大矢内幹1), 佐藤雄一郎1), 五十嵐勇彦1), 今野文博3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 102-102, 2017.

Japanese Article 研-22 (消). A case of collagenous colitis with three agents of lansoprazole, Esomeprazole, Famotidine
野地もも子1), 菅野有紀子1), 藁谷雄一1), 黒田聖仁1), 寺島久美子1), 宮田昌之1), 田崎和洋2), 橋本優子2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 102-102, 2017.

Japanese Article 研-23 (消). A case of the ileocecum endometriosis of intestine that had difficulty with a preoperation diagnosis
久米井智1), 川越圭1), 鈴木裕也1), 清治友久1), 竹内章夫1), 西塚麻代1), 赤松学1), 伊藤美保1), 藤嶋昌一郎1), 白幡名香雄1), 鈴木克典1), 武田弘明1), 佐藤敏彦1,2), 阿部祐也3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 102-102, 2017.

Japanese Article 研-24 (消). A case of colon cancer which occurred in Blind loop
町田龍馬1), 花畑憲洋1,2), 五十嵐昌平1,2), 蓮井桂介1,2), 沼尾宏1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 102-102, 2017.

Japanese Article 研-25 (消). A case of HBV, the HCV superinfection that was given entecavir (ETV) administration for the purpose of preventing reactivation of hepatitis B
鶴岡未央, 三浦雅人, 佐京彩郁, 小野地研吾, 沖口将夫, 堀井亨
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 103-103, 2017.

Japanese Article 研-26 (消). A case of the amoebic liver abscess who had the hepatic vein thrombosis
鈴木宏依1), 赤羽武弘1), 齋藤方志1), 藤坂泰之1), 前嶋隆平1), 山本康央1), 海野純1), 富永現1), 岩田朋晃2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 103-103, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -27 (消). A case of idiopathic portal hypertension, the gastric varices explosion associated with the SLE
織内優好, 駒澤大輔, 齋藤悠, 佐々木敦宏, 土佐正規, 池田智之, 高橋成一, 池谷伸一, 中山晴夫
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 103-103, 2017.

Japanese Article 研-28 (消). A case of the inferior vena cava origin leiomyosarcoma which racked its brains about a diagnosis
鈴木友香理1), 吉村徹郎1), 菊池公二1), 荒木康光1,2), 和田豊人1), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 103-103, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -29 (消). The hepatocellular adenoma which showed a heterogeneous contrasting effect
千葉倫子1), 城戸治1), 佐藤利紀1), 高橋隆宏1), 本多俊介2), 高橋太郎1), 伏谷淳1), 渡邊崇1), 赤坂威一郎2), 石田和之3), 池端敦1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 104-104, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -30 (消). An Autopsy Case of Deterioration of the Liver Artery Due to Repeated DEB-TACE
小橋亮一郎, 岡井研, 高橋敦史, 阿部和道, 林学, 藤田将史, 大平弘正
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 104-104, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -31 (消). A case of the metastatic cholangiocarcinoma which resulted in obstructive jaundice
猪狩剛1), 紺野直紀1), 杉本充1), 高木忠之1), 鈴木玲1), 佐藤雄紀1), 渡辺晃2), 中村純2), 菊地眸1,2), 引地拓人2), 金居李紗3), 田崎和洋3), 橋本優子3), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 104-104, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -32 (消). A case of the Groove pancreatitis that was relieved by conservative medical treatment, and was able to evade surgery
山田峻1), 赤坂威一郎1), 佐藤利紀2), 高橋隆宏2), 本多俊介1), 高橋太郎2), 渡邊崇2), 伏谷淳2), 小坂崇1), 城戸治2), 池端敦2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 104-104, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -33 (消). A case of resuscitation from pancreatic pseudocyst intrahepatic hemorrhage and gastric rupture and follow up the recurrence course of pancreatic pseudocyst intracranial aneurysm
阿部直人1), 高橋裕太2), 大久保義徳2), 今泉博道2), 熊川宏美2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 105-105, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -34 (消). A case of the neuroendocrine tumor which occurred frequently in pancreas
若月志保里1), 渡部博之1), 星野孝男1), 藤井公生1), 津田栄彦1), 小林芳生1), 大高日本1), 俵谷伸1), 渋谷健吾1), 小板橋祐也1), 吉田樹2), 宮部賢1), 糸井隆夫3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 105-105, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -35 (消). A case of huge pancreas neuroendocrine system cancer which we diagnosed by an electron microscope
清水孟, 菅野良秀, 野田裕, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 酒井利隆, 枡かおり, 與那嶺圭輔, 川上裕次郎, 藤井佑樹, 村林桃士, 長谷川翔, 小堺史郷
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 105-105, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -36 (消). A case of the pancreatic acinus basalioma that lymph node metastases fell into necrosis in a short term
植田怜男1), 黒木実智雄1), 伊藤南1), 遠藤博之1), 名木野匡1), 西瀬雄子1), 大竹浩也2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 105-105, 2017.

