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Tokai Geka Gakkai

Volume , Issue 292 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article One case of the diverticula of small intestine penetration which occurred during A01 rheumatoid arthritis treatment
久野真史, 斉藤史朗, 加藤浩樹
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 20-20, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the adult intussusception due to A02 ileum ectopic gastric mucosa
土屋博, 多和田翔, 横井亮磨, 後藤亜也奈, 福田哲也, 佐々木義之, 奥村直樹, 松井康司, 足立尊仁, 波頭経明, 山田誠, 杉山保幸
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 20-21, 2016.

Japanese Article It is one patient of the mesenteric vein thrombosis in the idiopathy that resulted in small intestine necrosis that A03 is extended
村石望, 金岡祐次, 原田徹, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 高橋崇真, 尾上俊介, 宇治誠人, 森治樹, 渡邉夕樹, 吉川晃士朗, 寺崎史浩, 仲野聡, 岡本和浩, 和田侑星
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 21-21, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the small intestinal cancer complicated with A04 Crohn's disease
手嶋浩也, 金岡祐次, 原田徹, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 高橋崇真, 尾上俊介, 宇治誠人, 森治樹
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 21-22, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the A05 cecum neighborhood hernia
後藤祐介, 東敏弥, 杉本琢哉, 辻本浩人, 山田卓也
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 22-22, 2016.

Japanese Article The A06 1 excision case that we gave preoperative chemotherapy for a rectosigmoid junction cancer with the extensive bladder permeation, and bladder preservation was available for
服部愛司, 小松原春菜, 野口大介, 河埜道夫, 近藤昭信, 田中穣, 長沼達史
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 22-22, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of rectal cancer who had the A07 rectal prolapse
山本龍生, 杢野泰司, 小林一郎, 松原秀雄, 金子博和, 山崎公稔, 栗田大資, 尾入保彰, 弥政晋輔
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 23-23, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 surgery case of the local progress cancer of transverse colon which occurred for large bowel obstruction during A08 serious case acute pancreatitis treatment
山本泰資, 山口竜三, 古田美保, 渡邊真哉, 上遠野由紀, 會津恵司, 玉井宏明, 佐藤文哉, 三輪知弘, 有元淳記, 三竹泰弘, 宮村径, 山本美里
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 23-23, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the primary jejunal cancer which occurred in A09 duodenojejunal flexure
栗田大資, 杢野泰司, 小林一郎, 松原秀雄, 金子博和, 山崎公稔, 尾入保彰, 山本龍生, 弥政晋輔
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 24-24, 2016.

Japanese Article An example of metastatic small intestine carcinoma detected with A10 small intestinal perforation
西土徹, 篠田憲幸, 青山佳永, 土屋智寛, 齋藤正樹, 原田真之資, 柴田孝弥, 堅田武保, 彦坂雄, 三田圭子, 寺西太, 柄松章司, 西田勉, 佐々木信義
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 24-24, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the small intestinal cancer treated effectively with A11 Bevacizumab + XELOX therapy
砂川祐輝, 丸山浩高, 松野将宏, 竹田直也, 雫真人, 末永泰人, 坂田和規, 服部正嗣, 寺本仁, 鹿野敏雄, 服部圭祐, 水野豊, 蜂須賀丈博, 森敏宏
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 25-25, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that underwent pelvic internal organs complete removal technique for severe progress rectal cancer which passed from A12 diagnosis for two years
向井俊貴, 上原圭介, 相場利貞, 江畑智希, 横山幸浩, 伊神剛, 菅原元, 深谷昌秀, 山口淳平, 宮田一志, 梛野正人
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 25-25, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who received combined modality therapy for rectal cancer with A13 paraneoplastic syndromes
今岡裕基, 廣純一郎, 井上靖浩, 問山裕二, 藤川裕之, 沖上正人, 小林美奈子, 毛利靖彦, 楠正人
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 26-26, 2016.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy of the A14 rectal cancer local recurrence
山川雄士, 山口智弘, 鈴木卓弥, 加藤俊一郎, 鳥居翔, 日野仁嗣, 長澤芳信, 大木悠輔, 山岡雄祐, 桐上由利子, 眞部祥一, 古谷晃, 沼田正勝, 賀川弘康, 塩見明生, 絹笠祐介
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 26-27, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the A15 small intestine leiomyoma
山中祐貴, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 高橋範子, 陸大輔, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 河南晴久, 鈴木優美, 牛田雄太, 尾崎友理, 斎藤麻予, 余語孝乃助, 新井利幸
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 27-27, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the small intestine malignant lymphoma which occurred in A16 super elderly people for peritonitis perforative
池庄司浩臣, 島本強, 片桐義文
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 27-28, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the sacrum merger rectum amputation that we devised in the sacrum cutting high rank of A17 right and left
相場利貞, 上原圭介, 向井俊貴, 江畑智希, 横山幸浩, 國料俊男, 角田伸行, 伊神剛, 菅原元, 深谷昌秀, 山口淳平, 宮田一志, 梛野正人
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 28-28, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that went to the anastomotic region bloodstream evaluation using ICG fluorescence method at A18 internal anal sphincter muscle resection
柳田剛, 原賢康, 高橋広城, 竹山廣光
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 28-29, 2016.

