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Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi
Volume , Issue 28 / 2014
English Article Japanese Article
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"Let's experience a change and line activity of the ideal motor development diachronic posture"; motor development - that saw it from differentiation of - myofunction 山内一之 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 32-32, 2014. |
With "a bronchial drainage apparatus in the puerile breathing physical therapy let's experience it breathing assistance law" -; adaptation and method - of the bronchial drainage apparatus! 稲員惠美 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 33-33, 2014. |
How do make use of "artificial joint replacement and physical therapy" - clinical examination in treatment approach; ...? 小林敦郎 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 36-36, 2014. |
"A theory of the kinesitherapy in the breathing rehabilitation" 宮下正好 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 37-37, 2014. |
It is ... for acquisition of "young person physical therapist education - clinical competence in medical facilities" 北村健 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 38-38, 2014. |
Did the O-01 individual treatment rehabilitation contribute to the physical strength improvement of the ambulatory rehabilitation user? 鈴木圭一, 早崎清香, 井原啓介, 柏木里実 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 40-40, 2014. |
Examination of the factor to give the home discharge of the super elderly people in our O-02 House 岡田史郎, 堀野広光, 森下直彦, 中村絵里香 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 40-40, 2014. |
- to regard possibility as risk in one case - at-home life that activities of daily living ability of the means improved by improvement of O-03 fall sense of fear 蜂谷稔1), 井上義文1),2), 居倉裕子1), 岩間健太1) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 41-41, 2014. |
Tendency - questionnaire findings - of the care burden by the at-home life in patients with O-04 Parkinson's disease 西島勇1), 三田久載2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 41-41, 2014. |
Association of a performance test and the fall in consideration of the movement degree of difficulty in the O-05 rehabilitation hospital 近藤吏1), 山田洋一1), 松永竜治1), 野田幸男2), 森下朗人3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 42-42, 2014. |
One case that we paid our attention to around a neck, scapulary in consideration of the motor development stage of the person with O-06 cerebral palsy 神谷浩嗣1), 栗田泰成2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 42-42, 2014. |
Observation of the peripheral exercise by the change of O-07 center and peripheral - posture concerned 大橋直子, 板倉宏晃, 山内一之, 橋本尚幸 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 43-43, 2014. |
Examination of the training attitude toward children with O-08 cerebral palsy, person 板倉宏晃, 大橋直子, 橋本尚幸, 山内一之 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 43-43, 2014. |
Case with the O-09 Clio pilin-related periodic fever syndrome 山村将太1), 栗田泰成2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 44-44, 2014. |
About a sharp pain part and sharp pain duration after the O-10 elongation of Achilles tendon 根本慶子1), 北村憲一1), 鈴木暁1), 稲員惠美1), 滝川一晴2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 44-44, 2014. |
Case - that it promoted a muscular contraction, relaxation using a proprioceptive neuromuscular disease canalization maneuver for the patients who had difficulty with an automatic movement by - joint excursion restrictions for the wheelchair ADL acquisition of patients with O-11 serious case burn 池田耕平, 鈴木寛之, 大石美香, 鈴木和代, 工藤貴司, 佐藤美冴, 太田隆慈, 湯浅圭史, 春藤健支 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 45-45, 2014. |
About the relations of human trunk flexibility and the balance function in the O-12 kinetotherapeutic bath 稲葉功 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 45-45, 2014. |
Usefulness of the context cross protection in the motor learning of the O-13 part load problem 矢島大輔 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 46-46, 2014. |
Examination of reproducibility and the usefulness of the O-14 edge gene locus front reach test 広瀬真人, 小松亮 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 46-46, 2014. |
About the action of "a fall, the fall round" in our O-15 House 伊藤早季, 黒田勝, 和田寿実子, 岡部敏幸 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 47-47, 2014. |
