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Tokai Geka Gakkai
Volume , Issue 294 / 2017
English Article Japanese Article
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One case of the pancreas adenosquamous carcinoma which we were able to diagnose in A01 preoperation 伊藤拓也, 藤井幸治, 東謙太郎, 赤尾希美, 中川勇希, 山内洋介, 佐藤啓太, 堂本佳典, 田村佳久, 熊本幸司, 松本英一, 高橋幸二, 宮原成樹, 楠田司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 19-19, 2017. |
An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma splenic metastasis with the metastasis to A02 splenic hilar lymph node 冨永奈沙, 福岡伴樹, 越川克己, 真田祥太朗, 西鉄生, 佐野正明 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 19-19, 2017. |
One patient who presented with bleeding by stomach direct permeation of the A03 hepatocellular carcinoma 山本龍生, 杢野泰司, 松原秀雄, 小林一郎, 金子博和, 尾入保彰, 二村雄介, 花澤隆明, 弥政晋輔 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 19-19, 2017. |
An example of the adult hepatoblastoma which recurred after A04 excision rapidly 三井哲史, 加藤悠太郎, 小島正之, 木口剛造, 棚橋義直, 中嶋早苗, 安田顕, 辻昭一郎, 杉岡篤 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 19-20, 2017. |
One case of the extrahepatic bile duct cancer given hepatic left lobe excision for liver metastases after the A05 right hepatic artery merger bile duct excision 遠藤真英, 尾関豊, 小久保健太郎, 山本淳史, 坂下文夫, 今井直基, 杉山宏* Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 20-20, 2017. |
One case of intrabiliary papillary tumor (IPNB) which progressed on an intrahepatic bile duct from A06 common hepatic duct broadly 渡邉夕樹, 京兼隆典, 河合徹, 雄谷慎吾, 川合亮佑, 浅井悠一, 久世真悟, 宮地正彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 20-20, 2017. |
One patient who was able to evade hepatectomy in IVR for an IIIb type liver damage with the A07 bile duct anterior segment area branch tear 滝本愛太朗, 神谷忠宏, 加藤岳人, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 山口直哉, 小池佳勇, 藤田建, 前田周良, 神原祐一, 小林龍太朗, 出井秀幸, 野中有紀子, 荒川拓也, 伊藤量吾 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 20-20, 2017. |
One case of the round ligament of liver abscess given A08 laparoscopic surgery 小林潤貴, 河原健夫, 林英司, 谷村葉子, 塚原哲夫, 寺境宏介, 加藤哲郎, 森山瑞紀, 澤崎直規 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 21-21, 2017. |
1 excision case of A09 Hepatic epitheloid hemangioendothelioma 柴崎泰, 坂口孝宣, 北嶋諒, 古橋暁, 木内亮太, 武田真, 平出貴乗, 森田剛文, 竹内裕也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 21-21, 2017. |
One case of the synchronism double cancer of A10 rectal cancer liver metastases and the intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma 桑原聖実, 加藤祐一郎, 米山文彦, 木村桂子, 尾辻英彦, 清板和昭, 長谷部圭史, 秋田由美子, 福井史弥, 山内悠司, 西野真史, 杉田洋之, 河野弘 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 21-21, 2017. |
Efforts to formulating it of the A12 peritoneoscope bottom systematic hepatectomy 小島正之, 加藤悠太郎, 棚橋義直, 中嶋早苗, 辻昭一郎, 安田顕, 香川幹, 木口剛造, 守瀬善一, 杉岡篤 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 22-22, 2017. |
One case of accessory spleen epidermoid cyst in the pancreas which we performed A13 peritoneoscope lower pancreas segmental resection in 今岡裕基, 尾嶋英紀, 橋本清, 川村幹雄, 大竹耕平, 渡部秀樹, 毛利智美, 伊藤秀樹, 毛利靖彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 22-22, 2017. |
One case of pancreas solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm which performed A14 peritoneoscope lower spleen preservation distal pancreatectomy 中川暢彦, 阪井満, 平山泰地, 高島幹展, 佐藤文哉, 藤田恵三, 篠塚高宏, 末岡智, 村井俊文, 林裕倫, 橋本昌司, 永田二郎 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 22-22, 2017. |
