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Tokai Geka Gakkai
Volume , Issue 296 / 2018
English Article Japanese Article
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A01. Example that caused small intestinal perforation for an MTX-related lymphoproliferative disorder 田原俊哉, 小林靖幸, 山崎彩, 高部裕也, 浜野孝, 鈴木一史 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 21-21, 2018. |
A02. One case of the early gastric cancer which resulted in disseminated bone marrow carcinosis 杉山洸裕, 島村隆浩, 松本旭生, 大林未来, 西津錬, 瀧由美子, 西山元啓, 東正樹, 長谷川聡, 岡本和哉, 姜建宇, 前間篤, 白川元昭, 中村利夫 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 21-22, 2018. |
A03. One patient who middle colic artery lump rupture by Segmental arterial mediolysis (SAM) was diagnosed in preoperation, and conducted transverse colectomy 伊藤量吾, 青葉太郎, 加藤岳人, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 神谷忠宏, 伊藤哲, 前田周良, 毛利康一, 梅村将成, 小林龍太朗, 滝本愛太朗, 野中有紀子, 荒川拓也, 権田紘丈, 柴田淳平 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 22-22, 2018. |
A04. One case of the colonic perforation right under the artificial anus which caused a wide range of subcutaneous abscess, empyema which occurred after rear eight years 崔尚仁, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 陸大輔, 藤枝裕倫, 田畑光紀, 鈴木優美, 岡本眞宗, 狩野陽子, 齋藤麻予, 余語孝乃助, 佐藤誠洋, 福山貴大, 新井利幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 22-23, 2018. |
A05. Examination of the acute appendicitis 4 case that occurred during pregnancy 櫻井俊輔, 森俊明, 鳥井恒作, 伴友弥, 鈴木章弘, 松本理佐, 吾妻祐哉, 飯塚彬光, 本田倫代, 石山聡治, 廣田政志, 横井一樹, 鈴木祐一, 木村次郎 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 23-23, 2018. |
A06. Safety of the perineum open wound management for the postoperative inflammation of pelvic dead space prevention in the pelvis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, examination of the effectiveness 松下希美, 石黒成治, 小松俊一郎, 金子健一朗, 有川卓, 齊藤卓也, 駒屋憲一, 松村卓樹, 大澤高陽, 倉橋真太郎, 安井講平, 加藤翔子, 鈴木健太, 加藤瑶子, 佐野力 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 23-24, 2018. |
A07. One patient who underwent laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection of rectum, gracilis muscle dermal flap reconstruction for the rectal GIST which projected into the left renal region 伊藤雄貴, 浅田崇洋, 石田真一, 山本泰康, 高見一徳, 赤座賢, 岡野佳奈, 呂成九, 奥村徳夫, 小西滋, 梶川真樹 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 24-24, 2018. |
A08. Comparison of an open surgery for the adult acute appendicitis and the laparoscopic surgery 佐久間政宜, 久留宮康浩, 水野敬輔, 世古口英, 菅原元, 河合清貴, 桐山宗泰, 鳥居直矢, 蟹江恭和, 稲田亘佑, 今村由人, 関本晃裕, 竹内健司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 24-25, 2018. |
A09. Two patients who gave S-1+Oxaliplatin therapy for an esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma in preoperation, and obtained Pathological T0 小関佑介1, 坪佐恭宏1, 石井賢二郎1, 新原正大1, 曽根田亘1, 赤井俊也1, 對馬隆浩2 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 25-25, 2018. |
A10. One case of the poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma which developed from the Barrett esophagus 福野貴仁, 深田浩志, 湯浅典博, 吉岡裕一郎, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 奥野正隆, 宮田完志 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 25-26, 2018. |
A11. An example of the adult esophagus duplication cyst which we resected under a peritoneoscope 羽田綾馬, 松本知拓, 尾崎裕介, 菊池寛利, 平松良浩, 神谷欣志, 坂口孝宣, 竹内裕也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 26-26, 2018. |
A12. One case of the invagination of intestine which assumes jejunum - jejunum anastomotic region after the free jejunum sampling leading part 沖哲, 安部哲也, 植村則久, 檜垣栄治, 細井敬泰, 小森康司, 伊藤誠二, 千田嘉毅, 三澤一成, 伊藤友一, 木下敬史, 夏目誠治, 大城泰平, 清水泰博 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 26-27, 2018. |
