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The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 206 / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Digestive organ society northeast Branch 206th regular meeting greetings of Japan
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 3-3, 2019.

Japanese Article S1-01. Usefulness and safety of muscular layer incision (POEM) of the peroral endoscopy for the achalasia
中村純1,2, 引地拓人1, 渡辺晃1,2, 橋本陽1,2, 大平弘正2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 48-48, 2019.

Japanese Article S1-02. The current situation of rays dynamics therapy (PDT) for local persistence, recurrent esophageal cancer after the chemoradiotherapy
橋本陽1,2, 引地拓人1, 渡辺晃1,2, 中村純1,2, 大平弘正2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 48-48, 2019.

Japanese Article S1-03. It is the current situation of the endoscopic treatment for the persistence recurrence case after the cancer of the esophagus chemoradiation treatment
小関健, 佐藤千晃, 内藤剛, 海野倫明, 亀井尚
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 48-48, 2019.

Japanese Article S1-04. From surgical treatment - debulking surgery for morbid adiposity, diabetes to metabolic surgery -
井本博文, 田中直樹, 亀井尚, 海野倫明, 内藤剛
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 48-48, 2019.

Japanese Article S1-05. Clinical course of the eCuraC-2 early gastric cancer of the additional gastrectomy non-enforcement
嶋田奉広, 山形拓, 大平哲也, 原田喜博, 伊藤啓
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article S1-06. Examination of the treatment result of stomach ESD in our hospital
宮崎武文1, 及川智之1, 岩井渉1, 野口哲也1,2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article S1-07. Treatment strategy of the ulcerative colitis by Treat-to-target strategy
櫻庭裕丈1, 平賀寛人2, 菊池英純1, 蓮井桂介1, 福田眞作1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article S1-08. Treatment result of the laparoscopic anal preservation surgery for low degree rectal cancer in our institution
井上宰1, 植田治昌1, 和田直文1, 植松智海1, 手島仁2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article S1-09. Examination of the usefulness of the pulley-type Dental Floss Clip method in large intestine ESD
池原久朝1,2, 鈴木翔1, 道免孝洋1, 後藤田卓志1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 50-50, 2019.

Japanese Article S2-01. Usefulness of the oral cholangioscope (SpyGlass(TM) DS) for the gallbladder ductal carcinoma
松澤尚徳, 佐藤亘, 後藤隆, 千葉充, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 52-52, 2019.

Japanese Article S2-02. Significance of the same day enforcement of EUS and ERCP in the obstructive jaundice that it was thought that it was caused by a bile duct stone and cholangitis
佐藤愛, 澁川悟朗, 中島勇貴, 吉田栄継, 牧匠
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 52-52, 2019.

Japanese Article S2-03. A preoperation stage diagnosis and treatment strategy of the pancreatic cancer with the examination peritoneoscope
高舘達之, 森川孝則, 元井冬彦, 海野倫明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 52-52, 2019.

Japanese Article S2-04. Is hard to be treated; comparison ... with the oral results - before type cholangioscope of the oral cholangioscope lower lithotripsy using SpyGlass DS for the bile duct stone
村林桃士, 小川貴央, 伊藤啓, 越田真介, 菅野良秀
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 52-52, 2019.

Japanese Article S2-05. Strategy for pancreatic cancer early diagnosis
廣田衛久, 目黒敬義, 高須充子, 佐藤賢一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 53-53, 2019.

Japanese Article S2-06. The administration situation and side effect measures of the Lenvatinib for the hepatocellular carcinoma in our hospital
南慎一郎, 佐藤亘, 後藤隆, 大嶋重敏, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 53-53, 2019.

Japanese Article PD1-01. Data about liver transplant in our hospital
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 56-56, 2019.

Japanese Article PD1-02. Hepatic ascites, treatment of the hepatic encephalopathy and the convalescence
星川恭子, 奥本和夫, 水野恵, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 56-56, 2019.

Japanese Article PD1-03. The medical treatment system and the prospects for acute hepatic failure and the severe alcoholic hepatitis
鈴木悠地, 柿坂啓介, 佐々木登希夫, 滝川康裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 56-56, 2019.

Japanese Article PD1-04. Adaptation expansion by the current situation of the ABO blood group mismatch liver transplant and the new protocol
戸子台和哲, 宮城重人, 後藤昌史, 海野倫明, 亀井尚
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 56-56, 2019.

Japanese Article PD1-05. The current situation and problem of the liver transplant in our country
丸橋繁, 木村隆, 見城明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 57-57, 2019.

Japanese Article PD2-01. Support necessary for a female young physician, medical student wishing to join the digestive organ department of internal medicine
田畑里子, 西瀬雄子, 名木野匡, 黒木実智雄, 平川秀紀
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 60-60, 2019.

Japanese Article PD2-02. Expect an uneasy thing as a woman doctor of the digestive organ physician
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 60-60, 2019.

Japanese Article PD2-03. Because we do not make carrier cut off
平賀典子1, 櫻庭美耶子1, 平賀寛人1,2, 福田眞作1,3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 60-60, 2019.

Japanese Article PD2-04. We think about the effect that the life event of the woman doctor gives for work
野口彩, 藤川奈々子, 橋本明彦, 吉田寛, 新谷史明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 60-60, 2019.

