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Okayamaken Bosei Eisei

Volume , Issue 27 / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Foreword
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 1-1, 2011.

Japanese Article About the perinatal medical present conditions and problem of Okayama
Yuji Hiramatsu
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 9-13, 2011.

Japanese Article Study on "good midwifery" that a nurse midwife thinks about
Inland sea flowery odor, Yachiyo Yamamoto
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 14-15, 2011.

Japanese Article Trial of the cooperation by the pregnant woman screening in the university hospital for the local midwifery center delivery case
張良実1), 石田剛1), 潮田至央1), 郭翔志1), 中井祐一郎1), 中村隆文1), 篠原淑子2), 小原美由紀2), 鈴井江三子3), 下屋浩一郎1)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 16-17, 2011.

Japanese Article Investigation for the obstetrical foreign establishment
Emi Kawaguchi, Mayumi Miyake, Yumi Abe, Kyoko Chumu
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 18-19, 2011.

Japanese Article Action to the delivery that is safe in the House of out of the hospital midwifery establishment fifth year
Naomi Oda, Oak mountain Misako, Inokawa Yoshie, Tomoki Okubo, Shiojiri Yukiko
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 20-20, 2011.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the grief care of mother who experienced a miscarriage within pregnancy 12 weeks in average, Shikoku
片岡久美恵2), 合田典子1)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 21-22, 2011.

Japanese Article Study of the earthquake disaster prevention measures reinforcement local maternal nursing practitioner on disaster preparations
The Hattori future, Yachiyo Yamamoto
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 23-24, 2011.

Japanese Article Attitude survey about gender identity disorders
Nao Hisaka, 久井礼子, Mai Yoshimura, Tomoko Yoshida, Mikako Yamamoto, Kazue Komatsubara, Mikiya Nakatsuka *
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 25-26, 2011.

Japanese Article Mental care to the pregnant woman who had difficulty in diet intake
中山知里, 吉城民恵, 有信みき, 川上めぐみ, 高原早苗
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 27-28, 2011.

Japanese Article Shower bath - from action - day 2 for quality of life improvement of the postoperative patients after surgery
Takako Numata, Mika Okubo, Junko Miyake, Kazumi Okamoto, Yoshiyuki Nakano, Ayaka Okuyama, Yuko Kamioka, Yukie Nishizaki, Yoshiko Yamada, Masako Tabuchi, Kazuhisa Tabuchi
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 29-30, 2011.

Japanese Article Obstetrics and the child care cooperation with the area expect it from the area from obstetrics
Mikako Yamamoto, Tomoko Yoshida, Kazue Komatsubara, 久井礼子, Nao Hisaka, Mai Yoshimura, Mikiya Nakatsuka 1)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 31-33, 2011.

Japanese Article Thought to the parent whom pubertal children embrace
Eiko Harada, 岡崎愉加, 矢野加佳子
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 34-35, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination - of the support activity according to child care support fact-finding - age hierarchy of the nurse midwife in Okayama
Yumiko Noritake, Yoko Yamazaki, Mitsuko Katayama, Noriko Aida, Mitsuko Takahashi, Takeru Kishimoto charges, Line Mitsuyoshi quasiparticle
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 36-37, 2011.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the child care anticipatory anxiety in the second pregnancy trimester
久世恵美子1),2), 秦久美子2),3), 鹿島江利子2),4), 中塚幹也2),3)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 38-39, 2011.

Japanese Article The eating habits of the actual situation and mother of the milk child care one-month in after giving birth
Shiomi mere 1), Asuka Iwashita 1), Yutaka Takashima true 1), Tohori friend Rie 1), Nobuko Ooi 2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 40-41, 2011.

Japanese Article It is ... from Iku men circumstances - Okayama-shi child care environmental research to increase
田中美妃, 大島紀子, 平井由美子, 木尾敬子, 河本幸子, 市場尚文
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 42-44, 2011.

Japanese Article Recognition of the university student about the HPV vaccine
Mai Yoshimura, Kazue Komatsubara, 久井礼子, Nao Hisaka, Mikako Yamamoto, Tomoko Yoshida, Mikiya Nakatsuka *
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 45-46, 2011.

Japanese Article It is fatigue mental dependence and a body a cell-phone in the life of the high school student
Tomoko Yoshida, Mikako Yamamoto, Mai Yoshimura, 久井礼子, Kazue Komatsubara, Nao Hisaka, Mikiya Nakatsuka *
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 47-48, 2011.

Japanese Article From an analysis of the domestic literature until examination - 1992 through 2009 about the maternal nursing training of the boys nursing student -
Naoko Adachi 1), Noriko Aida 2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 49-50, 2011.

Japanese Article Through the attitude survey to one discussion - nursing student about the course choice of the nursing student wanting to be a nurse midwife -
Kanako Yamamoto, Itsuko Kashimoto, Etsuko Fujimoto
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (27): 51-52, 2011.