One case of the pancreatic cancer which was given a laparoscopic body of pancreas tailpiece resection without a tumor being depicted only by A15 body of pancreas tailpiece pancreatic duct expansion 武内泰司郎, 臼井正信, 伊佐地秀司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 22-23, 2017. |
One case of the chronic pancreatitis that racked the brains about differentiation with the A16 pancreatic cancer, and was given pancreaticoduodenectomy 今藤裕之, 社本智也, 上田悟郎, 林祐一, 齋藤健太, 坪井謙, 森本守, 高橋広城, 石黒秀行, 松尾洋一, 瀧口修司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 23-23, 2017. |
1 excision case of the coexistence pancreatic cancer detected six years after A17 branching type IPMN diagnosis 藤村侑, 田端正己, 阪本達也, 前田光貴, 大澤一郎, 加藤憲治, 岩田真, 三田孝行 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 23-23, 2017. |
One case that double cancer with the pancreatic cancer was suspected in a diagnosis than the views in the operation in preoperation of the A18 gallbladder cancer, and performed the gallbladder bed resection and the pancreaticoduodenectomy 早崎碧泉, 加藤宏之, 種村彰洋, 村田泰洋, 岸和田昌之, 臼井正信, 伊佐地秀司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 23-23, 2017. |
For pancreas head mass detected by a periodic medical examination of dialyzing it A19 maintenance sub-; one that underwent all stomach preservation pancreaticoduodenectomy 畑中友秀1), 水野修吾1), 直田浩明2), 杉本寛子3), 白石泰三4), 出崎良輔1), 加藤弘幸1) Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 24-24, 2017. |
One case of the hematobilia from the right hepatic artery which caught the permeation of the bile duct jejunum anastomotic region recurrence after A20 PD technique 梅村将成, 山口直哉, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 神谷忠宏, 小池佳勇, 藤田建, 前田周良, 神原祐一, 小林龍太朗, 出井秀幸, 滝本愛太朗, 野中有紀子, 荒川拓也, 伊藤量吾, 加藤岳人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 24-24, 2017. |
One case that recanalization was obtained by percutaneous transhepatic portal vein stenting and 2 degrees balloon expansion technique for benign extrahepatic part portal vein obstruction after the A21 pancreatoduodenectomy 宮本剛士1), 山本有祐1), 新槇剛2), 杉浦禎一1), 岡村行泰1), 伊藤貴明1), 蘆田良1), 上坂克彦1) Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 24-24, 2017. |
A22 sub-; is one patient of the elevation jejunal ulcer perforation after all stomach preservation pancreaticoduodenectomy 平山泰地, 篠塚高宏, 高島幹展, 佐藤文哉, 藤田恵三, 中川暢彦, 末岡智, 村井俊文, 阪井満, 橋本昌司, 永田二郎 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 24-24, 2017. |
One case of the A23 pancreas lymphoepithelial cyst 浅野之夫, 石原慎, 伊東昌広, 冨重博一, 川辺則彦, 永田英俊, 荒川敏, 古田晋平, 伊藤良太郎, 清水謙太郎, 林千紘, 神尾健士郎, 河合永季, 堀口明彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 25-25, 2017. |
One case of the porcelain gallbladder given A24 peritoneoscope lower cholecystectomy 瀬木祐樹, 小松原春菜, 奥田善大, 河埜道夫, 田中穣, 近藤昭信, 長沼達史 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 25-25, 2017. |
Two cases of the A25 gallbladder twisting symptom 武井英之, 弓削拓也, 岡本篤之, 野田直哉, 伊藤史人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 25-25, 2017. |
Three cases of the cholecystolithiasis with the right round ligament of liver which we performed A26 single foramen-style laparoscopic lower cholecystectomy in 岡本篤之, 弓削拓也, 武井英之, 野田直哉, 伊藤史人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 25-26, 2017. |
One case of IPNB discovered with A27 gallstones attack 影山優美子, 山口竜三, 古田美保, 渡邊真哉, 上遠野由紀, 會津恵司, 佐藤文哉, 玉井宏明, 三輪知弘, 有元淳記, 三竹泰弘, 宮村径, 山本泰資, 山本美里, 岡本紗和子 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 26-26, 2017. |