Japanese Article PD2-05. We think about a new specialty and the carrier formation of the young woman doctor
早野恵1, 小林めぐみ2, 二階春香2, 須藤隆之1, 佐々木章2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 61-61, 2019.

Japanese Article PD2-06. As a female surgeon of the child care generation
大島有希子, 島村弘宗, 手島伸
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 61-61, 2019.

Japanese Article W1-01. One case of the low K blood symptom which occurred to a person of alcohol excessive drinking-related rhabdomyolysis
舘田哲幸1,2, 吉田健太1,2, 小山隆男1,2, 佐藤裕紀1, 齋藤太郎1, 三上貴史1, 相馬悌1, 福田眞作2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 64-64, 2019.

Japanese Article W1-02. An example of chronic hepatitis C that HCV was reactivated by steroid administration, and presented with jaundice, but was able to be under the medical treatment by DAA
釜野大典1, 井上淳2, 嘉数英二1, 二宮匡史2, 中村琢也2, 高井智2, 岩田朋晃2, 佐野晃俊2, 正宗淳2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 64-64, 2019.

Japanese Article W1-03. An example of the liver origin epithelioid hemangioendothelioma which regressed after the cancellation of the methotrexate
橋本舞1, 黒田聖仁2, 藁谷雄一2, 児玉健太2, 菅野有紀子2, 寺島久美子2, 宮田昌之2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 64-64, 2019.

Japanese Article W1-04. One case of Genotype and serotype or chronic hepatitis C that became estranged
野上健, 阿蘇里佳, 須田健生, 土田秀元, 中村秀平, 齋藤吉彦, 渋谷りか, 作田和裕, 菅原俊樹, 吉田尚美, 折居智彦, 青本政則, 鈴木義広
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 64-64, 2019.

Japanese Article W1-05. One case of the cholinergic crisis with distigmine bromide which occurred all over the course of the acute cholecystitis
平野直大1, 佐藤将大1, 柏木良介1, 谷口肇1, 小村俊博1, 荒木孝明1, 小野文徳1, 三浦雅人2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 65-65, 2019.

Japanese Article W1-06. Example that controlled a condition by the division of DEB-TACE for the multiple huge hepatocellular carcinomas which exploded
生形晃男, 木村修, 大方英樹, 平本圭一郎, 阿曽沼祥, 梅村賢, 佐藤晃彦, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 65-65, 2019.

Japanese Article W1-07. Porphyrias that were able to confirm an image of liver pathology
大坂龍也1, 城戸治1, 高橋隆宏1, 本多俊介1, 白木健悠1, 渡邊崇1, 伏谷淳1, 赤坂威一郎2, 池端敦1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 65-65, 2019.

Japanese Article W1-08. An example of the familial mediterranean fever that was diagnosed with repeated fever, abdominal pain attack, and was able to confirm an MEFV mutation in the gene
片山智文1, 遠藤克哉1, 岡本大祐2, 角田洋一2, 津守孝彦1, 佐藤格1, 佐藤倫紀1, 福士大介1, 小岩井明信1, 支倉翔太郎1, 二瓶憲1, 支倉さやか1, 近藤史帆1, 小暮高之1, 高須充子1, 廣田衛久1, 目黒敬義1, 佐藤賢一1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 65-65, 2019.

Japanese Article W1-09. Examination of the colon cancer perforation case
山田愛里, 荒木孝明, 小村俊博, 谷口肇, 柏木良介, 佐藤将大, 小野文徳
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 66-66, 2019.

Japanese Article W1-10. An example of the colitis that occurred after the ipilimumab and the nivolumab combination
今成慧祐1, 梁井俊一1, 山田峻1, 平井みなみ1, 郷内貴弘1, 漆久保順1, 朝倉謙輔1, 鳥谷洋右1, 佐藤邦彦1, 川崎啓祐1, 中村昌太郎1, 石田和之2, 大西正純3, 天野博雄3, 菅井有2, 松本主之1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 66-66, 2019.

Japanese Article W2-01. One case that was transgastrostomic, and underwent PDT for metachronous recurrent esophageal cancer which occurred in the distal scar narrow segment after dCRT
安藤涼平, 櫻井直, 小関健, 氏家直人, 今野卓朗, 岡本宏史, 高屋快, 佐藤千晃, 日景充, 谷山裕亮, 内藤剛, 海野倫明, 亀井尚
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 68-68, 2019.

Japanese Article W2-02. One case of the intestinal tract Behcet's disease resemblance enterocolitis merger myelodysplastic syndrome that obtained mucous membrane healing by Azacitidine
田中奈保子1, 櫻庭裕丈1, 平賀寛人1, 間山恒1, 菊池英純1, 明本由衣1, 村井康久1, 前田高人1, 渡邉里奈1, 鎌田耕輔1, 蓮井桂介1, 山口公平2, 澤谷学1, 珍田大輔1, 三上達也1, 山形和史1, 石黒陽2, 田中正則3, 福田眞作1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 68-68, 2019.

Japanese Article W2-03. An example of the Listeria monocytogenes bacteremia complicated with enterocolitis by immune-mediated adverse event (irAE)
浅利享1, 菊池英純1, 三上達也2, 立田哲也1, 平賀寛人1, 澤谷学1, 珍田大輔1, 櫻庭裕丈1, 明本由衣3, 福田眞作1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 68-68, 2019.