Japanese Article 研 -37 (消). Two resected cases of retroperitoneal schwannoma presenting on the dorsal side of the pancreatic body and presenting different imaging findings
高橋隆宏1), 城戸治1), 佐藤利紀1), 高橋太郎1), 伏谷淳1), 渡邊崇1), 本多俊介2), 赤坂威一郎2), 小野貞英3), 佐熊勉3), 池端敦1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 106-106, 2017.

Japanese Article O-01 (消). Significance of the examination of infection inside the hospital
城戸治1), 佐藤利紀1), 高橋隆宏1), 本多俊介2), 高橋太郎1), 伏谷淳1), 渡邊崇1), 赤坂威一郎2), 池端敦1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 109-109, 2017.

Japanese Article O-02 (消). Examination of the change of the glucide and lipid metabolism marker before and after chronic hepatitis C treatment
諸沢樹, 佐藤麻理, 真崎拓也, 庄司哲洋, 大森崇博, 舩山広幸
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 109-109, 2017.

Japanese Article O-03 (消). Multicenter study on hepatocellular carcinoma carcinogenesis after effect of treatment and the treatment introduction of the DCV+ASV therapy for the hepatitis C
小林智夫1), 赤羽武弘2), 宮崎豊3), 三浦達也4), 佐藤俊裕5), 眞野浩6), 涌井祐太7), 城戸治8), 長崎太9), 菅野厚10), 山本毅11), 岡本裕正12), 佐藤修一13), 木田真美13), 木村修14), 山川暢1), 三浦雅人15), 安倍修16), 木皿典宏17), 小原範之18)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 109-109, 2017.

Japanese Article O-04 (消). Use experience of the Rifaximin for the hyperammonemia of patients with cirrhosis in our hospital
西田晨也1), 濱田晃市1), 志波慶樹1), 堀川宜範1), 福島大造1), 西野徳之1), 十林賢児1), 斎藤聡1,2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 109-109, 2017.

Japanese Article O-05 (消). A case of type C compensated liver cirrhosis with vasculitis and granulocyte loss
藤田将史1), 岡井研1), 浅野智之2), 入江大樹1), 林学1), 阿部和道1), 高橋敦史1), 屋代牧子2), 佐藤秀三2), 小林浩子2), 渡辺浩志2), 右田清志2), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 110-110, 2017.

Japanese Article O-06 (消). A case of NASH by the Methotrexate which progressed to cirrhosis in the relatively sudden course
太田真二1), 櫻庭裕丈1,2), 平賀寛人1,3), 佐竹美和1), 宮澤邦昭1), 菊池英純1,2), 澤谷学1), 平賀典子1), 珍田大輔1), 三上達也4), 下山克1), 福田眞作1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 110-110, 2017.

Japanese Article O-07 (消). A case of the erythropoietic porphyria that was able to chase the change of the liver tissue
中村琢也, 井上淳, 高井智, 梅津輝行, 岩田朋晃, 二宮匡史, 嘉数英二, 佐野晃俊
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 110-110, 2017.

Japanese Article O-08 (消). Use experience of the Lusutrombopag for 2 cases with the thrombosis history
南慎一郎, 後藤隆, 大嶋重敏, 佐藤亘, 道免孝洋, 千葉充, 渋谷友美, 荒田英, 杉本侑孝, 高橋健一, 松澤尚徳, 鈴木寿明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 110-110, 2017.