Japanese Article A19 1 lifesaving case of the sigmoid diverticulum perforation that formed a serosa lower abscess broadly
川北康貴, 山口貴之, 生田宏次, 青野景也, 小川明男, 渡邊哲也, 服部正興, 安藤公隆, 雄谷慎吾, 浅野昌彦
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 29-29, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the idiopathic large intestine perforation that we made penetration in A20 mesentery of colon
岩田至紀1, 福田賢也1, 須原貴志1, 古田智彦1, 宮崎龍彦2
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 29-30, 2016.

Japanese Article It is one restoration case for the defecation trouble by apical pouch bridge after A21 ileal pouch-anal anastomosis technique
重盛恒彦, 荒木俊光, 大北喜基, 浦谷亮, 近藤哲, 廣純一郎, 吉山繁幸, 大井正貴, 内田恵一, 毛利靖彦, 楠正人
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 30-30, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the failure of the sutures tardive after A22 rectal cancer technique
伊藤直, 春木伸裕, 呉原裕樹, 原田幸志朗, 溝口公士, 加藤瑛, 傳田悠貴, 加藤明子, 津本知沙, 藤田康平, 千馬謙亮, 辻秀樹
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 31-31, 2016.

Japanese Article Two patients operated on for A23 cecal volvulus
加藤哲朗, 澤崎直規, 林英司, 谷村葉子, 小林真一郎, 塚原哲夫, 寺境宏介, 堀澤七恵, 森山瑞紀, 松田眞佐男
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 31-31, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of NOMI (non - occlusive mesenteric ischemia) which was relieved without impairing quality of life after A24 technique
太和田昌宏, 高橋有和, 川部篤, 久米真
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 32-32, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the stenosis type ischemia-related enteritis due to the cholesterol crystal emboli that we operated for under A25 peritoneoscope adjuvant
岡野佳奈, 梶川真樹, 赤座賢, 伊藤雄貴, 根木隆浩, 山中雅也, 浅田崇洋, 奥村徳夫, 小西滋, 原田明生
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 32-32, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of left-sided colic necrosis induced by a shock due to the gastric perforation after A26 abdominal aorta stent graft custody technique for the remoteness period
丹羽真佐夫, 川村紘三, 高橋啓, 栃井航也, 林昌俊
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 33-33, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent laparoscopic large intestine subtotal resection for a colovesical fistula having S-shaped A27, the large intestine Crohn's disease with multiple stenoses
宇田裕聡, 中山吾郎, 服部憲史, 稲岡健一, 水野亮, 江坂和大, 杉本博行, 小池聖彦, 藤井努, 藤原道隆, 小寺泰弘
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 33-34, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that caused fistulation in the vicinity of colitic cancer postoperative anastomotic region due to the A28 ulcerative colitis
末次智成, 松橋延壽, 高橋孝夫, 高野仁, 浅井竜一, 松井聡, 棚橋利行, 今井寿, 田中善宏, 山口和也, 長田真二, 吉田和弘
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 34-34, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the neuroendocrine tumor complicated with A29 Crohn's disease
鈴木克徳, 山本真義, 鈴木雄飛, 小坂隼人, 石川慎太郎, 川村崇文, 阪田麻裕, 石松久人, 原田岳, 倉地清隆