Japanese Article W2-04. One case of the intestinal tract spirochetal disease that a diagnosis was obtained in large intestine step biopsy for chronic diarrhea
柿崎文郎3, 坂本十一1, 対馬紘子1, 前田高人3, 秋元直樹3, 五十嵐崇徳3, 山口佐都子3, 東野博1, 諸橋聡子2, 田中正則2, 福田眞作3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 68-68, 2019.

Japanese Article W2-05. Three cases of the occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery that was able to evade intestinal tract excision by conservative treatment in large quantities
東本郁, 原康之, 臼田昌広, 鈴木温, 村上和重, 成田知宏, 手島仁, 神谷蔵人, 清水健司
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 69-69, 2019.

Japanese Article W2-06. Examination about liver fibrosis and the carcinogenesis of the oral antivirus treated hepatitis C case
星健太郎1,2, 沼尾宏1, 須藤信哉1,2, 荒木康光1,2, 島谷孝司1,2, 花畑憲洋1, 金澤浩介1, 棟方正樹1, 福田眞作2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 69-69, 2019.

Japanese Article W2-07. Two cases of the invasive liver abscess syndrome by Klebsiella pneumoniae
齋藤方志, 赤羽武弘, 藤坂泰之, 前嶋隆平, 山本康央, 海野純, 富永現
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 69-69, 2019.

Japanese Article W2-08. Examination of the Lenvatinib treatment case for the unresectable progress hepatocellular carcinoma in our hospital
須藤信哉1,2, 沼尾宏1, 星健太郎1,2, 荒木康光1,2, 島谷孝司1,2, 花畑憲洋1, 金澤浩介1, 棟方正樹1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 69-69, 2019.

Japanese Article W2-09. 1 autopsy case of the Refeeding syndrome which died of the sudden course
鶴岡未央, 沖口将夫, 堀井享, 小野地研吾, 三浦雅人
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 70-70, 2019.

Japanese Article W2-10. An example of the bile duct origin neuroendocrine tumor
鈴木裕也, 赤松学, 白幡名香雄, 渡部貴大, 中村瞳, 川越圭, 伊藤美保, 藤嶋昌一郎, 鈴木克典, 武田弘明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 70-70, 2019.

Japanese Article O-01. One case of the gastric cancer which chemotherapy succeeded, and presented the respiratory failure that became available for home discharge
和田淳1, 渡辺晃2,3, 引地拓人2, 中村純2,3, 橋本陽2,3, 佐藤雄紀3, 高住美香3, 舟窪彰3, 小嶋祐紀3, 高木忠之3, 鈴木玲3, 杉本充3, 紺野直紀3, 入江大樹3, 小原勝敏4, 大平弘正3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 72-72, 2019.

Japanese Article O-02. One case of the rapidly increased stomach GIST
池田彩乃, 大島康嘉, 松本信, 佐藤俊, 木暮敦子, 坂充, 近藤祐一郎
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 72-72, 2019.

Japanese Article O-03. One case that caused stomach duodenum accumulation by body of stomach 0-I type gastric cancer
古手川輝騎, 福富俊明, 邑並祐人, 原田哲嗣, 梶原大輝, 宮地智洋, 芹澤玄, 佐藤明史, 深瀬耕二, 中西史, 大原勝人, 市川宏文
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 72-72, 2019.

Japanese Article O-04. One case of the early gastric cancer which caused local and regional lymph node metastases recurrence after the curative resection
五十嵐公洋, 齋藤宏章, 冨樫純一, 友兼正太郎, 伊藤聡司, 荒川典之, 海野修平, 井上薪, 田中一平, 名和田義高, 阿部洋子, 鈴木憲次郎, 奥薗徹, 前田有紀, 平澤大, 中堀昌人, 松田友己, 長南明道
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 72-72, 2019.

Japanese Article O-05. Clinicopathologic examination of fetal gastrointestinal similar cancer
荒川典之, 平澤大, 中堀昌人, 松田知己, 奥薗徹, 前田有紀, 鈴木憲次郎, 阿部洋子, 五十嵐公洋, 名和田義高, 田中一平, 海野修平, 井上薪, 伊藤聡司, 友兼正太郎, 富樫純一, 斉藤宏章, 長南明道
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 73-73, 2019.

Japanese Article O-06. Example that produced the small intestine ileus by diospyrobezoar
倉田理華1, 有賀啓之2, 熊倉有里2, 鹿志村純也2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 73-73, 2019.

Japanese Article O-07. H. in our hospital The current situation of the pylori sanitization therapy
岩井渉1, 及川智之1, 宮崎武文1, 菅井隆広1, 涌井祐太1, 相澤宏樹1, 虻江誠1, 内海潔1, 鈴木眞一1, 野口哲也2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 73-73, 2019.

Japanese Article O-08. An example of the spontaneous closed liver gastric fistula hole
福田翔, 小泉重仁, 菅原佳恵, 鈴木優響, 渡部昇, 畠山夏美, 大場麗奈, 松橋保, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 73-73, 2019.

Japanese Article O-09. One case of the gastric ulcer that presented hypercalcemia, disturbance of consciousness, renal failure by the methylmethionine sulfonium chloride large quantity remedy
佐々木滉, 荒誠之, 草野啓介, 杉村美華子, 岩渕正広, 真野浩, 鵜飼克明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 74-74, 2019.

