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Tokai Geka Gakkai
Volume , Issue 290 / 2015
English Article Japanese Article
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One case of the S-1 treatment-resistant progress gastric cancer which A01 Paclitaxel therapy was effective, and became the radical excision possibility 富家由美, 野村尚弘, 小林大悟, 矢口豊久 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 19-19, 2015. |
One case of perforated gastric ulcer which resulted in A02 left empyema 余語孝乃助, 牧田智, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 高橋範子, 藤枝裕倫, 河南晴久, 長谷部圭史, 鈴木優美, 牛田雄太, 尾崎友理, 崔尚仁, 新井利幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 19-20, 2015. |
One case of the horizontal portion of duodenum perforation by the A03 hardened plastic piece 久野真史, 仁田豊生, 村瀬佑介, 篠田千佳, 松本圭太, 笹栗由貴, 深田真宏, 浅野好美, 小森充嗣, 木山茂, 田中千弘, 長尾育子, 長尾成敏, 加藤禎洋, 河合雅彦, 国枝克行 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 20-20, 2015. |
One patient who conducted duodenal segmental resection, the Double tract rebuilding for duodenal cancer in A04 early stage 寺崎史浩, 原田徹, 金岡祐次, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 尾上俊介, 大塚新平, 森治樹, 渡辺夕樹, 堀米香世子, 千馬耕亮, 吉川晃士朗, 仲野聡, 三岡裕貴 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 20-21, 2015. |
One case that Nerve Integrity Monitor system was useful in recurrent laryngeal nerve identification in A05 cancer of the esophagus technique posterior region of neck juxtaesophageal lymph node recurrent excision 林大介, 安部哲也, 植村則久, 川上次郎, 伊藤誠二, 小森康司, 千田嘉毅, 三澤一成, 伊藤友一, 木村賢哉, 木下敬史, 夏目誠治, 清水泰博, 木下平 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 21-21, 2015. |
Castleman disease where had difficulty in differentiation with A06 pancreas tumor 加藤瑶子, 倉橋真太郎, 有川卓, 駒屋憲一, 松村卓樹, 宮地正彦, 小松俊一郎, 大橋紀文, 石黒成治, 安藤景一, 斉藤卓也, 佐野力 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 22-22, 2015. |
One case that suspected ascending colon diverticulum bleeding complicated with A07 appendix tumor, and had a diagnosis of amoeba appendicitis after the right colon excision enforcement 出井秀幸, 青葉太郎, 加藤岳人, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 相場利貞, 山口直哉, 小池佳勇, 三竹泰弘, 和田幸也, 三品拓也, 伊藤喜介, 神原祐一, 西村元伸, 小林龍太朗 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 22-22, 2015. |
One case of the A08 ascending colon outside the territorial jurisdiction growth type leiomyoma 滝本愛太朗, 相場利貞, 加藤岳人, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 山口直哉, 三竹泰弘, 和田幸也, 三品拓也, 伊藤喜介, 神原祐一, 西村元伸, 小林龍太朗, 出井秀幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 23-23, 2015. |
One case of the hyperammonemia with the A09 mFOLFOX6+bevacizumab therapy 高井亮, 片桐悠介, 宮崎敬太, 和田侑希子, 上中祐子, 丸山翔子, 山川純一, 前田暁行, 木村泰生, 邦本幸洋, 藤田博文, 荻野和功 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 23-23, 2015. |
An example of the large intestine signet ring cell adenocarcinoma which developed DIC with the A10 marrow permeation 孫遜傲, 久納孝夫, 尾上重己, 吉田克嗣, 小出紀正, 水川卓丈, 加藤健司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 24-24, 2015. |
An example of the sigmoid carcinoma mucoides which had difficulty in differentiation with the A11 mass formation type diverticulitis 毛利康一, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 三宅秀夫, 後藤康友, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 奥野正隆, 細井敬泰, 南貴之, 加藤哲朗, 清水大輔, 加藤翔子, 前田真吾, 浅井真理子, 深田浩志, 宮田完志 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 24-24, 2015. |