Japanese Article O-09 (消). 3 cases that was given PSE+BRTO for the iterative hepatic encephalopathy by the splenorenal shunt
田中忍, 佐々木洸太, 有川洋祐, 有明千鶴
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 111-111, 2017.

Japanese Article O-10 (消). Examination of seven sclerosing cholangitis who had the inflammatory bowel disease
柿坂啓介1), 川崎啓祐2), 梁井俊一2), 鈴木悠地1), 宮本康弘1), 小穴修平2), 石田和之3), 菅井有3), 松本主之3), 滝川康裕1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 111-111, 2017.

Japanese Article O-11 (inner). 1 case that EUS lower abscess drainage was effective for an intra-peritoneal abscess complicated for cholangitis by the intrahepatic stone
長谷川翔, 菅野良秀, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 枡かおり, 酒井利隆, 村林桃士, 小堺史郷, 野田裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 111-111, 2017.

Japanese Article O-12 (inner). One case of the acute cholecystitis that removed a gallbladder stone for a transfistula after ultrasonic endoscope lower gallbladder drainage technique (EUS-GBD)
奥薗徹, 中堀昌人, 冨樫純一, 齋藤宏章, 福田遼, 川村恵太, 井上薪, 田中一平, 名和田義高, 橋本林太朗, 五十嵐公洋, 前田有紀, 鈴木憲次郎, 山岡肇, 平澤大, 松田知己, 友兼正太郎, 長南明道
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 111-111, 2017.

Japanese Article O-13 (inner). One case of the acute cholecystitis that it was thought that it was caused by amiodarone
佐藤英之, 大村清成, 野澤瞳, 梅原松樹, 今孝志, 高野潤, 武田忠, 渡辺晋一郎, 齋藤孝治
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 112-112, 2017.

Japanese Article O-14 (inner). Examination of the biliary tract drainage enforcement case of the ultrasonic endoscope
齊藤慎二1), 小穴修平1), 松田望1), 山本一成1), 松本主之1), 菅原有子2), 村上晶彦2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 112-112, 2017.

Japanese Article O-15 (消). Examination of the pictorial characteristic and preoperation diagnosis ability in Tis and the TS1 pancreatic cancer
酒井利隆, 越田真介, 伊藤啓, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 枡かおり, 川上裕次郎, 藤井佑樹, 村林桃士, 長谷川翔, 小堺史郷, 野田裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 112-112, 2017.

Japanese Article O-16 (消). Results and problem of the ultrasonic endoscope lower aspiration biopsy cytology using the cell block method for the pancreatic mass
枡かおり, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 酒井利隆, 村林桃士, 長谷川翔, 小堺史郷, 野田裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 112-112, 2017.

Japanese Article O-17 (inner). An example with suspected Needle Tract Seeding of the pancreatic cancer by EUS-FNA
佐々木真, 赤松学, 白幡名香雄, 鈴木裕也, 清治友久, 竹内章夫, 西塚麻代, 川越圭, 伊藤美保, 藤嶋昌一郎, 鈴木克典, 武田弘明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 113-113, 2017.

Japanese Article O-18 (消). A case of early pancreatic cancer (PanIN) which led to a diagnosis after the follow-up of four years
竹内章夫, 伊藤美保, 白幡名香雄, 鈴木裕也, 清治友久, 西塚麻代, 赤松学, 川越圭, 藤嶋昌一郎, 鈴木克典, 武田弘明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 113-113, 2017.

Japanese Article O-19 (消). A case of the pancreatic cancer who had the infectious pancreatic pseudocyst
柿崎泰明, 牧野直彦, 安藤嘉章, 松田暁子, 池田祐之, 齋藤吉彦, 石澤哲也, 小林敏一, 池田千咲, 菅原心平, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 113-113, 2017.