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 34-35, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the anal canal cancer which occurred after A30 prostate cancer brachytherapy
木股竜太郎, 関野考史, 村瀬勝俊, 木村真樹, 関野誠史郎, 土井潔
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 35-35, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the A31 rectum malignant melanoma
稲岡健一, 中山吾郎, 宇田裕聡, 平林祥, 水野亮, 江坂和大, 服部憲史, 神田光郎, 田中千恵, 小林大介, 山田豪, 藤井努, 杉本博行, 小池聖彦, 藤原道隆, 小寺泰弘
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 35-36, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the small intestine accessory pancreas which performed A32 peritoneoscope adjuvant lower small intestine resection
加納寛悠, 坂野慎哉, 原あゆみ, 八幡和憲, 井川愛子, 白子隆志, 岡本清尚*
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 36-36, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the ileal endometriosis treated under A33 peritoneoscope
蟹江恭和, 岡田禎人, 永田純一, 太平周作, 田口泰郎, 石田陽祐, 則竹統, 秋山荘二郎, 田根雄一郎, 松七五三晋, 久保田仁
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 36-37, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of A34 haemoperitoneum and the sigmoid endometriosis with the perforation
橋本昌哉, 甲村稔, 野中健一, 武鹿良規, 竹内典之, 日下部光彦, 近藤三隆
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 37-37, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the A35 appendix bleeding
坂下文夫1, 小久保健太郎1, 山本淳史1, 森川あけみ1, 伊藤由裕1, 今井直基1, 竹内賢1, 尾関豊1, 佐治重豊1, 山田鉄也2
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 37-38, 2016.

Japanese Article The differentiation with A36 persistence appendix tumor is one case of the stump mass after the appendicectomy that it had difficulty in
田中秀典, 加藤順子, 高橋治海, 石原和浩
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 38-38, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the anastomotic stricture intractable after B01 cancer of the esophagus technique
平田伸也, 田中善宏, 櫻谷卓司, 佐野仁哉, 棚橋利行, 松井聡, 今井寿, 松橋延壽, 高橋孝夫, 山口和也, 長田真二, 吉田和弘
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 39-39, 2016.

Japanese Article B02 A case of repeated reconstruction with pedunculous intestine with blood circulation reconstruction added to intestinal stenosis after esophageal cancer surgery
中川勇希, 高橋幸二, 伊藤拓也, 赤尾希美, 佐藤啓太, 坂口充弘, 堂本佳典, 田村佳久, 熊本幸司, 藤井幸治, 松本英一, 宮原成樹, 楠田司, 村林紘二
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 39-40, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the progress gastric cancer with severe lymph node metastases that CR was obtained by B03 Cape0X + Trastuzumab therapy
田中秀治, 伊藤友一, 三澤一成, 伊藤誠二, 川上次郎, 大城泰平, 夏目誠治, 植村則久, 木下敬史, 千田嘉毅, 安部哲也, 小森康司, 清水泰博
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 40-40, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy for B04 pancreas, the local progress gastric cancer which caused colic permeation
砂堀さやか, 鶴安浩, 梅木祐介, 後藤愛, 戸松真琴, 中内雅也, 中村謙一, 古田晋平, 中村哲也, 柴崎晋, 菊池健司, 角谷慎一, 石田善敬, 稲葉一樹, 宇山一朗
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 40-41, 2016.