A14. One patient who conducted laparoscopic supporting lower partial gastrectomy for megalogastria polyps 浅井周平, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 神谷忠宏, 伊藤哲, 前田周良, 毛利康一, 梅村将成, 小林龍太朗, 滝本愛太朗, 野中有紀子, 荒川拓也, 伊藤量吾, 権田紘丈, 柴田淳平, 加藤岳人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 27-28, 2018. |
A15. One patient who underwent laparoscopic esophageal hiatal hernia radical operation for esophageal hiatal hernia strangulation after the laparoscopic total gastrectomy 橋本響, 金岡祐次, 原田徹, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 高橋崇真, 宇治誠人, 川勝章司, 三品拓也, 伊藤喜介, 岡本和浩, 田中祐介, 手嶋浩也, 大屋勇人, 孫起和, 中川洋一, 吉田大樹 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 28-28, 2018. |
A16. One case of megaesophagus hiatal hernia 丸山翔子 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 28-29, 2018. |
A17. One case of the elderly people esophageal hiatal hernia that transverse colon became incarcerated, and was given emergency surgery 下山貴之, 鈴木優美, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 陸大輔, 藤枝裕倫, 田畑光紀, 岡本眞宗, 崔尚仁, 狩野陽子, 齋藤麻予, 余語孝乃助, 佐藤誠洋, 福山貴大, 新井利幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 29-29, 2018. |
A18. Two cases of the early gastric cancer that 3D fusion image was useful for technique decision 宮崎真一郎, 立田協太, 大菊正人, 原田岳, 林忠毅, 田村浩章, 金井俊和, 池松禎人, 西脇由朗 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 29-30, 2018. |
A19. It is a risk factor of the entocele after laparoscopic gastrectomy for the gastric cancer 鳥海哲郎1, 幕内梨恵1, 神谷諭1, 坂東悦郎1, 谷澤豊1, 塩見明生2, 上坂克彦2, 杉浦禎一2, 寺島雅憲1 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 30-30, 2018. |
A20. One case who had early gastric cancer and the malignant lymphoma 冨永奈沙, 福岡伴樹, 真田祥太朗, 西鉄生, 越川克己, 佐野正明 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 30-31, 2018. |
A21. One case of the malignant lymphoma which occurred with gastric cancer merger hepatocellular carcinoma surgery 阪本達也, 栗山直久, 加藤弘幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 31-31, 2018. |
A22. An example of the progress gastric cancer who had the intraabdominal lymphadenopathy due to the pneumoconiosis 高部裕也, 鈴木一史, 宮木祐一郎 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 31-32, 2018. |
A23. Effect to give to long-term survival after the gastric cancer excision of the preoperative nutrition state in elderly people 藤谷啓一1, 川村泰一1, 幕内梨恵1, 神谷諭1, 谷澤豊1, 坂東悦郎1, 杉浦禎一2, 塩見明生2, 上坂克彦2, 寺島雅典1 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 32-32, 2018. |
A24. Lymph node metastatic risk factor of the stump-positive gastric cancer perpendicular after ESD 古川健一朗1, 幕内梨恵1, 神谷愉1, 谷澤豊1, 坂東悦郎1, 川村泰一1, 杉浦禎一2, 塩見明生2, 杉野隆3, 寺島雅典1 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 32-33, 2018. |
A25. 1 excision case of gastric glands squamous cell carcinoma 禰宜田真史, 田中健士郎, 堀場大輝, 成田正雄, 山崎豪孔, 小池翠, 大津智尚, 岸田貴喜, 小林大悟, 山中雅也, 間下優子, 野田純代, 横山裕之, 杉本博行, 望月能成, 谷口健次, 末永裕之 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 33-33, 2018. |
A26. One patient who underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy for postgastrectomy intractable pancreatic fistula 桑原聖実, 杢野泰司, 松原秀雄, 金子博和, 山本龍生, 二村雄介, 花澤隆明, 弥政晋輔 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 34-34, 2018. |
A27. One case of the daVinci surgery for the progress gastric cancer with the metastasis that is Bulky in lymph node 8a 葛谷宙正, 佐川弘之, 藤幡士郎, 中屋誠一, 佐本洋介, 大久保友貴, 田中達也, 小川了, 高橋広城, 松尾洋一, 瀧口修司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 34-34, 2018. |