One case of the severe progress gallbladder cancer which we resected after one of A28 chemotherapy from the left 伊藤哲, 江畑智希, 横山幸浩, 伊神剛, 水野隆史, 山口淳平, 尾上俊介, 梛野正人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 26-26, 2017. |
An example of the progress hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma that long-term survival was obtained by A29 positive pole-like combined modality therapy 林友樹, 江畑智希, 横山幸浩, 國料俊男, 角田伸行, 伊神剛, 菅原元, 深谷昌秀, 上原圭介, 山口淳平, 宮田一志, 相場利貞, 梛野正人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 26-26, 2017. |
Examination about the safety of the elective surgery in the A30 antithrombotic drug internal use patients 尾崎友理, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 陸大輔, 田畑光起, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 河南晴久, 鈴木優美, 崔尚仁, 狩野陽子, 齋藤麻予, 余語孝乃助, 梶山洸, 佐藤誠洋, 福山貴大, 新井利幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 27-27, 2017. |
Perioperative venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in the A31 our hospital 増田達也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 27-27, 2017. |
Example that accepted pulmonary thromboembolism after the intravascular cauterization for A32 varicose veins of lower extremities 山中裕太, 犬塚和徳, 嘉山貴文, 矢田達朗, 片橋一人, 斉藤貴明, 佐野真規, 山本尚人, 海野直樹, 竹内裕也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 27-27, 2017. |
Experience of the open surgery after the A33 abdominal incisional hernia mesh treatment 木股竜太郎, 川村紘三, 高橋啓, 栃井航也, 林昌俊 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 27-28, 2017. |
One case of gauze Omagh which required A34 ileum, appendix merger excision 伊藤量吾, 加藤岳人, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 山口直哉, 神谷忠宏, 小池佳勇, 藤田建, 前田周良, 神原祐一, 梅村将成, 小林龍太朗, 出井秀幸, 滝本愛太朗, 野中有紀子, 荒川拓也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 28-28, 2017. |
One case of the PET-positive intraabdominal mass which had difficulty in intraabdominal recurrence and differentiation after A35 cancer of the esophagus technique 福山貴大, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 陸大輔, 田畑光紀, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 河南晴久, 鈴木優美, 尾崎友理, 崔尚仁, 狩野陽子, 齋藤麻予, 余語孝乃助, 佐藤誠洋, 梶山洸, 新井利幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 28-28, 2017. |
1 excision case of the desmoid in the A36 abdominal cavity 増田穂高, 松田信介, 小林基之, 永井盛太, 鈴木英明 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 28-28, 2017. |
One case of the inguinal part endometriosis that used A37 examination peritoneoscope together, and was treated 上田悟郎, 植松宏, 柳田剛, 林祐一, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 社本智也, 志賀一慶, 佐川弘之, 廣川高久, 坪井謙, 森本守, 田中達也, 小川了, 坂本宣弘, 原賢康, 高橋広城, 石黒秀行, 松尾洋一, 瀧口修司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 28-29, 2017. |
One case of the retroperitoneal bronchial cyst which we resected by A38 retroperitoneum mirror poorness technique 西村彰博, 松尾一勲, 柴崎晋, 鶴安浩, 天野さやか, 後藤愛, 梅木祐介, 戸松真琴, 中村謙一, 中内雅也, 菊地健司, 中村哲也, 角谷慎一, 稲葉一樹, 花井恒一, 杉岡篤, 宇山一朗 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 29-29, 2017. |
1 excision case of the stomach liver-like adenocarcinoma which formed bulky disease in B01 wall of stomach 前田光貴, 田端正己, 阪本達也, 藤村侑, 大澤一郎, 加藤憲治, 岩田真, 三田孝行 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 30-30, 2017. |
1 excision case of the severe local infiltration stomach GIST complicated with the Stage IV left lung adenocarcinoma with B02 metastases to bone 成田潔, 佐藤梨枝, 高橋直樹, 鈴木秀郎, 町支秀樹, 岡田喜克 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 30-30, 2017. |