One patient who presented with metachronous isolated splenic metastasis after A12 colon cancer technique in ten years 神原祐一, 加藤岳人, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 相場利貞, 山口直哉, 小池佳勇, 三竹泰弘, 和田幸也, 伊藤喜介, 西村元伸, 小林龍太朗, 出井秀幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 25-25, 2015. |
One case of A13 cancer of descending colon metastases to uterus 浅井悠一, 京兼隆典, 河合徹, 渡邉克隆, 小出史彦, 落合洋介, 豊田良鎬, 久世真悟 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 25-25, 2015. |
One case of splenic metastasis of A14 colon cancer, the left ovary metastasis 藤田建, 井垣啓, 高野学, 小川敦司, 中川陽史, 山下浩正 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 26-26, 2015. |
One case that caused sigmoid perforation during A15 calcium polystyrene sulfonate internal use 和田侑希子 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 26-26, 2015. |
One patient whom we performed suture surgical repair under a peritoneoscope for A16 injury-related sigmoid perforation and were able to save 水川卓丈, 久納孝夫, 小出紀正, 吉田克嗣, 尾上重巳, 加藤健司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 27-27, 2015. |
One case that performed laparoscopic supporting lower expansion right half colon technique for large intestinal stricture due to the A17 Crohn's disease 坂口充弘, 中川勇希, 増田穂高, 田村佳久, 山岸農, 熊本幸司, 藤井幸治, 松本英一, 高橋幸二, 宮原成樹, 楠田司, 村林紘二 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 27-27, 2015. |
One case of the sigmoid ischemic enteritis that needed A18 exploratory laparotomy 山田恵一郎, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 細井敬泰, 浅井悠一, 南貴之, 加藤哲朗, 清水大輔, 加藤翔子, 前田真吾, 毛利康一, 浅井真理子, 深田浩志, 宮田完志 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 28-28, 2015. |
One case of the A19 tuberculous appendicitis 北嶋諒, 松本圭五, 清水雄嗣, 露木肇, 飯野一郎太, 鈴木淳司, 福本和彦, 神藤修, 宇野彰晋, 深澤貴子, 稲葉圭介, 落合秀人, 鈴木昌八 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 28-28, 2015. |
One case of the A20 caulescent characteristics small intestine GIST which grew, and had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis 鈴木貴也, 長谷部圭史, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 高橋範子, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 河南晴久, 鈴木優美, 牛田雄太, 尾崎友理, 崔尚仁, 新井利幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 29-29, 2015. |
Exclusive operation case of A21 mesentery cysts 小嶋忠浩, 東幸宏, 赤井俊也, 中村光一, 小路毅, 谷口正美, 山崎將典, 西山雷祐, 丸尾啓敏 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 29-29, 2015. |
One case of ileal inflammatory fibroid polyp where had the onset for A22 adults intussusception, and underwent a laparoscopic small intestine resection 村山誠弥, 安藤公隆, 山口貴之, 雄谷慎吾, 服部正興, 渡邊哲也, 小川明男, 青野景也, 生田宏次, 浅野昌彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 30-30, 2015. |
One case of mucocele of appendix adenoma which caused A23 invagination of intestine 田原俊哉, 田村峻介, 山本博崇, 牛田進一郎, 鈴木一史 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 30-30, 2015. |
One case of the hydrops processus vermiformis axis rotation change that occurred in the pregnant woman of A24 pregnancy 28 weeks 村田悠記, 杢野泰司, 小林一郎, 松原秀雄,, 山崎公稔, 栗田大資, 尾入保彰, 弥政晋輔 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 31-31, 2015. |