Japanese Article O-20 (消). Follow-up observation of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (PNET G1) case
杉本充1), 高木忠之1), 鈴木玲1), 紺野直紀1), 浅間宏之1), 渡辺晃1,2), 中村純1,2), 菊地眸1,2), 藁谷雄一1), 高住美香1), 佐藤雄紀1), 引地拓人2), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 113-113, 2017.

Japanese Article O-21 (消). A case of postoperative meningeal metastasis from pancreatic tail neuroendocrine tumor
吉田直樹1), 木村憲治1), 無量井章1), 外田修裕1), 山尾陽子1), 塩塚かおり1), 杉村美華子1), 野口謙治1), 田邊暢一1), 岩渕正広1), 眞野浩1), 村上謙介2), 上之原広司2), 鈴木博義3), 鵜飼克明1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 114-114, 2017.

Japanese Article O-22 (消). A case of von Hippel-Lindau disease with SCN and P-NET
山本一成1), 小穴修平1), 松田望1), 齊藤慎二1), 中村昌太郎1), 松本主之1), 石田和之2), 菅井有2), 前田晋平3), 元井冬彦3), 海野倫明3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 114-114, 2017.

Japanese Article O-23 (消). Examination of the clinical picture of the pancreas Solid pseudo-papillary neoplasms diagnosis case
長谷川翔1), 越田真介1), 伊藤啓1), 菅野良秀1), 小川貴央1), 楠瀬寛顕1), 枡かおり1), 酒井利隆1), 村林桃士1), 小堺史郷1), 及川昌也2), 岡田恭穂2), 野田裕1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 114-114, 2017.

Japanese Article O-24 (消). A case of pancreas mucinous cyst tumor which developed in men
外田修裕1), 木村憲治1), 無量井章1), 鵜飼克明1), 島村弘宗2), 鈴木博義3), 櫻田潤子3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 114-114, 2017.

Japanese Article O-25 (消). A case of wide-ranging stricture enteritis after conservative treatment for superior mesenteric artery embolism
小玉祐, 鈴木年竜, 織笠俊輔, 佐々木裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 115-115, 2017.

Japanese Article O-26 (消). A case of protein leak gastroenteropathy due to obstructive enteritis with nonspecific small intestinal ulcer
堤康志郎1), 鈴木翔1,3), 渋谷仁1), 池原久朝1,3), 後藤田卓志3), 山内美佐4), 平宇健治5), 平野裕5)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 115-115, 2017.

Japanese Article O-27 (inner). 2 gastrointestinal parasitic cases that became diagnosable by capsule endoscopy
荒木康光1), 古村徹郎1,2), 菊池公二1), 鈴木友香理1,2), 和田豊人1), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 115-115, 2017.

Japanese Article O-28 (消). Two cases of the intestinal tract symptom type T-cell lymphoma having an extensive small intestine lesion
菱沼佳純1), 黒羽正剛1), 岡本大祐1), 中野健1), 泉山泰宏1), 市川遼1), 松本信1), 永井博1), 山本勝利1), 千葉宏文1), 下山雄丞1), 横山直信1), 内藤健夫1), 小野寺基之1), 諸井林太郎1), 木村智哉1), 金澤義丈1), 角田洋一1), 木内喜孝2), 下瀬川徹1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 115-115, 2017.

Japanese Article O-29 (消). A case of intussusception complicated with fulminant type 1 diabetes
織笠俊輔1), 佐々木裕1), 小玉祐1), 鈴木年竜1), 安部圭之輔2), 高橋正統3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 116-116, 2017.

Japanese Article O-30 (inner). An example of the adult IgA vasculitis that occurred
齋藤方志, 富永現, 藤坂泰之, 前嶋隆平, 山本康央, 海野純, 赤羽武弘, 板倉裕子
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 116-116, 2017.

Japanese Article O-31 (消). A case of gastrointestinal AL amyloidosis complicated with MGUS
山口智子1), 梁井俊一2), 郷内貴弘2), 漆久保順2), 沢口勢良3), 大泉智史4), 朝倉謙輔2), 鳥谷洋右2), 佐藤邦彦2), 赤坂理三郎2), 川崎啓祐2), 中村昌太郎2), 永塚真5), 杉本亮5), 上杉憲幸5), 佐藤邦夫6), 菅井有5), 松本主之2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 116-116, 2017.