One case that restored the Richter hernia that became incarcerated in B03 5mm port hole under a peritoneoscope 加藤揺子, 石黒成治, 小松俊一郎, 金子健一朗, 有川卓, 齊藤卓也, 駒屋憲一, 松村卓樹, 大澤高陽, 倉橋真太郎, 安井講平, 加藤翔子, 鈴木健, 佐野力 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 30-31, 2017. |
Examination of B04 adults overlap intestinal tract, the Meckel diverticulum surgery case 狩野陽子, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 陸大輔, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 河南晴久, 田畑光紀, 鈴木優美, 尾崎友, 崔尚仁, 齊藤麻予, 余語孝乃助, 梶山洸, 佐藤誠洋, 福山貴大, 新井利幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 31-31, 2017. |
One case that we resected after preoperative chemotherapy for B05 S-shape colon cancer, synchronism liver metastases, paraaortic lymph node metastasis 内野大倫, 木下敬史, 小森康司, 大城泰平, 伊藤誠二, 安部哲也, 千田嘉毅, 三澤一成, 伊藤友一, 植村則久, 夏目誠治, 檜垣栄治, 清水泰博 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 31-31, 2017. |
One patient who underwent Laparoseopic Ventral Rectopexy for B06 rectal prolapse 石丸直樹, 生田宏次, 青野景也, 小川明男, 渡邊哲也, 服部正興, 平田明裕, 山口貴之, 野尻基, 浅野昌彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 31-32, 2017. |
One case of the mesentery of descending colon injury with the massive bleeding that was able to evade emergency surgery just after the injury by B07 TAE 岡本紗和子, 佐藤文哉, 玉井宏明, 古田美保, 渡邊真哉, 上遠野由紀, 會津恵司, 三輪知弘, 有元淳記, 影山優美子, 三竹泰弘, 宮村径, 山本泰資, 山本美里, 山口竜三 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 32-32, 2017. |
One patient whom Acinetobacter sepsis developed in from periphery catheterization of vein after surgery at B08 gastric cancer, the cancer of descending colon same time 安井講平, 齊藤卓也, 倉橋真太郎, 松村卓樹, 石黒成治, 有川卓, 小松俊一郎, 金子健一朗, 佐野力 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 32-32, 2017. |
It is one patient of the acute appendicitis with the mesenteric vein thrombosis in B09 宮地達郎, 杢野泰司, 松原秀雄, 金子博和, 尾入保彰, 山本龍生, 二村雄介, 花澤隆明, 小林一郎, 弥政晋輔 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 32-33, 2017. |
One case of the acute appendicitis with the B10 malrotation 中島京佑, 杢野泰司, 松原秀雄, 金子博和, 尾入保彰, 山本龍生, 二村雄介, 花澤隆明, 小林一郎, 弥政晋輔 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 33-33, 2017. |
One patient who underwent operation under laparoscopy for sigmoid perforation with B11 barium 藤田康平, 春木伸裕, 呉原裕樹, 原田幸志朗, 溝口公士, 伊藤直, 傳田悠貴, 津本知沙, 千馬謙亮, 辻卓真, 篠田憲幸, 辻秀樹 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 33-33, 2017. |
One case of the rectal perforation by the barium-enema study that the inguinal hernia that B12 sigmoid colon escaped seemed to be precipitants 吉田大樹, 金岡祐次, 原田徹, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 高橋崇真, 宇治誠人, 三品拓也, 吉川晃士朗, 寺崎史浩, 伊藤喜介, 仲野聡, 岡本和浩, 手嶋浩也, 田中祐介 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 33-34, 2017. |
One case of the intestinal tract cysts state emphysematosa that developed panitumumab during administration for B13 S-shape colon cancer 野中有紀子, 神谷忠宏, 加藤岳人, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 山口直哉, 小池佳勇, 藤田建, 前田周良, 梅村将成, 小林龍太朗, 出井秀幸, 滝本愛太朗, 荒川拓也, 伊藤量吾 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 34-34, 2017. |
One case of NOMI where B14 S-shape colon cancer occurred in postoperatively 溝口公士, 辻秀樹, 篠田憲幸, 春木伸裕, 呉原裕樹, 原田幸志朗, 伊藤直, 傳田悠貴 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 34-34, 2017. |
One case of B15 Enterocolic lymphocytic phlebitis 箕浦里恵1), 中川暢彦1), 阪井満1), 村井俊文1), 末岡智1), 篠塚高宏1), 藤田恵三1), 佐藤文哉1), 高島幹展1), 露木琢司2), 中島広聖2) Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 34-34, 2017. |