Japanese Article It is one patient using Barbed Suture device (V - Loc) for B05 peritoneoscope lower choledocholithotomy
平山泰地, 篠塚高宏, 阪井満, 佐藤文哉, 藤田恵三, 中川暢彦, 末岡智, 村井俊文, 橋本昌司, 永田二郎
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 41-41, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination - of the pancreatoduodenectomy for super elderly people with one - our hospital of the distal super elderly people cholangiocarcinoma who underwent B06 pancreaticoduodenectomy
濱田剛史, 佐藤文哉, 古田美保, 渡邊真哉, 上遠野由紀, 會津恵司, 玉井宏明, 三輪知弘, 有元淳記, 三竹泰弘, 宮村径, 山本泰資, 山本美里, 山口竜三
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 41-42, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the traumatic pancreatic injury with the pancreatic duct injury that was able to evade surgery by B07 endoscopic treatment
野中有紀子, 神原祐一, 加藤岳人, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 山口直哉, 神谷忠宏, 三品拓也, 伊藤喜介, 西村元伸, 小林龍太朗, 出井秀幸, 滝本愛太朗
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 42-42, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the oesophageal adenocarcinoma which occurred in B08 long segment Barrett's esophagus
山本淳史, 小久保健太郎, 坂下文夫, 今井直基, 佐治重豊, 尾関豊
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 43-43, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of esophagogastric junction cancer that pCR was obtained by preoperative chemotherapy by B09 SOX
滝本愛太朗, 加藤岳人, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 山口直哉, 神谷忠宏, 小池佳勇, 藤田建, 三品拓也, 伊藤喜介, 神原祐一, 西村元伸, 小林龍太朗, 出井秀幸, 野中有紀子
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 43-43, 2016.

Japanese Article Five years survivors of the chemoradiation treatment for lymph node metastases para-aortic after B10 gastric cancer technique
小久保健太郎, 尾関豊, 山本淳史, 伊藤由裕, 坂下文夫, 佐治重豊, 今井直基
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 44-44, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination about the splenic merger ablative significance in the total gastrectomy for the B11 progress gastric cancer
牛田雄太, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 高橋範子, 陸大輔, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 河南晴久, 鈴木優美, 尾崎友理, 崔尚仁, 新井利幸
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 44-44, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of metastases to adrenals isolated after B12 cancer of the esophagus technique
細井敬泰, 安部哲也, 植村則久, 川上次郎, 伊藤誠二, 小森康司, 千田嘉毅, 三澤一成, 伊藤友一, 木下敬史, 夏目誠治, 大城泰平, 大内晶, 筒山将之, 重吉到, 赤澤智之, 林大介, 田中秀治, 清水泰博
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the multiple cancer of the esophagus which assumed the B13 spot esophagus background
黒田真之, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 奥野正隆, 南貴之, 長尾拓哉, 清水大輔, 加藤翔子, 前田真吾, 毛利康一, 浅井真理子, 深田浩志, 水野宏論, 宮田完志
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 45-45, 2016.

Japanese Article An example of the spontaneous esophageal rupture relieved by B14 conservative treatment
洞口岳, 坂本英至, 法水信治, 赤羽和久, 新宮優二, 渡邉博行, 中村勇人, 米川佳彦, 西村廣大, 村田悠記, 秋田由美子, 岡本眞宗, 河野秀俊, 村山未佳
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the traumatic duodenal intramural hematoma of the children who were able to heal B15 conservatively
一川貴洋1, 矢口豊久1, 小林大悟1, 野々垣郁絵1, 長谷川和也1, 石原博雅1, 増渕麻里子1, 出口智宙1, 柴田有宏1, 高瀬恒信1, 原普二夫2
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 46-46, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the B16 malrotation merger gastric cancer
佐藤悠太, 長尾成敏, 工藤毅, 畑中勇治, 篠田智仁, 村瀬佑介, 深田昌宏, 小森充嗣, 木山茂, 田中千弘, 仁田豊生, 河合雅彦, 國枝克行
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the gastric cancer given surgical intervention for a B17 technique posterior node recurrence
松本知拓, 川端俊貴, 川田三四郎, 廣津周, 村上智洋, 尾崎裕介, 菊池寛利, 平松良浩, 馬場恵, 太田学, 神谷欣志, 今野弘之
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 47-47, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the B18 stomach neuroendocrine system basalioma
加藤陸, 南貴之, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 奥野正隆, 清水大輔, 長尾拓也, 加藤翔子, 前田真吾, 毛利康一, 浅井真理子, 深田浩志, 水野宏論, 宮田完志
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 48-48, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the B19 frequent occurrence-related stomach GIST
後藤亜也奈, 奥村直樹, 横井亮磨, 土屋博, 多和田翔, 福田哲也, 佐々木義之, 松井康司, 足立尊仁, 波頭経明, 山田誠, 杉山保幸
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 48-48, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the duodenal GIST detected with B20 upper gastrointestinal bleeding
坂野慎哉, 白子隆志, 井川愛子, 八幡和憲, 加納寛悠, 原あゆみ
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 49-49, 2016.