A28. One case of the stomach GIST with the altitude calcification that resulted in hematemesis 稲葉圭介, 松本圭五, 川端俊貴, 飯野一郎太, 石川諄武, 高木徹, 杉澤良太, 神藤修, 宇野彰晋, 深澤貴子, 落合秀人, 鈴木昌八 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 35-35, 2018. |
A29. One case of recurrent GIST which obtained pathological CR by imatinib administration 山本亮, 影山優美子, 山口竜三, 古田美保, 渡邊真哉, 上遠野由紀, 會津恵司, 佐藤文哉, 玉井宏明, 有元淳記, 山田美保子, 豊田良鎬, 三竹泰弘, 山本泰資, 山本美里, 李昌史 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 35-35, 2018. |
A30. One case of the stomach GIST following up by recurrent lesion excision and imatinib internal use for a long term 古橋広樹, 京兼隆典, 河合徹, 雄谷慎吾, 川合亮祐, 浅井悠一, 渡邉夕樹, 久世真悟, 宮地正彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 36-36, 2018. |
A31. One patient who underwent pylorus side gastrectomy for the duodenal rear wall ulcer which had difficulty in endoscopic hemostasis 佐藤達郎, 甲賀淳史, 矢島澄鎮, 奥村拓也, 山下公裕, 礒垣淳, 鈴木憲次, 川辺昭浩 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 36-37, 2018. |
A32. One patient who conducted the laparoscopic duodenal segmental resection overlap rebuilding for a duodenal GIST 辻村和紀, 中内雅也, 菊地健司, 角谷慎一, 須田康一, 稲葉一樹, 加藤悠太郎, 花井恒一, 杉岡篤, 宇山一朗 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 37-37, 2018. |
A33. One case of alimentary ileus with the portal vein gas blood symptom which developed an anastomotic region at the small intestinal resection as the occlude starting point 斎藤大祐, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 陸大輔, 藤枝裕倫, 田畑光紀, 鈴木優美, 岡本眞宗, 崔尚仁, 狩野陽子, 齋藤麻予, 余語孝乃助, 佐藤誠洋, 福山貴大, 新井利幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 37-37, 2018. |
A34. A small intestine-prone diverticular example 岡野佳奈, 梶川真樹, 石田真一, 山本泰康, 高見一徳, 赤座賢, 伊藤雄貴, 呂成九, 浅田崇洋, 奥村徳夫, 小西滋 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 38-38, 2018. |
A35. One case of small intestine pyogenic granuloma which caused invagination of intestine 滝本愛太朗, 神谷忠宏, 加藤岳人, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 伊藤哲, 前田周良, 毛利康一, 梅村将成, 小林龍太朗, 野中有紀子, 荒川拓也, 伊藤量吾, 権田紘丈, 柴田淳平 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 38-38, 2018. |
A36. One case of the jejunum GIST with the intussusception that we detected with bleeding 高橋大五郎, 青木奎司朗, 河野秀俊, 西前香寿, 土屋智敬, 鈴村潔, 岡本好史, 寺崎正起 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 39-39, 2018. |
B01. Example that caused metastasis to gallbladder after renal cell carcinoma technique in the fifth year 山崎彩, 田原俊哉, 高部裕也, 山本博崇 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 40-40, 2018. |
B02. One case of gallbladder papillomatous cholesterosis complicated with a bile duct non-expansion type pancreas bile duct junction abnormality symptom 岩瀬友哉, 関本晃, 柴崎泰, 小路毅, 平山一久, 山崎將典, 丸尾啓敏 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 40-41, 2018. |
B03. One case of the small intestinal perforation by the gallstone ileus 三浦夏紀, 山口竜三, 古田美保, 渡邊真哉, 上遠野由紀, 會津恵司, 玉井宏明, 佐藤文哉, 有元淳記, 山田美保子, 豊田良鎬, 影山優美子, 三竹泰弘, 山本泰資, 山本美里, 李昌史 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 41-41, 2018. |
B04. One case of the liver epithelioid hemangioendothelioma 神田容, 竹林三喜子, 大塚新平, 江畑智希, 横山幸浩, 國料俊男, 角田伸行, 伊神剛, 深谷昌秀, 上原圭介, 水野隆史, 山口淳平, 宮田一志, 尾上俊介, 相場利貞, 渡辺伸元, 梛野正人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 41-42, 2018. |
B05. One patient who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy for the gallstones-related pancreatitis with the second traffic bile duct branch (communicating accessory bile duct) 小塩英典, 國枝克行, 河合雅彦, 長尾成敏, 田中千弘, 仁田豊生, 杉本琢哉, 小森充嗣, 前田健一, 佐藤悠太, 林弘賢, 川尻真菜, 服部公博, 三井範基 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 42-42, 2018. |