One case of the feces ileus in acknowledgment of B16 widely intravascular gas 浅井宏之, 柴田康行, 谷脇聡, 木村昌弘, 水野幸太郎, 越智靖夫, 長崎高也, 上野修平, 江口祐輝, 羽藤誠記, 田中宏紀 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 35-35, 2017. |
One case that underwent laparoscopic supporting lower right hemicolectomy technique for a B17 idiopathy intestinal tract emphysematous bleb symptom 尭天一亨, 小出泰平, 須崎真 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 35-35, 2017. |
One case that underwent pneumomediastinography lower esophagus subtotal resection for local recurrence after cancer of the esophagus radical CRT with the thoracotomy history of B18 2 degrees 田中秀治, 檜垣栄治, 安部哲也, 植村則久, 國友愛奈, 内野大倫, 林大介, 安炳九, 重吉到, 細井敬泰, 筒山将之, 大内晶, 大城泰平, 夏目誠治, 木下敬史, 伊藤友一, 三澤一成, 千田嘉毅, 小森康司, 伊藤誠二, 清水泰博 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 35-35, 2017. |
One case that produced gullet ischemia after gullet preservation pancreatoduodenectomy for the B19 cancer of the esophagus postoperative cholangiocarcinoma 森本大士, 杉本博行, 加藤吉康, 末永雅也, 高見秀樹, 服部憲史, 丹羽由紀子, 林真路, 神田光郎, 小林大介, 田中千恵, 山田豪, 中山吾郎, 小池聖彦, 藤原道隆, 小寺泰弘 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 36-36, 2017. |
With B20 bleeding associate; one case of the stomach hamartoma which was urgent, and resected 大野峻, 松田明敏, 信岡祐, 湯淺浩行, 谷川寛自, 横井一 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 36-36, 2017. |
1 excision case of the stomach lipoma rapidly increased with the bleeding in B21 tumor 村上智洋1), 曽根田亘1), 川田三四郎1), 廣津周1), 松本知拓1), 尾崎裕介1), 川端俊貴1), 菊池寛利1), 平松良浩1), 馬場恵1), 神谷欣志1), 今野弘之2), 竹内裕也1) Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 36-36, 2017. |
One case of the early gastric cancer which caused a systemic multiple bone recurrence 12 years after B22 excision 鶴田成昭, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 奥野正隆, 田中寛, 南貴之, 長尾拓哉, 前田真吾, 毛利康一, 浅井真理子, 深田浩志, 水野宏論, 宮田完志 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 37-37, 2017. |
One case of the B23 progression cancer of transverse colon that disappeared spontaneously 安藤菜奈子, 松尾洋一, 石黒秀行, 高橋広城, 原賢康, 志賀一慶, 廣川高久, 前田祐三, 仲井希, 柳田剛, 瀧口修司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 37-37, 2017. |
An example of sigmoid colon cancer in acknowledgment of the isolated metastases to B24 left obturator lymph node 赤座賢, 浅田崇洋, 高見一徳, 伊藤雄貴, 岡野佳奈, 呂成九, 奥村徳夫, 小西滋, 梶川真樹, 原田明生 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 37-37, 2017. |
One case of perforated rectal cancer given radical operation of the B25 second 原文祐, 横江毅, 三枝晋, 森本雄貴, 岩田崇, 奥川喜永, 田中光司, 三木誓雄 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 38-38, 2017. |
One case of rectal sm cancer which resulted in local recurrence after B26 excision in the eleventh year 中澤幸久, 加藤哲也, 池田耕介, 永田雅人, 岩井周作, 榊原巧 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 38-38, 2017. |
One case of the recurrence multiple after the rectal cancer technique which obtained long-term survival by B27 chemotherapy 大屋勇人, 金岡祐次, 原田徹, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 高橋崇真, 宇治誠人, 三品拓也, 伊藤喜介, 吉川晃士朗, 寺崎史浩, 仲野聡, 岡本和浩, 田中祐介, 手嶋浩也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 38-39, 2017. |
Curative operation after the preoperative chemotherapy by FOLFIRI + Cmab for severe progress rectal cancer having difficulty with B28 excision 余語孝乃助, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 陸大輔, 田畑光紀, 藤枝裕倫, 牧田智, 河南晴久, 鈴木優美, 尾崎友理, 齋藤麻予, 狩野陽子, 梶山洸, 佐藤誠洋, 福山貴大, 新井利幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 39-39, 2017. |