Japanese Article It is one patient who had the liver subcapsular hematoma after B21 cholecystectomy
出井秀幸, 山口直哉, 加藤岳人, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 神谷忠弘, 小池佳勇, 藤田建, 三品拓也, 伊藤喜介, 神原祐一, 西村元伸, 小林龍太朗, 滝本愛太朗, 野中有紀子
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 49-49, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the gallbladder bleeding that was complicated with B22 cholecystoduodenal fistula, and occurred by hemorrhagic shock
加藤喜彦, 角泰廣, 谷野雄亮, 渡邊卓, 中野良太, 宮原利行, 中野浩
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent laparoscopic partial hepatectomy technique for B23 thyroid gland poorly-differentiated carcinoma liver metastases
松本圭太, 長田真二, 松井聡, 今井寿, 末次智成, 水谷千佳, 高野仁, 平田伸也, 浅井竜一, 佐野仁哉, 櫻谷卓司, 棚橋利行, 田中善宏, 松橋延壽, 高橋孝夫, 山口和也, 吉田和弘
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 50-50, 2016.

Japanese Article For B24 Bismuth type I hepatic portal region cholangiocarcinoma liver right lobe of liver excision + sub-;, after all stomach preservation pancreatoduodenectomy + portal vein merger excision rebuilding, is one patient of the long-term survival
小林智輝, 江畑智希, 横山幸浩, 國料俊男, 角田伸行, 伊神剛, 菅原元, 深谷昌秀, 上原圭介, 水野隆史, 山口淳平, 宮田一志, 相場利貞, 梛野正人
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 51-51, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent caudate lobe merger hepatic portal region choledochectomy for the hepatic portal region cholangiocarcinoma with a respiratory function, the decreased liver function by Transhepatic hilar approach in B25 preoperation
尭天一亨, 加藤宏之, 種村彰洋, 村田泰洋, 栗山直久, 安積良紀, 岸和田昌之, 水野修吾, 臼井正信, 櫻井洋至, 伊佐地秀司
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 51-52, 2016.

Japanese Article Two cases of the gallbladder twisting symptom that we were able to diagnose in B26 preoperation
江口祐輝, 柴田康行, 谷脇聡, 木村昌弘, 水野幸太郎, 越智靖夫, 森洋一郎, 長崎高也, 上野修平, 羽藤誠記, 田中宏紀
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 52-52, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the gallbladder twisting symptom given B27 single foramen-style laparoscopic lower cholecystectomy
武井英之, 弓削拓也, 岡本篤之, 野田直哉, 伊藤史人
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 52-53, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent liver outside segmental resection for intrabiliary in situ cancer (BilIN3) complicated with B28 primary biliary cirrhosis
松井俊樹1, 村田泰洋1, 内田克典2, 飯澤祐介1, 加藤宏之1, 種村彰洋1, 栗山直久1, 安積良紀1, 岸和田昌之1, 水野修吾1, 臼井正信1, 櫻井洋至1, 伊佐地秀司1
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 53-53, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the B29 liver origin malignant lymphoma
田中健士郎, 神崎章之, 伊藤俊成, 笹原正寛, 岸田貴喜, 鈴木雄之典, 間下優子, 井戸田愛, 村上弘城, 横山裕之, 望月能成, 谷口健次, 末永裕之
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 53-54, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the gallbladder cancer complicated with pancreas, bile duct junction abnormality which occurred for B30 hematobilia
三竹泰弘, 山口竜三, 古田美保, 渡邊真哉, 上遠野由紀, 會津恵司, 佐藤文哉, 玉井宏明, 三輪知弘, 有元淳記, 宮村径, 山本泰資, 山本美里
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 54-54, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of B31 pancreas lymphoepithelial cyst
鈴木雄之典, 神崎章之, 伊藤俊成, 田中健士郎, 岸田貴喜, 笹原正寛, 間下優子, 井戸田愛, 村上弘城, 横山裕之, 望月能成, 谷口健次, 末永裕之
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 54-55, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the pancreas gastrinoma with the tumor stopper in the B32 pancreatic duct and the superior mesenteric vein tumor stopper
大内晶, 千田嘉毅, 夏目誠治, 伊藤誠二, 小森康司, 安部哲也, 三澤一成, 伊藤友一, 木下敬史, 植村則久, 大城泰平, 川上次郎, 清水泰博
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 55-55, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of B33 fusiform cells type anaplasia pancreatic duct cancer
今岡拓郎, 金岡祐次, 原田徹, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 高橋崇真, 尾上俊介, 宇治誠人, 森治樹, 渡邊夕樹, 吉川晃士朗, 寺崎史浩, 仲野聡
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 56-56, 2016.