Japanese Article O-10. One case of duodenal Vater's papilla squamous cell carcinoma
吉田栄継, 渋川悟朗, 佐藤愛, 中島勇貴, 牧匠, 山元勝悟, 池田恒彦, 山部茜子
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 74-74, 2019.

Japanese Article O-11. The Von Reclinghausen illness that was diagnosed with a duodenal GIST
佐藤裕貴, 畠山夏美, 福田翔, 菅原佳恵, 鈴木優響, 渡部昇, 小泉重仁, 大場麗奈, 松橋保, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 74-74, 2019.

Japanese Article O-12. One case of Mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine neoplasm (MINEN)
猿田陽平, 藤井公生, 大高日本, 星野孝男, 津田栄彦, 小林芳生, 渋谷健吾, 小板橋祐也, 宮部賢, 沢口碩基, 渡部博之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 74-74, 2019.

Japanese Article O-13. Example that urgently performed endoscopic drainage technique for the spontaneous infectious pancreatic pseudocyst which exploded, and treated IVR because we caused a cyst internal hemorrhage subsequently
大山秀晃, 境吉孝, 高橋早友未, 佐藤伊佐雄, 佐藤公子, 平塚敬士, 尾形洋平, 矢野恒太, 鈴木範明, 野村栄樹, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 菊地達也
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 75-75, 2019.

Japanese Article O-14. One patient who underwent celiac artery merger residual pancreas excision for pancreas Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm which caused a recurrence 14 years after primary operation
千葉和治1, 畠達夫1, 元井冬彦1, 水間正道1, 伊関雅裕1, 高舘達之1, 有明恭平1, 川口桂1, 益田邦洋1, 石田晶玄1, 大塚英郎1, 森川孝則1, 中川圭1, 林洋毅1, 亀井尚1, 内藤剛1, 籔内伸一3, 大森優子2, 古川徹2, 海野倫明1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 75-75, 2019.

Japanese Article O-15. One case that the development of pancreas in situ cancer was suspected during maintenance therapy of the autoimmune pancreatitis, and underwent a body of pancreas tailpiece resection
松本諒太郎1, 菅野敦1, 田中裕1, 鍋島立秀1, 本郷星仁1, 滝川哲也1, 三浦晋1, 濱田晋1, 粂潔1, 菊田和宏1, 石田晶玄2, 元井冬彦2, 海野倫明2, 藤島史喜3, 大森優子4, 古川徹4, 正宗淳1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 75-75, 2019.

Japanese Article O-16. Examination about the long term prognosis of the type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis
與那嶺圭輔, 越田真介, 伊藤啓, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 枡かおり, 楠瀬寛顕, 酒井利隆, 川上裕次郎, 藤井佑樹, 宮本和明, 村林桃士, 小堺史郷, 野田裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 75-75, 2019.

Japanese Article O-17. One autoimmune pancreatitis in acknowledgment of a cyst-formed change two bunches-related to pancreatic duct
今村秀道1, 橋本健明1, 間浩正1, 柳田拓実1, 猪狩剛1, 齋藤賢将2, 落合高徳2, 山崎繁2, 迎慎二1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 76-76, 2019.

Japanese Article O-18. One case of the pancreas anaplastic carcinoma which was pointed out in examination US, and led to excision
佐藤瞭1, 白幡名香雄1, 伊藤美保1, 赤松学1, 後藤裕樹1, 渡部貴大1, 中村瞳1, 鈴木裕也1, 川越圭1, 藤嶋昌一郎1, 鈴木克典1, 武田弘明1, 櫻井直樹2, 飯澤肇2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 76-76, 2019.

Japanese Article O-19. Clinicopathologic characteristic of the IPMN coexistence pancreatic cancer
川上裕次郎1, 越田真介1, 菅野良秀1, 小川貴央1, 楠瀬寛顕1, 枡かおり1, 酒井利隆1, 與那嶺圭輔1, 藤井佑樹1, 宮本和明1, 村林桃士1, 小堺史郷1, 岡田恭穂2, 及川昌也2, 野田裕1,3, 澤井高志3, 伊藤啓1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 76-76, 2019.

Japanese Article O-20. One patient who underwent total pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer with the malrotation of intestine
月田茂之, 小船戸康英, 鈴志野聖子, 武藤亮, 渡邊淳一郎, 佐藤直哉, 石亀輝英, 岡田良, 木村隆, 見城明, 志村龍男, 丸橋繁
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 76-76, 2019.

Japanese Article O-21. Examination of the clinical picture according to the benign, malignancy in the pancreas mucinous cyst tumor excision case
宮本和明1, 越田真介1, 菅野良秀1, 小川貴央1, 楠瀬寛顕1, 枡かおり1, 酒井利隆1, 与那嶺圭輔1, 川上裕次郎1, 藤井佑樹1, 村林桃士1, 小堺史郷1, 及川昌也2, 澤井高志3, 野田裕1, 伊藤啓1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 77-77, 2019.

Japanese Article O-22. Examination of the metastatic pancreatic carcinoma 4 case
小船戸康英, 町野翔, 月田茂之, 鈴志野聖子, 武藤亮, 佐藤直哉, 石亀輝英, 岡田良, 木村隆, 見城明, 志村龍男, 丸橋繁
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 77-77, 2019.