One case of huge rectal cancer which was given pelvic internal organs complete removal technique under poor overall status without being able to start NAC by B29 condition of a patient progress 有元淳記, 山口竜三, 古田美保, 渡邊真哉, 上遠野由紀, 會津恵司, 佐藤文哉, 玉井宏明, 三輪知弘, 影山優美子, 三竹泰弘, 宮村径, 山本泰資, 山本美里, 岡本沙和子 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 39-39, 2017. |
One case of severe progress rectal cancer which was multistep, and was given laparoscopic radical excision by B30 combined modality therapy 仲井希, 高橋広城, 松尾洋一, 石黒秀行, 原賢康, 志賀一慶, 廣川高久, 前田祐三, 安藤菜奈子, 柳田剛, 瀧口修司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 39-40, 2017. |
Two cases of the laparoscopic surgery aiming at art of pelvic internal organs complete removal without the B31 stoma 向井俊貴, 上原圭介, 相場利貞, 冨田明宏, 江畑智希, 横山幸浩, 伊神剛, 深谷昌秀, 山口淳平, 宮田一志, 尾上俊介, 梛野正人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 40-40, 2017. |
Treatment result of the complete laparoscopic colic pouch rebuilding for lower B32 rectal cancer 大村悠介, 廣純一郎, 藤川裕之, 問山裕二, 井出正造, 北嶋貴仁, 奥川喜永, 小林美奈子, 安田裕美, 吉山繁幸, 大井正貴, 荒木俊光, 楠正人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 40-40, 2017. |
1 trial case of anal fistula cancer with the prostatic permeation that passed through 18 years from the B33 Crohn disease onset 村瀬佑介, 松橋延壽, 高橋孝夫, 田島ジェシー雄, 鷹尾千佳, 今井健晴, 棚橋利行, 松井聡, 今井寿, 田中善宏, 山口和也, 吉田和弘 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 40-41, 2017. |
One case of the anal region malignant melanoma in acknowledgment of the extension in the B34 epithelium 村山未佳, 坂本英至, 法水信治, 新宮優二, 山内康平, 渡邉博行, 中村勇人, 米川佳彦, 西村廣大, 村田悠記, 河野秀俊, 伊佐治博章 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 41-41, 2017. |
Nine cases of B35 anus Paget disease 佐藤敏, 中山吾郎, 服部憲史, 江坂和大, 宇田裕聡, 梅田晋一, 砂川祐, 山田豪, 杉本博行, 小池聖彦, 小寺泰弘 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 41-41, 2017. |
One case of the men subareolar abscess who underwent radical operation after having made anti-inflammation by the C01 Seton method immediately 竹田直也1), 横井勇真1), 雫真人1), 坂田和規1), 末永泰人1), 服部正嗣1), 寺本仁1), 鹿野敏雄1), 服部圭祐1), 水野豊1), 丸山浩高1), 蜂須賀丈博1), 森敏宏1), 宮内正之2) Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 42-42, 2017. |
Two cases of the breast cancer in the cyst of C02 men 工藤毅, 畑中勇治, 篠田智仁, 高野仁, 佐藤悠太, 山田敦子, 小森充嗣, 杉本琢哉, 仁田豊生, 田中千弘, 長尾育子, 長尾成敏, 加藤禎洋, 河合雅彦, 國枝克行 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 42-42, 2017. |
One case of metastatic breast cancer which there was HER2 positive transformation in C03 metastatic focus, and responded to antiHER2 therapy 北澤舞, 二村学, 森龍太郎, 森光華澄, 浅野好美, 吉田和弘 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 42-43, 2017. |
One case of the intraabdominal foreign body granuloma by the C04 stitch 孫起和, 金岡祐次, 原田徹, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 高橋崇真, 宇治誠人, 三品拓也, 吉川晃士朗, 寺崎史浩, 伊藤喜介, 仲野聡, 岡本和浩, 手嶋浩也, 田中祐介 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 43-43, 2017. |
One case that needed surgical treatment for end leak after the C05 abdominal aortic aneurysm stent graft treatment 別所早紀, 山本直樹, 真栄城亮, 伊藤久人, 金光真治, 新保秀人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 43-43, 2017. |
One patient who underwent single-stage artificial blood vessel replacement for C06 first-related abdominal aortic aneurysm duodenal fistula 田根雄一郎, 岡田禎人, 永田純一, 太平周作, 田口泰郎, 酒徳弥生, 石田陽祐, 秋山荘二郎, 松七五三晋, 市野平之伸, 奥田賢司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 43-43, 2017. |
