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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 22 / 1976
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The prevention and public sanitation of cancer
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 1-2, 1976.

Japanese Article The actual situation about the basic knowledge of the family planning
竜岡要1), 浜利子1), 岩本光1), 高宮みどり1), 柴田則子1), 中村俊子1), 山田悦子1), 戸所洋子1), 大久保マサ子2), 延岡玲子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 3-3, 1976.

Japanese Article Mothers' class at three months children medical examination, attendance life and non-attendance live fact-finding
竜岡要1), 田口清1), 岩本光1), 高宮みどり1), 柴田則子1), 中村俊子1), 大久保マサ子2), 延岡玲子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 3-4, 1976.

Japanese Article Effect of a going to bed front tooth polish and the family of the 3 years old child
細谷研一1), 鈴木英男2), 渡辺正武3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 5-6, 1976.

Japanese Article Oral hygiene administration in the no dentist public health center
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 6-8, 1976.

Japanese Article About a protector, screening of the seeing and hearing abnormality of the 4 years old child by the participation of the childminder
小林史典1), 長谷川茂1), 西岡三紀1), 奈良章子1), 秋山明基2), 山田朋之3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 8-9, 1976.

Japanese Article About the anemia investigation of a high school girl, the university student
大沼均, 小林勇, 木谷秀夫, 飯塚郁夫, 中村武雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 9-10, 1976.

Japanese Article One consideration about the support of the multi-problem family
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 10-11, 1976.

Japanese Article Analysis of the mortality statistics according to the study on health index third report cause of death according to the municipalities in Kanagawa
山本幹夫, 宍戸昌夫, 植松稔, 寺尾浩明
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 11-12, 1976.

Japanese Article The woman cancer screening course and health care activity in Kamakura-shi
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 12-13, 1976.

Japanese Article Kanagawa malignant neoplasm fact-finding (the sixth report) (about a method of the malignant neoplastic affection calculation)
井上怜子1), 岡本英子1), 松岡規夫1), 神奈川県医師会2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 13-14, 1976.

Japanese Article Evaluation (stomach cancer rate and mortality to contract a disease that we saw in the consultation, non-consultation group of the gastric mass survey) of the public health of the stomach group medical examination
井上怜子1), 岡本英子1), 平山雄2), 藤沢市役所市民健康課3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 14-15, 1976.

Japanese Article About the attitude survey of the at-home bedridden elderly person caregiver
生形早苗1), 保坂貞子1), 小野光子1), 山口律子1), 渋谷洋美1), 松下ツル2), 柏木恵子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 15-16, 1976.

Japanese Article Public sanitation training second report in Kitasato University
中倉千鶴子1,2,3), 榊原高尋1,2,3), 佐久間正美1,2,3), 上田春人4), 植松稔5), 高田勗5), 中村健一5), 一杉正治5), 山口啓子5), 中村賢6)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 17-18, 1976.

Japanese Article About the 19th China nuclear test
小山包博, 高城裕之, 杉山英男, 古屋理美子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 18-18, 1976.

Japanese Article About chromic method for measurement in effluent gas
阿相敏明, 相原敬次, 金子幹宏
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 19-19, 1976.

Japanese Article One consideration about the mouse extermination in the hygienic management of the building
森雅直1), 小野紘一1), 野間紀之1), 宮本謹哉2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 20-21, 1976.

Japanese Article About the habitation actual situation of the mouse in the fish market and the extermination
鈴木長谷雄1), 田崎春生1), 富田正義1), 青柳有1), 平山功2), 矢部辰夫3), 成毛彦吉4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 21-22, 1976.

Japanese Article About indole-positive klebsiella isolated from sporadicity enterocolitis in the prefecture
浅井良夫1), 滝沢金次郎1), 実方剛1), 松島章喜1), 中塚繁1), 宮本泰1), 鈴木充2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 22-22, 1976.

Japanese Article Enteritis vibrio hemolysin neutralizing antibody results
新川隆康, 山井志郎, 小原寧, 宮本泰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 22-23, 1976.

Japanese Article About pollution original pursuit of the staphylococcus aureus isolated from a rice ball
尾上洋一1), 高橋孝則1), 森実1), 倉若雅雄2), 永野弘史2), 渕上信也2), 小林滋樹2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 23-24, 1976.

