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The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 210 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the 210th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology northeast Branch regular meeting holding
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 3-3, 2021.

Japanese Article W1-01. An example of pancreatic steatosis which caused intractable diarrhea from a pancreas exocrine function drop
上田健太, 菅野有紀子, 木村友哉, 佐久間千陽, 浅間宏之, 児玉健太, 黒田聖仁
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 30-30, 2021.

Japanese Article W1-02. Progress gastric cancer detected taking the opportunity of metastasis to palatine tonsil, an example of multiple lymph node metastases
大久保亮, 小野地研吾, 堀井享, 沖口将夫, 三浦雅人
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 30-30, 2021.

Japanese Article W1-03. One case of the ischemic enteritis that occurred by diarrhea, vomiting
浅野奈緒美, 根本大樹, 愛澤正人, 歌野健一, 冨樫一智
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 31-31, 2021.

Japanese Article W1-04. One patient whom pancreatic cancer developed in during long-term follow-up after Groove pancreatitis treatment
永田大和, 松田暁子, 牧野直彦, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 31-31, 2021.

Japanese Article W1-05. One patient who presented with a liver damage by immune-mediated adverse event (irAE) six months after Pembrolizumab administration
正谷一石1, 間浩正1, 佐藤賢太郎1, 綿引優1, 橋本健明1, 今村秀道1, 石井航太2, 小田島肇3, 迎慎二1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 32-32, 2021.

Japanese Article W1-06. One case of the steroid-resistant ulcerative colitis that induction of remission was obtained by tofacitinib
岩渕愛奈1, 名木野匡2, 藤嶋昌一郎2, 白幡名香雄2, 武田弘明2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 32-32, 2021.

Japanese Article W1-07. One case of the acute dilatation of stomach that occurred after the Cryo ablation for the paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
小松弘香, 野村栄樹, 渡辺ゆみ子, 平塚早貴, 鈴木直生, 佐藤公子, 佐藤伊佐雄, 平塚敬士, 鈴木範明, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 菊地達也
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 33-33, 2021.

Japanese Article W1-08. All de-case of liver reactive lymphoid hyperplasia where had difficulty in differentiation with the hepatocellular carcinoma
菅原麻莉1, 今村秀道1, 橋本健明1, 間浩正1, 綿引優1, 佐藤賢太郎1, 赤繁徹2, 山崎繁2, 迎慎二1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 33-33, 2021.

Japanese Article W1-09. One case that barium filling therapy was effective for the diverticula of colon bleeding that Ramucirumab administration became the precipitants
野宮洋樹1,2, 吉田健太1,2, 小山隆男1,2, 工藤沙映1,2, 佐藤裕紀1, 齋藤太郎1, 三上貴史1, 相馬悌1, 福田眞作1,2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 34-34, 2021.

Japanese Article W1-10. Two cases of the stomach cellulitis that pancreatic disease seemed to be associated with
伊藤知輝, 星野孝男, 小板橋祐也, 藤井公生, 津田栄彦, 小林芳生, 高木康彦, 田村知大, 渋谷健吾, 小林直大, 渡部博之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 34-34, 2021.

Japanese Article W1-11. One case of the adult malrotation with the right paraduodenal hernia that suffered from a diagnosis
大平怜1, 菅野有紀子1, 木村友哉1, 小嶋祐紀1, 佐久間千陽1, 浅間宏之1, 児玉健太1, 黒田聖仁1, 角田圭一2, 青砥慶太2, 大須賀文彦2, 遠藤豪一2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 35-35, 2021.

