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Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi
Volume , Issue 29 / 2007
English Article Japanese Article
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On the official journal of a scientific society publication of the 35th Congress of Shikoku physical therapy association 野村充彦 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 1-1, 2007. |
Finish the 35th Congress of Shikoku physical therapy association 山崎裕司 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 2-2, 2007. |
35th Shikoku physiotherapist Association Society Chairman's Award 山崎裕司 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 3-3, 2007. |
"A change of the physical therapy by the objective muscular strength evaluation enforcement" 山崎裕司 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 5-7, 2007. |
"Academic activity and a change of the breathing physical therapy" 神津玲, 高橋哲也, 横山仁志, 山崎裕司 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 8-10, 2007. |
Pre-stage approach ... for trial - seat rank acquisition making a body recognized 榎本晃久1), 津野雅人1), 小林功宜1), 行廣孝1), 和田隆二2), 池田耕治2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 13-14, 2007. |
Study on verticality of the human trunk with the gene locus posture 宮村和典, 沖田学, 清水大輔, 石川翔太郎, 橋本良平, 片岡保憲 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 15-16, 2007. |
About the symptom at human trunk slant of the case with the Pusher phenomenon 稲田光範, 鍋坂信夫, 加治忠義, 谷本清, 前川早由未, 川口悦子, 藤川健二, 杉崎和美, 山本エリカ Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 17-18, 2007. |
Physical recognition judging from the self-portrait drawing of the stroke hemiplegia patients 岡林真1), 片岡保憲1),2), 太場岡英利1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 19-20, 2007. |
Analysis of factors affecting the hospital walking independence in patients with cerebrovascular disease : Discrimination of walking degree of autonomy with the paralyzed side lower limb load rate 吉村晋, 明崎禎輝, 吉本好延, 浜岡克伺, 中田裕士 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 21-22, 2007. |
Usefulness - of the paralysis side lower limbs load rate using factor - marketing scale distinguishing stairs up movement independence degree of the cerebrovascular disorder hemiplegia patients 明崎禎輝1),4), 吉本好延1),4), 野村卓生2), 吉村晋1), 濱岡克伺1), 中田裕士1), 佐藤厚3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 23-24, 2007. |
Fall prediction - using the affected side piece stepladder rank time during clinical studies - hospitalization about the fall prevention of patients with cerebrovascular disorder to live at home 吉本好延1),2), 野村卓生3), 明崎禎輝1),2), 吉村晋1), 浜岡克伺1), 佐藤厚4) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 25-26, 2007. |
Physical therapy intervention - for the purpose of the improvement of approach - fall self-efficacy for the eliminative behavior acquisition of patients with cerebrovascular disorder 濱岡克伺, 吉本好延, 明崎禎輝, 吉村晋, 中田裕士 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 27-28, 2007. |
"A recovery process and discussion of the ability for long-term movement in the axon type GBS syndrome" 岡部晃弘 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 29-30, 2007. |
Pay the attention to presence or absence of examination - sight-related error signal input of the cerebellar motor learning effect in the reaching movement; and - 榎勇人, 細田里南, 西上智彦, 中尾聡志, 川満由紀子, 芥川知彰, 水迫りさ子, 上野将之 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 31-32, 2007. |
Sight is somatosensory information, and can you revise the drawings with illusionary perspective? 松下侑史1), 片岡保憲1),2), 太場岡英利1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 33-34, 2007. |
Study on verbal memory and non-verbal memory : From the perspective of the presence or absence of meaning representation 亀谷真吾1), 沖田学1),2), 片岡保憲1),2), 太場岡英利1), 森垣浩一1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 35-36, 2007. |
Synesthesia of the stroke hemiplegia patients 日岡明美, 沖田学, 片岡保憲 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 37-38, 2007. |
Effect measurement of the foot part taping using the simple animation analysis software 廣戸優尊, 大坪裕幸 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 39-40, 2007. |
One case that a throw disorder shoulder improved by scapular how to use and step foot positional instruction 河野孝春1), 菊池信記1), 原田仁2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 41-42, 2007. |
Examination - with effect - single case design that the ascent treadmill training for the case gives to a walking hip joint extension angle after total hip replacement technique 芥川知彰, 榎勇人, 西上智彦, 細田里南, 中尾聡志, 川満由紀子, 水迫りさ子, 石田健司, 谷俊一 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 43-44, 2007. |
Empty hand therapy for the cervical vertebrae lesion for rheumatoid arthritis 島原範芳 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 45-46, 2007. |