Japanese Article B34 1 excision case of the cancer of head of pancreas with the bile duct permeation that had difficulty in identification of the main seat preoperatively
藤村侑, 田端正己, 阪本達也, 前田光貴, 大澤一郎, 加藤憲治, 岩田真, 三田孝行
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 56-56, 2016.

Japanese Article Three patients who underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy for B35 maintenance haemodialysis patients
草深智樹, 服部可奈, 市川健, 大森隆夫, 大倉康生, 濱田賢司, 田岡大樹
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 57-57, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the malperfusion merger Stanford type B acute aortic dissection treated with C01 emergency chest stent graft interpolation technique
今枝佑輔1, 石橋宏之1, 山田哲也1, 折本有貴1, 丸山優貴1, 三岡裕貴1, 石口恒男2
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 58-58, 2016.

Japanese Article An example of segmental arterial mediolysis in acknowledgment of C02 pancreas duodenum aneurysm ruptured
張龍矢, 友田佳介, 小出修司, 角田直樹, 岡田祐二, 石川雅一
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 58-59, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 case that was given CABG and left ventricle surgical repair for a left ventricle explosion due to C03 acute myocardial infarction
小椋弘樹, 島袋勝也, 石田成吏洋, 土井潔
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 59-59, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of ascending mesocolon hiatal hernia that resulted in C04 ileus
河南晴久, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 高橋範子, 陸大輔, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 鈴木優美, 牛田雄太, 尾崎友理, 崔尚仁, 齋藤麻予, 余語孝乃助, 新井利幸
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 59-60, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of intraabdominal gauze Omagh resected after C05 technique in the 47th year
真田祥太朗, 福岡伴樹, 冨永奈沙, 宇野泰朗, 西鉄生, 越川克己, 佐野正明
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 60-60, 2016.

Japanese Article Two cases of chronic expanding hematoma which occurred in C06 retroperitoneal space
金森明, 水野伸一, 平田明裕, 浅井宗一郎, 松原庸博, 玉内登志雄
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 60-60, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the retroperitoneal tumor which had difficulty in C07 preoperation diagnosis
三井哲史, 加藤悠太郎, 香川幹, 棚橋義直, 辻昭一郎, 小島正之, 中嶋早苗, 木口剛造, 杉岡篤
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 61-61, 2016.

Japanese Article Two cases of the appendix diverticulitis that we were able to diagnose in C08 CT
松本悠平, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 奥野正隆, 南貴之, 加藤哲朗, 清水大輔, 前田真吾, 加藤翔子, 毛利康一, 浅井真理子, 深田浩志, 水野宏論, 宮田完志
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 61-61, 2016.