B06. One case of the gallbladder origin-related clear cell carcinoma 遠藤真英1, 小久保健太郎1, 山本淳史1, 斎藤史朗1, 坂下文夫1, 今井直基1, 佐治重豊1, 杉山誠治2, 松永研吾2, 山田鉄也2 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 42-43, 2018. |
B07. 1 excision case of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which racked its brains about a diagnosis with calcification and cystic degeneration 中村俊太, 田端正己, 藤村侑, 武内泰司郎, 出崎良輔, 大澤一郎, 加藤憲治, 岩田真, 三田孝行 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 43-43, 2018. |
B08. One patient who resected only remaining liver metastases after chemotherapy complete response for pancreas body cancer with multiple liver metastases 瀬木祐樹, 川北航平, 奥田善大, 河埜道夫, 近藤昭信, 田中穣, 長沼達史 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 43-44, 2018. |
B09. 1 excision case of the primary lung cancer that showed tumor permeation to a myocardium sleeve 小野元嗣1, 井坂光宏1, 早川貴光1, 寺田志洋1, 水野潔道1, 保浦慶之1, 茅田洋之1, 今野隼人1, 水野鉄也1, 児嶋秀晃1, 中島孝2, 大出泰久1 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 44-44, 2018. |
B10. One case of the catheter injury after the CV catheter port custody by the internal jugular vein approach 鶴田成昭, 水野宏論, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 奥野正隆, 宮田完志 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 44-45, 2018. |
B11. Examination of the lung cancer metastases to small intestine excision case in our hospital 前田真吾, 木下敬史, 小森康司, 大城泰平, 伊藤誠二, 安部哲也, 千田嘉毅, 三澤一成, 伊藤友一, 植村則久, 夏目誠治, 檜垣栄治, 清水泰博 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 45-45, 2018. |
B12. An example of the breast cancer that excision became easy by presence of the musculus sternalis 伊藤みのり, 澁澤麻衣, 野呂綾, 今井奈央, 木本真緒, 長野真由子, 松田沙緒里, 小川朋子 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 45-46, 2018. |
B13. Examination of the male breast cancer in our hospital 杤久保順平, 細川優子 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 46-46, 2018. |
B14. One case of the elderly men breast origin malignant lymphoma 林友美1, 西村誠一郎1, 田所由紀子1, 中島一彰2, 植松孝悦2, 池田宇次3, 大石琢磨4, 杉野隆4, 高橋かおる1 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 46-47, 2018. |
B15. One case that we hepatectomized for a hepatocellular carcinoma complicated with glycogenosis 出井秀幸, 夏目誠治, 千田嘉毅, 伊藤誠二, 小森康司, 安部哲也, 三澤一成, 伊藤友一, 木下敬史, 植村則久, 大城泰平, 檜垣栄治, 清水泰博 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 47-48, 2018. |
B16. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which regressed spontaneously all over the course, and became available for a limited operation 北嶋諒, 森田剛文, 古橋暁, 木内亮太, 武田真, 平出貴乗, 菊地寛利, 坂口孝宣, 今野弘之, 竹内裕也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 48-48, 2018. |
B17. One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma mediastinum recurrence 小泉明博, 前川博, 徳田智史, 佐藤浩一 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 48-49, 2018. |
B18. An example of the ectopic hepatocellular carcinoma which occurred in diaphragm 伊佐治博章, 坂本英至, 法水信治, 新宮優二, 山内康平, 尾辻英彦, 中村勇人, 米川佳彦, 西村廣大, 村田悠記, 鈴木瑛, 村山未佳, 小林達矢 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 49-49, 2018. |
B19. 1 excision case that developed intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma of the right caudate lobe in the high heart right lobe of liver atrophy state that the inborn character characteristics were considered 宮原利行1, 高橋啓1, 石上雄太1, 小倉礼那1, 松下恒久1, 角泰廣1, 中野浩1, 吉田有徳2, 谷佐世2, 大西佳文2 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 49-50, 2018. |