Japanese Article O-23. Diagnosis ability about the pancreatic cancer presence of localized pancreatic duct stenosis
菅野良秀1, 越田真介1, 小川貴央1, 楠瀬寛顕1, 枡かおり1, 酒井利隆1, 與那嶺圭輔1, 川上裕次郎1, 藤井佑樹1, 宮本和明1, 村林桃士1, 小堺史郷1, 洞口淳1,2, 野田裕1, 伊藤啓1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 77-77, 2019.

Japanese Article O-24. A pictorial characteristic in stage0 and the IA pancreatic cancer and malignant diagnosis ability of the preoperation cytodiagnosis
酒井利隆, 越田真介, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 枡かおり, 川上裕次郎, 藤井佑樹, 宮本和明, 村林桃士, 小堺史郷, 野田裕, 伊藤啓
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 77-77, 2019.

Japanese Article O-25. An example of the IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis that we investigated it thoroughly with hepatic encephalopathy and diagnosed
足立真穂1, 有賀啓之2, 熊倉有里2, 鹿志村純也2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 78-78, 2019.

Japanese Article O-26. One case of the xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis that blood CA 19-9 was remarkable, and was high level
速水史郎1,2, 一戸大地3, 對馬清人1,2, 岡本豊1, 葛西雅治1, 鬼島宏4, 福田眞作2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 78-78, 2019.

Japanese Article O-27. Surgery experience for patients with cholecystolithiasis of the hypofibrinogenemia suspicion
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 78-78, 2019.

Japanese Article O-28. Incidence of pancreas biliary tract origin MiNEN and clinicopathologic characteristic
藤井佑樹1, 越田真介1, 菅野良秀1, 小川貴央1, 楠瀬寛顕1, 枡かおり1, 酒井利隆1, 與那嶺圭輔1, 川上裕次郎1, 宮本和明1, 村林桃士1, 小堺史郷1, 野田裕2, 伊藤啓2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 78-78, 2019.

Japanese Article O-29. It is one patient of the bile duct neuroma of amputation stump after the liver knob
井上薪, 奥薗徹, 斎藤宏章, 冨樫純一, 友兼正太郎, 伊藤聡司, 荒川典之, 海野修平, 田中一平, 名和田義高, 五十嵐公洋, 阿部洋子, 鈴木憲次郎, 前田有紀, 平澤大, 松田知己, 中堀昌人, 長南明道
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 79-79, 2019.

Japanese Article O-30. Endoscopic approach for duodenal Vater's papilla tumor
枡かおり, 越田真介, 菅野良秀, 小川貴央, 楠瀬寛顕, 酒井利隆, 與那嶺圭輔, 川上裕次郎, 藤井佑樹, 宮本和明, 村林桃士, 小堺史郷, 野田裕, 伊藤啓
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 79-79, 2019.

Japanese Article O-31. One patient who underwent cholecystectomy for metastasis to renal cell carcinoma gallbladder
武藤亮, 小船戸康英, 月田茂之, 鈴志野聖子, 佐藤直哉, 石亀輝英, 岡田良, 木村隆, 見城明, 志村龍男, 丸橋繁
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 79-79, 2019.

Japanese Article O-32. One case of the idiopathic portal hypertension that led to a diagnosis with stomach barium examination
鈴木郁也, 奥本和夫, 仁科武人, 水野恵, 星川恭子, 芳賀弘明, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 79-79, 2019.

Japanese Article O-33. Example that elective BRTO was effective for gastric varices of unknown bleeding point
無量井章, 田邊暢一, 荒誠之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 80-80, 2019.

Japanese Article O-34. An example of the extrahepatic part portal vein atresia in pursuit of the portal recessive course
小橋亮一郎1, 高橋裕太1, 佐久間千陽1, 今泉博道2, 國分政樹2, 吉田直衛2, 熊川宏美1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 80-80, 2019.

Japanese Article O-35. Two patients who performed TACE in a metastatic liver carcinoma
涌井祐太, 菅井隆弘, 宮崎武文, 岩井渉, 相澤宏樹, 及川智之, 虻江誠, 内海潔, 鈴木眞一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 80-80, 2019.

Japanese Article O-36. An example of the huge hepatocellular carcinoma which DEB-TACE+HAIC succeeded, and became available for radical excision
永江真也, 福田遼, 近藤泰輝
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 80-80, 2019.

Japanese Article O-37. Two cases of the hepatocellular carcinoma with the spontaneous involution
伊藤知宏, 木村修, 大方英樹, 平本圭一郎, 阿曽沼祥, 梅村賢, 佐藤晃彦, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 81-81, 2019.

Japanese Article O-38. The micronipple type bladder cancer which caused obstructive jaundice
水沼萌1, 城戸治1, 高橋隆宏1, 本多俊介1, 伏谷淳1, 渡邊崇1, 赤坂威一郎2, 池端敦1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 81-81, 2019.

Japanese Article O-39. An example of multiple metastases to bone recurrence of the hepatocellular carcinoma that long-term survival is obtained while preserving PS by combined modality therapy in connection with other clinical departments
小野寺美緒1, 小田島歓1, 天野朋彦1, 外舘祐介1, 岡野継彦1, 松下晴雄2, 神宮啓一2, 鳥羽有3, 久多良徳彦1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 81-81, 2019.