The intervention that paid its attention to the stability of the O-16 lumbar vertebrae pelvis hip joint complex is the fall prevention self-efficacy after the re-fall and one case that showed improvement to begin to walk 小原智永, 栗本由美 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 47-47, 2014. |
1 case that walking ability improved by introduction of the movement training for the patients after O-17 lumbar vertebrae fixation in a floor 松嶋里美1), 磯毅彦1), 牟田智也2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 48-48, 2014. |
Examination of the functional motility disorder syndrome in the O-18 lumbar vertebrae disease 池田基樹, 廣瀬真人 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 48-48, 2014. |
It is the Iritani-type arch support for the case of the outside ache after left knee with the O-19 ankle clonus 西島晃一 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 49-49, 2014. |
Example that got a walk by examining an artificial leg for O-20 left upper extremity cutting, a case of the right B-K amputation with a history of the cerebral infarction right hemiplegia 兼岡理倫1), 山田洋一1), 松永竜治1), 小野安咲子2), 八木大英3), 野田幸男3), 馬場幸治4) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 49-49, 2014. |
Effect on improvement, prevention of situation - atelectasis of the breathing physical therapy in our O-21 House NICU and safe - 背戸佑介1), 大木茂2), 向井庸1), 四十宮公平1) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 50-50, 2014. |
The premature baby 2 case who conducted O-22 car seat positioning 鈴木暁, 根本慶子, 北村憲一, 稲員惠美 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 50-50, 2014. |
The posture management for children with O-23 recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis and oral lactation 北村憲一1), 根本慶子1), 鈴木暁1), 稲員惠美1), 加藤光剛2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 51-51, 2014. |
As for O-24 children with a disability, it is an invitation to the participation in planning of the physical therapist in the nursing logistical support business 花城久子, 縄田琴美, 高田修司 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 51-51, 2014. |
One case that planned improvement of the ADL by complex range of motion exercise of the ankle after all O-25 artificial ankle joint replacement 植松良則, 辻村尚紀, 関真一朗, 渡邊陽 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 52-52, 2014. |
One case that presented a pain at a walk after O-26 Pilon bone fracture to the tibia medial malleolus rear 西村真吾, 西田大祐 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 52-52, 2014. |
One case that paid its attention to the load to operation side lower limbs at a walk after the O-27 total knee replacement 近藤阿矢乃, 佐野光浩, 播井宏充 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 53-53, 2014. |
For the acquisition of case - walk that gave physical therapy after an operation for proximal O-28 both sides thighbone bone fracture, and suffered from - 小長井大揮1), 西村明人2), 原修1) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 53-53, 2014. |
The case that suffered from jump movement acquisition by physical therapy after the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction of the O-29 footballer 小出洋孝1), 栗田泰成2), 齊藤和快1) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 54-54, 2014. |
Posture management in the O-30 person with a disability life nursing facility 村木起代乃1), 多田益巳1), 青嶋高志1), 川合由美2), 平野浩一3), 遠藤雄策4), 村山恵子4),5) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 54-54, 2014. |
About an effect of experience -IPV of the breathing physical therapy of the seriously ill people experiencing disability whom treatment suffered from by O-31 repeated pneumonia and the acceptance of the family - 平嶋隆浩1), 鈴木亮馬1), 藤原充1), 櫻田隆悟1), 河島徹1), 北形綾一2), 白井眞美2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 55-55, 2014. |
One case of the effect that O-32 half solidification food gives for breathing 島田賢一 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 55-55, 2014. |
The action that was treated with treatment with type A botulinal toxin to the scissors foot of the O-33 seriously disabled child person 平松文仁1), 井場木祐治3), 園田安希1), 三浦敦史1), 大谷英之2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 56-56, 2014. |
Challenge of the development child with a disability for the O-34 jump rope 高橋伸寿, 森元気, 加藤華奈美, 酒井智也, 小木曽南美, 野末あずみ Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 56-56, 2014. |
One case that showed decreased activity by O-35 dizziness, a nausea symptom 鈴木淳也 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 57-57, 2014. |