3 surgery case of the A25 small intestine origin diffuse large-cell B-cell malignant lymphoma 河合宏, 小谷勝祥, 服部良信, 松山孝昭, 宇野雄祐, 山崎由紀子, 鈴木和志, 河原夫,, 三浦泰智, 中川雅文 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 31-31, 2015. |
One case of ileal lymphoma that we had the onset and were able to diagnose by A26 ileus in preoperation 長谷部圭史, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 高橋範子, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 河南晴久, 鈴木優美, 牛田雄太, 尾崎友理, 崔尚人, 新井利幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 32-32, 2015. |
An example of the IgG4 associated diseases detected with A27 small intestine lesion 羽田綾馬, 東正樹, 山中裕太, 追木宏宣, 石津賢一, 東正樹, 西山元啓, 長谷川聡, 岡本和哉, 島村隆浩, 姜建宇, 前間篤, 白川元昭, 横山日出太郎, 中村利夫 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 32-32, 2015. |
One case of the chronic idiopathic pseudo large intestine atresia that showed improvement by A28 surgical treatment 東敏弥, 杉本琢也, 辻本浩人, 山田卓也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 33-33, 2015. |
One patient who underwent laparoscopic ileus cancellation technique for the adhesive intestinal obstruction due to the A29 digestion outside the territorial jurisdiction anisakis 金史彦, 大島典彦, 永井恵里奈, 大島健志, 間浩之, 瀧雄介, 高橋道郎, 京田有介, 佐藤真輔, 大端考, 渡辺昌也, 金本秀行, 大場範行, 高木正和 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 33-33, 2015. |
One patient who underwent rectal front fixation for the rectal prolapse case with the A30 small intestine lump 相川佳子, 田中壮一, 松田聡, 新井賢一郎, 三上栄, 尾田典隆, 野中雅彦, 木村浩三, 中井勝彦, 川上和彦, 松田保秀 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 34-34, 2015. |
One case that suffered from treatment of the bowel perforation by B01 PTP sheet drinking by mistake 小林龍太朗, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 相場利貞, 山口直哉, 小池佳勇, 三竹泰弘, 和田幸也, 三品拓也, 伊藤喜介, 神原祐一, 西村元伸, 出井秀幸, 加藤岳人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 35-35, 2015. |
One case of the small intestinal perforation due to the fish bone which was able to be treated with B02 laparoscopy-assisted operation 真田祥太朗, 福岡伴樹, 宇野泰朗, 大屋久晴, 越川克己, 佐野正明 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 35-36, 2015. |
It is examined the failure of the sutures case after rectal cancer technique in the B03 our hospital 西村廣大, 太田俊介, 瀬古浩, 池山隆, 大森健治, 川合亮佑 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 36-36, 2015. |
One case that was able to stop bleeding of anastomotic region bleeding after the jejunum trephanation with the B04 ileus pipe endoscopically 大里倫之, 笹本彰紀, 吉田典正, 森美樹, 佐藤知洋, 近藤優, 石川衛, 宮本康二 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 36-37, 2015. |
One case that caused rectal seminal vesicle fistula after B05 peritoneoscope low price bowels low anterior resection 岡本和浩, 金岡祐次, 原田徹, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 尾上俊介, 大塚新平, 森治樹, 堀米香世子, 渡邉夕樹, 吉川晃士朗, 寺崎史浩, 仲野聡, 三岡裕貴 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 37-37, 2015. |
One patient who presented with an abdominal wall abscess by the perforation of vermiform appendix of the B06 fish bone 尾入保彰, 杢野泰司, 小林一郎, 松原秀雄, 山崎公稔, 村田悠記, 栗田大資, 弥政晋輔 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 37-38, 2015. |