Japanese Article W1-12. One case of the cholangiole basalioma which racked its brains about a diagnosis
黒井正之, 作田和裕, 佐藤瞭, 鈴木康介, 小山創志, 池田千咲, 齋藤吉彦, 渋谷りか, 安蘓里佳, 菅原俊樹, 折居智彦, 青木政則, 鈴木義広
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 35-35, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-01. An example of the intractable CD which developed embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma during treatment of the Takayasu's arteritis (TA) merger Crohn's disease (CD)
石崎優斗1, 郡司直彦1, 鬼澤道夫1, 川島一公1, 引地拓人1,2, 大平弘正1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 38-38, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-02. One case of the portal vein thrombosis that presented a high homocysteine blood symptom
田畑里子, 西瀬雄子, 鈴木郁也, 鍋島立秀, 阿部泰明, 東海林正邦, 中村琢也, 黒木実智雄
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 38-38, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-03. One case of ileus due to the endometriosis of intestine that occurred after the internal use cancellation of the low dose pill
大澤賢人, 藤原達雄, 大友駆, 大塚充, 菊田佳子, 渡辺晃, 石幡良一
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 39-39, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-04. An example of the coma type acute hepatic failure with the antiphthisic drug which decided the living body liver transplantation while a catheter-associated bloodstream infection persisted preoperatively
金沢条, 鈴木悠地, 柿坂啓介, 阿部弘昭, 滝川康裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 39-39, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-05. An example of the rectal villous adenocarcinoma which was discovered with renal failure, and required haemodialysis
小山創志, 作田和裕, 佐藤瞭, 鈴木康介, 池田千咲, 齋藤吉彦, 渋谷りか, 阿蘓里佳, 菅原俊樹, 折居智彦, 青木政則, 鈴木義広
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 40-40, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-06. The long-term course by non-treatment is one case of the acidophilic esophagitis with stenosis thought to be the cause
平井みなみ1, 鳥谷洋右1, 久米井智1, 山田峻1, 菅井恭平1, 赤坂理三郎1, 梁井俊一1, 中村昌太郎1, 刑部光正2, 菅井有2, 松本主之1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 40-40, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-07. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma that Lenvatinib succeeded for control of the repeated hematobilia
笹田貴史1,2, 遠藤哲1, 星健太郎1, 秋田谷一輝1, 五十嵐剛1, 飯野勢1, 福田眞作1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 41-41, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-08. One case that transcatheter mark artery embolization was effective for pancreas duodenum aneurysm ruptured due to Segmental Arterial Mediolysis who had the median arcuate ligament syndrome
菅谷竜朗1,2, 鈴木智浩1, 和田淳1,2, 清水広1,2, 内原大樹1, 秀島宏典1, 篠原暢彦1, 横川裕子1, 松橋暢生1, 市井統1, 田井真弓1, 江尻豊1, 大平弘正2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 41-41, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-09. An example of the allantoic membrane ductal carcinoma sigmoid colon permeation that needed sigmoid colon cancer bladder permeation and differentiation
鈴木直生, 野村栄樹, 平塚早貴, 渡辺ゆみ子, 佐藤公子, 佐藤伊佐雄, 平塚敬士, 鈴木範明, 長崎太, 川村昌司, 菊地達也
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 42-42, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-10. One case of the achalasia which overcame a liver damage by the starvation, and was able to be treated in POEM
竹田悠太郎1, 引地拓斗2, 橋本陽1,2, 中村純1,2, 高住美香1, 加藤恒孝1,2, 小橋亮一郎1, 高橋敦史1, 阿部和道1, 林学1, 藤田将史1, 鈴木玲1, 杉本充1, 佐藤雄紀1, 大久保義徳1,2, 高木忠之1, 大平弘正1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 42-42, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-11. One patient whom pancreatitis developed in after the Pembrolizumab administration
菅井恭平, 春日井聡, 久米井智, 平井みなみ, 山田峻, 森下寿文, 鳥谷洋右, 赤坂理三郎, 梁井俊一, 中村昌太郎, 松本主之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 43-43, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-12. An example of the mesentery origin malignant lymphoma which occurred for ischemic enteritis
清水広1, 藁谷雄一1, 高橋裕太1,2, 柳田拓実1, 橋本長一朗1, 熊川宏美1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 43-43, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-13. One case of blood vessel Behcet disease which presented Downhill esophageal varices explosion
星健太郎1, 珍田大輔1, 櫻庭裕丈1, 平賀寛人1, 菊池英純1, 立田哲也1, 蓮井桂介1, 三上達也1, 福田眞作1, 掛端伸也2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 44-44, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-14. An example of the Good syndrome which repeated treatment-resistant enterocolitis, and merged the cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection
阿部直人1, 郡司直彦1, 鬼澤道夫1, 川島一公1, 引地拓人2, 大平弘正1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 44-44, 2021.