B20. One case of the liver origin anaplastic carcinoma 三井哲史, 安田顕, 木口剛造, 小島正之, 棚橋義直, 中嶋早苗, 加藤悠太郎, 杉岡篤, 宇山一朗 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 50-50, 2018. |
B21. One case that we resected for a case of the gastric cancer who had the hemangioma of liver at the same time 徳田智史, 前川博, 小泉明博, 佐藤浩一 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 50-51, 2018. |
B22. 1 excision case of the hepatocellular carcinoma with the portal vein truncus tumor stopper 新田信人1, 山本有祐1, 杉浦禎一1, 岡村行泰1, 伊藤貴明1, 蘆田良1, 大木克久1, 皆川卓也1, 手塚康二1, 角田優子2, 上坂克彦1 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 51-51, 2018. |
B23. 1 excision case of both leaves type intrahepatic bile duct cholesterol calculus disease that intrahepatic bile duct in situ cancer coexisted 安井講平, 大澤高陽, 駒屋憲一, 有川卓, 小松俊一郎, 金子健一朗, 佐野力 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 51-52, 2018. |
B24. Two patients who underwent laparoscopic hepatic cyst fenestration operation for a huge hepatic cyst 西村元伸, 坂口憲史, 橋本瑞生, 水谷哲之, 鈴木俊裕, 金原香織, 藤原玄 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 52-52, 2018. |
B25. One case of so-called adenosarcoma of the liver origin 野毛誠示 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 52-53, 2018. |
B26. One case that we were able to resect by improvement of the liver remnant residual function by continuation of the chemotherapy for unresectable hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma in liver remnant residual function 藤井武宏, 種村彰洋, 早崎碧泉, 飯澤祐介, 加藤宏之, 村田泰洋, 栗山直久, 安積良紀, 岸和田昌之, 水野修吾, 臼井正信, 櫻井洋至, 伊佐地秀司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 53-54, 2018. |
B27. 1 excision case of rectal cancer that long-term survival was obtained by Conversion therapy-prone liver metastases 上村将夫, 伊藤貴明, 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 山本有祐, 蘆田良, 大木克久, 皆川卓也, 手塚康二, 宮本剛士, 田村峻介, 今村泰輔, 寺崎史浩, 新田信人, 上坂克彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 54-54, 2018. |
B28. One case of the sigmoid colon cancer synchronism liver metastases that chemotherapy was effective, and were able to cure radically by the right hepatectomy with the inferior vena cava segmental resection 田村浩章, 西脇由朗, 立田協太, 大菊正人, 宮崎真一郎, 原田岳, 林忠毅, 金井俊和, 池松禎人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 54-55, 2018. |
B29. One case that added the papilloplasty of the transduodenum to the lithectomy for the gastric cancer postoperative common bile duct stone 篠原健太郎, 浅羽雄太郎, 臼井弘明, 前田隆雄 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 55-55, 2018. |
B30. An example of the gallstone ileus by the cholecystoduodenal fistula 長谷川雄基, 江坂和大, 岩田尚樹, 鈴木寛, 野亦悠史, 近藤剛規, 田中秀明, 杉山史剛, 林正吾, 清水三矢, 林直美, 松下英信, 岡本喜一郎, 大河内治, 川瀬義久 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 55-56, 2018. |
B31. Experience of magnet pressure on biliary tract obstruction anastomoses (the Yamauchi method) benign after an operation 中島悠, 三宅隆史, 倉部亜由美, 渡邉克隆, 松山孝昭, 宇野雄祐, 服部良信, 小谷勝祥 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 56-56, 2018. |
B32. One case that percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography portal vein stenting after the Denver-Shunt enforcement was useful for a bloody bowel discharge, the ascitic fluid due to hepatic portal region cholangiocarcinoma postoperative portal vein stenosis 石上雄太1, 小倉礼那1, 高橋啓1, 宮原利行1, 松下恒久1, 角泰廣1, 中野浩1, 吉田有徳2, 谷佐世2, 大西佳文2, 清水敦夫3 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 56-57, 2018. |