One case that performed radical excision after preoperative chemotherapy for B07 abscess formation-related rectal cancer 岩田至紀, 小森康司, 木村賢哉, 木下敬史, 伊藤誠二, 安部哲也, 千田嘉毅, 三澤一成, 伊藤友一, 植村則久, 夏目誠治, 川上次郎, 重吉到, 筒山将之, 赤澤智之, 林大介, 清水泰博 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 38-38, 2015. |
One case of B08 HCC and the hepatocellular adenoma which it was hard to differentiate 山下万平, 西脇由朗, 川田三四郎, 宮崎真一郎, 大菊正人, 林忠毅, 田村浩章, 平山一久, 金井俊和, 池松禎人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 39-39, 2015. |
One case of HCC which we hepatectomized after B09 proton radiotherapy 鳥居翔, 大場範行, 金本秀行, 京田有介, 高橋道郎, 大島健志, 永井恵里奈, 間浩之, 瀧雄介, 佐藤真輔, 大端考, 渡辺昌也, 高木正和 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 39-39, 2015. |
One case of the liver angiomyolipoma which followed the growth course when B10 was slow 浅野智成, 杉本博行, 薮崎紀充, 服部正嗣, 高見秀樹, 丹羽由紀子, 岩田直樹, 林真路, 神田光郎, 田中千恵, 小林大介, 山田豪, 中山吾郎, 小池聖彦, 藤井努, 藤原道隆, 小寺泰弘 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 40-40, 2015. |
1 excision case of the huge hemangioma of liver which occurred in the normal liver of the B11 perfection incorporation inversion symptom 石川衛, 笹本彰紀 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 40-40, 2015. |
Hepatectomy for B12 colon cancer-prone liver metastases, Usefulness of the contrasting echo in the operation 井上立崇, 沢津橋孝拓, 岩井輝, 寺谷直樹, 加賀野井純一, 有井滋樹 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 41-41, 2015. |
B13 1 cases who underwent a radical operation for ultra-elderly hilar region bile duct cancer in the right hepatic artery reconstruction plurality of surgical 前田隆雄, 江畑智希, 横山幸浩, 國料俊男, 角田伸行, 伊神剛, 菅原元, 深谷昌秀, 上原圭介, 水野隆史, 山口淳平, 宮田一志, 梛野正人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 41-41, 2015. |
One case that performed intraaortic balloon pumping assistance bottom pylorus side gastrectomy after becoming the cardiac arrest at coronarography in B14 preoperation, and having performed urgent coronary bypass 松本光善 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 42-42, 2015. |
An example of the persistence hipbone artery merger iliac artery aneurysm treated with B15 stent graft 権田友美, 丸山優貴, 折本有貴, 山田哲也, 杉本郁夫, 石橋宏之, 石口恒男* Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 42-42, 2015. |
One patient who underwent stent graft interpolation technique for the abdominal aortic aneurysm who had the B16 horseshoe kidney 嘉山貴文, 犬塚和徳, 斎藤貴明, 佐野真規, 山本尚人, 海野直樹, 今野弘之 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 43-43, 2015. |
One case that B17 right internal jugular vein approach CV port catheter ruptured 佐治木大知, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡祐一郎, 細井敬泰, 南貴之, 加藤哲朗, 清水大輔, 加藤翔子, 前田真吾, 毛利康一, 浅井真理子, 深田浩志, 宮田完志 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 43-43, 2015. |
One case of the drug leakage by the fibrin sheath formed after the B18 central veins port custody extremely early 榊原昌志, 山口竜三, 古田美保, 渡邊真哉, 會津恵司, 井原努, 玉井宏明, 三輪知弘, 有元淳記, 伊藤哲, 山中美歩, 中橋剛一, 山本泰資 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 44-44, 2015. |