The effect that a drop of the will in the hospital gives for Barthel Index, hospitalization for O-36 acute phase 藤田大輔, 内山恵典, 田中正宏, 新津雅也, 久保光正, 満冨和彦 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 57-57, 2014. |
Action for the locomotiveness improvement of the case that presented O-37 Guillain-Barre syndrome 大石和美, 熊代高久, 栗本由美 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 58-58, 2014. |
The effect that the convalescent heart rehabilitation in patients with O-38 acute myocardial infarction gives to the aim achievement quotient of the coronary risk factor 光地海人1), 加藤倫卓1), 川瀬翔太1), 森雄司1), 落合康平1), 竹下直紀1), 内藤裕治1), 町田ゆり子1), 池戸利行1), 田邊潤2), 梅本琢也3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 58-58, 2014. |
Report of the action to the profit improvement of the rehabilitation room in our O-39 House 山田雄司, 岡部敏幸, 川合旬美, 原田真帆, 増田昌行 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 59-59, 2014. |
Case of the right rotator cuff wide area tear that produced a re-tear after O-40 technique 前村優子, 佐野光浩, 播井宏充 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 59-59, 2014. |
Physical therapy for the case given bloody plastic surgery for O-41 acromioclavicular jaw dislocation 渡邊陽, 辻村尚紀, 関真一朗, 植松良則 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 60-60, 2014. |
Case - that standing position balance became poor and suffered from improvement with one case - injury that there was left hemiplegia due to the O-42 old cerebral infarction, and presented a carpus shaft fracture in the left 那須真希子, 井上義文, 松井紀道 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 60-60, 2014. |
One case that caused a change in the results balance ability that paid its attention to the temporomandibular joint function in the O-43 RA patients 山崎達彦, 磯毅彦 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 61-61, 2014. |
Wheelchair operation (the first report) in children with O-44 cerebral palsy -- of an axle position and the wheelchair operation concerned 高橋敦, 羽田好子, 橋本尚幸, 山内一之 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 61-61, 2014. |
Wheelchair operation (the second report) in children with O-45 cerebral palsy -- of a bearing surface angle and the wheelchair operation concerned 羽田好子, 高橋敦, 橋本尚幸, 山内一之 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 62-62, 2014. |
Wheelchair operation (the third report) in children with O-46 cerebral palsy -- of a change and the wheelchair operation of the bearing surface shape (the hardness) concerned 青木恵理子, 羽田好子, 高橋敦, 橋本尚幸, 山内一之 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 62-62, 2014. |
Experience of the Syme ankle disarticulation postoperative rehabilitation in the O-47 inborn character-related fibula line loss 藤井千博 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 63-63, 2014. |
One case that presented spinal column scoliosis by foot part pronation at the O-48 load 園田安希1), 三浦敦史1), 井場木祐治4), 岡部敏幸2), 今井克美3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 63-63, 2014. |
Medical support report in the O-49 person with a physical disability baseball meet 熊谷隆治1),2), 下田健一朗3),2), 黒崎祥平1),4) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 64-64, 2014. |
From the results by measures contents of present conditions - taping of an activity report and the player in the O-50 95th whole country Senior High School baseball championship Shizuoka meeting - 後藤洸貴1),2), 河野隆志1),2), 小林敦郎2),3), 渡邉勉2),4), 廣野文隆2),5), 漢人潤一2),6), 甲賀英敏2),7), 岡部敏幸2),7) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 64-64, 2014. |
Activity report of the baseball disorder prevention classroom for O-51 primary and secondary students 甲賀英敏1),2), 西田大祐1),3), 永澤加世子1),4), 小原智永1),5), 後藤未来1),4), 岡部敏幸2),6) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 65-65, 2014. |
Questionary survey - about enforcement report - muscle of leg measurement of the force and the lecture about pain of open lecture "knee for O-52 area inhabitants and prophylactic" 小柳出訓実, 熊谷隆治, 内山亜希子, 西島晃一 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 65-65, 2014. |
One case that the problems of the FK-01 center, the cosmetic surgery disease were mixed and provided treatment by the objective data of ability, the function and examined 勝又貴大, 歌崎学, 小山内隆 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 68-68, 2014. |
About effect on immediate muscular strength by FK-02 Motor Imagery 次廣大裕1), 鈴木隆人1), 石川博隆2), 和田充弘3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 68-68, 2014. |