One case of C07 false lumen obstruction type acute type B aortic dissection that exploded twice 細川慶二郎, 三岡裕貴, 今枝佑輔, 丸山優貴, 折本有貴, 山田哲也, 杉本郁夫, 石橋宏之, 萩原真清*, 石口恒男* Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 43-44, 2017. |
One patient who received IVR for C08 occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery 中村俊太1), 春木祐司1), 正見勇太1), 松井俊樹1), 谷口健太郎1), 下村誠1), 小倉嘉文1), 高柴義之2) Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 44-44, 2017. |
One case that performed department of self-valve preservation base plastic surgery + archery aorta artificial blood vessel replacement for aortic valve ring dilatation, an aneurysm of aortic arch of the Marfan syndrome who had C09 thrombocytopenia 夫津木綾乃, 田中敬三, 別所早紀, 山本希誉人, 平岩卓根 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 44-44, 2017. |
One case that dissociated after C10 Stanford type B aortic dissection conservative therapy again, and had the onset and became the pressure explosion, and performed all bow region aorta replacement + Open stent technique. 寺西智史, 梶山洸, 澤田康裕, 藤永一弥, 庄村遊, 天白宏典, 水元亨 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 44-44, 2017. |
One patient who underwent the in-situ revascularization using the autologous vein for C11 graft infection 森山瑞紀, 林英司, 谷村葉子, 河原健夫, 塚原哲夫, 寺境宏介, 加藤哲朗, 澤崎直規 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 44-45, 2017. |
One patient who underwent ligamentum arcuatum medianum incision and lump excision under an angiography for the ligamentum arcuatum medianum compression syndrome with C12 dorsal pancreas aneurysms 坂口充弘, 栗山直久, 武内泰司郎, 伊佐地秀司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 45-45, 2017. |
One patient whom Petersen hernia developed in after the pancreaticoduodenectomy enforcement for lower C13 cholangiocarcinoma in two years 成田正雄, 岸田貴喜, 山崎豪孔, 小池翠, 田中健士郎, 笹原正寛, 山中雅也, 田中伸盂, 間下優子, 横山裕之, 望月能成, 谷口健次 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 45-45, 2017. |
Exclusive operation case of the ileus due to C14 broad ligament of uterus hiatal hernia 植松宏, 田中達也, 石黒秀行, 松尾洋一, 高橋広城, 坂本宜弘, 小川了, 佐川弘之, 大久保友貴, 佐本洋介, 中屋誠一, 瀧口修司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 45-45, 2017. |
One case of ileus by the ductus vitellointestinalis persistence which was able to diagnose C15 preoperatively 岩井周作, 中澤幸久, 加藤哲也, 池田耕介, 永田雅人, 榊原巧 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 46-46, 2017. |
One patient who presented with C16 closed loop type small intestinal obstruction, and presented with cicatricial stenosis to the small intestine by phlebostasis 杉浦孝太, 毛利康一, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 奥野正隆, 田中寛, 南貴之, 長尾拓哉, 前田真吾, 浅井真理子, 深田浩志, 水野宏論, 鶴田成昭, 宮田完志 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 46-46, 2017. |
One patient who underwent a lymph node excision and radical operation under a peritoneoscope for C17 origin-related jejunal cancer 犬飼公一1), 小林建司1), 上原崇平1), 辻恵理1), 北山陽介1), 原田真之資1), 野々山敬介1), 藤幡士郎1), 宮井博隆1), 高嶋伸宏1), 山本稔1), 清水保延1), 小林建司1), 田中守嗣1), 早川哲史2) Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 46-46, 2017. |
One case of Non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) with the C18 portal vein gas blood symptom 荒井南絵1), 下村誠2), 正見勇太2), 春木祐司2), 松井俊樹2), 小倉嘉文2) Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 46-46, 2017. |
One case of the upper mesentery syndrome given C19 peritoneoscope lower duodenojejunostomy 井田塁童, 友田佳介, 杉田三郎, 角田直樹, 岡田祐二, 石川雅一 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 47-47, 2017. |