One case of the esophagus GIST that B19 bronchogenic tumor was diagnosed in preoperation 藤枝裕倫, 平松聖史, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 高橋範子, 牧田智, 河南晴久, 長谷部圭史, 鈴木優美, 牛田雄太, 尾崎友理, 崔尚仁 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 44-45, 2015. |
One case of cancer in the oesophageal diverticulum which we resected in B20 peritoneal 宗行毅, 岩佐真, 富田隆 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 45-45, 2015. |
One case of the B21 synchronism 4-prone early gastric cancer 市川靖久, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 細井敬泰, 浅井悠一, 南貴之, 加藤哲朗, 清水大輔, 加藤翔子, 前田真吾, 毛利康一, 浅井真理子, 深田浩志, 宮田完志 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 45-46, 2015. |
Liver metastases that it bored during B22 chemotherapy, one case of the severe progress gastric cancer with the peritoneal dissemination 田中健士郎, 望月能成, 植村友稔, 大津智尚, 上嶋三千年, 笹原正寛, 鈴木雄之典, 長谷川和也, 佐藤雄介, 間下優子, 田中恵理, 井戸田愛, 村上弘城, 神崎章之, 横山裕之, 谷口健次, 末永裕之 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 46-46, 2015. |
Examination about XP+Herceptin therapy for the B23 HER2-positive StageIV gastric cancer and conversion surgery 水野亮, 小林大介, 神田光郎, 田中千恵, 岩田直樹, 山田豪, 中山吾郎, 藤井努, 杉本博行, 小池聖彦, 藤原道隆, 小寺泰弘 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 46-47, 2015. |
One case of the stomach liver-like adenocarcinoma which does not produce B24 AFP 江崎正俊, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 細井敬秦, 南貴之, 加藤哲朗, 清水大輔, 加藤翔子, 前田真吾, 毛利康一, 浅井真理子, 深田浩志, 宮田完志 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 47-47, 2015. |
One case of the neurofibromatosis type 1 in acknowledgment of a B25-prone stomach GIST 戸松真琴, 礒垣淳, 矢島澄鎮, 奥村拓也, 山下公裕, 鈴木憲次, 川辺昭浩, 木村泰三 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 47-48, 2015. |
An example of desmoid tumor detected during B26 peritoneoscope lower pylorus side gastrectomy postoperative follow-up 篠田千佳1), 村瀬佑介1), 松本圭太1), 久野真史1), 笹栗由貴1), 深田真宏1), 浅野好美1), 小森充嗣1), 木山茂1), 仁田豊生1), 田中千弘1), 長尾育子1), 長尾成敏1), 加藤禎洋1), 河合雅彦1), 國枝克行1), 浅野奈美2), 片山雅貴2), 岩田仁2) Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 48-48, 2015. |
One case of the B27 stomach overlap symptom that was diagnosed preoperatively, and was operated on 大森隆夫, 草深智樹, 野口大介, 藤永和寿, 大倉康生, 金兒博司, 田岡大樹 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 49-49, 2015. |
One case of the B28 duodenal diverticulum perforation 傳田悠貴, 春木伸裕, 加藤瑛, 伊藤直, 高須惟人, 原田幸志朗, 呉原裕樹, 川瀬麻衣, 伊藤和子, 横田圭右, 齋藤雄史, 佐竹章, 山川洋右, 辻秀樹 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 49-49, 2015. |
One case of the cancer of descending colon metastases to ovary that presented C01 Pseudo-Meigs syndrome 川田三四郎, 宮崎真一郎, 山下万平, 大菊正人, 林忠毅, 田村浩章, 平山一久, 金井俊和, 池松禎人, 西脇由朗 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 50-50, 2015. |
An example of the intestinal tract cysts-like emphysematosa with the scleroderma that C02 examination peritoneoscope was useful in a diagnosis 西土徹, 篠田憲幸, 牛込創, 齋藤正樹, 原田真之資, 青山佳永, 柴田孝弥, 堅田武保, 寺西太, 西田勉 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 50-50, 2015. |
One case of the idiopathic greater omentum twisting symptom treated with C03 laparoscopic surgery 中川雅文, 小谷勝祥, 服部良信, 松山孝昭, 宇野雄祐, 山崎由紀子, 鈴木和志, 河原健夫, 三浦泰智, 河合宏 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 51-51, 2015. |
