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Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA

Volume , Issue 28 / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article A foreword "will open up the bright future on a new way!"
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 1-1, 2015.

Japanese Article A problem and the prospects of the local inclusion care system
森本榮, 湯元均, 小野田英也, 大津陽子, 粕谷拓己, 小林圭介, 西村佳代子, 花田忍
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 7-12, 2015.

Japanese Article For the construction of the local inclusion care system efforts of the - nonprofit foundation Fukuoka physical therapist society and future problem -
白石浩, 明日徹, 稲冨武志, 大藤英昭, 竹下真大, 畠山崇文, 吉村直人
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 13-17, 2015.

Japanese Article We participate in a local inclusion care system, and let's enlarge the foot
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 18-22, 2015.

Japanese Article Figure - that there should be directional - physical therapist of physical therapy in the future
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 25-29, 2015.

Japanese Article Possibility - method - we make it begun and make it continued and prevent reversion and to give result of the behavior modification approach application in the physical therapy domain
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 30-32, 2015.

Japanese Article With the true barrier-free for elderly people and the person with a disability (children)? - - to think about living environment through an example
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 33-38, 2015.

Japanese Article Inspection - from effect on central nerve disorder - fundamental researches of the physical therapy
石田和人1), 高松泰行1),2), 濱川みちる3), 山内(嶋田)悠4), 玉越敬悟1),5)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 39-42, 2015.

Japanese Article - to scientize - chronic pain syndrome condition of a patient to think about a sharp pain developmental mechanism from kinematics
脇元幸一, 嵩下敏文
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 43-47, 2015.

Japanese Article It is the human trunk at hip joint extorsion muscular strength and walk of the patients and a pelvic inclination angle after acetabulum movement technique
木村悠人1),2), 古門功大1), 星木宏之1), 林秀俊1), 阿南雅也3), 高橋真3), 新小田幸一3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 51-55, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the impact predictor in the recommended physical activity after one year of osteoarthritis of the knee: A Multi.-facillty Collaborative Study
出口直樹1), 平川善之2), 割鞘徹明3), 渡辺典路4), 岡真一郎5), 尾上裕樹6), 小林亜希子7), 橋詰裕次8), 平井誠太朗9), 中嶋正明10)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 56-61, 2015.

Japanese Article About a satisfaction investigation and harness improvement of the harness for the Saiseikai Yahata General Hospital type articulus humeri bathing
河上淳一1), 藤戸郁久1), 松永紗帆), 中西純莱1), 田中彩1), 森口晃一1), 日野敏明1), 松尾福美2), 宮澤忍2), 谷口秀将3), 進訓央3), 松浦恒明3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 65-69, 2015.

Japanese Article Preliminary examination of the in-hospital fall predictor in patients with Parkinson's disease
松垣竜太郎1), 明日徹1), 舌間秀雄1), 松嶋康之2), 和田太2), 佐伯覚2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 70-74, 2015.

Japanese Article Investigation - for the - support elderly people group of a balance test and the lower limbs muscular strength concerned required
政時大吉1), 本多裕一2), 吉塚久記2),3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 77-79, 2015.

Japanese Article Using examination - KiSS-18 about the social skill in the physical therapy training -
本多裕一1), 長野毅1), 高嶋美和1),2), 横尾正博1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 80-82, 2015.

Japanese Article Qualitative study - by effect - Focus Group Interview that the motion study circle activity of the student government in the physical therapy subject gives to evaluation training
吉塚久記1),2), 玉利誠3),4), 長谷川正哉5), 浅見豊子2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 83-87, 2015.

Japanese Article The case that we exercised during β blocker internal use and burdened it after thoracotomy and set
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 91-95, 2015.

Japanese Article For the early secession from practice - respirator of the early postural drainage for the ARDS patients during ICU hospitalization -
近藤泰彦1),2), 古賀秀作1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 96-98, 2015.

Japanese Article One case that presented quadriparesis and failure of muscular coordination by pontine infarction, but locomotiveness was improved, and led to reinstatement
西敬太, 今村純平, 川崎かおり, 柴田元
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (28): 99-103, 2015.