Japanese Article O-32 (消). Three cases of the intractable Crohn's disease that was able to perform induction of remission by Budesonide administration
枡悠太郎, 諸井林太郎, 中野健, 岡本大祐, 泉山泰宏, 市川遼, 永井博, 松本信, 山本勝利, 千葉宏文, 横山直信, 下山雄丞, 内藤建夫, 黒羽正剛, 木村智哉, 金澤義丈, 角田洋一, 木内喜孝, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 116-116, 2017.

Japanese Article O-33 (消). A case of punch-like ulceration of the small intestine for myelodysplastic syndrome
下山雄丞1), 金澤義丈1), 内藤健夫1), 諸井林太郎1), 黒羽正剛1), 木村智哉1), 角田洋一1), 木内喜孝2), 下瀬川徹1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 117-117, 2017.

Japanese Article O-34 (消). A case of rectum mucosal dystrophy protuberance type improved with enhancement of constipation treatment by Lubiprostone
矢野恒太, 野村栄樹, 大山秀晃, 平塚敬士, 尾形洋平, 松本諒太郎, 鈴木範明, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 境吉孝, 菊地達也
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 117-117, 2017.

Japanese Article O-35 (inner). One case of the cecum ESD late onset perforation that was able to be under the medical treatment conservatively
川島一公1), 引地拓人2), 片倉響子1), 藤原達雄1), 郡司直彦1), 横川綾希1), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 117-117, 2017.

Japanese Article O-36 (inner). An example of the acidophilic colitis that it presented a strong inflammatory image in endoscopic views, and remission was obtained by steroid therapy
津田一範, 松下弘雄, 吉川健二郎, 原田英嗣, 高木亮, 田中義人, 加藤文一朗, 吉田優子, 田村恵理
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 117-117, 2017.

Japanese Article O-37 (消). A case of chronic idiopathic pseudo intestinal obstruction
福士大介, 米地真, 佐藤格, 佐藤倫紀, 支倉翔太郎, 支倉さやか, 近藤史帆, 遠藤克哉, 小暮高之, 目黒敬義, 廣田衛久, 佐藤賢一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 118-118, 2017.

Japanese Article O-38 (消). Three cases of the vonoprazan-resistant reflux oesophagitis
阿部泰明, 小池智幸, 菊池弘樹, 乗田一明, 菅野武, 八田和久, 淺沼清孝, 宇野要, 浅野直喜, 今谷晃, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 118-118, 2017.

Japanese Article O-39 (消). A case of the acidophilic esophagitis that complicated unstable angina, and suffered from a diagnosis
吉田優子1), 松下弘雄1), 吉川健二郎1), 原田英嗣1), 高木亮1), 田中義人1), 加藤文一朗1), 津田一範1), 田村恵理1), 榎本克彦2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 118-118, 2017.

Japanese Article O-40 (消). A case of esophageal stricture due to pseudodiverticosis in the esophagus
小野里祐介1), 佐々木悠1), 阿部靖彦2), 矢尾板孝夫2), 八木周1), 作田和裕1), 東海林正邦1), 西瀬祥一1), 上野義之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 118-118, 2017.

Japanese Article O-41 (inner). Invention of ESD for the Barrett adenocarcinoma in our hospital
沼田亜希子, 藤嶋昌一郎, 清治友久, 鈴木裕也, 竹内章夫, 西塚麻代, 赤松学, 伊藤美保, 川越圭, 白幡名香雄, 鈴木克典, 武田弘明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 119-119, 2017.

Japanese Article O-42 (消). Examination about usefulness and the safety of transdermal transesophageal gullet implantation (PTEG)
原田喜博1), 大平哲也1), 小池良樹1), 山形拓1), 田中恵1), 嶋田奉広1), 伊藤啓1), 石田一彦2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 119-119, 2017.

Japanese Article O-43 (消). The present conditions of the H.pylori sanitization treatment using the vonoprazan
藁谷雄一1), 引地拓人2), 渡辺晃1,2), 中村純1,2), 菊地眸1,2), 高木忠之1), 鈴木玲1), 杉本充1), 紺野直紀1), 浅間宏之1), 高住美香1), 佐藤雄紀1), 入江大樹1), 小原勝敏3), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 119-119, 2017.