B33. Histories of treatment of three young traumatic pancreatic injuries in our hospital 高木徹, 落合秀人, 石川諄武, 飯野一郎太, 川端俊貴, 神藤修, 宇野彰晋, 深澤貴子, 稲葉圭介, 松本圭五, 鈴木昌八 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 57-57, 2018. |
B34. One case of the pancreas neuroendocrine system basalioma which systemic chemotherapy was effective, and was able to perform radical excision 山川純一, 藤田博文, 鍵山大起, 北條真鈴, 西尾公佑, 丸山翔子, 野毛誠示, 原田仁, 木村泰生, 邦本幸洋, 荻野和功 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 57-58, 2018. |
B35. One case of the Groove pancreatic cancer which we performed embolus of a right hepatic artery preoperatively and resected 浅井悠一, 京兼隆典, 河合徹, 雄谷慎吾, 川合亮佑, 渡邉夕樹, 久世真悟, 宮地正彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 58-58, 2018. |
B36. One case that endoscopic transstomach drainage for the pancreatic fistula succeeded after an operation 竹内健司, 久留宮康浩, 水野敬輔, 世古口英, 菅原元, 河合清貴, 桐山宗泰, 鳥居直矢, 蟹江恭和, 佐久間政宜, 稲田亘佑, 関本晃祐, 今村由人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 58-59, 2018. |
B37. 1 excision case of unknown primary cancer detected for cholelithiasis 東口貴彦, 浅野之夫, 伊東昌広, 冨重博一, 川辺則彦, 永田英俊, 荒川敏, 古田晋平, 志村正博, 林千紘, 神尾健士郎, 河合永季, 安岡宏展, 堀口明彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 59-59, 2018. |
B38. One case of the frequent occurrence pancreatic cancer that long-term survival was obtained 大坪琢磨, 金本秀行, 戸田健夫, 高木哲彦, 京田有介, 佐藤真輔, 大端考, 渡邉昌也, 大場範行, 高木正和 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 59-60, 2018. |
C01. An example of thymus origin MALT lymphoma 広川裕介, 藤川遼, 中村徹 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 61-61, 2018. |
C02. One case of the dialysis shunts high blood pressure that resulted in a face oedema 露木肇1, 犬塚和徳1, 佐野真規1, 斉藤貴明1, 片橋一人1, 矢田達朗1, 嘉山貴文1, 山中裕太1,2, 山本尚人2, 海野直樹1,2, 竹内裕也1 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 61-61, 2018. |
C03. Two cases of the infectious abdominal aortic aneurysm 三岡裕貴, 石橋宏之, 杉本郁夫, 山田哲也, 折本有貴, 丸山優貴, 今枝佑輔, 細川慶二郎, 有馬隆紘 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 62-62, 2018. |
C04. Usefulness of the fasciorrhaphy closure in the laparoscopic abdominal incisional hernia surgical repair 久野美有, 篠塚高宏, 平山泰地, 箕浦里恵, 高島幹展, 佐藤文哉, 藤田恵三, 末岡智, 村井俊文, 阪井満, 橋本昌司, 永田二郎 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 62-63, 2018. |
C05. One case of the metronidazole encephalopathy that occurred during metronidazole internal use for a from head to foot multiple abscess due to Cushing disease 神戸勝世1, 岩本久幸2, 佐藤知洋2, 森美樹2, 石川健2, 馬場卓也2, 石川衛2, 鳥居隼2, 戸崎達2, 堤知佳2, 笹本彰紀2 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 63-63, 2018. |
C06. One case of the papillary adenocarcinoma of thyroid with the fasciitis-like frame work that became clear by pathological examination after an operation 林龍馬, 青野景也, 生田宏次, 小川明男, 渡邊哲也, 服部正興, 平田明裕, 山口貴之, 野尻基, 浅野昌彦 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 63-64, 2018. |
C07. One case of the idiopathic greater omentum bleeding that we were able to stop bleeding of in IVR 中村正典1, 間下直樹1, 石榑清1, 岡戸翔嗣1, 斎藤悠文1, 野々垣彰1, 飛永純一1, 渡邉卓哉1, 廣島希彦2, 坂東勇弥2, 鈴木啓史2 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 64-64, 2018. |
C08. Example that the clip which dropped in abdominal cavity by laparoscopic surgery formed a back subcutaneous tumor 三井範基, 國枝克行, 河合雅彦, 長尾成敏, 長尾育子, 田中千弘, 仁田豊生, 杉本琢哉, 小森充嗣, 小木曽敦子, 前田健一, 佐藤悠太, 林弘賢, 川尻真菜, 小塩英典, 服部公博 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 64-65, 2018. |
C09. An example of non-perforated obstructive colon cancer in acknowledgment of intraabdominal free gas 権田紘丈, 平松和洋, 加藤岳人, 柴田佳久, 吉原基, 青葉太郎, 神谷忠宏, 伊藤哲, 前田周良, 毛利康一, 梅村将成, 小林龍太朗, 滝本愛太朗, 野中有紀子, 荒川拓也, 伊藤量吾, 柴田淳平 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 65-65, 2018. |