Japanese Article O-40. Use results of Lenvatinib for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma in our department
岩田朋晃, 井上淳, 嘉数英二, 二宮匡史, 高井智, 中村拓也, 佐野晃俊, 正宗淳
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 81-81, 2019.

Japanese Article O-41. One case of follicular cholangitis given a hepatic left lobe resection by a diagnosis in preoperation of the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma
津田聡子1, 新保知規2, 提嶋眞人3, 小原優1, 渡邊健太1, 大野秀雄1, 石井元1, 辻剛俊1, 中根邦夫1, 千葉満郎1, 小松眞史1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 82-82, 2019.

Japanese Article O-42. One case that TS-1+GEM+CDDP liver arterial infusion chemotherapy was effective for intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma
金沢条, 小岡洋平, 菅井恭平, 秋山剛広, 春日井聡
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 82-82, 2019.

Japanese Article O-43. One case of the visceral larva migrans that racked its brains about differentiation with the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma
関野晃子, 木村憲冶, 真野浩, 吉田直樹, 閑田陽子, 無量井章, 遠藤裕哉, 鵜飼克明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 82-82, 2019.

Japanese Article O-44. One case of the invasive liver abscess syndrome by hyperviscosity-related Klebsiella pneumoniae
陣内雪奈1, 鈴木悠地1, 山田友紀2, 柿坂啓介1, 滝川康裕1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 82-82, 2019.

Japanese Article O-45. Two cases of the invasive liver abscess syndrome that complicated meningitis, ventriculitis, and suffered from treatment
川口章吾1,2, 鷲田啓資1, 矢口慎也1, 伊藤勝博1, 福田眞作2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 83-83, 2019.

Japanese Article O-46. One case of the hepatitis E that viremia was protracted
土田元秀1, 鈴木義広1, 野上健1, 須田健生1, 中村秀平1, 渋谷りか1, 斎藤吉彦1, 作田和裕1, 阿蘓里佳1, 菅原俊樹1, 吉田尚美1, 折居智彦1, 青木政則1, 今泉和臣2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 83-83, 2019.

Japanese Article O-47. Examination of safety, the side effect in the DAAs treatment for chronic hepatitis C
諸沢樹1,2, 佐藤麻理1,2, 真崎拓也2, 大森崇博2, 船山広幸2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 83-83, 2019.

Japanese Article O-48. The current situation of the acute hepatic failure due to the autoimmune hepatitis in our hospital
藤田将史, 林学, 岡井研, 阿部和道, 高橋敦史, 大平弘正
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 83-83, 2019.

Japanese Article O-49. Inspection of the protection effect due to the mesenchyma system stem cell on cardiac arrest donor liver graft
笹嶋秀憲1, 宮城重人1, 柿崎裕太1, 亀井尚1, 海野倫明1, 後藤昌史2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 84-84, 2019.

Japanese Article O-50. About importance of experience - desensitization of the ABO blood group mismatch live donor liver transplant case of antidonor blood type antibody titers 4,096 times -
齋藤純健1, 宮城重人1, 戸子台和哲1, 中西渉1, 西村隆一1, 佐々木健吾1, 福岡健吾1, 柿崎裕太1, 後藤昌史1,2, 亀井尚1, 海野倫明1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 84-84, 2019.

Japanese Article O-51. One patient whom disturbance of consciousness due to the hyperammonemia developed in during FP therapy for the cancer of the esophagus
齋藤数正, 丸山祥太, 藤田博陽, 今村優紀, 柿崎裕太, 吉田諭, 中山義人, 阿佐美健吾, 平間公昭, 佐藤智行, 原田ジェームス統, 清原博史, 水野豊
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 84-84, 2019.

Japanese Article O-52. One case of esophagus NEC where CDDP+VP-16 was effective
山元勝悟, 澁川悟朗, 佐藤愛, 中島勇貴, 吉田栄継, 牧匠, 山部茜子, 池田恒彦
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 84-84, 2019.

Japanese Article O-53. One case of the acidophilic esophagus myositis to repeat the seasonal variation of the symptom
外田修裕1, 宇野要1, 齊藤真弘1, 金笑奕1, 八田和久1, 淺沼清孝1, 浅野直喜1, 小池智幸1, 今谷晃1, 庄司知隆2, 佐藤千晃3, 亀井尚3, 正宗淳1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 85-85, 2019.

Japanese Article O-54. One patient who underwent POEM for Heller-Dor postoperative achalasia symptom survival chest pain
佐藤千晃, 櫻井直, 谷山裕亮, 日景允, 高屋快, 岡本宏史, 今野卓朗, 氏家直人, 小関健, 安藤涼平, 内藤剛, 海野倫明, 亀井尚
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 85-85, 2019.

Japanese Article O-55. Examination of four esophagus granular cell myoblastoma which we resected in ESD
今野裕司, 小池良樹, 大平哲也, 原田喜博, 山形拓, 田中恵, 嶋田奉広, 岡野春香, 清水孟, 鈴木祥平, 野田裕, 伊藤啓
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 85-85, 2019.

Japanese Article O-56. Examination about the expression of p53, Ki67, CK5/6, p63 change in the background mucous membrane of the Barrett cancer of the esophagus
郷右近祐介1, 藤島史喜2, 谷山裕亮1, 櫻井直1, 日景允1, 佐藤千晃1, 高屋快1, 今野卓郎1, 氏家直人1, 亀井尚1, 笹野公伸2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 85-85, 2019.