One case of the adult malrotation that developed the midgut axis rotation change by the C20 strand form thing 高橋良典, 上松孝, 東敏弥, 辻本浩人, 山田卓也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 47-47, 2017. |
One case of the C21 Meckel diverticulum stem twisting 坂野慎哉, 松橋延壽, 高橋孝夫, 村瀬佑介, 田島ジェシー雄, 鷹尾千佳, 北澤舞, 末次智成, 多和田翔, 水谷千佳, 前田健一, 今井建晴, 棚橋利行, 松井聡, 今井寿, 田中善宏, 山口和也, 吉田和弘 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 47-47, 2017. |
One case of the adult invagination of intestine due to the C22 ileocecum origin malignant lymphoma 中澤祐一, 橋本清, 今岡裕樹, 川村幹雄, 渡部秀樹, 大竹耕平, 尾嶋英紀, 毛利智美, 伊藤秀樹, 毛利靖彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 47-47, 2017. |
One case of the mycosis fungoides metastases to small intestine that caused C23 invagination of intestine 赤井俊也, 山本真義, 倉地清隆, 原田岳, 阪田麻裕, 上嶋徳, 鈴木雄飛, 川村崇文, 鈴木克徳, 竹内裕也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 48-48, 2017. |
One case of the breast preservation technique that we rebuilt using the outside intercostal artery perforating branch dermal flap which assumed a C24 side chest tissue a donor 花村典子1), 柏倉由実1), 小川朋子2) Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 48-48, 2017. |
One case that used autologous tissue together at the breast reconstruction with the C25 artifact, and rebuilt a dropped mamma 稲上馨子, 野呂綾, 今井奈央, 澁澤麻衣, 木本真緒, 長野真由子, 小川朋子 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 48-48, 2017. |
Two patients who presented with local recurrence on the autologous tissue rebuilding breast side after C26 mastectomy 武内大, 稲石貴弘, 宮島則行, 安立弥生, 高野悠子, 中西賢一, 野田純代, 角田伸行, 菊森豊根 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 48-49, 2017. |
One patient who responded to Pertuzumab + Trastuzumab + Docetaxel for HER2-positive breast cancer of Stage IV with the C27 ulceration 藤永和寿, 根本明喜, 勝峰康夫 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 49-49, 2017. |
One case of the hormonal therapies-resistant breast cancer responding to C28 estrogen therapy for a long term 近藤直人, 鰐渕友美, 波戸ゆかり, 久田知可, 西本真弓, 西川さや香, 遠山竜也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 49-49, 2017. |
One patient operated on after medical therapy for the local progress breast cancer of C29 elderly people 中村卓 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 49-49, 2017. |
Use experience of the hydromark (TM) in the C30 our hospital 高野悠子, 稲石貴弘, 石原博雅, 宮嶋則行, 中西賢一, 野田純代, 武内大, 角田伸行, 菊森豊根 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 49-50, 2017. |
One case that was able to perform appropriate breast preservation therapy by detaining Brest marker for a C31 preoperative chemotherapy complete response case 木本真緒, 野呂綾, 今井奈央, 澁澤麻衣, 稲上馨子, 長野真由子, 小川朋子 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 50-50, 2017. |
One case of the C32 latent breast cancer 前島璃子, 松本英一, 赤尾希美, 伊藤拓也, 山内洋介, 中川勇希, 佐藤啓太, 堂本佳典, 田村佳久, 熊本幸司, 藤井幸治, 高橋幸二, 宮原成樹, 楠田司, 矢花正* Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 50-50, 2017. |
One case of breast gland muscle epithelia tumor in acknowledgment of the FDG accumulation that was strong by an examination of PET for exclusive use of the C33 breast 落合洋介4), 角田伸行1),4), 石垣聡子2), 佐竹弘子2), 石原博雅1), 稲石貴弘1), 宮嶋則行1), 高野悠子1), 野田純代1), 中西賢一1), 武内大1), 菊森豊根1), 田所匡典3), 梛野正人4) Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 50-50, 2017. |
An example of the schwannoma suspected of metastasis to C34 Rotter lymph node 松木稔久, 平田伸也, 佐野仁哉, 西尾公利, 熊澤伊和生 Tokai Geka Gakkai (294): 50-51, 2017. |