Retroperitoneal angiomatous one case that occurred around C04 pancreas, and racked its brains about a diagnosis in preoperation 田中秀治, 足立尊仁, 原あゆみ, 多和田翔, 福田哲也, 八幡和憲, 松井康司, 西科琢雄, 山田誠, 波頭経明, 杉山保幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 51-51, 2015. |
An example of mesentery desmoid tumor which bored C05, and needed emergency surgery 宮崎敬太 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 52-52, 2015. |
1 surgery case of the left internal iliac artery lump with the colonic fistula having S-shaped C06 篠田幸樹1), 山本泰資1), 中橋剛一1), 榊原昌志1), 山中美歩1), 伊藤哲1), 有元淳記1), 三輪知弘1), 玉井宏明2), 井原努2), 會津恵司1), 渡邊真哉1), 古田美保1), 山口竜三1) Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 52-52, 2015. |
An example of the obturation ileus due to sigmoid colon cancer that became incarcerated in C07 left inguinal hernia 鈴木雄之典, 横山裕之, 植村友稔, 大津智尚, 田中健士郎, 上嶋三千年, 笹原正寛, 長谷川和也, 田中恵理, 間下優子, 佐藤雄介, 井戸田愛, 村上弘城, 神崎章之, 望月能成, 谷口健次 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 53-53, 2015. |
Four cases of the obturator hernia strangulation operated on by the C08 groin method 中橋剛一, 山口竜三, 古田美保, 渡邊真哉, 會津恵司, 井原努, 玉井宏明, 三輪知弘, 有元淳記, 伊藤哲, 榊原昌志, 山中美歩, 山本泰資 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 53-54, 2015. |
One case of the cecal fossa hernia incarceration which was able to be treated under C09 peritoneoscope 犬飼公一1, 山本稔1, 近藤靖浩1, 野々山敬介1, 早川俊輔1, 渡部かをり1, 藤幡士郎1, 宮井博隆1, 安田顕1, 清水保延1, 北上英彦1, 早川哲史2, 田中守嗣1 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 54-54, 2015. |
One case of actinomycosis attributable to the intraabdominal persistence calculus given C10 peritoneoscope lower abscess drainage technique 田中伸孟, 梶川真樹, 小西滋, 野村尚弘, 浅田崇洋, 鎗田哲暢, 山中雅也, 伊藤雄貴, 岡野佳奈, 原田明生 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 54-55, 2015. |
1 excision case of para-cancer glioma detected in C11 examination out of the adrenal gland 豊田良鎬, 京兼隆典, 河合徹, 渡邉克隆, 小出史彦, 落合洋介, 浅井悠一, 久世真悟 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 55-55, 2015. |
One case of the malignant rheumatoid arthritis that repeated bowel perforation during C12 finger tip ulcer management in a short term 浅井宗一郎, 水野伸一, 平田明裕, 金森明, 中倉晴香, 玉内登志雄 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 55-56, 2015. |
One case of the prostatic abscess that we made penetration in C13 rectum 秋山荘二郎, 岡田禎人, 林英司, 永田純一, 太平周作, 岸本拓磨, 石田陽祐, 高橋遼, 蟹江恭和, 則竹統, 久保田仁 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 56-56, 2015. |
Example that we rebuilt after C14 breast cancer preoperative chemotherapy for lifespan 上中祐子, 木村泰生, 高井亮, 片桐悠介, 宮崎敬太, 和田侑希子, 丸山翔子, 前田暁行, 山川純一, 邦本幸洋, 藤田博文, 荻野和功 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 57-57, 2015. |
One case of the C15 breast granular cell myoblastoma 村木隆太, 速水亮介, 高柳博行, 常泉道子, 鈴木誠, 新井一守, 室博之, 中上和彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 57-57, 2015. |
One case of the C16 whole body emphysematosa 長尾拓哉, 河野弘, 木村充志, 米山文彦, 木村桂子, 芥川篤史, 尾辻英彦, 東垂水久美子, 清板和昭, 磯部英男, 前田周良, 福岡恵, 桑原聖実 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 58-58, 2015. |
One case of the first intercostal nerve generating schwannoma which gave a core under C17 pneumoscope 松井琢哉, 水野幸太郎, 山田健 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 58-58, 2015. |