C10. One patient whom NOMI (non-obstructive intestinal ischaemia symptom) developed in during the rectal cancer chemotherapy enforcement 斎藤麻予, 平松聖史, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 後藤秀成, 関崇, 陸大輔, 藤枝裕倫, 河南晴久, 鈴木優美, 崔尚仁, 余語孝乃助, 狩野陽子, 佐藤誠洋, 福山貴大, 新井利幸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 65-66, 2018. |
C11. A case of intestinal effusion necrosis after laparoscopic ileum colostomy with double orifices 若尾聖, 杢野泰司, 小林一郎, 松原英雄, 金子博和, 桑原聖実, 山本龍生, 花澤隆明, 二村雄介, 弥政晋輔 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 66-66, 2018. |
C12. One case of cecum necrosis that had difficulty with a preoperation diagnosis 武内章悟, 甲賀淳史, 矢島澄鎮, 奥村拓也, 山下公裕, 礒垣淳, 鈴木憲次, 川辺昭浩 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 66-67, 2018. |
C13. One patient who underwent emergency surgery for invagination of intestine due to rectal cancer 吉崎雄飛, 飯田祐基, 高林直記 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 67-67, 2018. |
C14. Ovarian cancer, one case of the sigmoid metastasis that was discovered by blood in stool 山内洋介, 金森泰光, 伊藤拓也, 中川勇希, 佐藤啓太, 堂本佳典, 田村佳久, 熊本幸司, 藤井幸治, 松本英一, 高橋幸二, 宮原成樹, 楠田司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 67-68, 2018. |
C15. 2 lifesaving case of the obstructive colitis due to fecal impaction-related ileus 立田協太, 原田岳, 大菊正人, 宮崎真一郎, 林忠毅, 田村浩章, 金井俊和, 池松禎人, 西脇由朗 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 68-68, 2018. |
C16. An example of the perforated appendix diverticulitis 田邉稔明, 林英司, 河原健夫, 塚原哲夫, 青山広希, 加藤哲朗, 森山瑞紀, 吉野将平, 澤崎直規 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 68-69, 2018. |
C17. It is one patient of metastases to ovary after the cancer of transverse colon technique which resulted in Pseudo-Meigs syndrome 田中征洋, 上原圭介, 相場利貞, 冨田明宏, 江畑智希, 横山幸浩, 國料俊男, 角田伸行, 伊神剛, 深谷昌秀, 水野隆史, 山口淳平, 宮田一志, 尾上俊介, 渡辺伸元, 梛野正人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 69-69, 2018. |
C18. One case of ascending colon Micropapillary adenocarcinoma 大見修也, 浅井真理子, 湯浅典博, 竹内英司, 後藤康友, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 奥野正隆, 宮田完志 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 69-70, 2018. |
C19. One case of the cecal cancer which occurred against a backdrop of Crohn disease (CD) 杉田洋之, 向井俊貴, 米山文彦, 木村桂子, 加藤祐一郎, 山口直哉, 秋田由美子, 尾入保彰, 福井史弥, 山内悠司, 西野真史, 加藤真司, 日比野貴文, 河野弘 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 70-70, 2018. |
C20. One case of the rectal GIST which had difficulty in differentiation with the prostate tumor 川村崇文, 小嶋忠浩, 鈴木克徳, 鈴木雄飛, 上嶋徳, 阪田麻裕, 山本真義, 倉地清隆, 竹内裕也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 70-71, 2018. |
C21. Two patients who underwent cystoscope combination operation under laparoscopy (LSCC: Laparoscopic surgery combined with cystoscopy) for a colovesical fistula due to the sigmoid diverticulitis 高須惟人, 前田祐三, 柳田剛, 安藤菜奈子, 仲井希, 志賀一慶, 廣川高久, 原賢康, 高橋広城, 松尾洋一, 瀧口修司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 71-71, 2018. |
C22. One case that we matched splenectomy for a diagnosis in preoperation of the cancer of transverse colon synchronism splenic metastasis and gave 冨田明宏, 上原圭介, 相場利貞, 小池佳勇, 山東雅紀, 江畑智希, 横山幸浩, 國料俊男, 伊神剛, 深谷昌秀, 水野隆史, 山口淳平, 宮田一志, 尾上俊介, 渡辺伸元, 梛野正人 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 72-72, 2018. |
C23. Use experience of the Ron surf + bevacizumab for progress recurrence colon cancer 山本真義, 鈴木雄飛, 鈴木克徳, 川村崇文, 上嶋徳, 阪田麻裕, 倉地清隆, 竹内裕也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 72-72, 2018. |