Japanese Article An example of the appendix diverticulitis with the cecum fistula which was able to be treated with C09 operation under laparoscopy
森本翔太, 加藤知克, 廣川高久, 柴田直史, 花立史香, 小林建司, 清水幸雄, 松波英寿
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that combination of NPWT and drainage succeeded for the wound part infection that formed cecal fistula by failure of the sutures after C10 ileocecum resection
田根雄一郎, 岡田禎人, 永田純一, 太平周作, 田口泰郎, 石田陽祐, 蟹江恭和, 則竹統, 秋山荘二郎, 松七五三晋, 久保田仁
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 62-62, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient whom CMV proctitis developed in postoperatively of the C11 abdominal aortic aneurysm explosion
松浦直樹1, 玉井宏明1, 上遠野由紀1, 山本美里2, 山本泰資2, 宮村径2, 三竹泰弘2, 有元淳記2, 三輪知弘2, 佐藤文哉2, 會津恵司2, 渡邊真哉2, 古田美保2, 山口竜三2
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article Four cases of the C12 dietary ileus
中島考陽, 杢野泰司, 小林一郎, 松原秀雄, 金子博和, 山崎公稔, 栗田大資, 尾入保彰, 山本龍生, 弥政晋輔
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 63-63, 2016.

Japanese Article An example of the small intestine ileus due to C13 chlamydial diseases
毛利康一, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 三宅秀夫, 後藤康友, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 奥野正隆, 南貴之, 清水大輔, 長尾拓哉, 加藤翔子, 前田真吾, 浅井真理子, 深田浩志, 水野宏論, 宮田完志
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 64-64, 2016.

Japanese Article Two cases of colon cancer metastases to ovary resected as C14 bulky disease
筒山将之, 小森康司, 木下敬史, 大城泰平, 伊藤誠二, 安部哲也, 千田嘉毅, 三澤一成, 伊藤友一, 植村則久, 夏目誠治, 川上次郎, 大内晶, 重吉到, 細井敬泰, 赤澤智之, 林大介, 田中秀治, 清水泰博
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 64-64, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of metachronous metastases to thyroid of C15 rectal cancer
稲熊岳1, 前田耕太郎1, 花井恒一1, 勝野秀稔1, 佐藤美信1, 升森宏次1, 小出欣和1, 松岡宏1, 塩田規帆1, 遠藤智美1, 石田善敬1, 稲葉一樹1, 日比八束2, 宇山一朗1
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 65-65, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that performed adhesiotomy for small intestine ileus with the encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis after the C16 peritoneal dialysis, and succeeded
畑中勇治, 長尾成敏, 工藤毅, 篠田智仁, 村瀬佑介, 深田真宏, 佐藤悠太, 小森充嗣, 木山茂, 田中千弘, 仁田豊生, 河合雅彦, 國枝克行
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 65-65, 2016.

Japanese Article It is one patient of the small intestine ileus by the scar after C17 small intestine malignant lymphoma treatment
鶴岡琢也, 鈴木正彦, 浅羽雄太郎, 三宅隆史, 臼井弘明, 田中征洋, 水上泰延
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the invagination of intestine which occurred in Roux - en - Y leg after the C18 peritoneoscope lower pylorus side gastrectomy
志村匡信, 大井正貴, 市川崇, 安田裕美, 吉山繁幸, 問山裕二, 荒木俊光, 井上靖浩, 毛利靖彦, 楠正人
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 66-66, 2016.

Japanese Article An example of the cecum simple ulcer which had difficulty in differentiation with C19 cecum tumor
崔尚仁, 佐伯悟三, 平松聖史, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 高橋範子, 陸大輔, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 河南晴久, 鈴木優美, 牛田雄太, 尾崎友理, 余語孝乃助, 齋藤麻予, 新井利幸
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of sigmoid colon cancer given operation under laparoscopy after reposition in C20 invagination of intestine
市川賢吾, 熊澤伊和生, 川越肇, 西尾公利, 松木稔久
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 67-67, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent stent graft surgery for an abdominal aorta explosion without the C21 diameter expansion
田嶋与夢1, 石橋宏之1, 杉本郁夫1, 山田哲也1, 折本有貴1, 丸山優貴1, 今枝祐輔1, 石口恒男2
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 68-68, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent aneurysmectomy and artery of lower extremity bypass operation for C22 huge popliteal artery aneurysm
池田脩太, 水野敬輔, 久留宮康浩, 世古口英, 小林聡, 河合清貴, 桐山宗泰, 大岩孝, 冨永健太, 中島悠, 鳥居直矢, 森万希子, 渡辺裕樹
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 68-69, 2016.

