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Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association

Volume , Issue 28 / 2008
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Development from anatomy to clinical physical therapy
Masaharu Yoshio
Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association (28): 1-7, 2008.

Japanese Article Medical care, care to be able to live in peace in an area in the future
Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association (28): 8-14, 2008.

Japanese Article Applied - to patients with trunk function - cerebrovascular disorder in the locus
Hironobu Watanabe 1), Toshiaki Suzuki 2)
Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association (28): 15-21, 2008.

Japanese Article About 1 case given exercise therapy for the purpose of the establishment of the exercise habit by diabetes education hospitalization
3, Yamakita Kyoko
Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association (28): 22-26, 2008.

Japanese Article About the characteristic of the spastic line in patients with hemiplegia
鈴木雅喜, 梅影彩乃, 乙野絵美, 戸谷隆之, 山下佳奈, 安達智美, 鳥居多恵子, 田中隆司
Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association (28): 27-33, 2008.

Japanese Article 1 case that used a fascia lata patch together for latissimus dorsi muscle transition technique for a rotator cuff of shoulder wide area tear
Ritsu Takagi good luck, Shoji Maekawa, Yasuyuki Hiraiwa, Koji Iwai, Takeshi Shibukawa, Sawai is quiet
Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association (28): 34-38, 2008.

Japanese Article 1 case of the Guillain-Barre syndrome that showed motor function recovery for a long term
This Hiroshi Shiromizu, Hiroshi Matsuo
Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association (28): 39-43, 2008.

Japanese Article Through the case which left a problem unfinished in action and problem - future in the ward for this hospital convalescence -
History of Yasu, 大冶 grows, 弘部重信, 1, Kotobuki, Kawakami
Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association (28): 44-50, 2008.

Japanese Article Problem and correspondence ... for Yasu Hospital convalescent rehabilitation ward the seventh-year present conditions and problem - team approach reinforcement
Yamamoto り flower, West Masataka, Takashi Yamada order
Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association (28): 51-57, 2008.

Japanese Article Care prevention business - muscular strength up breath breath classroom -
Yukinori Yamamoto
Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association (28): 62-65, 2008.

Japanese Article 2008 care prevention workshop
Akira Morita
Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association (28): 66-72, 2008.

Japanese Article About relations with an evaluation method and the ankle position sensation of the sight dependence of elderly people and effect factor
岸本美地彦 1), Hideshi Sakai 1), Megumi Tatsumi 1), Akira Morita 1), Tetsuya Kiyooka 1), Jun Tanaka 1), Asami Yoshikawa 1), Tomoyo Nakagawa 1), Takashi Fujikawa 2)
Journal of the Shiga Physical Therapy Association (28): 79-84, 2008.