Japanese Article O-44 (消). The present conditions of the Vonoprazan combination H.pylori sanitization therapy in our hospital
李秀載, 淺沼清孝, 菅野武, 大方英樹, 高橋喜一, 浅野直喜, 今谷晃, 小池智幸, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 119-119, 2017.

Japanese Article O-45 (消). Examination of the factor associated with the effect measurement rate of use and the effect measurement consultation instructions observance after the primary sanitization therapy for the Helicobacter pylori infection in our hospital
梶原祐策, 水木一郎
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 120-120, 2017.

Japanese Article O-46 (inner). One patient who presented with a hemorrhagic gullet ulcer one month after H.pylori sanitization for the atrophic gastritis
小山隆男1), 澤谷学1), 三上達也3), 吉田健太1,2), 佐藤裕紀2), 齋藤太郎2), 三上貴史2), 相馬悌2), 福田眞作1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 120-120, 2017.

Japanese Article O-47 (消). A case of the ulcer lesion with the severe pyloric stenosis that recurred during Helicobacter pylori sanitization
今泉博道, 大久保義徳, 高橋裕太, 熊川宏美
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 120-120, 2017.

Japanese Article O-48 (消). The present conditions and problem of the stomach cancer risk examination in Kawamata-machi
中村純1), 引地拓人1), 鈴木秀3), 渡辺晃1,2), 菊地眸1,2), 高木忠之2), 鈴木玲2), 杉本充2), 紺野直紀2), 佐藤雄紀2), 高住美香2), 小原勝敏4), 大平弘正2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 120-120, 2017.

Japanese Article O-49 (消). The patient factors of the treatment-free case of the gastric cancer and examination in the survival period
辻剛俊, 伊藤満衣, 渡邊健太, 大野秀雄, 石井元, 津田聡子, 千葉満郎, 中根邦夫, 小松眞史
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 121-121, 2017.

Japanese Article O-50 (消). Clinicopathologic examination of the stomach lymphocytes invasive cancer in our hospital
小池良樹1), 大平哲也1), 原田喜博1), 山形拓1), 田中恵1), 嶋田奉広1), 伊藤啓1), 野田裕1), 土屋誉2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 121-121, 2017.

Japanese Article O-51 (inner). One case of the fundic gland type gastric cancer which developed from the body lesser curvature which mucous membrane atrophy recovered ten years after Helicobacter pylori sanitization
大矢内幹1), 坂元和宏2), 増田高行3), 猪股優志1), 阿部出1), 岩渕利光1), 伊藤博敬1), 佐藤雄一郎1), 五十嵐勇彦1), 尾花伸哉1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 121-121, 2017.

Japanese Article O-52 (inner). One patient who underwent endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique for early gastric cancer complicated with heterotopic gastric mucosa
速水史郎1), 澤谷学2), 菊池英純2), 平賀寛人2), 珍田大輔2), 櫻庭裕丈2), 三上達也3), 下山克2), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 121-121, 2017.

Japanese Article O-53 (inner). The present conditions of a peritoneoscope, the endoscopic joint surgery for the submucosal tumor of the stomach in our hospital
佐藤雄紀1), 引地拓人2), 中村純1), 菊地眸1), 渡辺晃1), 高木忠之1), 鈴木玲1), 杉本充1), 紺野直紀1), 高住美香1), 入江大樹1), 小原勝敏3), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 122-122, 2017.

Japanese Article O-54 (inner). One patient who a stomach GIST was diagnosed by mucous membrane incision biopsy, and underwent LECS
菊池公二1), 吉村徹郎1,2), 和嶋直紀3), 十倉和久4), 鈴木友香理1,2), 浅利享2), 荒木康光1,2), 和田豊人1), 福田眞作2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 122-122, 2017.