C24. One case of sigmoid colon cancer that resulted in metastasis to left lung eight years after after operation 高柳智保, 上田翔, 川守田啓介, 小林敏樹, 橋本洋右, 藤本康弘, 米沢圭, 前田賢人, 宮下正 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 73-73, 2018. |
C25. One case of a bladder, the prostate, gluteus maximus muscle permeation rectal cancer which chemoradiotherapy was effective in preoperation, and was able to perform curative resection 丸山修平, 小林智輝, 金森明, 松葉秀基, 玉内登志雄, 水野伸一 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 73-73, 2018. |
C26. Histories of treatment of anal Paget disease in our hospital 筒山将之, 中山五郎, 服部憲史, 佐藤雄介, 三輪高嗣, 宇野泰朗, 荘加道太, 園原史訓, 高見秀樹, 末永雅也, 神田光郎, 林真路, 田中千恵, 小林大介, 山田豪, 小池聖彦, 藤原道隆, 小寺泰弘 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 74-74, 2018. |
C27. Surgery results of the proctectomy between the robot support lower peritoneoscope inferior sphincter with the side lymph node excision 日野仁嗣, 塩見明生, 賀川弘康, 山川雄士, 眞部祥一, 山岡雄祐, 鈴木卓弥, 鳥居翔, 加藤俊一郎, 陳開, 齋藤健太郎 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 74-75, 2018. |
C28. One case of the ascending mesocolon fossa hernia that was diagnosed in preoperation, and was given emergency surgery 榎本虎偉, 上松孝, 池庄司浩臣, 辻本浩人, 山田卓也 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 75-75, 2018. |
C29. One case of broad ligament of uterus hiatal hernia that presented interesting image views 成田潔, 野口智史, 佐藤梨枝, 杉澤文, 高橋直樹, 西川隆太郎, 小西尚巳, 岩永孝雄, 鈴木秀郎, 町支秀樹, 登内仁 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 75-76, 2018. |
C30. One case of ileus by the right pararectal fossa hernia incarceration 米川佳彦, 坂本英至, 法水信治, 新宮優二, 尾辻英彦, 山内康平, 中村勇人, 西村廣大, 村田悠記, 鈴木瑛, 村山未佳, 伊佐治博章, 小林達矢 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 76-76, 2018. |
C31. Examination of the cystocele inguinalis in our hospital 松永篤志, 野中雅彦, 今村茂樹, 相川佳子, 尾田典隆, 新井賢一郎, 木村浩三, 川上和彦, 中井勝彦, 松田聡 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 76-77, 2018. |
C32. One patient who underwent triple neurectomy by the hybrid surgery for inguinal hernia strangulation postoperative chronic pain out of the right 小林敏樹, 前田賢人, 上田翔, 川守田啓介, 高柳智保, 橋本洋右, 藤本康弘, 米沢圭, 宮下正 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 77-77, 2018. |
C33. One case of the idiopathic greater omentum bleeding 倉橋岳宏, 金岡祐次, 原田徹, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 深見保之, 高橋崇真, 宇治誠人, 川勝章司, 三品拓也, 伊藤喜介, 岡本和浩, 田中祐介, 手嶋浩也, 大屋勇人, 孫起和, 中川洋一, 吉田大樹 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 77-78, 2018. |
C34. One case of squamous cell carcinoma which was thought to result from renal region atheroma 中澤幸久, 榊原巧, 加藤哲也, 池田耕介, 岩井周作, 南雄介 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 78-78, 2018. |
C35. Examination of the abdominal surgery case for elderly people 伊藤将一朗, 宇田裕聡, 宮崎麻衣, 杉谷麻未, 林泰三, 鈴木雄之典, 田嶋久子, 加藤公一, 関幸雄, 近藤建, 片岡政人, 竹田伸 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 78-79, 2018. |
C36. An example of the retroperitoneal cyst which we resected under a peritoneoscope 木村将1, 北山陽介1, 小林建司1, 辻恵理1, 上原崇平1, 野々山敬介1, 原田真之資1, 宮井博隆1, 高嶋伸宏1, 山本稔1, 田中守嗣1, 早川哲史2 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 79-79, 2018. |
C37. One case of the retroperitoneal inflammatory pseudotumor which we resected under a peritoneoscope 前田杏梨, 松尾洋一, 上田悟郎, 大見関, 林祐一, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 坪井謙, 田中達也, 森本守, 小川了, 原賢康, 高橋広城, 瀧口修司 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 79-80, 2018. |
C38. Two cases of the retroperitoneal cystic mesothelioma 西尾公佑 Tokai Geka Gakkai (296): 80-80, 2018. |