Japanese Article About serological epidemiology of pertussis in Kanagawa and the diphtheria
実方剛, 滝沢金次郎, 中塚繁, 浅井良夫, 松島章喜, 宮本泰, 高橋武夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 25-26, 1976.

Japanese Article About the cause of the disease virus of vomiting, loose bowels
鈴木利寿, 餅田照代, 斎藤直喜, 小林一郎, 高橋武夫, 高宮篤, 金山冨美枝, 向山淳司, 杉本博俊
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 26-26, 1976.

Japanese Article About a mass outbreak of the acute contagious eye disease
斎藤直喜1), 餅田照代1), 鈴木利寿1), 小林一郎1), 高橋武夫1), 渡辺良一2), 下山健三2), 石井権三郎2), 森高章3), 井上登美子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 26-27, 1976.

Japanese Article Virologic investigation of the rubella in Kanagawa
古屋由美子1), 井上正保1), 吉田芳哉1), 小田和正1), 高橋武夫1), 清水利貞2), 竜岡要3), 渡辺正4), 常木長和5), 小島幸司6), 高宮篤7)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 27-28, 1976.

Japanese Article The rubella antibody possession situation of the childbearing age woman at rubella outbreak
沖津信子, 吉田佐代子, 露木和徳, 小島基義, 小林伸好
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 28-29, 1976.

Japanese Article Serologic consideration (1971 through 1976) about the rubella outbreak in Kawasaki-shi
大場初義, 斉藤充司, 春山長治, 中村武雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 29-30, 1976.

Japanese Article Proof of the fresh antibody of the rubella virus by the ultracentrifugation fractionation process
小林伸好, 沖津信子, 吉田佐代子, 露木和徳
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 30-30, 1976.

Japanese Article Serologic investigation for the influenza outbreak of Kawasaki-shi from 1775 through 1976 and pig type influenza virus
春山長治, 斉藤充司, 大場初義, 中村武雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 30-31, 1976.

Japanese Article About a pathogenic mycoplasma
明間鯉一郎, 岡崎則男, 小野彰, 宮本泰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 31-32, 1976.

Japanese Article About the Mansson sparganosis that we experienced in Kitasato University Hospital for this one year
伊藤洋一, 中村健, 牧純, 海山初代, 柳沢十四男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 32-33, 1976.

Japanese Article About the parasite of the fish had by Odawara Uoichiba
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 33-34, 1976.

Japanese Article Relations with a study 1 intermediate host and the reserve host about the spread mechanism of the Angiostrongylus cantonensis
矢部辰男, 綿貫知彦, 森谷清樹
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 34-34, 1976.

Japanese Article Non-excellent; the insect which does not come, the seasonal ups and downs of reed pine midge (new designation) Chironomus Yoshimatsui
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 34-35, 1976.

Japanese Article Practical test for the Culex pipiens larva of epidermization inhibitor Diflubenzuron
金山彰宏, 中村譲, 杉田和子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 35-36, 1976.

Japanese Article Bacteria pollution in the dry cleaning and sanitization effect of the filter
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 36-37, 1976.

Japanese Article About the additional workup enforcement situation in the examination for meat hygiene
篠田光雄1), 高橋勉1), 沢谷広志1), 市川進1), 野村豊一郎1), 小橋隆1), 石村幸夫1), 瓜生一郎1), 野沢雄一郎2), 大谷英彦2), 小柳晴男3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 37-37, 1976.

Japanese Article About leptospirosis, two cases of the cow detected in an examination for meat hygiene
沢谷広志1), 藤田訓久1), 野村豊一郎1), 松岡正実1), 篠田光雄1), 高橋勉1), 大谷英彦2), 野沢雄一郎2), 手塚修3), 野村靖夫3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 38-38, 1976.

Japanese Article Examination of the jaundice technique in the carnivore
市川進1), 沢谷広志1), 松岡正実1), 池谷修1), 藤田訓久1), 野村豊一郎1), 小橋隆1), 篠田光雄1), 高橋勉1), 大谷英彦2), 小柳晴男3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 39-39, 1976.

