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Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi

Volume , Issue 28 / 2006
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Send it to the official journal of a scientific society publication of the 34th Congress of Shikoku physical therapy association
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 1-1, 2006.

Japanese Article Finish the 34th Congress of Shikoku physical therapy association
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 2-2, 2006.

Japanese Article 34th Shikoku physiotherapist Association Society Chairman's Award
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 3-3, 2006.

Japanese Article We know the brain and strengthen brain
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 5-6, 2006.

Japanese Article Approach - to one case - Pusher phenomenon that presented a higher brain function disorder by cerebral infarction left hemiplegia
金元麻里子, 森野勝憲
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 8-9, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect of the learning therapy
近藤慶承1), 鶯春夫2), 七條文雄3)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 10-11, 2006.

Japanese Article Pay the attention to the foot part of importance - stroke hemiplegia patients of the internal observation; and ...
中東真希1), 津野雅人1), 池田耕治2)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 12-13, 2006.

Japanese Article The case that presented right and left discrimination disorder by right putamen bleeding
石川翔太郎, 清水大輔
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 14-15, 2006.

Japanese Article Trial to interpret the physical image of the stroke hemiplegia patients
日岡明美1), 宮本省三2), 沖田学1), 片岡保憲1)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 16-17, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of the kinesitherapy for patients with cerebral infarction who had the hyperglycemia
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 18-19, 2006.

Japanese Article Mainly on improvement of obsolete case - physical symptom that the physical therapy that resumed after an interval of 18 years nominated an effect for -
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 20-21, 2006.

Japanese Article In one discussion - stroke hemiplegia about the effect that poor posture gives for physical therapy than the physical therapy experience of the case who had the hump back -
西元真希, 谷内幸喜
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 22-23, 2006.

Japanese Article It is ... through patients with slightness stroke hemiplegia which combined efforts - arch support therapy for the early walk stabilization of the stroke hemiplegia patients in our hospital
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 24-25, 2006.

Japanese Article One discussion in the harness therapy of the stroke hemiplegia patients
目見田洋輔, 谷内幸喜
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 26-27, 2006.

Japanese Article The effect that the difference of the walk aid after the THA technique gives after ward walk independence and an operation for hospitalization
内田茂博, 山田英司, 森田伸, 田仲勝一, 伊藤康弘, 久保潤一郎, 有馬信男, 山本哲司, 森諭史1), 田中聡2)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 28-29, 2006.

Japanese Article The effect of the human trunk lower limbs complex stretching on articulus humeri internal rotation restrictions and inspection of the effect durability
新居哲, 藤井保貴, 中川智章, 寒川祐樹
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 30-31, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of the gonycampsis range of motion after TKA
後藤田晶, 板橋雅彦, 伊澤明代, 川村好史, 三木喜美代, 三上浩1), 岡田祐司1)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 32-33, 2006.

Japanese Article About the course after physical therapy - our hospital hospital transfer after the artificial knee joint replacement enforcement -
山本圭二, 宮内博雄, 山下千恵美
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 34-35, 2006.

Japanese Article About the lower limbs function of the daily life pedaler to - artificial knee joint replacement enforcer aim -
宮内博雄, 山下千恵美, 山本圭二
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 36-37, 2006.

Japanese Article Using change - GMFM of the coarse exercise capacity after the talipes equinus correction for children with cerebral palsy -
楠孝文, 中込直, 森本武彦
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 38-39, 2006.

Japanese Article Through children with experience - cerebral palsy 2 case of the physical therapy based on a convalescence prediction of the gross exercise capacity -
水本憲枝, 楠孝文, 田内広子
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 40-41, 2006.

Japanese Article Characteristic examination of the walk acquisition early days in the premature baby
榎勇人, 細田里南, 野村卓生, 西上智彦, 中尾聡志, 川満由紀子, 芥川知彰, 水迫りさ子
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 42-43, 2006.

Japanese Article Treatment experience of Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome : By using the PEDI and GMFM
西崎道子1), 東裕一1), 藤原雅弘2)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 44-45, 2006.