About sharp pain by the neuromuscular disease adjustment therapy enforcement and a change of the range of motion 多賀一浩, 久米啓佑, 佐伯朋哉 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 47-48, 2007. |
Pay the attention to precipitants and the patients who did it for investigation - pneumonia of patients with heart failure that was under the medical treatment in our hospital; and - 竹崎智香子, 島本佳奈, 前田秀博 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 49-50, 2007. |
Making - of real - heart failure rehabilitation critical path of the comprehensive heart rehabilitation for the heart failure 宮崎慎二郎1), 松元一郎2), 澳本定一2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 51-52, 2007. |
Use experience of the early stage rehabilitation program in the acute aortic dissection 谷真木, 島本佳奈, 前田秀博 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 53-54, 2007. |
Effect of the complex physical therapy on arms lymphedema 上田亨, 黒木ゆかり, 森祐介 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 55-56, 2007. |
About the effect that posture gives to a respiratory function (the second report) 谷口千明 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 57-58, 2007. |
A respiratory function and body function in the cerebrovascular disorder hemiplegia patients, relations with the ADL 笹岡愛加1), 八坂一彦1), 鶴埜益巳2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 59-60, 2007. |
Change of lung function, the cough ability after middle part procedures 川満由紀子, 細田里南, 西上智彦, 芥川知彰, 榎勇人, 中尾聡志, 水迫りさ子, 上野将之, 石田健司, 谷俊一 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 61-62, 2007. |
About 2 cases that developed pulmonary thromboembolism during the physical therapy enforcement 管原崇, 木曽靖彦, 藤澤和弘, 安岐桂子, 出来賢二, 山田耕平, 多田明子, 野崎ひさ, 本田透 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 63-64, 2007. |
1 case that quality of life improved by tracheotomy 萩森康孝, 福栄恵子, 叶義將 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 65-66, 2007. |
From a lack of confidence investigation for the child care of the person of physical therapy intervention - nursing from the notice direct back to a person of nursing of the syndrome without the cat - 水迫りさ子, 細田里南, 榎勇人, 西上智彦, 中尾聡志, 川満由紀子, 芥川知彰, 上野将之 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 67-68, 2007. |
Examination - from guideline - Brazell ton neonatal behavioral assessment scale to the nursing instruction that we saw from sight, a hearing stimulation response when quick of the premature infant 細田里南, 水迫りさ子, 榎勇人, 西上智彦, 中尾聡志, 川満由紀子, 芥川知彰, 上野将之 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 69-70, 2007. |
Change of tardive myalgia (DOMS) incidences from early childhood to late childhood 岡部孝生1),2), 神家一成2), 駒井説夫2), 宅間豊1), 宮本謙三1), 井上佳和1), 宮本祥子1), 竹林秀晃1), 滝本幸治1),2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 71-72, 2007. |
Approach - of the application behavior analysis study to promote the exercise participation of kinesitherapy effect - dialysis day for the purpose of the physical active mass improvement in elderly patients on dialysis 中田裕士, 吉本好延, 明崎禎輝, 吉村晋, 濱岡克伺 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 73-74, 2007. |
Intervention of the applied behavior analysis study in the load setting of the elderly people machine training 大西康平1), 近藤慶承2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 75-76, 2007. |
Examination of the change process of the aging of the agility function 宮本謙三1), 竹林秀晃1), 滝本幸治1), 井上佳和1), 宅間豊1), 宮本祥子1), 岡部孝生1), 八木文雄2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 77-78, 2007. |
Association between everyday life activity and mind and body function of elderly people 滝本幸治, 宮本謙三, 竹林秀晃, 井上佳和, 宅間豊, 宮本祥子, 岡部孝生 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 79-80, 2007. |
Study of the fall assessment indicators in the corporation : Analysis from the FIM, BBS data 開野正嗣, 直江貢 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 81-82, 2007. |
Examination of the effectiveness about strength and the energy consumption of the gross movement with the standstill-type indoor locomotorium 宅間豊, 宮本謙三, 井上佳和, 宮本祥子, 竹林秀晃, 岡部孝生, 滝本幸治 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 83-84, 2007. |
Visual estimation ability of the joint range of motion : Study in the Department of Physical Therapy Students 重島晃史, 山崎裕司 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 85-86, 2007. |
We investigate nutritional status of the acute phase in the patients after craniotomy 高芝潤, 中田麻衣, 塩田直隆 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 87-88, 2007. |
It is tried the care prevention business for the purpose of becoming it an exercise of elderly people custom 宮崎良祐, 島岡秀奉, 山本博司 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 89-90, 2007. |
Pile up care health center for the elderly cotton; about the care burden degree of the caregiver in the garden and the factor 大森貴允1), 露口明宏2), 梶原万須美1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 91-92, 2007. |
