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Bulletin School of Nursing, Seirei Christopher University

Volume , Issue 22 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Study on association with fatigue, a lifestyle, the self-efficacy of the female nurse
市江和子*, 西川浩昭**, 水谷聖子***, 小西美智子****, 斉藤公彦*****, 伊藤安恵******, 加藤明美*******
Bulletin School of Nursing, Seirei Christopher University (22): 1-14, 2014.

Japanese Article Of the scenery of the characteristic of examination - nursing university student of making and the utilization of the mental nursing science teaching materials which classified an anticipatory socialization program into the field and the interpersonal situation to look at is different, and focus; and -
入江拓, 清水隆裕
Bulletin School of Nursing, Seirei Christopher University (22): 15-25, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the nursing basics technique that a student experienced in distributed basic nursing science training II
坂田五月*, 佐藤道子**, 篠崎惠美子*, 渡邉順子*, 藤井徹也*
Bulletin School of Nursing, Seirei Christopher University (22): 27-36, 2014.

Japanese Article The process when a citizen masters as a simulated patient
篠崎惠美子*, 坂田五月*, 渡邉順子*, 阿部恵子**, 伴信太郎**, 藤井徹也*
Bulletin School of Nursing, Seirei Christopher University (22): 37-44, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination about practice, the training instruction by 3 examples that accepted gender identity disorders student in a nurse training organization
藤井徹也*, 玉腰浩司**, 中山和弘***, 大林実菜****, 田中悠美*****, 篠崎惠美子*
Bulletin School of Nursing, Seirei Christopher University (22): 45-52, 2014.

Japanese Article Education effect of the class that utilized audiovisual materials of the Apgar score in student nurse
Bulletin School of Nursing, Seirei Christopher University (22): 61-70, 2014.