Japanese Article O-55 (inner). One case that led to a diagnosis of the primary amyloidosis for submucosal hematoma which occurred frequently in stomach as an opportunity
佐藤倫紀, 米地真, 佐藤格, 福士大介, 支倉翔太郎, 支倉さやか, 近藤史帆, 遠藤克哉, 小暮高之, 目黒敬義, 廣田衛久, 佐藤賢一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 122-122, 2017.

Japanese Article O-56 (inner). An example of the Kimura's disease that presented an acidophilic stomach and intestines symptom
鵜浦友輔, 菅野武, 八田和久, 淺沼清孝, 宇野要, 浅野直喜, 小池智幸, 今谷晃, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 122-122, 2017.

Japanese Article O-57 (inner). An example of Osler Weber Rendu disease where argon plasma coagulation was effective for the bleeding from a repeated gastric mucosa lesion
日下玄, 菊地亮介, 内山志保, 横山大, 安倍修
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 123-123, 2017.

Japanese Article O-58 (inner). An example of the jejunum discovered with GI bleeding-prone diverticulosis
尾形洋平, 野村栄樹, 大山秀晃, 平塚敬士, 松本諒太郎, 矢野恒太, 鈴木範明, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 境吉孝, 菊地達也
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 123-123, 2017.

Japanese Article O-59 (消). A case of the duodenal obstruction due to the superior mesenteric artery lump
渡邊健太1), 辻剛俊1), 伊藤満衣1), 大野秀雄1), 石井元1), 津田聡子1), 中根邦夫1), 千葉満郎1), 小松眞史1), 平野義則2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 123-123, 2017.

Japanese Article O-60 (消). A case of the internal organs dissemination chickenpox belt-formed rash virus infection after the autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation that occurred for abdominal pain
朝倉謙輔1), 梁井俊一1), 郷内貴弘1), 漆久保順1), 鳥谷洋右1), 佐藤邦彦1), 赤坂理三郎1), 川崎啓祐1), 中村昌太郎1), 永塚真2), 上杉憲幸2), 小宅達郎3), 遠藤幸紀4), 菅井有2), 松本主之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 123-123, 2017.

Japanese Article O-61 (消). A case of the testicular tumors peritoneum dissemination operated on by a diagnosis in the preoperation of the mesentery origin GIST
鈴木年竜1), 佐々木裕1), 小玉祐1), 織笠俊輔1), 安部圭之輔2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 124-124, 2017.

Japanese Article O-62 (消). Three cases that underwent endoscopic balloon expansion technique for anastomotic stricture after the colon surgery that we experienced in our hospital
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 124-124, 2017.

Japanese Article O-63 (inner). Case thought to be Cap polyposis which was able to confirm disappearance from the onset with an endoscope
沢口勢良1), 村上晶彦1), 菅原有子1), 安部圭之輔1), 齊藤慎二1), 佐熊勉2), 小野貞英2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 124-124, 2017.

Japanese Article O-64 (消). A case of Crohn's disease / Behcet's disease similar lesion by anti-IL-17A antibody
福田翔, 志賀永嗣, 菅原佳恵, 石岡充彬, 沢口昌亨, 渡部昇, 小泉重仁, 畠山夏美, 大場麗奈, 松橋保, 神万里夫, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 124-124, 2017.

Japanese Article O-65 (消). Two cases of the nivolumab ulcerative colitis similar colitis that occurred after administration
梁井俊一1), 川崎啓祐1), 中村昌太郎1), 赤坂理三郎1), 佐藤邦彦1), 鳥谷洋右1), 朝倉謙輔1), 漆久保順1), 郷内貴弘1), 石田和之2), 大西正純3), 前門戸任4), 菅井有2), 松本主之1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 125-125, 2017.

Japanese Article O-66 (消). Ae case of the anal canal cancer which occurred in patients with Crohn's disease to be in remission state
鈴木郁, 内藤健夫, 泉山泰宏, 市川遼, 岡本大祐, 中野健, 松本信, 永井博, 千葉宏文, 横山直信, 山本勝利, 下山雄丞, 諸井林太郎, 黒羽正剛, 木村智哉, 角田洋一, 木内喜孝, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 125-125, 2017.