Japanese Article An example of the cow eosinophilic myositis
藤田訓久1), 沢谷広志1), 野村豊一郎1), 高橋勉1), 大谷英彦2), 木下義彦3), 土屋新男4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 39-40, 1976.

Japanese Article Hygienic study (2) of the milk to keep for a long time by the sterilization paper container plombage
長南茂樹, 金子精一, 長谷川幸江, 小金井掬江, 武原文三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 40-41, 1976.

Japanese Article About preservative quality of the miso
中村正明1), 矢沢洋一1), 桐ケ谷忠司1), 渡部久美子1), 上条昌彌1), 鈴木幸夫1), 北爪晴恵1), 武藤哲典1), 柴田幸生1), 平川俊昭2), 畠山康徳2), 宮川宣規3), 中尾和彦3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 41-41, 1976.

Japanese Article Distribution of the polyamine in food
馬場奈保子1), 中村昌道1), 中岡正吉1), 福井昭三1), 和田裕2), 沢谷広志3), 高橋勉3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 42-42, 1976.

Japanese Article Fixed-quantity of the nitric out of the vegetables with the ion meter
高木芙美子1), 渡辺重信1), 福井昭三1), 永野弘史2), 渕上信也2), 小林滋樹2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 43-43, 1976.

Japanese Article Analytical procedure of cadmium out of the study (the second report) brown rice of the activation analysis
高城裕之, 古屋理美子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 44-45, 1976.

Japanese Article About a causative agent of the bee dense poisoning which watched development under the prefecture
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 46-46, 1976.

Japanese Article Test result of Orr toe phenyl phenol of the flavoring agent which assumed citrus fruits raw materials and the thiabendazole
川名清子, 中岡正吉, 福井昭三
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 47-47, 1976.

Japanese Article About one phenomenon in the examination of the coloring agent process
加藤クニ, 中岡正吉, 福井昭三
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 47-48, 1976.

Japanese Article Organic mercury assay in a hair
森康明, 淡路宣男, 内藤昭治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 48-49, 1976.

Japanese Article Urinary chromium measurement by the frameless atomic absorption
日高利夫1), 山本親男1), 佐藤洋子1), 河村太郎1), 新川隆康2), 山井志郎2), 小原寧2), 高橋武夫2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 49-50, 1976.

Japanese Article About pulmonary retention of the phthalate ester
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 50-51, 1976.

Japanese Article Effect to give to the rectal mucous membrane of the suppository
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 51-52, 1976.

Japanese Article About the use of the detergent (questionnaire findings)
福原健一1), 柳内志保子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 52-53, 1976.

Japanese Article Analysis of LAS in Tokyo Bay deposit
宇都宮暁子, 節田節子, 伊藤伸一, 内藤昭治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 54-54, 1976.

Japanese Article The effect that a surfactant gives to bacterial motility
小林勇, 中村武雄, 依田源次
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 55-55, 1976.

Japanese Article About the quality of the water of the housing development sewage treatment ground
沢野俊彦, 中川友夫, 飯塚貞男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 56-56, 1976.

Japanese Article Is to the Tsurumi River basin fish; about the recovery (1) fish of a death accident and the subsequent biota
井口清也, 薄井巌, 稲葉安正, 市川雅己, 江口憲治, 笠原五郎, 平本恒夫, 印南信雄, 水尾寛己, 野木一男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 57-57, 1976.

Japanese Article Is to the Tsurumi River basin fish; about a death accident and a subsequent biota recovery (2) alga phase
唐沢栄, 飯田昌好, 井口清也, 薄井巌, 稲葉安正, 市川雅己, 江口憲冶, 笠原五郎, 平本恒夫, 印南信雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 58-58, 1976.

Japanese Article About the area of the sea grasp method that is in an environmental state judging from the quality of the water actual situation and the quality of the water such as rivers, and the like (1)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 59-60, 1976.

Japanese Article About the quality of the water and a biota of the Sanno river water system
室伏友三, 石田広吉, 門松幸蔵
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 62-62, 1976.

Japanese Article Of the well water temperature of Nurumizu, Atsugi-shi about abnormally increasing it
横山尚秀, 荻野喜作, 平野富雄, 広田茂, 小沢清, 粟屋徹
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 63-64, 1976.

