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Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health

Volume , Issue 23 / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Thoughts about the diary of NICU children that our hospital nurse spells
松留英莉香, 中山みゆき, 楠園美香, 永徳優佳, 有村夕加, 小齊平博子, 清瀬みき子, 山本直子*
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 3-8, 2019.

Japanese Article Thoughts of mothers with cleft lip and palate children involved from prenatal consultation
尾ノ上靖子, 猿渡和子, 南波千恵美, 門田昭子, 前野さとみ
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 9-17, 2019.

Japanese Article Literature examination about the care to the physical aspect, psychiatric aspect to a family attending children
中條三紀子, 山本直子
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 18-24, 2019.

Japanese Article Thought of the pregnant woman who went to hospital in early or threatened labour
上薗志歩, 星原恵, 児玉さつき, 東なつき, 羽生のどか, 川田絵美, 上野沙希, 岡元佳海, 福岡杏樹, 中尾優子1)
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 25-29, 2019.

Japanese Article Thoughts of patients who chose mid-term abortion due to cervical cancer - From the literature review on cervical cancer and middle term abortion -
坂元可奈, 上村華奈, 谷口智美, 山城佳織, 東かずみ, 鎌賀愛, 出口明美, 若松美貴代1)
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 30-35, 2019.

Japanese Article Present conditions investigation of the enforcement situation of the after giving birth care business in Kagoshima
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 36-39, 2019.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the child care support conference for mental disorder merger pregnant woman support
戸崎緑1), 山城佳織1), 松下友香1), 飯田ひとみ1), 松山真澄美1), 出口明美1), 田中一枝2), 若松美貴代2)
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 40-44, 2019.

Japanese Article About a prenatal diagnosis
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 48-48, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject 1. From the pain before the product to a symptom to be troubled with urine, a faecal incontinence symptom for ten years in after giving birth. Maternity rehabilitation foreign step
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject 2. The present conditions and problem of the child care support conference
戸崎緑1), 松山真澄美1), 松下友香1), 飯田ひとみ1), 山城佳織1), 出口明美1), 若松美貴代2), 田中一枝2)
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject 3. The present conditions of conveyance, the hospital transfer from the House of Kagoshima Chuo midwifery
北村愛1), 竹内裕子1), 内野美季1), 福山かおる1), 麦田すみ子1), 中村佐知子2)
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject 4. For mother's milk child care promotion
瀬戸山由恵, 久永房子, 淵脇睦子
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 50-50, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject 5. From a present conditions setup of after giving birth nursing care center "Mitsuo HOUSE" to the present
東祐美子, フレクソーグ 瑞, 満尾雅彦
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 50-50, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject 6. About the obstetrical foreign efforts which utilized an advance nurse midwife
坂野美希子, 森恭子, 潟山勝美
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 50-50, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject 7. About a factor to become the EPDS high level in our hospital
長船遥, 酒井瑞希, 米澤聖子, 山元志奈子, 石井裕子
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 51-51, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject 8. Are paternal upbringing and the early child care participation of father after the delivery replaced by couple class attendance?
古園真奈美, 小濱絵美, 吉村みなみ, 西千晶, 昇晃司
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 51-51, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject 9. It is ... through an interview after thought ... palatoplasty of mother who came to the hospital for consultation before birth of cleft lip and palate
猿渡和子1), 尾ノ上靖子1), 南波千恵美1), 門田昭子2), 前野さとみ3)
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 51-51, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject 10. Thought of the pregnant woman who went to hospital in early or threatened labour
上薗志歩1), 星原恵1), 児玉さつき1), 東なつき1), 羽生のどか1), 川田絵美1), 上野沙希1), 岡元佳海1), 福岡杏樹1), 中尾優子2)
Kagoshima Journal of Maternal Health (23): 52-52, 2019.