Japanese Article O-57. Examination about the NDRG1 expression in the squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus after the Neoadjuvant chemotherapy enforcement
植木俊輔1,2, 藤島史喜2, 谷山裕亮1, 櫻井直1, 日影允1, 佐藤千晃1, 高屋快1, 岡本宏史1, 今野卓郎1, 氏家直人1, 亀井尚1, 笹野公伸1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 86-86, 2019.

Japanese Article O-58. Examination of five thoracoscopic esophagectomy to the maintenance patients on dialysis who were able to be operated on in one stage
今野卓朗, 谷山裕亮, 櫻井直, 日景允, 佐藤千晃, 高屋快, 岡本宏史, 氏家直人, 内藤剛, 海野倫明, 亀井尚
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 86-86, 2019.

Japanese Article O-59. Esophagectomy for patients with elderly people cancer of the esophagus 80 years or older
氏家直人, 谷山裕亮, 櫻井直, 日景允, 佐藤千晃, 高屋快, 岡本宏史, 今野卓朗, 亀井尚
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 86-86, 2019.

Japanese Article O-60. A setup and results of the thoracoscopic cancer of the esophagus surgery in the northeastern Medical and Pharmaceutical University
中野徹, 武山大輔, 木村俊一, 佐瀬友彦, 澤田健太郎, 安本明浩, 高見一弘, 長尾宗紀, 山本久仁治, 小川仁, 片寄友, 柴田近
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 86-86, 2019.

Japanese Article O-61. One case of the stenosis type ischemia-related enteritis
吉田知則, 木暮敦子, 松本信, 佐藤俊, 大島康嘉, 坂充, 近藤祐一郎
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 87-87, 2019.

Japanese Article O-62. One case of the small intestine hemangioma which it was diagnosed with the endoscope which took effect repeatedly, and surgery resected
清水孟1, 原田喜博1, 大平哲也1, 小池良樹1, 山形拓1, 田中恵1, 嶋田奉広1, 岡野春香1, 鈴木祥平1, 野田裕1,2, 澤井高志2, 伊藤啓1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 87-87, 2019.

Japanese Article O-63. One case of the stenosis type ischemia-related enteritis that needed surgical resection
橋本壮平, 伊藤想一, 三浦佑一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 87-87, 2019.

Japanese Article O-64. An example of the small intestine origin mantle cell lymphoma which was able to observe all small intestine
山田峻1, 川崎啓祐1, 下山格2, 藤田泰子3, 中村昌太郎1, 菅井有3, 松本主之1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 87-87, 2019.

Japanese Article O-65. One case of the small intestine origin malignant lymphoma which occurred in invagination of intestine
矢野恒太1, 野村栄樹1, 高橋早友未1, 佐藤公子1, 佐藤伊佐雄1, 平塚敬士1, 大山秀晃1, 尾形洋平1, 鈴木範明1, 長崎太1, 川村昌司1, 境吉孝1, 菊地達也1, 菊池寛2, 渋谷里絵3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 88-88, 2019.

Japanese Article O-66. 1 excision case of the adult mesentery lymphangioma which resulted in acute abdomen
安山陽信, 成島陽一, 高橋賢一, 赤田昌紀, 西條文人, 松村直樹, 羽根田祥, 武藤満完, 野村良平, 佐藤馨, 徳村弘実
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 88-88, 2019.

Japanese Article O-67. One case of the ileal diverticulitis that we operated for by a diagnosis of the ascending colon diverticulitis
野川亮介, 新妻展近, 鈴木健介, 柏舘俊明, 萩原資久, 陳正浩, 橋爪英二
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 88-88, 2019.

Japanese Article O-68. Two patients who they were thought to present with the small intestine bleeding by acquired von Willebrand syndrome, and underwent endoscopic hemostasis technique
鈴木郁, 諸井林太郎, 阿部出, 半田智之, 菱沼佳純, 枡悠太郎, 泉山泰宏, 市川遼, 岡本大祐, 中野健, 永井博, 小野寺基之, 黒羽正剛, 金澤義丈, 志賀永嗣, 角田洋一, 木内喜孝, 正宗淳
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 88-88, 2019.

Japanese Article O-69. One case of the castleman's disease which reached a diagnosis, the medical treatment from gastrointestinal amyloidosis
高畑陽介, 松橋暢生, 市井統, 田井真弓, 鈴木智浩, 江尻豊
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 89-89, 2019.

Japanese Article O-70. An example of the peritoneum origin malignant mesothelioma detected with a stenosis of the terminal ileum
平塚敬士1, 野村栄樹1, 高橋早友未1, 佐藤公子1, 佐藤伊佐雄1, 大山秀晃1, 尾形洋平1, 矢野恒太1, 鈴木範明1, 長崎太1, 川村昌司1, 境吉孝1, 菊地達也1, 米田海2, 渋谷里絵3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 89-89, 2019.

Japanese Article O-71. One case of the ulcerative colitis that suffered from treatment in various medical therapy intolerance
久岡巧麻, 下田楓美子, 平本圭一郎, 梅村賢, 下瀬川徹
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 89-89, 2019.

Japanese Article O-72. One case of ulcerative colitis merger type 2 AIP which accepted the improvement of the image of pancreatitis by adalimumab administration
安田耕平1,2, 石黒陽1, 八木橋法登3, 澤田直也2, 遠藤哲2, 櫻庭裕丈2, 福田眞作2, 田中正則4, 鬼島宏5
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 89-89, 2019.