Japanese Article "The consideration about excess chlorine and bacteria of the public bath bathtub water"
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 64-65, 1976.

Japanese Article Handling of washing factory effluent experiment case by the application of the rotary disk aeration method
山田裕, 遠山正彦, 横島章
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 65-65, 1976.

Japanese Article Study (the first report) of the nitrification denitrification by the study on nitrogen removal (1) plankton method of the human waste
竹田茂, 高橋一三, 桜井敏郎, 小川雄比古, 田所正晴, 高橋武夫, 高橋哲郎, 栗原正臣, 平野茂, 西島輝彦
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 66-66, 1976.

Japanese Article Study (the first report) of the nitrification denitrification by the study on nitrogen removal (2) biological slime method of the human waste
田所正晴, 橋爪隆夫, 高橋一三, 桜井敏郎, 小川雄比古, 竹田茂, 森谷恒和
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 67-67, 1976.

Japanese Article 1 pollution fact-finding PCB of Tokyo Bay by the organic chlorine-containing compounds and total DDT
有浦誠, 渡部健二朗, 木川寛, 鈴木幸夫, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 67-68, 1976.

Japanese Article 2 pollution fact-finding PCT of Tokyo Bay by the organic chlorine-containing compounds
有浦誠, 木川寛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 68-69, 1976.

Japanese Article Adsorption and effect on mercurial activated sludge
尾藤朋子, 北原節子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 69-70, 1976.

Japanese Article Basic experiment for the separation of mercurial resistant bacteria and application to mercury-containing waste fluid disposal of isolate
高橋孝則, 尾上洋一, 森實
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 70-71, 1976.

Japanese Article Distribution investigation of heavy metal in the environmental soil
遠山優子, 杉山英俊, 深谷勝久
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 71-72, 1976.

Japanese Article About the security of hydrogen sulfide and the tourist of the sulfuric gas area
粟屋徹, 平野富雄, 広田茂
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 72-73, 1976.

Japanese Article Behavior of the heavy metal at waste destruction by fire
福井博, 渡辺一法, 土屋恭一, 淡路宣男, 高橋一三
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 73-74, 1976.

Japanese Article Hygienic study on high temperature preservation (II) of the food
武原文三郎, 金子精一, 小金井掬江
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 74-75, 1976.

Japanese Article Hygienic study on food flora (1)
金子精一, 小金井掬江, 長谷川幸江, 長南茂樹, 武原文三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 75-76, 1976.

Japanese Article Findings of the hygienic chemistry of the lap film to use at the cooking with the microwave oven
上條正守, 淵上信也, 小林滋樹, 吉田克己, 前田実, 川名清子, 加藤クニ, 中村昌道, 馬場奈保子, 中岡正吉, 福井昭三, 高橋武夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 76-77, 1976.

Japanese Article Examination of the fat assay of the ice cream
長南茂樹, 金子精一, 長谷川幸江, 小金井掬江
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 77-78, 1976.

Japanese Article Effect of oxygenated water disposal of kamaboko to give to flora and the surface fluid volume increase
金子精一, 小金井掬江, 長谷川幸江, 長南茂樹, 武原文三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 78-79, 1976.

Japanese Article The actual situation and the handling of study on drainage disposal of food manufacturing facilities (5) frozen food factory effluent
小川雄比古, 高橋一三, 桜井敏郎, 竹田茂, 田所正晴, 大野茂
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 79-80, 1976.

Japanese Article About an arsenic presence form in seaweed
貝瀬利一, 渡辺重信, 福井昭三
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 80-81, 1976.

Japanese Article It is (II) about a biochemistry property of few strain Salmonella
後藤功, 滝沢金次郎, 中塚繁, 松島章喜
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 81-82, 1976.

Japanese Article About the quality of the water and the disposal of reclaimed land exudates
土屋恭一, 福井博, 渡辺一法, 高橋一三
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 82-83, 1976.

Japanese Article Effect to give to circulation, the respiratory system of the no anesthesia rabbit by the ozone acrolein combination exposure
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (22): 83-84, 1976.