Japanese Article An example of the haemoperitoneum with suspected dissociative Crisp aneurysm complicated with C23 neurofibromatosis type 1 (von Recklinghausen disease)
斎藤悠文, 間下直樹, 山田紗矢加, 野々垣彰, 中村正典, 呂成九, 渡邉卓哉, 飛永純一, 石榑清
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 69-69, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent ligature for abdominal cavity aneurysms after the C24 celiac artery dissection
清水將史, 金岡祐次, 原田徹, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 高橋崇真, 尾上俊介, 宇治誠人, 吉川晃士朗, 寺崎史浩, 仲野聡, 岡本和浩, 和田侑星
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 69-69, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination about the treatment strategy of the C25 mesenterial artery injury
犬飼公一1, 宮井博隆1, 北山陽介1, 近藤靖浩1, 野々山敬介1, 渡部かをり1, 藤幡士郎1, 高嶋伸宏1, 安田顕1, 山本稔1, 北上英彦1, 清水保延1, 早川哲史2, 田中守嗣1
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 70-70, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the breast haemangiosarcoma that electron beam irradiation was effective for metastasis to C26 auricle
伊藤靖, 後藤圭吾
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 70-70, 2016.

Japanese Article Four cases of the C27 men breast cancer
加藤順子, 石原和浩, 田中秀典, 西村幸祐, 高橋治海, 山本悟
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that it was controlled the long-term condition of a patient by C28 Pertuzumab + Herceptin maintenance + hormonal therapies
森龍太郎, 二村学, 森光華澄, 吉田和弘
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 71-71, 2016.

Japanese Article An example of the pulmonary sequestration in the lobe of the lung with the abnormal artery more than C29 diameter 10mm
宮本祐作, 山本裕崇, 白橋幸洋, 岩田尚, 土井潔
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 72-72, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of anterior mediastinum Angioleiomyoma which occurred in C30 young people
松井琢哉, 遠藤克彦, 山田健
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 72-72, 2016.

Japanese Article The true diverticulum that is not example - Meckel diverticulum of the C31 non-mesentery side small bowel intestinal duplication symptom being overlap intestinal tract or ...
鴻村寿, 安田邦彦, 水津博
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of ileus by the diaphragmatic hernia strangulation that occurred after C32 CABG
村山未佳, 坂本英至, 法水信治, 赤羽和久, 新宮優二, 渡邉博行, 中村勇人, 米川佳彦, 西村廣大, 村田悠記, 秋田由美子, 岡本眞宗, 河野秀俊, 洞口岳
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 73-73, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of De Garengeot hernia with the C33 appendicitis perforated
奥村太郎, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 奥野正隆, 南貴之, 清水大輔, 長尾拓哉, 加藤翔子, 前田真吾, 毛利康一, 浅井真理子, 深田浩志, 水野宏論, 宮田完志
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article It is one patient of the inguinal hernia strangulation using the mesh plug for patients with decompensated cirrhosis with the intractable ascitic fluid of C34 large quantities
福井貴巳, 徳山泰治, 佐野文
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 74-74, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of C35 splenic inflammatory pseudotumor-like follicular dendritic cells-related tumor
余語孝乃助, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 高橋範子, 陸大輔, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 河南晴久, 鈴木優美, 牛田雄太, 尾崎友理, 齋藤麻予, 新井利幸
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 75-75, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of asymptomatic functional paraganglioma discovered in C36 medical examination US
安田祐真, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 高橋範子, 陸大輔, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 河南晴久, 鈴木優美, 牛田雄太, 尾崎友理, 斎藤麻予, 余語孝乃助, 新井利幸
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 75-75, 2016.

Japanese Article An example of the C37 huge retroperitoneum liposarcoma
鳥居直矢, 世古口英, 水野敬輔, 小林聡, 河合清貴, 桐山宗泰, 大岩孝, 冨永健太, 中島悠, 森万希子, 池田脩太, 渡辺裕樹, 久留宮康浩
Tokai Geka Gakkai (292): 76-76, 2016.