Look at the C18 perfection mirror; is one patient of the intercostal space pneumatocele after lower lobe excision 羽田裕司, 矢野智紀, 森山悟, 奥田勝裕, 立松勉, 鈴木あゆみ, 小田梨紗, 中西良一 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 59-59, 2015. |
One patient who conducted laser crush for a bile duct stone after the C19 choledochojejunostomy 石田知之, 東島由一郎, 谷村葉子, 小林真一郎, 伊東悠子, 安藤徹, 寺境宏介, 鳥居直矢, 堀澤七恵, 森山瑞紀, 澤崎直規 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 59-59, 2015. |
One patient who was complicated with three places of multiple enteric intussusception for C20 acute cholecystitis, and underwent urgent operation under laparoscopy 鎗田哲暢, 浅田崇洋, 梶川真樹, 伊藤雄貴, 岡野佳奈, 山中雅也, 田中伸孟, 野村尚弘, 小西滋, 原田明生 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 60-60, 2015. |
One case of the common bile duct stone with the metal clip which occurred after C21 peritoneoscope lower cholecystectomy in the seventh year 神谷悠紀, 代永和秀, 伊藤亮, 清野徳彦, 西脇眞, 奥田康一 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 60-60, 2015. |
An example of the intra-peritoneal abscess due to the persistence calculus after the C22 liver knob 河野秀俊, 坂本英至, 法水信治, 赤羽和久, 新宮優二, 田口泰郎, 渡邉博行, 伊佐治孝洋, 米川佳彦, 山東雅紀, 秋田由美子, 大原規彰, 岡本眞宗 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 61-61, 2015. |
Example that performed single foramen-style laparoscopic lower cholecystectomy using a wound department at the C23 ileum artificial anus closure 高本尚弘, 橋本洋右, 杉山朋大, 小西大輔, 石黒義孝, 上田翔, 高柳智保, 川守田啓介, 小林敏樹, 藤本康弘, 米沢圭, 前田賢人, 宮下正 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 61-61, 2015. |
One case of the cancer of head of pancreas with the C24 iatrogenic pancreatic duct perforation 仲野聡, 金岡祐次, 原田徹, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 尾上俊介, 大塚新平, 森治樹, 渡邉夕樹, 堀米香世子, 吉川晃士朗, 寺崎史浩, 三岡裕貴 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 62-62, 2015. |
Two cases of the resectable pancreatic cancer treated effectively with chemoradiotherapy histologically in C25 preoperation 大澤一郎, 田端正己, 阪本達也, 藤村侑, 前田光貴, 加藤憲治, 岩田真, 三田孝行 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 62-62, 2015. |
One case of nipple mucinous adenocarcinoma (IPMC) in the pancreatic duct which caused C26 cyst infection, and formed an abscess 河南晴久, 佐伯悟三, 平松聖史, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 高橋範子, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 長谷部圭史, 鈴木優美, 尾崎友里, 牛田雄太, 崔尚仁, 新井利幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 63-63, 2015. |
Example that we were able to resect by pancreas complete removal for the renal carcinoma metastases to pancreas that were huge with the extension in the C27 pancreatic duct 加藤吉康, 山本有祐, 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 伊藤貴明, 蘆田良, 上村直, 宮田隆司, 甲賀淳史, 上坂克彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 63-63, 2015. |
One patient who was able to undergo 4 degrees recurrent neoplasm enucleation for a recurrence after C28 Solid-pseudopapillary tumor technique 大城友有子, 石原慎, 伊東昌広, 浅野之夫, 伊藤良太郎, 清水謙太郎, 藤田正博, 堀口明彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 64-64, 2015. |
Adaptation of the Frey surgery for the C29 chronic pancreatitis and the results 松井俊樹, 種村彰洋, 飯澤祐介, 加藤宏之, 村田泰洋, 安積良紀, 栗山直久, 岸和田昌之, 水野修吾, 臼井正信, 櫻井洋至, 伊佐地秀司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (290): 64-64, 2015. |