Japanese Article Association between exercise tolerance and nutritional status in the COPD
宮崎慎二郎1), 片岡弘明1), 山田英司2)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 46-47, 2006.

Japanese Article About the noninvasive carbon dioxide measurement in patients with COPD
木村啓介, 高橋英樹, 高井一志
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 48-49, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of the visit rehabilitation of patients with respiratory illness using NPPV
高橋英樹, 木村啓介
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 50-51, 2006.

Japanese Article About the effect that posture gives to a respiratory function
谷口千明, 得丸敬三
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 52-53, 2006.

Japanese Article About a symptom at shuttle walking test and end
稲田光範, 鍋坂信夫, 加治忠義, 谷本清, 川口悦子, 杉崎和美, 山本エリカ, 岸本信人
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 54-55, 2006.

Japanese Article Making - of relation - comprehensive breathing physical therapy evaluation table of the breathing physical therapy in the chest abdominal surgery patients
川満由紀子, 野村卓生, 細田里南, 西上智彦, 芥川知彰, 榎勇人, 中尾聡志, 水迫りさ子, 石田健司, 谷俊一
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 56-57, 2006.

Japanese Article An attitude survey of the joint range of motion motion in the nursing staff of our hospital and future problem
渡部潤一, 渡部圭一, 宇都宮律1)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 58-59, 2006.

Japanese Article Analysis of the [ward rehabilitation] in the medical treatment type hospital enforcement effect
山下満衣子1), 小嶋裕2), 田岡健1), 宇都宮博史1), 宇都宮秀昭1), 宮地靖予1), 西森幸1)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 60-61, 2006.

Japanese Article Factors related to self-care behavior of patients with cerebrovascular disease : Efforts from the time it was towards the movement continued hospitalization
吉村晋, 吉本好延, 中田裕士, 田村千恵, 堅田裕次, 平賀康嗣, 山下明広, 佐々木秀幸, 明崎禎輝, 浜岡克伺
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 62-63, 2006.

Japanese Article Patients-based environmental construction - for the purpose of fall prophylaxis - behavior modification of patients with dementia in our hospital
濱岡克伺, 中田裕士, 吉本好延, 田村千恵, 堅田裕次, 平賀康嗣, 山下明広, 佐々木秀幸, 吉村晋, 明崎禎輝
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 64-65, 2006.

Japanese Article Efforts ... by fall prophylaxis - team in our hospital
平井覚1), 梅川由紀2), 菊池健蔵1)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 66-67, 2006.

Japanese Article About the need of lymphedema treatment from the present conditions of patients with - lower limbs lymphedema -
上田亨, 黒木ゆかり, 森祐介, 石崎恵子, 小川佳宏
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 68-69, 2006.

Japanese Article Analysis of circulation facilitation effect of lumbar intermittent traction therapy for near erector spinae : Part 2
岡部孝生, 宅間豊, 宮本祥子, 井上佳和, 宮本謙三, 竹林秀晃, 滝本幸治
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 70-71, 2006.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the rehabilitation in the large intestine resection clinical pass introduction
坪内健一, 田口浩之, 定松修一
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 72-73, 2006.

Japanese Article One discussion for quantity of load and the enforcement frequency in the power rehabilitation
渡部佳人, 田頭勝之, 青木英次, 門屋佳代, 山崎知子, 井添雄輔, 藤田昌宏, 中原靖智, 磯部志帆, 谷敏満, 長嶋亜理沙
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 74-75, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of the muscular strength reinforcement effect by the home exercise
森川真也, 得丸敬三
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 76-77, 2006.

Japanese Article Trial of the machine training in our institution day service user
大西康平1), 濱田和範2), 河野博史2)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 78-79, 2006.

Japanese Article Exercise of physical therapist continuation effect - that used the approach of intervention - behavioral science together for the purpose of the body function improvement in the House of psychalgia
吉本好延1),3), 野村卓生2),3), 明崎禎輝1),3)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 80-81, 2006.