Pay the attention to effect - infraspinatus muscle that difference in output strength in 100% of rates gives in the joint range of motion for FK-03 supersonic wave Irradiation time; and - 福島太郎1), 岡山知世1), 杉山和成1), 吉村徹1), 鈴木慶亮1), 加藤晃己1), 喜山克彦2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 69-69, 2014. |
About the development of the body image in children with FK-04 cerebral palsy and relations with the ability for obstacle avoidance 野中雅彦 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 69-69, 2014. |
About the effectiveness of the stretch in home exercise of patients with FK-05 gonarthrosis 加藤晃己1), 岡山知世1), 鈴木慶亮1), 吉村徹1), 杉山和成1), 福島太郎1), 喜山克彦2), 中村直人3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 70-70, 2014. |
Change of the diachronic quadriceps femoris muscle muscular contraction after the FK-06 total knee replacement 清水祐樹, 山崎達彦, 千葉淳弘 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 70-70, 2014. |
Effect of the rehabilitation on user of a half year in the FK-07 short time ambulatory rehabilitation 丸山圭一, 中村重敏 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 71-71, 2014. |
Pay the attention to ambulation activity ability and the everyday life independence degree in the FK-08 care prevention ambulatory rehabilitation user of report - disorder elderly people about the knee joint extension muscular strength; and - 飯塚晋1), 遠藤健吾2), 高塚規久2), 鈴木桂太2), 各務哲矢2), 野木智美2), 山梨雅透1), 長尾邦彦3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 71-71, 2014. |
The case that had difficulty with gene locus maintenance for sharp pain after FS-01 right total hip replacement for a long time 勝亦美月 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 74-74, 2014. |
Pay the attention to case - postoperative walk that performed FS-02 right total hip prosthesis reimplantation; and - 齋藤奈美, 川隅俊哉 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 74-74, 2014. |
For case - gonycampsis limit that presented with medial meniscus injury, and was given TKA FS-03 left gonarthrosis aim - 山ノ口友花, 後藤雅幸 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 75-75, 2014. |
One case that suffered from the instability of prosthetic knee improvement at walk after FS-04 shaft of femur compound fracture technique 曽根崇 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 75-75, 2014. |
Example that intervention to bearing was connected to the craniocervical part for quantity of assistance reduction of the rise movement by the extension pattern for patients with FS-05 stroke left hemiplegia 伊澤伸太郎, 千葉淳弘, 高木亮輔, 磯毅彦 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 76-76, 2014. |
The case that presented with FS-06 multiple cerebral infarction, and came to have difficulty with behavior movement 松永好郎 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 76-76, 2014. |
Treatment, the training that presented with FS-07 injury-related right shoulder joint dislocation, and aimed at the motor function improvement for mirror case - occupation return that saw it, and performed lower Bankart surgical repair enforcement - 杉山よし美, 森大輔 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 77-77, 2014. |
- to choose therapy program by making case - range of motion limiting factor that is injured for FS-08 right foot articular fracture, and presented ankle excursion restrictions clear 溝口航, 北村健, 小山内隆 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 77-77, 2014. |
Pay the attention to functional legendary man with long legs differences and case - lower limbs which performed the left total hip replacement in by FS-09 left coxarthrosis; and - 舛田喜宣, 池田沙耶佳 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 78-78, 2014. |
Pay the attention to trial - joint angle and sight input of the range of motion exercise for the FS-10 protectiveness shrinkage; and - 芝田尚樹, 松浦康治郎 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 78-78, 2014. |
One case that standing position posture maintenance allowed by FS-11 gene locus movement exercise 野村悠次 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 79-79, 2014. |
Pay the attention to a neural mechanism of the function dissection and exercise of one case - brain control that improvement of posture controlling it was obtained for patients with FS-12 brain stem infarction; and - 窪田智巳, 老川大介, 田中俊輔 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 79-79, 2014. |
Pay the attention to case - adductor longus muscle and the sharp pain of the piriformis muscle given THA for walk acquisition for FS-13 long time; and - 菅野千愛, 柿澤健太郎 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 80-80, 2014. |