The reinstatement situation of patients with stroke in our hospital 佐々木誓子1), 岡部孝生2), 岡田耕平1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 93-94, 2007. |
Examination of the factor affecting the clinical results of the ankle malleolar fracture 津川義弘, 木村啓介 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 95-96, 2007. |
It is ... around examination - TAD about the cutout in the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture 仲渡和正, 高井一志 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 97-98, 2007. |
Prognosis of the distal radius comminuted fracture : To center the information from the simple X-ray image 松永徹也, 木村啓介 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 99-100, 2007. |
Current situation survey of foreign RA patients of the house environment : To correct understanding for the joint protection 阿部敏彦, 武田花奈, 武智政公, 平石志保, 門田三生 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 101-102, 2007. |
Effect comparison between empty hand resistance and voluntary training by muscular strength reinforcement effect PT of Quadriceps setting 森川真也, 得丸敬三 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 103-104, 2007. |
Effect of bicycle ergometer driving training : Consideration by the hip joint disease after surgery patient 野口耕造, 島岡秀奉, 甲藤周子, 藤本弘昭 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 105-106, 2007. |
Immediate effect of the balance disk exercise 中尾聡志, 西上智彦, 榎勇人, 芥川知彰, 石田健司, 谷俊一 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 107-108, 2007. |
Development of the self-training instruction system with the database 門田詩織, 田内秀樹, 片木祐志, 吉野一弘, 木口大輔, 渡邊好隆, 首藤貴 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 109-110, 2007. |
It is ... from the analysis of ... subjectivity-like sleep diary and the objective Acty graph for a risk management capability and the work efficiency improvement of the trainee 竜田庸平1),2), 直江貢1), 國友一史1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 111-112, 2007. |
The low back pain survey in acute care hospitals : At the center a comparison of nurses and administrative staff 木口大輔, 田内秀樹, 吉野一弘, 片木祐志, 門田詩織, 渡邊好隆, 首藤貴 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 113-114, 2007. |
Change of the discharge opportunity ability with the medical service fees revision of patients with thighbone trochanter part bone fracture 津野良一1), 元吉明1), 福島美鈴1), 谷岡博人1), 濱窪隆1), 市川徳和1),2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 115-116, 2007. |
The effect that muscle fatigue by the exercise load gives to center of gravity unrest in the single stepladder rank 藤岡修司, 山田英司, 森田伸, 田仲勝一, 内田茂博, 伊藤康弘, 有馬信男, 山本哲司 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 117-118, 2007. |
Characteristic of the line output adjustment problem of gradual increase, the gradual decrease exercise in the eye-mark flattery 竹林秀晃1),2), 宮本謙三1),2), 八木文雄2), 宅間豊1), 井上佳和1), 宮本祥子1), 岡部孝生1), 滝本幸治1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 119-120, 2007. |
Does the internal standard of the self change by a weight identification problem? 藤原友香里1), 沖田学1),2), 片岡保憲1),2), 太場岡英利1), 森垣浩一1), 鶴埜益巳3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 121-122, 2007. |
The effect that image remembrance gives to standing position posture adjustment 西村聡二1), 片岡保憲1),2), 津野雅人1), 太場岡英利1), 森垣浩一1), 鶴埜益巳3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 123-124, 2007. |
The errors of mental walk time and the real walk time increase by cerebral damage and age changes 森垣浩一1), 片岡保憲1),2), 太場岡英利1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 125-126, 2007. |
Study on error of real start movement and the start movement in the image 澤本幸子1), 沖田学1),2), 片岡保憲1),2), 太場岡英利1), 森垣浩一1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 127-128, 2007. |
About the difference between subjectivity of [Slow motion] and [Fast Operation]: Comparison with schizophrenia patients and healthy individuals 道田周明1), 沖田学1),2), 片岡保憲1),2), 太場岡英利1), 吉村昇世1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 129-130, 2007. |
The unaffected side muscle of the lower limb activity in the walking speed change of the person of A-K amputation that attached C-Leg and examination of the step 森田伸1), 山田英司1), 田仲勝一1), 内田茂博1), 伊藤康弘1), 藤岡修司1), 有馬信男1), 山本哲司1), 竹内豊計2), 田中聡3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 131-132, 2007. |
The line activity change of vastus medialis muscle and the lateral great muscle is not involved in walking tibia exercise 西上智彦, 中尾聡志, 榎勇人, 芥川知彰, 石田健司, 谷俊一 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 133-134, 2007. |
Muscle of leg activity analysis in the pulley motion 内田茂博, 山田英司, 森田伸, 田仲勝一, 伊藤康弘, 藤岡修司, 有馬信男, 山本哲司 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 135-136, 2007. |
Study in healthy individuals of the MEP in the cerebral cortex stimulation (Part 2) 高井一志, 露口明宏, 木村啓介 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (29): 137-138, 2007. |