Japanese Article W2-15. Database analysis - using afterbleeding protective efficacy - propensity score of P-CAB in stomach duodenum ESD
阿部寛子1, 八田和久1, たら澤邦男2, 尾形洋平1, 齊藤真弘1, 菅野武1, 金笑奕1, 中川健一郎1, 宇野要1, 小池智幸1, 今谷晃1, 藤森研司2, 伏見清秀3, 正宗淳1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 45-45, 2021.

Japanese Article S-01. Results and examination of the endoscopic esophagus stenting by the mild medical care in our hospital
山居聖典1, 大川栞1,2, 舘田哲幸1,2, 高橋一徳1,2, 小笠原仁1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 48-48, 2021.

Japanese Article S-02. Metal stenting in consideration of the deviation prevention for the malignant oesophageal stenosis
加藤恒孝1, 引地拓人1, 中村純1,2, 橋本陽1,2, 大平弘正1
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 48-48, 2021.

Japanese Article S-03. The present situation of the stenting for the large intestine malignant stenosis in our hospital
千葉大輔, 有明千鶴, 岡野奈穂子, 石田晋吾
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 49-49, 2021.

Japanese Article S-04. Examination of the effectiveness of the large intestine stent for the primary colon cancer ileus
神山篤史, 大沼忍, 海野倫明
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 49-49, 2021.

Japanese Article S-05. Examination about the usefulness of the large intestine stent in the malignant large intestinal stricture due to other organs cancer
澤田洋平1,2, 花畑憲洋1, 棟方正樹1, 福田眞作2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 50-50, 2021.

Japanese Article S-06. Examination about the drainage using self-expandable metallic stent for the malignant distal obstruction of bile duct
柳田拓実, 藁谷雄一, 清水広, 橋本長一朗, 熊川宏美
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 50-50, 2021.

Japanese Article S-07. The endoscopic drainage for nonresected malignant hepatic portal region domain biliary tract stenosis: Inside plastic stent (iPS) vs. metallic stent (MS)
宮本和明, 菅野良秀, 越田真介, 小川貴央, 伊藤啓
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 51-51, 2021.

Japanese Article S-08. The current situation of the SEMS custody technique to pancreatic cancer with the obstructive jaundice in our hospital
小林敏一, 牧野直彦, 松田暁子, 柿崎泰明, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 51-51, 2021.

Japanese Article S-09. Three cases that detained Hot-AXIOS system for around the pancreas liquid retention after the acute pancreatitis
五十嵐剛, 遠藤哲, 飯野勢, 福田眞作
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 52-52, 2021.

Japanese Article S-10. A pancreatic duct stent treatment result for the chronic pancreatitis and examination of the revival risk
田中裕, 滝川哲也, 菊田和宏, 粂潔, 正宗淳
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 52-52, 2021.

Japanese Article PD-01. From hepatocellular carcinoma practice and this in our hospital
南慎一郎, 佐藤裕貴, 佐藤亘, 後藤隆, 飯島克則
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 54-54, 2021.

Japanese Article PD-02. Usefulness of the combination of ALBI grade and skeletal muscle mass drop in the prognosis of the hepatocellular carcinoma
飯野勢, 遠藤哲, 長谷川拓真, 五十嵐剛, 福田眞作
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 54-54, 2021.

Japanese Article PD-03. The skeletal muscle mass drop in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated in Lenvatinib and examination about the prognostic association
藤田将史, 阿部和道, 林学, 高橋敦史, 大平弘正
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 55-55, 2021.

Japanese Article PD-04. Treatment result of the molecular target medicine for the hepatocellular carcinoma of our hospital
島谷孝司1,2, 沼尾宏1, 棟方正樹1, 福田眞作2
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 55-55, 2021.

Japanese Article PD-05. Use experience of the current situation and the ramucirumab of the use of molecular target drug in our hospital
奥本和夫, 芳賀弘明, 勝見智大, 上野義之
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 56-56, 2021.

Japanese Article PD-06. A change and results of the treatment of the case with the tumor stopper intravascular for hepatocellular carcinoma BCLC stage C
二宮匡史, 岩田朋晃, 嘉数英二, 井上淳, 正宗淳
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 56-56, 2021.

Japanese Article PD-07. Characteristic of effect of treatment and the fruition case of Lenvatinib and the liver arterial infusion chemotherapy for the extensive portal vein tumor stopper
小岡洋平, 及川隆喜, 黒田英克, 滝川康裕
The Tohoku Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (210): 57-57, 2021.