One right thighbone trochanter part bone fracture postoperative case who had FS-14 motor aphasia and dementia 袴田有貴1), 栗田泰成2), 大野直也3), 齊藤和快1) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 80-80, 2014. |
Case of boys with 14 years old with the severest mental retardation which a change was seen in in an FS-15 motor development side and an intellectual development side 和田愛里, 川村弘子 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 81-81, 2014. |
Improvement of the gait by the crutch walk in children with FS-16 cerebral palsy 池田裕里加 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 81-81, 2014. |
Pay the attention to the walk function of the use independence level of case report - public transport of patients with FS-17 jump stroke hemiplegia that trained; and - 荻野峻佑, 落合知彦 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 82-82, 2014. |
Action - for approach - family intervention to the walking ability acquisition of the patients having difficulty with mutual understanding by FS-18 aphasia and the acoustic agnosia 針生健史, 鈴木圭吾, 栗本由美 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 82-82, 2014. |
The case that performed right culf ORIF by FS-19 lower right thigh compound fracture, and presented ankle dorsiflexion restrictions 駒形勇人 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 83-83, 2014. |
Examination of one case of the tibia plateau bone fracture that suffered from the rebuilding of FS-20 Screw Home Movement and improvement of Extension lag 鬼頭和也1), 池戸利行1), 内藤裕治1), 千崎史顕1), 山岸国夫1), 加藤倫卓1), 光地海人1), 川瀬翔太1), 太田周介2), 坪井義晃2), 河命守2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 83-83, 2014. |
One case that quantity of assistance at outdoor walk decreased by the intervention to patients with FS-21 15 years old stroke hemiplegia 安田綾野, 海野薫 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 84-84, 2014. |
Example that we were thought to have an influence to quality of life on by the PT intervention of mental retardation children with FS-22 respiratory illness 大橋祐太 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 84-84, 2014. |
Present with FS-23 left thalamic bleeding, and pay the attention to approach - pusher syndrome for the case of all basic movement assistance levels; and - 鈴木匠, 櫻井靖一郎, 小山内隆 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 85-85, 2014. |
One case that as a result of paying the attention to symmetry of the posture, and having intervened for the patients who presented with a deep sensation disorder and failure of muscular coordination due to the FS-24 medulla oblongata inside syndrome, reached the improvement of the ability for basic movement 鈴木良典 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 85-85, 2014. |
Present with FS-25 left iterativeness dislocation of shoulder, and look at the mirror; the intervention for the range of motion limit after the lower Bankart surgical repair 齊藤雅人 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 86-86, 2014. |
One case that paid attention to the environmental factors that FS-26 had difficulty with, and was given a walk approach for the home return 浅原拓洋, 鳥居勇樹, 栗本由美 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 86-86, 2014. |
It is one treated case in abdominal position and the gene locus for the purpose of posture and movement improvement of the right and left asymmetry of the FS-27 bone-related torticollis patients 山本勇介, 川村弘子 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 87-87, 2014. |
One case that the abdominal position posture that was similar to at-home life made abdominal position mat in reference to the method of the family for the which seemed to be difficulty and transduced after FS-28 institution entrance 高山香都絵 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 87-87, 2014. |
Case - that oxygenation and reduction of a feeling of dyspnea were obtained by choice of the bronchial drainage in consideration of experience - condition of a patient of the breathing rehabilitation for FS-29 diffuse panbronchiolitis (DPB) 鈴木詩織, 四十宮公平, 背戸佑介, 清水万裕子 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 88-88, 2014. |
Kinesitherapy of the acute phase for the inpatient by the FS-30 living body infestation: Case study about the physical activity strength 佐野弘毅1),2), 背戸佑介2), 四十宮公平2), 大城昌平4), 佐藤慎1),3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (28): 88-88, 2014. |