Japanese Article O-67 (inner). An example of progress colon cancer which presented the interesting form that it was thought that it was of LST origin
佐藤公亮1), 杉村美華子1), 岩渕正広1), 斎藤俊博2), 鈴木博義3), 櫻田潤子3), 鵜飼克明1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 125-125, 2017.

Japanese Article O-68 (inner). Cumulative incidence of metachronous large intestine tumor in patients with life-style related diseases
木村聖路1), 西谷大輔1), 濱舘貴徳1), 樋口博之1,3), 五十嵐剛1,3), 田中正則2), 福田眞作3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 125-125, 2017.

Japanese Article O-69 (消). Cumulative incidence of metachronous large intestine tumor in patients with hyperlipidemia
木村聖路1), 西谷大輔1), 濱舘貴徳1), 樋口博之1,3), 五十嵐剛1,3), 田中正則2), 福田眞作3)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 126-126, 2017.

Japanese Article O-70 (inner). It is the endoscopic treatment strategy for malignant biliary tract stenosis of the rebuilding intestinal tract case after an operation
枡かおり, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 酒井利隆, 村林桃士, 長谷川翔, 小堺史郷, 野田裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 126-126, 2017.

Japanese Article O-71 (inner). It is a treatment result of the drainage technique of the acute cholecystitis after the metallic stent custody for malignant biliary tract stenosis
小堺史郷, 菅野良秀, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 枡かおり, 酒井利隆, 川上裕次郎, 藤井佑樹, 村林桃士, 長谷川翔, 野田裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 126-126, 2017.

Japanese Article O-72 (消). Examination of the video diagnosis ability in the myxopoiesis bile duct tumor (IPNB) excision case
楠瀬寛顕1), 菅野良秀1), 越田真介1), 小川貴央1), 酒井利隆1), 枡かおり1), 川上裕次郎1), 藤井佑樹1), 村林桃士1), 長谷川翔1), 小堺史郷1), 伊藤啓1), 野田裕1), 土屋誉2), 及川昌也1,2), 岡田恭穂2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 126-126, 2017.

Japanese Article O-73 (inner). Report of the side by side stenting 2 case for hepatic portal region malignancy biliary tract stenosis
清治友久, 伊藤美保, 白幡名香雄, 鈴木裕也, 竹内章夫, 西塚麻代, 赤松学, 川越圭, 藤嶋昌一郎, 鈴木克典, 武田弘明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 127-127, 2017.

Japanese Article O-73 (消). A case with suspected merger of the autoimmune pancreatitis type 2 for ulcerative colitis
齋藤惣太, 赤松学, 白幡名香雄, 鈴木裕也, 清治友久, 竹内章夫, 西塚麻代, 川越圭, 伊藤美保, 藤嶋昌一郎, 鈴木克典, 武田弘明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 127-127, 2017.

Japanese Article O-75 (inner). Two cases of AIP which we were able to diagnose using new EUS-FNA exploring needle (Acquier)
小穴修平1), 松田望1), 山本一成1), 齊藤慎二1), 中村昌太郎1), 松本主之1), 石田和之2), 菅井有2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 127-127, 2017.

Japanese Article O-76 (inner). Use experience of EUS-FNA needle "AcquireTM"
高橋健一, 佐藤亘, 後藤隆, 大嶋重敏, 渋谷友美, 道免孝洋, 千葉充, 荒田英, 杉本侑孝, 南慎一郎, 松澤尚徳, 鈴木寿明, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 127-127, 2017.

Japanese Article O-77 (inner). Use of SpyglassTMDS experience in pancreatic duct type IPMN in our hospital
小板橋祐也1), 津田栄彦1), 宮部賢1), 渋谷健吾1), 俵谷伸1), 大高日本1), 小林芳生1), 藤井公生1), 星野孝男1), 渡部博之1), 糸井隆夫2)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 128-128, 2017.

Japanese Article O-78 (消). Summary about the treatment result of the chemotherapy for the unresectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital
鈴木玲1), 高木忠之1), 引地拓人2), 杉本充1), 紺野直紀1), 渡辺晃2), 中村純2), 菊地眸2), 佐藤雄紀1), 大平弘正1)
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (203): 128-128, 2017.