Japanese Article It is ... from comparison with Kamiura-cho of the present conditions of the health enhancement business in the area and questionnaire findings and the last survey in problem (the second report) - Tamakawa-cho
山崎祐司1), 得丸敬三2), 高瀬峰文1)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 82-83, 2006.

Japanese Article It is examination ... about ... instruction contents about an exercise classroom for the purpose of the care prevention
滝本幸治, 宮本謙三, 竹林秀晃, 井上佳和, 宅間豊, 宮本祥子, 岡部孝生
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 84-85, 2006.

Japanese Article Role of the foreign rehabilitation in our hospital
土居美枝子, 小笠原正1), 川渕正敬1)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 86-87, 2006.

Japanese Article About development of the health business as the care prevention business
武田士郎, 金指巌, 横内亜紀, 山本美和, 岡島直子
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 88-89, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination - using - small size accelerometer of muscle of leg activity and the shock buffer action before the landing concerned
芥川知彰, 榎勇人, 西上智彦, 石田健司, 谷俊一
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 90-91, 2006.

Japanese Article Lowering bilateral function at one side and both sides grip strength exercise : Comparison between the young and the elderly
竹林秀晃1),2), 宮本謙三1),2), 滝本幸治1), 岡部孝生1), 宅間豊1), 井上佳和1), 宮本祥子1), 八木文雄2)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 92-93, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination - in healthy subjects under examination - different resistance part of the quadriceps femoris muscle activity at straight leg raising that considered early Exercise after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and the hip joint position
中尾聡志, 西上智彦, 野村卓生, 榎勇人, 石田健司, 谷俊一
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 94-95, 2006.

Japanese Article Comparison between self-assessment and evaluation of the bedside teaching leader of the student
大原生久, 菊池信記, 長尾哲也1)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 96-97, 2006.

Japanese Article Trial of the physical therapy education in connection with care prevention business
宮本謙三, 竹林秀晃, 井上佳和, 滝本幸治, 宅間豊, 宮本祥子, 岡部孝生
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 98-99, 2006.

Japanese Article About efforts about the bedside teaching instruction in our hospital
池田武史, 沖田学, 松尾國城
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 100-101, 2006.

Japanese Article The effect that relaxation gives to the muscular strength of the main movement line and line activity on antagonist muscle
伊藤康弘, 山田英司, 森田伸, 田仲勝一, 内田茂博, 久保潤一郎, 有馬信男, 山本哲司, 田中聡1)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 102-103, 2006.

Japanese Article The freezing-related foot and lower limb muscle activity : Through progressive supranuclear palsy cases
水迫りさ子, 細田里南, 榎勇人, 西上智彦, 野村卓生, 中尾聡志, 芥川知彰, 石田健司, 谷俊一
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 104-105, 2006.

Japanese Article The gastrocnemius muscle activity dynamics in the under antigravity : On the basis of the one leg heel up
西上智彦, 榎勇人, 野村卓生, 中尾聡志, 芥川知彰, 石田健司, 谷俊一
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 106-107, 2006.

Japanese Article It is dynamic electromyogram frequency analysis at landing movement in the patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
山田英司, 森田伸, 田仲勝一, 内田茂博, 伊藤康弘, 久保潤一郎, 有馬信男, 山本哲司, 加藤浩1), 田中聡2)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 108-109, 2006.

Japanese Article About the intercostal nerve stimulation somatosensory evoked potential in the tendon ordinary man
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 110-110, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of the MEP latency in the cerebral cortex stimulation
高井一志, 露口明宏, 木村啓介, 西川正史
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 112-113, 2006.

Japanese Article Brain activation study - using effect - PET that middle cycle stimulation gives to superordinate center
森田伸, 山田英司, 田仲勝一, 内田茂博, 伊藤康弘, 久保潤一郎, 有馬信男, 山本哲司, 政田哲也1), 田中聡2)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 114-115, 2006.

Japanese Article About the effect that a color gives to a body
武山彩, 池畠寿, 小島日登美, 鮫島啓記, 小坂則之, 吉永健太郎, 土江縁, 坂上昇1)
Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (28): 116-117, 2006.