Japanese Article O-73. An example of the ulcerative colitis that we aggravated with the pregnancy
石崎優斗1, 郡司直彦1, 片倉響子1, 藤原達雄1, 舟窪彰1, 引地拓人2, 大平弘正1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 90-90, 2019.

Japanese Article O-74. One case of the sigmoid vesical fistula which intervened in an abscess cavity
宮澤輝子1, 大友泰裕1, 田母神宏之1, 齋藤理恵1, 佐々木公美子1, 木皿典宏1, 木村信明1, 原右1, 朝倉徹1, 稲葉康雄2, 四条正浩3, 遠藤公人3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 90-90, 2019.

Japanese Article O-75. 1 myotonic dystrophic case that was diagnosed with intestinal pseudo-obstruction
猪狩剛, 橋本健明, 柳田拓実, 間浩正, 今村秀道, 迎愼二
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 90-90, 2019.

Japanese Article O-76. Two cases that the insertion of the transanal ileus pipe was effective for anastomotic stricture after the operation of the transverse colon
伊藤想一, 橋本壮平, 三浦佑一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 90-90, 2019.

Japanese Article O-77. One case of the mesentery panniculitis relieved in steroid
舟窪彰, 藤原達雄, 片倉響子, 郡司直彦, 大平弘正
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 91-91, 2019.

Japanese Article O-78. It is an example who had the pulmonary disease during Crohn disease treatment
柳田拓実, 猪狩剛, 間浩正, 橋本健明, 今村秀道, 迎愼二
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 91-91, 2019.

Japanese Article O-79. Examination of the long-term remission maintenance difficulty case by 5ASA
佐竹美和1,2, 中川悟1,2, 速水史郎1,2, 佐竹立1,2, 對馬清人1,2, 岡本豊1, 葛西雅治1, 福田眞作2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 91-91, 2019.

Japanese Article O-80. A case in which Fidaxomicin was effective for Clostridium difficile infection resistant to Metronidazole and Vancomycin treatment
小原範之1, 遠藤博之1, 小助川英之2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 91-91, 2019.

Japanese Article O-81. In large quantities ascitic one case that racked its brains about a diagnosis
浅倉由香1, 澁川悟朗1, 佐藤愛1, 中島勇貴1, 吉田吉継1, 牧匠1, 山元勝悟1, 遠藤俊吾2, 五十畑則之2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 92-92, 2019.

Japanese Article O-82. One case of the mesenterial vein sclerosis thought about according to the Chinese medicine
愛澤正人, 根本大樹, 歌野健一, 根本鉄太郎, 五十畑則之, 遠藤俊吾, 冨樫一智
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 92-92, 2019.

Japanese Article O-83. An example of the acute appendicitis who had the hydronephrosis
伊藤浩平, 鴻巣正史, 畑中智貴, 川岸涼子, 武田大樹, 大渕徹, 米澤仁志, 舩渡治, 小林慎, 高金明典
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 92-92, 2019.

Japanese Article O-84. One case of the endometriosis of intestine that occurred for ileus
菊池公二1, 吉村徹郎1, 町田龍馬1,2, 相澤弘1, 和田豊人1, 福田眞作2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 92-92, 2019.

Japanese Article O-85. One case of rectal MALT lymphoma that resolved by tacrolimus cancellation
東海林正邦1, 矢尾板孝夫1,2, 佐々木悠1, 小野里祐介1, 今孝志1, 水本尚子1, 八木周1, 阿部靖彦1,2, 上野義之1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 93-93, 2019.

Japanese Article O-86. One case of the large intestine fish bone which was able to be treated with the endoscopic removal conservatively
草野啓介, 荒誠之, 杉村美華子, 岩渕正広, 真野浩, 鵜飼克明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 93-93, 2019.

Japanese Article O-87. Clinicopathologic characteristic of the large intestine invasive cancer which we examined according to discovery motives
木村聖路1, 西谷大輔1, 濱館貴徳1, 樋口博之1,3, 五十嵐剛1,3, 田中正則2, 福田眞作3
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 93-93, 2019.

Japanese Article O-88. One case of the disseminated bone marrow carcinosis due to rectal cancer
吉田健太1,2, 舘田哲幸1,2, 小山隆男1,2, 佐藤裕紀1, 齋藤太郎1, 三上貴史1, 相馬悌1, 高畑武功3, 福田眞作2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 93-93, 2019.

Japanese Article O-89. One case of unknown primary cancer which needed the 22nd-year recurrence and differentiation after the ovarian border malignant form tumor technique, and presented with an image of intestinal stenosis
石田喬之, 横山直信, 本田純也, 横沢聡, 菅野記豊
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 94-94, 2019.

Japanese Article O-90. Head invasion and two patients of large intestine SM cancer diagnosed pathologically who presented with metastases to lung
佐藤圭佑1, 大沼忍1, 唐澤秀明1, 鈴木秀幸1, 神山篤史1, 渡辺和宏1, 井本博文1, 山村明寛1, 青木豪1, 田中直樹1, 武者宏昭1, 佐藤聡子2, 元井冬彦1, 亀井尚1, 内藤剛1, 海野倫明1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (206): 94-94, 2019.